tv Fox News at Night FOX News December 14, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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we are out of time. thank you, maria and our studio audience. [ applause ] >> thank you, greg, good evening everyone, welcome to america's late news, fox news at night. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. ♪ >> and breaking tonight, brand new fox news polls ask americans if president biden's policies are helping the economy. the answer this holiday season amounts to a lump of coal at the white house. dozens of the president's top medical advisers will be in the hot seats when
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republicans take over the house in january. will they answer and will the media cover it? once hail an educational republican by the democrats, teacher unions don't like them and suddenly democrats don't like them either. we begin with a unanimous vote to ban tiktok. >> tiktok is a security problem. there is less agreement on the extent of the threat and the urgency of dealing with it. those wanted immediate ban of chinese own tiktok saying it is a real and present danger to the united states because it collects so much information on so many american users and that
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information could be passed on the chinese government and they claim the app has been used to try to interfere in u.s. elections. >> we should not have the communist party of china having access to a treasure-trove of american data that they can use to try to use and divide us and collecting valuable information into the future. >> several states banned state employees from using tiktok on their work devices. >> the white house says a federal committee is reviewing the issue and therefore can't comments specifically on tiktok. >> generally speaking, the biden administration is focused on challenges of certain countries including china, seeking to leverage digital technology and america's data in ways that present unacceptable and national security at-risk. >> tiktok says it is cooperating in the federal review and accuses its critics on capitol
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hill of pushing on a quote, "politically motivated ban that'll do nothing to advance the national security of the united states." >> back to you later, jonathan. the new republican majority plan to demand testimonies as they prepare to launch investigations into the administration handling covid-19 pandemic and its origins. kevin corke is live with more. >> good evening, reports of strong indications that covid-19 could be tied to china's biological weapon resurge program and that information was released in a minority staff report by members of the the house permanent select committee on intelligence. contrary to the implementation of the ic
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declassified report based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non public information, we conclude that there are indications that covid may have been tied to china's by logical weapons research program and spilled over to the human population. >> what it means is washington and the country needs to buckle up and prepare for a steady stream of investigations and witness and expert testimonies and andand some recommendations criminal indictments. >> we want to talk to any government employees that had any roles in making implications impacting our dollars. >> gain of function, be sure to
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remember that, you will hear it a lot next month. one of the questions remained, house lawmakers should have known the lab leak was not a conspiracy theory but highly likely and who knew or should have known it was likely tied to gain of function research, funded in part by the u.s. government. republicans think they know the answer. >> i think the key lesson learned that dr. fauci misled the country and he did so right from the get-go. it is bad enough when you have the truth and you don't share it but what's worse is when you have the truth and you say things that directly contradict it. >> the white house insists it is still in the process of studying the origin while simultaneously fighting variant strains that continue to threaten the homeland. for what is worse, if called, dr. fauci will stand
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bebehind bebe and answer questions if he's called. >> kevin corke, thank you. >> so with the bill to ban tiktok on u.s. government devices now headed to the house, let's get some insights with our news buster, curtis, great to have you on. here is what marco rubio said of banning of tiktok and i will get your thoughts on the other side. watch. >> i want to tiktok for simple reason, they allow the chinese communist party to gain access to all private data on any advices americans used related tiktok. >> there is evidence supporting that. >> it is pretty simple, i think people can go watch dog videos and get recipes some where else. the excuse for tiktok that this
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how all social media operates. well, they're not own by china. they would have to turn over to user data in a moment instance. fcc member, bernie carr calling it digital fentanyl. that's exactly right. they have not only the contacts but the texts and the images in videos and everything that's on your clipboard and they're building profiles just like they build pro profiles of their own citizens. >> you have cnn over there, oliver d'arcy, he says the following is not unb usual. the headline is banned tiktok, how republicans are playing to the physical examination news crowd with the tax on social media but he goes in and says the following here. none of this is to say there are not real issues with tiktok related to data privacy protections and it is all powerful algorithm where
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small tweets could influence the public's discourse on a number of subjects. so, yeah, tiktok is bad but not as bad as fox news makes it out to be. come on. >> right, exactly. it is just absolutely ludicrous, leave it to former brian stelter and former conservative reporter to make an argument. the network had spent time on it, abc and nbc spent 14 minutes the last month on this, unlike taking this quite seriously, even though they themselves still have tiktok accounts. as my friend matthew have said, bike dance and santa claus seemed to have a lot in common. something the mainstream media wants to take a look at. it is a threat to all americans and a threat to free speech and transparency as well. >> you talk about whether they
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are going to cover for something or not. i am wondering if republicans do go out and invite these 51 intel people or had the hallmark russian information, do you think cnn covers that or msnbc covers that, or do they let it go with the rest of the twitter files. >> yeah, it is a great question. given the bipartisan nature of unanunanimous vote tonight, yo see real bipartisanship, if someone watching the white house's press briefing, karine jean-pierre, can't go back. if it is as serious as dr.
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yellen say it is, they should look to take actions themselves. the president claims to be a bipartisan president, this should be a popular move among the american people and for those that are not aware of this, hearings would be a great opportunity for republicans and the media to educate the american public about what's going on. because with are outraged with the nsa and wikileaks about a decade ago. >> sure. >> the outrage level would be the same if more americans found out about what tiktok had been up to. >> >> >> >> >> >> r >p >> ci >> >> >> >> >> >> r curt >> thank you. some of our competitors started to cover the border. when i say started to cover, i mean yesterday. here is msnbc. >> in el paso, they just don't have the resources the deal with
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this many migrants. >> is what they say in el paso? interesting because they actually been saying that in el paso for 23 months. we know because we have been at the border everyday for 23 months. maybe when california governor gavin newsom decided to visit the border this week, the other network thought hey, is there something going on there? even cnn is mentioning the border. >> the white house is covering the story for some time now. >> has this person who's been covering the border for some time then covering it in a studio in d.c. like that because that's how joe biden runs the border from d.c. common sense knows full well. the only way msnbc and cnn had been tracking border activity is by watching bill tracking the border activity. the federal reserve is back
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at it racing the interest level, that means your christmas credit card balance is about to get higher. ashley is live in new york with more bad numbers. >> if you do the entire number of christmas, you better have a full wallet because it is going to be empty by the end of it with a 10.5% increase, a total of $45,000. while the white house is celebrating the latest data on inflation, the higher costs are still crushing american families right now, right before the christmas holiday. white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre is pressed on this. here is part of her response. >> we know the president had been doing a lot of work of getting that gas prices down. we have seen that fall about $1.25. millions of americans are going
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to save 100 bucks because of the work the president had done and the reduction act. >> 44% of voters think biden's actions on inflation are hurting them. only 26% say he's helping and 28% say they see no difference. americans feel the way of reckless spending everyday from washington. >> every month when american families sit down to pay their bills, they feel the crushing weight of inflation. and the out of control spending from washington that's driving that inflinflation. they know everyh as they look into the future of their family that the future economic security is at threat and at risk as a result of the out-of-control spending. >> inflation making it the fifth consecutive month, it is inflicting pain for everyday americans and places like the grocery stores up to 12% compares to this time a year
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ago. t agoago. the latest numbe some hopes for relief but it will not return to those normal levels until the end of next year, trace. >> yes, ashley, we'll get back to you a little bit later. let's bring in our political panel, the rural voter institute, isaac wright and our chief communication officer, mark lauder. welcome, gentlemen. >> isaac, have you been helped binbin binbin bin binomirb bi p by p by biden's economic administration. >> the president keeps on taking tt trtp t t rtp the victory la
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do not feel it at all. >> look joe biden helped pass the democratic congress, pass the chips act to not only start manufacturing micro chips in america again, to free up the supply chain issues but also to reimport jobs and bring jobs back home to america where we can make things here again and i think as we see more and more of those effects taken place, we'll see more and more of the credit going to the people who did it. the people working to bring jobs and manufacturing back to our country. >> i don't know, mark, i would go back to what ashley was saying. when you look at 7.1% inflation, it is kind of like touting that i got hit by a car instead of an suv. it does not feel like there is a lot of difference because people out there are spending a whole bunch of money. >> now, they really are. when we look at this over the could you rephrase the entire biden administration and just under
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two-year, their rate of inflation is nearly double that of all four years under president trump. when you look at daily life, gas, electricity and groceries and bread and milk, up 10%. eggs are up 50% or more. there is a reason why four out of five americans say the economy is either going not so well or poor. but, those are not good numbers for joe biden. >> the number two question, the fox news polling is ron desantis verses former president trump, there you have the numbers. we have got it, 52% for ron desantis and 38% for the former president. are you surprised at that, mark? >> no, i am not surprised but i don't think it means anything. i went back and looked in the 2016 cycle in december of 2014 where we are right now, you had huckabee and ron paul with the top getters in the polls two
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years out. it does not mean anything right now. we'll see where things go once everyone starts to get into the race and we are 13 months away from the first vote. >> i find it interesting and the headline is people do not want biden or trump to run in 2024. when voters were asked if trump should run in 2024, the answer was no. president biden faired just as poorly among registered voters. over 60% did not want him to seek reelection compares to 23% who would like him to run. isaac, your thoughts on that? >> president biden delivered for america, we are in a tough economic crisis right now that americans are feeling. that's why you see the hard work and focus from the biden administration to move the country forward and restore our economy. >> >> people don't want to see
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him run again means what? >> joe biden is the leader of our party just like donald trump is the leader of the republican party, if that's the matchup in the near future, i think democrats are going to come back on top again. >> yeah, we talked about who and if they don't run. i want to put these on the board here. these are the leading picks and here is the percentage votes they have now. pete buttigieg, 5% and gavin newsom, 4%. kamala harris, 3%. and senator elizabeth warren, 2%. nobody is resonating outside of the people. i will give you ten seconds to wrap us up. >> talk about a bad b-team. that's one of the reasons why joe biden to run because his negative mind on most of the 20 mayor policies and minus ten overall. it is not working. >> mark and isaac, thank you both. breaking tonight by a vote of
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of 224-201. the house of representatives stopped the spending bill to avoid a shutdown for the next five days. the package heads to the senate for consideration on thursday, full passage would give lawmakers until next friday, december 23rd to craft and pass a long-term spending bill. senators held a hearing one day after federal prosecutors announced charges against sam brbp brbp rbp babankman brbp brbp rbp ba babankman fs what happens to the company. >> we'll be back here again soon when the next one blows up is the lack of regulations. it is unregulated and and wild west. it will go on and on. the definition of madness.
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>> freed was arrested in the bahamas the night before he was scheduled to testify before the hearing. another night of se severe weather sweeping the south in alabama and funnel clouds tore through luisana. thousands still without power in the area tonight. we'll keep you posted on the breaking news. >> what is long and a happy life? a 170-year-old woman is ready to reveal the secret. it had something to do with a night
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when your cat's hungry, you definitely know. when he wants your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying “ow” in different ways. it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere. but cats are really good at hiding their pain, so you just need to know what to look for. visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help.
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while most republicans and some democrats expressed big concerns with the biden administration of burden requirements and post on charter schschools. every single democ voted no. let's bring in our education panel, and our corey deangelis, thank you gentlemen for coming on, we appreciate it. we know coming into charter school, they spendless and get better results. i want to put this up. the president called for banning some types of charter schools out right and
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increasing regulations for others and giving school boards dominated bide union allies more power to block their expansion. unions don't really want these charter schools at all, corey. >> yes, look, the biden administration and the democrats and the senate today are essentially waging war on families who benefit from charter schools. all across the nation, nces data, they support low income students and students who are non-white. these schools perform better in a deviation increase in mathewsing charter schools. there are an over a million of students on the wait list, desperate for more opportunities when it comes to public charter schools and you had the teachers union getting a kick back with these regulations protecting the schools they staff, the government-run institutions. >> you are from an under served
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area. you know this whole game better than anybody and teacher unions and he's right when he says the numbers that i looked into these charter schools showing most times better results than public schools and better spent. >> california is a little different. locally school boards direct oversight with charter approval. the larger debate is about accountability. schools, traditional public schools are overseeing by locally elected boards. charter schools are governed by non-profit organizations. i have no issues with respect to quality and a vigorous competition when taxpayers' dollars are involved, it has to be a high pressure of accountability. that's paramount and essential. >> i don't know if accountability should come from the teachers union. that's the whole thing. this is terry carter, she's a home school and she's got kids in texas, she said the following here. listen to this and we'll get your response.
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>> they have done really well. the advances in reading have been amazing. i mean my first graders, twins, they are reading way above their grade level. it is just phenomenal. they are actually moving through it so fast that they're going to complete it before the end of the grade year and they'll actually move up to the next level. >> you look at these numbers, corey, and you see these public schools are hemorrhaging kids because the grades are lower and the standards are lower and they expect to get better results somehow. home schooling seemed to be an option. you look at these private schools and the catholic schools in our town, they said they just don't have the room. that's how many kids want out of public schools. >> charter schools are for families and government-run schools get more money. charter schools shutdown. charter schools are to families and parents know and care more about their kids' educational needs than other needs of bureaucrats
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sitting in the office hundreds of miles away. we felt decades of learning loss when the government runs schools since 2019 when the latest scores came out early this year. the catholic schools didn't lose any grounds at all academically. they were opened during the pandemic period because they know they have to cater to the needs of customers or they would have to close down for good if families were to take their money elsewhere. > >> what do you make of t? do you believe the idea that home schooling may be beneficial for kids who are unhappy in public schools sns. >> the gentleman makes a distinction to charter and government. >> they are privately funded. >> no. >> for the most part, they are privately funded. >> charter are publicly funded and have to be held accountable
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with respect to home school. home schooling accelerated during the pandemic because charter as well as traditional public schools simply did not provide a measure of remote learning as well as to shutdown and etcetera, so we have to look at this and look at it the totality. >> interesting. go ahead, corey. >> >> r pr p >> parents votedt to home schooling and charter schools are defined as public schools in every state that i have seen including in california. they seen an increase of 7% in enrollment. over the pandemic period, something happened, and families woke up and started to run away from the traditional public schools. those schools lost about 3% of the population. families are voting with their feet towards charter schools and you had the senate, democrats voting against it. >> corey, got to go. >> thank you, gentlemen.
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we'll continue this conversation. well, first up in tonight's crime round up. an elderly woman tried to board a bus when a man kicked her on the floor and she was taken to the hospital. a white car pulled up to an intersection and a gunman jumped from the backseat and shot two men on the street with a semiautomatic gun. he hit them several times and killed them both. he got back in the car and his unknown accomplice drove off. in houston, police are looking for these two men who robbed a sushi restaurant at gunpoint. they threatened employees and stole about $3,000 in cash and other items. a drunk driver in seattle cras crascras crascrashed is hi he drove into the family's room, leaving the christmas tree and stockings relatively unscathed. nobody got hurt but the driver is in jail. in california, scott peterson who killed his wife and
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unmourned son back in 2002. we have to wait a little longer to find out if he gets a new trial. the judge delayed the proceeding because of a clerical error. his attorney claims the juror lied on the questionnaire and biassed against him. more than a month now since four university students were brbrutally murdered. tonight t latest on potential suspects and motives and a murder weapon with our senior correspondent, laura ingraham. >> as the hunt for the killer or killers hitting a 30-day mark this week. moscow and idaho continue to keep their information tightly under wraps. police are opening up as to what the first initial hour were like when investigators responded to the crime scene. the four were all found brutally stabbed to
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death. >> they were standing outside and a lot of crying and there were friends trying to find out who was inside the house and some family members arrived on the scene. >> moscow police captain roger lener telling fox, what seems like a lack of information, police are continuing to work this complex case around the clock. meanwhile, now two new video clues surfaced. a closer look at police body cam video of an unrelated stop of the morning of the murders revealed several people walking in the area around 3:00 a.m. who could have helped provide information. detectives are looking at surveillance video taken from a near by gas station where a clerk saw a white sedan passing by around the time of the murders. an attorney hired by the family voiced frustration of lack of information in the case, tells fox digital that he met with police and local officials
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to repair what he called increasingly strange relationships saying the discussion focused on accountability and communication. trace. >> laura, thank you. don't get pulled over for speeding in florida. the officer may be a mean one, mr. grinch. >> if you need help shovelling your drive way? dog gone it, we ar arare on it. the day's best videos is coming up.
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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got a burst of energy but went crazy when he saw the christmas tree. >> it may lead to a funny meme. a driver from illinois, the driver captioned the video, when do you want to think outside the box but the box is also protecting me. >> > >> a deputy came u catchy way to slow down. first, he dressed up as the grinch. traffic ticket or an onion. most took the onions. if you are going over five miles per hour ove oveove oveover the speed li double hate. polar bears, they also enjoy playing in the snow and making snow angels like the rest of us. this bear at the utah zoo
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definitely had a good time rolling around in ten inches of it. do you know polar bears can thrive in cold environment because of small ears and tail preventing heat loss. you will learn something during these videos. the lava fully from hawaii has stopped, the world's largest volcano erupted on november 27th after being quiet for nearly four decades. its smaller volcano also stopped after it erupted in september of last year. and if you have a viral video to share, hit me up @trace gallagher or @foxnewsnight on social media. now, there is a gripping new documentary about the volcano rescued coming to netflix on friday. let's bring in our director rory kennedy. it is great to have you on here. i
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remember reading the article about this. it was just fascinating and that really is kind of the basis for this document which is a remarkable story. >> that's how i learned about this volcano as well from that amazing article that alex perry did and outside magazine and i found that quite gripping. i was really struck by how people on this remote island responded in the wake of this unexpected eruption. there were 47 people on the island who were visiting it as well as a handful of guides who were there on unexpected event and they were really remote. it was left the them to get out of the situation. >> and it is amazing. i want to play a small clip from this rory and i will get your reaction on the other side. watch this. >> i thought this is it, we are going to die our on honeymoon. >> all my clothes.
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>> the authorities. >> nothing was an option. >> we are going to do it ourselves. >> making sure i am safe? >> we are getting off this island now. >> i know there is a lot now, the theme is the people on the eye island were on their own. the first responders would not come and do it because they thought it was too dangerous and so you had these private, these people came in and these helicopter pilots came in and says we are going in after these people. talk about that a little bit. >> well, that was one of the reasons i wanted to tell this story is in the phase of a tragic event. many people died and many people are scarred for life literally as a result of what happened here. to me it is also a story of heroes and everyday heroes, very inspiring story of helicopter pilot coming in on their own and seeing this event and getting in on their
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helicopter and going straight into the eye of the storm to save people as well as the people who were on the island and surrounding it in the boats, who decided to turn back around and help each other. i think we are all seeing an increase in these huge weather and climate-related events and to be on the front lines of something like this and really see what happens and how much we need each other in the face of mother nature, i think is quite time li as the story. >> i wonder where you kind of pick it up, rory, as you watched this documentary. was it minute by minute, did you pick it up in the aftermath? i know you had some really great footage that was actually taken by the people on the island, where did you decide to kind of begin telling your story? >> yeah, well, this is very much a minute-by-minute account of people going to the island and
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having high expectations of this beautiful place and seeing an active volcano, pretty close up and of course the unexpected happens. it looks as what happens in the immediate aftermath of this eruption, we had a lot of footage that's never been seen before audio recordings that had never been shared before. i think my hope was to help people understand what it was like for these people to go to this island and to have this eruption happened and do what they can to escape and survive. >> yeah, just kind of watching some of the images on the right hand side of the screen while you're talking there. this really does look to be an extraordinary, compelling documentary, rory kennedy. thank you for coming on. "rescue from whakaari," drops on netflix on friday. thank you.
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i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key.
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we are back with tonight's cast crew. some of the secrets to living a long life. there is a woman in florida, she's 107-year-old and our affiliate down there in florida, not quite sure where got some interview with her and he said the following, watch. >> just to stay happy. >> that's the most important. >> she's 107-year-old, kevin corke, and he gets up and dresses up for work everyday and she says you just got to stay happy. my question to you is what is the secret you think from you and your family to happiness to a long life? >> i love that perspective because i believe if you are
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positive, for some reason it does lift you up even past the downside. i agree with her. for my family, the number one thing t trtpthat believes lead to a life is take it easy. whatever you are going through, you will be fine. >> this woman they said they asked her, what do you want want to do and she says i don't want to do anything. >> ashley, what's the key to happiness. >> as long as my family is healthy, it makes me happy. it is going to be a long, he will my life. >> the key of happiness, makai ali. >> living. >> i am the guy that sets you out and buying you a glass of wine. >> that's the key to happiness. >> a good glass of wine with trace gallagher. >> my thing is you got to feel
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relevant, that's what keeps you going, here you go. >> the bourbon. >> and scotch, it is a night cast of the most annoying christmas song of all time. give me a guess. >> "little drummer boy," it is not on the list. >> "wonderful christmas time," paul mccartney. >> let me check the list. >> oh, it is. it is number nine. ashley, can you crack the top three four or five most annoying christmas songs. >> i don't know the name of it, it is that alvin and the chipmunks. >> that's number two. the chipmunk song, also known as the "christmas don't be late" by alvin and the chipmunks. kevin
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corke. >> "all i want for christmas" wwith mariah carey and d-marti which i love and "baby it is cold outside." >> jonathan and makai and jonathan and ashley, thank you for watching, america's late news. fox news at night. i am trace gallagher, los angeles. same day repaired and with their insurance, it was no cost to them, that service, the way you need is we pay here safe , like replace ship station saves us so much time. >> it makes it really easy and seamless. pecking order everything you need, slap the label on the box and it's ready to go. our cost for shipping in like we're cut in half just like that. go to ship station .com tv and get two months free at
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the stratosphere. gisele. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, in the summer of 2020 mobs of joe biden voters destroyed big parts of the city of minneapolis. they looted stores. they burned a police station. they murdered people. >> but they did this. we were informed at the time in the name of something called racial justice. >> but then we saw that some of the mob turned out to be privileged white kids, the children of lawyers from bethesda. but they sai
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