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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 10, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ ♪ jingling bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock. ♪ jingle bell swing and jingle bell -- lisa: good morning, everyone. welcome to "fox & friends." so we're going to be doing that in a little bit. will: no, we're not. lisa: yeah, we are. will: seriously? pete: get your kick on. will: i just saw those girls in
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the lobby. i didn't realize who we were, and we were out the there complaining without our jackets on, right in and hook at them out there. the producers of the show are so mean. they sent the rockettes out, what is it, in the 30s? pete: we have a beautiful studio down here -- will: it's huge. pete: you could put them behind the wall instead of freezing them outside. will: show is mean. [laughter] lisa: i fell off a surfboard -- will: youd did fall off. lisa: my parents called me and asked if i pulled the you are power cord -- pete: apparently, we tripped a fuse, and will and i were not allowed to participate, therefore, lisa's the holder of the "fox & friends" trophy. lisa: it felt good to win, even if it was by default. will: winning's fun. lisa: it's true.
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pete: rachel's off this weekend, we're bringing florida to her -- lisa: i tried. pete: the morning has flown by. lisa: am i supposed to do this too? pete: yeah, you hold it up. we'll move on to some news. fox news alert, happened last night. stunning new details revealed in twitter's third release of files last night showing unprecedented censorship at the highest levels. will: journalist matt taibbi showing a relationship between twitter and the fbi and the dni leading up to the removal of former president donald trump from the platform. lisa: alexandria huff joins us with more. >> reporter: right before the 2020 election, details how high ranking twitter executives acted like a supreme court of sorts issuing content rulings on the fly while also meeting with
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federal agencies. quote, through this time, executives were clearly liasing with intelligence agencies about moderation of election-related content. while we're still at the start of reviewing the twitter files, we're finding out more every day. tie yee by refers to -- taibbi refers to the former safety chief who played a critical role in suppressing the information on hunter biden ooh's laptop. he shares this, roth not only met if weekly with the fbi and dhs, but with the office of the director of national intelligence. roth's report to fbi, dhs, dni is almost farce if call in itses self-flagellating tone. he cites we blocked the nyp story, then unblocked it. reporters think we're idiotses, in short, fml. we all know what that stands for. the twitter files have received, much of it has tried to i tow
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the line saying democrats and republicans equally suggested content moderation. taibbi says here, that is not the case. we didn't see one reference to moderation requests from the trump campaign, the trump white house or republicans generally. we looked. they may exist, we were told they do. however, they were absent here. and he continued with this interesting tidbit. in another example, twitter employees prepared to slap a mail-in voting is safe warning label on a trump tweet about a postal screw-up in ohio before realizing the events took place which meant that the tweet was actually factually accurate there. they had to double down, double backwards on that one. and it shines a light on how when a tweet came to attention but didn't violate twitter's policies, staff seemed to explore other less obvious reasons to restrict a user that perhaps wouldn't cause as much backlash. more is preponderated to be released -- more is expected to be released through this
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weekend. will: thank you the, alexandria. they promise further revelations when it comes to twitter. i think what matt taibbi -- i don't know that he hopes to reveal, but what he does reveal, i think, is twofold. one, the coordination between law enforcement and twitter. but the second being -- pete: that's a huge one. will: that's, in my estimation, the major story. pete: agreed. will: but also the evolution over time of twitter trying to abide by a policy, then sort of ad hoc changing the policy, then slowly distancing themselves from their policies to, ultimately, by the time you get to january 67th it being -- 6th it being just, you know, it seems like a quasi-committee who gets to decide at any given period of time who's off or turned down. but in the end, as you had a conversation earlier with charlie kirk, one guy, yoel roth, ends up being the overlord of censorship. pete: charlie kirk was named in release number two where they were shadow banning and turning
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down viewership of certain tweets. here's what charlie had to say earlier. >> the bigger focus, i think, needs to be on this individual, yoel roth. how much power he had in these slack channels just to be able to call balls and strikes over the entire political dialogue online. this boy king that worked for twitter that no one elected, that no one even knew existed but z -- was able to i say, you know what? i don't think millions of people should be able to see this content. pete, this is the power that kings and dictators, czars and caesars of generations past would have dreamed of. the big takeaway from the twitter files -- and, yes, i was individually targeted -- is that we no longer allow a tech to oligarch key, a tech dictatorship absent the traditional constitutional checks and balances to continue to reign terror over our speech in america. pete: yeah. which when it comes to facebook and google, they very well might still be doing these things.
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we have no idea. this is only because elon musk has been willing to open up and only what we've been able to see. and charlie also pointed out on another medium, this is only what budget deleted. what did jim baker, you know, dispose of before these got to bari wise and matt tie yee -- taibbi? this is only what we're allowed, probably just the tip of the iceberg. lisa: i think jim baker is the guy to watch in all of this. roth, obviously, playing an important role, but jim baker, former fbi counsel, there in 2016 as part of the whole russia collusion false narrative that was delivered by the fbi and doj, weaponized against a twitter opponent, also has a role in the censorship of the hunter biden story. so i think he's a person to watch. but what troubles me more is just the general loss of freedom in america. we saw it during covid, we see an increasing percentage of the population that they don't care
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about free speech. and if you look at authoritarian nations, communists when they take over, what's the first thing they do? they kohl the media, and they censor on line. and how is that different than what's happening here, will? will: look, i know it can sound hyperbolic, but i've said this was nothing short of mind control. and this is why i think that the statement is accurate: what they were doing was not simply censoring people and their speech, they were censoring everyone's ability to listen. you don't -- if you're not capable of being exposed to surgeon viewpoints -- certain viewpoints, you're not as capable of forming a free thought. someone can control your mind, and covid is one of the best examples of that. as we go to this next story, i think you're going to see how controlling people's minds about what is con consensus or conspiracy is up in situations like this. this is at duke university, it's an incredible story. pete: so the young girl's name is yulia.
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her parents are chrissy and lee hicks. she needs a kidney transplant, right? she's been working with the duke university pediatric unit to get that kidney that will save her life because of a condition that she has. she dose all the way through thy through the process, about to get a kidney transplant, and here is part of the audio of what they're then told at that moment. listen. >> i can't require you to do anything -- >> sure. >> i can recommend these things, but if you don't follow our recommendations, then yulia can't be a transplant candidate here based on our criteria number five which is persistent of -- or medical recommendations and also based on number ten which would be medical risk factors that make transplant surgery unsafe. and being unvaccinated to the cdc-recommended vaccinations based on her age is part of that. pete: so she's not vaccinated, has been working with this
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hospital -- will: covid vaccine. pete: we're talking about covid vaccine. she's been working with this hospital and these doctors for two years, and right when the transplant would actually happen, nope, you need the covid jab. 14 years old. lisa: it's all about control and submission. it's not in the public's health interest. you can get and spread covid regardless if you have the vaccine or not, so it's an individual decision. her family and she's made this decision to not get vaccinated, and that's her choice, her right. this is actually an area where it's my body, my choice. not when democrats say it when there's a babe if by involved -- pete: it's also the parents choice, she's 14. a juvenile. lisa: great point. will: so the duke pediatric kidney transplant division. okay, it's easy to focus on duke, and we should focus on duke. i want to focus on the cdc. so what happens when you get these transplants is there are certain checklists they go
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through to say, okay, is this a valid candidate. and i'm sure they have risk factors factored into that. if we give a kidney to this person, we're not giving it to someone else and, therefore, what is the likelihood of success if we give it to this person. because of cdc recommendations that she's 10, right? pete: >>. will: a 14-year-old get the covid vaccine, which is insane. on a risk/reward chart, anyone can do, the risk of covid versus the risk of the vaccine for a 14-year-old. because the cdc hasn't rationally looked back at that, they are now -- i think duke should still think on its own, right? if. pete: i see what you're saying. will: they're marching to the beat of cdc. they need to get their heads screwed on straight, because look at the downstream, negative if effects of you totally ignoring risk/reward on the covid vaccine. lisa: also there's increasing information about the dangers that covid vaccines also potentially have to hart issues and a variety of other things as
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well -- heart issues. that's also not being taken into consideration. you have someone so young who's not at risk of the -- pete: questions and unintended consequences we can't even conceive of because we haven't been able to do the trials necessary to know. so parents are right to be skeptical. we had those parents on earlier in the program talking about their daughter. here's what they said. >> i said so basically you're telling us if she does not get the vaccine, then she's not getting a transplant, and dr. chambers said, yes. >> they knew all along we were not comfortable with this. it was not a recommendation according to dr. chambers at first until the very end. that's when she said it's not a requirement, it's a recommendation, but we can't, she cannot do the kidney trance plant -- transplant would want the vaccine, so it's really a requirement. >> we're hoping that a medical center can step forward and say, come here, we'll give you the transplant without the vaccination.
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pete: that's what's messed up. in talking to them, it felt like the way they represented it, they went into the process not believing a vaccine was required. will right. pete: two years ago they said we're not getting her vaccinated and they won't let her do it, then they can move on. but to go all the way through and now say a recommendation is now a requirement? insane. lisa: all they're doing is increasing public doubt in our public health officials. because when you tell people of this age who are not at threat from the virus whatsoever, you're going out and telling them or trying to force them to get a vaccine, all this does is raises additional questions. now people are going to doubt everything we are told from our public health officials because they lied to us, because the cdc and dr. fauci lied to us about everything from lockdowns to masks, to the vaccines, now you're just deepening distrust in government and also these various agencies and public health individuals. will: no doubt. we've reached out to duke children's hospital, but we have not heard back yet. lisa: all right.
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well, now to some headlines with shocking news out of ca qatar. u.s. journalist grant wahl dying suddenly last night while covering the world cup. grant's brother eric i says he suggests foul play saying his brother had gotten death threats in qatar. he said this morning he fell ill during last night's quarterfinal match, he received immediate emergency medical treatment on site which continued as he was transferred by ambulance to the hospital. we are in touch with u.s. embassy and relevant local authorities to insure the process of repatriating the body is in accordance with the family's wishes. he was 48 years old. vaping company juul settling 10,000 lawsuits focusing on juul's role as the cause of the youth vaping epidemic. officials saying they've already reached settlements in more than 5,000 cases in california.
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that's a lot. hunter biden debuting his latest art exhibit in new york city this week with some eye-popping price tags. some works of art selling to anonymous buyers for up to $225,000. i'd love to know who they are, despite backlash over ethics concerns. white house officials say they've placed measures to shield information over how much hunter's work sells for and who they're sold to. you don't think -- pete: up to $225,000 -- will: you can't know who bought 'em. they're shielding it. pete: except, remember we've done other things where he'd go to the, hint, there's definitely a way he knows who bought these paintings. lisa: totally. pete: $2 the 25,000. wt. will: it's one of the biggest rival ilys in sports. pete: the black knights take on the midshipmen in the 123rd installment of the army/navy game. lisa: joey jones is live. great to see you, my friend.
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>> yeah, you know, pete, i've been in your office, i know you have one of those paintings, i don't know why you're lying about that. [laughter] pete: it's true. i've wanted one. [laughter] >> listen, we're here at lincoln financial field. really this is kind of the home for most people, the home of the army/navy game. 123 games, 90 of 'em have been played here in philadelphia, one of the most important cities in our country's history, also the city where the marine corps was founded, so i've got to squeeze that in there. this is the sort of game, i promise it'll be a good game, it always is. the battle on the field is representative of the fighting spirit in each and every cadet and midshipman out there. and as cheesy as it might be, it's true, everyone on this field is willing to and may have to put their life on the line for everyone else including the other team. really amazing. you can feel the energy starting to wake up. i'm sure the guys on the teams are ready to play football. pete: that's why this is a different, it really is a
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different kind of game. yes, we love football, we love college football. it's so much deeper than that, and you can see it in what happens and the way that the brotherhood that exists on the field, it's very cool. lisa: how many games can you truly cheer for everyone, right? pete: that's true. lisa: i don't know, i just thought of that. >> georgia's game is about the only day i cheer for everyone, this one's a little more important, i guess. pete: although definitely cheering for one team more, and so is joey concern. [laughter] will: go, america. pete: for sure. will: thank you, joey. pete: and if you like running, then you like watching this game. a lot of option runs. will: not a lot of aerial attack. lisa: i didn't know where you were going -- will: a lot of this, a lot of that. lisa: i thought you meant general running down the field. pete: that too the. don't go anywhere, dan bongino is going to join us live.
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but, first, tragedy at the border. a cbp agent is killed in the line of duty while pursuing a group of illegal immigrants. two fellow agents join us live as they mourn the loss of their friend and coworker. introducing the anti-fatigue comfortmat connect from weathertech. it can be lengthened and configured to the space you need. so, you'll never be confined by the size and inconvenience of an ordinary anti-fatigue mat. ♪ snap together end, middle and corner pieces
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will: this week the crisis at the border took another devastating turn as u.s. border patrol agent and father of two raul gonzalez jr. was killed in an atv crash while chasing after a group of my grants trying to illegally cross -- can migrants. here to remember their friend are aaron leblanc and raul rivera. gentlemen, thank you so much for being with us this morning. tell us, let's start with your friend. tell us about him, his life and his service to our country. >> well raul, we all knew him as rhino. that was his nickname. he was a wonderful man. he had the utmost respect out of his to coworkers. he was probably the busiest, most well-rounded agent that we have at our station. if he was always there wherever anything was going on, and he was truly loved by all of his coworkers and friends. will: i believe -- was that
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aaron or raul that just gave me that answer? i'm sorry. >> aaron. will: thank you for that. so i'll go to you now, a rule. raul gonzalez was killed in a high speed chase, we learned this week. we hear about these types of incidences quite often, raul. el me about the manner -- tell me about how common and the risk that all of you run that ultimately cost raul his high. >> good morning. i'm raul rivera. first off, raul was our dear friend and coworker, and we loved him, and we miss him dearly. yeah, every day we put our lives on the line just like every other law enforcement officer and, you know, we pray before we head out there, and we're thankful when we get back home. it was just an unfortunate incident that happened that evening with us, and we miss him dearly. will: i imagine you guys, you guys do. how -- i'll go back to you on this one, aaron. again, as your friend, how is
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raul's family doing through this situation? >> they're struggling. they're having a very difficult time. he had a fiancee and children that he left behind. but they're -- and their children that he left behind, he had a boy and a girl. and heir all going through a -- they're all going through a really difficult time, but we're all pulling together, and is we're, as a whole, being there for the entire family. will: yeah, i can only imagine. i'm sure that brotherhood that you guys share is important. raul, back to you on that, and while his family clearly, as the primary focus is missing a father, a husband today, you guys are missing a brother, as you point out. and you also -- i think it's important to point out, i think it can the sometimes be overhook ared, the risks that you guys run, as you said, in going and doing that job every day.
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what does it mean to you to see the loss of raul and as you guys, again, put your lives on the line every day. what is the mindset going forward? >> that rhino would want us to keep on. we know him as rhino, so we're going to refer to him as rhino, that he would be upset if we give up doing what we do, because he loved it. and a day that he wasn't on that atv, you'd ruin his cay. -- his day. one thing he loved was to hear his name, rhino, other the radio. so he reached out, other agencies were working with us, and they'd hear his voice have, they never knew where he was, because he was always the first one on the radio and the last one you'd hear when everybody was say, but he always had to be there cracking you up. and we find ironic that we're live here and sharing his memories and we're mentioning rhino, because if he was here, he'd be laughing. he'd be, like, did you hear that? they're talking about the me on national t.
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now -- national tv. now everybody knows me. thank you for having us here. will: no, we appreciate it, sharing more color on who raul gonzalez was. and although it's a sad occasion and we all sit here today and honor his life, i'm also glad that you could bring some humor to the fact that he would appreciate this conversation about him. and his honor and his sacrifice for in this country. the thank you both for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you, will. will: raul gonzalez leaves behind his family including his two children. of he was 38 years old. may he rest in peace.
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert, part three of the twitter file ifs revealing executives met with the fbi and dhs and dni on a weekly basis around the 2020 election. laos least weekly basis is. in a series of tweets, matt
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taibbi write nick nichols is asked if the marketing department should say twitter reports misinformation with outside experts. will: pickles told them to say partnerships, not sure we describe the dhs and fbi as experts, it reads, quote. they're looking for some way to characterize their relationship with law enforcement, and unfiltered's dan bonn gee glow is a great -- bongino. you were one of the people placed on twitter's blacklist to their search engine. good morning, dan. how would you characterize that relationship? >> listen, this is only the biggest first amendment scandal of my lifetimement you know, i just turned 48 not that long ago. i've never seen -- and here's the crazy thing, guys, it's so easy to explain that it's hilarious watching liberal media activists, you know, wet their diapers trying to defend this. first, remember the story over
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the twitter government collusion to suppress people like me and shadow ban me? the first story was, welk listen, it's a private company, there's no government involvement. and then we found out that there was government involvement, that the fbi may have been involved. they were like, well, the fbi was just giving general warnings to tech company. and then it turned out that it was fbi and the dni and the dhs and potentially the cdc and others. and then they were like, okay, it was just a lot of general voice from the government. and then -- sorry, one more -- then the story morphed again. the twitter the executive's sworn statement to the fec came out where he admitted that it wasn't a general warning, but that these entities had warned specifically about the hunter biden story. and now if all of a sudden they're, like, well, screw it, we're just commies, let's just admit it and cut the b.s -- [laughter] i mean, really. guys, can anyone on the couch, i
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know you're all strong, liberty-loving patriots. can anyone explain to me how the fbi, the dni and the dhs meeting with a private company and winking and nodding, suggesting they'd restrict people's free speech, can you please explain to me how that's not a violation of the first a amendment? i'm all ears, man. it's unbelievable we're even having debate. lisa: well, the media's ignoring it outside of us. we're covering it, but the media's ignoring it. how deep do you think this goes, dan? >> well, listen, this is the next shoe to drop here. so on my show tonight i have an "unfiltered," it's supposed to be an 8-minute monologue, i hi pete may have heard some of it, it turned into, like, a 13-minute monologue. it's completely unscripted, and it really screwed up my whole show because we had to cancel some guests. i produce the receipts and the facts to tonight.
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it's not just that they colluded with the government to restrict free speech. we know that. we're not arguing about that, media imbeciles, you guys are just useless anyway, we'll take this from here. the next shoe to drop is were these tech companies colluding with each other. and i'll tell you why i bring this up, and i produce the reamendment toes tonight on my show -- receipts. i was attacked, well, i don't want to be dramatic. i was confronted by a lot of these tech companies, let's say, all around the same time on my podcast and everywhere else. and they all seemed to have the same message. now, i can't prove they were colluding with each other, but i'll show you tonight how google, how youtube -- which is part of google -- facebook and twitter all in this same time period all came after little old dan bongino from queens. youtube banned me for saying that cloth masks don't stop the spread of covid which now, by the way, is scientific fact. google ads wipe whod my web site off their -- wiped my web site
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off their network. twitter suspended me after january 6th for simply retweeting trump's statement. and then facebook says at the same time, oh, we're going to start the crushing political content, and who is it going to affect? i even show you the news media, it says ben shapiro and dan bongino because we have the biggest facebook pages in the conservative space. were they colluding with each other? i think they were. pete: go ahead. will: if i could, i was thinking about dan's question to us, and i wanted to, of how they say not a first amendment violation. like you, dan, i love debating. that means i seek out the other side. how are they saying it, increasing hi in this -- increasingly in this story, how are they spinning it. i'll tell you what they're saying other than that it's a nothing burger, they're saying, well, the fbi can make recommendations to private company, they can make recommendations on what they believe is misinformation. and then i think we move to the next step which is if all the
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recommendations flow in one direction, what does that tell us about our national intelligence apparatus, right? what does that tell us about those organizations which we increasingly focus on and need to and their point of view when it comes to someone like you, somebody like me, somebody like mete, lisa and our -- pete, lisa and our points of view? >> you're a lawyer, and so you probably get this. i'm not, but i'm intimately familiar with how the law works having spent my career in law enforcement. the reason we have judges because, as you know, will, the law's a lot of gray area. so, yes, they could technically say, oh, we just winked and nodded and say, oh, this tweet dan bongino put out will the about masks, this could be classified as misinformation. and then the fbi could sit back and say we didn't command anything and play a euphemisms game. but, will, no judge is going to take that seriously. there's an implied force
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mechanism with government that doesn't exist when a private entity does that. the government is the only entity in the united states, in our country that has the power to talk your life and your freedom. we don't have mercenaries, we don't have private police that are deputized by the government. you may have some kind of police powers, but the government sanctions that all the. time. so when the fbi makes a recommendation,st it's the not a recommendation. it's an implied you better do this or else. and any serious judge knows that. will: hey, by the way, dan, i'm sorry, this was happening at the same time democratic politicians were threatening big tech. do you remember that? >> yes, openly. will: democratic politicians were threatening big tech while the law enforcement arms were making suggestions. >> will, i was, i was an early investor in parler. aoc literally tweeted out to amazon about their cloud which parler was on, hey, amazon, what are you guys going to do about parler? i mean, now to the libs, i know
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you're not that bright finish. [laughter] but let's reverse this. lisa: i don't disagree. >> they're not. imagine you had said to the pro-abortion crowd that the fbi b went into a pro-life group and said, hey, guys, we're not recommending you block an abortion clinic, but, you know, if you did it, we may not do anything about it so, you know, if you guys go and block -- held lose their minds, held lose their minds. lisa: it all always goes in the direction of hurting republicans. pete: it's democrats in washington, d.c. with a lot of power wenging and nodding at democrats in san francisco with power all flowing in one particular direction, and hay never counted on any of us knowing because it's an elite government agency and a silicon valley company that wasn't suppose to be to bought by elon musk. dan, real quick, on your show tonight what have you got? >> pete hegseth, charlie kirk, charlie hurt, i've got a killer
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monologue, and pete gets to judge who did it better in karaoke, bret baier or hillary clinton. [laughter] will: that'll be good. lisa: i saw the hillary clinton thing, and i will never -- yes. [laughter] dan, i wanted to, like, pound my head against -- [laughter] it was bad -- against the wall. pete: bret baier has surprising skills. you've got to watch him. least lois dan, good to see you. will: thanks, brother. pete: komaing up this christmas -- coming up this christmas, we're boeing to introduce you to the three businesses with brag-worthy gifts all made in the usa. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪
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♪ will: all right, we are back with our made in america series highlighting businesses with american-made products that make perfect gifts for the holidays. first up, owner of love of country clothing, it is air force tech sergeant joseph nogin with me right now. tell me about love of country. >> yeah. so we're 100% american made which means prosecute cotton fields and the john deere tractors and the shipping to our mill, then to manufacturing, the clothes and our hand screen printing. that's what really makes us different, we kind of go old school. we hire veterans, give them a
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trade, teach them hand screen printing. so from the farm to the table, it's 100% american made. my wife and i, kristin, we started it in 2016 when e concern i was away with the air force, and the country was kind of divided, and we were a little upset -- will: you're active service. >> i am. out in new york. will: good looking stuff right there. >> and our designs tell a story the, paying tribute to the american history. this one here people know as the jeep star. it's the world war ii invasion star that when the jeeps went over, we had that -- all the soldiers painted that on there, so there's a little bit of history. will: love of country, and if you go today, you get 10% off with the cold fox 10. >> absolutely. and free shipping over $99. will: check it out. over to lisa. >> thank you. lisa: very cool. so we've got alexander with oh, baby. tell me a little bit about it. >> yes. we make the first all natural organic and purely plant dyed
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baby blanket. lisa: this feels amazing. they're also beautiful but there's more to it. >> absolutely. marino is a functional fiber built just for babies. it's scientifically proven to help babies sleep deeper and longer, and they're stain and smell resistant meaning you only have to wash them once or twice a year. lisa: you're a one-woman band with this. >> absolutely. lisa: go to au and get 10% off by enters the code -- entering the code, fox 10. pete: might need help soon. grant is the owner of spring creek manufacturing. this is based in minnesota. >> it is. mountain iron, minnesota, to be exact. we've been in business since 19 # 5, 38th year making all of our products in america.
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so our products are entirely constructed out of an notized aluminum with stainless steel fasteners. and hen we have a line for the industrial truck industry as well. pete: water sports, canoeses, stuff like that. >> exactly. and that's what's so beautiful about aluminum and stainless, it will not rust or corrode, so it can be used in saltwater, fresh water, brackish water. and then with our industrial truck rack line as well, they're pull lay just bl, so -- fully adjustable, so they can swap from truck to truck, it's not make/model-specific. this is a stabilizer float package for a ca knew specific create -- canoe specifically. we do make hem for kayaks and long boats. again, all of our products made in in the united states. pete: great idea as a gift for this christmas. spring you see the web site right there if you want to check it out.
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joseph, al sand da and grant, thank you very much. made in the usa, can't beat that. by the way, we've got a big show tomorrow. bibi netanyahu, maria bartiromo, charissa thompson joining us live along with david whelan, the brother of russian prisoner paul whelan. but first, the army/navy game kicked off today in philly, and our own joey jones is live with a preview. ♪ ♪ at adp, we understand business today looks nothing like it did yesterday. while it's more unpredictable, its possibilities are endless. from paying your people from anywhere to supporting your talent everywhere, we use data driven insights to design hr solutions and services to help businesses of all size work smarter today. so, they can have more success tomorrow.
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♪ one thing leads to another ♪ ♪ kevin! kevin! kevin? oh nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition!
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that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. ♪ vehicles come in all different sizes. yet ordinary windshield phone holders are one size fits all. does that make sense? no. but this does. the adjustable windshieldfone from weathertech. it extends and retracts for a perfect fit in any vehicle. plus, a quick release tab for easy one handed in and out. and for kids, use it in the back seat too. comes with short, medium and telescopic arms, to fit any vehicle. order the american made windshieldfone at even makes a nice holiday gift.
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♪ pete: today army-navy go head to head on the gridiron. lisa: our next guest wrote, directed and starred in the new movie mvp produced by sylvester stallone based on the true story of the merging vets and players, an organization that aims to unite combat veterans and athletes. that's awesome. will: one person made that connection within himself, nate bowyer. he played half a season with the seahawks, it's always worth noting, nate is a proud longhorn as well. carried that flag out for mac brown's longhorns, and he's now standing there with joey jones at lincoln financial field. what's up, guys? >> hey,women.
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nate -- hey, will. nate is a big longhorns fans. you played college football. how old were you when you started? >> 29, 29-year-old freshman. >> listen, this guy picked up a football, he was deployed while he was doing it, and now he's here at the army-navy game, but you you've got a greater purpose. >> yeah. first of all, there is no greater purpose in football than maybe game. i mean, i think, first of all, where else -- nowhere else will every player on that field today be willing to take a bullet for everybody watching, you know what i mean? that is super unique. but i'm here representing mvp, merging vets and mares bringing together combat vets, former pro athletes, helping them fine purpose. and we've got a movie out, it's called mvp. it's available everybody that video on demand and streaming, and i'd love people to check it out so they can learn how you can be a part of our mission and
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team. >> absolutely. i have participated in the nonprofit mvp, i can't wait to watch the movie is. thanks for joining us, nate. he tried to kill me with a football a while ago, so we're going to rectify that. will: how? what are you going to do? >> probably tackle him, that's about all i am able to do -- >> i can still run. [laughter] >> he's going to run away. [laughter] will: all right. mvp -- lisa: stay safe, guys, stay safe. will: nate's a great dude, he's been working on that acting and production career -- pete: anybody that can be a green beret and play college football -- will: and pro football as well. lisa: very cool. will: up next, they're an iconic part of christmas, and right now the new york city rockettes are here -- pete: another one, two in one show. will can we just let lisa havept this onea too? ♪
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qulipta gets right to work. keeps attacks away over time. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. ask your doctor about qulipta. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i've pricked my finger 3,000 times. my a1c was still over 9. (man) then i got the dexcom g6. i just glance at my phone and... ...there's my glucose number. no fingersticks. none. yes! yay! my diabetes is no longer a mystery. you see a spike after eating raisins. but dark chocolate? no spike. that's a huge victory. my a1c's dropped over two points. to 7.2. (woman) i actually can't wait for my next doctor's appointment.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so, for almost a century the radio city rockettes have been kicking their way into our hearts. quarks are now they are here to teach us their iconic moves. kicks us off with some tips before we try it ourselves. welcome. quarks thank you so much for having us precook you guys are troopers out here. [laughter] you look fantastic. give us some tips. tell us how you do what you do. cracks it is a really quick rigorous process you work for six hours a day six days a week we move right across the way to radio city music hall or kicking out to gerry second linkage across the street the box office. brexit is a great show. >> had been it's really cool bureaucrats are going to give some tips? are you guys ready? okay we're going to learn how to
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do our struts kicks. you're going to come to a right babble pretty but you're right toe to your left toe. pull your right knee across. put your left leg up, extend out, come back in and come back out. turn to the other side, up, out, in. and two more up, out, in. [laughter] and back down that's it. up, out, in and back down. >> can we get in the middle and try? lex of course come on in. come on in. >> we hold each other up. quarks arrange eight of them. start stepping on the right foot and then we are going to land on the left bevel. >> is not going to happen. courts are going to start in a right bevel we hold five, six, seven, eight goat one comment two, three, perfect, four, five,
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six. [laughter] seven. [laughter] and eight when bevel that was it, that was perfect. >> i'm surprised at my flexibility precook to retry it faster? quick sure. all right guys. six, seven, eight. three, four, five. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> do you think is important for president biden to go to the border for himself? >> i think it is important for the administration to recognize it is a crisis. we know it's a crisis buried senior leader should yield the crisis in the country. >> didn't get spike to the president going? >> i think there's value for the president going everywhere. neil: that's democrat saying that what do they make of that the border crisis worsened with the title of 42 fast approaching question of the bi administration is going for


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