tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 12, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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trim fire is approved to help reduce symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients been felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may serious allergic reactions may occur vi your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. them. >> tell you, have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine orfya® n to emerge extrem. >> fyans with rimfire. ask your doctor about trem today. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. >> tonight, we're coming up bidn on the two year anniversary of the bush administration. if you can even believadminion.h seems like a day, people judge has been there almost the whole time. >> h e was sworn in in early20 february of 2020 one . he and when he was, he had high hopes. h >> we looked aopest the tape to. that we had no previous experience of transportation or for that matter, with secretarial work. but a judge held up his right hand and swore an oath
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to kamala harris to be the best darn secretaryn secr of he seemed transportation he could be .eant and he seemed to mean it. but not for long.. >> sadly, history soon intervened just weeks into the job. but a judge discovered tha jobt some of the roads he was supposed to be overseeing, 's s the roads he was now secretaryec of, were, in fact, racist. and not just low grade, got drunk and wrote insensitive facebookde post ten years ago. w race is not that kind ofid racism. no, these were har dukd corey david duke level nasty old segregationist roads. these were roads that refusedrod to respond to reason and clearly had no intention oft changing and joining the twenty first century. >>ch some ofangi these roadsd literally had white stripes painted on them, white stripes butt crow stuff. but a judge being shocked . t he whole thing >> i don't have roads like that, back in south bend, indiana. so foriana people to judge, it s a pivot point. it was one of those moments of profound disillusionment. so common to high minded youngei newcomers to washington, where everything changesngn in an instant, all your preconceptions washed away. he had swornworn an oath
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to take care of the roads, butau learned the hard way thatt some roads are beyond repair. st they are too racist to fix sosot people to judge embarked on another path. he becam.e one of america's foremost religious leaders. as an episcopalian, it was not an easy transition. traditiona leadersl members of the clergy believe in god , but. but a judge had d a characteristically clever solution, an approach he had learned during his years as a mckinsey consultant. in place of the concept of anin omnipotent, loving god who brings justice to the world.ld bu, t a judge simply substituted tonighted th the word climate thanks to climate, our climate, who art in heaven, that kind of. thing. and it sounded pretty good. >> here's one of his sermons.>>y yoouu talk t very openly about being a person of faith.f >> and i want to understand how you connect that to this issue.o this of climate change and our custodianship of the earth. and our moral responsibilities. climate is a moral cli issues and this is about stewardship.s. it is about justice.e's there's a moment here where we
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should invite those who aremo motivatetivated by religious moa considerations to know that those are some of the things that are at stake in what we're doing to this to this planet.o s >> w so this was reallystone a milestonine in modernlogy. christian theology, climate declared fatherhood of judge is a moral issue, nonot a meteorological matter, not even a policy topic. matter. mit's a moral issue. >> climate is a question thatn h bears directly on the fate of your immortal soul. when you mistreat the climate, you have. >> and insomuch as you have done to the least of these, youi have done it to the climate big change. you thought it was whasct mor the science. actually , it's about morality. ality.okay, so you set the terms here. fai how how's your climate record ? that seems like a fair question, given that you'vefo just told us that we will go to for our carbon emissions. >> so let's see how you're doing. fox news digital just gotd a hold of the reverend travel schedule, a list of trips he's taken since getting the job at the transportation's department. and it turns out tha tt reveren. pete is th
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e jimmy swaggart ofth climate clergy. he was commanding you not to do it the same time he was doingrt it himself in a very big way. way more than you've ever thought of doing it. reverend pete haass sinned been oh, boy, has he. two dark and very naughty way in less than two years. but a judge has flown private at taxpayer expense nearly 20 times. he's jetted to ohio and florida. andnew hampshire, among other places, in september. but a judge took an faa jet to a canadian gay rights ceremony to accept an award forc his lgbt plus advocacy, something else he's been doinglt since he gave up on the roads. >> all this has been extremelynx expensive for you and everype other taxpayeru . you may recall that donald trump's hhs secretary, tom price, lost his job for doing exactly the same thing. an outraged politico .com drove him out of office to its expensive. but that's not the real crime. the real crime here is against i the climate. it's a sin.mbains it's a moralt th transgressione because none of these planes,e s
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the jury, but a judge was jetting around with solarnot powered . not a single one ran on a windmill, a recycled french fry oil. >> they were all fossil fueled, all of them.nd >> and there is likely no mode of transportation in the history of machines that emits more carbon than private air travel, then include long trips across india, coal fired d locomotives, private jet travel stands alone. >> private jets emit an average of two tons of carbon dioxide in an hour per hour. for perspective, that's 14 times more carbon emissions per passenger than the jetblue flight yoran or any other start commercial flight. >> so you might as wel al star a tire fire to heat your house. that would be better for pet the atmosphere than what people judges doing. traveling by private jet jets this literally the last t buat father pete should ever do. >>t we sho but we shouldn't be surprised that he's doing it. >> you may remember last year when people a judge was busted commuting in a carbon belching
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suv, one of the vehicles that destroys the climate, then loading a bicycle from bac the backseat for a short, widely photograp forh ride to te white house. >> you're seeing that footagehei on your screen now. now, that shouldde have been bee the very first tip that reverend pete sermon's and thee self-describedfirs climate activists who applauded those sermons are all entirely fraudulent. applaudeonand in fact, they are fraudulent. roughly half of all emissionons created by airplanes are emitted by the richeste po one percent of the population flying private. the great majority of thespre ad biden voters and big fans of, bg you guessed it, the reverend put judge this year alone to pick but one among manyspielr examples, steven spielberg, who said he's terrified of climate change, admitted over four thousand four hundred metric tons of carbon from private jets. c tonshow much is it that 600 ts more emissions than the average person emits? >> in a year?s another climatmoe activist, taylor swift, nearly doublede
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steven spielberg's total eight thousand. metric tons ofsr co2 in a year, all of them8,000 emitted by destroying the planet, rising the seas on offense against mother earth. taylor swift justified it by saying, oh, i loan out jet sometimes. oh, it's okay. anbut it's not okay. not if you claim to believe inlu climate change. t a 15 minute flight on a priva jet can emit as much carbon as the average person's car does over an entire year. >> 15 minutes.imagin >> so imagine when a flight from dc to lax does, orhampto more likely from hamptonnssne to aspen, and then imagine thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of these flights, all carrying people who claim they believe climate change is , quote, existential. >> it's not a mistake. it's intentional. it's a statement. and it's quite a statement. if you think about it, if you're yapping about carbon emissions and climate and thenbo flying private, what you'reemis really doing is hoistingsi, screaming middle finger to the country, to the plebs beloa w in
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their suvs, which you say you plan to ban. and not just in this country.of we've got it easy. the economies ofs entire natios around the world are being name destroyed right now in the name of fighting climate change at the behest of people who fly private. so people are going hungry and freezing to death around the world. so the people to judge and his friends won't have to walk through the magnetometer at the tsa checkpoint. e goi'm going to mean to singlet the reverend pete, though he t is certainly the self righteous of the group. >> they're all doing it. is there a single high level climate activist who doesn't fly private at the recent climate summit, more than four40 hundred attendees flew in privately, not jet blue intheir their own planes. jeff bezos is onane.e of them. he flew in his private jet. >> so did boris johnson.o john kerry was famously busted flying with climate summit in iceland on his personal gulfstream. his pe burst don't worry, he had non't choice is too important. watch. it' it's the only choice fore fo somebody like me who is thi
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traveling the world to win thist battle. i believle. e the time it takes mee to get somewhere i can't saili across the ocean. i havehave tfl to fly to meet with people and get things done. >> oh, someone like me. >> you never heard of zoom, pal? you shouldu shou be in jail by . own standards. you're a climate criminal. you're a climate criminal.rimin. you should be in prison by your own standards.n standards. not just him. virtually ever not just him. virtually every recognizable person in american politics gnizableand entertainment flies private. nancy pelosi flies private. barack obama flies private. leonardo dicaprio famous flies,. flies private flies private. >> a lot . al gore flies private. michael bloomberg. what does he fly private in a four year period? the un climate envoy, mr. bloomberg, took more than seventeen hundred private flight es, burning more than ten thousand metric tons of co2o . >>2. you could never do that if you filled your yard e with diesel engines and never turned them off, you would not o
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do that.your car your car emits less than five metric tons of co2 a yearyr . >> s.o this is meaningful. e this is an actual offense ear against mother earth and theth a climate. >> so you have to wonder what the defenders of climate think of this. what about the climate warriorhh ,greenpeace and the sierraental club and the environmental defense fund? if they noticedecl? us ?. not really. have they scolded their donors for undermining their core message? no, of course not.clark, catherine clark, the incoming dm democratic party houseoc whip, doesn't complain either. she should b because her owns nh child has nightmares about climate change. utlet me tell you what it meansa to to me coming in as a different generation. i remember my middle child waking up with nightmares over turn around climate change. >> okay, so you terrorized cra your own children. >> yout kids scared the out oft little kids about climate.
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so you must be very upset aboutt what people the judge is doingin to climate by flying private, which is the most destructivee thing you can do to climate other than signing off on the sabotage of a russian natural gas pipeline, which i guess they also did. >> but who's noticing? but she's not worried aboutdi katherine clark doesn't care. another to her donors,ise's no including the environmental activists who send all thatpeope money. >> meanwhile, a lot of young people are very upset about climate. u they believe people to judge. and you know what they're doing? they're destroying some the greatest artwork in western civilization because they want you to know how important the climate is .ructiv it shows the destructive nature of our addiction to oil during these times of catastrophic climate change. is needed now more than ever. >> oh, well, what is worth
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more art or life? we cannot afford new oil and gas is going to taketake everything we know and love. e >> so groups like that, those thugs, those monsters, the stalinist mobs didn't appear to nowhere. it's not organic, of course. now o rgthey were whipped into a freny by john kerry and nancy pelosii put a judge. buttigieg those were their inspiration. but what's interestingave most is they're destroying the things that value most that are most valuable in v our society. are art the legacy olegacyf our civilization. but you know what they haven't done? they haven't said a single worde about al gore's personalrs gulfstream or john kerry's or put a judge. that's weird, isn't it? they're attackingthey'r our civilization's art, but they're not saying anything about the people who arepeople actually destroying the climate . and you know who elsthat ae inow blackrock the is ge score that w you keep hearing about your flights on private planes >> on gore,
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the e.e for environment, the blakroc doesn't say a word.t >> could it be that thatmoveme climate movement isn't really about the climate or about the environment? could it could it be the climatement i movement is really about creating a permanent caste systems a where the people at e the top of society, the brahmins, can do literally whatever they want, can violate with impunity the standardsn they impose on others while endlessly lecturing and oppressing the population. ssing thsupposedly runs the cou, but of course, actually doesn't. >> could i?d itt be ? buttigiegs oh, it's possible. o we call people to judge'sd ho office today and asked how you can justify flying private as the earth warms and the seasr m rise. how are you not a climate criminal? creak slowly so we can understandit. o we >> course, they didn't explain, but the rest of us shouldain. impose this as a litmus test going forward. no one who seeks to impose carbon rationing on another human being should evenirng be allowed b to step within one hundred yards of a private aircraft period. >>aft, anyone who claims to beti
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serious about fighting climate change shoul d demand tomorrowl la morning a federal law against private air travel make it illegal. >> it's that simple.t then go ahead and flyl with commercial to everyone else or stay home. >> what's the argument against that? ithe arwell, here's what you d. anyone who lectures you about climate and opposes banning private air travel is a total fraud and should be ignored just as the media are all just not a fraud. he's also the author ofe the weaponization of whether in a phony climate where. joe , thanks so much for coming on . i'm not sure you buy comin the e program that they're laying out here, but let's just say they' e a moment that you did you really thought carbon emissions were causing climate change. and it wasn't just one of the many cycles this earth has over the past twenty million years. >> let's say you believe that. e >> why wouldn't you be mad atodl people to judge and everyone else who flies privateseat? i've why? i don't know.n givi i've beengn given this a lot of thought today because i had to drive from iowa city all the way to pittsburgh. and when i went by south bend, . oddly enough, it hit me. there are three possibilities here in my opinion.ju just looking astt this, okay,lie
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first is they've all got climate vaccines. we don't knoines.w about them, y unlike the covid vaccine, they actually work. work whateve whatever they do, e immune from it. so that's a possibility. that's a long this sick. the second, tucker, is that if bad weather stops, air traveball it stops car travel. ifs you can cause more badcaus weather righmot there, guess what? everybody can't drive . for instance, next week,in wee the week after watch how muchme bad weather comes intos ine un the unitedited states .ldest, it's going to be the coldest, snowiest period around soristmas time since two 2 thousand. so we're going to see planes and trains and all these otherps things shut down. so if you just dump all the co2 ,the atmosphere, your assumption is , hey, co 2or causes bade, weather.d if i could cause more bad weather there, guess what? people wother people won't be ae to fly, will have less co2 pos
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emissions or the thirdsi possibility, exactly what you said. said. a phony climate war. it's fraudulent. fr talkld tell when we back . and in july, tal wkie were talkg about it's going to get cold eay early this year. across the united states . thato has nothing to do with co2. what it has to do is the natural cycles of the weather. and what's happened is theseit people have taken advantage ofes people who fall prey to this. and this is what they're doing. there's no logic or reason for it, except they are trying to establish caste system that destroys the greatest experiment in freedom and individuality, which is this country right here in >> tucker: states . >> of course. i mean, if you really believe that carbon was a pollutant, you would be planting pine and spruce and hemlock and evergreens across the country. was but they're cutting them down to make way for highways stores. so pollt tells you they're frauds.o jumpstarted. great to see you. thank yo>>u so much. thanks for having me. >> there's s go much goingonight on tonight, which if it because he couldn't for but we have a fox news alertwe a
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for you. trace gallagher is tracking twro major updates to two major stories we've covered recently. >> he join.s us now. ng n >> hey, tucker. first, breaking news out ofe baa the bahamas where fdx founder samam m blankman freed has now n auth arrested and bahamian authorities are now waitins arer an extradition request fromrn the u.s. attorney forst the southern districrict ot of new york . the arrest comes just hours before sbf wasbeforeai set to ar before congress. of course,ppen tha.t will no loy happen. the new york timess says the charges include wire fraudhn and bank fraud, which means sbf could be looking at life in prison in november. and its affiliates, roughly 130 companies filed for bankruptcy after investors fledr the cryptocurrency exchange on fears that no longer hadears sufficient capital . in other words , it was the crypto equivalent of a bank run bank, mainfreight hasdid no maintained that he did nothing illegal and simply screwed up and somed , including billionaie investor bill ackman, believed him. apparently tweeting, quote, call me crazy, bhink sbflling is telling the truth. thtrclearly, the feds do not ag.
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just a few months ago, sbf personal wealth was estimated ft twenty three billion dollars. fdx had assets valued at betweex d assen ten and fifty b. meantime, the other breakingr news, a different sam. b sarim britton is reportedly no longer working for the department of energy. britain was in charge of the dog's effort to dispose of spent nuclear fuel and alsog gained notoriety for being the first high ranking government official to be nonbinary, although police believe he's a thief and is accused of stealing women's luggage at both the minneapolis and las vegas airports. >> tucker. >> bill ackman fell for it.l that's where he's a genius . i was told. trisko, great to see you tonight. you better stay tuned. trace gallagher back , midnite fox news at night. n >> so back in 2013, a highly decorated navy seal came outeala as transgender on as transgender on cnmy female persona was hidden and it was through so many
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different layers and through sou many purges and through some of those little disguisesisha that i was able to just keep it totally pretty much turned off . >> that man, chris back says it was all a horrifying life destroying mistake. you d transition and speaking out tonight in hopes of protecting children from goingn. through what he went through . chris beck joins us next. i don't own a single stock or bond. i know i'm mr. amtrac. i know i'm called middle class joe lunchpail, joe middle class joe . the truth of his lifestyle is the opposite . the biden family amassed a fortune, as in comedy, with corruption. >> timing is everything. there's multitudes of evidence of criminal behavior by hunter . any time hunter had a business deal to do, joe , was the fbi,
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intelligence agencies and the american news. they simply decided we don't want the american people to know about. i have not taken a penny from any foreign service. the biden's got some thirty $1 billion from chinese businessmen. hunter biden and joe biden had defrauded me. cfc was dismantled. the biden family still made millions within hours of our story going lodge with a shutterstock, you have to fight the cancer of corruption this holiday season. eat, drink and be merry. >> isn't this perfect? boy, this is not or oh no. sweet kid. let's go knock them out. however you celebrate to be is your place to snuggle up in street. need a hug hugging to watch
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free if you should die. >> that is nature's way of saying you failed. i want to be broken. i want to be tested. god yes baby . oh my worst here. just like i'm just the worst. i don't care how rich and famous they are, they won't bite my eyeballs. >> oh, hello. i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to announce my original. my slippers are back in stock. last christmas you made them the number one selling mypillow product and now i've added smaller sizes, larger sizes, wider sizes and all new colors. and with your promo code you still save ninety dollars up here. what makes my slippers different? my exclusive for layer design that you're not going to find
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than any reporter in the unitedw states for the last two years. >> and today , in his l estimation, the single largest caravan of illegal caravan aliey flowing into this country in his two years of watching crossed today, he broke the story.. >> he's got remarkable video for us . he's live at the border now. >> bill , great to see you. see what did you see? tucker, good evening to you mentioned it right offgges the top. this wast easily the biggest group we have ever seen during our nineteen month s of coverin this border crisis. and they all crossed illegally into el pasomeless last night.ta and we gotll some pretty wild camera footage to show you. take a look at i this wasel last night in el pasa a massive caravan of overar el
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one thousand illegal immigrants crossing into el paso last night. localocal media there reportingt was potentially up to two thousand people and that it was possibly the biggest mass crossing in the city's history. asnow, as you look at the videoe you'll see just wave after wave after wave of these peopled gatr walking across the river and then gathering on the other side of the river. u.s where they kind of form a single file line and you'll e file line startthe ey stretching almost as far as the eye can see. sois again, well over a thousand people crossed there. and it was cold there manye last night. so you'll see many of them i started setting campfires in anp effort to keep warm.ew and cbp sources tell fox news ss that over the last 24 hours in seat sector in el paso, there have been more than 2000ct. four hundred illegal crossings. border patrol, there has more than 5000 migrants in custody right now. they're completely overwhelmed,. they're over completely over capacity.d over capaciy've started mass releases of these peopltyed they're just dropping hundreds of them off at a time in ela paso city streettime is.
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so the question here, where didu all these people come from?. bu we'll show you. athey are bused in with ak at s mexican police escort. take a look at the seconecd pieo of video here. fox news on scene in ciudad juarez as about 20 of theseecei migrant buses filled with these migrants received a mexican police escort into ciudadjuarez juarez, the city directly across from ele paso. f el pas and then they were all droppeddr off at local shelter locals ands there in juarez.bu but of course, they didn't stay at those shelters. ri they all started walking over to the river, walking to the border. t and as you can see from cross the video, they started crossing in mass bizarre to see the mexican governmentrnment essentially escorting them there to have them cross just a few minutes later and back out here live tucker.sout the numbers just exploding heree at our southern border with thei us border patrol chief sayingn in the last 48 hours, there have been more than 60 thousandg illegal crossings, averaging out to 8000 per day. send it back to you, because crime of a lifetime's >> thanks so much. >> respect is a name you maye. recognize.
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he's a highly decorated navya hi sealghly decorat. us a decade ago, he became famous because he announced he was transitioning, becoming a woman calling himself kristin >>el cnn made a film about him. and in that film, chris ,as a back at the time identifying as womanwome, admitted that he wasn't sure what the term transgender meant. >> watchterm t as explained. pee people asked me about that. me. they say, i don't really understand transgender and he trn explain it to me. and ani don't think i can tell them is i don't i don't reallytl know what transgender is either. itati don't know. i mean, i know what it is , i guess. but i don't know, like where it comes from or why. so chris beck has had 10 years to think about this and heliev looks back and believes and has said that the whole process of transitioning destroyed his life. in a sr n interview with robin starbuck, beck saibeck said thir liote, everything that happened to me for the last 10 yearsfe destroyed my life. life. i destroyed my life. i'm not a victim. i did this to myself., but i ha but i had help.ns u >> respect joins us now. chris , thanks so much for comin
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coming on . >> it's a poignant storyg , p deserves, i think, a much longer treatment than we'red about to give it. but when you say youyo had to help, what did you mean by that? >> well, b the transgender o originally started out y rare.tty basic and ver and now it's kind of morphed into an ideology. and that's what kind of's wha speaking out about thinking about the ideology. i'm not talkint g aboute the people now. ou there's a lot of transgender people are great folks, butherty the ideology is i'm talking i about is becoming something pus where it's being pushed innd schools and young teenagers having surgeries because it sadr transgender. it's aies becausn affirmation oe a teenager walks into anr office, even if the parents are saying t that doctor can overrie that and that's a problem. so then you also just to sayn to to ideology and what's going on to prevent ist is like what's happening to me. as soon as i s started speaking out and saying, i think these as teenagers need more time,o needd they also need to reclassify sgender, transgender is gender dysphoria. ge used to be an
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the psychologist manual for mental healtt h issues. no rw they've gotten rid of tha. and now as soon as somebody goes in there and they even close the transgender, you're basically level transgendegoingt and you start pushingo your surgery. that's what i'm trying to stop lot of ce outerf peopl there who are transgender, not transgender, everything. what i'm talking about when i talk about cnn is thatk ab they take sound bites, they take somethincnn,g and they talk about it one sided. one-side they talk about all the pros of transgender. now, i'm on fox didn't wantde to do this, but now on fox, i don't want it to happen the opposite way. to do is takewe call ofor this.t it we want to take the emotionsdica out of this and just look at itk as a medical a team. let's look at it through a lot different scope. i don't want this to be political and i don't want transgender people to be harmed. but if you're doing this e to kiddoing this t ws, that's w i have a navy seal friend ofmi mine, a very good friend of he has a daughter. the daughter was a tomboy. you could see she was a happy tomboy. she had a double mastectomy, 16 years old, a navy sealuble m
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friend of now, this person is twenty,n is i think. and who knows what's going o to happen. but they also start doing them on hormone blockers and all kinds of othere blocke hormone . puberty blockers, everything else is sterilizes. thesblrilizes e kids. so we're going to have all these children in five orth ten years who are being toldd tr one side of the story and they're going, well, that's me, because they're not being lild stories like mine and not kebeing told stories like so may other people be transitionsts. they hide the fact that i even exist. ey also y that i hate transgender people, don't hatens transgender people. there's a lot of my friends. what i care about is people i want people to slow down. s i want these doctor to see what they're doing in psychology. i wanttake a look atwhat the gender dysphoria. take a look at autogen, opheli ,take a look at body disor dysmorphic disorder. there's a myriad of things you can look at. sorry that we really haveing to start taking a look at. so what i'm telling you is the, medical industry and parents, t
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you all needth to wake up.a you need to know that there's a lot of information out there that's being hidden. and i want youhi to search for that informationt . , look if you're a teenager, look at the stories like chloe, call. she's 18 or 19 now, but i think she had a double mastectomy like 14 or 15 years old.t 14 look up. that may have coleco. t adu out here speaking abou it because she's an adult now. lt she's getting all this done as a teenage people to take a look at both sides. i want you to see the cnn. i don't want you to see the fox side right now. this is not political . i don't want to be political . i don't want to be emotional.r i don't want to turn intould noe something bigger than it is . this should not be news. if doctors would be honestst
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and give the entire storory andi i woul wouldn't be on here right now, l i would have gone about my life . i would have bee n on my farm.rd meu never would have heard from me, tucker. i don't want to talk to you.her. i don't want to be honest here, but we have to be okay because nobody is standing up for these kids. s stannow. it's just a bunch of kids that are transgender and they grow up and be happy and ardee eighty years old. they're still happy. you know, that's great ld but there's a lot of kids get caught up in this huge kid tidal wave of popular transgender culture, popular transgender ideology. and that is wrong.e an that's what i'm talking what you've just expressed wro is the opposite of hate. it's>> tuc measured and thoughtl and humane and born of your own experience. houghtfuand really motivated byd faith. and i hopeho it'pes seener by everyone because it's not political . you're aha, i apr through t thre and sharing with us what you've learned and what you hope for the country. >> thank you. thank yo. u fo>> thankr sharing. >> so joe biden just signed
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a bill to help victims of sexual harassment. in none of the coverage didag anybody in the media pointe oua that joe biden himself has been credibly, very credibly accused of contemporaneous backup of violenoft a sexual assault by a woman called tara reid, who's accusations we have reconsidered it at great length and found him to be not justst plausible, but almost certainly true. we're going to talk to her next . angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now. when a group of women put beyond flawless second skin the latest biotech cosmetic breakthrough under one , i watch what happened. >> i only did one eye and i see huge difference so far . they have put the product under my right eye and i see a dramatic difference. i just found the golden ticket. i'm telling you, this is unbelievable. i've shown it to my daughter and to my boyfriend. they couldn't believe it.
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he sexually assaulted her in a violent way. mustn a the media bury the stoe and will be honest and admit that we didn't know what to think of it. but we finally satdn't downhinko and talked at great length lengt with tara reid to hear what happened. e comple and we were completely c convinced that this is realonvi and that she was able to provene ital a. t of the whole story is part of a brand new episode of tucker carlson today. but here's part of it. >> biden started acting weird towards me. >> he would like put histing w m on my shoulder and put hisy fingers underneath my hair and do weird things like that. and put hisdsand then there wa where did you think of that? i mean, did well, you know,e aru bear in mind and you were around in a professional ini do' the 90s, it t was a different i don't know if you were in- d.c., but it was a it was okayt wa . that was a different vibe. it wit still waser weirden. i never had an employer do we're that. and panetta certainly didn't act like that. no, he's told no, not at and he's just all businessbiden and joe biden was always hes ala
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didn't seem like an - intellectual giant, let's put it that way. right. so he was famously yes. charismatic and warm guy. >> that was that was the you know, and that's the thing behind closed doors.doors, >> was very, very temperamental. and he would do this thing where he smile hs when he's angs . it's very disconcerting, very disconcerting. disconcbig smile. b and he's going to be angry. and he was he was very very temperamental. he had me up against a he had me up against a wall and he penetrated me with his fingers against my and ainst i you know, it was its wasn't just the assault, though. t it was it was everything to dg with here i am, this youngr an staffer. and he did this.e hi and then i made him angry.'s lik and that's like someone you don't want to make angry because i said no, i jus ongot to be honest. the reaso one of the reasons i didn't know whanst knt to make of your- was it's so i've been a man fori
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fifty three years. yeah. i've never heard of anything like that. that's you s . h men do what?e men are kind of piggish as we know when they do piggish things. but that's like that's like kind of like . rap i mean that's so out of het bounds that it's weird to think someone would do something like that. >> it was just it happened all at once. there wa that happened really quickly. there was no, like, flirtationso with him or anything like that.. it was it was very you know, he's het. was usually with people and heth wasn't i was like at the wrongoo place at the wrong time, so to speak. and when it happened, he at first was like, come on , i heard you liked and i, you know, i froze. and then he said he got angryd and that's when he smiled, you sm know, that smile. ths reallyally jar jarring. and then he said, he pointed and his finger in my face and he said, you're nothing. hing to you're nothing to me.
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and then i must have had a certain look on my face. and he just took my shoulders and shook him. you said you're fine. you're fine.fine fine. he turned around a you're fine. and then hnd he e turned around aw and walked away. suc and i remember it was just suchc a jarring, shocking incident, probablyki i was all of less thn five minutes. right. buright?t my vivid memory is sie on these marble stairs and mysts legs were shaking so badly because it wasn't just what hect i kn it's that i knew my career was over. that was my it. like i had said, no, it was an awful thing. and this was the end.d he used his power and resources to silence me. and i'm going g to shareto something with your audience. they took a cannonball to my life. yeah. they went after my family. - whh so when that day when he did that assault, he tookuture. my future. i didn't want to sleep with some senator .i want i wanted to beed t one .
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and pat de ended the cruelty. se she describes not just an s unwanted advance, not just the violence, but the meanness to her from joe biden and from s his staff and from people throughout the democratic party will just absolutely blow your min ild is really offensivd to anybody, not on partisan grounds. y.but this is a human being. acu can't believe people would act that way. but they didat. e ha so we called the white house and we asked them for comment on what terry told us . of course, they didn't respond.e watch the whole interview tomorrow morning on fox, on foxh nation, also on tucker carlson. say we have whole a two part conversation. mike tyson coming out wednesday and thursday, maybe one ofd the greatest, most interesting interviews we've ever done eveor not want to miss. y >> so joe biden's green energy push is maybe, not surprisingly, destroying the natural environment, including killing off an entire
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species of whale, really, who save the earth. oh, but the whales are going extinct. there weren't liberals who care about the whales. rememb. ls better time plus, there is still timee to get a christmas ornament from a show made in america. >> tucker carlson, .com, the world doesn't come together like this very often, but when he does, the results can be extraordinary. qatar is committed to that idea growing its potential as a partner investor and innovator with possibilities, unlimited and rewards that are priceless. let the world play and become part of our story. >> the timeless gift to care at heart pendants 49 hackable bands one ninety nine , three stone rings one ninety nine one carat eight ninety nine and one carat studs five ninety nine thousands of
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15% off the brand new wash and free shipping. remember when liberals caredes about the whales? save the whales. add those bumper sticker wales. s. >> all like normal people, kind of made fun of them. but you know, whalesbut are ki. of cool. biggest mammal.e bigges you never thought that environmentalist would be killing off an entireen species of whale. >> oh, butvironmwoul they are. e and the administratione. is leading the charge. rosi e moore is a geoscientist.a >> she joins us to explain. com rosie, thanks so much for. coming on .this how are the whales this how wass a species of whale being killed ? hi, thanks forth having mean.ks yeah, so the right whales species right now are in a very precarious situation. 10 years ago, we were seeingecas numbers around five hundred and thday it's dwindled downon. to about three hundred and fifty known individuals inie the wild. so with this proposed energy pre plan, they're proposing ple amount of wind
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turbines to be installed off the coast of new england. f windand this is going to caus potentially the demise of w the right whales in that area.ea what we're going to seewe'l is we're going to see a large amount of vessel traffic goingel through the area. and vessel strikes are the number one killer of right whales in the wild. >> in addition to that, duringse the construction and the decommissioning of these wind turbines, you're going to see a large amount the of noise ine the area. and that's going to really mess with their ability to communicater ab and feed in s area as well. so it's going to be it's goingon to be rough on them. >> so in other words, to save, e the earth, we're destroyingle? a species of i mean, there seems like's there's an irony there, right? >> that doesn't seem like environmentalism to me. right. well, it's it's a hard tradeseek off. obviously, we need a renewable energy source, but not atentali the expense of a critically smendangered animal. >> yeah, well, i don't know if you're being criticized or not for comingpense of on the showrf and saying it, but we're for animals. so i'm glad that you did those more . thanks. r: s
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so obviously, the covid that no one wants to rub it in, since i pretty much everyone got it. but it didn't work very well. and in fact, they can be harmful. harmfu in fact, the majority of peoplef diaco of it now are vaccinated.. lott is a pandemic of the vaccine. and yet a lot of places, a lotie of big institutions are still requiring that you get these shots even you they don't work and they're dangerous. so matthew, martsen is an actor and just lost a job and maybeauh a career because he refused to get the shot. r he's appeared in films likee the transformers rambo. he was blocked from taking an acting role because he refused to get an effective, potentially harmful effects on . matthew martin joins us tonight. thank you so much. ne joins ufor coming on . >> did tell us when thisg happened. i mean, if this ha.d happened ys like a year and a half ago.t is >> but is this recent? >> yeah, i think that's whyw abu it's so ridiculous. i mean, we all know aboute co the effectiveness or the effectiveness of the coverage of at this poinjatg this is o.a few weeks ago i gott offered a job which i was veryh happy about. ou're an
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actor.sly, it's always good to work when you're an actor. yeah. saithere waand they said that still a requirement that you had to be vaccinated on set. i inform them that i was notttea vaccinated and i submittedagineo a religious exemption, which you can imagine how that goes gn down in hollywood. it was, of course, dismisseds and that's that. you be i mean, i'm not surprised, to be honest with you, becausee this has been happening forabou, some time. what i am surprised about turkey is that this ridiculous kabuki theater is continuing on and no one'son actually stepping up and saying this has to end. it's ridiculous. there's no it'.aso s completelys antiscience. it's not logical. if yi have no idea why they're still pursuing these policies, because, you know, if you cans be infected as someone who is unvaccinated, you can just as much being infected as weow i know now if you are vaccinated. so the argument that going on set and getting everyone, you know, getting everyone sick on set is just a moot point at this at this moment. so there are a lot of people in los angeles working with fake vaccine cards s.
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this for a fact. i know you know what? you could have done that as many have done, but you decided not to . why? i didn't become a citizen of this country.ountry to have my first amendment rights and my other rights and things that great americans have fought for and died for lie me to have to worry about, having to lie about something like having a vaccine.g i think it's an invasion ofvacc privacy. i don't think it's right . ivac and , you know, we're not. exactly storming the beaches here, tucker. you know, it's just standing up for what you believe is right. and i believe that if more people did it, then they'd have nowhere to go. then theseve n things would stop and they'd start changing their policies. changithere has to be a point we people say enough and because where does it stop? i mean, we all saw that inwns. the lockdown's. where does it stop? does it stop? where does it ?you know, with w does it start with the locking people in their houses? and now to me, i think it's just unbelievable.
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that they were saying that you have to inject your body with something that is invasive . i cannot believe in the united states of america that this could happen. it's not the country that i grew up loving and believing in. up >> yes. well, i'm you know, despite the hardship it has caused you ,i'm so impressed by the decision that you made, the one on principle. and i just hope the best for you, matthew marks. and thank you for joinings us tonight. >> thank you. so just in case you wondered ifh the perversity is accidental,s or intentional, wait, do you find out who the new york times is added to their list of? and we're quoting the most add stylish people. this is real.t to you after theb we'll show you after the break.e get refunds, .com powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refundnt on th evenu
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the massive bulge in the sides d of his neck. but no, it was balenciaga level fashion statement. "new york times" is just named no, it was a fashion statement. named john fetterman to the list of the ninety three most w stylish people of the year. quote, the senatoras a from pennsylvania is going to bring carhartt to the capital . he'sg thisre they tellin ? because they want to subvert esthetics because they hate ey tellibeauty, because they hae truth. it's actually deep. that's exactly what the ugly is . >> beautiful. sean hannity, who is beautiful, joinans us . if i vote, i think you're way wy better dressed than john fetterman. ettetrust fund brad in a hoodie. i mean, i don't even think it's close my vote, and that's not >>ying much because i wear the same clothes. thank you. all right, tucker, thankty: all and welcome to hannity. and tonight, we have new ning revelations from twitter with a lot more to now, apparently, elotln musk thinks that dr. anthony fauci might be in real trouble. we have a full report tonight. later, the democratic majority in the u.s. senate is no w banishing former democratic senator krysten sinema has now officially left the party. wow. could joe nc
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