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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 7, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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but fi wasrst print, it a worldcipals. it was a world historic ba histe battle we were w obligated to join. itere ob wasligated to join. putin verywas pure clear vladir putin was pure evil. he was hitler reborn. the ukrainian president. zelenskyy was e hisvi mirror im. hel. was self denying, saintbrave, like, brave, honest,est. very hand some. zelensky was fighting fo very h the>> and zelenskyy is fighting for the verysame ideals our cous our country was founded on. fo undea number ofd on news. outles a number of news outlets compared him t, including cnn and theo l.a.geoe times, compared him to george washington washington. they told us with one voice month afte. r mosonth, they told us that n e voice montho after disagreement allowed. not surprisingly month, i no disagreement allowed. not surprisingly, it worked. americanst worked. americans fell hard for fellpresid hardent se forl president zelenskyy. >> they all did. evenen i z ruralelensky. they all did. even areas that vote areasd agad jo against joe biden, you saw ukrainian flags hanging from mailboxese biden you saw ukrainn flags from mai. l many people, it fo felt like world warr ny iagain,t the good warwas lir ii, bega battlein against tyranny abroad for. the sake of freedom and democracy at home. the sake of democracy at home. a year later it'well, the betted later, it's getting harderha and harderrder to believe any o. whatever you think about the waf this. the war you think of inon ukraine, ukraine it's cleat
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zelensky it has is pretty n clear that zelenskyy has noo in interest inte freedomrest in freedom and democracy. he's far closer and democracy. into fact, l zelenskyyen is faro closer to leninn than george washington. he's a dictator. than to george washington. he dictatora dangerous authoritarg . a hundre d bi>>llio he is an in dangerous authoritarian who was used a hundred billion in us tax dollars to elect a dollars to one a one-party pare state in ukraine. anpolit's not overstatement. ce state in ukraine. over the past overyear the pastn has banned oppositionsk partiess banned opposition parties, shut down. publi hec medi shut downa by criticala by force. he's arrested his force, arrested political political opponents. he has sent soldiers into o churchespponents and sent soldiers into c. hurches. >> zelenskyy secret police have raided monasteries across ukraine raided mon tear he's across , ukraine,even even a convent f nuns,a and arrested dozens ofcv priestsent full of nuns. arrested a for p nories justifi reason whatsoever and in clear violation offor no reason whatsoever, in clear violation of the the ukrainian constitution, which no longer matters. >> and in the face ukrainian of, the bush administration has said nothing, not one word law. the ukrainians. hav e no>>thin instead, they just c to push to send zelenskyy more tax dollarsto say but pushing to send him mor ta so naturally, zelenskyyx do hasr become much bolder. s.why wouldn't hezelensky is more boy not. last? wee k helast week, he announced his
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plan to ban an ann entire relign to ban a ,the ukrainian orthodox church ,and to seizen itsenti propert. reall church. he said this for out being lou y loyal to his regime. d.and he said it out loud watch this. >> we have t. o cr eate>> watch suc this myanma st. hto tell you co wenditions have when any peoe dependent on the to create such conditions when any people dependent on the country country aggressor won't be able to aggrt ma be able to manipulate ukrainians and weaken ukraine. nipulate ukrainians and weaken ukraine within.from firs within. t thfirst,e the national secury and defense councilnational secd defense council instructed the d the government to submit to the government to submit to draft law making i a draft law on making it impossible for religious organizationst impossr religious organizations with the affiliated with centers of influence in the russian federation to operate russian -- t ino ukraine. operat e in>> a free country does t non ukraine. >> a major a major religion just because it's not cou fullynt on board with the political program ofrya religion. the people running the country. butze zelenskyyle is doingns thn hisg cabinetthat. the cabinet is devising ways isg ways to punish christians for practicing their banned to punish christians for practicing thei ancient religion in ukraine, quote, personal, economic and restrictiver banned an i sas will be applied to any christian worshiping and unapproved ancient religion.
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>>th now the ukrainian orthodox church is more than a thousande ukrainian oath off e full backing of the joe biden administratio orthodox church is more than a thousand years old,. congress, zelenskyy has decided to ban it. and sozelens here'sky has decidn it. here is the response the respono one bishop to the news inf a bip to the news. ron desantis . >> tucker: you're >>not al therelo waswe o send soldiers into you're c not. allowed to send soldiers into churches. you're not allowed you're not allowed to arrest dozens of priests fo to arrest dozens ofr priestsno because they refuse to bow before you. you're nott allowed bouging before you. you're not allowed to ba to bane religions. >>n so mostre ofligi the u.s. mediaon. most of the media have ignored this. most have just so ignored m
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aksome have made excuses for itx cuseoh,s, h hee ha hass to do this because of to doa war. ths becausethere there's a war, but there's noisn justification for this. what'so justification whatsoever. th soever? the ukrainian orthodox church is not russian. it's ukrainian. e ukrainian orthodoxit has chure putin government. it ha ins no fact,th officially denounceding to do with russia. there is no justification for tn of ukraine. sostkeft once r again, thereoy n justificationg and banning this church for. destroying and banning this church. ye and yett zelensky many celeby celebrity backers in the west have said nothing about bat. ckers in the west say nothing about it. they should knowand they bet sh. inin may may, george w. the greh me bush, the great defender of christendom that was leonski on a zoome callt with zelensky l and describe afterward, described him as thed winstonhh churchill of our time, a mane ws who shouldton churchill of our time. be praisr wh his,ere is quote, g commitment to liberty. soeorg where'se w. george w. bus question? no bushw hi on this question now thats fr hs friend, the george washington of ukraine, banned a former christianity in the has m ofco christianity in that country? well,un george bush has beentr silenty. well george w. bush is silent al . well. asso wel havel as many purportey christian members of congress. they're backing zelenskyy chrisf congress. they bac. no matter how manyk hi christias he arrests, no matter how many churches he seizes,m. >> to the ukrainian people to to ukrainian people,u can expect the you can
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expect the congress congress too be there with you in terms o too be there with you inf terms ofsupporti supporting your effortsng your o maintain your freedom. to maintain your freedom. > everything that we a canny to be helpful to themwe can do e helpful for them fightin as theo fight for as theyr fight th foreir freedo their freedom. >> i think the history ofm. >> i think the twenty first century turns e on how fiercely we defend freedom in ukraine. nty first century turns. >> we will continue to dweefen e military equipment so that ukraine can defend itsd military equipment for ukraine to defend thei territory and its freedom. r >>territ the united states wil continue our unwaveringory and freedom. >> the united states wil support for ukraine as itl maefends its freedom. >>intain and let's get the job . >> let's get the job done to save so that we can save lives in ukraine and defend the cause of freedom. >> lives in ukraine. >> the free world the had f nor choice. america couldwo notrld standha. the american people defend by. freethe american people diddom e they always had done, defend freedom world around the. . >> t everyuc single person youkn you just watched have campaigned watched has campaigned many, may to make a habit of campaigning. make a habit of campaigning, llindsey graham, i and gentlemen, in christian churches in the united states. what a singlein churches in the united states. will a christian leader . sinsaygl anything to them about this. e youchri arestia funding the dn of christianityn leader say anything about this? it's the cost inof ukraine. fm
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>>. oh, butreal it'sly the cause of. freedom, really. the reality is ukrainians can nothe reality is thatt list ukrs cannot listen to media outletset that criticize the zelenskyy government because they've been banned. they cannot plays criticizing sell in skaoefplt they're banned. they condition pla music fromy i russian singers. no,c thisfr is not inom rualiban controlledssian singers. this is not in taliban thi afghs this is in thhe democracy of ukraine that wee supportdemocr. they can't vote for the music for russian singers. a opposithey can't vote for an opposition party because they've all been shuttion party because they're all shut down. now churches rai outded and now their churches are being raided and their priests arrested. soand priests arrested. the fact this is calderon freedom tells you a lot of the s are calling this freedom tells you a lotth aboutey what'r theye planning here. e ofplanni courseng h. ere. why whywoul wouldd youyou def? because youde approve offend iti s? you approve of it. ukraine defensfor itse mini pare ministry has stopry pretending this is about freedom. >> h they'reas stopped saying this is about freedom. they're happy to just b happy te getting paid and they're finally crushing any oppositiond and crushing any opposition in inth their own country. eir and that's whycountry. ukras military is now that's why ukraine is using your tax doll usingar your tax dollars to produce choreographed dance videos for social medias to choreograph dae videos for consumption, sort you of. like likehere's t one ofhe them covi. >> yeah,here is one of them. ♪ ♪
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> it's just a grotesque >> tucker: it's just ,post-modern sci op. g roteand anyone who's fallensquer this is brain damaged. this modern is the same ukrainian defense ministry that lied about the ghost of kyiv and the psyop. -- they'resailors cursed out jun ship. t nowhavi they're justng havingn because they're beating. they're beating their real enemies always a real dom enemies, which, ofesti course,c. as always, are domestic. and timeti magazineme magazine h this. they infor is fullyme on board with this. d th eir they didn't formfo their for remaining readers. that's lansky'sur remaining leaders president is the person of the year. that zen sky>> and theis t mediahe per chorus. and the chorus full scream. >> jon meacham, the purported historian is in full scream.. sayi ng>> msnbc believes that t zelenskyy is really a lot like the popehey believe zelensky is a lot like the pop. e. > zel zelenskyy is being firk by the besty is being fired by the post fun fundamental impulses in human nature, whiche is to standntal impulses. to, to defend, d to articulate, to fight back andefend, articulate, and o fight back. i think it's almost importan i o
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important to remember that he remember he's a performer. that's where he started. john pau is a performer. l that'sii where was a he start. john paul the second performer. ronald reaga wasn was a performer. ronald reagan was a performer. a performer. winston churchill understoodwind the means means of the media of his time. he understood the power of of ofradio. his time. tpheraeurp understood the powerf radiobg linn roosevelt understood radio. franklin roosevelt. understood radio it's not coincidental that grea leadnoter coincidental that gret leaders understands understand. > >> tucker: grade leaders . greas leaders. soo if if th they'lley defend a man shuttn opposition media defend a man, who shut down opposition media, arrested hisarrest political opponents, arrest priests, sen political opponents, arrested priests, sent the army into monasteries,d the army into monasteries and ban a religi an. religion. >> ifif t they'll defend all of that and call ithe libertyy deft liberty they wil, l defend they'll defend anything. >> glenn greenwald has watched anythi all ofng. this forwe are h the pastappy ten months. >> t he's an independent journalist. his work is in some stack. we'reo happyhave glen with us tonight, an to have join us tonight. so, glenn, what indep bothersent is not so much what journalist. glen, it's zelenskyy not is doing. there's a lot of what ze tyranns the world. ky is doing, i don't brood oi broodn a
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that we're, paying for it we're paying for it. b, our leaders are and b, our leaders are defending it, di i think every americanng it. i think every american should be upset about that. >> i should be upset about that. think i>>n gene i think inral s should be skeptical when the u.s. government says w americans should be very skeptical in the u.s. government says we're going to fighte will fight in wars on the other side warsof the world. wen the other side of'r the world. we'ree sending tensse ofndin bs of dollarsg tens of billions of dollars t in military aido sd order to spread democracy. the u.s. government democracy. the u.s. government doesn't care actually doesn't care about spreading democracy. about spreading democracy. many closest in the world always have been allie and still are some ofs the world's most despoticare tht larges regimes, like int regime saudi , egypt, alls the u.s. government cares about this. lithatke saudi arabia. government servesit's us interests, not whether it's o democratic or not. ut serving u.s. interests. if you want to believe tbuthe ie the fairy tale that the u.s. government goes to war government goes to war to spread democracy, aou rain is to spread democracy, ukraine is not the place for you. not theyou pl argumentace for you. you mentioned zelensky is in wa it'sand ha lansky'ss into car. he has lib to curber liberty,tyk to twenty. go back to a year before one. he won a year before russia invaded. and you can rus findsia invaded. you can find art articlesic jush google it,er wheree hehe shut downshut opposition down opposition telen stations. he has shu television stations. downhe's now shut o downppos opt partiesion parties. every hallmark of what a. tyra,
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everyno hallmark of what,t a despot and tyrant, nota a democratdemocrat does, is sha this shaping the zelenskyy government. and that was truee ze welllensk. that was true well before russia russia invaded. >> how i wonder, invaded. >> tucker: i wonder wo* two things. i twoone, h things.ow canone, how can republicans ree hill continue to defend this? an on the hill continue to defend this? >> and,d b,b, w what'sha itt i? i think you're right. ou about? r because i think you'refore ri our foreign policy is almostpolt defending our interests. i thin always about defendingk it our interests. i think it should s be,hould bea but i don't seectually. i don't see critical interests l interests at stake here. atso stake i'm not. hwhatere. is this about what is this about? >> right. i think the first point is? i fright. sothe u. i think the firsts. por is if the u.s. governmentnment t they should be they would get wereri honest and they should be,d of i they would get rid ofs thissc whole script about, oh,ript abot defending democracy. that's a we have fairy to go and defend democracy. that's t a fairy taleale thatgg pherpz to feel better about the fact o to get americans to feel bettere about the fact that we're involved in manying involved iny countries across the world, .may countries all over the world. that'sth note on the real reasor easothe only reasonn is to do ir vital u.s. is to do it for vital us interest. interests. the line in washington for the thedeca lyingde in washingta decades was the u.s. hass nothh vitale u.s. has n interest in u. that waso obama's view.
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thatview was o the bipartisan v. why did that. change? why didwe that s change?aw athe only reason is because we saw ann op opportunityportunityp russia insid to trap russia inside ukraine, alle uk basedraine all based on the view russia is our enemy. something that o on the view tha is our enemy, somethingy only democrats shoulddemocrats should believe. they think russia is should t believe because they think russia is to blameo bl forame for the 2016 election an sixteen and hillary's victory. but why would republicans want confrontationd hillary's victory. what americans does this benefi what americans does that benefit besides arms manufacturers besides arms? well, that's m a really that'sac a really good question. and itu haven'tre quiters. >> tucker: that's a good question. i haven't quite unraveled if. it unraveled it i seems pretty clear that the biden administratunraveled t russia into this t invasion. he>> you had the vice president, united states biden administration bated at in thisn europe days before telling zelenskyy telling zelensky to join nato. they wanted this to join inv na, course, they knewth wasat's my. line. itthey wanted this invasion. that's's my view. very obvious. you thuri thinkpg t it'shis is l aboutyou think this was pr aboutep preparingaring for a war with r? >> for war with russia. if yo u th>>inke russia, if your russa grave enemy of the united states then i russia is a gravet enemy of the united states, thenmake its senr sensee them into a war they can't win. to ty themwe wer intoe lured a war that they can't win. inweto one got lured w intoith
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afghanistan for twenty with afghanistan for twenty years or we are yea the soviet union intors a war with afghanistan. it depletes th back in e the seventies because it doesm deplete your enemy. the questiony. why should russia be seen as our enemy? is why should enemy?obameen as our a anbothd tr obamaump sa and tro reason to see russia that way. there's no reason to see russia that way. it hitas a i has one fifteent i of our military budget is not threatening american borders. why are we has so one fifteentho with spending tens of billions of dollars to weaken russia? f our military budget. we could be using this money at howhichme t weo benefi couldt home to benefit the lives of american citizens? of american citizens.when russia it russng anything to the island states? ia iunlesss you're a crazyno resistancet doing newing to the united states. unless you're person who belies they're the reason donald trump won. buta ifcraz youy ar don'te bes tense person and believe they're th what is the rationale for this? >> there is nonee reason donald. and as they've>> t hijackeduc the best instincts of americansd the best ,their compassion, and turn that against them. instincts of americans,glenn g greatcompas to seesion you tonight. , thankan you.d usedthanks, tucker. that againsso we'vet them got. newsthank fromyou, g the sandy cortez of westchester file tonight. >>len. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: we have new we'res oy to fox trace gallagher to explain it all. >> hey, trace, look hey., hetucker.y,
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tra>>ce. when >> the house ethics committee says it will, quote, extend when they say they will o alexandria, costa cortez, that's the congressional extend the matter that's the equivalent of an indic oft ment. indictment. thso, so far, the committee wono reveal exactlymmittee won't revt the whatviolat the alleged violation is. iobutn is it's. noting a complaint was alsoit's worth d against the new yorkt democratic congresswoman carolyn mahoney. was filed against caroline mahony. mahony andand both maloney c ane cortez attendednded the metropolitan mus the metropolitan museum gala back in 2020 one, note kwra t l to th galaa range, anywher from thirty five thousand dollars to fifty thousand museu. aoc aocwore also. aor a designer gown, as you cae word see rights there"tax t with thr tax. ich"the rich painted on and pai the gownnted on. the gown is worth said to be wo own small fortune. rnow, tu clarity, invitationsne. invitations are controlled by to the gala area controlled by condé nast, which is a forfof it company. aocs people say the congresspro. aoc'swo people saymen the congresswoman has always takenhas always taken ethic eths and they do have a point because duringincredibly seriou. they have a town hall in queens, new york, last year, protesters chanted ágústa point. you can tell has corte got to go. and you couldz wa tells that akca cortez wasem emotionotionally ad
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by a only and physically moved by the outcry. n ou>>t cry watchin queens last year. >> aoc has got to go. aoc has got to go. aoc has got to go. >> alright, alright. listen, listen, listen. okay. >> the ethic. s committe e lithe ethics committee likelyy won't take won't take up the matter until sometime in the new ye upar the. sometime in the new year,th butis cou thisld lead to her being reprimanded and she coul could g reprimanded and shed respond. maybe like this. >> alright listen, could respond maybe like listen. okay. >> we hope it doesn' wet come to doesn't that. tucker come to that. >> tucker, trust gallagher. great. >> tucker: trace to see you galr ,>> gr thankea you.t to syouee y canou t and should y watchonight. you should watch trace gallagher at at mid neat eastern on fox news midnight. news at on night.e of the>> reaso sons you n one ofed heard a bad word never heard a bad word about abm sam venkman freed until he was busted bankman. freed i foro defrauding innoce t investors of billions of dollars is because he paid offff
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media outlbankmanfreed is becaud of to give himf medi good coverage. and one ofa thoseou outlets isl place called semaphoreets. one is a website, ran a website run by a by character from the new yorka character for the new york times. the question is when. wil l ththe question is,ey retu arern the m they going to return the money? when is semaphoresoney? when wil going to return the money? >>l se we'remi asking thatfor public libraries are banning actor kirk cameron from reading money. and some are banning kirk new bk camero childrenn because it's faithfrom based rek for children because it's faith based.. turn>>s out sothat it is turnt allowed. maybet heallo should havewed. maybe he should have a drag shog show fo kindergarten. we'rer goingkinder to talkgartm and suggest that afterners. we will talk to hi the i don't own a single stock or bond. >> i know i'm mr. armstrong. i know i'm called middle class joe lunchpail, joe, middle class joe. >> the truth is that these lifestyle is the opposite. the biden family amassed a fortune as income with corruption. timing is everything. there's multitudes of evidence of criminal behavior by hunter. any time hunter had a business
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deal to do, joe, with the fbi intelligence agencies and the american news media, they simply decided we don't want the american people to know about. i have not taken a penny from any foreign source. the biden's got some 30 $1 billion from chinese businessmen. hunter biden and joe biden had defrauded me. cfc was dismantled. the biden family made millions within hours of our story going lodge way to shut us down. you have to fight the cancer of corruption. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my biggest betting sale ever. just in time for christmas, get my giza dream bedsheets for as little as twenty nine ninety eight. a set of pillowcases. only nine ninety eight rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper for as low as ninety nine ninety nine. we also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles.
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if you or your family are noticing changes, it could be alzheimer's. >> talk about seeing a doctor together. >> if you've >> tucker: if you haven't heard of never heard of the neo liberal website semaphore, that's not really surprising. very semifor. that's not surprising. few little offing americans have hear livingd of americans have heard of s semaphore apart from. i a small number of very rich people who financed semaphore in a recentifor other than richd semaphores founder ben smith, formerly of the new york times,. raised $257 twenty five million dollars from six named investors million were raised bx investors. two of the six, according to thh filing. twoe bi ofgges thoset six inve, apparently the biggest onesones have the same last, had nam the same last namee. bak winfried as in sam bank been bankmanfreed as? freed and his brother launching semaphore was part of sam and his brother. they paid off media outl and free strategy ofet's payingf media outlets in f exchange forr fawning coverage phone-in coverage. what he got., now ofthat course, he got classic corruption. but now sam that has been exposs
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been freed has been exposed as a billion dollar scam artist. thisa bi posesllion dollar scamt this is a problem fo problemsr m smith and for semaphore. >>ith you an not allowed to keepd semafor. you're not allowed t the proceeds of other people's crimes. that's a pretty basico keep the proceeds of other peoples crimes. rule we. reached outso we reached out to ben smh repeatedly to see when he's going to return all the money. tcountless investors were defraudedo smit by him. h tobank see been freed, includg elderly teachers across canada, some of whom who they would return the may mo soonnies. be living poverty. bebenn sm smithit is not livingo poverty. uld do the right thing and help with the money hn smithgot fr couldom do a the rt thing and help them with the sc. will he do that? money heof got cours from a scam artist. will he do that? e nooft. course not. semaphorese pointedmafo us tor n a statement saying they're nott returningus to a statement saying they're not returning a dollar until the a l the biden administration makes them biden administration makes them. when will that be? come o. n. when sa will that be? oh,m ba comenk on,manfre samed d biggest dono wasr to the second biggest donor to thed democratic party. >> so inemocrati the end,c party. in the end we hear the justice depa hearingrtme the dust department is looking into him. nt ihe's going to get aways lo k ing into him. he will get away with itben, bey sm with it. semaphore will get away with it. it'sit prettyh will get away wi really. >> the good news is semaphore
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is not an appealing website, so it probably semafo won'tr will g be arounde long anyway. with>> it. it's not an appealing website and likely won't so as we mentib as we've saide manyar times, there's almostound too no coverage oflong what's happening at the southern border. our friend charlie leduff, who lives in. our friend in detroit went down to the certain board tor detroie to go down theree and seewhat what is happ is happening. >> and he shoten some remarksin. he shot remarkable video in about video inthe the process. heproces shots. this in piedrashe shot this in mexico mexico. hoand itw showsea how easy itsf illegal migrants to enteror illo enter the united the united states without any intervention whatsoever. from our national guard, watch o intervention from our national guard. watch this. >> ,a surly mexican a official tries to stop official tries to. us,he has but he n haso po now. power. texans, i have to go with him and he is my business. and they will pick me up and go >> he says that is not correct. that i ,s is ittr notue. to work with it?no thinheg is c saysor that's notr. here. about two ththat'sousand true. but nothing is correct here. maboutig tworant thousands cross in this sector every day of every migrants w crossing this sector every daye. of every now with the expiration of titl
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fort y and nowtw with theo, expiratie title forty to the cuban policyf returning a sigh l ofem returning asylum s seekerse to mexico set to expirers to mexico will expire. hundreds o, f hundreds of thousandsth more aru expected to flood these bankssae expected t. o floo d thasylum seekers like elvis nd only touch american soile banks. asylum seekers like elvis only needs to touch america. n toil .elvis before hes up the riverbank, steps over the razor wiree can gather his bearings her and before he can gather hise th bearings, the texas national guarde texasl guard are waiting for hi is waiting for himm to as patiey as an uber driver to shuttleshuttle him to his n. him to his new life. > >> tucker: so you have t soo wof wh one doney s no with charlie leduffhas nob donee has done lik juste he did? j uswhy haven't wet di seend. this before? charlie never spent 30 years in journalism. is thehe is host of the no "newb a long time. s ne>>ws he's now host of hour the new abc news hour. he joins. us tonight thank you for coming on and doin. g this . fori ha coming on.ven' t sethanken you any forone doit hiswhy? bewhy?fore .i haven't seen anyone do why do you think that is? this before. >> iwhat don do't k younow, thi? thati don't know,'s man. w hy ithat's w whyent i went dow. the wa know whaty i i mean?look at the way i lookthe atcovera, it's it's the eggheads it's the eggheads and the meat heads. very with no and the i meatheads. and we gotdea noreal idealy wht it's living or what the answer might be.
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it's like you kn whatow wha the answer might be,t you knowi whatme i? an. >> tucker: what was your assessment of it? >> it'how whats wasa da your an it? it's a mess. mesand it's likes. like on the left, they're saying yo on the left, they're saying, youu know,know. these are asylum war s torn. pethey these areak asylum seeke. ers.they're they're just broke people looking for a better life. justthat's broke the people tru looking for a better life. th.that's the truth on the other on the other hand the right build the wall. that's hand, on the right, dbuildumb. the wall. that's dumb. listen to me people. i don't know where tuck letter post it. findlisten the whole to me, peo. stoi don't knowry. what if tucker is going to post it, but you tou go find that wholech america st, because ifn yousoil touch y amn soil,ou get asylum. so you get asylum. wheson th when the walle is 2t away or a quarter mile i feet away or a quartern mileit in, t doesn't matter. it won't stop anything. let's do a littl, won'te ex stoe anything. sorime let'snt do. a little expt up here, i'm in a border tow upn here. and i'm indetroit a borderwi tn detroit, with canada. ifada. say desantos you want to pack as bu says full desantis, if o you want to pack a bus full of migrantsf migrants. tell them, please, and tell d te don't lie to them, tell them they're going to gotell to canao canada to get asylum. to get asylum. >> yo youu kn knowow wha what'll h,
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tucker? t will happen, tucker? cana is goingda to turn wil them around. youl tu knowrn why, t righthem . because we have a treaty. because we wit have a treaty with canada that we're everh canada. wherever an asylum an asylum seeker first touches, whether it's canada, the unitedt touches, that is where they apply for asylum. they mustwh's where apply fory asylum. don'whyt we do hav wee this with mexico. this is what the pin do not h hs with mexico? this is what the pinheads in washington in washington need to be doing. there is onl need to be doing. y onyoue know,bo there's only e borderrder state senator on the foreign state ren the foreign relations committee. >> that's ted cruz, committee, ted cruz. i don't know where i don't know where t the tedhe cruz hed cruz so you make a really is. >> tucker: you make smarta point, because my understanding, according to the dhs numbers,really smart point. my understanding is everyone come ago cross is not from almot everybody coming across is not from mexico. me>>xico. everyone from oaxaca these are people comin coming fm centra wants to be inl the is already here. ertheseic area, a people comingr central america or africa. ica or the east.middle eas>>t. wa thats your experience? 100% there's russiansthat your ? >> a hundred percent. russians, romanians, ukrainians, peruvians,, romanians, per you'vians, haitians, people from h niger,aitians, ghana, you name it. they are coming. ghana hereyou is what name i it, they're coming. sos here's what's happening. happening. when trump was in officewhen tre
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negotiated to remain in mexicono policy as th policy as the president's allowed to do. you're seekinge pr asylumesidens allowed to do. you seek asylum yo. u remain i you must remain inn mexico and wait for your court date. mexico until your court date. bide he's first day inbiden's fc said he's suspendinge he said he's suspending it. what th they hear around the world. amnesty wheney hea titler around amne forty two is going to go downsty. in they'r weeks, they're going to bee a lini rug because you know u what?p in mthey'reex liningico. up yo inu know w mexico. hat >>they h youear, know what r amnesty amnesty. you talk about. when you're talking about dock of people, which i don't have a problem da ca people i don't have a, that problem you p here, you're anh american. thbutem when they grew up here. he says amnest hey saysth amnesty, the whole world juste l floodse world floods in, dude.. dude, this four oldteen year girls. -yi found anear- immigrationold. i found a vaccination pill. she go a vaccination card. she gott a birtha bi controlrtt inmplant in h herer a armrm a a month ag. a fourteen year old. m onthwhy ago. why because she's afraid? tbecauseo she's afraid to beb rape d and get pregnant there. is a better way to controland g. a bettermo wayvement to control the movement of people other tha damn bum of people r thanush. a
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i came rush. ii cament ino mexico twenty yes ago with the si to mexicoco twenty years ago with the sinaloa cartel. w went sin three nights through the desert because we did not want to be apprehended. a lo it's completely flipped arounda. we didn't want to be and everybody wants to be apprehended because they're getting papers and they're going apprehended. now it's different. everyone wants to be appreh endeand id. would do it to a lot of good people. i would do it too. a lot of gooa lot ofd people hu. but the government must manage,y people. the government must manage the fr the flow of humano of h beingsu a way that'sthat is acceptable to we the people and they're not doing a da acceptabn the people. >> thing and they're not. >> t a ucker: i thingt's amazing. bill is the only. o therit's per amazing,so bill,n the only other person who's donedoing re. i'm thankful you any. reporting like this. and i'm and i'mhave grateful tht you have c charlie duff.ha rliethank, youthank you. >> thanks, man. post that thin. g somewher e,thanks, man. post that w thingill somewhere, will you make you. >> tucker: sure we will. so sure there we i will.s a na>>tion so wid there is a nae shortage of basic antibiotics. shortage of basicwhy? antibioti. why? mabecauseny are made in china. why is that? many of them we h madeav ine china. detawhyils is that? afwe'vete gotten details afterr. and
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on fox and watch any time on hulu. we hate to keep >> tucker: we hate to keeping bad fuse but there is the bad news, buta nati youon sd know that there nationwide shortage of basic antibioticswi amoxicillin and augmentin. according to the american society of health care,m of basc antibiot healthic systems pharmacists, there's also a shortage of tamifluand and albuterolsupposedly tamaflu an, alongd with several other keyot drugshf used to treat chronic or chronic conditions. the fda isconditions. in fact, the fda is now reporting one hundred and eighty drug shortages reportingg short aplgz. many. many of req theseui compounds, particularly antibiotics, require ingredients that come fromre ingredients that come from china. it might be cha . time to sodo it som mightething be a something about that. bodr.ut marc siegel has been th. >> for tucker, quite good some time and joins us now. >>to hey, b dr.e with you tonight. don't think the fd tucker, goode with you tonight. a no,is a don'tct thinkua the fy is actually doing anything. they're sitt doingin anythingg about this. limbthey're sitting limply by, y the story begins. the story begins and end in china tonight because of the ann thoselonight because of lockdown's those ridiculousck ds lockdown's covid zero loc polick cut off downs cutting off the supply chain. chainsacco. rding to and we u get according to us.s census, we. census we get 95% of you mea get ninety five percent of our imported ibuprofen from china and 70n pon from china. and most of ou
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antibioticsd antibiotics. what has happened? they relieve. loc k dosown nows an what's happene? dthey relieve the lockdown's. and in china, people people are scrambling to the are ph scrambling to the pharmacies, trying to find tylenol, tryingad tylenol and moe treupb. we won't get to find motrin. we're it. not th goingey're to get ithoar because they're hoarding it over their panickedding it ther. panic buying because of the pill pouying because ofpp the pill popping situation in the pharmaceuticale pharmaceutical culture around the world. he culture around the world. sore we herear wee in are in td states and the university the ud states. in uta ofh they r utah reported this weekep thator nobody cant findno liquid ibuprofenbody can find liqui, which is motrin, liked ib motrin, tylenol, again, shortuprofen, like motrin 95% of all of the ibuprofen in the united. nighty five percent o states coming from china and everybody out there goingf e coming from china. i to the pharmacy shelves and hoarding. now, i know what k younow wh tht you think about pharmaceuticals. agree with you, tucker. we're and i agree with you, tucker, where a pillai popping culturell-popping cultu. a parent goes to and so t here'e what happens. pharma parent goesac to they. , they can't get a tylenolcan't g. they rush the child to the emergenc. y rokidom has u a fever.nn ecesthey rush himsa to therily y room unnecessarily. . that is what you're talk ing about for a long time now. i thand that'sin whatk that youh talking about forug a long time now. partand i of the problem.
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fear drive think that that's a e part of the problem. fear driven pillsn pills to asse yourself you'r to swayzee yourself that you'redo actually doing something. but look at wherein thisg somet. look where this is coming from. supply chain is coming from. supply p chainro problems from china, china,blems from tkhaoeupb afplt china the same country that exports the same c, tucker, that exports the the influenza influenza virus every year virue seeexported every year exported covid covid. now we can't go to them for the pills we treat the to us. c ommonow,n wecold can't go to or them for the pills. we the need to treat the common. th cold ore pr the antibiotics weo need. stthe problem starts and beginss with china, tucker. >> tucker: can i with china. tucker eskew, a quick question, doctor. i mean, ask you a quick how hard itquestion be to make ibuprofen or, amoxicillin. how hard is it to make these in the united states? >> in s the united states? impl>>e. we simple. hav e thwee abilit havey to do it yu know why the ability to do it. ?you it know's why gen weeric don't t makbecause it'se generic and e don't make a profita profit on it. drn it. ugso our drug manufacturers dont feel that they can do m it.anuf actures don't feel they can do it. the government sitand,s by of ct just ignores that and sitswe idly should make eve of the ingredients in the united by. we should make every single one of these ingredients in states.ted it's calderon active farm suit al ingredi states.ents . it'swe g called active pharmaceutical ingredients. we're getting itet them from chd india. we need to make it here. fromthat's china a gre and india.
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>>at we need to make it poi hert .that's a great point. >> tucker: great pointamazing.. dr. ma rkdr. marc siegel, good sea to u you tonightll and good to see you. , great to zoo you tonight.tucker. >> so the fbi has had physical the fbi has had hunter laptop for more than three years now. d en'son that laptop is indisputable. lap top for more than three years. onevidence of crimes, tha federl violation, gun felonyt is infort crimes. hunter biden has not bee influee peddling. n>> and the hunter biden, ofcharge course, has notd by been feder s or raided either by federal authorities. he. has he been d raided either because he didn't preyid inn't y abortion at an abortion clinic clinic. but. virtually everyone who tried to investigate basically everyone investigating the contents of th hase lap to been under attack fromp for part two ofe our new documentary, under investigation by the doj . looked into the biden administration's efforts we look into the biden's efforts to crush this story. here is partto crush this o sto. >> here's part of it. f itnearly every. the high>> profile players involved in t investigating hunter biden's ucker: nearly everyone involved in investigating hunter's business practices have been arrested, indicted or been invested, indicted or law enforcement. rudy giuliani, who received the original copy of hunter raided. rudy guili biden's hard drive,an hadi ha hi home searched and personal electronic devicess home searched and seized cby theom fbi.pu ter steve bannon, a former advir to donaldseized by the fbi.
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th trump who firste trie to place the hunter biden laptop story, was arrestedthe fh and charged with fraud. the fbi executed a search warrant at the home of victoria who worked wit of victoria tensing, who worked with ukrainians to uncover more informationh aou rainians o uncover more about hunter biden's business practices. liv parnas information. others who helped rudy guilian , who helped rudy giuliani investigate hunter biden'si investigate hunter biden wer business dealings, weree both arrested on campaign finance chargesarrested on incampaign e charge>>chargechargecharges. >> tucker: once agai oncen th ay is called biden inc. documentary is calderon "biden inc" parts one and one and two w available on fox nation. >> are available on fox so you've nat . you be concerned if your military becomeshave to be concerned if r military politicized. >> that cannot happen in bec a e country. omes politicalized. that can't happen inbut in somes to be coordinating free country. someplace it's appears t with l enforcement to intimidate parents who complain about the sexualizationbe. just happened for real ofto ta children in mo elementary
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school that just happened forth. she joins us next to share real h to aer mother in new jer. she st us nextor to sharey. her plus story. >> publi plus, public libraries refusing to let actorc librariek cameron read his new children's book because it's too wholesometo allow kirk camerond his children's boo for a library. k, becau se>> it he's joins too us straight a. wholesome for a library. he joins us straight ahead. vo: it's a new day. because now updated covid vaccines protect against both the original covid virus and omicron. updated covid vaccinestime to s, “oh, you bet i'll be there!” against both the original covido against both the original covido virus and omicront more. just in time to say, oh, you bet i'll be there a whole lot more. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to announce my original. my slippers are back in stock. last christmas, you made them the number one selling mypillow product and now i've added smaller sizes, larger sizes, wide sizes and all new colors.
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learn more and adopt u.s. kids. dog. >> so a few days ago, a mother, new jersey called angela redding found out that her child's elementary school was advertising something called pann sexuality. and she thought this seems a little much for elementary school. so she complained about it on facebook. what happened next didn't used to happen in this country. it never should. and we only know about because of a subset called chaos and control, which broke the story. and as we read it, we thought this can't be real. but it is so in response to angela reddings, post out of the blue, an army officer at joint base mdl in nearby military base called angela redding an extremist
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on facebook. that officer is called lieutenant colonel christopher schilling. schilling then wrote on facebook that, quote, the joint base leadership have had the security forces working with multiple state and local law enforcement agencies to monitor this situation. >> what so the military responded to a mom at an elementary school complaining about sexualization of her own child. that's warranted. a military response, joe biden apparently did. then shortly after the chief of the north over police department, robert duff, pressured redding to delete her facebook post, let that sink in the police and the military got involved because a mom wrote something on facebook they didn't like. today, joint base mdl confirmed to this show that they, quote, notified law enforcement about the social media exchange, which is common information sharing practice among law enforcement agencies. >> except, wait a second, a military base is not a,
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quote, law enforcement agency. the purpose of the military to defend us from foreign enemies, not to police our facebook posts. this is mind boggling. and we pray someone does something about it. angela redding is the mother who wrote that facebook post that the military shut down. she joins us tonight. angela, thank you so much for being brave enough to come on. were you a little surprised that the u.s. military weighed in on your facebook post? >> i was more than surprised. i was scared. i actually pulled my kids from school the day i found out it was it was mind boggling. and i was worried for them. when the u.s. military comes after you first, simply raising concern about a public poster that is widely available for all to see, it's just it's mind boggling, as you said. >> and just to be clear, you weren't threatening war. you didn't threaten to use nuclear weapons against the school. >> correct. now, actually, my post was really moderated, essentially said that i didn't think my seven year old was age appropriate to be exposed to words such as poly, and pansexual. i said that all people are
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deserving of love and respect, that my post was very explicit about that. and still, it prompted this response. and it is really scary that in this country we can't have a right to speak and raise concerns that about our public education system. >> you live in an area with a lot of military families. i know. i think your children's school is a lot of military families. i mean, you and dallas, you respect the military because almost all americans do. >> did you know that they're reading your facebook posts? i did not. and i actually want to be really explicit. i believe that our military personnel deserve the utmost love, admiration and respect. i'm a i'm a daughter of a veteran. i live in a community with the military and these are phenomenal families. our school district is phenomenal. the teachers in our school district are phenomenal. i think this is a rogue actor, a bad faith actor. and i don't think that we need to implicate the entire population. but i did not think that
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the military was monitoring mom's facebook post. >> no, i did not know. and you would hope that lieutenant schilling would be removed from his command tonight. and we'll be seeing if he is. what was the role, the police chief? can you just so quickly? >> yeah, so i actually got a call from the admin of the facebook group. again, this is kind of ridiculous. we're talking about this. this was a it's a parents group that i posted on. i got a call from the admin with faith groups, groups saying that the police chief contacted her to say that my post should be should come down. and she said, what you think? i said, well, i don't want homeland security coming after me. take the post down like i don't want to be dealing with. so i agree that the post could come down. i then contacted the police chief directly and reminded him of the first amendment and that we shouldn't be utilizing government resources and our positions to pressure individuals to take down facebook posts. and i also shared with him the post that he had already seen.
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there was nothing wrong. it didn't violate any law. it didn't violate any facebook rule whatsoever. so that's how that all happened. and, you know, we're here today. >> i hope chief huff is relieved of his post immediately, too, because that's just i've never to anything like this and i hope i never hear it again. but i appreciate your telling us about it. angela redding, thank you so much. >> thank you. so let's say you want to host a drag time story hour with seven year olds. you obviously use your public library for that, but you can't read a book about god that a public library and the actor kirk cameron just learned that dozens of public libraries refused to give him a slot to speak to kids about his new faith based book called as you grow one rhode island library told him, quote, we are a very, friendly library. >> our messaging does not align . okay, kirk cameron joins us. >> thanks so much for coming on. so they wouldn't let you read this book. this book was banned in libraries. how controversial is this book?
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well, it's a book that teaches biblical wisdom through the seasons of life to children and the value of growing fruit of the spirit like love, joy, kindness, patience, gentleness, self-control, for all. and i wanted to do a book reading at a public library, and i was denied by over 50 woke libraries that have hosted drag queen stories hours. one of the most outrageous denial was alameda county public library that said they didn't want that book teaching kids biblical values while at the same time they're hosting a gender name change clinic tomorrow. and i'm thinking, wow, if we're so committed to diversity, why am i being excluded? why can't i use your facility to read my book? you're a library. >> well, yeah. so we began the show with a story about how the president of ukraine has banned a christian religion in ukraine. and then we get to your story
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where the libraries ban your book. >> so the thread here appears to be fear and hatred of christianity. why do you think a religion based on peace and tolerance turning the other cheek, not showing vengeance, is so scary? well, my understanding of history is that the family and the church are two great pillars of western civilization. and those two things need to be removed and taken out of the way in order to fundamentally change the power structure. and the moral value code of the nation. and that's why parents are fighting back. in fact, tucker, hundreds of parents and librarians are now emailing us, saying we want your book and we want to host our own brave bookstore every our in our public library. so here's my call to action. i want every parent and every grandparent in america to get their favorite children's storybook, my book or other brave books or a book of the bible.
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call your local public library that has hosted a drag queen story and say, i'd like the chance to read my book in the library. and if they say no, they're likely breaking the law and violating the constitution and they can contact brave books, norcom. we'll give them free books and all that they need to turn that denial into a revival in their community. i think the posture that you're taking, which is gentle and calm and brave and persistent, is something i personally can learn from less outrage, more rational response, and i think that really works. and i hope that you inspire other people to do the same. >> tell your story. don't get mad. be honest. thank thank you. i think you're right, tucker. and to christians particularly, we often get told no in the public square. we go home with our tail between our legs, crying in our chick soup, waiting for the rapture rather than getting on the offense.
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and saying, let's invest in our children and teach them the values we want them to learn. i mean, i completely i completely agree with that. and the way you're doing it is the way to do it. i appreciate it. kirk cameron, thanks. >> thank you, tucker. more news straight. >> some of the best traditions start under a tree. >> it's where we gather as a family. >> it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start. >> traditions under your tree shop. now, for special savings on gifts for the whole family, in-store and online. bass pro shops celebrating 50 years of christmas memories under your tree. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my biggest sale ever. just in time for christmas. get my keys. a dream bed sheets for as low as twenty nine. ninety eight.
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businessman hunter biden and jim biden had defrauded me. cfc was dismantled. the biden family still made millions within hours of our story going live. twitter shut us down. you have to fight the cancer of corruption >> tucker: we are out of. time bu>>t befo well,re we're we ou. but before we go along with ice cream and beethoven,g with ice crea "the washington post" has now declared that shark week is racist, quote, shark week, laxtonm and beethoven, "the washington post" has declared shark week is racis ves men named "wax diversity." apparently mike. not e nougapparently noth enoughdi dy among the hosts of shark rsitwell,y among a host of shark week. acty we kno called mike cohosted shark week. there'd be mikew a guy called mo hosted shark rowe week, and he disagrees. mike rowe joins us tomorrow night mike rowe. he disagrees and he joins us tomorrow to share his night thos on the racism of shark week to hook. [laughs] up. >> youwe'l will bel be back tomorw night, 8:00 p.m. back tomorrow . 8:00 p.m. the show that's the the showsw. orn enemy ofthat's l a swornying enemy of, pomposity, smugness for bosnia's mongers and group think is of the night couldn't get and groupthink. >> and as if the night couldn't get greater, ladies and gentlemen, greater,
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ladies and gentlemen of fl.. f>>or a twenty seven seconds es sean hannity. . >> here's>> s seanea hannity. n:thank you, tucker. thaand hitting the post as a r. radio since 19 thing and radio since87 nineteen eighty seven makes me very old. by the way,. that makes me very old. we wil we will examine inl exam great detail these mikesin that are in shark weeka great detail. mike and the a andrticle y thate article you're referring to anyway. did referring to. hard-hitting. tucker anywaywish wish me lu me luck. >> welcome to "hannity". big welcome to "hannity." breaking news on news, multiplel fronts tonight. eventipl more revelations surroundinge fronts, more revelations surrounding the deep state the deep state. russrussiaia g gateate la lawyer and his firingwyer james baker and his firing at twitter. of t. this story is only getting bigger and more disturbing. that story is only getting more disturbing. the great one mark levina great, he's here to react tonight. and biden's irs to react. biden's irs are coming to make,e nowyour lif coming to make your lifee a living. a liviweng. will explain we will explain in detail in detail that straight ahead. st firstra tonight, raphael warnock, whenight ahead georgiat night doesn't mean that it's time to have a pityraphael warna last night doesn't mean it's time to have a p partyit or it's timey pa to whine and complain. i startedrty or whine and complain. i started out in out radio in ro nineteen eighty seven. the seven.gan was ronald reagan was president. during the


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