tv Outnumbered FOX News December 8, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> 294 days behind bars for britney greiner and today she is free following a high-stakes prisoner swap in exchange for the american basketballs freedom notorious russian arms dealer who they call the merchant of death convicted here on terra charges and conspiracy to kill americans is also going free.
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this is outnumbered, i am harris faulkner. i am here with my cohost emily compagno, joining us today is conway. brittney griner is home from a russian penal colony notorious around the world. she had been in custody for months on drug charges. the wnba start ordeal began in february days before the ukraine invasion. she was detained at the russian airport. custom agent claimed they found vape canisters and cannabis oil inside her luggage bridge he later pleaded guilty to it all but said she had no criminal intent. greiner was swapped for the man i mentioned. trend nine bout better known as the merchant of death. he was convicted in 2011 of conspiracy to kill americans and selling hundreds of missiles to
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terrorists, sentenced to 23 president bryden brushed over those facts in his remarks on the exchange earlier today. instead, focusing on what we all are happy about, griner is coming home. >> brittney griner is safe, she's on the plane, she's on her way home, and after being unjustly detained in russia held under intolerable circumstances, she will suit the home and the love arms of your loved ones and she should have been there all along. this is a period we work for for a long time. we never stop pushing for her release and took pain tates taking intense negotiations and i want to thank all the hard-working public servants across the administration who work tirelessly to secure her release. >> and american coming home, four, you are with an administration that took folks
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folks home. >> we all met some of them at the republican national convention they told their stories, they think president trump, secretary of state pompeo and many others for having the courage and the persistence of not giving up on them. they were the forgotten man and the forgotten women. bert turned her dues their disappointed, he was convinced he was going to be part of this. it was good to see kamala harris popping in there today i'd forgotten about her. seriously speaking, i hope the bite in the ministration keeps
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focusing on this because it's important, it's not something they seem very very focused on harris it just shows russia right now russia in retreat in many ways. kyiv one is person of the year. you see the ukraine doing very well in that contest, so i think it's good for america. i don't want to second-guess the rest of it because of why she's on the plane on the way here. there's nothing like it to have a commander-in-chief and president president and in the ministration that focus on that. i'm not going to say that the biden administration yet, they are nowhere near the 50 that the trump and pentz had in four years. but this is good. >> let's talk about the legalities of what got brittney griner where she was.
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you talk about the lapped sightedness of what she had done with cannabis oil and so on and so forth and then what happened to her. the penal colony that is known around the world for things like assaults, it is a horrible place in russia, that's where she most recently added up. >> i think part of what shocked americans with a disproportionate nature of that punishment the severity of what is a camp. it's a tradition's conditions and no human should be subject to something like that yet another reason we love being americans because our incarceration system while disproportionate as well and cruel in some ways, we are nothing like that, nor is that on the books for us. that is typical russian, that's a problem. when you go in and you know that's against the law, it's actually cleared the disproportionate nature of their punishments. just as an american here, i'm so grateful for both of your articulation of the tougher nature. we're so joyful and grateful for
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the britney greiner release, but there are some elements about the global nature of it that are difficult to swallow. we exchanged, and in my opinion we exchanged the merchant of death for an nba player by leaving a former marine behind whose motto is we will never leave one of you behind. we are too weak to insist on that because it was part of the original negotiation for an infraction that this administration incarcerates people by the millions of far come up most of them black, by the way. >> at anymore because the laws our changing, the irony there just existed not even six months ago. >> can i say as well, what a message priorities for this administration and abandonment. i'm not surprised at the abandonment because we learned from the afghanistan pullout. when i heard president biden saying she saved she's on a plane she's on her way home, i was brought to tears because that is something he could not say to the 13 servicemembers who were left behind in afghanistan
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that sacrificed their lives. >> or hundreds of others who are still in that country. that is absolutely right. he talked about the tireless nature of that, that secured the release and i'm so grateful for their service. who risk their lives, to put him behind bars, what a slap in the face. >> i'm so glad you said that. you know what the operation was called? >> relentless. when you call something operation relentless, i mean that tells you everything about the treasure treasurer and the human sacrifice. that was put forth to capture this man, and i love the way you put it commit your spot on when you say we can't second-guess each deal, you sought 50 of them, but what we can do is investigate to see if we could have gotten worse more since russia as you pointed out is in a around the world.
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>> i'm so glad she was coming home she was arrested for less than a gram of cannabis oil, less than the weight of a pen and cannibals oil can be used to treat pain for an athlete and i assume that's why she was using it. it does seem that this was an opportunity for russia because they saw this, they saw her, they had this cannabis oil and they said we're going to arrest her and detain her and now are going to start using her as a negotiation tactic. it was a lopsided trait in my opinion, but i'm glad she's coming home. not only have some people been left behind, there has been a teacher who's also been left behind. he's been a teacher for the last ten years teaching at the diplomatic schools in russia and he was also arrested for medicinal marijuana, but he's not been anywhere in this conversation. my concern as this is a bit of a political stunt by the biden administration because brittney griner is so well-known and she's connected with so many communities. there are so many people being
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left behind. >> it is so hard to talk like that, isn't it? we don't talk about the things because people cancel so often. it is okay for all of those categories, black, female, lgbt, it's part it's fine for all of those to be a part of the story but the other beautiful parts of the story is america, and we do have at least one more you mentioned the teacher paul whelan, the military veteran. i don't know if we have the equivalency, that's what i've been investigating all morning. who we have in custody now, i would ask do we have the equivalency to a trend nine bout that took weapons left behind in 1991 by the fall of the soviet union and a lump sum all over the world in places like sierra leone. probably killing some of our guys brickey we may have used our biggest card here. when you have that big card, you
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have to make sure you get back something that is somewhat equivalent. the questions are now. to get her life, brittney griner is so important, but couldn't we have done more? >> that should've been the negotiation. we are the super power. we are the ones with the leverage. we should have said paul whalen, and brittney griner or no deal. at what negotiated to handle security in kabul at that airport they got 13 syllables members. they bended quit too quickly on this one peerd they should have demanded paul whalen or no deal.
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>> a stunning move by la's top prosecutor is the country braces for an influx of migrants. los angeles district attorney has ordered his prosecutors to now way immigration status when it comes to charging criminals with crimes. they will now be encouraged to seek diversion programs to help avoid offenders living in the city illegally from being
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deported. the policy even encourages people undercurrent to present information concerning adverse emigration immigration consequences before charges are handed down. the new directive comes as daily migrant border crossings are expected to double in title 42 ends in less than to weeks. kellyanne, in addition to the idiocy of the policy with assuming that those can communicate effectively, it is hard enough for me as an attorney to get through to the courts nda's let alone someone in their underrepresented position, remember that prosecutors there are still barred from cooperating with federal immigration authority. yet they tout that they have created this immigration policy on their own little island of misfits. >> there is so much wrong with this policy, it is political in nature.
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i don't think it should be legally enforceable. you have das like this everywhere going around the legislature and around the will of the people. everybody is concerned about border security they are concerned about an increase of crime and they are concerned about a lack of fairness in our communities. they don't want plumbers and pipefitters to pay for the student loans of. they don't want you to think that you can walk just into this country get special treatment and favor. they people to do it under the guise of being compassionate five me the most mad because they act like they're being compassionate, you're not treating them the same you treat everyone else in 34 years of being a professional moderator, do you know the most common thing i've heard in decades are american saying take care of your own first, treat us fairly, take care of our seniors that have to decide between groceries and prescription drugs. we used to have a quote that
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went title when title 42 goes away, the 9000-my 14,000 illegals a day coming across the border. jay johnson, the d8 secretary for president obama said 1,000 a day would be a crisis. so let's just try this to data points from two different administrations together and call this what it is a crisis that gascoigne is making words by not only refusing to enforce existing laws, but be creating brand-new laws. >> exactly to the point, they tout this is protecting egg migrants and ensuring public safety. anything but for all the reason she just articulated and for all the reasons we report every day which is the skyrocketing crime they are in that county and city. >> how many people were they about to say you said what jay johnson said 1,000 would be a crisis you said in your administration that night is my 14,000 if you wiped away title 42. we have almost that money now,
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right now title 42 is still in place until december 21st and then the reports of the number they will respect expect after they goes away now is three times what we have right now. that is a lot of people, that's like 30,000 people a day potentially if you do the math on that. i want to talk about what you're saying, the adverse immigration consequences. what they're saying is by each indicating the process of law against people who break our lout went by the way, when they come here illegally they broken the law but nobody wants to talk about origin crime. once they get here and further break our laws, he's looking at it what you know what, give them a break, they've already had a break now they get a further break and then you want to give them a break so you cannot interfere with her immigration process? as criminals, i don't understand that. >> while totally hamstring from communicating with what congress has delegated authority to to manage exactly that. you're a physician, every triage, you put oxygen on your child first before your self,
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used stem the hemorrhaging, if you'd stab wound before you attend to the cut, this is such common sense, why does it escape the left? to get them a physician they did most of my training in arizona and border state so i saw a lot of immigration. legal immigration is vital to our society, but that's not what we're talking about. my father as a defense attorney in arizona and has a federal contract and represent some of these illegal immigrants who come into the country, commit crimes and then he is a representation and he says from petty theft of drug trafficking to murder, after they do their time, they'd get deported, but often they come right on back and he sees them again not because they are now coming back as hard working citizens but because they broken the law again taking away the deportation will not help the situation and given the fact that are border is wide open down there they just keep coming right back through. we have to have a stronger border and they needed to be deported if they commit criminal
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acts in our country. >> brutally murdered, by an illegal immigrant who had been arrested multiple times, he was on the watchlist multiple times, but because the city and state officials can't communicate with federal law enforcement, he was free to roam around and butcher a hard-working beautiful american soul. how many more of those have to happen clicks. >> apparently many well. when you talk about what harris mentioned before, the numbers for the estimate i'm seeing is 18,000 people will enter this country illegally if title 42 is taken away. we have to put that in context rates 18,000, 15 blocks from here madison square garden, you fill that arena every night for 365 days, that is more than 6.5 million people that will enter this country in one year alone on top of the 5 million who have already entered during this administration in terms of who's been documented and got a ways. that total number is 11.5 million. there are 43 states in this
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country whose entire population isn't more than 11.5 million. when we talk about resources, hospitals, which are already overrun our medical system will be completely and totally decimated as a result of this among 100 other things. >> can i pick up on something you said in the divergence of the numbers between what we have now, what you say commit what, what your administration is looking for, the whole point of all of the guessing about the numbers as we don't even really have a number drilled down on who's in the country right now because if we did, we'd be better off knowing what's going to happen exactly when title 42 goes away. we know there are venezuelans that have been amassing at the border to get in for december 21st and that mexico's police force has had to physically fight them off to clean out the camps where they have purged themselves to come in when title 42 goes away on december 21st. somewhere between 18,030,000 people a day will be flowing in
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and that adds to a number i still say is more mysterious in the country. how many have already come through? they got of a number keeps bigger. >> how many terrorists are part of those numbers? ticket we could talk about this all day. we have to go. this house ethics committee announced that aoc is under investigation. what we know about the complaints filed against the left darling. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health.
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we won't find out more in till the years congress is sworn in. but here is what we do now. the congresswoman aoc was the subject of to complaints over her attendance at last year's mitt gala. that's where she wore that and from a stress that had tax the rich written across the back. and the in the front i guess it was all over. she got to go to the ritzy event for free, it turns out that tickets were anywhere from 30-$50,000 and both borrowed the dress and accepted the free tickets may have violated house protocols, borrowing those things. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez is one of the least effective members of congress, all foam and no beer, anyway, the point is that she is very good at
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social media and good publicity at publicity since. she wanted to send a message tax the rich when she was among the richest 1 percent, but here's where the rubber meets the road, if she set at one of those tables that went for $300,000 apiece, she and her boyfriend at the time if one of the corporations that bought that table and she sat there and she didn't pay for those tickets, that is a worthy inquiry. >> that is interesting. you have your take on this and then you have a story. >> is cut and dry, she either received something of value in this case, a $35,000 ticket or she didn't. i would like to say a few things, number one the democratic-controlled has just announced this ethics investigation. why didn't they wait a month and let the republicans take the heat for investigating the darling of the left, aoc, the ethics committee is saying aoc, this isn't a okay. let's not okay, not that the first amendment, right to speech protects her right to put
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letters on the back of her gown, protects her right to look foolish in doing so, that's not why she's under investigation she's under investigation for receiving something of value as a member of congress and not reporting it. for tickets. i would also say the hair and makeup probably cost about 5-$700. why do i feel this way? aoc was in the hearing for the kellyanne there was where i was found liable for saying the following, elizabeth warren lied about her ethnicity for 34 years and she is not fact checked true. beto o'rourke must not have thought that women that were capes running were capable. i said they were too old white straight men who have been in washington for decades, why are they running. so she went on stephen colbert, flew up to new york and went on colbert and said kat kellyanne conveys jail time. as a member of congress excepting a very valuable gift.
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i'm on the record and i am consistent about this i don't like them being able to trade stocks after they receive information i am very upfront and transparent about this, in many instances, it may be here at fox news, definitely in the west wing you and your spouse cannot own certain portfolios and stocks because of the work that you do. how in the world did a member of congress get away with this? i think this is going somewhere because the democrats announced it, she can't cry partisanship or sexism are all the rest of the stuff. >> as a physician we deal with this as well you're not allowed to take patients from if she was just going to a party and her friend invited her and calmed her ticket, it would be fine, but let's be honest that's not what happen she was gifted and expected of seat in the very expensive table she put her political ideas on display and this was all politics i think it will be interesting to see these hearings because it does seem rather cut and dried as you're saying that she received a very hefty gift and that is against, she's not allowed to get
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anything more than like $100 per year. to get that's about what it is for journalist. most people don't even get that far because you don't want to be looked at for having taken anything. >> as a federal attorney i had to get pens back. get out of here. take it they were nice pens. >> it's ridiculous, but of course we will learn in january what exactly the nature of this investigation is we will learn their course of action if they decide to take any that in terms of the three plus groups that filed complaints with the ethics committee, we know that they did reference this and they said it was yes, cut and dried. this is wide for gift giving rule was created. it is so that you do not accept gifts on behalf of your constituents which she said it was due to her responsibilities in overseeing the gift giver and somehow i think sitting at the table in addition to borrowing that dress in addition to having a $35,000 ticket before you, certainly to get wait a minute,
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so she was overseeing the person who was the gift giver. and what she was thinking that she would be doing, committing a crime? ticket i would just quickly like to that top 1 percent of owners pay 40 percent of taxes, so she's not even right about that. >> are we shocked that aoc can't do math? ticket i don't think when she came up to colbert that time she didn't go to do any constituent service, we tried to figure that out. >> kellyanne always has a back story. >> i love it. actor kirk cameron says public library's will not allow him to read from his faith-based book. but they are okay with posting drag queen story hours for children. that is next.
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>> storytime going woke after kirk cameron claims that dozens of public libraries nationwide have turned down his offer to read from his faith-based children's book entitled as you grow. cameron says libraries are giving him the cold shoulder, but are perfectly willing to hold similar events for kids featuring drag queens he spoke to fox fox news about the rejections. >> i was diet denied by over 50 woke libraries that have posted drag queen story hours. one of the most outrageous denials was alameda county public library that said they didn't want that book teaching kids biblical values while at
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the same time they are hosting a gender name change clinic tomorrow. >> there is the obvious disparate approach which because their public libraries, it's a pretty glaring breach of the constitution, but what killed me was that 50 plus libraries he and his team reached out to and every single one denied him, rhode island to california and the comments they literally went on the record saying things like in providence rhode island, no will pass on you having run a program in our space. sandy heights in san diego i don't think that something we would do because of how diverse our community is great i don't know how many people you would get. we're really sorry, but we're not interested and indianapolis, says a bunch of stuff and says we have a strategic plan in place were looking at authors who are diverse authors of color, that's really been our focus so look, his book is diverse that's the whole point it's having the diversity of thought and faith.
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no, we're focusing on racial equity. >> at least you're honest about who they are, but what they're not honest about is what is the function of the public libraries of our first amendment, of allowing our children first and foremost to be acclimated and exposed to a diversity of not just individuals, but thought and types of literature. they're going to get all that dryclean stuff in the public schools, won't they won't get in the public schools is faith-based reading, so they're actually depriving kids in these libraries if they're worried about the kids, of things that they are not getting almost anywhere else. also it's a total miss misread on who is statistically likely to practice religion on a daily basis. it's kind of why the democrats are losing voters of color as their open hostility to religion. in almost every suburb in this country, or you and i live in new jersey if you walk into a catholic church on a sunday, the
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lights are out jogging and having brunch by and large, and so, they are, the usual thing of rich white people telling everybody else how to think and what they need. >> that is interesting. they played such a huge role in the 1960s and the changes. >> still so vibrant. >> it is so true, that is so interesting. >> if you shut up you just authors of and you don't have the skin color that you want you to have. >> biden didn't think that maybe if you didn't vote for him you might not really be black, so i guess that could exist. the thing i'm curious about is are they saying separation of church and state as their argument because libraries are public owned? because do we need to amend the constitution to say separation of church and in order to make
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this equal? >> i don't know. it also disparages the people that are you do realize that when they discriminate, they are coming for everybody, they just happen to have picked a certain lane they like this week. i am married to a judgment, they eventually get to you. they eventually get to you. >> i love the point, the closest church to my mom's house, the pastor there is a female, it's across the street from a public library, how would they. >> i am married to a jewish man to come you got to leave them, right? my boys got their brave books treasure. as you grow by cook cameron and people will think that all of a sudden he's espousing all of faith and it's like reading the bible for open, but that's not what it is, this book is all about overcoming hardships and
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one of my son's favorite lines is it said always enjoyed the little things in life. just because something bad happens it doesn't mean the course of your life has changed. it's all about hope and faith, so it is so wrong that they wouldn't allow people the opportunity to see this book. if nobody shows up to the book readings, find, the fine, the people of spoken. give them the choice. >> that's my. when it comes to his book, let the parents decide, if they don't want to go to a library and hear that story hour, that's great my sons at ccb right now he's in first grade, it's always just a very positive message. when he comes home he's excited to share it. some of these libraries rejecting those that are same people my first grader about gender identification therefore that, but there again something like this. again, teachers should not have that conversation with my kid. parent should have that conversation with their kid. if i want to go to the story hour at least put it out there and i'll go or i don't go.
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>> they are woke flexing. ticket number one new york times bestseller. again i am so thrilled that people are giving faith is a gift this christmas and that i can be any part of that journey as a huge blessing so i'm very grateful. i just wanted be able to help te that can offer you nothing more than their company. i add that to the bevy of conversations that we have had here about the decision of the libraries to try to keep this out. they need to see the bigger picture. >> that dovetails with your point about the minority communities. i stepped instructors there a few times a week, it is
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overwhelmingly minority communities and there is a catholic church on almost every corner, so now those kids are being denied their free access two such a beautiful message of hope and faith and positivity. coming up, jennifer lawrence is getting slammed for claiming that she was the first ever female action movie lead. not quite, jen. i always want to know more about my family history. we sit down at the kitchen table, pull up the ancestry app, drink our coffee looking at all the information, all the tiny details. dad, check this out. colorize it. -look at that. -wow. everyone has color. look at that afro. that was the style. you had to have it, otherwise you're not cool.
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>> at the school district at the center of culture wars and education fires at superintendent for protecting the district's agenda instead of female students. daughter who was doing just this afternoon. more fallout from the twitter files. what could be more important than that? our dug what it was here to outline what biden should be prioritizing. a firestorm over a new american
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girl book that promotes puberty blockers to girls as young as 3. what is that all about? caitlin jenner joins us. we will see you at the top of the hour for "america reports". >> if you kill him, if you and all of this, although status. >> actress jennifer lawrence may need to brush up on her hollywood history. she claimed she was the first female action hero in cinema when she start in the hunger games. >> a room number when hunger games because it wouldn't work. boys and girls can both identify with a male lead.
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boys cannot identify with the female lead. >> i guess she forgot about these female action stars. sigourney weaver in aliens, pam grier in jackie brown, linda hamilton and the terminator. just to name a few. all right. >> the person interviewing jennifer lawrence there was from a variety can be a kind of have to new your movies are allowed to push back a little bit. >> are you though? >> from what i heard. there was this movie called kill bill that had uma thurman and that was out in 2003 in kill bill to in 2004, i'm pretty sure she was the lead. jennifer lawrence, he has come a study up on your history, but at the same time you're allowed to correct the girl. >> all that women were the lead in that movie. here is, the issue to is that when you focus on being woke and lose sight of the facts, all this is is take attention from something that might actually need attention someone that might need lifting.
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>> if you're trying to be surprised that a hollywood actress is a narcissist, i just all lunch is on me for the rest of the time i love you to pieces. what she just said though, that's not true because if you press back on that actress, she is going to get up. she doesn't have anything to say. i think is going he's going to sit for that one? it's not 60 minutes. do you love jennifer lawrence for 15 minutes or she will sit down with you. i think she gets up when she walks out and let's hope she takes the microphone off. in these action hero movies when you don't have digitization, when you couldn't go back in. he was all on her own against the. no makeup, she was real and raw.
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and that bow and arrow is being digitized. why do you have to be the first, just be the best? they wash away the accomplishments of all the women that preceded her. she saying that women need to lift up and help each other and really gain leading roles, but she has not forgotten an entire generation of people who were trying to do that before her. it's just incredible. >> part of the thing is when you're part of something like that that is larger than you it is incumbent upon you to acknowledge the giants giants on who shoulders you stay in. the true trailblazers that went before you both are its women whoever it is.
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in this particular instance,. >> we haven't seen a female in an action role in a race car, i think emily compagno fast and furious 14. may be in a laid at a certain age, but i want to tell younger people history didn't start ten years ago. we have we've had it for a while. >> coming up, more outnumbered in just a moment. when dehydration gets real...
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>> last but not least, speed read this. manager at an olive garden restaurant in kansas not letting her employees calling out off the hook easily. told the employees, no longer tolerating excuses for calling off. if you are sick, you need to come prove it to us. kellyanne. >> the other one is if your dog died bring him in and prove it to us. also said that. does this person really want a sick person with all kinds of stuff happening at home to bring evidence to her? in a restaurant? don't put that on your profile dear, unattractive, not a very good boss. >> olive garden's quote, when you are here you are family. i think it talks about her exhaustion we see in so many restaurants who need employees. shouldn't have said it that way, she clearly needs some help. >> they are dealing with a difficult generation of people calling out and not wanting to
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come to work. don't bring the dead dog to the restaurant. >> i got fired from one job at a pizza, i failed to go in, i thought i was working on a wednesday, it was a tuesday. hardest job i've ever had. >> for all the reasons emily just mentioned. restaurants are always looking for people to be there. glad you joined us, set your dvr if you can't be here. "america reports" now. >> sandra: grand jury report confirming what many parents were saying all along, some districts put their own interests ahead of students who are now in some cases paying a heavy price. >> john: saying loudoun county school district failed at every juncture when responding to a youn
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