tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 9, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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always. thank you very much. we will continue our coverage of the twitter files. we have got jesse coming up. we have got others. and thank you for watching "special report." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. join me for fox news at night this evening at midnight eastern, 9:00 pacific. we will have more on the third twitter file dump. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. jesse, this is fascinating. , which whole back and forth is fascinating between the government and twitter. >> jesse: still reading about it as it comes in. thanks, trace. ♪ fox news alert, just moments ago another batch of the twitter files was dropped by journalist matt tiberiasy. this time we learn about the steps twitter took on january 6th and leading up to it. and we'll share those with you in just a moment. but, first, we all know a lawyer when we see one. this they lie when they don't have to. like the guy in the office always late. you know as soon as he walks in you will hear a fake story about a woman giving birth on a train.
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if you call him out, they will lie again and do it straight to your face. >> now we're going to run a few tests. this is a simple lie detector. i will ask you a few yes or no questions and you just answer truthfully. do you understand. >> yes. [explosion] >> jesse: this is coming just after journalist bari weiss dropped new twitter documents proving the company censored conservatives, people like dan bongino, charlie kirk, libs of tiktok and even a stanford doctor who said lockdowns would hurt children. were secretly shadowed banned on twitter. posts being purged, buried, secretly censored. many conservatives were straight-up being banned. bongino had people telling him they couldn't find him on twitter. and bongino is the most viral guy on facebook but he was a ghost on twitter some weeks. no one could see him. the media told us we were imagining things.
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headline after headline told us move along, there's nothing to see here. every reporter said twitter isn't shadow banning republicans. even though they were. the ceo at the time, jack dorsey even went under oath to say the same thing. >> social media is being rigged to censor conservatives. is that true of twitter? >> no. >> i don't know what twitter is up to. it sure looks like to me they are censoring people and they ought to stop it. are you censoring people. >> no. >> twitter shadow banning prominent republicans, bad. is that true? >> no. >> jesse: turns out he lied under oath, lied congress, which is supposed to be a crime and he lied to you. twitter wasn't just censoring conservative speakers, elon said today they were even censoring republican political campaigns. millions of voters and constituents couldn't see what republican campaigns were saying. or what republican politicians
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were saying. and while this was happening, democrat politicians, democrat campaigns were pumped straight into your bloodstream. $40 billion company rigged america's political debate to help their preferred political party. a private company was doing political favors for democrat candidates. election laws were broken. elections were interfered with. twitter was providing in kind contributions to democrat candidates. and none of this was disclosed. it was all done in the dark. and republican fundraising was affected. democracy was poisoned. the former ceo jack dorsey knew exactly what he was doing. and he had an army of lobbyists dominating democrat regulators in d.c. so he could get away with it. >> i think oftentimes companies see themselves as reacting to regulation and i think we need to take more of an education role. so i don't fear it.
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i want to make sure that we are educating regulators on what's possible, what we are seeing and where we could go. >> when you say educating regulators that's initiating regulation. >> not necessarily. we might just be talking. >> educating regulators. who are these regulators? >> these are folks who who might be tasked with come up with a proposal particular legislation or laws to legislators. >> jesse: so twitter owned washington. where is the fbi traditionally the bureau would investigate political corruption. but the fbi was in on it. twitter's top lawyer james baker was a former fbi lawyer. he was planted at the company to oversee political censorship after successfully orchestrating the russia hoax. as elon was dropping these new documents he intercepted them and started scrubbing documents
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were deleted. this former fbi lawyer destroyed company property and destroyed evidence. remember, in 2016, his team fabricated evidence against trump and now he is destroying evidence to help biden. that's an fbi lawyer. plus, baker wasn't the only fed working there, twitter headquarters was swimming with excia and fbi agents. they all had suite offices and held top company positions. the head of twitter strategic response team, jeff carlton worked for both the cia and the fbi. is that a coincidence? was twitter being used as a back end government program? was twitter being used as a surveillance platform an intelligence operation, a psy ops program? has the democratic party joined forces with american intelligence to subvert elections and crush american
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conservatives? and the corporate media not only won't touch the scandal, but they will scandalize any reporter who reports it. when jack dorsey breezes through interviews on cnn, it all makes sense. >> real question behind the question is are we doing something according to political ideology or viewpoints? and we are not. period. we do not look at content with regards to political viewpoint or ideology. we need to constantly show that we are not adding our own bias, which i fully admit is more left leaning. >> jesse: that was all a lie. how many lies can you tell on cnn and get away with it? twitter was helping democrats suppress the votes and sway elections. big tech, big media and the democrats are why people don't trust elections. and the saddest part about all of this, is while they were
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suppressing political speech, they were censoring doctors. medical professionals who were banned for warning that lockdowns would hurt kids. that school closures would hurt kids. here's one of the top doctors who was throttled by fauci and twitter. >> it really hurt public health. if we had an open discussion, laura, the schools would not have closed in the fall of 2020. if we had an open discussion, the lockdowns would have been lifted much earlier because the data and evidence behind them was so bad. twitter, by suppressing scientific discussion harmed science, harmed children, and harmed the american public. imagine how different all the small businesses could have stayed open. all the people that wouldn't have missed their cancer screenings. all the kids that wouldn't be depressed and suicidal. all the learning loss that could have been avoided if we just had an open scientific discussion. >> jesse: that was the point. they wanted control, not discussion. from politics to science.
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they wanted to be the judge, jury, and executionner. and so far they are getting away with it. turn to charlie hurt, fox news contributor and a "washington times" opinion columnist qui thought it was bad before but now even worse it? >> really is. you make a really important point here. it's not sort of conservative opinions that were squelched here. these people were actually censoring science. and science at a time -- i can't think of a more important time in recent history, at the height of a pandemic when people needed accurate information from honest doctors and you had the government working with -- through the fbi working with major media companies, working with social media, to not just censor conservatives but to censor actual medical professionals who are trying to warn us. and, as a result of those warnings, being silenced, people died. and that's not hyperbole.
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honestly, there were people who -- did not make it through the pandemic because these good doctors were silenced and their warnings against shutting down health facilities, shutting down schools and shutting down businesses would lead to the deaths of americans. >> jesse: charlie, kids committed suicide. companies went bankrupt. you're just going to say oh, you know, that just happened? i mean, you are not going to take any responsibility for t that? >> yeah. and not to mention the psychologic damage that it's done not only to adults but to children. the psychologic trauma that was inflicted on these people, on these young, innocent children because twitter was so convinced, and, you know, it's so easy for people to sit back and say i'm not on twitter. i don't really know what twitter is. twitter is sort of this weird object that is really powerful in certain terms.
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but it's powerful in media circles. it's powerful in government circles. in public affairs circles. and so, when the government works in cahoots with social media to either censor conservatives or elevate left wing crazy whatever, what you wind up with is that's where the media goes. if you are upset with how the media covers all of this crazy stuff, if you are upset about, you know, the two years of riots that we put up with all that stuff was passed around on twitter. and twitter allowed all of it to happen. but, when people tried to tell the truth, either about joe biden or about the pandemic, they were silenced. >> jesse: i'm not sure if you have seen all of the latest. we are going to have a later report in a few minutes. but the fbi and the cia deeply embedded in twit earth. constant communication throughout these campaigns, before the election, after the election. running things over, running
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things up the flag pole. censoring. putting their hands on -- could you even believe how involved the intelligence agencies were in these elections? >> no, it's shocking. literally weekly meetings with officials at twitter and we assume at facebook and others. where they warned, even before they -- you know, they had the hunter biden laptop in their possession for a year. they were warning these social media companies don't touch any information out of this. they were running interference for the biden campaign and you're right, by the way, this is -- i don't even think it's inkind contributions, these are flat out contributions, these are financial contributions to a campaign and republicans should get to the bottom of all of this. but here's the other thing that i find so disturbing. the fbi, cia working with these companies to interfear with the election. then you have the media. you have the corporate media
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completely oblivious to all of it, completely uncurious about this. and they are not enraged. how could you be in the news business and not be enraged at the concept of your federal government getting involved in elections? >> jesse: it's the biggest story in decades and the corporate media won't touch it. and they wonder why no one watches them and they wonder why they are losing money. it's because no one trusts them because they ignore massive scandals. >> yeah. zero credibility. >> jesse: zero. >> they could gain it back if they touched it but they won't because they are involved. have a great weekend, charlie. this is what the border patrol now is dealing with. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite.
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this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪
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jess between the got-aways, human trafficking and drug smuggling the border patrol agents are totally overwhelmed. bill melugin joins us with new video from la joya, texas. >> hey, jess were because of the record number of got aways slipping border patrol right now. launched a brand new task force designed to find and arrest some of these got aways we had a chance to embed with that unit. we were with them as they took down a human smuggler right in front of somebody's house at the rio grande valley. they go gailing out and illegal immigrants go running off. texas stated troopers start tack tackling they open up the back of the video and some more. cartel wrist bands pay the cartel in order to be smuggled into the u.s. that human smuggler and illegal
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immigrant from mexico in the yellow jacket he was found and arrested by texas dps. and then you will see more nigers being smuggled in the back of that vehicle not moving seeming to think if they don't move people won't be able to find them. then take a look at the second peels of video. we went out into the brush texas dps as they were trying to track down more of these got-aways thee runners guys not willing to turn themselves in or actively trying to evade and not claiming asylum. group of these runners, and one single runner with them texas dps runners arrested about 50 of these illegal in the brush who are actively trying to sneaked into the united states and then lastly, take a look at this last piece of video. out in the brush with texas dps we noticed from across the river suspected mexican drug cartel scouts watching us from across the river. watching us and texas dps. started off with a couple of trucks. then we started seeing guys in trees in the hoods dressed in
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camouflage, hunkering down not wanting to be seen. radios and put their own drone in the air. keeping an eye on things. goes to show the control the cartels have at least on the mexican side of the border. and in fact, out here, texas dps tells us they are going to continue with this new unit they formed right now border patrol is completely overwhelmed. they don't have the manpower there aren't enough agents out on patrol right now. the state of texas is going to fill the gap and attempt to arrest some of these got-aways. jesse? >> jesse: all liberals want to do these days erase history. remember what we saw in 2020? they were tearing down statues of jefferson and columbus and even george washington. they couldn't stand the sight of them so they were gone. now we thought this was the end of it. turns out we were wrong. because no president is safe. even the great emancipator honest abe. syracuse university, upstate new york, a student dominic wants the college to tear down its
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statue of abraham lincoln. this one right here. he wants it gone. why? what's his beef with our greatest president? well, he says lincoln doesn't represent the university's current ethics. you heard that right. if you know, wrote in an article in the school's paper criticizing lincoln's relationship with the native americans and highlighting one little incident in abe's first term. in 1862 america was expanding, manifest destiny, we were pushing out on the frontier, settlers and natives were fighting for the same land, locked in battle. problems arose all across the midwest as this little known u.s. dakota war was heating up. and during one battle in minnesota, thousands of indians were captured and sentenced to death. but honest abe was sympathetic to the indians and commuted some of their sentences. but not all of the death sentences, only 250 out of 300 were commuted. so he didn't save enough
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indians. it didn't matter that those other indians had scalped americans. now, this was a tragic moment in our history. but, lincoln seemingly got it right, but, don't tell that to the kid at syracuse. he thinks lincoln is now undeserving of a memorial on campus. don't worry he says this is what abraham lincoln would want. he wouldn't want his statue up. quote, the ironic placement of lincoln cradled by a school that values citizenship, ethics, and justice to promote the public good is indeed contradictory. i believe lincoln would want his statue removed for these are the same values that he, too, admired. i'm not sure i agree. but, this college kid isn't the only one coming after honest abe. a few weeks ago in chicago vandals defaced the lincoln statue, covered it in paint.
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turning into 2020 all over again. and, trust me, nobody wants that. stephen miller's the america first legal founder, first i wasn't that concerned. some kooks of san fran took name off elementary school. i thought that was okay. now they want statues removed, miller, and abe would have wanted it that way. >> well, i think, jesse, it's important for us to take a very impartial look at this and not rush to judgment. it's true, it's true. abraham lincoln ended slavery and saved the union. but did you know, jesse, did he not have a single lgbtq i initiative. not one his entire presidency. it's been reported by historians that he frequently misgenderred people. he used the wrong pronouns and while he did issue the emancipation proclamation, did you know, jesse, unlike joe biden he did not issue one executive order on equity?
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not one. so there are real deficiencies there, jesse, that we do have to take a look at. >> jesse: i know. it's sad you think you are going to go to school and matriculate and get out there and go to syracuse. he went to syracuse. let's bring him. in this walking hand grenade made zaphino is going to get hired by is some company, miller. is he a lawsuit waiting to happen. in a certain sense i say what? let it happen. let this kook blow up your company because this is what people deserve at this point. >> the problem is that we have these woke wackoes in every hr department legal department even running so many of the corporations all across this country making the rest of our lives miserable these are joyless, these are unhappy, these are tortured souls who are
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working out their deep psychological issues on every other normal regular person. we have to declare liberty. we have to declare freedom from the woke lunatics draining all the joy, all the happiness, all the sanity out of american life. >> jesse: yeah. we don't need a revelation because you have emotional problems. keep that to yourself. >> exactly. >> jesse: stephen miller, have a great weekend. >> you got it. >> jesse: next, more breaking news on twitter's special relationship with the fbi. more twitter files coming. ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease
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♪ over the last 100 years, lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder... what will they do for an encore? ♪ he is j jess fox news alert. elon musk just dropped a fresh batch of twitter files. correspondent kelly o'grady. >> dropped three. back with you second night in a row as we watch this. the next three drops including today are going to focus on how
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and why former president trump was banned on january 8th. what he would learning not only was there internal strife amongst employees over the decision to ban him but he was removed due to quote context. a screenshot from the files shows a researcher form informing the former head of legal he should be removed not because of a particular tweet but rhetoric during the campaign. call out a few interesting revelations if we bring up tweet 16. this shows how moderation decisions were made. the president tweeting about rigged elections and the head of safety wondering if that phrase is enough to remove him. there was actually -- actually it's not up on screen. i'll just share with you the president tweeted about 50,000 absentee ballots in ohio and there's an exchange where the head of safety yoel roth says oh my god can we take it down because he talks about rigged elections, oh, wait, he googles, maybe he is actually talking about something that was indeed true. you are seeing that messy. turn to number 11 if we can bring up.
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twitter execs were bringing with fbi members regularly and they joked about it in what they called their calendar meetings. yoel roth title ling meetings like very boring business meetings definitely not meeting about trump and definitely not meeting with the fbi i swear. tweet 16 it gets deeper nic pickles asking how to characterize to the public the context behind how they made misinformation calls there was particularly relevant can we just say partnerships rather than partnerships with outside experts? quote, not sure it would describe the fbi and dhs as experts. and then this, jesse. this takes the cake yoel roth reporting to the fbi quote we blocked the "new york post" story, referencing the hunter biden laptop story and then unblocked it, communications angry. reporters think we are angry. for short fml can't say what that means on the air. bring up this tweet.
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this by former arizona governor mike huckabee talked about mailing in ballots deceased parents and grandparents. joke. strong internal debate over whether to remove it. confusion, jesse. that is wild they think that users can't figure that out for themselves. final live this one is the last one, taibbi shares they looked through the entire election like i just referenced and we didn't see one reference from moderation request from the trump campaign or the white house or republicans though they are told it did happen. this is ongoing, jesse. more is coming out as i'm speaking to you. we can expect drops tomorrow and then again on sunday regarding this decision and certainly throughout the night. we could have even had more as we are speaking. >> jesse: so the republicans, the trump campaign, and the trump administration, kelly, were not asking twitter to censor anybody or interfere with
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anything. but the fbi was and democrats were constantly doing that. and something else jumped out at me here, too. this is trump was being visibly filtered as late as a week before the election. senior executives didn't appear to have a particular violation but still worked fast to make sure a trump tweet couldn't be replied to, shared or liked. so, the president of the united states and the republican nominee for president before the election, a week before the election, the most critical time for late deciders was being censored by the fbi and twitter you are absolutely right, jesse. i love that you called that out because in the files it also shows screenshots of them
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congratulating each other on a great job, you know, the speed of that that you were able to visibly filter, that was the word that we learned yesterday on trump, so it's just wild to see how that was evolving. >> jesse: this is the biggest scandal i can ever remember. i'm not that old. but this is the biggest scandal that i have ever heard of. kelly, thank you so much. we will continue to follow more of these files as they come out. ♪ >> jesse: hockey is an absolutely bloody sport. borders .[buzzer] ♪ [shouting] >> we have tons of contact sports but only hockey has a rule that lets players stop and then hit the hell out of each other which is why we were surprised to learn of a new hockey tournament that just took place in wisconsin, the all
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trans draft tournament where all the players are trans gender. the only thing is it appears as if the whole tournament has been buried. there is barely any video of it. which is strange because these arenas typically record everything. so we reached out to the venue and they never got back to us. but, why? if this is such a positive, inclusive event, then how come no one wants to talk about it and why can't we see it? you think the democrats would be out in full force supporting u.s.a.'s first trans hockey team, right? i mean, this is the first hockey team that didn't have to play under the harsh conditions of misogyny and sexism. >> trans is international group of hockey players that all identify as transgender of all skill levels. the lgbtq community it's been growing for the past few decades but it seems like in the past few years there has really been a snowball effect.
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>> we're trying to develop the players that already know how to play and also bring in some new players that haven't even skated before to teach them the game and get them comfortable on the ice in an environment they are comfortable in. >> jesse: so you take grown men who know how to play hockey and mix them in with women who identify as men who have never been on the ice before. what could go wrong? apparently everything went wrong. the teams were totally lopsided. one of them team pink was stacked with all big burly biological men who now identify as women and one biologically female player got a concussion from a bisexual trans man and guess how long it took her to get off the ice? 17 minutes. it took that long to get this concussed female off the ice. after she was knocked head first into the side of the rink and
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surprise, surprise, in the end, team pink took home the trophy, obviously. which just goes to show you how far can equality go before you are just beaten half to death? equality in sports is men playing men and women playing women, period. and any other match-up as you see here is dangerous. speaking of danger, what about our friend sammy, the bireported baggage snatcher, sticky finger at it again this time stealing another designer bag from the las vegas airport and there's a warrant out for little sammy. 15 republicans this week sent a letter to secretary of energy jen granholm demanding sammy be terminated but i wouldn't hold my breath. he still gets a paycheck like 17 5gs a year. that's your money. you are paying for sammy to
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steal bags all across america. so just remember if you are traveling for the hollywood holidays don'tleave your bag un. i didn't know your nephew is nhl hockey player. >> rachel: he plays for the -- >> jesse: do you know how to skate rachel only on "fox & friends weekend"? >> rachel: it's not on the mexican side. this is the midwest side. >> rachel: okay. that makes more sense. >> rachel: eric -- yeah, makes a little more sense. so he won the stanley cup and my son right now is at hockey practice with sean, so there is a mexican-american playing hockey there is diversity after all. >> jesse: if your son was playing against a biological female and knocked her into the board so hard it took her 17 minutes to leave the ice concussed, wouldn't you feel a little bit bad about that?
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>> rachel: of course. hockey is like football. it's so physical. there's so much contact. it unfair when we see these swimmers, these giant males swimming against women and it's not fair. but it's not necessarily unsafe. this is very dangerous. so, if the nhl wants to continue virtue signaling with these kinds of, you know, a trans, you know, men playing biological women, there is going to be more injuries. and parents ought to stand up and say something about this. that's what we all care about. we want our kids to have fun. we don't want them to get hurt. there is no way around getting hurt in this case and, again, the nhl, you know, this is part of their diversity accelerating diversity program that they have. if you know hockey, if you know hockey fans and hockey no, n mod dads i don't believe there is a big demand from this. this is coming from the woke board who, you know, is virtue signaling and/or too scared to not go on with this program.
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but it's going to fail or people are just going to get hurt. >> jesse: people are going to get hurt. if trans men want to play against trans men or women, whatever, keep it fair so men aren't checking women into the side so their heads get concussed. is this probably why the nhl is being real secretive about this? >> rachel: yeah. what i have heard is that if there was footage we would see these giant men up against these, you know, much smaller women. and you see that, of course, when you see these swimming meets with trans. the only up side of what we saw is that everybody on this trans league signed up for it. unfortunately, in so many of the other sports that we have, these young women are being subjected to, you know, competing against men against their own will and losing out on competitions and on scholarships truly unfair. >> jesse: rachel, part of me was a little jealous i wasn't allowed to play against women when i was growing up. i would have had a much better athletic career.
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it's just not fair. thank you. i have had to play against all guys that's why i suck, thank you. >> rachel: where is the women's movement? we haven't -- what we have in america is an abortion movement masquerading as a women's movement. if we had a legit women's movement in ameri america in wot be happening. >> jesse: let me know how your son doing in the northwest. >> rachel: he will be fine. >> jesse: thank you very much, rachel. >> rachel: you got it. bye, jesse. >> jesse: one massachusetts library fires the first shots in the war on christmas. ♪ ♪ in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles?
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♪ >> jesse: last night the first shots were fired in the war on christmas in a small town called dedham massachusetts. their killed their own answer christmas tree because it makes some people feel uncomfortable. what absolute maroni. christmas tree used for the past several years. i think we have it right there. does this kid look uncomfortable
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to you? two of the people who live in that town join me now. marianne martin. we hear that they actually celebrate kwanzaa in this library but not christmas. how does that make you feel? >> oh, celebrate everything. celebrate absolutely everything. the more partying the better. >> celebrate fess at this vast it doesn't matter right, jason? why kill a flee everyone is probably christian in the town? jesse they want to be inclusive and their idea of being exclusive is to exclude christmas trees. we he don't really understand that. >> it's only the christmas tree. it's only the christmas tree that they have -- they are dying on that hill. they will allow other type of celebrations. there is a gifting table. there is a wreaths on the door. and they consider the christmas tree to be offensive and more christian, which is weird
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because a christmas tree is secular and a wreath is not. a wreath is definitely religious. >> jesse: federal holiday. what kind of action can we expect at this town hall meeting next week? >> we're hoping that the town will or at least the library commissioner, trustees will approve to have a trims tree brought back and all other spiritual symbols at well, right? we want equal representation in the town. we are very diverse town. >> jesse: that's what we want. we want equalities. that's what they say they want. let's give them equality and listen to the people because that's what democracy is all about. jason and marianne thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we may have to pay and merry christmas. >> please do. merry christmas. are goodwill towards men. >> jesse: hillary clinton always talked about shattering glass creelingsz and today it looks like she finally did with her
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voice. ♪ eye of the tiger ♪ dancing through the fire ♪ because i'm i am a champion ♪ and you're going to hear me roar ♪ louder ♪ louder than a lion ♪ because i am a champion ♪ and you're going to hear me roar ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ you're going to hear me roar ♪ >> jesse: she is cranking out all the hits you know katie perry, kelly clarkson even ♪ you don't know me because you're dead wrong ♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ turn a little ♪ doesn't mean i'm lonely when i'm alone ♪ what doesn't kill you makes a fighter ♪ puts us even higher ♪ doesn't mean that i'm over ♪ because you're gone
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♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ stronger. >> jesse: who can forget the classics? ♪ what you need ♪ you know i got it ♪ all i ask ♪ is put a little respect ♪ just a little bit ♪ baby, just a little bit ♪ just a little bit ♪ just a little bit. >> jesse: did you hear that, bill? all hillary wants is a little respect when she gets home. that's what i call gutsy, sink or swim is next. ♪ asker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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h.>> that's disgusting. >> at least he didn't go like that. >> jesse: knot that you know of. here we go. who said the mask is the maga hat for democrats? was it joe rogan or tucker carlson? let's see the answer. >> that mask is a democrat's maga hat. that's what they're doing. >> i watch him all the time. >> me too. >> if you watch rogan or tucker? >> both of them. >> jesse: very good recovery. >> i listen to rogan every day when i work. >> he's good. >> jesse: name dropping. >> i run to rogan. >> jesse: a lot of people run from rogan. the next category, i'll pass on the salad. growing up, we were always told to eat our veggies, b but at a
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campaign rally this person said this. was it kennedy? >> yes. >> it's got to be. >> i don't eat kale. you know why. because kale tastes to me like i'd rather be fat. >> jesse: is he your favorite senator? he's up there. >> i like kale. >> jesse: you do like kale? >> well, i mean, for his accent. tim scott would be my favorite. >> all right. we don't want to put you in a uncomfortable position. >> he has the gift of gab. let's go to the next one. which republican politician this week claimed president trump had gone from maga to a rino for wanting to suspend the constitution, was it liz cheney or mitt romney? this is critical. you're going with liz or mittens. what's the answer?
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>> when president trump says he wants to suspend the constitution, he goes from being maga to being rino. >> jesse: charlie, you need this one to stay in it. the category is vegan tears. after pulling out a 16--ounce steak on set and eating it, telling the vegan extremist, i love eating steak, i'm not going to stop. was it piers morgan or bill marr? both going with piers. what is it? >> you'll achieved, you made me want to do this. >> that's unfair, because i watch bill marr all the time. >> jesse: listen, you've won. you win a sink or swim hat. dagen, better luck next time. you were close. you can hit him with a paddle, if you like, just for wearing his hat like that. >> he's got guns.
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>> jesse: but he eats kale. >> that's why i have guns. >> he eats kale and steak. >> jesse: all right. he's looking very good. thank you very much. the two best dressed guests we've ever had on sink or swim. who thought fox business was so fashionable. the hillary text broke my phone. we got to go. tucker is next. i'm watters. this is my world. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy friday. since it's friday, we want to take a moment to address one of the enduring mysteries of modern life. what do people do all day? if you've ever been in an affluent urban area around lunchtime you wondered that yours, fashionably young people buzz around, buying expensive salads, strolling purposely as
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