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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 14, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST

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vaccination today and get 50% off all yearly plans. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. you make this show possible. we can't thank you enough. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity for news any time. all the time. every time. fox news .com, hannity, .com. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. >> laura , what's going on tonight? were you at the white house today for that big celebration? i didn't see you there. >> now, i saw some other anchors there, but i took a second and it was like, was there a christmas party i wasn't invited to when i was a party? >> all right. oh, okay. i will. i was not there for the show. cyndi lauper stayed better. >> days are behind her. >> i've never seen a drag queen show. i don't care if people go to them, but i don't really think it's age appropriate. for kids in school.
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>> now, that said to me, old fashion shocking. you are very i can't believe you just have to be so judgmental. all right. handed a great to see u tonight, as always. bye. i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. florida governor ron desantis will be here in moments. but first, real science bites back . that's the focus of tonight's angle. will anthony fauci ever leave the national stage? he's like cher, whose farewell concert tour never ends. she's always promising an end, never ends. it's been four months now since dr. lockdown announced she was retiring and he's now still talking this time about how others shouldn't be allowed to talk. >> people who spread the disinformation a very energetic and seemed to have nothing else to do but do that . so we've got to be out there, scientists and the general public and those who understand the facts and get out there
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and talk about true and correct information, true and correct information. now, that's rich coming from him, the elfin egomaniac who lied about masks, feigned ignorance about the juhan lab, downplayed the protection of natural immunity and ignored the benefits of things like vitamin d and other antivirals. >> how does this individual who still defends the school closures somehow believe that he has standing standing alone to lecture anyone else about these matters? is he delusional, devious or both? youdecide? >> it can be dangerous to the health of the nation when disinformation dissuades people from making use of what could be lifesaving interventions like vaccinations, wearing a mask and abiding by good public health practices. that would be horrible to see people suffer and die because of disinformed.
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as usual, today's liberals are not interested in an open conversation, and they certainly don't want to ever have to defend their views. for instance, we've known for a long time that the covid shot does not stop either transmission or infection and that it's true lethality for those without preexisting comorbidities is about that of the flu. so why fouchier and his team get this so wrong? what's the argument for ever mandating the covid shot and the boosters, given what we now know? i mean, well, it worked out for the ceo of pfizer , who is now a multibillionaire with his company immune. speaking of immunity, from lawsuits over vaccine induced injuries and deaths, worked out great for him. >> if we had a press that actually held the powerful in check, they would have spent time investigating the increase of all arguments made by our frequent guests, people like doctors jay bhattacharya, peter mccullough, harvey roche, stephen smith and others.
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instead, the regime media seems fine with ostracizing, sizing and even silencing these people. and rather than blaming arrogant public health officials for their own pr problems, they blame those who got the covid strategy right. are we developing an antiscience? >> well, in society, the answer is yes. there would be a terrible blow to society and i believe toward democracy. if all of a sudden people say, well, what's the use is so much untruth out there, we might as well not even push back on it. >> democracy, of course, the simple truth is we're not antiscience at all. we're anti fake science. we're medical professionals fail to adhere to basic principles, fail to follow the scientific method. instead, use a health crisis to promote a political agenda that no normal. well, thank god we had some state leaders who saw lockdown's for what they were sick power grabs, including governor ron desantis, who just
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hosted a roundtable of some of the most important scientific minds out there, those who had the courage to dissent regardless of threats or intimidation or the chance of being blacklisted by big tech, centrally important issue that caused the problems is that we silenced people from expressing their thinking, qualified people expressing their thinking, and as a result, the decision making at the top of the of the of the country was absolutely abysmal. when you have censorship, the kinds of suppression of voices, the essentially effectively a social system, demeaning people who disagree with the cdc or whatever , you're going to get bad decisions that don't get checked. >> well, given how much damage a , lockdowns and the mandates did to our children, our businesses, our military and our police, we need a full accounting with real data, not
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just pfizer generated data data about what happened, what went wrong and why. given the unknown and known risks versus the minuscule benefits of the mri shots for the young and the healthy, how did a vaccine mandate ever make any sense? >> we did a study in florida where we looked at all cause mortality and cardiac mortality after the covid-19 vaccines, the major finding, which was there was a signal for a markedly increased risk of cardiac death in young men , specifically in that age and group, and women who have been injured by the vaccine also have a right to be heard and their cases taken seriously before my vaccine was active and worked out, ran three miles across, but ran spartan races, even did martial arts.
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a bit of a tomboy because i have three sons serving in the military, they were mandated to get the vaccine in order to to be able to see them . i needed to be vaccinated. >> i have been on seventeen months of iv infusions. i could infusion center and be refused for six to ten hours and they don't really know how to treat me working in health care. >> you would think that you would get the best care and the best resources available to you . >> i was being ignored, gastly ,in that. >> that's heartbreaking from someone who works in health care, no less. her story of needless pain and suffering didn't land her on the cover of people. it didn't get her a guest spot on meet the press. but hers is another important voice that deserves to be heard. >> and that's the angle
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our next guest has fought relentlessly against medical cartel silencing campaign, which is why he invited people like michelle and actual experts to join him in florida today. and he's also calling for a grand jury now to investigate any and all wrongdoing in florida with respect to the covid-19 vaccines. joining us now is florida governor ron desantis. governor , it's great to see you tonight. >> what did you learn today? and hearing again these voices, many of them suppressed or ostracized over the last few years? >> well, laura , like anything i mean, you take an hour a shot and the way to view it is , okay, what are the benefits and what are the drawbacks? and it seems like our medical establishment never wanted to be honest with people about the potential drawbacks. and so you showed a clip from dr. ladipo down here in florida in the analysis that he's done with people, particularly young men , who've taken mrsa shots.
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we, of course, had witnesses talk about their experience and how are we in a situation. yes, florida, we banned vaccine passports almost two years ago. we banned the shot mandates for jobs and saved a lot of people's jobs. nevertheless, throughout our country, you still have hundreds of universo in other states that are still mandating these boosters on these college kids when any type of cost benefit analysis would say the benefit for them taking the shot, as you as you alluded to it, does it prevent from getting infected or spreading it anyways? the benefit is minuscule, but as joe ladipo and other studies have shown, there is a risk for doing it. so why can't our medical establishment acknowledge that? why the deception? why they continued to do this for two years? >> i want to read some of the reaction to your move today. new york magazine's jonathan chait said it's been very, very obvious that ron desantis was courting
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the anti vaccine movement. it's a case study in conservative movements, intellectual dysfunction anr nast taking your authoritarian ambitions to the next level. he demonizes public health safety measures to score political points. governor , is your goal with this roundtable today to demonize public health and safety officials? >> well, let me tell you, this law, the authoritarians were the ones that wanted to mandate the vaccine on people. i protected people from having that happen and made sure floridians could make their own choice. the authorities wanted to institute a vaccine passport system almost like a social credit system, so that people who dissented from this would be marginalized from society entirely. we rejected that and we banded. so we were from the very beginning, helping people make their own decisions, but not using either the coercive power of the state or allowing big corporations to condition those
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choices. and so, look, at the end of the day, what we're looking for is to provide truth, to provide accurate data and provide an accurate analysis. and we had a great researcher from denmark, laura . denmark does not allow people under 50 unless they have preexisting conditions to get the mmr shots because they've analyzed it and said that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits. but they've also looked at all cause mortality. and the researcher found that, yes, in some age groups there was a decline in covid mortality after taking these, but there was then an increase in other types of mortality. so why have we not seen big declines in excess mortality since these things have been introduced? and so we have now a panel that we've created in florida that is effectively going to function the way a cdc should function and basically do evidence based medicine take
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study seriously that that counteract the narrative and be willing to ask questions and go where the data leads. >> and governor, on another issue today in washington, the white house for celebrating the president's signing of a national a national legislation to protect both interracial marriage and non traditional marriage. is marriage in the there are a lot of religious conservatives and other traditional americans who are concerned that this will end up being a severe encroachment on religious liberty and religious conscience. rights. >> and i wonder if you might have a reaction to those concerns? >> well, i think they're valid concerns. i mean, laura , was interracial marriage being even debated in this country? nobody's talking about that. they're using the power, i think, of the federal government in ways that will absolutely put religious institutions in difficult spots. if you have people that are so inclined to be very aggressive
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against that. and i don't think that it was there were certainly no need to do this. >> and i do think that those concerns were valid in the other issue brewing here, which will affect all the states, which is this omnibus spending bill , which is working its way now through the senate with mitch mcconnell looking like he wants to strike a deal with chuck schumer, a lot of house republicans are going to have to talk to one not happy about this because obviously they're taking over the house in a few weeks, meaning no leverage with the republicans going forward. i know you're not in congress anymore, but you have a lot of experience having been a congressman, what would your reaction be if you were still up on capitol hill and you just lost all that leverage next year? >> well, obviously, they should punt it to the new congress when we'll have the majority in the house, they'll be more republican leverage and they'll be able to hopefully engineer a better outcome than they will being in the minority in both houses right now. >> why do you think the republicans would not want to do that?
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>> kevin mccarthy or whoever will be speaker? why do laura laura, you're looking to a guy that has voted against the biggest bills in my sleep when i was in congress. i mean, that's just the way these guys operate. i never fit into that. and part of the reason i ran for governor , quite frankly, is because i didn't like the way washington operated. but, yeah, you have really both parties have been addicted to these big omnibus bills. they'll put it out. it'll be thousands of pages. no one will really be able to read it. and it's basically back to nancy pelosi, nancy pelosi government pass it to find what's in it. and i think the american people are sick of that. >> governor desantis, we really enjoy the roundtable today. thank you for staying on this issue. covid accountability is great to see it tonight. >> and last night's angle revealed the many ways in which the popular culture entertain the classroom and so on , legitimized and even mainstream aberrant behavior today that
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got elevated, as i mentioned earlier, at the white house. now, as we just mentioned, the governor desantis, joe biden, held kind of an over-the-top celebration, this extravaganza that was named the respect for marriage act, a bill that moves to restrict freedom of religion and freedom of speech, even meaning whether you're catholic or evangelical or maybe muslim, any serious person of faith, you will not necessarily have the right tomorrow that you had yesterday. but like pelosi, made famous, biden tried to frame this as protecting the children. >> we need to challenge the hundreds of countless cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalize doctors who give children the care they need. we have to protect these children. >> and how would we go about doing that? well, look no further than the invite list. president at the ceremony today was someone called marty gould
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cummings, a non binary drag queen who has repeatedly attacked police online. here's how he described his work at dreg shows just a few years back . i would ask the kids during these shows, i would say, what do you want to be when you grow up? >> and to my surprise, a lot of these kids that they wanted to be a drag queen for me, drag has always been about leadership, about being a leader and being a role model. >> being able to be a leader and a role model for these kids. >> let's be very clear here. this push by the left, biden included, is about destroying the primacy of the nuclear family. the question is , why were there so many republicans okay about going along with it? >> joining me now is someone who voted against this bill , congressman jim banks, chairman of the republican study committee. congressman, is this about marriage or is this about religious freedom? and freedom of speech in the united states ? how are they affected by this
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bill ? well, first of all, this bill reminds me of the inflation reduction act, which didn't have anything to do with that. the respect for marriage act has everything to do with respecting marriage. it's all about trampling on our religious freedoms, our religious liberties, and that should be a line in the sand for republicans. we should never cross that line. we should always vote against a tax on our religious freedoms. so that's exactly what this how did how would it play out, though? so for our viewers, would this play out like, let's say, a catholic school setting where someone applied to work at the catholic school and maybe example to man three people married or lost adoption agencies that might speak out in favor of traditional marriage and against same sex marriage. this bill attacks the religious liberties of those types of organizations. in fact, senator mike lee tried to pass an amendment that would stop lawsuits against faith based groups, and democrats blocked that amendment. >> so that tells you where this is going.
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so that's all about. otherwise, they would have said, no problem, let's i see where you're coming from. let's add that amendment on and it's it's basically just codifying what you already did in the marriage case already. but they refuse to allow religious basically protections and exemptions from this. any future lawsuits. exactly. this is a long line of examples of this administration has passed bills like this or tried to try to attack religious liberty. so we we have to draw that line in the sand. republicans have to be fully aware of what this administration is trying to do and do everything we can. >> as i've heard almost no one in leadership speaking about this. i mean, this is one of the most consequential things. i mean, the left is i mean, they're partying all over washington tonight. there's nothing more . i mean, they believed in this bill , in my view, more than a lot of republicans in elected office, not yourself, but believed it was wrong, a wrong headed approach. >> again, same sex marriage is legal in america.
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already established by their generations. >> interracial marriage has been legal in america. so there's no attacks. there are no attacks on that. this is all about attacking people of faith, attacking the nuclear family, people who speak out in favor of traditional marriage and attacking a religious freedom. congressman, great to see you tonight. thank you. now, until now, the group of people inside the nih and the department of health and human services who use taxpayer money to fund that gain of function, research, well, they've been hidden. you don't know who they were, but that's about to change. congressman jim jordan and james culmer join me with an exclusive in moments. >> it's going to send shockwaves through washington state. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains, i had to take breaths. i began to understand what was so special about you guys ready ? there is something we should
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again, that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . >> now, while democrats have dismissed our own government's role in the creation of covid, republicans have been demanding answers on the origins of the virus for years. >> are you saying this is not viral gain of function research? >> we know and the misinformation that the guide rails for what can be done or not? we're not established by me. there were staveley by a three year process led by the office of science and technology policy to the white house of was never his fault. and sadly, we could never find out exactly who was involved in
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the nih. is gain of function research and the p three framework board responsible for its oversight. that is , until now. >> armed with a new majority in the house, republicans are starting to uncover those behind the practice tonight and shared exclusively with the anger. mangel, congressman james comey and jim jordan are sending a letter to the hhs secretary basara launching an investigation into its origins now, while demanding that the individuals you see on the screen right now appear before the oversight committee, they are identified in the letter as the p three ceo. >> according to congressman comey in jordan, these individuals have never been publicly identified other than dr. hassel, but they work to approve taxpayer for gain of function research. remember the ico health alliance? now, this move will surely send shockwaves through the nih, hhs and the biden administration. will anyone in the media actually cover? we will . joining us exclusively, incoming chair of the house oversight committee,
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james comey, and oversight committee member jim jordan. congressman, let's start with you. why have these names been hidden until now? and what were their actual roles in approving the money that ultimately went to gain a function? >> well, no one in the congress has been serious about determining the rejection of covid. no one tailed this dr. fauci administration accountable for the decisions they made or the decisions. dr. collins made it tonight. so we've been doing the research behind the scenes in the minority for two years. we've identified all the individuals in the government, specifically at hhs, that had any role also at nih in funding the gain of function research at the one with our tax dollars. now we're making these names public and we're asking them to come in and do an interview with us in january when we become the majority congress in jordan. >> i know money went through aeco health alliance that's run by peter darshak, who also should be interviewed by your committee. i'm sure he'll be up there. how does this work? so the money goes to echo health alliance, eco health alliance, then partners
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with the wukong lab on various research. and then what happens? well, eco health got the american tax dollars. they were a company that wasn't properly that, as we just pointed out, they didn't comply with their grant contract. they then sent the money to a lab in china, a lab that wasn't up to code and a lab that was doing a function research. and what happens? a deadly virus breaks out in that city where that lab is at and they try to tell us , oh, no, no, it didn't start in the lab. it was a bat to a pangolin, to a hippopotamus, to joe rogan. and six million people get the virus around the world. they actually that's that's still their story. now, we have documents that we've uncovered thus far and investigation. here's one from datsyuk to naiad where he says, dear jenny, this is terrific. we are happy to hear that our gain of function research funding clause has been lifted. it was lifted. obama lifted the pause. remember, here's the other one , niya. this is from the health and human services to dazy to his company, aeco health naiad rereviewed. now, there's an interesting
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term naiad rereviewed your grant application. the experiments to generate sars , like coronaviruses, are not subject to the hhs p three ceo framework. so they're not subject to the typical review process. so they bypass the review process and they took the lift off the gain of function and shazam, what happens? >> a deadly virus breaks out in the very place where american tax dollars were sent to wuhan, china. and what is fauci do when he hears the other key thing? fauci knew all this on february 1st, twenty , twenty three years ago. what does he do with that information? does he tell the president, the commander in chief, that a deadly covered it up? no, he did a conference call where they get their story. he didn't tell the president. he didn't tell the white house chief of staff. maybe most importantly, he didn't tell redfield, dr. burke's doctor catholic. he didn't tell the other experts in the government government he got this conference call together to to get their story straight and keep that information from the american people. and that's what we've lost. >> she is so darn important because we don't want that to happen. now, to that point, congressman colmer, in the letter that you
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wrote for fauci, you said, because you and your agency have been at the center of the pandemic response since its inception, your documents and your testimony are essential to informing the committee about what the u.s. government knew regarding the origins of covid and when the government knew it. >> now, this would be the biggest scandal of all time. if it turns out that indirectly or what or in some way u.s. government tax dollars went to the ultimate creation of the virus that killed millions and millions of people worldwide and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of americans. the biggest scandal of all time ,correct? you're correct. and we are suffering the consequences every day. our kids are behind in school because people are dead, know the whole supply chain has been disrupted, all because of decisions that dr. fauci and dr. collins made. and now we find out what we've known all along, that our tax dollars were going there. despite what dr. fauci said initially, none of these
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employees that had anything to do with overseeing the grant to make sure the grant was in compliance. as jim said, they were never in compliance and they got funded again, by the way, a few weeks ago. they need to come before congress. >> they need to explain their decision making and be held accountable. well, founded by the way, i defended the chinese researchers on this show in february of 2020 before the pandemic was announced. now, congress in jordan, the new york times tonight is reporting that there is bipartisan legislation to create what they're calling a 9/11 style panel to investigate the pandemic response. they see that, you know, people are concerned about what you guys are uncovering, i think, but that the white house is privately resisting it. >> figure yeah. now, figure, why are they working so hard to get a just a modest level of accountability for full accountability? how about any accountability? >> i don't know the problem because everything they told us turned out to be false. they told us it wasn't our money, told us it wasn't getting information research told us it didn't start in the lab, told us that the vaccinated couldn't get it, told us that the vaccinated could transmit it, told us that
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there was no such thing as natural immunity. first virus in history where you can't get it, you can't have natural. so everything they told us turn out to be false. so maybe that's the reason. but we should we should have legislation passed in the white house should support this that would ban american tax dollars being used in any way for a gain of function that that should be one of the one of the things that comes out of this this investigation we're doing ban that type of stuff from happening, certainly ban it from going to a lab in china where there i don't even understand why we're doing any research in china. >> frankly, they like keep their people in camps with neck chains. like, why are we doing anything in china? i mean, i don't i mean, i'm sure they're brilliant. there are brilliant scientists in china, but we don't have the safeguards or the access. we never got the access to the wolfhound lab or any of the documents or patient zero. >> we don't know who patient zero is to this day, correct? i don't. >> so, congressman, this is just i cannot wait to see what you uncover. and best of luck to you. we'll be covering it every step of the way. thank you. and we have some breaking news on the murders out of idaho tonight. full report moments. and speaking of heinous crimes. seventy seven year old
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the legal system did nothing but what are they afraid we'll find two huge new developments in the investigation into those grids. >> grisly murders of those university of idaho students last month courtesy of fox news and fox digital. we've now learned that new details of the injuries sustained from one of the victims. and while late today we learned of a new break in the case, that could be monumental for all the new details, we've got a fox reporter, alexis mcadams, in moscow, idaho, idaho, excuse me, election, where it's been more than a month since students were murdered in this house behind me in moscow, idaho. and now there's new surveillance images that could help police crack this case. take a look here on your screen. you can see fox news digital getting this exclusive photo of
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a white sedan caught on camera at a local gas station. around three forty five the morning of the quadruple murders. it looks similar to the 2011 to 2013 white hyundai elantra that investigators are looking for. police say that car was near the home at the time of the murders and would like to talk to the people that were in that vehicle. investigators pulled that tape today. now more than a month into this case, this police body camera footage is leading to new questions. moscow police officers are seen here questioning these students suspected of underage drinking. but in the background, tipster spotted a group of people walking by that group caught on camera at three , 12 a.m., putting that group of people in police just steps from a home in the time frame when the coroner says four students were stabbed to death. the body cam footage, the people sit in the back. you never know if that's going to be part of the investigation or connected. so we want that type of material so we can make that judgment with quilligan, solvay, samadhi, mcgahn, xana, canoodle, neith and shapin were
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killed more in one month ago. right now, the fbi analyzing hours of surveillance video, including this footage which shows caylee and maddie just hours before they were killed. investigators also collected video surveillance from local businesses like this bar and gas station near the crime scene. >> police remember the day of this crime vividly. there was a lot of crying. there were friends trying to find out who exactly was inside the house. some family members that arrived on scene. >> the county coroner tells me that investigators did put paper bags on the hands of those victims before they moved the bodies at this home. that was to preserve any dna evidence they could have found. and if these victims thought back , laura , they could have had the killer's dna on her hands or under their fingernails. >> laura relaxium, thank. and speaking of gruesome murders, that a shocking local communities this past saturday and the buckhead section of atlanta police believe. >> seventy seven year old grandmother eleanor bowles
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walked in to find a man attempting to steal a car after she tried to stop the would be robber. he allegedly stabbed her to death and proceeded to steal the car that she was found by her son , michael, who was returning to spend the holidays with her. >> finding her like that is something that will be with me forever. what happened to mom was her worst nightmare. it's most people's worst nightmare. i want everyone to understand that none of us are really safe . and if this could happen to mom, it can happen to anyone . the suspected murderer is twenty three year old antonio brown . he's been charged with murder, aggravated battery, possession of a knife during the commission of a felony. elder abuse and hijacking a motor vehicle. the murder occurred just two miles from the governor's mansion in a gated community. but the criminals are becoming so brazen in this suburb of atlanta, that none of that matters due to the recent
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explosion of crime, some buckhead residents have pushed for a secession from the city of atlanta altogether. >> they want no part of it. bill white is leading that effort. >> he's the ceo of buckhead city movement and he joins me now. bill , how much has crime risen in this area in the past few years? let's say, since the george floyd protests? >> yes, a thanks for having us on. i know you are an amazing mother. we have a mutual friends. i'm the son of a seventy seven year old mother and our heart goes out to the bulls family. it's just unbelievable. michael is such a warm and generous person. i had a long conversation with him. and crime is skyrocketed in buckhead. the city of atlanta can no longer protect the people of buckhead anymore. we have not been able to hire the requisite amount of police to protect us . and the city of atlanta is not politically willing to do what it takes to stop crime.
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you know, laura , this crime was completely avoidable. >> he has a rap sheet as long as your arm and the d.a. is spending her time prosecuting somebody we all know for a phone call as opposed to putting the lawyers working on that, on putting this man in jail. he should have not have committed that crime because he should be rotting in jail. and that's the fact. and with a buckhead city movement, we are just looking to put public safety number one , the democratic policies of atlanta are failing. they can't keep us safe. and you've been talking about this. we have to get back to loving our police. young, young michael must be going through something we could never even imagine. our heart goes out to that family and we have to honor her memory, this horrible, heinous crime by doing better, by protecting the people of, well, this is the way this is happening, happening all over the country. i mean, yes, there's a big movement to kind of devalue the suburbs. this idea that you don't have
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any right to live in a nice, safe suburb, why don't you why do you have a right to do that? whether it's building a low income housing or high rises that traditionally a residential area. i mean, things are changing and it's and it's done with a purpose that her friend, eleanor bowles, his friend, spoke to our local fox affiliate about what was once considered a safe and very friendly neighborhood of buckhead watch. >> we are in a in a real crisis with safety. >> friends say my moved to the gated community off west pace's theory to feel safe . >> i know from being a friend of ellen's for know, as i said, twenty years she was here to be safe , so she moved there to be safe . it's gated somehow. this antonio character, brown character got got through the fence and was able to do what he did. >> still murdered. yeah, that's right, laura . and thank you for pointing that
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out. he had just previously tried to rob a liquor store. they were chasing him out of the store. and they had called the police. and we do not fault the police for this. just there's not enough police in atlanta and no cop wants to work for a city that voted to defund the police. so they took twenty five minutes to respond to that burglary. and that allowed him to escape into this gated community. so on two fronts, this crime should have never happened. and that's why we're pushing for buckhead city. laura , i don't like to bring politics into this, but it's our way of saying enough is enough. this is a final straw for us and we're going to get it done. all right, mike , we appreciate it. thank you for your with your effort and we'll be following it. thank you. it's tuesday and that means jimmy failla is back. an important update to our fiscal investigation last night. plus, a dictionary struggles to define woman. >> jimmy's on deck with the reaction. so stay there. >> spelled splotched boil overs
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help us change the world. one smile at a time. >> analyzers. yes, you heard that right. a group of researchers at the university of colorado, boulder, used high powered lasers to check out how far and wide water droplets fly after you flush the toilet . >> well, the video speaks for itself.
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all right. we had an enormous response to last night's rather fragrant news, and we thought it was important to bring you a very important update. and no one knows more about toilets than jimmy failla, hosts of fox across america. >> on fox news radio. jimmy ? well, we have a very good news. okay, the unsavory bits that we dropped last night may actually there might be a solution to it. >> watch since vacuum toilets evacuate waste by pulling air into the toilet. all splash mist and bacterial migration from the toilet are eliminated with a gravity toilet. a demonstration under these conditions shows the particles of waste water and bacteria that migrate out of the toilet bowl during the flush cycle. >> jimmy look a little flushed . your reaction?
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yeah, you know, i really appreciate i appreciate this booking, laura . you were like, who hangs out and a lot of men's restrooms. >> jimmy fallon does. he's always in there right? well well, you know, here's the thing. god , if a little bit if the shoe waves go well, let me say my my part here, laura , is this okay? i'm fascinated by the technology. my problem is i live in a liberal city and no one uses toilets. they go on a sidewalk. so i need something called laura . i need gravity sidewalk. if you can get away to take this technology and put it on the subway, i'd like to go on the one train without it being the number two train. if you're picking up what i'm putting down on this disgusting floor. >> now, jimmy , if you're actually in in the restroom and you notice another individual in the restroom does not wash his hands before
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exiting, said the restaurant restroom, do you take it upon yourself to gently correct to that behavior? ask, would you consider washing your hands? >> no. you want to know why, laura ? because i don't like getting punched in the face. i'm not a bathroom cop like i'm with you that they should wash their hands. but half of the people that are hanging out in public restrooms in new york live in those restrooms. so i'm now a guest in someone else's house. telling them how to behave. >> no, thanks. i'm talking all the fancy restaurant restaurants you guys go to and all those bathrooms. look, as though when i go to a fancy restaurant, they think i'm the attendant and hands them the towel. stop. oh, i am not policing the sink. you're on . you're okay. you're a lot tougher than me. ingram all right. got it. well, jimmy , the next topic now, the cambridge dictionary updated its definition of the word woman that actually required an update. a spokesperson for the dictionary told "the washington post" the long
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time definition for the word adult female human being is still there. but an additional definition of the word appears below an adult who lives and identifies as a female, though they may have been said to have different at birth, jimmy , help me help on reconfiguring the language. is the birthing person of all evils. this is so stupid. it's a total cave to the crowd. you can't you can always tell the cambridge dictionary on the shelf because it's the only book without a spine. come on , man, this is embarrassing, laura . and it starts here with the language. but the reason i selfishly get mad is because it's about the filter into pop culture. and pretty soon we're all going to be listening to hall and seeing them meter and then it's going to be roy orbison singing pretty person. and no one wants to tune in for this gender on radio now.
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>> well, it's like who who identifies as a woman after being. yeah, okay. i said was a different gender at what was created by home. by by home where you created your creator. now they don't want to say any of that. jim , great to see you. and i'm digging. i'm digging the blazer tonight. very nice. now go get my car. all right, jimmy , thank you. reading with jp is a fun one tonight. i'm going to read the last bite, explains life asks a lot from you. why not get a little relief along the way? the pelambres messager from sharper image with improved ergonomic handle and enhance performance, the power boost massager from sharper
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>> president biden met with three u.s. winners 2022 nobel prize, dr. caroline who won the nobel prize in chemistry, dr. john clausen are, who won the nobel prize in physics and dr. douglas diamond won and
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economic sciences. >> laura: they were a bunch of noble people. the words were in a tastier edition. >> this is an important civil rights achieved by bipartisan way. by caramel bipartisan support was had for this piece of legislation. this piece of legislation was done in a bipartisan by caramel way. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, our southern border is under siege. the cameras capture of the repeated mass release of hundreds of migrants and a parking garage in brownsville, texas. border patrol is releasing ten per day. >> todd: there have been half a million migrant encounters at the southwest border since october. to visualize that, that is enough to fill the super bowl stadium in glendale, arizona, nearly eight times. and that is before title 42 set to set t


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