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tv   Yellowstone One- Fifty  FOX News  December 11, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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and that's his career. running for things. it's getting back on our feet. steve: what a great way to win tin the show as always. yellowstone 150 is up next. we will see you next sunday on "the next revolution". ♪ [solemn music] - they didn't expect to see what they saw, >> they didn't expect to see what they saw. and when they saw it, they could never forget it. hired to lead a team into the northwest territories. thirty-two men headed west.
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in order not the - - not to protect yellowstone but to tear it up and interest of progress congress but something happened during the three-month journey. slowly but surely the mission changed. as we celebrate the 150th one —- 150th anniversary at yellowstone national park we look at the events that led to the preservation of this magical place.
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sometimes it think about the things i miss most. walk away.
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not just my family but the books i never read. books i never read. when the music and ever hear sometimes they wish i would've known. getting most of us walk through life and myself admitted the idea the same thing without skimming more than the surface.ld? when i was younger pictures of yellowstone and i thought could there be a place like this in the world?
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the rivers cap to the mountains that were so high. and the animals you can see them by the thousands. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains. i had to take a breath and understand what was so special about it. and what i read what it took for yellowstone to be here so we can all enjoy the realize this was a story we wanted to share.uspe >> insef think everyone in their life at some point things i want to change the world but it'sas people who did.
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there was a time in america all people cared about what they could extract from the land that they could get out of it. these pioneers come up with an entirely new idea in a way to find value in the land. i want to see what they saw i want to see what change them. pr
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>> i heard it was the 150th anniversary of yellowstone park. the first thing i thought was how does the park avenue anniversary?ng s but what happened here 150tory years ago so i started to look into it.nd h it's just an amazingere story. back in the early 18 seventies all this land cleaned up by minors in stories about this play started to make their way back east and then congress
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got wind of it. ♪pher and then to investigats, ae yellowstone. some of the best cartographers and zoologist in the world also a photographer in the painter to document their findings. thirty-two men headed west the mission was twofold with those
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ppi rivethat can benefit the amn people and to build the railroad. connecting the mississippi river to the pacific ocean. d they were not here to protect yellowstone. they were here to tearuringat to shreds in the name of progress. something happened during the three-month journey. this place it did something to them and got inside of them. and slowly but surely started to change their minds. and that's why it is still here. yes. she is still here.ston
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the haydene be expedition creatd the national park system. yellowstone is the first now there are over 4000 worldwide and over 2 million square miles of pristine nature protected from construction. those are some big boots to fill.ed buitiont the trail that they ble and those of the expedition and those ten letters that hayden himself wrote. does yellowstone look the same today as they prescribed 150 yearlet's nd out. let's find out.
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the explorers first look at yellowstone the morning of ju july 16. collecting fossils on the northern peaks of the range they look south to see the yellowstone river winding through the valley in the distance. they knew they had arrived. and with the snowy mountain peaks in the runoff the yellowstone river is the lifeblood of the park. nearly 700 miles from and to and the longest free flowing
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river in america. no dams have ever been built on it leaving it is wild and untamed as it was when haydenndh first saw it. the yellowstone moves east and south through this part of the park before branching off into a tributary called the lamarr river. c mu this leads straight tosic] the fertile valley as the neck of northern america wildlife. lamarr valley is also referred to as the serengeti.
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the abundant tall grasses andg] the abundant tall grasses andg] endles the species in the area could ask for and as they come into the corridor there followed by predators on —- of all shapes and sizes
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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emn music] [birds chirping] the wildlife in lamar valley seem to have an impact on the hayden expedition. [gentle music] on one hand, the journal entries still refer to >> the wildlife in the valley seem to have an impact on the hayden expedition. on one hand the journal entries to refer to the viability of mining the area. but on the other hand, they wrote about the abundance of elk and deer in more frequent run-ins with the alpha predator of yellowstone.
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the grizzly bear. over 700 lives within the forest today it is a healthy population and it takes 22000 pounds of meat each day to keep them off and. they are not volunteering for the job but the bear doesn't care.
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the herd has thehi advantages f speed and that there cannot keep up his chase for very long. but in the chaos a cath is separated from the herd and ops to hide in the grizzly searches.
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if she moves she is an easy meal for the grizzly bear she
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wins this round of hide and seek mom calls out to find her offspring. this is life in the lamarr valley. hayden and his men were not here for wildlife watching so they had to move on pushing further into the unknown.ow,
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sometimewhats i think about the spirit of the great explorers and what it takes to be the first to do something to
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journey into the unknown they had a job to do and that was to keep going but as they headed south they started to hear a roar in the distance. and as they're making their can't write here have no idea waiting come sunrise. when you follow a river for when you follow a river for long run into a waterfall. one that the hayden party found was a monster. 308 feet tall, 60000 gallons of water fall over every second.
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this year's sight and sound of the water is almost two perfect for the lead geologist to put into words. ♪ standing there i thought how utterly impossible it would be to describe to another the sensations by such a presence a grander scene was never witnessed now, how in the hell are we going to get down that?os they didn't have fancy mad climbing gear harnesses are carabiner's just ropes of althey qaeda know tien for snapping if they got wet that in the
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insatiable desire to explore so they tie the ropes around the shoulders and cross their fingers and made the 308-foot dissent in just over twooari] they arrived in the canyon and what a magnificent canyon it is carved by the river the last 160,000 years the grand canyon is a work in progress today 24 miles long 1200 feet in depth and 4000 feet wide. tomorrow it will be a little bigger. every day gets deeper and wider as hydrothermal tiffany weakens the rock that lines it
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is rich in iron deposits which oxidize overtime giving the canyon the stunninribe namg yelw colors that swirled inside the walls the military tribe named the river which means yellow rock river the trappers and for traders came they interpreted that as yellowstone. mass general brigham -- when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine. this is a leading healthcare system with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers. in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school and the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care.
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♪ there's only one mass general brigham.
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the all-electric 2023 chevy bolt euv. 247 miles of range on a full charge. america's most affordable ev. evs for everyone, everywhere. chevrolet. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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>> .
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>> at the edge of the canyon the hills raise up into a sprawling basin everything you it trapped fo lefr centuries below the full floodwaters of the glaciers when it finally drained it left behind 50 square miles of sub alpine grasslands come to be named after the pioneers this is hayden valley. a stunning open range to beholden home to one of the most iconic animals in us history the great american bison. weighing up to one time standing 6-foot tall at the hump these are the largest
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mammals in north america. the yellowstone hear only descendents from the asian bison that migrated across the land bridge for thousand years ago in july and august right when the party was making their way down the hills dust fills the air in the valley the bison run is underway. this e-mail bison tend to meet
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the most dominant bowls so this behavior by the males is shown by power and aggressiondi during thecating meeting seasonh bowl will lose 200 pounds giving all of his time and energy to perform for potential mates. it is an interesting ritual that highly effective. that highly effective. because in yellowstone the bison are thriving and every year more and more of these giants from the valley.. fortunately mother nature ha her own way to balance the ecosystem and while the bison are formidable in hayden valley the wolfpack runs the show in bison steak is on the
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menu. with 19 walls strong the pack is a force to be reckoned with and they have fought off numerous attempts from other packs to steal territory with the flourishing population of over 500 wolves currently living in the ecosystem it is certain they will be challenged again and a new packfe. the valley it is all part of the natural and inevitable and
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vehicles come in all different sizes. yet ordinary windshield phone holders are one size fits all. does that make sense? no. but this does. the adjustable windshieldfone from weathertech. it extends and retracts for a perfect fit in any vehicle. plus, a quick release tab for easy one handed in and out. and for kids, use it in the back seat too. comes with short, medium and telescopic arms, to fit any vehicle. order the american made windshieldfone at even makes a nice holiday gift. [solemn music]
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[birds chirping] [river burbling] [otters squeaking] [birds chirping] [river burbling] [gentle music] [gentle music continues] [gentle music continues] [water burbling]
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[gentle music continues] ♪have ♪ kno by the time they got here they must have known they found paradise. how could you not? wild game everywhere, geology everywhere. it was right here maybe where they started to change their mind about this place. why in the hell would you build a railroad through all
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of this? during expedition hayden was sending letters back to the north pacific railroad company giving them updates but at some point his tone changed and communications became less about logistics and more about the beauty all around. maybe it was a day just like this right here this spot that got to him.
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♪ whether the seeds of doubt had crept into their mind or not hayden and his team would turn out to explore as much of this alien world as possible. so they headed in further
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following the river to the lake that feeds it. >> 20 miles across and 14 miles wide yellowstone lake is the highest elevation they can america. it is 110 miles of coastline provide a limited fresh drinking water to every species in the park during the summer and in winter water is
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trapped below a sheet of i.c.e. three fleet that holes in the frozen surface mark the spots where the hot springs rage from below the surface it is the result of the active geology it is what gives life to all the geothermal activity it is why this alien world it is why this alien world looks like no other place on earth and the curiosities are endless
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mass general brigham -- when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine. this is a leading healthcare system with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers. in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school and the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. ♪ there's only one mass general brigham.
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really?
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>> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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[somber music] mammoth hot springs, formed over thousands of years >> the hot springs formed over thousands of years as spring water travels underground water travels underground throug cools as it seeps out the d, g carbonate.reen lg in the warm pools turn those shells read, green brown and orange.
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the spring is a single feature take up the most space in the hayden expeditions journals. investment raising site where water bubbles up from the at 189 degreesgivi in the center it is too hot for anything toas live the w giving it the deep be color after water. as the water spreads across the surface itrmophili cools. allowing thermo bacteria to flourish each wing of color is
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a different type of bacteria that thrives at a different temperature. the bacteria are not the only lifeforms that have adapted to ther, i.c.e. and migrate to the thermals in the winter when he notes the heavy snow exposing the grass below. the swallows come every spring from those that are left thall e past that ever morphing geology built these homes all they have to do is within one
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—- is move in. if you have diabetes, then getting on the dexcom g6 is the single most important thing you can do. and it's covered by medicare. before dexcom g6, i was frustrated. all of that finger-pricking, my a1c was still stuck. (female announcer) dexcom g6 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or receiver without fingersticks, so you can make better decisions in the moment. (earl) my a1c has never been lower. (female announcer) dexcom g6 is the #1 recommended cgm system. call now to get started. (bright music) all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom.
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we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. the first-ever all-electric chevy blazer ev. 0 to 60 in under 4 seconds. and up to 320 miles of range on a full charge. evs for everyone, everywhere. chevrolet.
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[solemn music]
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[wind faintly howling] [fire crackling] you know, it's amazing how much they all knew so long ago. >> it is amazing how much they knew so long ago. they must've all felt the ground moving or the rockslides in the distance at night falling. they all knew something was pushing from down below. took another 100 figure 100 years to figure out what was really going on down there. we know there is a volcano down there in a magma chamber 37 miles wide 18 miles wide and extending 5 miles down into the earth'sntists e crust.
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scientist estimate an eruption could send thousands of cubic miles of rot one —- rocket molten glass into the atmosphere. creating a cloud of dust and debris so thick no one on earth can see the sun for years. that volcano has only erected three times over the last 2 million years so it is unpredictable. that the awesome heat it generates powers for the most iconic landmarks in the us. the one that youall ov can set r watch by. people come from all over the world to stand with eyes wide.
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the most visited feature ind yellowstonfaithfe this is oldpt faithfulions,. name for the consistency of interruptions old faithful is a crack in the earth above and a crack in the earth above and undergroun and yellowstone searin fig geothermal heat keeps the water steaming hot 24 hours a day filling the chamber was steam pressure that builds and builds and roughly every 90 minutes after most of
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explaining one —- exploring the hayden team does some of the most dazzling sites in the world and they knew immediately this was a special place but then they came across two prospectors who laid claim to the entire area. they were going to dig for gold, build a hotel and market the water as a healing potion. the thought of that must have just crushed hayden. just crushed hayden. he knew it would be destroyed soon and his children's children would never see it unless he did something about it. that requires no stretch of the imagination to see this and then near future of invalids drinking the waterpr and bathing in it for theiotectr
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health. he knew that he could protect yellowstone and find a way that it would rake with any natural curiosity the world could produce. his words. imagine the pressure hayden must have been feeling. congress railroad bar barons, powerful people who wanted the land for themselves. he knew the fight would be a pill that he also knew that when you have an idea and believe in it strongly enough, you can change the world.
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hello america i am mark levin this is life liberty levin we have two great guests we have a random divine and peter schweitzer so we will day deeply the biden crime family the laptop and twitter and those associated


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