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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 8, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST

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with us, thank you for this makn evening. as always, thank youg forthis sho beingw with us. thankpo youssib forle. making tw possible. plea your dvrse so set you you never, ever, everr missdv anr o episode of hannity you never, ever, ever an episode of hannity and for news and for nei any allall the time. theverye timeti foxme news .co, and i .n the and inme the meantime, letae your heart be trouble. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham and the ingraham angle.laura ingraham and the "ingraham angle". i watched you last i night.watc hed you last night. i like it when you're pissed off and i likei itshared when you i shared your off ness. r exist offness. i was pissed off, i wastoo. to d to get their act together republicans need to get their act together and play the ballot game and play the ballot game like lk the democrats do ore the democr they can't go into they can't e go into every election downvery five hundred thousand votes election down 500,000 votes. >> laura: yeah, at least. >> yeah,mc wellcart athy w leaston mccarthy, he won t the house bu everyone else has make a case as to w to makehy ts a case as to whyhey deserv theye like youe. and i like 'rona mcdaniel a lot, i said. tha and it likegreat ronnaperson a a lot. ndi've said that her,gr she's a great personeat woman b, , i meagreat,n, great you woman. do but youhave to domake the have cat the caseo why you actually deserve to get asu actually deserve to get reappointed. i mean, a college basketball coach would have already lost his job with thi. s recoi mean, a collegerd basketbl coach would have already lost his job. with this record. soso we're going to apply at let
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the same standards to this a wet least to the same standards to this. >> is that so? that. so hannity thank you. >> sean: i'm not getting i'm ged ininvo thatlv match. edhowever, i like you in that mi like it when you're pissed off. >> laura: tip your t knowow in i like itwa whenter you're. han ity,i mean, we're i testingt's the water. hannityokay. we've got to go. it's okay. al l riallght right. hannwe'veit goty gr to go. eat hadto see you. awesome show. i'm laura ingraham, this i a gr. ingrahallam a right. nglei'm laura ingram. fro m wathisshin is thegton "ingra" tonight. now for a party that claimfrom . now,s forto a party that clais to hold greedyhold greedy corru in check, , democrcorruptats capitalists and check, democrats seem to be on a pathwayseem to be on a pathway toward lettin towag crypto creep sandbank winfried skateg crypto creep sam bankman-fried skate. wa waitit unt untilil w wee telu how house financial services chairman how house financial chair woma woman maxia what shexine just waters, what she just announced. bu. but first, stolen innocence. t that'sfirst, stolen innocence that's the focus o the focusf angle angle. now, i still. remembe r whnow,en m i stilly remembern my daughter maria, maybe she was daughter maria, maybe she was five or six, five or six. she w ante>>d an she wanted an american girl doll foramer christmas. ican girl doll for christmas. so i went and looked at them. i fell forso i went the and looa 's ri feltea forll the brands r wholesome wholesome kind of patriotic marketing and , i madepatriotic. urand i made suree sant the sant
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pu one undert one under the tree t, complete with a few outfit changes. and each version complete with a few outfit changes and each version of o th also hade her doll own had its little own storybook storybook that accompanied it that accompanied. wewell,ll moms, acrossmo ameria beforecross america, before you think of shelling out what i yous it ove thinkr ofa g out over,d whatbu is it,cks or a hundred bucks forfor a a mad well, fo mader little in america doll? s uziewell,, forwell little suzy know a few things , i know fia fewrs things. t.first, mattel manufactures them i them inn china. okay,ch second,ina. okay? second, the toy maker is now using its brand to pro the toymr is now using its brand to promote transgenderism transgenderism to little kids. its stor to little kids. it'sy book storybooks discusss s delays how to delay puberty with hormone blockers and instructs puberty e blockers and instructs on waysn to keep information from to keep information from parents. >> canparents. now, can you believe this is where we are in society where e there' is where we ares su inch a sociy where there's such a thing thin prop as doll propaganda? now,ag mattelanda isn't? now, trying mattel isn't even to be subtle about its agenda. again, the to be subtle about its agenda. dolagain,l' the dolls instruct book tells boys that they book tellsmay boys thatfeel l they may feel like girlsik insidee girls they say is totally okay.,
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whichan they say is totally okay, and it introducesd it introduce of being non-binar the concepts ofy, being a nonbinaryga is,in ligain, little kidsttle kids, and using alternative pronou and usingns alternative pronouns. but why. but, look, why should any of us be surprised? the shouldgend anyer f ofluidie surprised? the gender fluidity movement maynt may have started on college campuses years ag have started on college campuses years ago, buto but n it's infiltrate infiltrated every aspect of corporate americ everya an aspeu corporate america and our public schools. >>r public schools. so trans employees, they check s employees, they checkboxes and s.g.boxes a applicants get the attention o and trans applicants get the attention of college admissions college admissions officers. and, of course, the entertainment industry they've been officers and of course, on boa the entertainment industry. they've been on board this for years. with this for years. and plot line after plot line you linese after plot line, you see,e promotes characters bravelypromotes characters bravely rebelling against stuffy ol against stuffy old normsd by declaring that they justnorms by declarint don't fit into their bodie don' their bodies or their biological. >> their biological sex. >> i feel more i feel more mysen clothes boy's, actually dead clothes. actually, dad, i don't think i' a >>girl a i don'tt think i'm all. suzy>> suzie. >> even though you've always thought of me as a, even girl, s
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thought of me as a i girl,'m a boy. >> laura: bad acting, i'm aba boy. d pl>>ot. bad acting, bad plot an entire cottage industry of trans healthcare experts als and entire cottage industry of trans health care experts alsoo has been created has been created to conduct workshops and get paid to condut workshops and get paid handsomely for it. handsomely for it and they do it for businesses scared of do it laws foruits. businesses scared of lawsuits and then they're welcomed and then they're welcomed as speakers at prestigious medica t prestigious medical conferences conferences. enter dr enter dr.. marissamari levinsk. an associate professor on associate professor at the university of alabama, birmingham, at the university of alabama berg ham. she's described on the school's web si described on the school's website as having a research interestte interest in providin in providing affirming care to lgbtq youth. g affirming care to lgbtq youth and and identified with families inn the deep south againsttified wi deep south against the kind of faith-base kindd commun ofitiesh faith based communities there iner the deepe. in the deep south, things are obviously really bad. southnow, a. t the ac ademthingsy areof obviously red now at the academy of pediatrics conference in newsom pediatrics conference in anaheim, california. >> recently, she golocalifornia recently, she s clogly about trans ideology about trans ideologyan and more, disturbingly, more disturbingly, about the bold sui aboutcide the bold o suicide of a transf girla tran.
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>> and in the final days. oand in the final daysf of 20, 2014, a local 16 yea a localr ol 16 yeard yo oldung , lady of trans experience steppe, boldly trans experience, stepped boldly in front in front of a track for o ending her life. trherailer ender her life. her suicide note, written to suicidepost note, on so writtem to post on social media abouted hour after her death, went viral, an hour after l heriter deathaly viral, literally around, around world. >> laura: this woman this woman is a total is a total whack job and on the war path whackagains jobt tradit and on the warpath against traditional americansional amer. now, remember, religious americans are the pr. oblem. trnow,ans remember, religious americans are the problem. transpioneers, well, they're the answer. of course, the pioneers. aap >> doesn well,'t they're m the course. the ap its videos doesn't publi makec.s public. hmm. hmm,wonder w whyonder why. sadly this is all in line, though. , with sadly, this the is all in line,i though, with the insanity being streamlinednsanity being streamlined by the administration o by the administration of the practicing catholic, joe biden. >>f the practicing catholic joe biden. >> we have reached a tipping hag poinnt for the role int for th the bet civic life, the he the health and well-being of lgbtq youth. alth and well-being of lgbtq plus youth andplus young .
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ami encourage alleric ofans. i enco to thinkur ofag yourselvese all of you to think of yourselves as as ambass to your communities. these conversations don't have tours to your communities. these conversations don't have to be limited or to be limited or restricted to a medical setting. rbutestr foricte school teachea sett boards,ing but for princei school teachers school boards. >> laura: lord only knows how many lord only knows how many pediatricians vehemently pediatricians vehemently disagree with disagreethes withb plans to steal our children's innocence. i betscene plans to steal our children's innocence. i bet th a majority seee ma the butchering of confused children as evil, purejority se butchering is evil pure and simple but are afraid to and simple, but are spe afraida to speak out. but notout. julie mason. but not julie mason, a fellow at th the american academy of pediatrics. >>e american academy of they ho pedi ideaatrics how you. identify which kids are trans>> t and requirehey have no idea how identify which kids are trans and require treatment. treatment. theyso're li they wereke sort wu know, we're justt technicians and we'll just tell you technicians and we'll just tell you if you have a tran, s kid le youwe'l havel a trans kid,te we'll tell you how to doll you h the transition. ow to do the transition. and then the american academy on the american academype ofdi pediatrics the next year just leapt intoat thatrics the into that void and said, oh, vo and said, oh, we'll tell you we how, you'll te know,ll you whic which kids. you ask them. and if t youhey sa ask them.y theyand if'r they saye they're then they're trans. >> laura: there needs to be , then they're transa out. >>massiv theree cl needsass ac
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against aap. th class action lawsuite di against the apa. allor o right. f bothe director of boston genes gender clinic unwittingly gender clinic unwittingly reveals the dirty little secret reveals their dirty little secret about these strong drug about theses strong drugs downplayed as puberty blockersd. >> i worry that they're bein .g they're beinggiven given outou a lott likea cand, whichlot like candy which is great in some ways but it's al is greatso in like, some way. okabuty, wel it'sl alsowy lik, you know, you need to have you need the te the conversation conversation. >> laura: she says great. >> she in saysso great. mein wa some waysys. it's not like they're life changing it's ramif noticationsi they're life changing ramifications involved with thesenvolved with these drugs or anything, no. i mean, once drugs you or anythe ncouno.rage i mean, once tr encourageansi transitioningtioning at any age is no guarantee that at you any is no guarantee that you canever rev evererse the mental or the fiscal damag reversee done the r the physical damage done to yourself. >>self. >> it's been the most difficult thing i've ever gone through i my the most difficult l thing i've everif gonee. througn in addition to the health side effects my life. i experienince, th addition to the effects, i experience the weighte way it affected my career as a singer has been the harde affectedst mt as a singerhi hasng to been the hardest thing to dealdeal wt h. mymy singing singing and speaki will never be the sa and speakie will never be the same. aft>>er m aftery my time time on testosterone. >> laura: but these drugs are . grbuteat thesefo drugsr arekil
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kids, atea leastst that's what another that's what another ap executive committee member says aap executive committee member says. >> puberty blocker. s caprettyn blockersbe can such a a great medicine for kidsgreat are starting puberty. parents ma who are starting puberty. parents may ory or m mayay not accepting, this may be a be accepting. suthisrpri mayse to th be ae pae parent. itnt. just it just slows things down. they slows're ve thingsry s down they're veryd safe and effective. theneffective. then the next option is gender affirming hormone therapy affirming hormone therapy. >> laura: there's big money here. . chthere's bigildr moneyen here.a re tchildren areheir their targ market, and the poor kids are falling into market and the poor the kids tr. >> i used to feel when i first told. you i wi feelas when a gir i firste to girl, that's great. >> sixth grade is such a his jur ye anyway for everyone. ar>> anywa and especially when e y for everyonetranspac especially when you're trans. >>. bac k whwhenen i i was was in i eig grade over winter break, that's winter break, that'swh whenen if i first was exposedirst was exp guess th to,e word i guess ,the word transgender. and i t justransgender, and i just, like as i was reading s ab i wasout it reading about it., i ju st fi justel feltt like like, le that was me. >> laura: this is an that was m. agg>>ressiv this is an aggress marketing push coast
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marketing push coast t to coast except inco states likeast. except in states i florida,n fl where courageous governors like ron desantis are successfulorid where courageous governors like ron desantis are successfully fighting thi fighting this attacks ofattacko innocence, the march of the gender radical'sn innocence. the march of the gender radicals will continue. left in it will continue left ins itswake though, of course,though, of course, our children's innocenc our children's innocence, grooming them for the new battles aheade, grooming them fe new battles ahead. the fact that professional . orga niza>>tions, the fact s thatuc l organizations suchh as the ama and the american as the ass aman and the american association ofo f pediatrics pediatrics have been subverted by the political and have sexua by the political and ideology here ideology here is terrible for the already bruised and batterer re the already bruised and battered reputationputation sector. although the of the public health sector. palthough the pediatrics associationediatrics association claims to be working for the health benefits of all claimschil to bedren, working for the health benefits of allfour children for out of mex members and its lgbt health and wellness committee,mbers on wellness committee endorse endorsed puberty blockers for patients as young puberty blockers for patient ass and cross sex hormones to patients young as ten as cross sex hormones to patients as yo as y this is absolutely 14. this is absolutely appalling and
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it's frankly satan i can appallg and it's frankly satanic. if. if you want to know the truth breadth of the you want to knowe breadth of the apes horrors, i recommend aap's horrors i you read erens atrecommenire piece the freed you read aar beaconone to preserve our children's natural sense entire piece at the free beacon. the innoce ofnce an innocence and wonderment will continue, and wed wonderment will continue and we must never, ever allow ourselves to be mustw ourselves to be intimidated intimidated by all those people by all those people with titles and their advanced degrees or government positions. with titles and their advanced degrees or government positions. after all look at afterwhat allt with what cov they did with covid the liesid. the lies, , the the cover ups, the character assassination of brilliant doctors incorpsups and cashin the sameg dynamics are ata sa playss here. n atiobutns o nowf doctors. the same dynamics are in play here. we'rebut no on tow we'r their . e on>>to the and that's the ang and that's the angle.. join ing >>me now joining i mes dr ny makary, a professor at johns hopkins. marty mcgary fox news co schoolntribue and fox news contributor. dr. macquarrie, it seems to me dr. makary it seems to me the american academy of pediatrics that the american academy of pediatrics is perpetrating is perpetrating a dangerous a dangerous fraud on our children fraud on our children, and it has ramifications that are and s ramifications that are so serious noto
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serious, not just for their innocence but fo justr thei for their innocence, but for their mental and physical well-being. r mental and falwell being as well. >> well, a lot of pediatricians as well.are upsewell,t a lotabou of pediats aret the aap leadership. upset ju aboutst to the apgive leadership. just to give y youou a lit a little sampletle sample, 40% of pediatricians i, rural ofareas do pediatricians in rural areas don't even recommend the covid vaccinaten't even recommend the covid vaccination for children yet the for, children apyet the ap makes mak ites soue that's misinformation it sound like that's misinformation. you know, glor, ifyingyou know, glorifying suicide. and it's suicide and its contagious effect of glorifying it publ contagious ef glorifying it publicly is a is well-known phenomenon. and if you actuall welly go known phenomena. and if t youo the actually go e ap website, aap web site it says on there t that on there s that suicide should notuici be glorified. and yet that's exactlyde should glorified and yet that's exactly what was what was done. dand the one point i wanton to make, laura,e. and the one point i want to make laura is is that the therere i is nothing more barbaric of a society thans nothing more barbaric of a society than the genita mutilation of its children for nol mu medical indication. tilation of children for no medical indication. and whenand when the they say tl therapy, which is they manipulationhormonal theater with which is the mani, pulationthe hormonal axeso that affectf multiple organmu systems,ltiple morgan systems is safe and effective, they don't know. is safe and efe ,they don't know. we kwenow th knowat vit thatamis
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long-term therapyconseq has longue termnc consequences. how can alteringes, how can altering the entire hormonal te hormonal access have no long term consequences? access have no long-term consequences. >> laura: this dr. julie masonn. juliementione mason, i mentioned her and the angle dr.d he macquarrier in the angl makary, she seems to, she seemse one of the few seniore on membe the few senior members of the aap speaking out of and the ap speaking out she e spoke about spoke about the, you know, this is just the you know, this coinc is just coincidental sharp rise the number of people declaring in the number of people declaring themselves to be trans patientsthemselves to be . watch. >> prior to 2018, i had maybe r on to twenty eighteen. e >>trans i hadpa maybetient. n like, this is a thing that . this is a thatoc occurred incu tworred in 2 out of 10,000 children. one in 20 out ofyears, 10,000 . one in 20 years. and then they started to come every few months andand they th few months and then more often often. >> laura: well, in the uk, . well, in the uk, d dr.r. macquarrie, gender dysphoria makary, gender dysphoria in in they report, haschildren increased over four the thowy r increased over 4,000% in ten years. in 10 years. i mean, they do suggesti mean, g at mcdonald's, but this is suggestive selling of transgendero suggestive sellings at mcdonald's but this
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is suggestive selling of some,transg whichenderi is takes it upsm which quite t k notches, don't youes think it up quite a few notches, don't you? >>think? well, it's encouraged n >> i some school systemst's encourag school systems and certain circles in the united states., inhow do y certainou hav circles in the united states. e a how dosc youhool have s a s where 40% of the young children where 40% claim the youngth childrenat t claim that they don't identifyh as a malar female. somebody h as a maleas t oraught female? them>> that somebody has taught that is something that they can turn to. and let' that thats be is something thatn they can turn to.est if we and let's be honest, if weh good studies good studies there i, theres i hypothesis that people turn to this as childrenthesis that this as children in order to rebel. there may be a pattern of a lacr to rebel. of be a love in pattern of their a lack of b loveac inkground. that may explain their background that may explain the high suicide and depression rate the high suicide and depression rate in people who claim to identify in this w peopleay. who claim to identify. in this way, we need need goodgood research american academy of pediatrics ha research. s ch osenand the american academy oft pediatrics has chosen not to fund good research and insteadto fund gooh and instead to rule by opiniono opinion and if you listen to some of their and if youme listenmber to some their members like dr. mason, who are like they actually put mason who i actually like, they put forth a resolution saying if forth a resolution saying if we're going to make anywe're go recommendationsing to make any on transreco medicine, let's havemm itendatin be based on data ons trans american let's have it be based on data and the aa and happy
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hostilely took that recommendation resolutionp host took that resolution down down. . >> l well,au thenra dr.: di pauh at johns hopkinsdn't dr. paul mh at johns hopkins the guy who di isn'tall th hee ground the guy who did all bre the groundbreaking research on onaking research on gender dysphoria an gender da and transgenderism is i mean, d transgenderism? isn't that the biggest body of wasn't that isn't resear the biggest body of research we had? ch we had? and he certainly was not on boand heard, i certainlyt wasde on board. it, wi didn't seemth like with f any of this stuff. >> a lot of doctors this stuff. are >>not, and a lot of doctorse ca inncel cul councilture has moved into medicine now. we don't culture hav has movedeo medicine. now,e weopen don't f haveorum o formf scientific opinions that we need laura right ofnow. scientific s that we disturb right>> now. l aura>>: dist and that'surbing. >> and that's very concerning. >> laura: weaponized very medic. ine,>> weaponizes medicine politically weaponizes politically weaponized medicine. unbelievable. dr. makary thank you medicine. >> for unbelievable. dr. makary, thank you forspea speaking out. kithankng you. o ut.we're thank you >> republicans had a very, ver d a very,stro very strongng election e with te ansysction with the rnc's record this cycle of turning out more record, tha a cyclen fo ofi turning out more thanon m fouro republicans, of winning state wide in almost of every winning statewide in almost every battleground state proves that battle ground state proves that the turnout worked the turnout worko m anfrom an rnc rnc standpoint, the house standpoint we flipped the house and our ground game and ourwore worked.
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> lau now,ra as we: saidas , i said ate said last night i said at the top of t the toph, the angle likes ronna everyone you know, the angle likes 'rona mcdaniel a lot she's a wonderful person a lot. b ut tshe's a wonderful person, b the results do speak for themselves. results speak for themselves. she's right about the house flippishe's rightng about but i' flipping, but it'ss ti timeme f change at change at the rnc. her the rnc.te nier needsher to tenure needsc end. incomeend. every incumbent in the senat in the senate ru stayednning for senate stayee senate. there was no republica inn flip the senate. there wasof no any republican flips of any of the seats heldof the innocent democrats. by incumbent democrats. wh about?hat all at'swhat tha aboutt ab earlyout? what about early voting? says the voting par? ty trasaysnsit the party transitis this new generation into this new generation i hope of elected leadership, , this hasif elected leadership. >>o this has to bebe the same at the the sac the rnc. now,. earlier today, congressman lee zeldin earlier today congressman lee zeldin said he would not b said runnin notg noti be running, noting that mcdaniel's reelectionng that mc reelection pre baked by design . but ht by design. buthe he also alsosaid t saidh mean she should be running again. thatnow, doesn't if mean shethe should be running again. now,rnc ifwant the rncs to completely ignore the grass was roots of to completely ignore the grassroots of the party, th can forge ahead with the well, statuthey cans forge quo. ahead with the status quobut i think
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really unhappy. whe n thbutey i think they're sen ge really unhappy when they send out all fundraisingout all those fund letters and get letters and they get a biga bigo nothing in return.thin g in return. it's time to look for new leadership that willit's time t new leadership that will revitalize the rnc and help the party movec and help the party move to victory after victory in 2024. victoryand inthat would 2020 four. m ean and that wouldsuppor meantig our next guest. joining me now our next guest. hjoining mearme now,et d harmen rnc committeewomanc committee woman from california candidate for from california, candidate for rncrnh chair. aiand full disclosure, heartmatl disclosure harmeet i've know ,i've known you for about twenty five years. we both went to then same college you for about 25 years we both,n to law school year, a few we yearsnt to da younger than i am. rt nluckyot girl and the same law school you're a few , yearbn you. younand ige canr that be sayme. but i've known you and i can sar wi everybody, as i always try to be candidth full candor to b always try to be candid., you areyou are a consummate professional and you don't take anya fromco anyonensummate professional and you don't take crap from anyone and you do it . with a you do smile it. with a smile. but butis i is itt pr prettye bt ronnamcdani mcdaniel stays on as rncel s cha ys on as rnc chair? >> thank you for having me laura and thankfor yo youur kin fordd lauren, for your kind words.s. i cani can understand understann feels that way. w hyprobably run lee into a brick
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wall of members zeldin feels that way h who have been made a lot ofe probab promises y current chair ran into a brick wall by those who were made a lot of. pand also members preferromi ae member to bes by the chair and members with the chair of the the chair of the rnc. r nc tand soho thosese two fac fas make it daunting make it daunting. i'm making calls to memb. er s i'and i'mm making calls to members. i'm hearing a lot of disgruntledhearing a lot of memy want to seeis change,grun buttae also afraid because there's members who want change but they'r the rnce af thatraid. if you don'tbe playca balluse with te chair and the frankly corruptthu don't play ball with the chair and the corrupt driven mac consultant driven machine inside the beltway, you'll be punishedhine inside the beltway you'll be fun i should. you may not get plum. comyoumitt mayee not get plum e assignments. your state may not assignments, your state may not get transfers to their building fund. you mayge nott transf get help r congressional races. ers to the building fund, you may not get help with your congressionand onal rac ane this and on and on. this culture of retribution an n and sort of transactional relationshipd sort of transactional relationships is not what the rnc' is nots supp whatosed the rnc is supposed to be about. tit'so be supposed to be abouta electing republicansbout. it's supposed to be about electing republicans all all o the country. and i've actually been kind of appalled by some of the things the country and i've been appalled what i heard the last two the lastwe twoeks as i weeks as i've begun beg makingut phone calls to members. and soo make phone calls to members. i pledge to turn that around laur i pledgea. to turn we ct around. laura,an wenot ha cannotve a ha
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consultant driven 1990 down consultant driven 1990s, two thousands 2,000 era get fat off of era media a f media and direct direct mail and not do efficient do efficient changes that are necessarychanges that are neces compete with the democrats. the aren't running campaig to c with theli democrats. the democrats aren't running campaigns like they wereke they. they are absolutel back in the day. they are. y aggressi velyabsolutely are. they're absolutely. and just brutally on every brutallyin on everynova innovation and law and everytio innovation start innovation and starting five. oncein you three'sg a non501-cd fake non-profits that do profite fake nonprofits that do work the work of the democrats of the not innovating. we are not and we are l noteading. innovat. we ou are notr me leading. ssour messaging is notaging is device. >> l clear andau concise, stale. wera: it are's steal not t. st. well,>> by the way, we ar heartmatee not motivating the base. , >> laura: bymsnbc, the w weaye to play the sound don't have to play the sound bite but. suffice it butto suffice say it the tot that they're so fa worriedct that we're so worrt you, about that you, thatte tellslls me me eve need to know, namely that you're the right person for the job i need to know, . thnamelyey're thatlike you're the right person for the job. they're like,, well,well, she e problematic. harmee shet we'r coulde goin be problematic. heartmate, we're going to beg fo covering this. r i wantco to beve fairring this i want to be fair to both a and you. but again, no
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offense, butronna it'sand yo time to changeu but again no offense it's time to change it. upharmeet, thank. you ha veryrm t thnow,ank the shocking mater >> the shocking material made available to the childre maden f available to the children of service members in defense service members in defense department departments schools. plus, senator tom cotton's message to corporate america sc. >> plus senator tom cotton's message to corporate america spitting in the face of conservatives went viral. the video and then spitting in the face wen senatot . you deserve that feeling here. relief you put in the work, whether you're training for a marathon or just living one. the power boost move from sharper image. it's time to power your potential. the power boost move from sharper image, the timeless gift to carried heart pendants ,49 stackable bands. one ninety nine, three stone rings. one ninety nine one carat eight ninety nine and one carat studs five ninety nine. thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange direct. >> let me tell you the secret to stressing less sleep more no matter how much i'm struggling to relax, i know i can always
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and loved ones protected. don't get flu, foamer, learn
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more and get my flu shot dog ♪. >> all right. >> l is longpreaura: it is longe for republicans to start time r republicans to start auditing auditing how all pentagon dollars are spent, not jus are just those sat without anythos oversight to ukraine. tense spent without any oversight to ukraine tens of billions of dollar ofs. billions we jus dollars. t got weour ha justnd gots on os on shocking materials shocking materials being offered within the department of being offered within the department of defense education activity de education activity schools around the bases and so forth. it's, a schools around the bases and so forth. it's sys a system educatingtem sixty six thousand kindergartners through 12th graders and connected66,000 kin der gardeners throug the military military families. a book titledh beyond graders of military families. beyond magenta transgender teen speak out details agenda transgender teen speak out oral sex perform oraln eight year old that'san availabe to middleight year old, that's available to middle schoolers. then there's middle school's sc. >> and then there's a middle school is a drag. dr better workag, you better wok available to middle schoolers w another book available a 12 year ol tells the story ofd bo a 12y wha old boy bus who starts a busines foriness for the management o the manager drag queenag shows queen shows. and also available to high schoolers is a. boo
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and alsok availableti to hightd schoolers is a book t titled th book is book i gay which provides instructions on how to find an,s instructions on how to find and participate ind participate in orgies atat sona bathhouses. >> joining or bath houses. joining me now is the house armed services me now c is theom armed services committee member who obtained these materialsemb who obtained these materials , decorated combat that mark de green, congressmancorated comba. congressman you plan, oyou plan on sending a letter tomorrown s a letter tomorrow. this i. s --this i is i mean, m republi just wanting to write a blank check to thi just wanting to write a blank check to this pentagon like like we're stills inpent the greatest gone like we're still in the greatest generation here, you k generatiw with, youit know,h world world war two movies playing inwar ii m the backgroundovies playing in the background, this is not the military of . yesterday. this is not>> n the military ofo. yesterday. no, there's been a huge increase, laura, in just two there's beene increase, laura, in o justf tws years. pornographic material in the libraries and in the curriculuon the libraries and in the curriculumm of our dod of our dod sch school system detailing how too actually commitsystem detailing how to actually commit sexual assault. sexual assault . thes now,e thesear aree the men and women who are trained to protectd women trained to protect us. you know, and we're teaching u. th eir therech are,il youdren how t teaching their children how to hurt other people other people. it's absurd. it's. insi mean, it'sane. absurd. it insane.
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's tit'sragi tragic. c. >> laura: well, what can republicans now that you guys w, whatare go caning to republicak that youe co guysnt arerol goie control of the house. >> yeah. >> laura: we had mitch the hous? if wemcco wennel hadl, l mitchook they're backing up, trying to , looks like maybe pu they're backing up, trying to push ansha omnibus which would fundn the militaryomnibus which wouldd the military the next ten months and the addition foral the next 10 months. then you appr the additional appropriations for the national auth authorization defense fund. >>or well,iz whatatio cann defet to stop this can you do to stop this crap, sorry, from being funded. , >>sorry, from being funded in y my presence o, my preference? >> my preference is a short cr. a c.r. , >> laura: a shortcont c.r.inul puts us inut whichio givesn which gives you guys leverage. >> that's exactly right, you s leverage? that's exactly right. can westar cant wi startth wita new budget, get that done. a new budget and get that done but we have tobutt the national defense authorization act that the dod schools in the national defense that t e >> the dod school. doright.d schothe dodol schoolss can't do. and we can actually tell them .o stopand we d canoing we tha canl them to stop doing that, l justk like we'ree tellingwe're telling them now to end the vaccine mandate: them now in the vax mandate, the vaccine mandate. soso that's in tha thist's in this ndaa, national defens ndaal defense authorization act authorization act. and, yeah, so we can just write it into the and so welaw. can ride>> it lau intora the law. >>: as d now,em as democrats on the hill areocrats on the hill are signaling they're willing to mak signalinge they're willing to make concessions on the vax mandate, that seemsconcessions on vax mandate, seems a little liki
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theater to me. the nda,ca the white p houseukt is diggingheory to me the white house is digging in. so watch this. >> republica inns in co. ngressv >> so watche this. republicans in congress have decided thatdecided that they'dt against the he they rather rathh fight against the health and well-being of and well-being of our troops than protecting them. and we believe that it is our s than protecting them.a believemist thatak ite. making mistake sure our troops are prepared and ready. formaking sure servi our troop prepared and ready for service is a priority is a priority for president biden. forthe vacc president biden. the vaccination requirement for covidination requirement for covid does just that. >> laura: she really jus does j >>to han shed ou really justt te to handfing book to all the people in the room the d to all the people in the room and just dispense with the briefings just dispense with the briefings. so what about that? i mean. they're holsoding f whatir aboutm thar i mean, they're holding firm oris that just kind of a negotiating ploy? >> i t is that kind ofhink i justt' a negotiating ploy? >>s i think it'sa a negotiatig ploy. negotiating ploy. >> laura: yeah. >> we werewe were assur assuredi going to get ridne of ma is going to be gone. ndsoate wa that'ss going to be e gotten. and ith believeat kevin has's td i believe kevin has negotiateded that. >>gotiated that so. lau>>ra: co allngre right, con, thank you. and i lookssma forwardn thank y and i look forward to hearing the response from them to hearig your response, this response from them to your letter tomorrow. >> t thanks, laura. o your letter tomorallrow right.>> it isn' t juitst the isn't p justenta t, though, that's getting more scrutiny from conservatives, but corporategon that's getting more scrutiny from conservatives but corporate america, as well america, of course,. as well. a now,few a fewyear years backk the grocery chain kroger the gr
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store kroger fired two christiad two former christian employees in arkansas afteremployees in ay refused to wear logo they refusd to wear logos representing the rainbow gay pride flags representing the rainbow gay pride . arkansas senator tom cotton didn't forget about that. flag. arkansas senator tom cotton didn't forget that when kroger'o ce came ino came i frontn offrn the judiciary committee begging republicanst of the judiciary committee begging republican to justs to instantaneously support their latest merger instantaneo support their latest merger. >> the. y expe ct r>>epubli they expect republs who are traditionally more supportive of freecans who are traditionally for free enterprise to come to their defense. and i've cautioned themente for defense. i cautioned them for years that if the years that ify silenc they silee conservativese conservatives and center right voters across the country, i, center right voters across the country, if they discriminatef they discriminate against them in their company they probably againstshou themldn't inco their company, they probaby shouldn't come and askedme and republican senators to carry the water republican senators to carry the water for them. whenever our democratic friends democratic friends want to regulate them wantor b to regulate them orlocr their mergers. i'm sorry that's happening to you. mergers. i'm sorry that's happening to you. best of bestluck. of >> lau luck.ra: jo inin>>g us n joiningow i us nowr tom cottons senator tom cotton. senator, this is a lot. bigsenator, thisger is a th lotan bigger than just j aboutust about one one grocery chain, is it not onr and one grocery chain,? is it not?i me an, i mean, thisthe trans agende corporate, you know, wok the tra
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and the corporate woke agendae agenda, is infiltrating every aspe is infiltrating every aspect of corporate life throughct of corh esg and othe esg and other liberal initiatives. >>r liberal initiatives. >> laura very much so. a lo thatt of are these very la. a lot of these large publicly traded corporations publicly traded corporations have becomee an, arm of thine democrat effect, become an armic p ofart. the democratic party. in this case, in had this case you had kroger didn't just discriminate kroger that didn't just discriminate against two bible believing christians in against two bible believing christians s firing tfiringhem fo them for refusing to wear what they perceived as ar refusing t symbol and being sued wey the trumpar what they say was a gay pride symbol and equal the emplt opportunity commission and settling it. you also had themn settling it, you also have them forcing g their employees to go through things like critical race theory, training or employees to go through critical gender based training. seenra thisce in georgia where brian kemp stood training. you saw this where brian kemp stood up delta t and coca-cola for falsely defameo coca-cola for falsely defaming the law they passed last year that made it easier to vote the law but thatd last year.r to that itchea easier to vote butt as harder w to cheate saw in the l weturnou justt. desant on the big turnis out sta ron desantis standing up to disney worldnding up to disn world. corporations for a. loncorporations forg time a loe ha have comeve to republican politicians come to republican politicians and expected us to stand up forstan them.d
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up tsinceo wethem are sin trad traditionally more friendly to more friendly towards the free enterprise system, to say the least, than democrats free enterprise system than the democrats. bu. t when the y sibutlenc whene they do thine silence our voters the way big tech does orrs the way big tech does or in this case kroger discri inminate a te kroger discriminate against our voters,our voters, they nee twice. because i am not going t they n twice because i certainly amdo not going to do and i've been yearsand i've been warning the years privately and i said it public privately, lyand i. that finally whe said itn yo publicly, that whene come here h and you expect us t expect us to defend you after yo defend you after youu atta attao our voters, my position is goingur voters my position is going to be i'm toy that's happening to you. so>>rry th i wishat's you hap a. o well,yo i thinku the i wish you all the best. >> laura: it's not eve it'sn an a sign of an openqu question ates all. tionthat at bigall businessth business is now aligned almost f line, almost one percent 100% with democratwith democrat single social issue, almostr ane social issue. i mean, almost everysi singleng one is certainly on climate change. le one certainly on climate change. but senator i butwant to , get , i alsowhat want's hap to get into what'speni happening with this tiktok issue. with this tik tok issue because a number of states across the country are be a numbergo ofing after states across the country are going after tiktoktik tok on se grounds. you have on security grounds that indiana's ag ind ja sued themna for's ag just sued them for exposing minors t expos to content. o but housesexual content but the wh house is apparently considering some type of is apparently considering some type of agreeing to some type -- agreeing to some kind of national security conc ofessions concessions, su
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security concessions supposedly madeby the parent company. watch. by the>> m parentaryl company.n d an>>d south watchdakota mary became the latest two states to ban tik tok on sta ladies to states to ban tickedte off on state devices. d evices. is the federal government and is thethe pr federalesiden gove, as the president, considering doing something here sot consid something here? >> so i'm not going to i'm not e going to comment on a tiktoknt while on tik tok while the committee on foreign is fierce, the commie on foreign investment in the united investment in the united states's review is ongoing. th states review is ongoing. e bidethe bush administration n administration is focused on challenge of certainf certain of certain countries, including china, countries, including china. >> laura: yeah, well, tik tok told fox china. bus ines>>s that yeah, they' well,rk toldconfid foxent business that they're confidenth to fully that they're on a path satis toy satisfy all a reasonablell reas, underlin, underline reasonable us national security concerns. >>e reasonable us national security concerns. senator, why should tik tok be y pr shouldesen ticktockt be present in the united states? in the united states at all? in any way, shape, or format al given anywa way, w shapee orkw form, given what a webout b kno dance and th aboute bite dance and the ccpccp? >> shouldn't be present in the united states, lau shouldn't be present in the united states? ra. there's a lot of things that you just point out there that are l, there'sba a lotd about oftik s that youtok, just t pointhe outt that arehey bad about tiktok,
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the way they expose expose minors to violent minors to violent deprave, degrading material depraved degrading sexual material or young girls to or vi youngdeos a girlsbout b to videos about body image issuesody image issues, stuff that they would never let chines, e testuffen-agers that d never let. chinese teenagers see or or the risk to your data security and your privacy. bu the risk to your data security and your privacy. but ift if you you t takeake a look at the bigger picture, why in the world back, would look at w the bigger picture. e whyallo inw the world wouldaw chinese-owned company, which has to answe a chinese owned company whichr o has to answer to the the chines communists, to be one of the largest medi communist to be one of the largest media platformsa pl country? would we ever have allowed our country? wesovi everet have r allowed soviet russiaussia to own a maj newspaper or a major broadcast newspaper or a major broadcast network during the cold network during the cold war? of course we wouldn't have. and it's ver war? y diofsappoi course,ntin weg th. the biand it's veryde disappoing that the biden administrationn sending signals that they mi is sending signals that they might tolerate tacs presence here in the unitedght tolerate tik tok's presence here in the united states despite the grave threat it poses to states despite the grave threat it poses to all americans. >> all americans. >> laura: senator, are you confident that mitch mcconnell's going to senator, b areeg off ot that mitch mcconnell is going to beg off of o thismn omnibus spendingibus spending bill? >> it sounds like that's the direction we're going. bill? i meanit he' soundss ma likede ths the direction we're going. i mean, he's made the point publicly point publicly that the democrats have spent hundreds have billions of dollar. s on their the democrats have spent
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hundreds of billions of dollars on their domestic priorities over the last domestic priorities the last two years. it would be a folly twofor reears. publiticans wouldto agr be aee even more on those democratic even more on those democratic domestic priorities, just as the ransomdomestic prio ransom to get the money that our troops need. if the democrats continue to tot the money that our troops need. insi the democrats continuest to insist on that, i see a that shor a shortt-te term spending bill intorm the ne year whennd the newing bill int the new year when the new house republican house major republican majority can provide us some support over in the senate,ity can provider us support in the senate and we can get i better deal for what and wethe canamerican get a pl better bill, a bettere deal foo what the american people voted forted for. >> laura: senator, thank you >> now some grinch. y yosenator, thankun you.g now,parent some grinchy young p don't wantdon't want their children believing in santa and their children believing in santa. >>bide and biden is alln is set2 a twenty twenty four run4 run. or is he? raymond ar. royo has it.>> or is it raymond arroyo s seen and unseen next, when i read what it took for yellowstone to be here, i realized that this was a story that i suddenly wanted to share and found the yellowstone look the same today as they described in these journals.
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they want thei. r childr en t>>o no they want their chiln to not believe. watch. okay, see, sot watch? . ♪ >> they start risc. soi see, start thought. i see. so ita riot ♪ ♪ >> before our daughter was born, we decided tha startedt we right our daughter was born. g>>oing we decided thatto we lie weren't going to her because of the toe to herpsyc becausehologi ofcalu the psychological trauma that occurs with children. ma that occurs with children when they find ott th thatat you their parents have been lying to them for years and years and years. there's a lot are parents have lying to them for years and years an ofd years. research on it. ther whate' abouts a lo the traf the way talk if r they can endu. >> laura: what about the trauma of the way he talks. >> i a psychological trauma, dad wearing that unicorn hat? i thinkf they can deal with the psychological trauma of dad wearing that unicorn hat will st hey laura, ca breaksn hand my heartle because you and i santa. this breaks our heart. because you and i believe in be santa. i have. santina. in i think fac i believet ini h santa now. ink i believe in santa now more than whiffs i didyounge whenr. >> las younger. well,au santara: is ame spiritt oo. i told >> santa's a spirit. i tell m my owny ch childrenil t every year. his,he every takes human form. yehear he brings joy,ta heke b graciousness, generosity to us. brings love graciousness generosity. and chesterton said it bes capt best. hecannot said, t cannothe c be s from a child'ss from a child nancy fancy to a man's nae fancy to a man's normal faith. normal faith in holy nicholas of the children, or must they break
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fromin the lan holyd of nicholae the children. or mustli they break from the land of make believeeve to a world of no belief. >> laura: no belief. >> and that' to as at world of t nobility?he heaand that's atrt of the heat all of all this. it's people who simply want to this. it's people who simply wantbeliev to believe nothing we need ore o weth needing. we need awe, we need wonder, particularly at christmas, don't take tha wonder,t particularlyf christmas, don't take that awayo from children. m leavechildren. leave them alone. >> laura: agai themn the aloner mentbut. this again, the wonderment aboutyou anve talked that a lotd i have talked aboutt a lot where . everything 's severything so instantly accessible by waiting every yearo instantly accessible, waiting every year to watc to watchh tz orz sounding music. >> ar itound was of sooz o exciti. r and now they canthe sound of music was so exciting. up>> i thi atnk any the moment nowy al we'd it. on't>> like i think they also e the nature the nature of ofgood and good naughty and nice. >> i thinknaug some people likehtn that callingd nice. >> laura: oh, coal in your. stand asoc youking. revealed >> as the angle, we areyo imposingu adultreveit on the angl concerns on children while depriving them ofwe are adult kern's on children tn ofwhile de childhood. privcaseing inthem point, incoo democratic whipf childhood. in coming house democratic katherine clark. >> w lethip me youkath whater itine meansclark. >> let me tell you what it means to me coming in as to to a me da different generation generation. i remember my middle child . wai remember my middle childkinu waking upp wi with nightmaresth
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overconcer concern around climate changen . >> laura: you got to be kidding. >> laura if the kid'. s wayouking got u olderp kids g upworried about climate change inflation or thewith climate na you put that change, o inflation orn the national debt. thatyou chi putld. that on that. youyou are imposing adult conce on are a imposing adult child c. on a child. let them have a moment of joy. >> laura: they did the same thing with covid them. the a momentki. ds are they did the same thing with covered. the kids are terrified terrifie. they have a.whoa of a point zero zero 0 zero0 zero three percent chance of dying03e of dying of . covid. > it' it'ss a heartbreaker. a heari mean, lett br themea pu. their cookies out and leave them alone. let them put their cookiesand au >> reported l and whichau wera heard: earlier thisen wee >> laura as we heard earlier this week, at the stat at that statee dinner,dinn the frh president toasteder the french president toasted joe biden on the news that he' joe on the news that he's running for president on running for president of 2024. i'm only glad when twenty, twenty four. i'm only glad when macron said m let's toast. acbidenro didn't reachn said let's toast biden didn't reach for the wonder bread. but listen the wonder bread. inbutg to listening to him at hs arizona arizona factory built by a facta taiwanese superconductor manufacturing taiwanese super conductor manufacturing company yesterda , yesterday, it's hard ito see how he runs again. 's h>>ard to see how he runs again or runs at all. >> arizona's a or runs hub at a. , li>>terall arizona is ay huby a hub for hub, for technical changes techr technicalth changes take placeat's going to. we can do, what we can d. o
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wetogeth caner i dos whatju weo together is just anything anyth virtually anything. we'l, virtually anything will construct a second fab here in phoenixl construct a se here in phoenix to build chips, to buildth chipsree na and three nano chips. no cthe three nanohips. the three nano chip. chips that are three chip chipst are three nano. you and you knowkn whatow i'm saying? what i'm saying. [laughter]. >>now? na, >> i don't. i n,no, no, i don't n knowo no-no. i don't know. ♪ ♪. ♪ i like>> when lau hera: i li do the run, he points, this way? >> and a brownie points this way then does and to doesn't go the right way t and then hehe right way and runs off in the othe ru. diis itre is itction. is it just>> lau mera: orwas was heit j speakingust me or wa he speaking most of time w mostf one the time with one eyeey closed?l osedi think,. laura, many >> l timesaura many times i th i think the thought pattern, hise thought pattern, his train of thought. >> laura: caboose of thought. >> yeah, the train of thought i thought, yeah, it's notnot good. this is not working. >> laura: so is the su goodpe, this is not working.r conduc sotor is this supercondr factory in the semiconductorfac conductor factory coming factory getting together? togetheri think they're all. tied>> together and the nano i think t together and the biden isms are totally wearing
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querido. it's nanno nunno. it's now a all mes the journalis are complaining they're not going to the to the white house christmasand now all the journalists are not going to pa whit madamee ho tussaud's. thatus character will be far moe responsivee christmas party going to madame tussauds that'sn thanwill b the joe biden bring a little sneak in, a little less sparkling. >> well,e more enjoyable. >> laura: just bring sparkling wine. don't youdon't yo missu miss going gg to learn to do it, t buto the white house. >> i do. and i'm going to the i'm going to the museum of museu the bible saturday, one o'clock, big book signingm the bible saturday big book. >> laura: . thank you.>> raimondo raymont, thank you. >>all tha right. nk ysanou. francisco isn't worrd >> laura: san francisco isn't worried aboutab publicout publ oric d oc dens, butat rather whatio elonn or open drug denies but rather what elon musk is puttin musk is putting inside twitter's headquarters. plus, dems are comingg to theii rescuede twitter's head coaches. plus dems coming to th of the ce who filled their campaign coffers. that's a shock of the crypto creep that. fille d >> i.m.f.,thei a.b.r camp and stee miller are hereai nextgn coffer. up next. . hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy unless
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crypto swindler sam bank been freed, has been on a whirlwind media tour proclaiming his innocence. his latest sit down was with puck. he was asked, can you confidently say there was no financial impropriety? the political and philanthropic side of your work? his response? i don't believe there was any. i don't think there's any i'm not omniscient, but i don't think there was any that was apparently good enough for financial services chair maxine waters. she reportedly told fellow dems
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last night she was no longer interested subpoenaing, subpoenaing him. joining me now is a of a radio personality and stephen miller, founder of america first legal and former senior adviser to president trump. stephen, you can't make this. it was they were the they were the warriors against corrupt capitalism. >> and now the democrats, the democrats are the party of corrupt capitalism. and the sooner that republicans figure this out, the sooner there's a path to building a durable republican majority. this whole scandal with sam bakerman freed the massive democrats spending the kid glove treatment from democrats is a massive giant opening that republicans need to take advantage of be the anti corruption anti crony capitalist party, the american worker party. >> amela, apparently tonight, maxine waters called a lot of this about sam banks and freed referenced it apparently as lies like where did the money go? >> right. that's a brilliant question.
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i think a lot of people should be asking. there's a wonderful video that's circulating on the internet right now of maxine waters a year ago blowing a kiss at sam winfried . and i wonder what that kiss was exactly for where the money is gone and how much money he's been moving around. but i have a feeling, maxine, waters and sam have a similar interest in moving money around and misusing more. >> stephen, imagine if this were a donald trump supporting corporate ceo who was accused of this or thought to be guilty of this level of impropriety, at the very least, with billions upon billions of dollars. can you imagine what maxine should be doing? one of those rants from you sums up makeshift bombs outside maxine waters away from the microphones or chuck schumer or nancy pelosi or the rest of them every single day, hour after hour. plus "the washington post", the new york times, cnn and msnbc, not to mention a massive federal strike force composed of doj, fcc and everybody else that every
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alphabet in the entire washington dictionary now online know you've been following this story out in california, but must elon musk converted some office space at twitter's headquarters into a little sleeping areas. and this drove the san francisco mayor london. breeda was nothing else on our plate over there. just drove her over the edge. now, the department of building inspectors er is reportedly launching an investigation and went to whether the building is being used as intended. >> jermoluk there's no there's no politics involved here. is there? you got it. you got an injection site or a tent city? in front of the building. that would be fine. but the city would give them a tax break. them, right? you're absolutely right. it's clearly a witch hunt here. they're going after elon musk because of the ideology and the ideas that he represents. and they're scared of what he's going to do. i mean, the twitter files that are coming out have some very big implications as far as corruption happening at that company. the last thing that the city of san francisco with the homelessness problem that they are experiencing should
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be worried about is extra beds being in the city. instead of worrying about elon musk, they should be focusing on homelessness, on crime, on drug abuse and the other big businesses that are choosing to leave their city. we're talking about walgreens, starbucks, uber, all of these major corporations are choosing to take up space in other cities because san francisco cannot support them with the way their city is being run. >> that's what they should be worried about. stephen, here we have wal-mart closing and certain parts of the country because of all the shoplifting. so these permissive policies of criminal justice reformers and so forth, d.a.'s liberal d.a.'s actually end up hurting the people who need these retailers in their areas, in their neighborhoods. the most to get decent deals on various things. so those are going to eventually, one by one, leave no one. you see these videos online. we've all seen them, dozens of them, where you have these gangs come into these stores, arms full bundle with clothing
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,their purses or shoes walking out. that's higher prices for every consumer, not to mention the social degradation of living in a place where you see crime happening in plain sight and nobody is doing anything about. >> it's an attack on the working and middle class of this country. all right. amela and steven, both of you, it's great to see you tonight, as always. thank you. and big weed comes for grandma and grandpa. okay, i found this this afternoon and i was both laughing and crying as i read it. and watched. i watched it. the last bite will explain it. >> i'm not sure you're going to believe it. coming up,
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>> laura: as the passage of the unsafe banking act, the
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"los angeles times" is he payint homage to one of the city's new commercial podcast. and boy is it gnarly, the conception lounge opened in hoa courtyard in hollywood is oe of the most joyfully unique observably captivating, and mind-blowing places most of us mere mortals could help to find ourselves getting legally lickme the my oh, my goodness, meanwhile thegh "los angeles times" thrilled about skimming seniors, giving w asthem free shuttle rides to wae their money on cannabis. >> i'm at a bus stop at thers village community where a bunch of seniors are about ready toa get on a bus to a local dispensary to find out what cannabis can do for them. ♪te ♪uall >> this year, we are actually inviting seniors all ove lrco orange county and l.a. tmeo come up with us. we are busing seniors over. >> you have children and the
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grandchildren. >> i do,were they know now. they were little surprise like,e grandma. nd>> laura: between the gender affirming and the covid lies, we have a lot of work to do on "the ankle." we will not stop bringing you the truth. up next, greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, republicans and democrats bashing president biden's failed border policy. 14 border patrol agents have committed suicide this year and another officer loses his life in a high-speed chase. to detain migrants crossing into the country illegally. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this thursday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i am todd piro. that family saying goodbye to their husband and father right before christmas. president biden says he is more important things to do than visit the southern border an


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