tv Hannity FOX News December 8, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
the live cook along. your taste buds will be screaming with delight. >> so tune into the stream at seven friday night only on fox station. well, that was not the show >> t we intended to do tonight at all. but of course, we're not in charge of the news, which we're is coming so fast we can barely keep up. and it is significant. i we thank you for joining us for the last hour. we'll be back tomorrow'l night. >> and that was something else. weird and fascinatingth at waswill happen. >> so we'll see you then. in the meantime, here's sean hannity. i think that's called live television because our show blew up just like yours. everything we had planned is out the window. we'll do it. doing a really different shohinw than we had planned an hour a and a half ago. great show talk. thank you.enti rely t show tand welcome to han. >> and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. n of the woke indoctrination of your children continues. a shockingnues new video fromin project veritas showing a teacher bragging abouta ents exposing his students to toys.n and it gets worse. >> here's a preview. but we got to warn you, it'sto fairly graphic with the kids in
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secretly placed on the trans blacklist after he argued that covid lockdown's would harmlock children. and meanwhile,downs woul our ve and dan bongino, he was put on a search blacklist limiting who could search for his profile or tweets. he will join us and respond in just a minute. now, twitter als o blocked turning points. founder charlie kirks tweets from being amplified. apparently, twitter handled upad to two hundred of theseses censorship cases each and every day. but remember eve, as weiss point out, twitter repeatedly deniedtt the use of shadow banning. twitter wa twitter was lying. they lied over and over again.i i had interviewed at one point. jack dorsey. he told me specificallhe told yi don't shadow and we're also learning tonight that twitter formed a secret group that featured the company's highest ranking executiveses that would maken pv decisions in private withoutwi much of a papethout r trail to i or ban high profile conservative accounts. conservatilike, for example, a
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account called lib's of tock,de which was suspended six timesti in 2020 two, even though the account did not even violate twitter's hateful conduct policy. ateful t at the same time, the womenme who runs lives of tick-tocwok ws dock's on twitter. in other words, they give out the address to the person. according to weiss, a tweet with their home addresse ou received more than ten thousand ads,s. and yet twitte received mor refk down that tweet. now, clearly what elon musk said over the weekend was absolutely correct. twitter was an arm. of the democratic party and a malicious arm. >> take a look. clearly, if if twitter is doingd one team's bidding before an election, shutting down dissenting voices on a pivotal election, that is the very definition of election interferenceition of. and what the else we're doing? of course, it's like, yes, you
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know, that, frankly, twitter was acting like an arm of the democratic nationalationa committee. l >> it was absurd. an armit of the democratic national committee shutting down dissenting voices is by dow its very definition, electionitn interference. now, it's noott only twitter. almost every big tech companyig acted as an arm of the democratic party and interfered in our electionmo and tonight i call on all ofn followpple, google, facebook, all of you follow elon musk's lead. you need to be transpac. the and by the way, will the media mob finally take note? don't hold your breath, because as elon musk suggested o on saturday, many in the media mob, they are totally,, completely compromised. compby words, his word complici. take a listen. a well, i think those peoplee loon should be looking in the mirror decewondering why they were deceptive. why did they deceiveive, w the american publihy dy deceivcd of trying to redirect blameg to
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to matt, to accepting some responsibility themselves for not being truthful to the americanty themsel public, not g truthful to the american public, to how obviously big tech and big media they have a been acting as an arm ofot n the democratic party for quite some time. that's not news to this audience. noce, but maybut we may never l extent of their efforts. now,ause, because get this nown musk is suggesting that some files may have been deleted or removed. now, this came out after musk discovered that the controversial x fbi russiar gate lawyer james baker was personally reviewingtwitter and approving the initial batch of twitter files that were put out by mat wert taibbi. bak and baker was still serving as a top lawyer for twitter until musk fired him earlier this week. this is a huge story. now, instead of voicing concern about twitter's collusion with the dnc and potentiallyc ao the federal government, many so-called journalists are now more worried that musk install a
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beds at twitter's headquarters in castwittee employees were tih work, working a lot of overtimev so they'd have a place to getsl. a few hours sleep. san francisco, what'ssco, their reaction to being nicet'sp to your employees? oh, let's open up an investigation on elon musk. now, that prompted this respo response from elon musnsk. of so the city of san francisco attacks companies providingemply beds for retired employeeseed of instead of making sure kids are safe from fentanyl. where are your priorities, mayor? london breed. but the madness doesn't stop there. now, the compromise, congenital liar adam schiff, he's so deeply troubled by elon musko d and his push for free speech that he's now just flat out hat lying about hate speech on the platform, citing zeroe at evidence at all whatsoever. shift tweeted earlier today, twd quote, against slurs against black people, tripled on elon musk's twitter and claim that slurs against women are
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on the rise to musk immediately poured cold water on thoseim claims, replying, quote, false hate speech impressions areactuy actually down by a third for twitter now versus prior to the acquisition. meanwhile, the white housequisio press secretary asked about the twitter files and the democratic push for censorshipsn earlier today by our own peter doocy. all she wanted to do was note wt answer the question and say bye bye. >> you've said a few times that you really can't talk aboutbye-y communications between the biden campaign and twitter. e.'ve saidwho is telling you ths off limits? hey, i've already hatter.d i've a conversation with you, with your colleague, i believe ,yesterdayal . ve alrea i've already addressed this multiple times this week. so i don't have anythings more to add . again, i we've we we've litigated this all week. we'v i don't have anything to add. so i'm going to come back . bac >> i'm going to be back . i'm going to go ahead.n: all right. let mt this so let me get this straight soro we know now, according to elon
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musk, that the democratic party, the fbi also involved inv with weekly meetings warning twitter that there may be falses thformation about hunter biden coming out. you've got to be on the lookout for this before the election. elmeanwhile, they had hunter b montn's laptop, a full 11 months before the twenty, twenty , twenty , twenty presidential election.n u then elon musk says yes, suppressing information is bydei definition, election interference. but the whitn rference e house doesn't want to talk about it because f they benefited from it anyway. here with reactionit is the hostered of unfiltered. there's no other there's no, th other nameer nam for dan bongin. there is no filter. dan bongino anyway. dan is with us.da all you of the fourth tweet ofh twee the night i wrote yout. immediately and said, can you come on ?if i'd love to get your responseld l to this. let's first look at the bigg picture and then talk about what about they did to you speci specifically. >> well, let my. e give you the big picture first. this is some soviet style bull
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right here.h -- there's the big picture. you want to hear it? unfil there's unfiltered danwon. >> this is you know, i've knownn this the whole time, just so you know what it was called,spic the conspiracy theory. h th i interact like you do with the audience on radio. my podcast on , it's in the tv. they email me, they send us through the website. i read their facebook messages, not all of them, obviously, but i tried to read a good chunk ofr them. i've been told forever. you'eird. i can't find you on twitter. wha you're a checkmark, whatever .te verifyrified account that bonzi no, it's not a common last's not name. it's not joe brown orcome y john smith. itw come you don't comou don'tep and it's interesting, when i spoke about this on my show and elsewhere where i was called the conspiracelsewhy thet and a wacko, just like i wasist called the conspiracy theorists cons spygate, over the impeachment hoax, over discussing the idea that cloth masks are not going to protect you from covid. now, let me give you the even bigger picture, because i've become public enemy number one . not for crimes, sean.
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i've committed no crimes.act, i no matter of fact,d crimes i investigated crimesg so and served this country doing so both with the nypd and the secret service. but these d bags over at twitter and elsewhere who've madewho have me public enemy nu. one , this is justt even the beginning. you don't even know what's happened to me because i don't a whine about it all day. d like whiny lefties, snowflakesse . my website's been banned bee b by google ads for no describe reason whatsoever. suwas banned by youtube for suggesting that cloth masks don't work, which is nowmask scientific fact. i find and now i find out i'm on a not safe for work shadow ban listsr on twitter because i'vett committed the thoughtcrimeed thn being a conservative.ce please audience look m me inan the face and tell me now all gos you media clowns and goons and nuts who told me i was the crazy conspiracy theorist, tell me we live in a free country where three of the largest social media platformmedis that are the new public space we can all talk. when and when an opinion guy like me cannot speak on these platforms
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youts restrictedrom from doing, we're banned. ca the case of youtube, shadow banned in the case of twitter, tell me again how we live in fot a free country. you're the fourth state. you're supposed to protect this stuff. you guys have a constitutionalcu harvell, the freedom of the press. of it's literally written ithpressn the constitution. you and what do you do?u ignore you ignored this story the entire time. st sto the mass shadost storyry of our time. the mass shadow banning of conservatives going on in this country by this big techg te consortium right now. dan ch, i remember you and i had conversations about parler at the time and looking for an loo alternative to twitter. many conversatio an, and you aro part of an early effort to try and build out these platformses that don't do these things that wouldn't silent silence liberalo voices either. let's go bacmuk to eloskn musksc and let's go back to his wordsas here. and he said, the media is complicit and they were lying to the american public. they spent a total of seven seconds this weekend on the sunday programs talking
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about this huge story thatthat broke last friday. or elon musk himself saying if s you shut down dissenting voices, it is by its very deafen election interference. he even admitted that the thatag twitter was acting as the propaganda arm ofc part the democratic party in this thi election election. interference. now, we're not even including maddow or facebook zuckerberg. we're not including google, we're not includinr g apple, no including youtube. and i think that congresple ors to demand that they become as transparent as as elon muskce has become here. and i give him a lot of creditor for this. listen to elon musk. i don't know if you're watchingr or not. e wa obut if you see it later, a heartfelt thank you. know, i was talking to our good friend mark levin beforeradio sh and his great radio show, and he said the same thing
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with regardless of anything. you know, sean, regardless of what happened, the way i looktht forward, dan , you got to love mark. >> he's the best guest.that e that tellsy on you. >> that's it. i'm done. go ahead.. i tell you, when you're readyyoa to call the great one , you can do that kind of stuff. that'sn what you did. but with elon musk, you know, regardless of what happens, hele may lose legitimately, may lose acquisns of dollars on this acquisition. i don't think he will ion,. i da i think he's a creative guy. and i thiny ank he's going to bd this thing out to be some special. but he has done his servicg e to this country. he he toe is literally, not figuratively changedd th the history of, i think, histor how big tech is going tec to operate, moving forward. he's exposed. one key point i want u the audience to understand is that what the press did to collude and interfere in colltentially lease the twenty twenty election away from donald trump based on based don on solid data polling taken afterwards about how people the would have voted if they wouldt have known about the biden story. when i getthe hunt to any otheru i'm talking strictly about thati
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the media intentionally did that. sean, this is my. point. point this wasn't this reasons, right?? misfeasance is different. malfea differee trip on the sidewal on thk in front u you. you don't help them. that's misfeasance. that's not what this was that'. s. this was a guy trips on the sidewalk in k front of you and you kick them ' in the teeth as he's getting upn . they did this on purpose. this was active collusion. between the fbi people and the dhs. the dndhs,i, people at the fec who had heard about this stuff, twitte heardr and big tech to sa away your country. and you know what? , folks.o me they did it. and elon musk is trying to help you get it back to the republicans in congress who nows about to take over in january . you better grow some nuts. you better do something about this or we're not going to have a country left. this is the public square. i love fox news and i lovehere working here. but sean, even though we have the biggest shows in prime
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time, it's still just a smalla. population of america. we cannot win an election inus the future with just fox news, fox you need twitter to be opent you need facebook to be open. you need other platforms. facebo it's why i put my money behindon these other things, too, because, like you said, i'm trying to build this parallel economy out. maybe that's economy why on pubc enemy number one to these guys, sean, i don't know. but i'm telling you, i promise. you, audience, i don't whinee. about it every day on my show because i'm not a snowflake. yoyou have no idea what goes on behind the scenes with facebook facturnd the scees my page over nonsense., google banning us , youtube banning twitter, shadow banning us . it's relentless. it never stops. e put a they put a target on my back for a long time now. and that it's because you're effective. that's why i got off this platform myself. my staff uses because i just got sick of it. dan bongino, thank you. and we appreciate you joining us . all right. joining us now, our foundery clade, travitraviss, and also ae
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first legal founder steven miller. start with you. let's start at the beginning. the reveal tonight, twitter file investigation reveals the teams of twitter employees built blacklists prevent prevented disfavor tweets, tweets from trending actively limiting the visibility of entire accounts or trending topics. acc all in secret, all without informing users on top of election interference, on top of a complicit media. s powerful wow, that's powerful. and what do you think this means? this could all of this combined not allowing the american people to see hunter biden's laptop story? the new york post did that elect joe biden in 2020 and the fbi complicit, too? i think it probably did. i think they probably did,. sean. but as big as th ase hunter biden bid "new york post" laptop story is tonight's revelation to me t are even bigger because it goes directly to the fabric of
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our entire political conversation. >> in this country.gged the they didn't just rig the newy york post story on hunter biden and potentially change the trajectory of the twenty twenty election, which i thinki they did and is probably waterga the biggest story. >> it makes watergate look likey jaywalking. alwalkinl right, i , i can't evn come up with a hyperbolic way to describe how big this now is . and i feel like they're just getting started in terms of their revelations because remember, they haven't even gotten into the direct collusion that was going on . as soon as joe biden got into the white house, we had a few l far left wing radicalsra completelydica altering the way. talk about every story in america. and if you thought yourself, my goodness, the country has gone insane, how do we ever get here? it's because of this secret cabal in side of twitter. and sean, here's what i want. i saw dan bongino. bless him
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god bless him for everything he was saying. i hope he's right. i hope the house republicans are listening to us right nowno. because this needs to lead cr directly to criminal prosequi actions and they need to pay for all of this because there were lies in congressional testimony. there were lies in all sorts ofr publicts statements where you ab not allowed to be lying under the government rules. i want these guys to be charged with crimes. and even if this doj won't doif it right now, go ahead and do the investigation. prepare everything. and let's get a republican president in in twenty , twenty four , a new senate and a new house. and in and let's absolutely mae twitter executives accountable . one more thing, because i know stevens great to this. if this s is goingis g on at tw, it's going on at facebook, it'su going on at instagram. it's going on youtube. it's going on at google. the only reason we know about it, sean, is because elon musk spent forty four billion dollars. thin forlion dollak award that r
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and is actually showing us the truth. it's goingis going o on everywh. >> all right. stay there. to o to hear from you when wenly ge get back. be patient. thanks for being patient. we'll have more on this story, other revelations that came out tonight. when we come back , we'll also check in with larry elder, pam bondi. we'll have more on the latest twitter file revelations from tonight. also, brittney griner has been released, but it came at a very steep price. and one brave marine left britt behind in a russian prisonne. the worst deal possible and we will show you the videotape. project veritas confronting a a teacher that is , well, i teaching your kids all. , abou how do i say this in a nice way about toys? and other things?ings >> straight ahead, the world doesn't come together like this very often, but when it does, the results can be extraordinary.
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alongside empowered veterans and families of the fallen at travis dog. >> all right. this is a fox news alert breaking tonight. we are learning more and more about twitter's efforts to blacklist conservatives and anyone else who went against the democrat controlled narrative. now, because despite many and previous denials on twitter's previous management, all new files tonight released by elon musk and twitter 2.0. while they confirm that, yes, blacklists are they are real and they are done based
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on politics and they're done based on ideology. this, of course, on top of election and appearance. all right. still with us reacting to our top story, travis and steven miller. >> steven, i want you to maybe ,maybe tie this all together. we have election interference in play here, compliant, complicit media. then we've got the fbi involved in all of this. james baker was the general counsel at the fbi during the russia hoax. he's the general counsel at twitter. he was the one vetting the initial twitter dump that came out last friday. >> he's since been fired. but more importantly, now we have the fbi working with the media, working with big tech companies, warning big tech companies, meeting with them every week about this hack and leak potential that exists out there. and meanwhile, they had biden's laptop for 11 long months. they easily could have authenticated that. and my guess is they did know that it was on his laptop.
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>> well, of course they did. so let's connect these puzzle pieces. what is it all pointing to ? what does it all showing, sean? i believe that it is showing the single greatest, most sophisticated, far-reaching election interference effort really not just in the history of our country, but in the history of our developed peer nations. the scope and scale of this gets larger every single day. >> what you are talking about here is a handful of hardened left activists at a major global social media platform secretly manipulating, altering and changing the dialog, making unpopular ideas appear popular ,making very popular, very important, potentially life saving ideas seem unpopular and inaccessible to alter to change, to redirect the whole course of american history in secret. and i want to pick up on a point the claim made about criminal liability. let's remember, sean, the department of justice put
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parents in jail for arguably a very horrible thing, but for puffing up their kid's resumes to get into usc. as you remember, they said you made a false representation to get your kid to college. so you're going to jail. they said honest services fraud, wire fraud, lock them up . imagine the criminal liability that would attach here to this systemic fraud that twitter has engaged in on the part of these specific employees and these specific executives that are engaging in a wholesale fraud on the american public with a multi-billion dollar company. there should, of course, be a doj investigation. now, that's not going to happen, of course, with biden and garland in charge. so in the meantime, we need a select committee in congress starting in january , holding prime time hearings to get to the bottom of this, to make referrals so that, yes, in 2020 five , an honest doj can get to action and hold people to account.
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clay will give you the last word. >> stephen nailed it. i just want to emphasize here that this is unprecedented. we use those words sometimes hyperbolically. >> what we're talking about in twitter is also going on at facebook. it's going on at google, it's going on at youtube. it's going on at instagram. all of these big tech companies have a version of what twitter is doing. and for people out there who say, how does this have such an impact, twitter is where a world comes for news. it's where we determine oftentimes what is and what is not significant. this is one of the biggest crimes in american history that has been perpetrated by these executives at twitter. >> there must be criminal charges. stephen's right. that house in january needs to begin the prime time investigation. how do you possibly calculate the kind donation aspect of this with weeks before the twenty twenty presidential election? all right.
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thank you, steven miller. thank you. here with more is the host of the larry elder show for the epic times, larry elder and former florida attorney general pam bondi. pam, when elon musk talked about election interference and we now know all of this was going on and it's probably very likely. i think both stephen miller and clay are right. that other companies were doing the same thing because we know the fbi was in direct contact with all big tech companies weekly before the twenty twenty election. none of these companies ran with the "new york post" blockbuster story about biden's laptop. i think a great argument was made here that had they reported the real news, donald trump wins the presidency in 2020. yeah, sean, you know, and america first policy institute, that's why we supported the lawsuit against big tech for suppressing not only the voice of a sitting
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united states president , donald trump, but everyday americans. and they were doing everything they could to only put out there what they wanted out there. and that's of suppression of free speech. you know, we all have to applaud elon musk for his pursuit of truth and the defense of free speech. he's a principled man and he is going to fight for what he believes in. the left cares about free speech when it benefits them. the leftist free speech is all they care about. and think about this. president biden declared war on elon musk from the podium. have you ever seen that done before? well, my money is on elon musk versus the united states government. any day of the week. and thank you, elon musk, for exposing us . >> look at what they're trying to do to him. they're going after him because in his office building, he built a room with a bed so employees can take a nap if they're not feeling well. but then we've got facebook,
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larry, and then we've got youtube, larry. and then we got apple and instagram and all these other platforms and we have the fbi. we know now that they were actively meeting with every one of these big tech companies every week before the twenty twenty election. even specifically, according to testimony from a top twitter employee mentioning hunter biden by name. they had one hundred biden laptop the fbi did since december. 2019. they would have been able to authenticate that, but they're warning there's there's going to be a hack and leak operation by a foreign entity. and you got to be on the out on the lookout for this. they know they also knew , larry, that that rudy giuliani had a copy of the laptop. so they knew this was likely to break. it seems like, you know, what they were doing was not debunking a story, preventing a story so they wouldn't print a story in the lead up to an election. >> you know, sean, where do you
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start with this? if the computer store owner had not had the foresight to make copies of this, we never would have known about this because he turned it over to the fbi in 2019. and if elon musk does not buy twitter, we don't know about all of this. donald trump will have to move over because elon musk is now the most hated man in the world. as far as the the left is concerned, and john, i wrote a piece about this. i reposted it on twitter just tonight. in january , usa today ran a story written by a woman named jessica guyan, a long time reporter where he said that not only is it not true that conservatives are being censored or banned or suppressed, but the evidence show, if anything, it's the opposite. she cited a study by a guy named paul barrett from the nyu stern school of business that purported to show that the the argument that conservatives have been making, if they've been suppressed, is not true. if anything, the liberals are more likely to have their content suppressed than conservatives. >> these are two major
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institutions, usa today and the stern school of business, saying just the opposite. based upon some sort of academic study, it finally, sean, there's this. do they really care? i remember when in 2012, harry reid stands on the floor of the senate, knowingly lies about mitt romney not paying taxes. and when reid retired, he was asked by cnn, what about this lie? and he said, well, romney didn't win, did he? so as far as the left is concerned, accademia, hollywood, big tech media, do they really care? >> orangeman is gone as far as i'm concerned. they believe mission accomplished and they don't really care about all this. the question how not how we're going to react to all of this news. how will the american react to it, how they will cover the media, how lulea, how big tech they don't care. >> mishna they don't care. is there any legal remedy? pam bondi, quick. yeah, absolutely.
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there should search blacklists or the antithesis of free speech. what we all our founding principles. yes, there are ramifications. and sean, i think all these other ceos should take note of what elon musk has done in exposing this. >> thank goodness that he has purchased twitter. well said. all right, larry. thank you. pam bondi, thank you. now, also developing tonight, brittney griner with the wnba, the star of the wnba was locked up, as you know, in a russian gulag. serving a nine year prison sentence at a work camp. we have called for her release in the past, and this is after being convicted for breaking russian laws relating to weed possession. all right. we're grateful that brittany is going to be home back in the u.s. with her family safe and sound. this is a raw deal for a lot of reasons. first, in order to secure rayna's release, the biden administration actually ended up freeing a notorious international arms smuggler by the name of victor boot
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and what was a prisoner swap nickname. he's his nickname is the merchant of death, who was serving time in a us prison for conspiracy to murder americans. he also played a prominent role in the liberian civil wars that left two hundred fifty thousand people dead in 2010. the former dea chief called boute one of the most dangerous men on the face of the take a look. >> victor boot in my eyes, is one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth, on the face of the earth, without a doubt, mike braun, the former chief of operations for the u.s. drug enforcement administration, told us boot first exploded on the scene in a war torn west africa in the late 1980s. >> what makes him a threat to the united states? he is a shadowy facilitator. he's arming not only designated terrorist groups, insurgent groups, but he's also arming very powerful drug trafficking cartels around the globe.
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>> all right. clearly, a bad guy who directly aided and abetted those who want to kill americans and our friends. and sadly, he is now back home in russia at the very same time that vladimir putin is waging war. now, many in the pentagon, they're deeply concerned that it will , in fact, return right back to arms trafficking. and then to make matters worse, this prisoner exchange did not free that guy on your screen. his name is paul whalen. >> he's a former us marine and well, you're always a marine. whalen also served in iraq. he had been locked up in russia since 2018. there is no evidence at all that paul whalen in any way was a spy. he didn't even have a diplomatic passport. and yet biden did not win his release even after giving up one of the world's most dangerous men . now, today, in a statement, his brother david expressed their deep concern for paul , saying, quote, brittney griner is free and paul is still a hostage.
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despite the possibility that there might be an exchange without paul . our family still devastated. i can't even fathom how paul will feel when he learns this. >> now, a few years ago, obama's former defense secretary, robert gates, wrote joe biden has, quote, been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. as president biden has proven gates right. afghanistan, the border weakness against china and inability to deter putin from invading its neighbors. because joe biden and our country, by the way, and the world now are less safe at any point since the height of the cold war. thank you, joe biden, very much. the american people, you deserve better. well, earlier today, our own peter doocy was asking why russia got such a good deal . >> take a listen. in this prisoner swap. why did russia get such a better deal ? look, you know, i've talked about this and i'll say this again here, where our choices,
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our choices was brittany or no one at all bring home one american or no american at all. and that's a national athlete. we gave up a prolific arms dealer who was convicted of trying to kill americans, who was called the merchant of death. the professional athlete is also an american citizen. so let's not forget that who deserved american citizenship and i have explained how the russians have illegally treated, totally illegitimately treated his situation. >> but according to nbc news this morning, the bite into administration is lying. they reported at nbc that it wasn't griner or no. one , quote, the kremlin gave the white house the choice of either griner or whalan or none. meaning that biden presumably chose a professional basketball player who had only been in jail nine months over a former
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marine who had been in jail since 2018. now, this afternoon, i guess a few phone calls were made. nbc news just kind of scrubbed that little detail from their article and claimed that they misstated the facts. so is the biden administration misleading you, the american people or nbc? well, are they really bad at journalism or do they do what the democrats did with twitter and call over and say, take take that tweet down, get rid of that guy, get to this guy anyway? here with reaction, former cia station chief fox news contributor dan hoffman and florida congressman mike . congressman, your take. i'm concerned that nbc probably gave in to some pressure from the biden administration. sounds to me like they might have been right. >> yeah, sean, of course, we want every american home, but appeasing dictatorships, appeasing terrorists are never in the interest of the united states . and the whole reason, sean, that putin, the iranian regime,
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the syrians, the taliban, the north koreans continue to take american after american hostage is eventually they hold onto him long enough, they dig in enough. we cave and we give them a better deal . how about this? how about we don't let putin dictate the terms? you're the white house press secretary saying, well, here was a choice the russians gave us . how about we dictate the terms? how about every terrorist group, every dictatorship out there in the world knows they touch a hair on an american's head and the costs are going to be so high, so painful, economically, diplomatically, even militarily, that they don't dare touch another american. but what he has done tonight may be a tactical win today, but is going to result in more and more and more americans being taken hostage down the line because they know the end of the day there's only upside for him.
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there's no downside whether it's putin, the iranian regime, you name it. and it's just my heart breaks for the wheelin family. my heart breaks for the americans being held around the world, and my heart breaks for future americans that are going to get snatched off the street the next time a dictatorship wants something. >> so danhof and you got the merchant of death, victor boot, one of the world's most notorious armed arms dealers. and you get brittney griner, who's only charged with while she was charged with a drug violation, a minor one . she got nine years in prison. but then you have a marine who'd been held by the russians since 2018. why didn't he hold out for both before giving up the merchant of death? seems like a horrible deal for the u.s., even though i am very glad that that brittney griner is home. i , i had said many times that i hope we get her out of there . >> i think we can have both of those make both those
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conclusions tonight. sean, we can be thankful that brittney griner is home, but at the same time be critical of a deal. >> this was certainly a deal that vladimir putin will look at as a major public relations victory. victor boot wasn't just the merchant of death. he also served in the soviet army. and vladimir putin is going to portray this as getting his guy home, going toe to toe with russia's main enemy , the united states , and bring in his guy back home while at the same time our former military officer, paul whalen, marine, is still languishing in a russian prison. and i'm really concerned about his health. you know, you've rampant covid there. he probably hasn't been given any vaccines, vaccine resistant tuberculosis and all the other things that you've had to face in a penal colony where he's living a grave concern about about his future. and , look, it's awfully hard. i don't want to disparage the negotiators. i'm sure they tried their best . vladimir putin's not doing too well at fighting wars, but he's doing pretty well at
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negotiating and outwitting us , i think, and getting more than he deserved. >> he got way more than he deserved, i think certainly he should have gotten both of them. if we're going to give up this guy, we'll see what happens in the future. our prayers are with him as he is still in prison in a gulag up there. >> all right. thank you both. coming up, the woke indoctrination of your kids is getting worse and worse. you won't believe what is happening at one chicago school. we'll check in with greg jarrett, tammy bruce there next. >> straight ahead, when i read what it took for yellowstone to be here, i realized that this was a story that i suddenly wanted to share and found through yellowstone look the same today as they described in these journals. one hundred and fifty years ago, no way. i'm walking in the shadow of the pioneers following the trail blazing scifi
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story out of chicago tonighto where project veritas called the dean of studentst in l at ag elite private school bragging t about exposingeena his teenage students to we've got to warn you, thisraphc is all pretty graphic. >> take a look to try. we do a pride week every year, and i have i had, like, our lgbtq plus health centerr lq come in. they were passing around some to my students about using blue versus using spit all over the kids with the classroom. fourteen. they're like, how do you how does this work?k? how do i do like, how does this work? right. so that's a really like part of
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my job is i don't have to worry about stuff. >> now, despite these pretty disgusting comments, the william f. parker school is actually defending a dean saying in a statement in part, quote, he was filled with that knowledgeo or permission while describing one example of our inclusive lgbtq+ affirming and comprehensive approach to education. we're also learninucation alsogt the far left indoctrination going on inside of the school. for example, the school has what is called affinity groupse for students as young as four years old that white students are not permitted to attend. ta you can't make that up hereup hr with reaction. fox news contributor tami bruce, fox news legal analystan greg jarrett know tammy. >> i'm old fashioned reading, writing, math , science, history, computers, how about parents do their job and instill the values? well, that's it..
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parents are the moral arbiters of their children, as we've seen over this last year orseeno two. vee lastyears with covid, they'e a statement. they don't want to be co parenting with state agents or schools or strangers who are teachers who are not involved with the family. bunot invot bottom line is , thn minors and many of the audience know this. many do not.- i'm a gay woman.i i've been a woman. for a long time. and let me tell you something we hear all the time about how want to get the children. no, wes has no don't. this has nothing to do with or education or homosexuality. or or transgenderism. none of that has anything to don with going after children. we are now watching certaininal adults, certainly marginal extremists, i guess, in an attempt to validate our own adult issues, using children to do that. itobsc is obscene. or eve it's unacceptable.ry and for everyone, every parent
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,many of whom are being misledst by activists and others who are interested in cultivating minors into a certain framework, is that this is not l at all what the civil rights movement was about. it is not abou st what homosexul it is none of that. and i just i want to make everyone to be clear on this so that they're not misled by this >> g of a dynamic. greg, you know, there's two things going on here. >> first o f all, showings youn children perhaps as young as four toys, objects, how to instruction and so forth. the remedy for parents who are understandably outraged at this is to yank your kid from the schools. top payne $40,000 >> private schools stopa paying forty thousand dollars a year for an elite educatior n that doesn't appear to be elite at all. the second part of the equations ,these affinity groups thathe are sanctioned by a school that
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exclude white students. yes,s yes, it's a private schoo. >> nevertheless, there may a be violence version of title64 l six of the nineteen sixty four civil rights act. y >> if this school is receiving as many private schoolics public funding. and it's probably a violation of the nineteen seventy two education amendment. >> but most of all, the supreme court has interpreted section nineteen eighty one is saying you can't discriminate basedscri on race even if you'remina schoo a private school though. >> and we have a big case in the supreme court too, on admissions that i'm all three of us will be talking about. . great. thank you, tami. as always. a to when wemu come back , more "hannity" right after this. i'm in your medicine cabinet. oi i'm in your medicine cabinet. oi >> less sick days calls coming on cycads. >> the number one callit s shortening brand highlhorteny recommended xyz fans love cycads unique think formula.
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12:00 am
all right. unfortunately, that is alll th the time we have left this evening. e timet this evening,as always, thank you fog with us. thank you for making this show possible. s we hope you set your dvr so yu never, ever, ever miss an sav episode of hannity. and for news any time. all the time. timey time it's fox news, .com, hannity, .com. but in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham and the ingraham angle standing by . and i know you've got a lot to say about twitter, about ryner. i'm just guessing the factg the fact that big tech is corrupt, that's suchuch a shock. and i know everybody like we'veo known this fordy how longow how many years have you and i've been talking about this for now we have kind of more definitive proof. but you had a great showthis, hannity. >> i learned a lotpr tonightoof. and we'll pick it up.. where are you going? to have a greai t show to a loty to talk about tonight.a grea >> it's breaking news and will that will be and i and laura ingraham, this is ingram angle g from washington tonight. the twitter philesfrom, part tw, that is the focus of tonight'st' angl
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