tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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one goal. wayne gretzky by 94 to become the all-time leading goal scorer as capital fan is awesome. tomorrow "special report" special story of afghan story working along american troops arrested at the mexico border. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight fair balanced and unafraid. here is jesse. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: kingdoms don't work here in america. england learned that lesson the hard way and then we all learned about it in school. but some people just don't get it. they grow up thinking they deserve to be king. >> i order you to be quiet. >> order? >> i'm your king. >> well, i didn't vote for you. >> you don't vote for kings. >> well how did you become king them. >> the lady of the lake. her arm clad in the purest shimmering held a lot of
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excaliber from the bosom of the water signifying by divine providence i arthur was to carry excaliber. >> people who want to become king immediately attracted to republicans. people think whenever they get elected they can do whatever they want. look at los angeles, karen bass was just elected mayor, remember her? she is the anti-gun congresswoman who had two pieces stolen from her house and now she is running america's most chaotic city. and what did she do on her first day? give herself ultimate unrestricted power? >> my first act as mayor will be to declare a state of emergency on homelessness. [applause] , a state of emergency on homelessness. my emergency declaration will recognize the severity of our crisis and break new ground to maximize our ability to urgently move people inside and to do so for good. >> jesse: you see, the best way
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to become queen is declare an emergency. remember the covid lockdowns? we had king cuomo in new york. king newsom in california. queen whitmer in michigan all anointed by fauci, the emperor. queen karen took notes and now she has the power. this explains why kamala was so excited for her old friend. >> madam mayor. [laughter] [cheers] >> jesse: los angeles city council gave the emergency powers a thumbs up last night. they couldn't deny l.a.'s first mayor her crown. could i declare an emergency if you don't like something? i don't like taxes. that's my emergency. so, what does queen karen get? well, $100 million to build houses for the homeless. no oversight. no bidding. queen karen can just give the contracts out to all of her friends and donors.
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no questions asked. put homeless in swanky hotel rooms. has the power to seize your property and give to a homeless person. don't worry, queen karen says it probably won't come to that. just like when biden said he wouldn't have vax mandates or when he said we wouldn't send patriot missiles to ukraine and then he did. but this time they are being for real. they have the power to take your home and give it to a drug addict. but probably won't do that. now, there are plenty of empty houses in l.a. millionaires, second or third homes. all the celebrities' beach houses but i don't think queen karen is going to send any homeless people there those are her biggest donors. hunter's malibu mansion is empty. is he shacking up with pop in d.c. you can fit a few dozen addicts in there.
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no. when queen karen seizes houses it, will be people who can't afford expensive lawyers. the people who caused the homeless problem shouldn't be in charge of fixing it. they are not qualified. los angeles blows a billion dollars a year on the homeless and it gets worse every year. there's over 40,000 homeless on the street. they control entire blocks, sets up tents wherever they want. why pay millions for beachfront property when you can just claim the land for free? they keep throwing billions at the problem but it doesn't go away. it grows. queen karen doesn't understand it's not all about housing. >> if there's people in los angeles who work full-time jobs who go home to tents because they can't afford the rent. >> jesse: i don't believe that. this isn't a housing problem. it's not a money problem. it's deeper. drug addiction and mental
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illness on the list government housing. >> from ohio tells me he has a drug problem, is estranged from his family. has also said no to repeated offers of shelter. >> almost jail like, penitentiary like almost. i don't know. freedom being like homeless. >> jesse: time for democrats to admit they are over heir heads. giving unlimited power and money isn't going to change. this even the homeless know they are coming up with their own solutions to survive on the streets. >> it's a solid well-built wooden structure, propped up by metal carts and car batteries. a power cord unplugged trails down the sidewalk, whichs is piled high with assorted power tools and electronics. >> i was originally in a tent and when the san station comes
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once every two weeks they have you take your tent down and clear all your stuff out. what i had an idea just to building is on wheels. >> jesse: not every homeless guy is that nice. [shouting] [bleep] [bleep] >> jesse: l.a. is hell. it's dangerous for the homeless and the taxpayers. at any given moment can you get smashed over the head by a junky on a bad trip. look what happened to olympic medalist kim glass she was minding her own business, walking out of a restaurant in broad daylight and boom some homeless maniac cracks her in the face with a piece of metal, just another day in l.a. and if you somehow escape getting a beating, you might just get covered in feces. >> sir, why are you throwing
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feces at people? >> who? >> you through feces at this gentleman. >> you just have to understand i'm half paralyzed. i'm blind. i have no car for nine years. >> we offered to help the man with services for the homeless, but. >> sir, do you need help in the city is offering help. >> quit bothering me. i don't know help. he needs help. >> jesse: for a blind guy he has pretty good aim. this is who queen karen wants to live in your house, the doug flutie of dutiy. he doesn't have a full-time job. he's not having trouble paying rent. he is mentally ill. and he doesn't want help. he would rather smear feces on people in the street than on your walls. let's turn over to paul gentlemais atrivino came face th the pooh slinger. we are hearing rumors, paul, that this new mayor cleared out
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all the homeless before she gave that big ceremonial induction ceremony. is that true? >> as usual. yeah. she cleared out all the homeless off of city hall, had which was a wreck, but, of course, it rained at city hall so she couldn't do the inaugural there. so she won't up having it at one of the theaters downtown all for not. they will be back by the time she works her first week. they will be back. >> jesse: under these emergency powers, she could take your house, paul, and give it to the guy that slang duty at you. what did james carville say never let a crisis go to waste. she declares a state of emergency. as the articles are stating it gives her all sorts of powers, resources, authority to do basically whatever she wants, which, to me, the translation is watch out for your wallet, it's
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going to be commandeering both public and private property and then like august of our -- most of our city council who are all urban planners what that means no more open spaces no, more public parks no, ball field no more equestrian centers no, more golf courses, turn those open spaces that are only used by the elites into what are going to be shanty towns a lot of the homeless don't want to be in a elm who. rather be on the streets doing drugs. they are mentally ill. they have a lot of issues. no one is clamoring for a two bedroom rental. >> right. well, that's the thing. none of this is compulsionry. this is all by choice. and, you know, it's going to be -- you know, they were talking about all the city departments that were coming together to meet her and talk about this emergency. i read the article. i was looking for one -- the
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most important department to be called into her meeting and it wasn't there, which is the los angeles police department. that's the one department that is not called into this. so, if you look at karen bass' website for her election, and look at her endorsement page, she was endorsed by i think it was 85 or 90 different unions, so, follow the money, look for all her union buddies to be benefiting from all of this. she is not going to solve a single problem if she doesn't decide to state that there will be compulsory house for the criminal element and for the hugely sick and mentally ill portion of this homeless population. if they don't make it compulsionry, it's going to be same old, same old. nothing is going to change. and if the police don't -- if the police aren't given the power to start enforcing 41.18 e no sleeping, lying on public and private properties, then nothing is going to change. all it's going to be a money grab from us into the hands of
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the unions and into the hands of her special interest, you know, homeless groups and that's all it's going to be. nothing will change. >> jesse: empty the prisons, kick you out of your house, and put a drug addict in there. what a great plan, paul. i can't wait to see how this thing shakes out. and i don't think there has ever been an example in political history where you give get ready to be evicted. >> look at what newsom did. >> jesse: doug flutie of duty can move in. thanks, paul. everybody go visit his bar. i heard it's a hot spot. thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: coming up, we watched nancy pelosi's new documentary so you don't have to. ♪ i recommend nature made vitamins because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp... independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards.
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>> jesse: a week away from title 42 being lifted and possibly seeing the largest migrant flood in history. what's the migrant white house doing about it? let's turn to the bill melugin for the latest. >> axios is reporting that the biden administration is considering implementing a new policy that would very drastically reduce the amount of migrants who could claim asylum at our southern border and as you take a look at this video, this huge caravan that crossed into el paso on sunday, we will explain what is going on here. axios reporting that the biden administration is implementing a straight up asylum ban for five months that would apply to single adults and families who cross illegally that's because the administration is planning for between 12,000 and 14,000 illegal crossings proximate result day once title 42 drops next week. and keep in mind. biden said on the campaign trail in 2019 if is he president we
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should surge the border with asylum seekers. now axios is reporting they want to severely limit asylum in the face of title 42's repeal. then we will take you out to florida. stunning video here of a florida police officer exposed to fentanyl and overdosing during a traffic stop. pretty tough to watch that officer went in and out of consciousness multiple times after police say she found a dollar bill rolled up in the car she stopped that had the fentanyl inside of it. they gave her three doses of narcan. she came back, started talking and passed out again. thankfully that narcan able to save her life. she was taken to a hospital and is expected to make a full recovery that fentanyl pouring in through our southern border case in point take a look at these photos, cbp in nogales, arizona, reporting just at that port of entry there other a span of a few days they made 8 separate fentanyl busts totaling more than 1.5 million fentanyl pills hidden in the smuggler's vehicle inside of doors, inside of panels, you name it, that's
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where they found t just goes to show one single port of entry how much fentanyl is attempting to get in this country by those smugglers, jesse. we will send it back to you. >> jesse: it's nancy pelosi's final weeks of house leadership. so she is taking a page out of fauci's book. and she is not leaving quietly last night of premier of pelosi in the house on hbo. glowing 2 hour documentary on the outgoing speaker from her daughter alexandria who apparently thinks she is ken burns. we got to learn a lot about nantz and see a little more personal side of her, watch. >> you are doing your laundry during mike pence's presentation? what is the point of this call? >> happy easter to you. >> thank you, madam speaker. >> thank you very much, madam speaker. thank you mr. vice president. and we look forward to continuing a dialogue between you. >> am i a bitch or what?
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>> jesse: "primetime" will refrain from answering that question. we also saw some pretty well, let's just say interesting foreshadowing to what happened earlier this year. >> it's paul pelosi. the guys are there at the gate. i let them get into the gate but they went into the parking lot and haven't looked for the key. the key is not on. get up there. there are those -- oh, the house is unlocked? [bleep] all right. but the alarm is on, right? >> the point is the witnesses. you have good witnesses. [bleep] >> jesse: poor paul. and we got to see her party kiss the ring and ruin one of my all-time favorite songs. ♪ ♪ i guess you say ♪ what can make me feel this way
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♪ my girl ♪ my girl ♪ talking about my girl ♪ my girl ♪ nancy pelosi ♪ >> jesse: we also got all those behind the scenes footage of covid, too. and got hear firsthand how the democrats tanked the economy and got their goodies passed. watch. >> how about in that meeting when i quoted poppy francis. and then munich said you quoted the poppy i'm going to quote the markets. i'm going to quote the markets. [laughter] >> the election money is a big deal to our folks. they want to see us put a mandate that all the states have to have email just for the coronavirus, period. >> jesse: her folks called back and it looks like mail-in voting is here to say. and i will be honest, this wasn't exactly must-see tv. we may have to increase the
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combat pay i give my staff. this is just another example of hollywood's democrat obsession, both sides have been in bed with each other since the silent movie era. fetterman going for best supporter actor. a cc getting a whole bio-pic about climate grifting and now pelosi's daughter gets to pay tarentino for a day and give her mother the least critical home movie that's ever exexisted. ned ryun is the ceo of american majority. democrats love the spotlight. i'm getting that vibe. >> yeah, they absolutely do. i don't think we should be too harsh on old nan here, jesse. we should applaud her for what she has shown us and been a shining example to us all and having the courage of conviction in her corruption. that takes real -- it's not for the faint of heart. in fact, i think what we should do to memorialize her, in fact,
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jesse, you should have the annual nancy pelosi profile of courage in your conviction of your corruption and make it a bipartisan award every year for every member of congress, so everybody gets a shot at it. we can always remember her. propose a finalist for next year, dan crenshaw for his openly brazen insider trading. but i think you could really do this and make it an annual award and that way we could always remember her, jesse, for her tenure as inteerk of the house. >> jesse: the only thing they edited out of this documentary was her on the phone with her financial broker. that was the only thing that didn't make the cut. yeah, that was the most important thing i think we all wanted to see because if we had seen that phone call, we all would have been filthy rich. >> oh, come on. this is one of the things, again, it's one of the proved corruptions in d.c. in which members of congress conduct their insider trading. and, as speaker of the house.
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she truly gave it her stamp of approval and blessing in which both sides of the aisle were involved in it. you know, i don't think anybody that's ethical and moral is really going to shed a tear at the end ever the wicked witch of the west rein in the house except for maybe paulie p. who now has to spend more time with her. >> jesse: did you see paul on the phone pflum mixed there was no alarm set and no locks on any of the doors? what's going on in this household, ned? >> good thing is nancy is going to be able to get to the bottom of that pretty quickly now that she has more time on her hands. >> jesse: we are glad that paul is recovering. i saw him run into hunter biden at the awards show the other day. and it looks like he is healing nicely. so, can you believe fetterman has now gone hollywood as well. not only aoc having film crews
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follow her around when she goes hiking. fetterman has been cast -- i don't even know if it's an extra. does he have a speaking role, in a christian bale movie. self-no slouch, christian bale. how did that happen? >> i don't know. i guess my biggest question is is fetterman going to be able to remember his two sentences and actually be able to perform without heavy coaching and probably 100 takes. one of the funniest things recently he was called one of the best dressed men in d.c. are you kidding me showing up in shorts and a hoodie? it's insane how fawning the corporate propagandists have become when they are elevating somebody who is clearly not fit to hold one of the most powerful positions in this country and, yet, here we are with somebody that's clearly incapacitated as a u.s. senator and being glorified for it. >> jesse: all right. we will be following all of these films closely and we will watch them so you don't have to. thank you so much, ned. >> thank you. thanks, jesse.
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>> jesse: mini madoff's jail filled with rats and roaches. and don't get him started on the lunches. and the christmas tree controversy explodes in dedham, massachusetts. >> this is not about a christmas tree. this is about trying to lead the town into being woke. these people now are watching you. [applause] they are not going to put up with it anymore
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> jesse: for two weeks now "primetime" team has been fighting a war on christmas happening in the tiny town of dedham, massachusetts. it started when a persnickety librarian banned christmas trees in the libraries because they made people feel uncomfortable. good news "primetime" intervened and the trees are back. the people of dedham massachusetts are very happy with what unfolded. many say it's been an attack on christianity and last night they crowded into the town hall and spoke directly to the library board. watch. >> i have to ask that you. >> the christmas tree is a symbol of christianity. >> if have you any further comment you are welcome to email us. >> associated with it to others. as a tax paying member of this community, we should all be represented, not just those people. [applause] >> why do you hate christians so much? >> this is not about a christmas tree. this is about trying to lead the
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town into being woke. these people now are watching. they are not going to put up it w. it anymore. [applause] >> i'm not here tonight to defend anything. one thing i am here to do tonight is to say that the christmas tree should have been up. >> i'm jewish. for me, christmas is -- sorry. christmas is a time of peace. it's a time we should give respect to everybody. >> i'm sad having been a life resident of this town that the board didn't say anything except that they were still decorating and working on -- on a conversation that happened back in the spring. >> there has been a tree in this town for 30 years at the library. and all of a sudden it's not there this year. so, it was disturbing.
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>> you decided not to have a tree for whatever biases that you may have. you thought nobody was going to find out about it. thankfully mrs. said something. thank youfully turtle boy picked up the story. thankfully jesse watters picked up the story. the local media picked up the story and now you are just sitting in the pile of poop that you made for yourself. >> i will tell you right now if i had little kids i would move away because of all of you people. don't have the courage to stand up and do what was right. you embarrassed us all over a tree. >> jesse: our fearless foot soldier lisa desmond was at the meeting and tried to keep the peace. at the end of the day, all these people want is for the holidays to be celebrated. hopefully the town learns from this and perhaps next year they can speed up the decoration review process so that the trees can go up before christmas day as they do everywhere else. life has a way of hitting you hard sometimes. one day you feel like you are
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untouchable. your face is plastered on the cover of every business magazine calling you the next warren buffett. you get to live in an upscale penthouse in the beautiful tax haven of the bahamas. since you are the democrats' second largest donor, no one says anything about your frizzy hair and questionable wardrobe. but one day it all blows up right in your face. you go from warren buffet to mini madoff. when people find out you were actually robbing your customers to pay for corporate sex parties, drugs, penthouses and helping the democrats win the senate, mini madoff went from living the high life to getting thrown in a jail to sit with rats and maggots and where most of the inmates have bedsores from having to sleep on the dirty floors. >> mini is saying this is all happening a little too quickly. he says a guy like him can't live like this. he is vegan and he is depressed. plus, he is saying his giferld
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should be locked up, not him. he is also blaming anti-semitism for him stealing $3 billion. mini thinks he should be back in his penthouse munching on some cucumbers and playing video games. mini madoff better get used do it because is he looking down the barrel of eight criminal charges which could put him away for over 150 years. so buckle up, mini. hide your kids, hide your pets, liberals are building a cougar bridge straight into the heart of los angeles. >> okay. this is [bleep]
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he is jess here at "primetime" we recognize the danger of being a police officer. cops take the ultimate risk every time they strap on that bullet proof vest and step into the squad car these men and women have the most treacherous job in the united states. something as basic as a traffic stop can be life-altering. like this incident in houston where two police officers came under fire after criminal
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unloaded on them. [sirens] >> jesse: every car chase can end in catastrophe. in phoenix, two sphirsz were following an armed robbery suspect when this happened. >> let's see your [bleep] hands. >> hands. >> let me see your [bleep] hands now. go move your [bleep] hands. >> pulling down. shots fired, shots fired. >> jesse: those officers were unharmed but the suspect killed himself in the car rather than face justice. and we see these videos and think how could anybody handle this every day? but for police, it's just another dagen othe job, so thank you.
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"primetime" is your go-to source for self-defense during an animal attack. and there would be probably nothing scarier than from the apex predator itself. the cougar. >> no, go away. go away. no. >> no. [bleep] dude. okay. this is where i [bleep] die. nope. get the [bleep] away. stupid kitty cat. >> there are an estimated 6,000 cougars in california right now. they often find themselves preying on their pets. >> that's my dog laying on the ground. just pulled out of the house by that [bleep] mountain lion. >> the cougars notorious than cougar p-22 hollywood's most
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famous mountain lion. some call him the hollywood cat. much like the homeless in l.a. p-22 lives outside and is highly dangerous. the legendary cougar has a long rap sheet over the span of his 12 year life. a couple years ago he climbed a fence at the l.a. zoo and murdered a koala bear. since this was l.a., after all. it was left out in its own recognizance. and it was only a matter of time before it attacked again. p-22 mauled one dog and snatched another off the leash of the owner as it was taking it for a walk. >> so he moved so fast and they are so quick that he literally grabbed one of the dogs, the puma, mountain lion, pulled him out of the -- pulled him so hard that he pulled him off the leash and ran off with the dog in his mouth. >> jesse: after stealing the dog, p-22 went on the lamb and was captured and tranquilized by california department of fish and wildlife in a lady's
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backyard. we don't have the video of the tranquilization but we imagine it went something like this. >> hey, hey. be careful with that. that's the most powerful tranq gun on the market. >> cool. >> it is cool. >> it says it can puncture the skin of a rhino. >> ou. >> oh, you would think l.a. would want to keep these dangerous animals as far as away as possible. "primetime" has learned they are building a bridge over a highway to help these predators to travel between the mountains and the city of l.a. does that sound like a good idea? joe is a radio show host and wildlife expert. let's get to the bridge in a second. these tranq guns, one shot and they are done? >> definitely, yeah. yeah. that's going to take those cats down. they kind of know how much the cats weigh and how much, you
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know, tranquilizer they need to get those cats on the ground. i kind of like the idea of a cougar bridge and let's get that sucker right into seattle. get some cats down here in downtown seattle and see how folks like that. you know, and, jesse, i don't think we can really hold it against p-22. the whole koala incident. look, he is sitting up on the hill. looking down there at the zoo, at the l.a. zoo. and here's a whole bunch of critters just hanging out in their enclosures. he went in at night. he didn't harass any humans, he jumped in the koala pen and nice fat plump koala and ran off with it. that's just doing cougar stuff, dude. >> jesse: cougars are going to cougar don't i know it. what's with the bridge situation? seems like a an invitation for more cougar attacks like l.a. doesn't have enough to worry about. >> definitely. i don't know if it's the best idea, you know, california was one of the highest cougar
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population in the country. they only have about 46% of the habitat in california is suitable for cats. so, pumping more cats into urban areas, doesn't seem like a good idea. this particular cat, he has had a bunch of run-ins and then these last two, the one in november, where he attacked a chihuahua in hollywood hills and killed that chihuahua, i don't know why he wasn't tracked down after that incident and tranquilized and got out of there. because that allowed him to then, last sunday, attack another chihuahua in silver lake. apparently he has the taste for chihuahuas. >> jesse: yeah because is he tagged. >> sunday they decided to go get him. >> jesse: is he tagged and can you follow him like food delivery on an app. >> oh, yeah. they know exactly where he is going. >> jesse: any reason why we are seeing more cougar attacks? is the wildlife department not
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managing this properly? >> well, what happened in california was proposition 117, which was voted on by the public, that banned hunting for cougars in california. >> jesse: there you go. >> completely. okay? that takes it out of the department of fish and wildlife's hands. that's voted on by the people. and, since, you know, 1990, we got probably, i think, there was 19 could you drawer attacks, since 190. and nine of those were on children. >> jesse: well, you can blame the politicians for the cougar attacks. pretty much the root of all the problems are the politicians. >> there you go. >> jesse: joe, thanks very much. if you see those cougars coming anywhere near me hit them with the tranq. thank you so much. >> later, jesse. >> jesse: coming up, "primetime"
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>> it's been a tough few weeks. he was charged and fired. but despite all that, prime time gets the feeling that someone is still protecting him. we know that there is footage of old samson brenton gabbing bags at the airport in vegas, but for some reason we cannot see it. prime time and the metro police got back to us saying that they can't release it because it is an open criminal investigation. however, let's kill the producers to reach out to the airport for the video. so we did, and guess what?
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the airport says that they will not give us the video because it is confidential by law. and it is sensitive security information. really? says who? the clerk kenny department of aviation and their law enforcement partners. oh, my. so the police told us to get the video from the airport but the hole at the airport not to give it the video. does this remind you of something? i feel that we've been down this road before. oh that's right probably take. remember this summer when nap ida, and the highway patrol gave prime time to run around for months. we try to get the dui video. we are starting to get the same vibe with sammy here. maybe our friends at the las vegas need to be given a call, and a little nudge and will have more on that next w week. wednesday, let's bring in harris faulkner, host of
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faulkner focus. cohost of outnumbered and offered him a face still move mountains. let's begin, we all know hockey fans love a good fight. but sometimes that action spills off the ice into the stands. >> tucker car>> and it wasn't j, they were flying the royal rumba and one of the brothers had his finger bitten off. and was taken to the hospital. and there's something about hockey fans, that is just a little different. >> my favorite part is when you see the one police officer do the body launch. into the crowd and then come down and he is a net a mosh put any breaks the whole thing up and people are just standing back and he is the hero but by the way, did date now finger had the nail still attached.
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i don't know, it was still attached that guy had his big arapahoe deal. >> no one buys in mike tyson. they always say a dogs bark is worse than its vice but tell that to this tesla owner after the pitbull took a chunk out of the bumper. [music] ♪ ♪ >> harris what i want to know is why i didn't gadget hit reverse. >> the woman screaming inside who was looking out the window saying all your little aggro. at the one dog who was atta attacking? did you see them with the distance? and she screaming from inside the car. so i watch the video like 50 times. she's inside the car screaming why don't you tase him? and she's crying and i'm like why don't you push play on your
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car. >> to the cops have to do all the work around here. no one knows. i would never gonna find out. age is just a number unless you are on the football field. the internet is on a flag on this text excuse football player after it was revealed that he is only, you ready 12 years old. jeremiah johnson won mvp honors and the years national championship this weekend but transfer the lift and disbelief after catching his mustache, and taxes. do you believe he's telling the truth that is only 12 years old? >> i don't know what to believe but i found a picture of him when he was ten and i share with your team, and he had a stash going. >> he had a stash at ten? >> yeah i'm two years can make a difference. maybe he just grew in ways that we did not know not know. >> you know what i'm throwing the flag harris, you're too kind
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a year book is fantastic, face still move mountains. edit where books are sold. >> i love hearing you say that, still has the glassy and so which i know is your favorite part. >> thank you very much harris. >> thank you. >> new exercise tip, never the exercise but rehab, it is that age. the lacrosse ball, and then put the ball right between your shoulder blades if you're feeling any tension back there, and then laying about with the ball wedge between your shoulder blades, and the mat and just roll it. and then move your arm around like this and the other side of them like that, and encouraging a lot. see some text messages. tom from california, what should i be more scared of an ole or mountain lines?
5:00 pm
>> you know every day is a jungle. lawrence says hello see aoc amphetamine, windows, get her movie? she's probably next and thus probably can be juicy. lenny from nashville, tennessee, jesse? will your next book be how i save christmas? that was actually a chapter in my last blog and i know you can read it. glad to send you a copy. tucker's up next, and always remember i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker carlson: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight, in the summer of 2020 mobs of joe munden boaters destroyed for parts of minneapolis. they murdered people, but they did this, we informed that the time in the name of something called racial justice. but then we saw the sum of the mob turned out to be for the rich white kids. but, they said that they
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