tv Fox News Live FOX News December 11, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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thm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably $1,000. $99! -wow. that's impressive. for a limited time only, kardiamobile is just $79. don't wait. order today on amazon or ♪ ♪ >> and arrest more than three decades in the making a suspect in the deadly lockerbie plane bombing in u.s. custody and expected to face charges in the d.c. courtroom tomorrow. hello and welcome to another hour of fox news live i am alecia kuhn you and for arthel neville. hi eric. >> hello thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. it was december 21st 1988 american airlines flight 103 at boeing 747 exploded over scotland killing all 215 people
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on board. nearly 200 of them americans. 11 people on the ground are also killed. it's been nearly 34 years, the suspected bomb maker will face charges of the united states either gideon prison in libya on unrelated charges before today's extradition in which he will be in court in washington tomorrow. >> the u.s. officials had to know that he was possibly being released and i has to do with the limitations in that particular host country in terms of sentencing and the amount of time that someone serves. knowing this person could not let him go they made that decision to go ahead and render him back to the united states. eric: it's been decades in the making for american justice and david spunt is live with the north lawn of the white house with the very latest on this. >> the 21st of december will mark 34 years since the terrible
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tragedy over lockerbie scotland. you mentioned 190 americans, 200 americans killed instantly that includes 35 syracuse university students studying overseas traveling back to celebrate the holidays with their families. this is a suspect right here on his way back to the u.s. he'll make that initial appearance in federal court in d.c. tomorrow. after two-year negotia negotiate u.s. got him into custody and back to the united states to face the charges. this happened december 21st 88 the flight was headed from heathrow airport to jfk in new york city and blew up over lockerbie scotland. he is accused specifically of making the bomb, back in 1991 to others were charged but never extradited to the united states. abu agela masud kheir al-marimi will be the first person charged to make it on american soil to face the charges.
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tom amerman was 36 years old when he died on flight 103 he was coming home from a business trip he was survived by his wife caroline and two daughters casey and jill. we spoke to his brother bert earlier, you spoke to him eric. who credited the white house with the latest development. in the same vein believes the white house must do more to expose iran's potential involvement. listen. >> mr. president you're on the timeclock, you're a democrat but republicans have dropped the ball on this also but it's now up to president biden, don't deflect this to a statement from a state department. you know the issues and you live the issues with me and i would love an opportunity to discuss this with you. >> the leader accepted responsibility for the bombing and restitution was paid to the victims families but qaddafi always denied he ordered the attacks, it took two years of negotiations to get the suspect here, back in december,
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december 21st the 32nd anniversary attorney general bill barr who had a few days left in office announce the specific charges against masud. then it was attorney general bill barr, the attorney general for president george h. w. bush back in 1981 that announce those initial charges against the first two men that never actually made it to the united states. masud will make it to the united states and that's a significant story. we reached out to the white house for comments but still nothing from the white house. big news today. eric: that it is will cover it tomorrow when he appears in court in washington. david spunt, always good to see you. he's been fighting for justice for all of the families for decades and we will follow-up with him and his plea to the biden administration but continuing all of this will be
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heard. david mentioned the students when they were coming home for christmas after spending the fall semester abroad. a somber look at syracuse university today, take a look at these pictures coming in from current student as he accused university in new york. this is the place of remembrance, on-campus dedicated more than 30 years ago it is a tribute to the 35 syracuse students who were killed on board pan-american flight 103. every year community members of the university gathered there on the anniversary of the attack, that is coming up december 21st, the holy candlelight visual for the students who lost their lives on that day back in 1988 in this year when they gather again for the candlelight vigil that certainly will have a special significance given today's development. alicia: let's bring imported republican congressman drakes to be, a member of the foreign affairs committee. congressman thank you so much for being here. first i want to give you a
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chance to respond to the development in an arrest and the pan am flight bombing. >> it's great we were be entering able to bring this to justice with this tragedy that occurred so many years ago. americans are fighting strong after all those years we're going to tell our enemies that we're going to hold you to justice even if you commit terrorism in 1988 we're going to come back and make sure justice has been served to those families and individuals that were tragically lost in that attack. alicia: absolutely, switching gears as you know on thursday the house approved the national defense authorization act which included resending the u.s. military covid vaccine mandate. take a listen to the white house's response. >> we've been very clear where we stand on the vaccine mandates and we've said it many times before, republicans in congress we think it's a mistake.
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alicia: your response to that statement? >> the health and well-being of the troops should be served that people have the opportunity did not take the covid vaccine if they file the religious exemptions. there in a population that is very, very low at risk to pass from covid according to president biden well past the covid pandemic and why are we going to continue to object with this experiment of axing, give them the choice to do that, it's a great win for service members who are still in but republicans only get the majority back are going to help the 8000 service members who been kicked out of service for filing religious exemptions getting out of service because of it. alicia: you did not think this went far enough, can you explain what do you think republicans can accomplish in the new session? >> we will be able to accomplish it, the 8000 service members that were kicked out because they refuse to take the vaccine based on a religious exemption that they filed the going to get the opportunity to come to the service and get their benefits
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back from the benefits that were lost. alicia: as you know the u.s. military across the board is experiencing recruitment and retention problem. do you think this helps? >> absolutely not, the 8000 that we lost in people today not joining up because of the vaccine mandate. we had somebody that was going to apply to one of the academies and decided not to do it because of the vaccine mandate that was in place. now maybe the change their minds the republicans in the nda and next year they will help those i got kicked out of service. >> florida republican congressman greg steube, thank you so much for joining us on this sunday. >> thank you. >> alisha on the hills of the pan am terrorists suspect been extradited. another went on the war on terror. a helicopter by american forces in eastern syria killed two isis terraces morning. u.s. central command says one was the original leader involved in deadly plotting and operation for the terrorist groups, he
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says it does not appear any civilians were hit in this attack hundreds of u.s. troops are stationed in syria as part of the coalition to fight isis. alicia: today marks one month since four university of idaho students were stabbed to death in the off-campus home. police still have no suspect, no motive in no murder weapon in their warning students to be vigilant during winter graduation festivities this weekend. alexis mcadams is live and moscow idaho. what are students and families being told? >> like you mentioned to be vigilant which was kind of a shocking thing to get an alert on their cell phones and family and friends were in town for celebrations which was a somber one with the four students here on campus who lost their lives then to have the police say yesterday morning to travel in groups near campus, i think a lot of people were concerned for their safety so that put a damper on some of the festivities as well. on my shoulder you can see the
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crime scene behind us it still blocked off with tape and an active case, this is the drone footage that we had out here for the past several days and it's been a month since the murders. all the victims got back to the house around 2:00 a.m. that night and police believe they were killed sometime between three or four in the morning. no suspect or murder weapon. >> how common is the knife that was used in these murders. >> were looking for a fixed blade knife. you can buy one of those at any department store around here and any sporting goods store, they're very common. were looking for a fixed blade knife. >> those innocent college kids tap to death one month ago and still no one in custody. the families of zanuck could do xana kernodle maddie mogen, kaylee convalves and ethan
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chapin, this case is outgoing call, we have tips going in and investigators, not everyday, we are still reviewing evidence. we are still looking at all aspects of this innocent early on no stone will go unturned. the newest information that we have on the ground the conferral white hunt day alondra either 2011 - 2013 model they believe that car was near the house around the time of the murders you can see behind me the home where i'm standing in a parking lot that is right behind the homes. we tried to figure out somebody parked here or drawback here but it's one way and one way out situation so they believe the person it was near the home can have a vital information in these murders. >> alexis mcadams, thank you for the update. now to the crisis in the southern border, title 42 lesson two weeks from now. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are sounding the alarm warning that the migrant crisis will get worse once title 42
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disappears, this is board officials are still reporting large groups continue to cross the border into a country as migrant encounters are set to pass the half-million mark from october 1. vilma lucian live in la joya with the very latest with the crossings there. >> good afternoon large groups of people continue to cross into the country as well as large amounts of deadly drugs, case in point that now. take a look at the picture out of arizona, cbp officers seizing 211,000 that no pills in 2.4 pounds appear fentanyl powder at the cbp port of entry, this is in the drug smugglers vehicle in his backseat. cbp reports 60000 of the fentanyl pills where the rainbow color pills those that dea has been warning about as they appeal to younger audiences take a look at the second photos keeping in the arizona border patrol in tucson, arizona
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reporting they encountered five groups totaling several hundred migrants from all around the world 17 different countries and three continents on the planet. they continue crossing from all over the place. then we'll take it to california. take a look at the mug shot, border patrol in el centro california sector recently arrested in ms 13 gang member who crossed illegally you can see some of his tattoos. cbp reports all fiscal year 2022 border patrol arrested 312 of the ms 13 gang members crossing illegally at our southern border. lastly we'll take it arizona take a look at this buckshot a convicted child molester, border patrol illegally a guatemalan national convicted felon caught near san miguel arizona i border patrol his name is perez and he was convicted previously of aggravated child molestation in the state of georgia and 2013. he was sentenced to five years. back out here live that's why
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it's important to catch the got a ways the tens of thousands of people slipping past her border patrol agents everything will month and the reason is able to happen so easily so many of our agents are pulled off the front lines these days dealing with the huge endless relentless amounts of groups across the border causing border patrol to have to do processing and paperwork and set a patrol, will send it back to you. eric: bill in la joya. thank you. alicia: nasa is celebrating a major milestone in the quest to put astronauts back on the moon, orion spacecraft smashing down in baja california this afternoon after 25 day trip around the moon, senior national correspondent is live in los angeles with more. >> nasa call this remarkable with textbook lien with the module splashing down 300 miles off the coast of san diego on schedule. 11 parachutes slowing the orbiter from 300 miles an hour
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to 20 as it hit the ocean, to helicopters report no damage and their preparing to bring the capsule aboard the uss portland after four weeks in space and 1.4 million miles traveled nasa will spend the next year over data before the next man flight scheduled in 2024. >> it is the beginning of the new beginning and that is to explore the heavens. >> artemis is a steppingstone for flights with the goal building human base camp on the moon by the end of the second no humans were aboard this flight but three domains wired with sensors measured among other things radiation levels higher on the surface of the moon than the space station one more anti-radiation death you will see that will make a difference. four of the test were to show the nutritional value of seeds can fungus repair dna and can
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yeast and algae grow in space. amazon's alexa and cisco webex were in stored in the cockpit to see if future crews can use videoconferencing with mission control and voice commands to monitor the ships water and power supplies. nasa used a reentry technique to reduce speed and geforce inside of the capsule in the 5000 degrees temperature on the capsules heatshield. >> the ultimate test was checking out the heatshield during the 25000-mile reentry from linear distance. it came through fine color. >> that is a good news artemis program will cost $93 billion for flights over the next until the end of the decade. the next flight will have astronauts on board and the third flight will land on the moon with astronauts. the goal of space camp, on the moon flights to mars in late
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2030s. back to you. alicia: live in los angeles, thank you. alicia: brittney griner is back in the u.s., another american remains behind bars in russia hoping that he too will be free mark vogel was detained in august of last year in moscow for having medical marijuana and sentenced to 14 years in a labor camp. up next, his sister and joins us on his plight and flight to remember and bring mark home. ♪ for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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alicia: u.s. officials are working with qatar to bring the body of sports journalists grant wall back home. wall collapsed during a match on friday and died. he was 48 years old. he told colleagues he had been feeling unwell in the days before his collapse. wall also said he was briefly detained in cutter after showing up to a match when a gay pride shirt. officials apologize for the incident. eric: as the white house celebrates the release of wnba start brittney griner from a russian prison we must not forget the other three americans who remain behind bars. former marine paul whelan also sarah curb and at and then mark
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vogel. mark is the teacher from pennsylvania. he and his wife and two sons traveled around the world he taught and schools in many countries and when you return to moscow to teach at the anglo-american school there he was arrested at the moscow airport for carrying medical marijuana as prescribed to him from his knee, pain and other ailments. having that landed him a 14 year sentence at the russian labor camp. new yorker writing this about mark, the dramatic swap was the fate of mark vogel, his name really comes up in any official discussion of americans held in russia when rumors of a prisoner swap for greiner and whalen emerged last summer vogel will home, that hurt, teachers are at least important as basketball is. mark vogel sister and vogel joins us now on mark's case. our thoughts are with you. mark and your family.
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what is your reaction to the release of brittney griner and all the attention given to that case could potentially help marc? >> of course we are happy for brittney griner family and for her to be home for christmas. especially the fogel family wants the same thing. we need to get our man home. eric: how can you accomplish that, what you doing and what are u.s. officials saying? >> we are petitioning heavily for his unlawful detainment, status and were helping the administration demonstrates that teachers are just as important as basketball players and were hoping that they bring him home and it would be great if they brought him home before christmas. eric: that would be for sure. there is a status called wrongfully detained. can you describe what that is
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and if you can't get that in mark's case that could potentially help his release. >> there is a criteria for wrongfully detained which marc meets over half of the criteria for. it would allow resources to be devoted to ambassador carstens to be negotiating his release and for them to have the resources to focus on him so britney of course had the status. paul whelan had that status as well as trevor reed. were hoping marc also receives that status. not only for him but for my 93-year-old mother who would i would like for her to see the government standing up for her son. eric: that is so important and what strikes me as odd if you
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can explain this. this has to do with the fact that brittney griner had vape cartridges with residue and marc was actually prescribed by doctor to have medical marijuana for medical necessity in it brittney was given the status and been denied or has been given to marc yet? >> they said that reviewing it and they said that for months now. one of us originally wanted us to know that it was important for him to have that status but judging from president biden speech the other day in the number of times he mentioned unlawful or wrongful detainment we know it's very important. eric: go ahead i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> certainly that's what our viewers and others could support
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marc by trying to pass for that type of status. let's talk a little bit about marc the teacher that traveled the world and he knew a lot of people. the former ambassador to russia of course now at stanford. marc taught her son. let me redo some of the twitter tweets that his son has said. this is from coal michael mccaul's son who had about his teachers being accused my favorite teacher at moscow like he did for hundreds of thousands of students over the course of his career. mr. fogel challenged my assumptions, broaden my understanding of the world we live in an encouragement to pursue my passions. mr. fogel has served this country many times over teaching the children of what diplomatic corps brought. this is a story about a random american in the wrong place at the wrong time. mr. fogel is an american patriot who is dedicated last 35 years of his life teaching the children of the state department, the department of
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defense, u.s. government personnel as well as children of the double biotic core of our allies. brought # free marc fogel. obviously the wonderful testament from one of his students. your sense of marc and what our viewers can do? >> anybody that can reach out to secretary of state anthony blinken to let them know that you support the freedom of marc fogel would be greatly appreciated, his students have been absolutely outstanding and stepping up and creating facebook pages an instagram accounts and he's dearly dearly loved. he is an altar of history teachers. there is no question about that. eric: we nobody be put has used people like your brother as pawns. we certainly can help there will
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be a quick ending, successful one for him and you and your family and your mother. >> thank you for that. eric: of course. fogel sister of marc fogel, # free marc fogel as the #. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. alicia: outrage in arizona after senator kyrsten sinema is the democratic party and registers as independent. on capitol hill business as usual will discuss with the switch means for the state in switch means for the state in the party coming up.s, ♪ she had a lot of questions when she came in. i watched my mother go through being a single mom. at the end of the day, my mom raised three children, including myself. and so once the client knew that she was heard. we were able to help her move forward. your client won't care how much you know until they know how much you care. vehicles come in all different sizes.
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eric: a city bus los angeles councilman fighting with the christmas event that happened on friday night. lawmakers kevin deleon and the protesters were blaming each other for starting the brawl, kevin de leon has been under fire for several months over a local scandal with racist remarks, charles watson lied with the story.
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he says that the activist fault, they say it is him. good afternoon eric, it's a big back-and-forth but los angeles councilman has been a controversial figure in l.a. ever since, making racist comments for a couple of months now, there has been tension between the councilman and those calling for his resignation. in those evolved into violence. [inaudible] >> a racist. >> this all happened at a christmas tree lighting with families and young children in attendance leading up to the physical alteration. he could see kevin de leon being tackled out of the event by activist calling for his resignation.
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the councilman goes into a room and tries to close the door on the protesters but they make their way inside and that's when things start to get physical. this happened hours after actavis demanded kevin de leon's resignation at an l.a. city council meeting in large part due to racist comments kevin de leon made about a fellow council members child who is black. we are hearing from kevin de leon now this is jason reedy the manfully made in the video was the aggressor. his office said in a statement that he launched a pelvic thrust followed by a headbutt to my forehead in response in defense of myself was to push him off of me and the ensuing struggle he struck me in the face but a closed fist violently elbowed a female staff member and injured a volunteer in front of horrified parents and children. a response of lawyer for reedy tells fox news video footage shows kevin de leon and his
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supporters initially while reedy stands with his hands up. not only has kevin de leon lost all political legitimacy but the claims that he was attacked simply underscores how he's lost touch with reality. you can see there is a lot of back-and-forth here. a lot of the blame game going on. were told that both of these men kevin de leon and both mr. reedy has filed a complaint with the los angeles police department and an investigation is underway. eric: thank you so much. alicia: kyrsten sinema to leave the democratic party and register as an independent sparked major backlash among some of her colleagues on the left. others on capitol hill say her switch changes nothing. >> i support progressive candidates all over this country people who have the guts to take on powerful special interest. i don't know what's going to happen in arizona, will see who they nominate but it's something i'll take a hot look at. >> whether she's a democrat or republican that really doesn't matter. the label does not matter.
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what matters you have to have somebody in washington, d.c. that wants to get things done and move things forward. alicia: national political reporter for the washington examiner and selena, our viewers should know in november of 2021 you wrote an op-ed with the headline wake up progressives, you are lucky to have kyrsten sinema a line from the op-ed reads the left despises her obstructionist views that do not allow the biden administration and the democrats to get everything that they want but anyone who has ever listened to her speeches knows that kyrsten sinema has always an independent like arizona. sounds a little prophetic. were you surprised at all by this move? >> i wasn't surprised at all. if anybody's been paying attention to her in d.c., i think arizona voters are the least surprised. i remember a radio interview that she did in 2016 when she was running she said i sort of believe and pick yourself up by
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your bootstraps but also helping hand from government. and she was referring to her childhood, she had childhood poverty to the point where they had no running water in her home so she has always been a very nimble to see both sides and i think probably john mccain is an arizona maverick for you. because that's always who she's been if you listen to her. i think d.c. was more surprised than arizona voters. alicia: you may have a good point. she's really frustrated a lot of the more progressive democrats inside her own state. whatever biggest critics is democratic congressman ruben who was talked about and has been talking about primary in her when she was a democrat. is this more of a career move
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for her in terms of survivability because she may not have been able to get through a primary? >> i'm sure sinex advocate at that and seen that in saying this is why she's doing this to safer see. however, i would argue this is probably who she's always been, the way our system is set up in elections it is harder the first time you run out of the gate to run as an independent. it's easier to be an independent after you run office. we've seen that throughout history and a number of states, shelby, jeffords, harry byrd in virginia, arlen specter once considered it and ended up switching from republican to democrat instead. i think now that she's an established figure voters know who she is in her state.
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i believe she believes that the best thing in her heart and that is to represent her state as opposed to a political party. alicia: with arizona being a difficult battleground state what is the democrats next move in arizona because they have the option of putting someone out there on the democratic ticket but for sure would dilute the boat for them and for her seat that would be handed over to republicans. this is a really tough moment for democrats right now, a lot of soul-searching. >> it really is it reminds us what happened in utah the last cycle where democrats went all in for an independent voter to face income the republican leader mike lee. democrats and have the same problem going into 2024 if sinema and deeds decide to run because they're going to look at it and say this is going to
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split the vote all over the place for the senate race you can have a republican, democrat and independent which might give the republican the advantage because arizona is more of a center-right state even though it has to democrat u.s. senators. but there also could be thinking about how does this impact the presidential race because a lot of people split their votes, some people don't. so advantage to, those are the things of the political party will be thinking about for the next few months. >> making this all the more interesting arizona is the split ticket state, they have a history. selena of the washington examiner. thank you so much for the conversation. >> thank you for having me. >> elon musk has released a fourth batch of twitter files last night the new batteries in questions about how much control the former ceo jack dorsey had over content moderation on
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twitter. dorsey is under fire for his testimony before congress in 2018. critics accusing him of lying under oath about censorship of conservatives on twitter. alexander hoff has the details. >> in the thread so far we heard twitter executives had a meeting with federal agencies and a very small leadership group accounted for almost all of the content ruling. the latest threat focuses on the discussions taking place within the company on january 7 of 2020 over the decision to ban president trump from the platform. for this installment the documents were released by elon musk and provided to michael shellenberger he reported former twitter ceo jack dorsey was being pressured for policy changes. shellenberger shared this progress of a member of roth's trust and safety teams the exchange between ross and his colleagues makes clear they have been pushing jack dorsey for greater restrictions on the speech twitter allows around
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elections. roth is yoel ruth the former head of trust and safety. it is unclear how close dorsey was involved in decisions on content. shellenberger writes he was on vacation during this time. the ads on january 7 jack dorsey e-mails employees saying twitter needs to remain consistent its policies including the right of users to return to twitter after temp resuspension after roth ensures an employee that people who care about this aren't happy with where we are, the document shared according to shellenberger that prominent figures including former first lady michelle obama also pressured the company to remove trump. a day after the e-mail from dorsey trump was removed under a five strikes policy. in the document the singular junior employee that expressed concern that this may be a slippery slope. more documents are expected to be dropped today. eric: thanks so much. if you're sending money in the mail this holiday season you're going to want to know this the
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postal service warning about mailbox fishing, what you need to know to avoid getting hookedr ♪ [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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eric: if your mailing your christmas cards with checks, cash or money orders to children and grandchildren were paying bills by popping them in the mailbox there is a warning from the united states postal service, checks could be fished right out of the box. >> the grinch is stealing christmas checks, criminals engaged in mailbox phishing. >> stop doing whatever you're doing, stop doing whatever you're doing. >> i don't care [bleep] >> are you quitting me. >> one new yorker confronted a man who is mailbox phishing by slipping his belt coated with sticky stuff through the narrow mailbox lot in an attempt to
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pull out the envelope. the nypd has plastered signs on some mailboxes warning people about the trend. earlier this year new york city police busted the ring responsible for stealing $100,000 worth of checks from mailboxes. isabel vincent told us to checks she mailed were fished out of a box, altered and cashed for $1500. >> don't do it don't pop the checks in the box, go to a post office and it's a little bit of extra time and you don't have the convenience of doing it in front of where you work where i used to do it, but at least you know and you have trust that your check will make it to the destination. >> the u.s. postal service says mail theft is a problem nationwide. in santa monica, california boxes were brazenly bashed into steel mail newark postal inspector has this advice so you don't get hooked. >> every blue collection box on
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the street corner has a time-honored when the boxes swept were asking customers to put the mail in the box before the collection time. a male sits in their overnight it could be stolen. >> are we going to see a world where mailboxes are gone that would be very sad. >> were the po inspection servie with to instill the trust of the mail that those boxes are saved and we want to get the message out that mail before the last election time. >> that is a message from inspector, he says you should not put your mail in your mailbox at the end of the driveway for your postal carrier to pick up, thieves have been targeting people's mailboxes. if your mailing a check or money order he says give it right to your mail carrier it'll be safer go to your post office to make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands. what will they think of next. alicia: great advice, still sunday by checks, good advice. disgraced crypto king sam beckman will testify before the
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alicia: sam bankman-fried is set to testify before congress this week before the first time of the collapse of his crypto firm ftx federal prosecutors are weighing criminal charges against him. brian llenas is live in new york city. what can we expect. >> ftx founder sandbag been freed says will testify in front of the house committee of financial services on tuesday. it in a tweet sandbag been freed said i'll try to be held during the hearing and shed what light i can on ftx solvency in american customers, pathways that could return value to users
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internationally. what i think led to the crash in my own feelings. here is spf in an interview with the wall street journal last week. >> to expect a prison? >> i'm not focusing on that right now. i don't think i tried to commit fraud anywhere here. i was trained to do the best i could. obviously that wasn't nearly as good as i thought it was. but honestly it's not what i'm focusing on right now. this is about the customers at the end of the day. there is one of me and millions of them. >> ftx and bankman-fried are under investigations including from the department of justice which according to bloomberg is probing bankman-fried for a potential fraud case for improperly transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to accounts in the bahamas. republican congressman lee zeldin said they will demand clarity on tuesday. >> no one should be approaching this with any type of assumption that this guy is unintelligent. that he's bad at math.
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he understands his fiduciary doing under duties here. he was knowingly co-mingling funds as part of the design of these entities. >> among the central question, how more than $5 billion of customers money that was meant for ftx bank been freed crypto currency exchange ended up in alameda research. crypto trading firm he founded in the funds disappeared. alicia: brian llenas in new york. thank you. that does it for us, we will see you next weekend. it's great to work with you this weekend. eric: glad to have you. that will be huge hearings on tuesday. a lot of people lost money in their crypto stuff. we will see what happens and see what he has to say. and see if there are charges.he good to sen e you. neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators
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