tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 14, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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the stratosphere. gisele. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, in the summer of 2020 mobs of joe biden voters destroyed big parts of the city of minneapolis. they looted stores. they burned a police station. they murdered people. >> but they did this. we were informed at the time in the name of something called racial justice. >> but then we saw that some of the mob turned out to be privileged white kids, the children of lawyers from bethesda. but they said they are rioting
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on behalf of so-called marginalized communities. they were working for racial justice. >> and because of that, they couldn't be punished for what they did. nor, by the way, were they required to wear covid masks like the rest of us . that's how wholly their mission was. they're exempt from the normal laws of civilization. >> kamala harris raised money for them like they were missional. you probably remember that. but do you recall what happened next in minneapolis? that's the part of the story. the media had no interest in covering, and they never do the iron law of liberal social activism is that you never revisit the scenes of your moral victories. you give a speech declaring yourself a good person and you go home. you don't return to selma or soweto or ferguson, missouri, to see how the people there are doing, because it's not about those people. >> it's about you and your newly enhanced moral authority, which is instantly convertible to political power and cash. as barack obama. but in the spring of 2020 one , one reporter decided to break
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with protocol and go back to minneapolis. a year later, he wanted to see what racial justice had done for the city. his name is michael tracy . and as you can imagine, he writes for substory, not the new york times. one night. >> well, tracy was in minneapolis. a man walked into somali owned convenience store and murdered the clerk. tracy wanted to know why that happened. so we started to interview people in the neighborhood and one of them told him this, quote, african-americans are hunting somalis in minneapolis. why is that? well, because, quote, they believe somalis are getting special favors from the government. you surprised to hear that? you should not be surprised, because when government creates a spoils system based on wraith race and ethnicity and our government certainly has done that, division and violence are the inevitable outcomes. that is true always and everywhere. that fact never changes. and liberals for many decades used to pretend to understand that that's why they opposed
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jim crow and the nuremberg laws . >> but at some point, and it would be interesting to know precisely when and why liberals enthusiastically embraced the racial spoils system they once claim to hate. >> this is unfolding across the country, but it's especially prevalent in places liberals control. the more power liberals have, the more sweeping and rigid the race based spoil system they create. in california, of course, they have absolute power. and that's why the government of san francisco has just announced they will send you money if you have the right skin color. >> more cities and counties in the bay area are starting guaranteed income programs for the most vulnerable people in their communities. the silicon valley guaranteed income pilot programs, as it will target people of color, undocumented and mixed status families and women led households, 150 families will get one thousand dollars a month for two years with no strings attached. >> the most vulnerable people
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in the community. >> if you're the most vulnerable person in the community, you get a thousand dollars a month. >> but that specifically does not include the homeless guy in the park on fentanyl. if he's white, if he's white, he can die because he's white. even if he's dying, he's by definition not vulnerable. california now has many programs like this. the state has now proposed reparations program for the descendants of . it seems simple, but there's a problem with it. how do you know who qualifies for reparations? it's been a long time. it's been more than one hundred and fifty years since slavery and americans have made a lot of babies since then. and many of them are interracial. so at this point, there are plenty of white people in america who are descended from . there are plenty of black people in america who are descended from slave owners. that's just true. so how do you know who qualifies for government reparations? well, of course, there's only one way to find out. and it's old fashioned race,
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race science. so the state will have to certify the racial purity of its citizens in order to send the money that's going to have to happen. do we really want to go there? do we really want to do that? amazingly, liberals really do. >> the city of san francisco just fired its elections director , a man called john arnst, because he's white. i'm guessing at that. the president of san francisco's election commission, chris doneck, confirmed that was the reasoning. and we're quoting our decision. he said to the man who was fired was not about your performance. but after twenty years, we wanted to take action on the city's racial equity plan and give people an opportunity to compete for a leadership position fired for his skin color. >> aren't we against that? didn't we have a civil rights movement to stop that? and by the way, in this specific case, the guy who got fired, john arnst, single handedly ended widespread corruption and incompetence in san francisco's election. he had the job for two decades. they used the ballot boxes
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turning up regularly in the san francisco bay. >> that was fraud. he stopped it, but his skin color was the problem. the shade of his skin was more offensive to liberals in san francisco. than fraudulent elections. now, there was an outcry over this, and anse ultimately got his job back . >> but the city of san francisco, the government, not just the people, the government still endorses the idea of punishing people based on their skin color. the city of san francisco has launched a separate guaranteed income program, this one for, quote, pregnant black women. it pays up to a thousand dollars a month. and that program got more than five million more in state funding. so it's expanding now to los angeles, riverside, contra costa county, alameda, the left wing group expecting justice just put together this promo for the program, which many people don't realize this. but here in san francisco, black and pacific islander women have a significantly more risk of maternal mortality, infant mortality and pregnancy complications than other people.
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and people also don't realize that this risk is primarily due to racism, both structural racism and the racism that birthing people and mothers experience when they're interacting with physicians and other medical providers. >> so that is every word of it, a racist lie. there's precisely no evidence that structural racism exists in this country against the community she's talking about and none whatsoever that it causes higher infant mortality. there's no science whatsoever. that's, again, a racist lie. but more to the point, nobody says birthing people should ever be in charge of handing out money to mothers, much less taxpayer's money. but of that's happening. and that tells you, well, this is a grift. this is a scam designed to shunt money from people who make it to people who vote for the right party. and that's why sheila jackson lee recently demanded billions of dollars of reparations because that, she said, would have been a much better way to deal with covid.
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>> interestingly, a recent peer review study from harvard medical school, harvard medical school, suggests that reparations for african-americans could have cut covid-19 transmission and infection rates, both among blacks and the population at large . >> so she's obviously a fringe character and easy to make fun of. but it wasn't just sheila jackson lee. that was the official position was the prevailing view of the democratic party in 2020. vote for us and we'll give reparations based on skin color as opposed to be able to form a coalition of society, have to do reparations. when i 20% bill . yes. what did you say? i firmly support congresswoman
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jackson lee's bill to create commission to study reparations. >> would you sign a bill through reparations? >> yes, i would. i already support that there everything is that we need to do in this country that have been all in line to having one of those is to move forward with reparations. so, again, it's hard to overstate just how crazy and divisive that is in order for that to work in practice, you would have to take people's blood and figure out what percentage they were of one race or the other, maybe measure their heads. >> you would wind up with race science, with racial purity, tests. and no decent person wants to live in a country where the government does that. it's obviously a dead end in a terrible idea. and it would, of course, promote violence and division. so that's a nonstarter when you think about it. but joe biden decided he was going to get around a national debate on reparations simply
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by doing it, throwing it in the farm bill . >> biden, right after he took office, allocated billions of dollars in farm aid based on race, just on race. a judge thankfully shut that down, but they didn't slow down in their effort to create a racial spoil system. they don't care about what it is to the country. so kamala harris suggested that certain communities based on their skin color deserve faster hurricane response. >> so there's an entire civil rights department at the justice department, a division designed to stop the government from rewarding or punishing people on the basis of skin color. >> that was the whole point of the civil rights movement. but they're doing nothing. of course, they're encouraging it because democrats run the government. so as a result, california launched yet another basic income program, this time for trans people. really, how is that going to work? how do you prove you're trans? can anyone even define what that means? no, but here's san francisco supervisor rafael mandrel.
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been bragging about how much taxpayer money london bried give to people for being trans every single year, this woman comes forward with groundbreaking and unprecedented investments in people in the most vulnerable people. she focuses on the transgender community and she's talked about some of it. universal basic income in san francisco unpeg precedented investments directed at un trans folks, the most vulnerable people, really. how are we measuring vulnerability when a view supports and celebrates your existence every single day? when every fashionable person in america post tributes to you on social media every week? >> how vulnerable are you? >> let's get right to it. let's measure that by household income. >> is the household income of the average trans person in america higher or lower than it
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is on, say, an indian reservation? hmm. is it higher or lower than it is in, say, rural iowa? and by the way, what is transgender on the current application in san francisco? there are ninety seven different gender options available in rather nineteen orientations. these include romantic demi, dyker, pansexual, same gender loving and scolinos . so at this point, probably not going to get california back into the realm of functional insane. twenty years from now. that will be a deeply poor state presided over by a small group of incredibly rich people. every normal person of all colors will have left and moved to florida, probably no fixing it at this point. they'll be cutting the redwood forest, selling them for money. you know exactly where this is going. look at bolivia. but what can the rest of us and the other forty nine states learn from what's happening in california? victor davis hanson has spent his life there. his family's been there for
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generations. he's with the hoover institute. >> we're happy to have him join us now. professor, thanks so much for coming on . >> it seems to me that once you go down this path where government decides certain races or certain orientations are better than others, like, how do you fix that? >> i don't think you do. you're like the former yugoslav and financially wants something that's not sustainable. it's not sustainable. what do you outline? tucker was predicated on three things. one was silicon valley's big money infusions, and now they're laying off people and companies are fleeing because of the regulatory atmosphere. 45% of the latino the population is latino. many of them are upwardly mobile. they're not allies. and some rainbow coalition with the 5% are african-american. they're against reparations and many of them are starting to become more conservative. >> and the so-called white middle class and upper middle class entrepreneurial class is leaving the rate of
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three hundred thousand a year. and that's why we have the highest taxes, income among the highest sales, the highest gas taxes, and yet we're having twenty five billion shortfall, these types of programs. so it's not sustainable. and i don't know how you you stop it. there's no way i can foresee it stopping it, because this is just the veneer. i mean, we rate and the bottom 10 percent of schools, we have the highest property crime rates in the country. in san francisco, we have one third of the nation's welfare recipients, 40% of the homeless. 21% living below the poverty level. >> and we have about 40% of the illegal aliens in the nation. so it's all been a gravy train fed by silicon valley money and upper middle class 1% paid 50% of the income tax. and it's coming to a close. >> they're running out of money. i mean, i wonder if they know that. i mean, you'd hate to see them
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get to a point where they have to sell the state's natural resources to keep going to have to sell tahoe to arizona. but it seems like they're on an express train to that place. >> does anybody in leadership understand this? no. i think they'd rather be ideologically correct and broke than be prosperous and incorrect. because we're sitting on some of the largest gas and oil deposits, the 50 states . we have the richest agricultural sector in the world. we have enormous resources and timber and mining. we're not using any of it. that's all off limits. and we're trying to destroy the agricultural sector by cutting off the water. we haven't reinvested in this once wonderful infrastructure or aqueducts, lakes, freeways, got this high speed rail, 15 billion dollar boondoggle. looks like stonehenge covered with graffiti on unfinished that they don't want to do what would save them. and they're going over the cliff like lemmings. >> yeah, and i wish you were
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wrong that you would know. >> and i think you're right, victor davis hanson, i wish i true. it's tragic. i think, you know, it is tragic. great to see you tonight. >> so why degrade us military? it's like the one institution most americans are really proud of, really love without reservation in an ingenuous, sweet way. but the leaders of the u.s. military, not the enlisted ranks, but the people in charge, are going out of their way to embarrass the institution at every opportunity. why are they doing that? you probably seen the latest images of a us army colonel who posted pictures of himself in uniform wearing bandages, gear. this colonel also uploaded pictures that appear to have taken inside us military installations. the pictures have it online for a long time. so we reached out to the military about this. you'd think they'd have a response by now, but of course, they don't. they told us this, quote, the u.s. army pacific is aware of the content found on social media reflecting soldiers activities were wearing uniforms. the incident is currently under investigation. >> right. meaning nothing will ever
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happen. they'll protect this guy just as a protected army. major chris schilling, who used his position at a military base to scare the hell out of a mother on facebook for dissenting from the approved narrative. nothing ever happened to him. the only person we are aware of in the entire u.s. military who's been punished was one patriotic marine officer who said, wait a second, this afghanistan pullout is a disaster. and of course, he went right to jail. >> amazing. well, one of the many things we learned about mike tyson is that he loves animals and doesn't just love them, but learns from them. amazing. told us about his tigers and what happens when you make the map. they walk by our deepest. oh, this is some guy they did out of contempt or love or why do they do that? sometimes you them off. sometimes they're doing jokes on you and they is what
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they were up to . make it any more . and it come from the back of our call. drop down, come back with the smell, the pass. >> oh, that man spent 14 years with two four hundred pound tigers in his bed on either side for real, and learned a lot more from the newsroom straight ahead. i don't own a single stock or bond. i know. i'm mr. armstrong. >> i know i'm called middle class joe lunchpail. joe middle class joe . the truth that these lifestyle is the opposite . the biden family amassed a fortune, as in comedy, with corruption. timing is everything. there's multitudes of evidence of criminal behavior by hunter. any time hunter had a business deal to do, joe , was the fbi intelligence agencies and the american news media.
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they simply decided we don't want the american people to know about. i have not taken any from any foreign source. >> the biden's got some thirty $1 billion from chinese businessmen hunter biden and joe biden had defrauded me. cfc was dismantled. the biden family made millions within hours of our story going lodge way to shut us down. you have to fight the cancer of corruption. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my biggest betting sale ever. just in time for christmas, get my giza dream bedsheets for as little as twenty nine ninety eight . a set of pillowcases. only nine ninety eight rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper for as low as ninety nine ninety nine . we also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. we even have blankets for your pets. get duvets quilts down, comforters, body pillows, boaster pillows and so much
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according to official tallies, kari lake lost her bid to become the next arizona governor by just over seventeen thousand votes. that's a tiny margin in a big state. now lake is suing the state's election officials. she says many ballots were not properly counted. she also says her opponent, then secretary of state kitty hobbs, worked illegally with big tech to sounds voters online. >> for the record, that appears to be true. lake is also citing widespread printer failures in maricopa county. also true, she says, they prevented people from voting. maricopa county claimed they couldn't stop anyone from voting, but has not responded further. we reached out to kitty hobbs's office and got no reply at all. >> carrie lee joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on . so maricopa county, as far as i understand it, does not deny
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that a huge number of printers didn't work on election day, but they're saying it had no effect. >> well, and it had a huge effect, obviously. tucker, are our voters were showing up on election day. that was no secret. and the minute the polls open, the wheels fell off the ballot. printers weren't working. there wasn't enough toner in the printers. the tabulators weren't working. it became a debacle. and a line started forming right away. some of the lines, three hours, four hours, five hours. and there's video of people walking out of line, people told us , and this is in our lawsuit, that they showed up. they couldn't even find parking because the parking lots were full and the lines were long and many people didn't even get to vote . and those who did vote when they went to get the printer out, the printer didn't have toner in it. so the the ballots weren't dark enough and our voters were showing up and voting three to one to four me on election day.
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we vote for a full month in arizona with early ballots. and on election day, when the republicans showed up, the election day, voting was sabotaged. and that's what our case is going to prove. it's a 70 page lawsuit that reads like a real crime novel. and it's shocking what they did. the man who runs maricopa county elections ran a pac. he actually started a pac raising thousands of dollars to defeat me. and he's running our elections. and then my opponent oversees all the elections in arizona. it was a conflict of interest and not only was katie hobbs working with big tech to censor people, the man who runs maricopa county elections, they were also censoring people as well online. >> i don't i don't think anyone denies that a lot of the voting machinery didn't work on election day. >> i mean, i don't think that's controversial point. that remains an observation. but weren't they tested all the day before? they are supposed to be tested, but they weren't tested.
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they weren't tested in the appropriate way and they didn't have the basics like toner in these machines. i mean, this is real basic stuff. it's not like we don't know when election day is . we can figure out when election day is from here to eternity. and they were not prepared. and we're we will have an expert testifying that this could not have happened by accident. there had to be malicious intent. we have an excellent court case and we had our first hearing yesterday and set up a time for our trial to begin. and it will be next tuesday. and we will be presenting a lot of evidence. we have four whistle blowers, one that worked for a company called runback, who said there were three hundred thousand ballots inserted into the into the system that had no chain of custody. others who were in the voter signature verification department said tens of thousands of ballots were rejected because there were no signatures or scribbles and they somehow got thrown in and counted anyways. there are a plethora of problems that went down in maricopa county.
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and if somebody doesn't stand up and say we can't have our elections being run this way, then we'll never have another fair election. i mean, 60% of the polling places on election day, we're in operational, nonfunctioning. when do we stop and say enough is enough, but we have to get to 80 percent, 90%, 100% when we say we need to have our elections run fair? i completely agree with you. and if you care about democracy, this would be the top of your list. i'm glad you're doing this. thank you for telling us about it tonight. good to see you. thanks, tucker. so atlanta isn't just any other city. >> it is what new york is to the northeast and los angeles's to the west. chicago is the midwest and denver is the mountain state. it's the hub of the entire region and it's a nice place. so if atlanta starts to fall apart, you should care. the murder rate in that city is up 78%. in just the last month, one of the victims was an elderly
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woman who was stabbed to death in a gated community during an attempted carjacking. >> there's a local news report from fox five in atlanta. family and friends of 77 year old ellen bowles say she had kind heart and a love for all living things. this man who they call a person of interest, seen on a neighbor's security video. >> we are really sad and we're particularly concerned about michael. >> you know, her son who who found her. michael bolls discovered his mom's body stabbed to death in her own garage. in this gated community on pace's west terrace over the weekend. her car , a black 2020 one lexus suv, was gone. so a lot of these crimes are taking place in the neighborhood. that pays a lot of the taxes in inland, the northern part of the city, it's called buckhead . buckhead has been thinking about leaving atlanta for quite some time. it's now announced plans to do that. but the state's lieutenant governor , jeff duncan , paused the buckhead city referendum bill to give the mayor time to fix the crime problem. is the mayor fix the crime problem? apparently, not.
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>> bill white is the chairman and ceo of buckhead city, georgia. >> he joins us tonight. mr. white, thanks so much for coming on . so they said they were going to make it better. it doesn't sound like they have made it better for the people of buckhead. >> no, sir. thank you. thank you for having us on. our heart goes out to eleanor bowles's family. and just about three weeks prior to that, chris everhard contractor was brutally murdered. both assailants were in the progress of robbing or committing crimes. one was being chased by apd, the atlanta police department. the other was being chased by the liquor store owner, called the police. the police didn't show up to pick him up. he went over a wall and stabbed beautiful eleanor bowles to death. the other man got in a car accident after apd didn't chase him and he went off and shot chris everhart, a fifty seven year old contractor, and stole his car as well. listen, crime is not down in
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buckhead and the mayor keeps coming into atlanta and he says when there's a murder, buckhead, hey, buckhead. crime is down. sit down, shut up. pay your taxes. and i'm telling you, the people of buckhead have had it. atlanta can no longer protect us , tucker. so we have no choice here. it's our only choice to stand up for ourselves and fight back . you know, the d.a. forni willis ,who's busy prosecuting someone we all know for a phone call with eighteen lawyers, didn't prosecute these two folks who killed both of those people. and they should have been in jail not being out to be able to kill these two beautiful souls. so we're fighting to get this bill passed. and we have a new lieutenant governor , byrd jones. we have a newly elected governor , brian kemp, a new speaker, john burns, and we're hoping that the bill will pass so we can vote next november 7th. and make buckhead safe , secure and independent in very short order where you do not have
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a moral obligation to pay for the corruption and violence of the city of atlanta, which hates you. you don't. and i think it will be the inspiration, the entire country, if you're able to pull this off and be your own city independence. >> there's nothing wrong with that. it's american. bill white, i godspeed. we are really rooting for you. thank you. thank you so much, tucker. god bless you, sir. you part two of our interview with mike tyson straight ahead. and greetings to you, thrill seekers conversation and music lovers all across the aisle before an optimistic fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting network.
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of my kids dream bed sheets. that's as low as twenty nine . ninety eight quantities are extremely limited at these amazing prices. so please order now. >> so many people are overweight now and asking themselves why can't i lose weight? for most the reason, insulin resistance and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. >> now there's a release from gola naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings and releases stubborn fat. all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet that actually works. >> golo .com to get yours. welcome back to live. i'm ashley strohmeyer in new york . police say the man accused of attacking house speaker nancy pelosi's husband also had several other high profile targets during a prelim hearing wednesday, an official with the san francisco police department said the suspects
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hit list included hunter biden, tom hanks and california governor gavin newsom as well. during the brutal attack, the suspect, mr. pelosi, in the head with a hammer, cracking his skull and borrowing money is getting even more expensive with the federal reserve raising its key interest rate wednesday for the seventh time this year, the fed issued a smaller half a point hike. this time with inflation showing signs of easing. the fed hopes high rates will help tame the worst inflation in four decades. i'm actually strohmeyer and i'm back to you, tucker carlson. >> tonight, show you the first part of our conversation with mike tyson last night. one the most interesting interviews we've ever done, but it got even better. mike tyson, it turns out, doesn't just love animals. he watches them really carefully and has learned a lot. he told us what it's like to live with two tigers on his bed and he told us how he felt about the men he faced off
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against in the ring. here's a hint. he wanted to kill them and he really meant it. here's part of the second half of our conversation with mike tyson from tucker carlson today. >> how did you feel about the guys you were in the ring with ? >> i wanted to kill them. well, i can tell you what. why did. i'm laughing nervously what? >> you really felt that way? yeah, how did you get yourself into a frame of mind where you wanted to kill them? >> you think about who i am. i don't want to go back to them. i don't want to i don't want to be in that poverty state of mind anymore. and from a physical perspective, i don't want to be stuck in here. >> yeah. so do you sit and think about before or fight think about the guy you're fighting? >> absolutely. the more you hurt them now you go to life.
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this is my mentality. that's the more you hurt him, the more people love you. that's that's present tense and true. >> i guess. >> so when you knocked him out, you were satisfied. happy? oh, i want to say. >> oh, yeah, kind of. yeah. what don't you want to say? it wasn't good enough at that time in my life. wasn't good enough. >> you wanted to keep going to want to hear one of the questions. i don't want him to everything could be fear is like fire . >> if you know how to control it keeps us all warm. >> it feeds off. he's our food and everything. but if you let me get out of control to destroy you and everything around you, how do you. that's such a smart point. how do you how do you keep it in this box where it's the nuclear reactor that fuels you, but it's not the forest fire that general. >> i don't know. i was program i could be in a room with a bunch of really bad and you make a set of bad but very interesting people
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that i maybe shouldn't be able to leave that room. >> but it's just my projection i film and i projected with everyone else. have you in the years since those fights, have you stayed in touch with any of the guys you bought? holyfield, holyfield, with business partners and fauci gummy business. >> and in all the all the marijuana stuff, pretty much do with the bites. mike , bith part of holyfield that was missing. we will come out with that. and we've been very successful with that. and i'm so happy that he's going to . this is what i say. all right, listen, we're the only fighters in the history of the world. they'll get paid to fight. >> twenty five years. know who who's doing. do you still tiggers know i have little kids. if i didn't have kids, just me and him, we would. >> so when your kids grow old, you're going to have tigers'. i'm not really i'm not going
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to be strong enough to handle them. you've got to got to be tough with them some time. >> really? yeah. they understand. listen, not to tie as much. could they get offended. you get depressed when you reprimand them. billions of dollars. hey, hey. get over here. it's like dogs, cheetahs to cheetah the cheetahs bark. >> they don't really care a priority by the bark the most kept some cat in the dog family . really. so a cheetah behaves like a dog if a cheetah. >> and i'm in the lion tigers and . but you can tell what to do. and that tag somebody that jumps to come chill out with you. paglen, i like this one . hang out with you. alone. >> they don't wanna be friends and no one else. is it dangerous? >> i have friends over and you got tigers. i normally don't have them in the cage when the friend come over, do you? >> so you you're saying as you get older and you become less
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aggressive, the cats can smell that. >> yeah. they need they now listen, they have to be put in place. the tiger knows you have to be put in this place and you're able to put them in this place, will put you in your place. >> so you've got to be the custommade out of his mind. absolutely. and it doesn't have to be brutal, right? you have to be blue elephant. >> you can teach these cats right. to teach them. but very few, like only half percent, could be trained. you can't, tamo, you could train with can tamo by half a percent. what's the difference? well, if you if you train them, they do tricks for you. hang out with . they do this. i put them away. yeah. you know, but when you, you haven't really them they in the bed with you you can do that. yeah. well yeah but i didn't have bad tigers in my bed and i had two of them in bed. that's one . they don't go well together. you then bed. >> they want to get close. mike lindell you got to find the pound cat fight me. oh. he's got to roll to the floor. he roll on the floor the fight and i want to get close
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with them. >> want to get a fight. >> how do you break up a tiger. i don't know. i mean it's one without when they run to me to try to get behind me, this guy comes. yeah, it's like 3:00 in the morning in your bedroom. >> it's a fight with no, i don't think i can handle that. >> i don't think i could. he's i know before i used to happen to their first born, they slept with me hanging out with me. and this never happened before. never had never thought about bringing love. they come upstairs, they hang out. but listen, if before i give them the list, the whole house ,you have to leave. yeah. they thought, oh, god , oh, i have to get the whole house. >> you're flushed out, man. why is so. >> oh, man, you can do things we think you might do the nuclear bomb or something that you can't breathe. >> oh the mask. yeah.
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they're spraying that stuff everywhere. >> listen and if you're not careful then they do this to you and then i walk by patti to . >> oh this is definitely some they did. out of contempt or love or why do they do that. sometimes you them off, sometimes they doing jokes on you and is what they were able to leg in a war pow. >> and it comes from the back. they come down and then they drop down, come back part and the smell of the . oh, oh it's really strong man. >> you listen and you don't have nothing on that really. well you campath out and you got a team and when they do it listen it comes out like a pop boom, the tail goes up by boom . hit you. what can you dove in the smell . the smell is worse than
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how long did you have big cats in your house. fourteen years. thirteen. is that when people came in i took them to the key to the cage where they went around stuff. >> did you ever worry you were going to get bitten? i should have been, but my ego ,i got the big mothers under control. i didn't talk to me and try to jump on me. you have that idea. but you have to show them respect. you shouldn't be your show respect to these animals. you fenice got to kill them, love them, stroke them all that's got. >> she'll love that whole second half interview with mike tyson comes out tomorrow on fox nation. you can stream part one right now. >> so tiktok isn't just a social media app. it's a tool of the chinese government for propaganda and also spying. we put up with this. senator marco rubio of florida says, no, we shouldn't. not for one more minute joins
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update on joe biden's nonbinary dress wearing kleptomaniacs. underwear stealing nuclear waste. >> officials in britain now you may recall. how could you forget the print was busted stealing ladies luggage from two different airports and subsequently let go for his weirdest fetish of all. >> now we want to bring you britain's mug shot. you can see it in your screen. he looks a little different without the lipstick, a little more menacing. >> put the lipstick back on, sam. brittany , you're freaking us out. so tiktok. turns out to be by far didn't know this. actually , the most popular social media app in the united states . but the problem is it's owned by a chinese company controlled by the chinese government and is for that reason a major security risk. not only does it disseminate propaganda hurts the country, it also apparently is used for spying. so the governments of a couple of states have already moved to block tock and government devices. now, a us senator from florida, senator marco rubio, has introduced legislation to ban
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tiktok. senator rubio joins us tonight. >> senator , thanks so much for coming on . so republicans conservatives are generally against banning private companies. >> tell us why we should ban tiktok, if you would. well, what we ban is our ability to make money in the country. and the reason is because it's basically a wholly owned subsidiary of the communist party of china. the one thing it's not about the content ultimately. i mean, we have free speech in this country. it's about how data that's on it is being used. so that's number one . some people would say to me, well, what do we care of? the chinese government has access to the data on the phone of a 16 year old teenager somewhere in america. it's not about the 60 teenager. it's about millions of 16 year old, 17 year old, 30 year old people that are on there dumping all kinds of data that the government of china gets access to a location, your pictures, your text to your consumer behavior, what the algorithm is learning from you. and then the other thing is and this is what's really stunning to me, the chinese tried to interfere in our midterm elections. they were putting out videos discouraging people, and they were using the algorithms to do
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this, discouraging people from voting on a bipartisan basis or nonpartisan basis. and that's why i tell people if tick-tock was a russian company ,there would be an fbi raid of their headquarters. at least they would be calling for it on the left. so i think everyone agrees are a privacy danger to america. to our national security. we shouldn't have the communist party of china having access to a treasure trove of american data that they can use to try to influence or divide us at the same time as they collect valuable information now and for the future. yeah, we banned our tea. i'm hoping you're going to get at least one democrat on your side on this. >> are you? i think we will . look, i think we have a lot of democrats support for the concern about it now. mark warner is the chairman of the intelligence committee. him and i sent a letter together asking the justice department and the intelligence agencies to speed up this review. but i don't think anything is going to come of it. i really don't i don't think at the end of the day that anything is going to come of the security review or that anything they do will take care of this problem. i think we have to begin with a very basic principle. companies under the control of the chinese communist party should not have access,
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unfettered access to the private data of millions, millions of americans that they can then use against us for espionage, for foreign policy, for division. >> thank you for saying that. so crisply. nicely put. i hope you'll keep saying it. senator marco rubio, florida, good to see you. thanks, tucker. >> thanks. so we're going to be issuing a very important and honestly heartfelt correction on our mayor. pete, private jet coverage turns out we were wrong. and we'll tell you how some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a family, where we experience the excitement of opening day, and it's where we caught our personal best in history. it all began this christmas start. traditions under your tree shop now for special savings
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>> boy, this is perfect. , or ready? >> no. sweet kid. let's go knock them now. however you celebrate to me is your place to snuggle up in st-. >> need a hug and hug my family to watch. it's officially christmas travel season and fox weather. has you covered all your holiday travel neat. oh, we go home for the holidays. fox weather weathering it together. >> are we there yet? we told you the night that mayor pete buddah judge has taken at least eighteen flights on a private jet. he's a one in vesuvius of carbon emissions. we're given his commitment to climate justice. >> jets like mayor pollute a lot more per passenger than the commercial flights. so after that report aired, the transportation department sent says, quote, can you please update your story
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to reflect these flights are on an faa government plane. >> this is not a private jet. oh, in other words, same amount of carbon, but it's not a private jet. it's a cessna citation, 560 x l . oh, there it is . you're a little polluter. >> you carbon criminal should be brought to justice. we're out of time. >> unfortunately, we can't do it. we'll see tomorrow night, 8:00 pm short-handed. >> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, dr. anthony fauci is now calling twitter a cesspool of misinformation pot kettle. anyway, coming up, senator rand paul will respond. also tonight, senator john kennedy, he will review aoc's new climate movie that is predictably flopping. i mean, flopping badly at the box office and later, a woke social justice keyboard warrior had a very tough time on capitol hill when con
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