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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 13, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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sciences. >> greg: a bunch of noble people. kjp was back mispronouncing words today in a tastier division. >> this is a civil rights comorbid that was achieved in a by karple bipartisan way a by karp al support was had for this piece of legislation. this piece of legislation was done in a bipartisan, bicaramel way. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: happy tuesday, everybody. yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. calm down, everybody. so let's talk about the arrest of sam bankman-fried, aka mashed potato [bleep].
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it's already starting. he couldn't hide forever, especially when you look like a cross between mark cuban a cross your heart brah and a wad of pubic hair. it's getting worse. he was scooped up in the bahamas on monday and is accused of defrauding investigators out of billions. charges include wire fraud, securities fraud, money laundering. fortune called him the next warren buffett. but in their defense, it's a common name. that joke deserved a better laugh. thank you. it really is a good joke. screw everybody. let's recap what this clown did. since launching in may 2019 his cryptocurrency firm ftx raised 1.8 baseball as a safe platform for trading assets but that was as safe as finding a suitedable dating platform on a subway platform. by the way cryptocurrency is latin for not real money.
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then diverted those if you understand to another company without telling anyone and made a bunch of undisclosed investments laugh ash real estate purchases huge donations to democrats midterms of course and not once did he consider breast reduction surgery. he could have used the fat to make soap and then he could have used the soap. but instead he's going to be the most popular guy in his cell block. he's going to get passed around like me when i dress up as a plate of potato skins. and i do. you know, i kind of wish i knew him in high school. i would have made it to second base. the whole time he was telling investigators, including celebrities hip notice tied by his cleavage that it truly was the safest investment but then it imploded and filed for bankruptcy. and the pyramid scheme was
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exposed like sam's d cups in a wet t-shirt contest. meanwhile actual pyramids are like humans, leave us out of this. and go slaves! don't knock the pyramids. if i could afford it, i would do the same thing for my grave. they say you can't take it with you, but how does anyone know that? but i feel bad for bankman because we have a lot in common. for one, we both pretend to donate money. and we're both polly amorous, although i sleep with people. but this whole thing is a lessen in why it's good to trust your instincts when it seems like someone's more full of crap than and a navarro's bidet after
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cinco de mayo. that was hard to say. you applaud over the meanest things. you know someone is full of it when they virtue signal. he says he's vegan. sure he got that fat eating vegetables. not possible. but that's the armor they done to avoid their real motives black lives matter. anyone who saw this video awhile back knew something was up. >> sam is not the traditional billionaire because he believes in the concept of earn to give. >> earning to give is thinking about which causes, which charities saved the most lives per dollar. >> next year he's planning to donate $500 million a year. and next decade, he will probably give away more than $10 billion. and he is funding everything you can think of. global warming. >> one of the biggest problems we have to tackle together as a world. >> covid-19 preparedness. >> we have to be ready for the next pandemic.
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>> and, of course, animal welfare. >> animals deserve to live just like we do. it's also why i'm vegan. >> greg: it's like live action ernie from sesame street. even a fifth grader could watch that and think there's no way i'm giving a dime to this old cafeteria lady with sagy boobs. but, as recently as last week this knucklehead was still posturing. >> look, i screwed up. like i was ceo, i had a responsibility here. i had a responsibility to be on top of what was going on the exchange. i wish i had done much better at that. from my understanding, there were documents drafted up as, you know, by legal that were covering what was happening, and, you know, frankly i have sort of a tendency to be involved in many things, to be, you know, spread thin sometimes.
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>> greg: spread thin? every time i see him i think of the slow motion opening of bay watch. [laughter] >> greg: i still do as a matter of fact. and what of the suspicious timing of his arrest, he was supposed to testify before congress this week. there he would have been grilled like a half pound patty at george foreman's house but now he's exempt and his beneficiaries are off the hook like the whale trappers who threw back joy bahar. [cheers and applause] >> greg: why? no. there's no -- don't egg on my writers. so once again, the public gets nothing. was he spared because he has a history of donating millions to democrat campaigns? well, does a bear crap in the woods? or a human who identifies as a bear. we can't say for sure but after all i will i'm a commentator not
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an anchor i can tie this ought to cattle mutilations if i want to. tucker's not the only one who cares about cow crime. but maybe he's being spared because he was their kind of democrat so they look the other way faster than hannity when i asked him to shave my back. unlike elon musk who the dems deem evil, even though he's trying to help shareholders not bill can them but that's how dems treat someone fighting child porn. i guess their prefer their billionaires to be phoney leftists instead of real people doing real stuff. if only someone would have questioned what this fraud was up to three years ago when he started this mess but they were too busy trying to get another billionaire who was doing real stuff for the american people. >> period. >> greg: tonight's guests, his anti woke scrip promote liberal threats author of the brand new book the new pure tape, andrew
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doyle [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he's one gift we would like to unwrap early. host of can't cancel rob smith, rob smith [cheers and applause] >> greg: wow. don't hate her because she's beautiful, there are a lot of other reasons >> kat: yeah. >> greg: fox news contributor, kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: and his opponents end up like the three wise men. seeing stars. my massive side kick and the nwa world champion tyrus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: so andrew, congratulations on the successful great new book. if you're not familiar with andrew doyle, he was on the forefront of satireizing woke culture one of the early people on twitter i won't say who you did. >> who i was i invented a character named take tanya ma graph who was one of those posh
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young female intersectional activists who's really rich has everything in the world but thinks she is oppressed. >> greg: like every woke person. >> andrew: exactly. something funny about people complaining about being oppressed when they go back to their manchin. she thinks she's the new martin luther king. >> greg: better. >> andrew: yeah, she's better. >> greg: she knows it's not about the character it is about the color of your skin. >> andrew: and also he had toxic masculinity. >> greg: yeah, he was a man. what do you make of this whole situation? strange group. >> andrew: i've been reading the back story. first of all i don't trust anyone who doesn't own a hair brush, no interest in that. because he has a hob ity kind of look. but if you look into his background, they were all living together, all these ftx executives were living together in this luxury penthouse in the bahamas but all having sex with each other. no wonder they lost the money they were distracted. they said this is we're into
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poly amry which we called cheating. what a great new branding. if your partner catches you i'm not cheating i'm polly amorous. and that's who i've always been and if you file for divorce that's a hate crime. >> greg: and here i thought poly amorous meant you had sex with birds. >> tyrus: oh, polly want a cracker. got it. >> greg: thank you. and i am a cracker, so there you go. >> tyrus: i know. [cheers and applause] >> greg: i can say that. rob, happy holidays. >> rob: happy holidays. happy holidays. looks like christmas exploded all over me. just the thought of this group of people having sex with each other is like something out of national geographic. when i'm listening to the story i'm thinking about it, the thing that's most offensive to me is
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just their looks first of all. this guy looks like a cross between norman baits and someone who can't be within a hundred feet of a playground which is weird. and then the girlfriend, it's like imagine you're the actress that gets to be her in the hulu limited series. you go in the mirror and you're like, oh, is this what i look like? this chick is at the bar at 5:00 a.m. and the last two guys decide to go home with each other. [cheers and applause] >> greg: i love how there's like billions being swindled but we are not going to let go of their looks. it's like, we'll leave that for, let fox business handle the money stuff, why are they so weird looking? i don't know >> kat: if anything it kind of gives hope to really ugly people. that they can be just as manipulative as the rest of us.
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>> greg: it's true. that is true >> kat: never looked at it that way. >> greg: you did. but did you have any other insights into what's going on -- did you know he was denied bail because they consider him a flight risk. that's a piece of news. i don't normally give news. i'm so proud of myself >> kat: the lawyer tried to argue saying he had add and depression and insomnia for the past ten years. and i'm like, am i supposed to be getting stuff for those? because i always have anxiety and my add was combined type and so noticeable it was diagnosed like 30 years ago and i'm doing fine. >> greg: you're doing great >> kat: really am. >> greg: good for you young lady >> kat: thank you. >> greg: she thinks she's on a tv show. we do this for therapy. tyrus, do you feel bad for the celebrities that were scammed by this guy? or do you feel bad for anybody in this whole scenario? >> tyrus: anybody who was scammed by sugar [bleep], yeah, i would be a little upset.
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but it was his looks, and their looks, that made them be able to pull off what they did. they were unassuming, unthreatening. they were the exact opposite of what the progressives hate the most, people who look like me. men. they look the exact opposite. so when he comes and says, i'm giving to charity, even his horrible step brother-esque video he made still made no sense. and he ran out of ideas because if you're saving the planet, then the animals are kind of included. so he then went back to that. and when he opened his fridge, everything in his fridge -- i don't think ketchup and mustard and relish are big on the vegan list but it is big when you eat a lot of hot dogs and he looks like he eats a lot of hot dogs. >> andrew: is he serious about the money? correct me if i'm wrong wasn't he the second biggest donor to
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democrats on the election cycle? which gives the impression democrats aren't the best at handling other people's money. >> tyrus: he might get epsteined out in the middle of the bahamas. >> andrew: he also claims he gave money to the republicans, said it was dark money. he kept it in secret. he's more embarrassed about giving money to the republicans than money laundering and fraud. >> greg: excellent point. >> tyrus: he's going to get epsteined. thousand percent. >> greg: why are we? up next, you might quiver when a dictionary treats women like chopped liver. [cheers and applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah.
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>> greg: they're put canning the dick in dictionary. i couldn't turn that one down. yes. you can meet their female definition by simply changing your disposition. because activists find it appealing to define women as just a feeling. cambridge dictionary, never heard of it, getting secured on social media for changing the definition of women to include men. the formally reliable resource explained a man can be an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth. and a woman can be an adult and lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth. did you catch that? then said to have a different section. been said. like the ob/gyn was talking
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about an big foot sighting instead of a penis. fans of diction areas can learn words will mean something they think it means. so it's now living and identifying as such that makes you what you are and not biological sex which is my favorite kind after casual and affordable. we went to trans swimmer lea thomas for a reaction to this story but she said suck my [bleep]. [cheers and applause] rob, isn't the irony here that it's the dictionary that has no balls? >> rob: of course. you know, but in lea thomas's defense, that was a lady
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[bleep]. >> greg: that's right. >> rob: seriously i'm doing a lot of traveling right now and the places i see the most suspiciously large women are always the liberal strong holds like new york, san francisco et cetera. this is the game the left plays with language, they redefine it keep moving the goal posts and then get us used to it so next thing we know applebee's isn't having ladies night they're having people who men straight night. right? so this is -- >> kat: sorry, that's just different. >> rob: funny. >> tyrus: puts a whole spin on bloody mary. >> greg: oh, my goodness gracious [cheers and applause] >> kat: oh, oh, so gross to get your period. >> i have to say i am not cis gender i am not a person with a prostate, i am a man, and that is not going to change. >> greg: tyrus, is this a war? >> tyrus: i have to speak?
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i just mic dropped. oh. go ahead, please. >> greg: no, no. it just seems like all of this stuff is about women indenigrating women. >> this in all seriousness scares me because when you start to take away facts and the truth and change it with feelings in the dictionary, that's just pushing the line a little further. and we're seeing it with changing names like pedophiles now. >> greg: minor attracted. >> tyrus: minor attracted, and we're seeing excuses made for bad behavior or stuff that was not accepted before. so there's a fact, 99.99.99% of all cells have assigned to them and there's only two male or female so the dictionary should stick with that. a male is someone who has this chromosome in their cell. period end of story. if you want to change your gender to a feeling, that's
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fine, but put an asterisk in there just because johnny feels like jamie i don't have to acknowledge it. they're continuing to push the line and we have to put a stop to it. you cannot change science into your feelings because they're making it more dangerous. no that -- does anyone even have a dictionary anymore? it's like spell check on your phone kind of covers it. but if someone were to open a dictionary and get information they're taking away our intelligence. >> greg: yeah. kat you probably have never seen a dictionary >> kat: why is that funny? oh, i bet she hasn't. she doesn't know any words, that's why she talks for a living. [laughter] >> kat: just because he does it doesn't mean you can do it. >> greg: anyway. you all right?
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>> kat: i'm all right now. >> tyrus: you want to meet them in a parking lot afterward? >> kat: i'm go beg to rain on the parade further. they didn't amend the definition they kept the definition at number one that says adult human female or adult female which i'm surprised i haven't seen -- there would be people that would get upset about that being in there. i guess it's there because people do use it that way. but this whole thing made me think about, i saw a fabbing toyed about the first polish language dictionary and it had definitions in it like, horse, everybody knows what a horse it. and i would like to see more diction areas like that. >> greg: that's what polish are good about >> kat: yeah, we're great. >> greg: she's polish so i can make fun of them. this is your dictionary are you ashamed. >> andrew: i'm soh embarrassed this is came bridge. you americans bastard iced the language. you do.
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i like way you speak it it's cute. all these activists are gravitating towards jobs on online diction areas and changing the language on social engineering. so we have to get ahold of the old physical diction areas so we have a language. it's not just cambridge, mayor yes, ma'am webster did the same thing adding a second definition of female saying the opposite of male. that's like saying the definition of the sun is not the moon. that's not how this is meant to work and activists do this all the time. there was another example with two indian teen-agers who racially abused a black girl in new york times reported on it and they didn't call it a racist attack they say it was activating whiteness. it's really dangerous. antifa, anti fascists so they can get a big black mask and beat up a political opponent. >> greg: once they own the
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language. >> tyrus: we may butcher the language but unlike you brits, we do it with a full set of teeth f no, no, no. they have a full set of teeth, they just go different direction. >> andrew: wait a minute. are you really trying to say this when you've got sam bank freedman. you just spent the first part of your show people for their looks. >> tyrus: they're not our best. >> greg: glad we worked some lookism into this block. up next our journalist obsessed with race leaves her with egg on her face. when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hearing aids that i can personalize to each ear right from here. brilliant.
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>> greg: the washington post issues a correction after attacking a team's complex. the washington post where democracy dies in darkness but [bleep] lives on has been forced to apologize after reporting a disastrously expose on the soccer team.
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they tried to attack argentina's lack of black players at the world cup by claiming their country was more diverse than the team. they would have written about america's soccer team but no one cares because it's football season so they were forced to call other countries racist for a change and boy did they step in it. wapo initially claimed census data showed 1% of the argentinian population was black but even at one percent that would only be one black player to be proportionate of a soccer team of a hundred players and if soccer had that many players it would still be boring. in truth it's less than 150,000 people in a country of 47 million, roughly 0.4% proving that obsession over race has made the washington post dumber than an actual post. and the entire premise was i had used i can. judging countries by the makeup of their sports teams. have you seen the nba?
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or the nhl? what about fencing? not a single hemepheliac. just a hack taking any topic assuming all you need to do is insert race to make it journalism i've been passionate about the ills of soccer for a long time i even have a documentary on fox nation. >> for the man who bought you pickle ball exposed and the dark side of dana perino comes soccer book of sane stain. grapey award winning host lifts the veil on this sinister game. uncover the links between the invention of soccer and the birth of lucifer. consider fifa has six regional confederations, the length of a soccer field 110 yards, soccer has six letters, 660 plus six equals 666. this documentary will make you
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[bleep] your pants with fear and then bleep bleep them again. soccer book of satan, streaming now. >> greg: that's on fox nation so if you don't have it you should buy fox nation for that documentary. it's 27 parts, tyrus. much like my hair. should the wnba hire more men? >> tyrus: sure. >> greg: thank you. >> tyrus: no, you know what? leave men alone. wnba's fan base is not our fault. it's a woman's basketball league. where are the women? show up. you know, feminists, right? show up. support. >> greg: that's true. >> tyrus: their arena should be packed. >> greg: what do you make of this whole mistake. >> tyrus: it's not a mistake. the journalist needs -- well, the sugar [bleep] that did this story needs to be fired because this was an erroneous attack. they don't research this.
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i guarantee they saw this on twitter. oh, there's not enough brothers. shouldn't matter it's the best players it's the world cup. you want to get mad, get on france's lineup. they all are 6'6" and they aren't from france. they're from africa or something. but is what they do. argentina made the finals today in the world cup so they have to find something wrong with them because apparently none of the players areing to any of the old school stuff anymore. no one's coked up, women icing ar running the streets. racism because most people don't research when you use that word. >> greg: yes. in journalism if you want to get published take any topic inject race generally your editor especially if they're white they're too scared to say no.
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>> andrew: diversity over everything else. they don't apply this across the board. no one's criticizing the japanese soccer team for not having enough puerto ricans and they could. in this country 40% are obese so why aren't 40% of the soccer team massively fat? >> greg: back at us. >> andrew: no, because representation's important, right? i mean they won't be able to run around the pitch but at least it will send a positive message. >> tyrus: those games will take forever. you know how much extra time to cart them off? an extra 20 minutes per player. >> andrew: so you get extra value out of it. it is a great. it would be fun to watch, too, wouldn't it? >> greg: i would watch the hell out of that. i would watch the hell out of that. although i played soccer in london and i almost died on the pitch. because i was smoking uihold on, what's the pitch. >> greg: the field. i have to get kat in here. this is the best article ever written about soccer, would you agree with me on that?
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>> kat: it's the only one i've ever heard of so i have to. i love that she just doubled down. they issued a correction. she was wrong with something in the article, and then she actually said, nothing i stated was incorrect. it's just that, you know, some people are uncomfortable talking about race. okay, so then if nothing was incorrect, why the correction? because then that's also not correct. because telling somebody your mathis off is a lot different than saying i don't like your article because you're talking about black people in it. that's a totally different thing. i just don't understand how she's going to be okay with -- just not -- >> greg: when i saw the headline i thought it was a parody. did you think that >> kat: no, i don't know how you do parody. >> greg: you can't do parody anymore. that is so true. excellent point kat. >> tyrus: kat's right because it goes back to her feelings are more important than the facts, she feels it's racist doesn't matter how dumb she is with
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math. doesn't matter. she feels it's racist. >> rob: i just feel like first of all that writer is not very woke she doesn't know if they identify as black or not has she asked them? each of those people can identify as black. >> greg: i identify as a wnba player. >> rob: there you go. >> greg: coming up are we quicker to make friends on the net instead of people we've already met? i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me♪
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meet leon the third... leon the second... and leon... the first of them all. three generations, who all bank differently with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really?
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this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. . >> greg: get off your -- oh, hi. do you prefer friends that are digital or ones that a rl life and miserable. a new survey says seven out of ten americans find it easier to talk to strangers on line than their real life friends. those that are friends had to abstain from the survey. among the reasons people prefer strangers to pals, 45% say they're more comfortable communicating in written form. so no wonder i have all those restraining orders. 43% say they can chat longer with virtual friends and 35% feel a strong community when disgusting a favorite hobby
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movie or book. plus you get to avoid things you don't enjoy, like sunlight. in other words, you can speak to people you have something in common with, which is a good thing. i only wish they had chat rooms for hot talk show hosts who need their backs shaved when i was younger. bottom limer line if you believe this survey your friends don't like you anymore and would earth ra stay home and do anything other than hang out with you. which is exactly what i wrote on kilmeade's christmas card. before signing it dana perino. kat you spend a lot of time online but you're also kind of social. do you prefer being online because you like the adulation of strangers? >> kat: well, i think this is true because i think that nothing ruins a perfect for you like getting to know them. >> greg: the basket case theory >> kat: yeah. >> greg: everybody's at their best when you first meet them and over time it turns out
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they're worse than me >> kat: i'm convinced if everyone on the internet realizes they they hate me hung out with me would realize they don't hate me. and those that think they love would me would think they hate me. >> rob: i think for mia really relate to this because i hate everybody both in person and on line. in fact i'm vass lating between hating about 60-80% of the people on this stage with me right now. it goes up and down. >> greg: rob you're very negative tonight. did anything happen? >> kat: is everything okay. >> greg: did we not have enough crew today ta. >> rob: you did not there was romaine instead of arugula. somebody's getting fired. we spend a lot of time on line and i look at the younger generation and they don't know how to interact, they can't look you in the eye they don't know body language, they don't know how to flirt anymore so it's a
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problem. >> greg: it's a problem for you. >> rob: no, it is a not a problem with me i don't date the zoomers. they would like to date me but i say no. >> greg: what's your age bracket? close to dieing? [laughter]. >> rob: oh, no, greg, we broke up. >> greg: wow. andrew. >> tyrus: vicious. >> greg: i know, very angry young man. do you think this is really good for cat fishers and scammers? everybody's on line now and all you have to do is be nice. >> andrew: if that's your friendship all your groups are digital you're not in real life on the other hand people in real life are quite annoying, like rob pointed out. >> greg: rob is a perfect example. >> andrew: i can't mute rob. i can put a bag over his head but that wouldn't be helpful. >> greg: he's used to that. >> tyrus: yeah. >> rob: that's true. >> back in the 20s, i'm a little better now. >> andrew: i think there's something in it, just meeting
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people on line and not having those face to face -- i feel like most of my relationships would have lasted a lot longer if i didn't have to spend time with the person. >> greg: exactly you could see them ten times over ten years instead of ten times a year and it ended disastrous >> andrew: this is what mark zuckerberg wants where we meet in the met a verse and never meet each other. you understand from him because he looks like a computer avatar. >> greg: he looks like the guy that's in jail, fried. they all the look the same don't we tyrus? we all look alike. you can say it. . >> tyrus: yeah, you do. [laughter]. >> tyrus: see, i'm an accountability guy so i don't make friends on the internet because surrounding yourself with everyone singing the song makes you a bad person because enthis you get called out and you fall apart. like the woke, and they only
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talk to other woke and when you challenge they're hurting my feelings. my friends, if i'm making a mistake or doing something bad, that's a bad move don't do that. you have to have friends that challenge you and then you can have space. but sitting on line, everyone cat first, everyone sends the picture they spent 45 minutes of taking at the right angle all your pictures look like you're a swim suit model and all your friends sit around saying how great they are and how boring the next marvel movie will be. that doesn't help you grow as a person. you need to get out there because the internet nothing good comes from it. >> greg: the people are so sloppy. like stuff when they're talking and they smell and, you know, online, you don't have any of the sensory perceptions. 'not there right? >> kat: you can tell how someone smells. >> greg: you can tell how someone smells. >> tyrus: i'm pretty sure i never met that guy earlier. i'm pretty sure he smelled.
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>> greg: all right we have to move on >> kat: that's exactly what i was thinking of. >> greg: will a tiny cold leave millennial slouches glued to their couches? when your cat's hungry, you definitely know. when he wants your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying “ow” in different ways. it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere. but cats are really good at hiding their pain,
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so you just need to know what to look for. visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help.
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- [narrator] stimulant use disorder is a disease, not a choice, but getting help and finding treatment for your meth or cocaine addiction is up to you. treatment for stimulant use disorder is often covered
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through medi-cal, medicare, and many private insurance plans. choose change california. find proven treatment options like contingency management that are right for you at (gentle music) ♪ >> a story in five words. ♪ >> greg: a story in five words.
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young people call in sick. that doesn't tell you much. but, andrew, a poll shows that millennials and gen-z are more likely to call in sick at the first sign of an illness compared to older employees like general x and baby boomers. do you buy this? >> andrew: i do. two years of a pandemic where we told them all to stay home anyway. the possibility that they might be sick so they're just getting used to it. and the idea that young people are lazy, you know, maybe they are a bit. maybe we should force them back. bring back child labor likenessly did. >> greg: child labor is so underrated. >> andrew: yeah. >> greg: their tiny little hands get into places. >> andrew: why that's why they make better clothes they stitch it much better. >> greg: it's amazing, you save so much money on cots, really small cots and stack them up high. factory. i don't even make anything i just have them do stuff. rob, i -- rob, rob, rob.
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>> gutfeld exclamation points. >> greg: my theory is when you're younger you have more hangovers. i never really called in sick when i had a hangover but if it was really bad or i didn't come home that's what i would do. maybe it's not about being sick maybe you're partying. >> rob: i don't even believe that because they don't party or ga anywhere. they stay their own phones all the time. i would prefer that people don't come into the office disgusting and coughing and sniffling all over the place and are wiping their nose with their hands and putting it on the keyboard >> kat: who are these people? >> andrew: i used to work in media and advertising. i will pass. >> greg: you really don't like people. >> rob: i'm not in a people mode, i'm trimming for the holidays and am hungry and angry at the same time but i look amazing. >> greg: so, kat, should
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millennials be killed? [cheers and applause] >> kat: absolutely. start with me. i'm not having the best day. >> greg: what is going on here? i'm having a blast! i'm having a great tuesday! >> kat: well, good for you. that really helps me. no, i had the opposite problem as this, like when i'm asked to come in and do like for an extra day of work, i get so sick with worry about what might happen if i say no that it physically affects me. so i just don't believe there's like any lazy openeder people. >> greg: yeah, nobody was doing this survey back then, i knew plenty of them i've been in this business for years >> kat: there just weren't any surveys back then >> greg: there wasn't. you can blame stuff for things, they're always on their phone. no, no, no >> kat: also you can't party on your phone. >> greg: that's true. although i tried. >> some of the worst mistakes in
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my life have just been me and my friend. >> that is true. seniors any final thoughts? you know how i feel about surveys. makes me mad because it's true. generation x we have a lot of 45 year old guys arguing about the finish to star wars instead of going into one, calling in sick is one of the downsides of america is we have so much success where people don't worry about having to work because mom and dad will pick it up or they can figure it out, they're polled you can get food whenever you want and there's not a big desire to go to work. the code is i don't feel like going in today, i'm drained and if they call you out you're like i have ptsd from getting up early at 8:00 in the morning. that's the stuff you hear. so that's not the problem. it's not the group we just have a lot of spoiled individualies in the country that make excuses -- everyone's back hurts
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all time because they have to carry the weight of the lacy kids that go home and then you have a manager that goes nuts and says bring me in a dead doing before you give you off because it gets abused so much. >> greg: i ale positive apologize for that. every time i call in sick i feel better. he's sick then he describes his sickness where entire time i'm like just come to work because i'm going with it with you so i might have to deal with it in the chair >> kat: i know what you mean but it's fear you made the wrong decision. >> greg: exactly. all right, we have to move on they're yelling at me. don't go away. i'll be right back. you shall push push
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>> out of time. thanks to andrew doyle. i love you america. >> thank you. good evening. thanks you to fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. an breaking ftx founder sam bankman-fried denied bond because he's a flight risk


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