tv Fox News Live FOX News December 10, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PST
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anita: new batch of twitter files raising questions of congressional testimony from former ceo jack dorsey as the tech giant faces fierce criticism over possible con certifitive censorship. welcome to fox news live, everyone. i'm anita vogel. griff: great to be with you. i'm griff jenkins. we are waiting for another set of documents to be released this
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morning. the white house denies any involvement in the alleged speech suppression. alexandria hoff is watching all of it for us. alex, what's the latest. alex: writer matt taibb says issuing content rulings on the fly taking regular meetings with federal agencies, former safety chief and played a critical role in the suppressing of the new york post story, the infamous one taibb shared a screen shoot, the post of hunter biden laptop situation showed that roth not only met weekly with the fbi and dhs but with the office of national intelligence. tiabb dives into the decision of removing president trump from the platform. internal message from one twitter executive that it came down to trump and supporter actions over the course of the election and frankly the last
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four years. so this just wasn't a one-day deal. earlier this week writer barry rice twitter's efforts to suppress prominent conservatives including blacklist that reduce visibility and that runs counter to 2018 testimony by former twitter jack dorsey. >> twitter undertook no behavior to selectively sensor conservative republicans or conservative voices in your platform, is that correct? >> correct. alex: he said that is correct. back in 2019. we are waiting another installment of documents to be released both today and tomorrow and those will focus more specifically on internal communications on twitter on january 7th and 8th of 2020. griff. griff: and alex, we will find out in the new year if dorsey goes back to the hill very interesting point, we will talk more about it but specifically with regards to what we expect, it is the timeline you're saying is what we are likely to see today, is that correct?
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alex: yeah, it seems as if what was teased perhaps a lot of chaotic communication on twitter on the days of the seventh and the eighth of 2020 so we don't know how many messages are going to be included in this. this last drop was lengthy. we don't know if it's going to be as long but it's supposed to dive into the two dates in particular, seventh and 28th. griff: alexandria hoff, great job. anita. anita: griff, critics are slamming the biden administration after signing off on a deal to free brittney griner, american athlete wrongfully imprisoned in russia in exchange for notorious arms dealer viktor bout. a lot of fallout from the story. >> it is. continues to go whether this was a good decision. good afternoon to you. the administration says, look, they did a national security
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assessment of bout. >> nobody is doing back flips that he's a freeman. >> but on the other side of the aisle, anita, republicans say the u.s. just cut a very dangerous deal. >> tried to killed americans in return for a professional athlete on trumped up drug charges. the reality putin took a hostage and used it to exert leverage in the united states while in the middle of aconflict in the united states and we are supporting the other side. aishah: paul's brother david is pushing for more attempts from the administration to get paul out. >> there's a line between bringing a knife to a gunfight and being prepare today stop the bully from bullying and, you
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know, where the u.s. government draws the line i'm not sure. i think they have to have a plan. i think we are starting to see again the evolution of more decisions being made, confidence in trying new things, more attempts to be creative. aishah: anita, senior administration officials says that the white house has every reason to expect and believe that the channels will remain open to continue negotiating for paul's release, anita. anita: aishah, many people are happy. aishah hosnie live at the white house. griff: internal debate over trump's removal joining us live assistant to former president trump and jonathan, former communications director for senator joe manchin. jonathan, bill, thanks for being here. lot happening on twitter. i've been the reporter in the past few days. so much to unpack but let's go
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right to what's what's seems to be a big part of it is did jack dorsey lie when he said before congress under oath that they did not shadow ban people. we know from the reporting that the twitter executives like dorsey in the head of safety yoel roth and others called it visibility filtering and just not shadow banning. here we are in the last hour we had lawmakers on we talked to congressman from tennessee. here is what he said about whether or not dorsey lied. take a listen. >> obviously what was told and testified to four years ago was not true and that should concern every american. >> bill. >> look, i think that twitter has a problem. we have only seen a small amount of documents and they've locked and think about the other documents that a company files
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both with fcc and sec cases where they filed affidavits and it's all of the documents are going to be released. it's not just the testimony before congress that's examined. i think other documents are going to be examined as well. they need to do full disclosure here. griff: were laws broken in your estimation. the disclosures raise serious and troubling questions about coordination between twitter, federal government including law enforcement, intelligence agencies that all seem to be going against conservatives here. that's not supposed to be what twitter is doing. twitter is supposed to be a new real platform where the marketplace of ideas can play out and what we have seen here is a real effort to potentially conceal what they were up to. we had one tweet where one of them said, i really need to sanitize my calendar entries because i really don't want the truth revealed for what we are doing on a weekly basis or monthly basis with the fbi. griff: that was joel roth on head of safety, it was a friday
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night fire hose as i've said jonathan, that was a significant one. we learned that roth, this guy from twitter who is supposed to be in charge of the safety and handle these things is meeting weekly with the fbi along with dhs and the odni. the office of director of national intelligence. what do you make of this. republicans are upset about it. are democrats also? >> i don't have a problem with him meeting with these people. this is what he's supposed to be doing. he wants to protect speech on twitter but wants to make sure what's happening on twitter doesn't turn to real life violence. most of us twitter is not real life but when it turns to real life incidents, twitter can be held liable and that's one of the reasons they made the decision to pull some people down for it. they saw real world violence happening. i was in the -- i was in the russell rotunda building on january 6th. what happened on twitter led to that violent action, so twitter was right in meeting with these
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people. that was actually his job. what he's supposed to be doing. i think they'll have to answer for some questions especially now that republicans are in charge. i'm certain there are a lawyering up and going to come up with to congress and be prepared to testify but i actually think we need to look at what was happening on twitter and what was happening in the country at the time and were they actually just trying to protect the public from that violent spilling over which we have seen happen. griff: you support hearings? >> i think there should be hearings if congress wants to have hearings. that's progressive. twitter is a private company, if they want to do this stuff, they are allowed to do it. >> i think that free speech write should not trump others. private company twitter does have some first amendment rights but we also need to understand the section 230 liability protections that twitter enjoys and enables to allow third-party users to come and play content.
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child pornography and calls for violence. what they can't do is become a publisher, edit the content of the platform to favor one political side over the other. when they start to cross the lines, are they satisfying the criteria to enjoy liability protections and i think that's some of the areas that republicans are going to have to look. every conservative in the country had a suspicion that twitter was favoring progressives and democrats over conservatives and republicans. it's always interesting when you actually have the curtain pulled back and you begin to see actual documents, when you begin to see internal communications from within twitter because what is going to do to -- for congressional republicans is give them additional threads to investigate that we never would have thought existed. griff: let me change gears. it is great an american is home. brittney griner but we traded him for viktor bout, all we know we just released a major mass
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murderer and going to go back to target americans. >> any day we get american prisoner home that's a good day. what we look how evil and illegal vladimir putin is and we should double efforts to support ukraine and support every country that joe biden has built alliance against russia. that's what we should be focused on. viktor bout is a horrible person. they will be monitor him and they did all they can do. karine jean-pierre made the case at the podium, this wasn't a could we get other people out, this was do we get an american held for trumped up charges in a horrible condition. this is not just a prison. griff: was it a good deal. we are paul whelan still in jail. >> i think the biden administration made the case, that wasn't a two for one, three for one, could we get it, the negotiation was we give you one, you get the other and i think
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they made the calculation that it is best to bring an american home. do i think she would have been used for propaganda purposes in russia and her treatment could have been even worse than it was the ten months she was there. i can't imagine what she was going through. so i'm so happy she's home. i'm happy they did this and i'm confident that the biden administration is not done trying to get paul whelan home just like they said they are trying to get every american home. >> it's a great day that ms. griner is free from russian soil and back to american soil. we all celebrate that. one of the things that we have raised is this a good deal because this sort of exchange leads predicate for potential future ones and does it incentivize bad actors overseas to try and target americans because they think they are going to be able to get to same type of deal. over the course of time and as we learn more about the negotiations and what happened, it maybe that it was a fair deal but right now it looks like russia was able to get the merchant of death and somebody
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who a former dea official calls the most dangerous men in the because of the arms supply where he was playing. both sides of civil wars but supplying arms to organizations that were going to specifically target americans and so that raises troubling questions that we need answers to. griff: hopefully we get paul whelan out. kyrsten sinema formerly democrat in arizona, now inagain jonathan, your thoughts on it and will joe manchin will be the next i on the board? >> he's always told me he's a west virginia democrat and not a dc democrat and kyrsten sinema has always been independent. she said she's going to do exactly what she's doing. cutting bipartisan deals, working with republicans. she made a calculation that this is what's best for her and who she is and how to identify. i will point out, she was in the middle or the lead of four or
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five major bills that got done in the last two years. she was a significant player in that and helped the democrats get more republicans to their side in these bipartisan deals. i expect she's going to do the exact same thing for the next two years and she's making the calculation that that's what arizona voters want. griff: we shall see. bill, is this good for republicans? >> look, i think what acknowledges the reality. she will take committee assignments from the democrats. voting record will be over 90% with the biden administration and frees her up without concern of primary opponent in arizona that she can make more deals with republicans. she and senator manchin were the real firewall against some of the extreme legislation that the biden administration tried to push like build back better. hopefully she will have a little bit more courage and take greater stance on legislation that we anticipate will come up next year. griff: bill mcginley and jonathan.
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great to have you. anita.anita. >> i'm concerned about dr. daniel smith as he came from a sexual harassment, sexual assault plagued school system in fairfax county. so i'd like to know what qualifications does he have to keep our children safe. anita: lots of questions there. the school board fired superintendent scott ziggler on tuesday which placed the blame of preventible sexual harassment on louden county schools. director for fight for schools and senior adviser america first legal now ian. good to see you.
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so you have been involved in this fight for quite some time, so the superintendent was fired but some people as you just heard are saying too little too late because the details of this case, these couple of cases are pretty unbelievable. just to let our audience refresh their memories, in one case a 15-year-old was raped by a transgender student, a biological male dressed in female clothes. the principal offered a verbal reprimand and the student was transferred to another school and sexual assaulted another student almost choking her to death and scott ziggler was denying anything was going on. do i have my facts straight? >> yeah, you do. what we have in louden county school is complete failure. what is really interesting in that report is how -- the lengths that the louden county school board members went to frustrate and abinstruct the special grand jury and ability
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to do its job. you know, they always said. this has nothing to do with policy 840 which was the transgender bathroom policy but it turns out there was a smoking gun e-mail from the chief operating officer that said this absolutely has to do with policy 8040 and the school system to stop the grand jury, they would not produce the e-mail to the grand jury in response to, i believe, in april or may subpoena and it only came to the grand jury in september when they subpoenaed somebody else that was not sharing lcps division council. you don't just have egregious behavior that led to incidents of sexual assault but you also have the school system and several louden school board members actively trying to just rate the members and the performance of the duty. anita: the father of one of the victims, scott smith he's been speaking about it. take a listen to what he had to say about the latest events
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there. >> he should have been fired a year ago. the school board had what they needed, you know, they had an independent investigation so called that wasn't released to the public, so the fact that they are hiding behind -- you know, ziggler didn't release information to them and they are horrified an they voted unanimously to fire him, well, they're all responsible too so unfortunately today we are not celebrating, he's just one -- one of many that hurt my child and many others. anita: so all of this information is coming out now and what do you think are more heads going to roll? >> they certainly should and i want to get to the point that mr. smith brought up. independent report that loudoun commissioned after attorney general was elected and said he was going to have his own investigation and denied report
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based on attorney-client privilege. well, now we have school board members saying, well, we didn't know what the grand jury -- the stuff that was in the grand jury report. it was different from the independent report. if that's the case, you need to fire your lawyer and otherwise perhaps they are not telling the truth and the things in the independent report actually were in the special grand jury report, if that's the case, then those 7 school board members that were on the school board at the time all need to resign. of course, they can release this report to the public and show them what they knew but, you know, i'm skeptical that they'll have the courage to do that. anita: yeah, we will wait and see if that happens. in the meantime quickly what are your thoughts on this new interim superintendent daniel smith. we heard the one parent was critical of him. what you think? >> i said when he was appointed or about to be appointed i would give him the benefit to have doubt and short lease with the
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public. i think the lease got shorter after the press conference that he held where, you know, it was the same dribble. we will restore excellence in education. no. what you need to do is go out there and say, this school division is a mess, the leadership in this school division has -- has brought us to this place where we are. we are going to fix this, we are going to clean house and we are going to bring in real leadership. it's going to take some time because the damage that has been done but you can trust me, this school system is going to look a lot different in the next two weeks, three weeks than it did yesterday. he didn't say that. until somebody says that, i'm not sure that the public is ever going to have confidence in the loudoun county public schools. anita: i have a feeling you'll be updating ian prior. >> thanks for having me. griff: anita a still missing after her husband claims they were attacked by a shark on the coast of maui thursday, details
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celebratory occasion. the school honored the murdered student with a moment of silence. >> will now recognize -- griff: hawaii officials have called off search for 60-year-old missing woman who disant disappeared ara shark was sighted in maui. hey, charles. charles: unimaginable story. the u.s. coast guard says up until this point it had conducted 17 searches spanning more than 300 miles but just have not been able to find the 60-year-old missing female snorkler, the 60-year-old had been snorkeling with her husband at beach in island of maui when witnesses reported seeing large shark 50 miles off the shoreline. we are told the woman's husband
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while the two were snorkeling he too saw a large shark swimming past him several times but at some point he eventually lost track of his wife. once he was unable to find her, the man returned to shore where he reported wife missing. the woman never returned to land but witnesses say they did see first responders pull item from water. >> we saw helicopter low and fast and wondering what's going on. we saw life guard, swimmer out here 30 minutes later found a snorkel and a mask. charles: large 10 to 12-foot tiger mask was spotted in the area but as of friday afternoon survey provided the shark wasn't in the vicinity. all the shark warnings signs had been removed. a shark bit another snorkler and
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seriously injured them. >> tends to have a lot of shark activity. maui i think predominantly has the most human shark encounters of the main hawaiian islands. charles: yeah, hawaii this year ranks top states in terms of unprovoked shark attacks, really unimaginable situation, griff. griff: indeed, charles watson following it for us. charles, thank you. you know, this is a shocking story, anita, a woman vanishes from maui beach right before reported shark attack and, you know, i believe we've got a map. we can show you where this happened at kia point, you can see it on the island of maui but, you know, another swimmer attack in september fortunately not fatal but seems like there's
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a bit of a rise here. anita: yeah, i thought it was interesting that officials said that maui has the most shark encounters with people in the water. i didn't know that. but, you know, the other official in charles' story said they had searched 300 miles for this woman and so far they haven't found anything except perhaps a piece of her bathing suit, i think, and a piece of snorkeling equipment but such a scary story because so many people love to snorkel in hawaii. water is so clear and it's just the best place to do it. griff: 17 searches is what charles said for this woman and obviously you have to take care when you go into the water, that is the shark's backyard and, of course, they're not all fatal as i found out firsthand but, yet here we do have a situation of a possible shark attack and tiger sharks are dangerous ones, indeed. you can see some of the footage that we shot. there are tiger sharks, anita,
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among the ones we see four miles off the coast of jupiter and so you have to respect these creatures in the ocean and hopefully that we can find this woman missing off of maui. anita: is that you, griff, in the video? griff: that is me with the sharks to show that we can encounter them without having an attack. it's not without the realm of possibilities that attacks do happen on snorkelers and surfers. anita: you have brave, my friend. i don't think i would be doing that. griff: all right. anita: all right, well, moving on now, as russia's brutal war on ukraine guidelines on, we will talk with a former ukrainian tv star who has organized millions of dollars in aid to help his cold and hungry fellow citizens. this is a story that you want to hear coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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griff: missile rocket and air strikes have been reported in multiple parts of ukraine. ukrainian president zelenskyy saying the russians have reduced the eastern city of bakhmut into ruins. hey, nate. >> ukrainian officials saying russia has fired 60 rocket attacks and 15 drone strikes overnight. 10 of those were shut down but one day after trust announced an additional $275 million in defense spending for ukraine, a big package is air defense specifically against drones and iranian made drones. more on that in a second. first take a look at the video from the donbas region. intense fighting continues there.
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bakhmut is destroyed from the fighting. russia has prioritize full control of the donbas region. goal of vladimir putin and russia is extending tremendous resources to do it. so far they have been unsuccessful, but back to iranian made drones, a lull for 3 weeks where we didn't see them used so much. they are back but if you look at the bigger picture, the relationship between russia and iran is very concerning to u.s. officials. iran has been the biggest supporter of the russian military since august and u.s. officials expect that relationship to only grow stronger. listen to this. >> we expect iranian support for the russian military to only grow in coming months. we even believe that iran is considering the sales of ballistic missiles iran to russia and we have seen reports that moscow and tehran are considering establishment of joint production line for lethal
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drones in russia. >> now, griff, the white house worries in return for those drone that is russia will provide iran with advanced equipment with weapons, helicopters, fighting planes as well as air defense systems and john kirby says if the relationship continues as it is the threat will expand far beyond ukraine and include the entire world and specifically iran's regional neighbors. defense secretary lloyd austin said russia is expanding nuclear arsenal which is already the largest in the entire world. the u.s. just behind with the second largest arsenal and president putin has threatened that he's not afraid to use those weapons. we will send it back to you, griff. griff: quick follow-up, kirby concerned of iranian support increasing and you mentioned 15 drone that is we haven't seen in a while and now we are seeing
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them again. what's the feeling on the ground there, are they concerned about that increased iranian support? nate: it certainly complicates things and it's not a welcome development here on the ground in ukraine, that's for sure. of the ten drone that is were shot down in overnight strikes, the targeted predominantly the south part of the country. i believe six of those were iranian made drones, all types of drones are being used. obviously the more weapons going to russia and being used against ukraine is bad news for the people here griff, griff: indeed, nate foy, great reporting, thank you. anita. anita: okay, griff, my former guest is former tv star. joining me live from new york is ukrainian tv presenter se
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sergeyprytula. >> great honor to speak speak with you today. thank you. >> you been working behind the scenes to raise money for the ukrainian army. many thousands of dollars since february and that has really help today buy things like drones, armored vehicles, systems of communications, something called the people's satellite that has been instrumental and discovering enemy locations and we just heard from our nate foy on the ground there that what is complicated the situation is iran helping russia. it sounds like what you are doing is very necessary, how much is this actually helping ukraine's efforts against ru russia? >> exactly we have big support,
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exactly we are hearing part of ukrainian civil society but we have unique experience because we are pretty close to soldiers on the front line and we know all needs, we talk not about some competition between ukrainian civil society but ukrainian government but synergy. we help our government, we help our ministry of defense to care about our units, our defenders. anita: where is the money coming from? who is donating the money? what do the ukrainian troops or the ukrainian people need the most right now? >> so if we talk about our foundation, i think 75% to have donations inside of our country and we have 25% from abroad. what we need exactly right now so you see situation in ukraine.
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the russians want to freeze us and they want to put us into darkness and that's why we need everything that can help in this situation. we start to appear in august, winter, different gadgets for charging, radiators and that's what we need exactly, not only military but also civilian. anita: a little bit of everything. as you are talking we are looking at video of donations, boxes and boxes coming in and really wonderful that you have been able to have the donations and collect the things for the people of ukraine and this is certainly dangerous work, right? you have a team of 100 people who have delivered supplies for more than 23,000 people in occupied areas, that's dangerous territories very close to the front lines.
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how are they doing that? there's a lot of risk involved? >> we are talking about ukrainians that want to help other ukrainians, we don't have much unity and now we are totally united and if we help somebody else, so it's a big thing. if you help but not doing and, of course, we understand that we have different risk but our convoys with our volunteers, they work with our units on the front line and also with the people on liberated territories and also sometimes we have communication with our people on temporary occupied territories. anita: did you give up your tv career to do this or are you still tv presenter?
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[laughter] >> i was a tv presenter till 24th of february but now i'm a jobless founder of one of the biggest foundation in our country. so we have no advertising entertainment, something like that in ukraine now. we have only one idea just to survive. anita: yeah, well, you say you're jobless but looks like you have a big job on your hands for me. we know that you ran for the mayor of kyiv in 2020 but you lost to klitschko, professional boxer and as we have cede you're a professional tv presenter, actor, do you still have political ambitions. some say you might want to run for president one day, would you ever challenge president zelenskyy and i will give you an opportunity to have an exclusive right here on fox news? [laughter] >> you know, we have no any ambitions now in ukraine doesn't matter who you are, mayor of kyiv, ukrainian parliament,
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member of government or tv presenter. we have only one politician player in ukraine, arming forces of ukraine. only one power that with stop russian aggression. everybody else we just people who can bring the bullets, that's only one of the ambition today. anita: yeah, you are doing so much good. i didn't hear a no in there. i want to give you an opportunity to put up your website for anyone who wants to donate. why don't you go ahead and mention that. >> i'm finally also want to thank all the people -- all the citizens of the united states of america because it's really important for us to feel that we are not alone in this fight and we really feel this support, doesn't matter support level on the government or support in level of the people who volunteer with us, who support us, who train us, who donate to
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>> registering as an independent and showing up to work with a title as an independent is a reflex of who i have always been. >> doesn't change the complexion. >> liberals hope that raphael warnock's win would give them breathing room rather than always cater to go moderates. >> does this mean that your phone won't be constantly calling joe manchin and kristinen sinema. that changes the power dynamic. >> they are tremendous contributors to our caucus and we will continue to work with them. >> sinema provided key vote to pass inflation reduction and passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill but bucked democrats when it came to changing the filibuster.
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>> we would be happy to welcome her in our party. we are a big tent party. >> everyone is keeping an eye on sinema's next move. >> she spends a lot of time hanging in the senate to republican side. late senator jim abandoned the gop to caucus with the democrats giving them the majority. >> this seems to be a cosmetic change. >> arizona democratic ruben gallego is teasing a senate run. on capitol hill chad pigram fox news. >> snow forecast for millions of americans across the country. we will tell you where, next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> get ready a child winter storm is expected to blank eat the nation with heavy snow throughout the week as it moves from the west to northeast, meteorologist adam klotz has the latest weather forecast, hey, adam. >> we are tracking winter-like weather and driven by cold temperatures, you see lingering in the western half of the country. warmer in the southeast. frontal boundary also but the cold air that's going to turn the kind of rounds of rain eveventually snow.
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heavy rain in tennessee and kentucky and back towards the west. very heavy in coastal portions of california, stretching up the pacific northwest but once this gets inland, elevation and runs into the cold air, big winter system. we've got winter weather alerts stretching from california particularly this year in nevada and then stretches inland across the really large area taking you over towards arizona, back up into idaho and portions of the pacific northwest, large area where you will see a whole lot of snow. the largest snow in sierra nevada, several feet of snow, big area, pay attention to the monitor up there in the top and you will see areas pretty widespread getting to a foot of snow, dusting across basically at least the entire west. this plays out with the rain and snow. very heavy rain throughout the day today across coastal areas and then begins to move further inland, you talk about sunday, more snow is falling in some of the inland areas.
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it continue to drift into our ultimately into monday and this continues to push itself little bit further in and the system will work its way across the entire country. otherwise your forecast for today as we wait for that to happen, this is what we are seeing out there, griff. a lot of spots in the 50's as we are waiting for this system to sweep across the country. griff: bundle up. adam klotz in the weather center. thank you very much. >> you got it. griff: anita, great to be with you. i want to take one moment and give a birthday shout-out to mike emanuel. there he is. one of the finest gentleman in washington. great show being in t chair tomorrow. anita: happy birthday to mike emanuel. thank you very much for joining us. i'm anita vogel. griff: i'm griff .continues with alicia acuña.
10:58 am
hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company.
10:59 am
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11:00 am
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