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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 9, 2022 3:00am-4:00am PST

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it's electric, plumbing and everything in. we have two other houses right after it for smart homes. >> todd: this holiday season looking donate to charity you are an angel. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. 6:00 in new york city. it is 5:00 in san antonio, and we start with a fox news alert. brittney griner is back home on american soil on this friday morning. >> ainsley: you can see it there, a plane carrying the wnba star landing within the last 30 minutes at airport in san antonio. griner was freed from a russian prison yesterday in exchange for the arms dealer viktor bout. she spent 10 month behind bars. >> brian: all right, griner will be taken to a nearby army hospital so doctors can perform
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a checkup. we will have more on her return coming up in live report. we will be discussing that swap, what it means, how it happened. >> ainsley: welcome home brittney right before christmas. now to another fox news alert. second round the twitter files is now released with stunning allegations of censorship. >> brian: independent journalist bari weiss releasing and reporting in a series of tweets saying last night saying quote: new twitter files investigation reveals that teams of twitter employees built blacklists, prevent disfavoring tweets from trending and limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics all in secret without informing users. >> steve: it's all laid out in about 20 different tweets. kevin corke joins us now with more. kevin, you know, twitter, as it turns out, has been lying to us for years. >> you know, very interesting way to frame it. and i think it bears the obvious question.
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did they lie to us and did they lie to congressional lawmakers? when the site said, look, we don't engage in shadow banning. remember, that's what the leadership said. that's one of the many questions now being considered following the release of that second tranche of twitter material which ans to bowie concerns that yes the site targeted conservatives. especially in the days leading up to the 2020 election. at least so say critics. they also say this is much worse than shadow banning. here's a sample of what we now know revealed in a string of tweets by reporter bari weiss as brian mentioned, including including this reference to shadow banning of a critic ever the administration's covid policy. quote: take, for example stanford's dr. jay bhattacharya who argued that covid lockdowns would harm children. covid secretly placed him on a trends blacklist which prevented his tweets from trending. >> or consider the popular right
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wing talk show host dan bongino who at one point was slapped with a search blacklist. weiss goes on to add this. twitter set the account of conservative activist charlie kirk to do not amplify. weiss' reporting suggesting there was a small secret brain trust of twitter officials involved in making the most politically sensitive decisions including gadde, roel wolf, jack dorsey and others. especially at the top repeatedly denied shadow banning accounts. they refer to as visibility filtering. elon musk will offer solution to users shadow ban. free up space of billions of unused accounts. now, specifically musk says the company is working on a software update that will show you your true account status. it will show you if you have
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been clearly shadow banned. it will also show you the reason to believe why and how to appeal. just a reminder, substack journalist matt taibbi who is a terrific read will have the latest installment of the twitter files coming up, so i guess two words for that are stay tuned, guys. >> steve: indeed. kevin, thank you very much. and kevin made a great point and bari weiss laid it out so easy for us to see in like 22 different tweets you can see it all over. and what she makes is very clear is when and kevin started his report by saying, you know, did twitter lie to congressional people who said hey, do you shadow ban? twitter said no, we don't shadow ban. they didn't shadow ban. they did vf instead. visibility filtering. that was able to keep a whole bunch of different people who they did not like. the secret brain trust if we could put that graphic up again about twitter's secret brain trust, those four people, you had the regular content
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moderators and above them you had these people. and they have all left the company. you know what's gulling about this is over the last week or so, jack dorsey has appears to have been in the dark about all of this stuff. but, as it turns out, he was in on all of it. >> yeah, he told congressional lawmakers, as kevin was saying that we don't shadow ban in jul, we do not shadow ban. october 14th, 2020, dave rubin asked jack if they shadow ban based on political beliefs he tweeted back one word, no. >> brian: he also said it in front of congressional testimony. are they going to press charges on him? how dare you lie like this. >> ainsley: that's under oath. >> brian: what is going on? the people that they focused on already, that's already been exposed this is titanic story not covered almost anywhere else, which is stunning to me. because this is huge. i'm not sure how deep it's going to go but i sense we are only going to scratch the surface.
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as you look at this understand this dan bongino, it's dave rubin. it is charlie kirk. >> ainsley: the doctor. >> brian: you see all of this. this is just twitter. you north talking about facebook and what's done with google and the algorithms there. here's a look at those being shadow banned, spoke out last night as tucker blew up his show. sean blew up his show and i imagine laura did the same with this rundown. this came out at night. all these people have been the focus including dr. jay bhattacharya from stanford because he said long time use keeping kids out of school and wearing masks could have long-term negative effects on children. listen. >> all of a sudden we start off a cliff almost immediately our engagement re-tweets disappear. i started to talk about this a lot, tucker. i was called a conspiracy theorist. actually that was jack dorsey personally where he assured me shadow banning wasn't happening.
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i didn't believe him at the time. okay. whatever. six months later, 12 months later and contact information. hey, guys something is not right here. silence. it's almost as if it became a wholly operated company that kind of changed their modus operandi ran day from a social platform to a democrat super pac. and i don't think they really cared. >> this is some soviet style [bleep] right here. there's the big picture. you want to hear it? there is "unfiltered" dan bongino. i have known this the whole time. so you know it was called a conspiracy theory. tell me we live in a free country where three of the largest social media platforms that are the new public space we can all talk in when an opinion guy like me cannot speak on these platforms or is restricted from doing so or banned in the case of youtube shadow banned in the case of twitter, tell me between how we live? a free country. >> it feels like some novel from the 1950s where house
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unamerican committee is meeting to decide who do suppress and i'm some sort of like movie star in hollywood that they are blacklisting because i'm a communist or something. it's ridiculous. and it really hurt public health. and i really do wonder how i ended up on -- i joined twitter in 2021, in september of 2021. who told twitter to put me on a blacklist. i really want to know. >> brian: there you go. that's going to go right up to the government. the fbi. you know that's the next wave. >> ainsley: also the libs of tiktok which highlighted woke ideology. this lady who started the company was suspended six times in 2022 the woman who runs it was doxxed on twitter. and then her home address was tweeted out, 10,000 people liked it according to bari weiss. and then twitter refused to take it down. >> steve: twitter said we have got no problem putting your address out, even though that is against their terms of service. she then tweeted at 10:00 last night. the lib was tiktok. they suspended me multiple times
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knowing i never violated any policy. this is what happens when you talk about things that they don't want you to talk about. so glad those days on twitter are over. thank you, elon musk. so, just keep in mind, every time you saw a congressional hearing where the people from social media company or the search engines said, look, we don't control anything, it's the algorithm and, of course, those senators and congressman, they have no idea what an algorithm is because it's so amorphous. now we know it's not an algorithm per se. it's a vf visibility filtering. that is the way they have been able to shut down much of the political right over the last couple of years and keep so many voices out of the mainstream. >> ainsley: elon musk is suggesting some of the files might have been deleted or removed. bari weiss is saying there is more to come. a lot more to come. house democrats on the oversight committee, did you all see this? the democrats are in charge. they abruptly canceled this big oil hearing with where elon musk
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is supposed to appear. >> steve: yeah, they don't want him talking in public. >> ainsley: they know they are going to have to address. this. >> steve: the republicans would say, by the way, enough of the topic you came to talk about, let's talk a little bit about twitter. >> ainsley: the white house says they are done. peter doocy, i have already answered your questions, yesterday. there is not much more to ask. >> brian: difference between the campaign and doesn't matter. here is two things. it's going to be the 2020 election, what they did to make sure donald trump didn't win, republicans didn't succeed. and covid. look for those two things. where it came from, who gave the orders, and who is doing it. obviously, if you told the same -- those four heads of twitter go push -- make sure republicans voices are arm find. make sure donald trump does look better. make sure covid philosophy is diverse, they would have pushed back on that. they were more than willing, i imagine, political beliefs to go along with it. of course, jim baker, if he
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isn't at the fbi screwing with us. he is at cnn where he was a contributor. then he goes to twitter up until last sunday. what is with that guy? >> steve: listen, we have got lots to talk about on this friday. we have got tom cotton. we have got the bleep button ready for dan bongino as you saw in the clip we though bleep him. vivek ramaswamy knows everything about big tech and he's got lots to say about how twitter has been lying to us just to our faces. >> brian: now it's exposed and amazing. radio silence on cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs. how long can they diminish this story and ignore this story? i have never seen anything like it. >> ainsley: coming up next, a fox news alert. breaking news, senator kyrsten sinema is leaving the democratic party to become an independent. >> steve: that's big news. >> ainsley: we will be following that story as well as wnba star brittney griner landing on american soil after becoming
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imprisoned in russia. >> why she was rushed to the hospital upon arrival and latest in the high stakes swap for the russian arms dealer known as the merchant of death. >> brian: who is she going to caucus with? yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. merry christmas to each and every one of you. as we celebrate christmas you may wonder if jesus christ can make a difference in your life. you bet he can. that's why he came, to save us from our sins. jesus was born to die. he came to earth as a babe, took our sins to the cross 33-years later, he died on the cross, and god raised him to life on the third day. he's not dead, he's alive. if you've never put your faith and trust in him, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me, just say, "dear god, "i've made a wreck of my life.
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"i'm sorry for my sins and i ask you to forgive me. "i believe that jesus christ is your son. "i want to trust him as my savior, "and follow him as my lord, "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer, call that number that's on the screen. we've got someone who'd like to speak with you right now. give them a call. god bless ya and a merry christmas to each and every one.
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. brittney griner is now home in the united states landing in san antonio about an hour ago. >> steve: her arrival ends a horrifying ordeal in russian custody over the last 10 months. >> brian: right. griner was freed as part of a high stakes swap for convicted russian arms dealer viktor bout, todd piro is here with the latest. >> todd: good morning, wnba star home safe after arriving in kelly field about 45 minutes ago. her arrival highly anticipated after being released yesterday.
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sparking celebration and criticism from washington. griner was imprisoned in russia since february following a marijuana conviction. she faced nine years in a russian prison before we was sent back to the u.s. now, this exchange sends viktor bout the merchant of death as he is known back to russia. he arrived last night braced by his wife and mother. bout was convicted in 011 and serving 25 year sentence for conspiracy to kill americans and providing aid to terrorists. viktor bout armed conflict and selling weapons to support the killing of american citizens. white house officials claim the deal was either one american or no american at all. listen. in the prison swap why did wash get a better deem. >> brittney or none at all. one american or no american at all. >> will: professional athlete we gave up a prolific arms dealer
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convicted of trying to kill americans called the merchant of death. >> the professional athlete is also an american citizen. >> former u.s. marine paul whelan falsely accused of espionage expressing obvious disappointment. he was left out of the deal. listen. >> i have to say i am greatly disappointed that more has not been done to secure my release. i was arrested for a crime that never occurred. i'm happy that brittney is going home today and that trevor went home when he did. but i don't understand why i'm still sitting here. my bags are packed. i'm ready to go home. i just need an airplane to come and get me. >> todd: whelan's family expressing their disappointment they will not be reunited yet? hearing his voice of despair i haven't heard my brother's voice over a phone call. it's these snippets that come through in the media that are the latest time i can hear him. can you hear how disappointed he
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was at the news. to find out it was not going to happen is probably hugely disappointment. >> republicans criticizing the move to leave whelan out of the deal now left wondering what leverage might be left to eventually wring him home. back to you. >> steve: lots of questions. all right, todd, thank you very much. >> brian: turns out the trump administration walked away from whelan viktor bout deal john bolton one-on-one. too much. this guy has done too. the creep the horror the attorney general in new york. he was the one who looked at this is guy horrific 25 years behind bars. got him on recording selling missiles with the intent of blowing up u.s. helicopters and killing u.s. pilots. >> steve: there he is heading home talking to a loved one probably. "wall street journal" and "new york post" say that the deal was brokered by the saudi crowned prince mohammed bin salman who
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famously joe biden 2019 referred to as pariah. met with him last summer and gave him a fist bump. remember, he was accused of ordering the hit on jamal khashoggi, "the washington post" columnist. this past week, federal judge threw out the case, the civil case said his widow had filed against the crowned prince and said that he was protected by head of state immunity. crowned prince on the deal uae. we heard the president talk about vaguely. >> ainsley: we want all americans to come home when it comes to whelan you heard his brother, his comments, his bags were packed. hopefully there is something we can do to get him home. john kirby we heard about the white house talk about this yesterday. john kirby also doubled down on this. he said he is in a special category. he says it makes it much more difficult because they think he is a spy in russia.
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is he a marine. and there he is right there. and he is ready to come home. hopefully we can do something to get him back. but nancy pelosi said she said we had to give the world's worst arms dealer back to them to bring griner home. she said that was the only leverage the white house had. did you see the front cover of "the new york post." deal with the devil. >> brian: he is. back in 2010 when "60 minutes" did a feature what it took to capture this guy. elaborate sting lives on the line in order to convict him. mike braun, the former d.e.a. chief of operations on this capture. listen to him describe the guy that he followed and he tracked. >> viktor bout in my eyes is one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth.
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>> on the face of the earth? >> no doubt. he transformed these young adolescent warriors into that nikely driven war machines with the efficiency. >> the u.s. indicted him on four charges including conspiracy to kill americans. >> what makes him a threat to the united states. >> he is a shadow facilitator. he is arming not only designated terrorist groups, insurgent groups but also arming very powerful drug trafficking cartels around the globe. >> brian: what do the russians need? arms. so now vladimir putin desperately needs some type of p.r. win and also tangible help has now got the number one weapons dealer -- he was actually serving in the soviet army with his background and he gets this trophy. >> steve: absolutely. putin has got to be ecstatic because now he has got this guy who can help him scrounge up stuff because putin desperately
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needs military stuff. the has been so good at disseminating the russian forces and the material. and now the guy back home, a guy who can call people all over the world and say hey, you know that stuff we sold you back in 19 # 8 we need it back. we're willing to pay money. since. >> ainsley: this news broke carley has that we all questioned. >> carley: breaking news here. arizona senator kyrsten sinema is leaving the democratic party and will register as an independent. sinema writing this as part of an op-ed with the arizona republic published this morning, she says, quote: when politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving american lives, the people who lose every day are everyday americans. that's why i joined the growing number of arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my
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independence from the broken partisan system in washington. now, it is unclear how this could or would change the balance of power in the senate. certainly more to come on that news right there. kyrsten sinema leaving the democratic party. authorities along the u.s.-canada border are now monitoring for the hyundai elantra that was in the immediate area of the home of the murder of four idaho college students. moscow students believe the occupants of the car may have critical information about the november 13th killings. meanwhile, an unnamed idaho neighbor says a victim's front door was wide open the morning of the murders, according to a new report. the house of representatives has passed the national defense authorization act which includes rescinding the covid-19 vaccine mandate for troops. yesterday the house overwhelmingly passed the $858 million bill that marks a 4.6% raise in military personnel and would increase the
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pentagon's budget by $45 billion. >> the bill is heading to the senate next week where it is expected to pass. the los angeles rams defeating the las vegas raiders in an epic come back thanks to new quarterback baker mayfield. >> second and 10. mayfield, to the end zone to jefferson. is that possible? touchdown. >> carley: mayfield came off the bench rallying his team which was down 16-3. entering the fourth quarter to win by just one point. the comeback win snaps l.a.'s six game losing streak in spectacular fashion. those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> brian: a cut from the worst team in football and put on the world championship and basically comeback. >> carley: i wonder if he likes his new colors. >> carley: that was something i was not thinking how he liked the colors. >> carley: we should ask. >> brian: he does like playing in a super bowl.
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>> steve: carly, thank you. >> brian: remind me to is oask him how he likes the color. >> steve: got something chad pergram on capitol hill sinema changing from democrat to independent. chad writes if sinema were to caucus with the republicans back to a 50/50 split with democrats being back in control and vice president harris breaking the tie. that is if she caucuses with the republicans, however the first line of his note says she has indicated she will not caucus with the republicans. >> ainsley: king and bernie sanders are independents and caucus with the democratic party. >> brian: run again. see how this goes. four years left. >> ainsley: i wonder if she waited to find out who was going to win in georgia before she did that. >> steve: that's what the note said. she waited until after the runoff. all right, meanwhile, straight
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ahead on this friday, twitter files take 2. the social media giant's blacklist of top conservatives we covered in the new twitter documents dump. will the media actually cover it this time? joe concha, that's his beat, and he's coming up next. ♪
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>> fox news alert. wary weiss drop 2 of twitter files revealing stunning reports of censorship at the social media company. in a series of tweets, weiss says employees built blacklists they appreciated certain tweets. the mainstream media doesn't seem concerned between abc, cbs, and nbc there were zero minutes coverage on the first batch of files. so, do you think they will cover part 2? we are waiting. let's ask fox news contributor joe con challenge. joe, what do you think? 80sly it's important when we talk about abc, cbs, nbc those evening newscasts draw more than 20 million viewers on an average night combined people are still watching those news programs that may not be watching cable news any extended period of
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time. as you said they ignored it then. they will certainly ignore it now because because that is the -- that's basically the modus operandi going forward. when i looked this morning, ainsley at the "new york times," "the washington post," cnn, there is little to no coverage of this latest document dump hike watching the october of 2020 playbook all over again what they did with the hunter biden laptop ignore it or dismiss the story as propaganda. this latest document dump is very telling, ainsley. >> ainsley: they are doing exactly what twitter did. they don't want the audience to report a certain story they won't report it even though this is major news. >> completely. again, if we play the game where we take one name out of this story and put another one in. if you take hunter biden out of this story and put donald trump jr. into this story and if that was trump jr.'s laptop with all the receipts, all those emails that have been completely
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verified i have a feel this would be the story everybody would be talking about on other networks and news organizations for years some conservatives, ainsley, they had insisted that there was shadow banning going on thee accounts being suppressed. they felt like tweets weren't being amplified in anyway. we you saw the outright locking of accounts and censorship after the atlanta story after "the washington post" broke that story. this now shows all the receipts. it's all true and we see so many so-called journalists out there mocking this story as hey, it's no big deal. it's a very big deal, ainsley. >> ainsley: i hate to toot our own horn we covered all three stories this morning. one other network considered one of our competitors is talking about brittney griner. we reported that another one is talking about kyrsten sinema leaving the democratic party. we reported that they are not talking about this story and we are reporting. this we are covering all three stories. you get it all right here and that's why we are number one.
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you said kind of your competitor, beating one show tripling and quadruple bring audience and other one doubling and tripling that audience. you have to be competitive to be a competitor. this is why they are not drawing the type of viewership they could. they only see one kind of story or go about it one way. you are talking about things that people care about. and you show that you can walk and chew gum, too, by covering a bunch of different topics. that's what makes this show interesting. >> ainsley: everyone should be concerned about it right? >> everyone should be concerned about it because these are stories that we need to make our own decisions. i want to read all the stories and then i can make my own decision. but, when you can't read these stories and you don't know what is happening behind closed doors, then that's the issue. >> bias of omission, most insidious kind of bias out there. you are keeping information from people they otherwise should be learning about. anyway, we got to go, ainsley. god to see you again. >> ainsley: you help make our show great, thanks so much for
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coming on. >> have a good weekend. >> ainsley: you too. doppler radar indicated for the merchant of death. brbrine onamerican soil after bg released from arms dealer. enes kanter freedom unfairby i trade's dangerous precedent. even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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♪ over the last 100 years, lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder...
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what will they do for an encore? ♪ >> brian: here we're go. fox news alert. wnba brittney griner touching down on american soil looking at it just hours ago. the trade for her freedom comes at the cost of a russian arms dealer like no other known as the merchant of death. looking at him now. a man guilty of conspiring to kill americans caught on tape actually saying it. providing aid to terrorists around the globe. he had cargo ships ready to go. both side of any civil war. the next guest says negotiating with authoritarian regimes like putin's could make americans less safe. enes kanter joins us now, born in turkey, traveling the world. now an american citizen enes
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kanter freedom i should say. and your reaction to brittney griner's release? >> thank you for having me. i mean, obviously, i'm happy that prosecuting attorney is coming back home people we need to understand we traded a basketball player former chant of death. we just sent back and pretty much a terrorist responsible for thousands of lives and weapons in africa, in asia, and everybody knows that he is one of russia's most notorious armed dealers and we just traded him a honorable being for her. i would not exactly call it the a fair trade. we should not terrorists who can actually hurt america in the long run. >> brian: especially, because if you can get this back, why wouldn't some of these ruthless regimes, iran, north korea, russia, just start grabbing other people? high profile people and saying i'm going to hold on to him or
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her until i get -- there is other people that we have that russia wants. >> i mean, i want to actually emphasize this because this is really important. i just want to say let's not forget about the marine veteran paul whelan because he is also being held in a russian custody he was pretty much left behind in a swap. and we left the man who pretty much protected our country in russia, his family has been trying to get him out of there for years. at this point we love country. country. we left him back in russia. it was definitely not a fair trade. >> brian: in the past she has not been the most pro-american in 2020 she said i won't take the court if you are going to play the national anthem and questioned whether the national anthem should be played at all. >> you know, that is actually whenever we were in the locker room whenever we discussed with the teammates about what's going on i told them listen, i will get your tickets to a different
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countries out there like russia, like iran, like china so you guys get to see what a dictatorship looks like. you guys should feel lucky and blessed to live in a country like america. >> a lot of people saying it's not fair. women have to go to russia to play basketball that they should be equal like u.s. men and women's soccer. even though the men much more lucrative tournament been around for 90 years. 40, 30. they now balance out their pay. what about this story that we should balance out pay between men and women? >> their work is so hard for their whole life to get to the level that they are at. you know, i mean, they deserve to be treated way better. that's what i would say. >> brian: the problem is there is just not enough money in that just like world's best lacrosse players here. great athletes, there is not a lot of money in lacrosse. not as much money in the wmba,
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the men get more, that's just the way the system works. it's not sexist. >> well, there is not -- that's why you know, woman players trying to go out there and trying to make more money in different countries out there once they do, they just don't know the system that works in different dictatorships, and that's pretty much what happens. they need to be more educated about. >> it ennis, look forward to talking to you and maybe call me up one day and say brian, i just got a contract. i'm back in the league. enes kanter, you should be. thanks so much. appreciate you joining us. >> thank you, appreciate you. >> brian: all right, brittney griner is back. meanwhile, go over to carley shimkus who has other big news. >> carley: yeah, brian there are shocking new details in the murder of a 7-year-old little girl, her name is ateen who that strand. the fedex driver suspected of killing her now telling authorities he strangled her after accidently hitting her with his van as he was delivering her christmas gifts. can you believe that? look at that little girl's face
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right there. tanner horner claimed he panicked and put her in his van before allegedly killing her, fearing she would tell her father about the incident, horner is now being held in a county jail on capital murder and aggravated kidnapping charges. the fbi in north carolina officials obtaining warrants to investigate a power station attack that left 45,000 people in the dark over the weekend two electric substations reported gunfire that caused a massive power outage throughout moore county. the fbi obtaining an order to look into the cell phone records of people who were near the stations it the of the attack. duke energy issuing statements wednesday saying all of the equipment that was damaged has been fixed and residents are gradually gaining their power back. washington state and oregon have also had attacks on power stations as officials call for more security for the nation's power grid. american girl is doubling down on its kids book about gender
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transition despite a ton of backlash. the company releasing a statement saying, quote: the content in this book geared for kids 10 and up was developed in partnership with medical and adolescent care professionals and consistently empathizes the importance of having conversations with parents or trusted adults. well, parents across the country now vowing to boycott the doll company after one chapter offered tips to transition by going around your parents. what would you do if someone had a giant mull mural of you. eli manning shared what he would do in this clip with pete davidson. >> this is my bedroom. ♪ ♪ >> it's pretty chill. i'm leaving. i'm freaked out a little bit. [laughter] >> all right, see you later.
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>> shared instagram account and have only posted photos of each other together. those are your headlines, adam, quite the bromance there. >> i don't believe that there's no way. that was a set-up. i'm not buying it for a second. out here on fox square, what are we talking about? well, feeling like the holidays really, a lot colder than it was just yesterday. you know what? winter weather is kind of the story across the country. let's dive right in and take a look at those temperatures. do you see a big cold front stretching across the middle of the country and boy, does it get cold on the back side of it. the some folks waking one wind chills in the teens and 20. negative 16 in bismarck. always one of the cold coldest on the map. it certainly is this morning. snow across the plains and upper midwest. currently falling there in iowa moving up towards wink. we have got some winter weather alerts. winter storm warnings. winter advisories across that region as we could see a couple inches of snow today.
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those are your weather headlines. brian, tossing it back inside to you. >> brian: all right. thanks so much. appreciate it. we are going to get to the bottom of that adam and see if that was trumped up or not. legendary singer celine dion diagnosed with this inciewcialg stiff person syndrome. a doctor leading the research into the disease shares what this means for her future.
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the insurance company enwasn't fair.ity y ca i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son,
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♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> carley: tsa nationwide facial recognition. goal speed up lines. the technology scans a flier's face and compares it to their driver's license or passport. the tsa insists it will respect americans' privacy some view it could be a step toward something similar to china's social credit system. and it is an expensive world after all. disney increasing its ticket prices yet again. the single day ticket hike magic kingdom where prices range from
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124 to $198 per ticket. the annual passes reaching upwards of $1,300. disney says it's focused on, quote: providing guests with the best, most memo being disney experience by expanding theme parks with new attractions and offerings. those attractions come at a price. steve, over to you. >> they sure do. all right. thank you very much, carley. a heart breaking deniesal dhag we learned of yesterday for legendary music icon celine dion ♪ you're my strength when i was weak ♪ you were my voice when i couldn't speak ♪ you were my eyes when i couldn't see ♪ you the saw the best there was in me. >> steve: the super star loved by millions announced yesterday that she had been diagnosed with stiff person syndrome, an incurable neurological disease now causing her to postpone and cancel some of her planned shows. >> i miss you so much.
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i miss seeing all of you. i always give 100 percent when i do my shows. but my condition is not allowing me to give you that right now. >> steve: joining us right now is neurologist and director at the john hopkins stiff person syndrome dr. scott newsom, doctor, good morning to you. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> steve: thank you as well. you know, until yesterday, i think most of america had never heard of this. what are the symptoms of stiff person syndrome? >> sure, i know it's a mouthful. >> steve: it. >> it's evolving spectrum of disorders classic systems are intermittent spasms, re jihadi did i i at this which can involve your torso, legs more than arms. symptoms evolve over time. most people have insidious
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systems within the musculoskeletal tall system and over time they lose mobility. they can have significant traumatic falls. they can also have these unpredictable triggers that will cause spasms like being out in cold weather as simple as that. and what we have learned over the last, you know, couple decades is people can also experience things like double vision, gaty taxia, wobbly gate and a variety of other things. >> steve: exactly. she has had health problems for a while but this apparently was not diagnosed until recently. how many people in the country are actually diagnosed with stiff person syndrome in an average year? >> so, we don't actually know that. and the reason being is because this is, i feel, an under diagnosed condition, this is lack of awareness. but you and others are now putting out awareness which i think is going to be helpful.
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the estimated prevalence across the globe one or two in a million. as i said i feel it's more common than that in part because of expanding spectrum that we are seeing. >> steve: if anybody recognizes those particular symptoms, they should talk to their doctor. and, you are talking about awareness. obviously, more research funding is needed so that we know more stuff about it. but, doctor, in the intro, i mentioned that some of her shows have been postponed and others canceled. she wants to come back will will she be able to. >> it's hard to really comment on such a question. i can't speak to celine's individual situation. i can say that from people i have seen over the years, you know, there are some people that can get back to some assemblance of normalcy, albeit though that does not take away the suffering they may be experiencing on a day-to-day basis. however, i think with a
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multi-pronged approach to treatment, people can have an improved quality of life. >> steve: it's all about managing the problem. >> correct. you know, it's treating the symptoms, whether it's spasms, whether it's wobbly gate. but i will say say at the core of this condition is the immune system going rogue as i like to say and so we try to tamper down the immune system and includes using medications that suppress the immune system or modulate the immune system. >> steve: at love people have questions about it that's why we asked you to come, dr. newsom director of the stiff person syndrome. >> thank you. >> steve: dive into twitter file 2.0. senator tom cotton from the response from congress. dan bongino whose own account was limited and vivek ramaswamy calling out woke tech coming up. ♪
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>> steve: good morning, everybody, 7:00 in new york city. and a fox news alert. the second round of twitter files was released last night with stunning allegations of widespread censorship. >> ainsley: independent journalist bari weiss is releasing that reporting in -- she is releasing this in a series of tweets last night. she said a new twitter files investigation reveals teams of twitter employees wilt blacklists to prevent disfavored tweets from trending and actively limit


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