tv Hannity FOX News December 9, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> there's a long list of things we really want to want to see hillary clinton doing. thinking is on that list, and she's been carpool karaoke. [laughter] it's kind of grain away. have the best we can with the ones you love and we will see you monday. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the special edition of hannity, i'm tammy bruce and for sean. it would begin with a fox news alert, the third installment of the twitter files it is now out in detail in the behind the scene efforts to ban former president donald trump from the platform. in the aftermath of january 6th. generalists who broke the news tonight said, we will show you what has not been revealed. and the erosion of standards within the company.
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in months before january 6th, and decisions by high-ranking executives to violate their own policies, and more. i guess backdrop of ongoing documented interactions with federal agencies. previewed and more to come this weekend, including evidence that twitter did not ban trump, just based on the tweets alone, but based on the larger "larger context" surrounding this presidency. and get this, the files also revealed coordination of federal law enforcement including of course on the hunter biden laptop. saying "during this time they were clearly lazing with federal enforcement, and intelligence agencies about moderation of election related content" and a closing to iep, twitter was meeting weekly not with just the fbi, but with the d&i. it is all just the latest explosive revelations exposing
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just how committed twitter staffers were when he came to cracking down on the right, because, as tonight's breaking news we can add to that what we have learned just last night. that yes twitter shadow is real. and that, that blacklists do it this and they were used by far left twitter staffers two sets only conservatives. to send to anyone else who dared to challenge the democrats and big tech controlled narratives. because in the explosive exec and excitement of the twitter files, reporter barry white revealed extensive efforts by twitter to use trends blacklists, to limit the visibility of tweets from prominent users on the right. and those affected, including fox's own dan bongino, inc. charlie kirk, the accounts on tick-tock, and even a prominent doctor from stanford who was critical of covid locked up policies to remember, for my ceo repeatedly denied that this was ever happening.
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here he is testifying in front of congress, back in 2018 watch this. >> i would like to read a few coats, but twitter's practices. and i just want to tell you that you are not. social media is being grade, to center conservatives. is that two of twitter? >> no. >> i do not know what twitter is up to but it looks like they are censoring people and they have to stop it. are you censoring people? >> no. >> twitter shadow banning prominent republicans adds, is that true? >> no. >> it's just like clockwork, democrats and their enduring allies in the media are suffering one meltdown after another and relentlessly attesting mosque, saas yourself, why are democrats in the media so terrified by transparency. and so scared of free and independent voices and so hostile to free speech and the answer may be simpler than you
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think. censorship is a tool used by the powerful against the powerless. just as press the scent, silence opposing voices, and to control the flow of information after all. there's no other reason for this to exist in the first place. free speech on the other hand, it is of value to stand up to those in power. to hold them accountable to enact change or dispose corruption. it is why of course if it's important to the founders that is in the constitution. it is that important, it is the first amended. with the twitter file shows us is that one of the most powerful tech companies in the world was hell-bent on punishing users not for actually breaking the rules before having the wrong views. thank goodness we finally had absolute proof that exposes all of it. now we're here for the reaction fox news contributor joe concha, and airy pfizer. airy? i think what is for foes most concerning here, this many things to be concerned about,
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but we have a dynamic where it was yes, a company that was a publicly held company, now is lazing with the federal government and specifically could control compensations politically around and around in election. and we would never know this, it elon musk wasn't interested in this particular event. what do you -- what your take on a hall of this is unfolding? >> while it is fascinating is in it. why is the government holding these meetings? to what purpose? but the most important thing is what we have not been told yet. who exactly in the government? we need their names and their titles. what was their roles in the federal agency? because if they were in meaning they have evidence of a crime, that is what they for the federal government to do? but if they had no evidence of a crime, they want to limit speech in any way, shape, or manner or form and especially if their people inside those agencies? subordinate people?
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i tried to influence the election to help joe biden -- absolutely. this whole truth has to come out. we need to spill the specifics, we need to know who those meetings were with, and we hope the republicans are in a house i got a look at this because this could be government wrongdoing >> this is my concern, that this is clearly just the tip of the iceberg joe, i know the hunter biden laptop is big news, certainly president trump's big news, but what he always noted was that it had nothing to do with him, that it was always about us. and that he was just the one in front of us protecting us. in this photo confirms that there is a net always been about the little guy. about the forgotten man and woman. and what the average individual who can be closed down. because it's not just kylie kerr, and a doctor from stanford. her president trump. it is what we don't know that is already noted about so many other people. >> what that is the thing, right tammy?
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were conservative speeches, the conservative free speech is something that is -- that is something that the free press should embrace right? but instead, they seem to be advocating the fact that people have been blacklisted at this point. and not just dan bongino, who is a prominent podcast there, and host on this network, or the lives of tick-tock, who also blacklisted in their speech or surprise. it is all the other people out there that would say hey, i feel like my tweets are not getting the traction that they used to. why is that? why am i being suppressed? so yes, it's not just the prominent names as all the other people that may have a perspective on the way this country should be run or policies that they advocate. if that is the big problem here. and the thing is, such as social media tammy, it is traditional media that is working in lockstep with social media as far as
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suppressing the story now. and abc, nbc, cnn, nbc, "the new york times," "the washington post," i went to their web pages before they came on, and i've seen nothing in terms of these document dumps. in terms of this fresh information, and the receipts that we are seeing. that this sort of censorship happened in the united states of america. on twitter and is the most prominent social media platform. and there's no reporting on it whatsoever. >> this is what's interesting ra, in fact what twitter was doing, was a little bit more obvious, but isn't that what legacy media has always done? choosing certain voices, not interviewing certain people, not calling on certain reporters, shutting out certain stories which you can't prove negative, but suddenly with social media we can. that this became more obvious. in the nature of what they were doing. and they did it so blatantly i think because this is what --
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this is how information is being controlled for information is now this country. and it was that average person. i mean look well on tv right now, i know i'm a shadow banned, all of us probably were, and yet we can talk about it. it is the millions of people, who noticed that they were not being heard anymore isn't that that major issue here? >> what i would love to see is the full list of who was shadow bear. whose voices were ordered not to be amplified and what with their saying that ticked off the liberals of twitter so much that they felt like they needed to take that to save the republic? i mean this is what were learning, makes it elon musk. the people who work there never thought it would come to light. they were so happily and safely's constant and the cone of liberalism and everybody thought the same way they did and if there is a conservative there conservative didn't speak out out of fear. and now elon musk is exposing them. in the connection to the mainstream media and it's still the greatest, the worst biggest
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mistake the press is made in the modern era with the suppression of "the new york post." shutdown of the media by the media, and the applause of the media. by the attack. if we are now learning that everything "the new york post" reported was accurate and thank goodness he is shining a light on this, but we need more. we need the names of those who were banned. if there are any on the left we need to know that too. we haven't heard about anybody in the left, but i want all those names of the people to ensure that pete twitter has that. plus the names of the government officials. >> i will tell you, for all americans, for all of us who know that our voices are the thing is really the thing you want to talk about the appointive democracy. this is democracy. the average person is being able to be heard and gentlemen, i don't know it elon musk, or joe, if you are right agree with me, we have this lock. because one guy with enough money decided that he wanted a
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more transparency and more freedom. but what would be happening if he wasn't interested? maybe that's why they were so comfortable that they said this is always the way it's better now tiny change. >> exactly. this would happen during 2024 election all over again. the censorship, the suppression. in any other election and quite frankly, the day-to-day conversations we have because they always thought that they would be in power at twitter or facebook or google, and no one was ever to find out because it was beyond all of these layers that average people cannot see. but what is amazing about the stories that you see so many activist journalists out there, attempting and failing quite frankly to discredit matt taibbi, and very whites, to truly independent george ellis that keep saying that this is no big deal. that is a nothing burger, and saying they would not about this the whole time. but there's so much beef here, but jo roth, freddy's instance the head of site integrity his
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title, he tweeted shortly after he took office that there are actual nasties in the white house and this is the guy deciding what you did seeing what you didn't hear twitter. i'm sure he wouldn't target conservatives? >> i made it also began to facebook and twitter began the assignment to us. they set the tone for legacy media. then of course is how this became so obscene. thank you both gentlemen. also, a big breaking news. out of washington today were arizona senator, kyrsten sinema announced that she is ditching the democratic party will instead serve as an independent. i want white house said, the move does not affect the senate majority, many on the left are erupting with predictable hate and rage over the move. congressman congressperson equated "not only in this long soliloquy to cinema offering a single concrete value, or policy that she believes in. and earlier today she went on
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cnn to say ask and explain herself take a look" >> ever since she was reelected during their this week, the balance of power right now is 51, democrats, or 51 both boats and that includes two independent and bernie sanders. but that is 51, 49. and what you're doing today doesn't change that is still basically going to be 5149? >> i know you have to ask that question, but that is kind of a d.c. thing to worry about. what i'm really focused on is just making sure that i'm doing what i think is supporting my values and the values of arizonans. >> to hear with more analogous is fox's own chad pergram chat? >> this shifts the tectonic plates tammy, but not the way you think democrats still control the senate, that's the caucus with the democrats. independent study standards already do that. and republicans are now going to
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court cinema site. >> we are a big party, we have everyone from suzy kolber to ted cruz. in the senate with us. and the democrats let's just say they don't have that degree of diversity points and don't welcome people in the dissent from the port line. >> the g.o.p. will scrutinize the next move. >> i watched as she spent a lot of time hanging on in the senate to own the republican side. so should be comfortable floating back and forth. but it is not going to flip the control of the senate like it did with ted jeffords. >> he defected from 2,001 becoming independent from what a 50/50 senate. but jeffords move toward a set of controls to the democrats because he caucus with them. >> this seems to be a cosmetic change where you get the stories for branding yourself as an independent. but you are still effective the part of the democratic organization. >> he was a intimate player in the passage of the informatics structure built. but liberals on big spending,
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and changing filibuster. tammy? >> thank you chad very much. now here with more reaction form of republican scott brown, and fox news contributor lyrical trial. leo let me start with you, because i will agree that this is really cosmetic, she's not gonna change your approach. she's gonna be -- i mean look she's a middle-aged woman, and remain with the democrats all this time and even i got out of the democratic party. and we know tulsi gabbard did but i do not see this as an indication that her approach is going to change at all. i don't see her exactly becoming a conservative do you? >> i don't see her being a conservative but i do see her write the law. she is prasanna negron on the party. she's gonna get primary and she knows that. so she knows she can no longer tolerate the left wing of the party. she cannot tolerate the line coming out of washington that there is not an open border. the crime, the inflation. she is trying to find a middle ground the question here is that
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she had enough conservative democrats and independents and republicans for reelection? she can't raise money as a democrat. this is for her own survival. but i think it is a plus for the republicans, because they can take whatever they can get from her. and is really a kinematic loss for the democrats. who were made to majority but she has no future in the democratic party. >> and there is a great way to put it. and you know scott, we have a woman here, she's a politician and wants to continue to work. and she's in arizona, many different kinds of coalitions that one can build. is this perhaps participant anticipating the problems that democrats and a half? at 2024. and also the presumption that she can win a sender dependent or maybe this is kind of the first sops that into becoming a republican what is your feeling on this? >> well, she should probably talk to lease up in alaska, i mean she did go through something very similar as she voted 93% of the time of the party but that is still not good
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enough. listen folks, this is a jfk's party, this is very little room there's very little room for any deviation or breaking from the party lines. and if it was somebody who, who was just trying to do for self of survival i'd be more concerned or upset, but joe and her had the best guys in the street credit to be able to make decisions like that because the way that she was treated was horrific. ma following into the bath and the cost to harassment. just because she wanted to get a better deal for this country amid the spending that we are seeing is leading to inflation obviously. that we've never seen in my lifetime that i remember. and it never stopped. so i think this gives her a little bit of extra control while they don't want to take off too much they they might lose a couple of subcommittee chairs are committees or whatever, that if they keep pushing the show go next door and joe manchin may be not too far behind. because i always thought that jill was a friend as a republican. and he has those strong conservative jfk values.
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and that is no longer needed or wanted in the democratic party day sadly. >> leo, we both have seen what the left's about her and the democrats. but we also know when you separate yourself emotionally, and politically, that there is a certain freedom to being perhaps more honest and being more yourself. there is less fear attach. how do you think that my plan for her? >> i think it will play out well for her, because she is liberated and she does not have to worry about the rhetoric from the far left. it is another way about squat. you saw that quit by aoc, they hate her and she knows it. so now she she has a degree of independence, i'll tell you right now she's a political animal right now. she wants to stay in politics, and they had a playbook that works well when he left the democratic party so i think she just needs to talk to joe lieberman as well to find out what's the plan to one as an independent. as you need to start working on that plan right now is the fund-raising. she's not can i raise a nickel is a democrat.
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>> that's a great point when he was still a democrat he was the last democrat i ever give money to. gentlemen thank you very much very exciting time for her the rest of us as well. ra, coming up the biden administration is even more hot water, old mats explains why. also hunter biden is back in the spotlight with his lucrative art deal, is this ethical? congressman james, weighs in with a special edition of kennedy continues. kennedy continues. hardware d continues.
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>> he is scheduled to appear in and let us go to court later this month accused of stealing a woman's suitcase with more than $2,000 from the minneapolis airport back in september. while now, the biden administration official is being accused of stealing languages in another instance. this time from the las vegas airport earlier this summer. kate las in vegas, reports a felony warrant was issued yesterday for britain, for allegedly stealing a suitcase of contents valued at $3,600. and in the first alleged theft, minneapolis police say that video shows him removing the tide from a very brightly bag, and they want in a way it. he was later observed using the stolen bag onto subsequent trips to d.c. and he had knowledge that taken the bag and a native of the police but blamed it on being tired. and the department of energy placed them on leave in november after those fish charges were reported. renton is one of the first ever gender fluid officials and the federal government, house
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republicans are not coming i had to resign. tammy? >> thank you very much matt, also tonight despite legal concerns surrounding the dealings of hunter biden. according to photos are tamed by "the new york post," the son of the president was recently at a ritzy new york city art gallery and reportedly selling his patent forget this everyone... up to $200,000 like their mondays. but ask yourself, what would the market be for these paintings if hunter's last name was not biting? could this just be another troubling example of influence peddling by the biden family who knows? how house republicans have been filed to it would investigate all of the biden family shady dealings and to conduct a growing evidence the bidens have used the political status for profit. here to explain more incoming chairman of the house oversight committee congressman james
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komar, sorry countrymen, what is interesting here is that we keep hearing about hunter, but we do know that this is really about jill biden right? that he's a big guy, and this is not just about his son, but strange things not with the laptop, ukraine, and the lot -- but when you're looking at the money in the sales of artwork. this is the kind of thing you gonna be looking to read take a look at what's happening here? >> absolutely. when you hear more stories about outrageous activities that the biden family has engaged in, you have to ask yourself where is joe biden on this? why does he not have the decency to arraign this family in. with this respect to the artwork, i thought after their first round of artwork, sold for over half a million dollars to where we believe was an outfit in china, without that joe biden would say cut it out. i know more, that is causing the line. even walter shaw who was the ethic shift crowd out the bidens
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on this, waiting the obvious that this is an ethics viol violation. no modern-day eiders cells are for anywhere near that amount especially someone just started painting a few weeks prior to that. so yes, this is another example of them peddling, that's why investigating joe biden. >> we look at these pictures and i was thinking my gosh, i think i was doing that in high school. and maybe i should have become a painter. because you never know. so, i think this is what the american people are also concerned about is the republicans are coming in. is that we, we want investigations, but we also want you to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. we want results, we want action that holds accountable for what it is we've seen the biden family doing. is that way your intention is? is that what the american people can expect? >> absolutely. the american people are concerned about corruption, and they do not want to see a
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president whose family is involved in peddling. and you when you ask yourself what business the bidens are in they don't own anything to manufacture anything or have any employees, office space their businesses influence peddling. and now hunter is painting artwork in his garage. this is ridiculous and the question that everyone should ask is who is behind this? we believe the first round went to china based on conversations that the owner of the art gallery new york had, with people saying he is the new, our broker for china and the united states. so that would lead want to believe with hunter's previous dealings in china, that that artwork went to china when you study what they do to infiltrate the united states they launder money through the art world. that is a common fact. so all of the boxes are checked it would lead one to be suspicious of who is buying the artwork. i don't think any art enthusiasts in the world, no matter how liberal they are
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would say that hunter biden's artwork should sell for higher premium in any modern-day narratives in america. that is ludicrous, that is ever going to continue to investigate, and try to determine if this administration has compromised because of all the shady's business dealings. >> another thing he had to deal with, and the big news these days is a twitter followers right? and we are hearing about people in the government, who are urging these tech companies to center the american people. is that something on your list to look at? because the trench of information, not that is coming out, and elon musk is releasing should give you a very good. preview over who has been involved in trying to influence an election and change an election. and right with censorship and with shutting down conversations. is there something that you because i had to get hands on? >> absolutely. we bought her a quick question
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information based on elon musk's first twitter file job. with the three individual he names. in leading the effort to ban the laptop story which we now know is true. love, i look at it differently than some, twitter is a private company and they are entitled to do whatever they want, my concern is when the government steps in. and what we have here is more evidence of the fbi communicating with big tech online social media that means we always suspected this and now we know zuckerberg was the first to proclaim this. and out of these emails, we are seeing this happen with dorsey, but he was at the helm of twitter, and the government should never be involved in suppressing free speech. and what we have here is the government, were talking about the fbi, who knows what else the biden administration is done. we haven't gone to that part yet. they were playing a leading role in telling twitter, to ban conservatives on social media outlets. naked and conservative speech. and you wonder where this this end, is it just big tech, and do
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they work with media outlets like other outlets that are clearly biased towards lib gross. they need to be investigated and republicans are is again investigated and they want to january. >> looks like a set a standard. they can violate constitutional framework and the protect americans, they looked other poppies. and that clearly is unacceptable and there can be repercussions. sorry thank you very much for joining us tonight i appreciated. not straight ahead, our own bill melugin joins us with shocking footage of humans muddling at the border. bless you would not believe what the biden administration is asking for after refusing to visit the border. sara carter and brandon judge explained what we were tense they were there.
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>> joe biden's border crisis continues to rage and wreak havoc on americans border community. our own bill melugin got up close and personal look at two massive human smuggling bus. who are writing with the texas department of public safety bill? >> getting it to you, we witness the making back-to-back human struggling bus here in the grill grand valley starting with this one take a look at this video. we will let them as they took out a human's probably right in front of somebody's house, everybody built under the vehicle. they open up the back of the vehicle, they find more magnets being smuggled in the back. that were in the cartel wristbands indicated they paid a cartel to be smuggled into the united states. you see a guy the yellow jacket being arrested by troopers that is the human smuggling he is an illegal immigrant from mexico. and he told troopers he was paid $100 per person. to smother these illegal immigrants. and what you're seeing happen right here at the right in front of somebody's house in a
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residential neighborhood. nestled people in the border and deal with living on the deported day in day out. then a second bus right in the same area, this is a group of illegal immigrants a attacked his dps witness costing illegally, then they saw these guys run into a residential neighborhood and get into a car. troopers arrested everybody in that car, why they were taking them into custody they notice one of the guys had a bag and in that bad with several boxes of ammunition, 40 and .45 caliber ammo. all of the arrested, all of them citizens of mexico. back here they tell us that this is part of a new task force that they put together in an effort to try and find interest run as she into the united states. they said they have to do that because border patrol is so overwhelmed right now, and there's not enough agents on the front line so they say texas will fill the gaps. sending it back to you. >> once again, great job thank you very much. not as you may have heard president biden told him this
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week that he was not making a stop to the border because they were "more important things going on" but while the border may not be a person a priority for this president, his administration is now seeking more funding and asking congress for $3 billion to help deal with their self-inflicted border crisis. a quite as that is expected only get worse once the title 42 border protections are firmly lifted. here now with that reaction is our fox news contributor sara carter, who has been on this issue from the start. and the president of the national border patrol council, brandon judd. brandon, let me start with you. we saw the footage, remarkable work by law enforcement on the ground there, but with texas, and get quest we still note that as bill noted we are understaffed. and the resources you guys need you don't have. and now you got people coming in with that's full of ammunition. how do you see this is still full name, or unfolding when it
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comes to the american people learning about all of this, what are you trying to get this point to slow this down from the administration? >> i'm absolutely disgusted that they have to do my job. that we do not have enough agents in that area to actually interdict these people before texas dps has to get to vehicle cases like this. if we had the resources that were necessary in the proper policies and programs that were necessary we could do the job n securing the border and protect the american people. and thus not what be at the heart, what's interesting is that it does not cost the american taxpayer had time to have proper policies and programs in place. he completely, gutted everything that we were able to accomplish under president trump simply because he wants to appease his far left base. and that does not serve the american people. and again, that is much us to see what he is currently done to the border situation. and not giving us a proper policies and programs that are necessary.
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>> it's interesting because they want $3 billion and that's a lot of money. but then not saying what they gonna do with it and the republicans don't want to give it a understandably the border is closed. which is seems like that is never going to happen. do you think that money, would go to more border patrol agents? and would do to security? >> no absolutely not that money is just gonna go to to facilitate more people to get released into the united states quicker. when you look at the total numbers, we are very ready release close to 4 million people into the united states and then on top of that with had more than a million got a ways into the united states. always trying to do is process and facilitate the release of people even quicker. >> sarah, i hear you agreeing over there and it is obvious that this is about -- maybe it's buying more hotel rooms. i don't know what they want to do with the 3 billion but is not about securing the country. >> no, it isn't. it is entirely and this is about a nightmare scenario that is not the fi ways.
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ma in his own dhs officials are guesstimating that they will be 18,000 people per day trying to enter the united states. and right now would look in a 7,000 to 10,000 and brandon is right. and when you look at the gnome got a ways, these are people that have not been batted, this is a national security crisis. nsf humanitarian crisis, i mean what we saw bill miller she reported on is the same things that i've been seeing and he's been seeing for the last several years. and now that is going to be double, quadruple, triple, we had a hundred and 30,000 just in 2022. unaccompanied minors entering the united states. a lot of the strange and abuse, and some of them actually sold. into the market, into slavery, we seen women taken advantage of, we see in the cartels amass hundreds of billions of dollars. and they've been able to buy some i am submissive of submarines. the equipments. weapons. this is so out of control and
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the only thing, that the biden policy is doing is creating more chaos in allowing this to happen. so yes they have tied the hands of a border patrol agents and was seen that over and over again. in that time the hands of our law enforcement and the fbi and dea. and now what we're going to witness as americans is something that we've never expected to live a ready lost a hundred thousand. a hundred thousand people to fatten all an opiate oprah does just last year alone. so imagine how much worse it will be. >> were going to have title 42 prophecy lifted onto the december 21st. it abided administration saying they're suing the stump that. but a dhs official actually equated to being a good time to do it. because it is not so close to the election that is coming out? the mentality here this is going to become as you've both discussed, even worse. and there seems to be no effort at all to mitigate this in any fashion.
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>> peer politics. and when you look currently tammy, we're at, at times we had 90% of our resources that are doing a administration of duties. do not even have 50% of our resources to begin a shift that has been on a portable child and that by the end of the shift we have taken 60, 70, 80% of our resources out of the field to do administrative duties to do hospital watch a transported processing. this is not what it was supposed to be and that's what we're seeing the court chaos. >> i have to tell you sarah, and i think this is the title 42 when that gets lifted is noted that the extra money is going to be needed in part to process shelter and transport all of the people who are now able to get into the country. once that title 42 is lifted. said they anticipate that it will be, even though we are fighting it, but now they want that money to make sure that we've got the highway into the united states all set up and
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comfortable for. >> yeah we will be the last leg of literally trafficking human beings into the country. so why should the human traffickers, why should a drug cartel stopped what they are doing? because we are aiding and abetting in their nefarious action tammy. and not only that the who is going to tell those children that are being sold in the sex trafficking the children that are lost, i'll have died, that the united states of america that is supposed to stand on principle is actually aiding and abetting the cartels. the worst people on planet earth. and -- >> we have incentivize from the start the entire dynamic with children being moved in. and then us facilitating the movement into strangers throughout this country. it is, when we look back on this and we will. it is going to be horrific and shocking. many nations in the world have to look back on the histories and have to reconcile what it is
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they did. and sometimes they never do. this is that time. and of course, hopefully will be keeping the republicans and make it not be too horrific in the future. both of you thank you very much for joining us tonight. now coming out, the biden administration covert obsession, that knows no bounds wait until you see what study they are funding now, and event dr. mike tirico, and dr. jeanette way and when this special edition of han"hannity" continues.
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with your tax dollars, on how to train drug drug addicts to distribute covert test to other drug addicts. because of what the study calls an "structural disadvantage, health vulnerabilities, and statement civilization that prevents adequate access to medical care" meanwhile, the administration also announced a massive $36 billion pension plan bailout which is being funded through the american rescue plan is biting bragdon's twitter earlier tonight. also new tonight, and another ominous sign, the cdc is now mentioned big that mass be worn in new york city and asked los angeles and other communities. joining us now dr. marco siegel, and nashua, dr. jeanette q for joining us, and all of this is shocking to me. and i know your medical professionals that are shocking to you. at least a million dollars, paying drug addicts to go to other drug addicts with covert
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test. and frankly, they are on the street, maybe they don't have access of course to certain facilities. but that is because we have not intervened in the drug addiction, and they are just on the street and they live their lives on the street. but what is your take on this? is this good news? or folly? >> in my opinion tammy, this is an ex example of wasteful spending. most homeless people and drug addicts are wasting -- distribute covert test. just give them the covert test. there are very skillful, they know how to inject an iv into their veins, that takes skill, they very well know how to swap their nostrils, instead let us use that funding for more something resourceful for rehab or detox or perhaps tackling mental illnesses. in homelessness, and even crime on the streets. but when it comes to worry about
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them overdosing, that is one thing. you have a look at covid, they are not dying from covert it the die from hepatitis and hiv and staph infection or drug overdoses. so our priorities are backwards here. >> excellent points doctor, dr. siegel, this comes down to this and we look at the diseases that are spreading throughout the homeless populations including tuberculosis, and measles, and other dynamics that can get out of control in the street. and with the homeless. but we seem to be doing theater at this point, with the administration's favorite issue. do you think this has value at all at this point? >> no, but docked an issue i know that actually, we are talking about millions of dollars being spent over two years with the nih carefully being studied, and talking about esoteric i mean okay, they have an increasing amount of covid, but she just said they have the increase in minor hepatitis, that's what we should be worried
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about and then the rats, rapport diseases are coming back. the plague a minute! and he is anything, even if you teach somebody to administer a covert test, when you gonna do with the results if you're homeless? what if you have covid woody negative then? it's ridiculous that is because the test itself doesn't lead to treatment leads anybody being isolated. the enormous waste of money and time. and as the doctor said, wish them work more than mental health issues that are involved with this population. >> dr. siegel, that's not the only waste of money if you well, we had the american rescue plan which is built on covid and was supposed to get people what they needed, businesses and all that, we've now learned that the administration is going to be bearing a union pension fund. millions of dollars, from this program. clearly issues when it comes to health that are still outstanding. that this tool of use to eat day. is this another waste of money
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dr. siegel? >> and is an enormous waste, $36 billion that we know where it's going into the pockets of the unions. in our lives very careful at the bush lewis act which is part of the american rescue plan, that they are siphoning this money for you know what it was for? it was for businesses. most of them small businesses that were struggling through the pandemic. and maybe were going to go belly up. and maybe you had a bowl so your pencil plan. not at the teamsters and the afl-cio, said the democrats get more votes in the next election. this is obviously a play for votes. >> dr. jeanette last right here on this recommendation regarding mass what your take on a question mark >> yes, we are seeing increasing flu, and covid, and rsv, but we are point right now and it's knowing the risk of taking the steps to protect yourself. that's fine at the cdc wants to make recommendations if there is a high level of viruses in your community but we are at a point that he should be optional, no
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magnates, no your wrist take the steps to protect yourself especially during those cold winter months, is not just about masking but we have to remember that name many people have natural immunity so that's something to keep in mind. >> both of you thank you so much. more on this special edition of "hannity" right the break.
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♪ ♪ >> already, what a beautiful night, people are happy at their welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." unfortunately that is all the time we had left for this evening and boy did they show go fast. remember you can catch me i'll get tammy bruce on fox nation. you can also read my comment at ama ce that usa can find me a tammy bruce at i hope you all had a fabulous weekend, and my thanks to this incredible team, shone as a huge
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team that loves you guys, and works with them and they've made it so comfortable it easy for a filling frame. in my thanks to sean his family for this opportunity. sean will be back on monday. if anger and angle is next. thank you everyone i will see you next time. >> ♪ ♪ this is the ingraham angle on washington thank you for joining us this saturday night. shadow shattered my excessive focus on tonight angle. the blizzard of data is undeniable. if covid lockdown. the gender fluidity of radicals, the pop pushers have a doing a number on young americans and attending emmett till in generation of dazed and confused. and of course kids who are looking for love's and all wrong places. with all due
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