tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 15, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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show, merry christmas from our "special report" family to yours. >> all the blessings of the season. happy holidays we will be talking more about that in days ahead. tomorrow on "special report" is the democratic party losing one of its core constituencies the youth vote. we'll take a look. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. jesse,do you have the jackets? >> jesse: no. and thanks for rubbing that in. >> bret: sorry. we will get you some. >> jesse: we will work on that. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden just announced $55 billion in reparations for africa. >> the stolen men and women and children who are brought to our shores in chains subjected to unimaginable cruelty. my nation's original sin was that period.
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we honor their desen dents generations for generations helped build this country. >> jesse: are the dutch chipping? what about the english in the african chiefs who sold slaves to the west? nope. we're going to get this check. so, are they going to get reparations in cash? gold? bitcoin? no. solar panels. >> today's announcement join a portfolio of partnership for global infrastructure and investment projects already underway in africa, including mobilizing $8 billion in public and private finance to help south africa replace coal fired power plants with renewable energy sources and cutting edge energy sources like clean hydrogen. >> jesse: sorry about slavery here is a solar panel. >> if you work in a coal mine you are fired. is this what africa needs right now? you can't run a continent on green. you can't just skip
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industrialization and go straight to wind mills. africa is never going to get out of poverty by killing coal. let's get the african economy spinning first before we start installing check trick car charging stations along the nile. renewables are just a side dish. fossil fuels the main course. and i'm open to listening to people who feel black people are owed something from a country that enslaves their ancestors but these green reparations are going to keep africa in poverty. and what about slavery reparations in america? because those are coming. newsom in california wants to hand out half a trillion dollars in reparations. a quarter million to any black person whose ancestors faced housing discrimination. that is a fortune. but a lot of california residents say that's not enough. so newsom's reparations task force asked for advice from the community. what more can we do for you?
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and here's what they heard. >> at the end of the day, any amount is too little and every amount is never enough. >> >> your job is to hear us. >> we transparency. first thing i said yesterday the dead people. dead homes. there will be respected to get reparations as well to pass out to their people. >> i think the reparations should be as follows: it's to be gifted to us with a gold and silver bowlian mayan at the bella slaves and ancestors and heirs 1 ounce of gold and silver for each antebellum slave and descendents according to the conditions of the mother for six generations that equals 724 metric tons of gold and silver bowl i don't know. so we are asking that you give us reparations because america
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is number one on god's list to be destroyed. so if you don't accommodate us and you don't assist us just watch what our god is going to do to america. >> america is benefiting from slavery and from what our ancestors did that we never got paid for. and i hope that you guys sue every other country that has benefited from slavery. >> $200,000 is nothing for what my family has contributed to this country. reparations dead brothers and sisters. reparation unless gold bars. if you don't pay up god is going to strike you down. it's going to be a fun debate. this reparations package is going to make covid relief look teensy. do you think there is going to be a little fraud? this is the same state that brought you the $2 million public toilet.
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the 400 million suicide net and who gives you $1,200 a month for being trans, which they pay on the honor system. but it's not just california. plans for reparations are spouting up across the country. boston, illinois, st. louis, dozens of cities and states. in providence, they carved out 10 million in their budget for reparations but their qualifications are so loose that even white people are eligible. as long as they make under 50 grand a year. the bottom line is when you are giving out free money, there's never enough. and anybody who doesn't get cash is going to say well, what about me? did the japanese get anything? fdr put them in internment camps? what about native americans? the trail of tears has to cost something. women were disenfranchised for decades. shouldn't they get back pay? mexican americans deserve reparations. we conquered texas and that was mean. if you had to bet, do you think slavery reparations is going to be good or bad for race
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relations? and is now like the new obamacare website? and if you thought lawyers were destroying america, which i do, wait until the lawyers get involved. do we give the government our d.n.a. now or pull out the old family tree from the attic? dust it off? "primetime" is warning you, this is only the beginning. horace cooper is an author and co-chair of project 21 and he joins me now. this is moving on pretty quickly. there is an announcement, a quarter million a person and now that's not enough, horace, where do you think this thing goes from here? >> well, first thing, let me just say i really appreciate how you're going to give focus to this because more of the media needs to give a focus to this. this is racially divisive. it is destructive. now, if you want to know where slavery is happening in the world today, go to the african
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continent. instead of raised effort to end slavery on the planet, the biden administration is trying to push the climate change scam talk about the constitution, it explicitly banned slavery and even when some ne'er do wells, wicked people brought slaves kept slaves in california, every time any one of those men and women went to court, the california state courts emancipated them. and directed the prosecutions of the people that had been breaking the constitution there is no end to where it goes. i'm afraid it's going to bring us to jim crow 1.0.
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do you remember the one drop rule. the 1 drop rule way back in the 1890s presumed you were black if you just had one drop of blood. are we now handing checks out? oh, it's a two drop rule. it's a 10 drop rule. the drop rule is evil. we shouldn't get into the business of having government check your d.n.a. and decide what race you are. we at project 21 have been an advocate of banning the race block on identification because it's irrelevant. and that's the direction we should head in the 21st century. >> jesse: my crack staff just handed me a sheet that says in 1988 reagan signed a law that gave living japanese americans, who were wrongly interned no those camps under fdr 20 grand in reparations and a formal
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apology. >> i have a question when japan attacked america did we insist they pay america for the damage that they did? what about the nazis? did we insist that the germans pay us for the damage that they did when they tried their imperialist efforts? here's what we have tried to do. as time as proceeded, we have forgiven and we have tried to elm prove. we are great friends with the japanese, we are great friends with the germans, why can't we, in america after having fought a civil war, where more american lives were lost than any other war we have ever been in, why isn't that a sufficient acknowledgment of the error, the evil of slavery. why can't we operate as a people
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united together? this action in california, this movement in america and the president's attitude with regard to africa only divides us and it does nothing to actually improve the lot of americans neither black nor white. that's the reach why my newest book talks all about how biden's policies actually harm blacks? >> what was the name of the book again, horace? >> put y'all back in chains how biden's policies harm black americans? >> jesse: thank you so much. great points. see you soon. up next, republicans say they found proof that covid was a chinese military bioweapon. whoa. and, later, "primetime" asks americans a simple question. what is a won?
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>> jesse: so while fauci is out on the third leg of long awaited farewell tour, the house republicans released a report that fauci's begging twitter to censor -- oh, wait, he can't do that anymore. according to the republican led house investigation, the evidence now suggests that covid has been part of a chinese by owe weapons research program and spilled over to humans, during an incident in the wuhan lab. and that's weird. i remember a certain virus expert went on tv about 1,000 times and told us that covid couldn't have possibly come from a lab. you know, even after all these emails went public. >> the idea, i think, is quite
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far-fetched that the chinese deliberately engineered something so that they could kill themselves as well as other people, i think that's a bit far out, john. >> jesse: the guy who worked fauci ecohealth blew the whistle and this is what he told "primetime" last week. watch. >> i usually actually have to have a top secret clearance in biowarfare bioterrorism so i know more things about this which i can't talk about. it very much looks like we are exchanging or trading advanced biotechnology to the chinese so we can snoop on their lab. and this is where it gets, you know, even -- i like to ask people this question. do the chinese need $600,000 of money, which they have loaned to us? no. the chinese do not need $600,000. they have don't need $5 million. but the thing that the chinese really needed was our advanced
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biotechnology. so, you know, here we are. we gave them this advanced biotechnology. they worked on this gain of function research in subpar, substandard environment in their laboratory and it escaped. >> jesse: so we were using these grants as an excuse to spy on the bioweapons component of these laboratories. that's -- wow. well, who do you think knows more about what happened? the scientists at the ecohealth alliance who worked with the wuhan lab on bat viruses or this guy? >> now, a lot of people on the right love that phrases escape from the lab because it sounds like something from a marvel movie or comic book sounds like a man made virus that china was weaponizing that got out of control. >> jesse: now, i don't want to say anything bad about talking heads. but, i'm not going to go with the talking head on this one. i'm just going to follow the science, like they told me to do. so we are about to enter a ronna
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reckoning and china needs to be held accountable. if there is a bioweapon pandemic killed millions of americans that's mass murder. that's involuntary manslaughter on a global scale. whatever you want to call it. we need covid reparations from the chinese and we want it in dollars not juan. is this the only reparations democrats don't want? well, we are about to find out with the republican majority sworn in next month. kevin mccarthy, the speaker joins us now. so, let's find out exactly what happened. what can you tell us about this report on china? >> well, the thing you will find exactly in report. this is coming from the intel committee. there are certain things they can say and in the next congress we are going to try to declassify this information so the public can have it even further. what we have now found and what they believe is the intel community down played these bioweapons and the incident that could have caused this inside
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china. remember, what we have had and it was interesting when you played that clip because it brought back a memory. when covid was first happening, donald trump was still in office and i was called down to the situation room. and there was dr. fauci. and do you know what advice dr. fauci gave? there was two things he told me that i remember right now. he told us that we should not wear a mask. that humidity around your face that the mask would create would cause you greater harm that you could get covid. he may made a strong point before anybody knew anything he shed this did not come from this did not come from a lab. known say that he made a stringent point of doing that now as we find more information, the democrats would never hold any hearings on this. this was an intel committee run by adam schiff. wouldn't let us look into it. but the republicans did. and the information that we have in the next majority not only
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can we declassify this and work for that so the public can know bring more of that information out so it's not down played so you would have -- and we have outside expert that have been giving us this information. but the other thing, i have just announced last week that we're going to have a select committee on china. you know, part of our commitment to america, we said we would research and find where did covid originate from? think of the millions of people who died. why wouldn't we have discovered that so it would never happen again? >> jesse: we are looking forward to that because i think every single american, dead or alive, because a lot died, want answers here. so, is it clear sailing for you to be speaker? what's the latest. >> i hope so. if it's not clear sailing we can't start any of this. we have a few more we are continuing to talk through. as you know, look, we are the only republican entity who has won the last two cycles that i have been leader. but we are the only ones that can only stop this biden agenda but also get to the truth and
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hold government accountable. but no subpoenas can go out and we spend a subpoena to fauci and bring forth a lot of this information if we situate in speaker race sooner than later. >> jesse: all right. kevin mccarthy, thank you so much for joining "primetime." >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: thousands of secret jfk files have just been released. we will have a special report. also, new information about videos made by jeffrey epstein. until disaster struck. ♪ tensions were high. luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey could picture the perfect night. we're ready for the holidays,
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at even makes a nice holiday gift. merry christmas to each and every one. as we celebrate christmas you may wonder if jesus christ can make a difference in your life. you bet he can. that's why he came, to save us from our sins. he came to this earth as a baby, took our sins to the cross 33-years later, and he shed his blood on that cross, and he died for you and for me. but on the third day, god raised him to life. he's not dead. he's alive. if you have never invited him into your heart.
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if you've never trusted him as your savior, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me, just say, "dear god, "i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry for my sins. "forgive me. "i believe that jesus is your son. "i believe that he took my sins to the cross, "that he died in my place, "and i believe that you raised him to life. "i want to trust him now as my savior, "and follow him as my lord. "i pray this in jesus' name, "amen." if you prayed that prayer, call that number.
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♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. the 911 call and body cam footage of the attack on paul pelosi have been released. sort of. we can't see it yet. but prosecutors played both tapes in court yesterday during hammerman david depape's preliminary hearing. according to reports from the courtroom, the body cam footage
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shows police they stood 5 feet away as depape and pelosi struggled fort hammer. and only tackled depape after he had already hit pelosi in the head. but we still don't know who opened the door. was it paul? was it the cops? did they not play that part of the footage in the courtroom? why is this such a simple detail so hard to pin down? we also learned who else was on depape's hit list? gavin newsom, hunter biden, and tom hanks. how does anybody hate tom hanks? that's how i know the guy is crazy. he wanted to take down tom. meanwhile, depape's son is speaking out sky gonzalez, yeah, he goes by the name sky, told "the daily mail".com that his dad wasn't a right wing radical after all. sky said my father had progressive views. he was a peace activist, hardly a right wing conservative as he has been branded. sky also described depape's troubled life.
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calling him a severely sad loner who was physically abused as a child and that his grandma would dump boiling water on him as a toddler. my god. but who knows the truth here? he also said that he doubts depape attacked paul at all and suggested that his father could have been a sex slave. okay, so, this family not your typically family. so, take it or leave it, we're just reporting what the family said. but one thing is for certain. the more we found out about this case the weirder it gets and we wish paulie p. a speedy recovery. ♪ jess jets t >> jesse: the six were a wild 6d time. space race which we won and president kennedy was assassinated. [movie reel]
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>> jesse: kennedy's assassination had the country in mourning. some of the best journalists in the business broke down delivering the news. >> from dallas, texas, the flash apparently official. president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time, 2:00 eastern standard time. some 38 minutes ago. vice president johnson. [clearing throat] has left the hospital in dallas but we do not know to where he has proceeded. presumably he will be taking the oath of office shortly and become the 36th president. >> jesse: the man responsible? lee harvey oswald who shot kennedy from the sixth floor of a dallas building, a book depository. before oswald was able to spill his guts, jack ruby got to him. >> ozwald walks his last mile.
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his assailant moves in from the right. >> there is lee harvey oswald. [gunfire] >> he has been shot. he's been shot. lee oswald has been shot. >> now, from another camera the motion is slowed. the murderer moves in and here is the shame of all america as jack reuben stein takes the law unto himself. >> jesse: millions of americans felt like there was more to the story. theories were running wild, were the russians involved? the cia? lbj? the government has been trying to keep a lid on sensitive documents for almost 60 years but today the national archives finally released 13,000 classified documents on the assassination. the big bombshell buried in all of this is that the soviets took credit for ozwald. the kgb said ozwald was a soviet agent. they used his russian wife to honey trap him. ozwald was actually living in the soviet union in the 50's
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where the kgb claims he was being trained. is this russian propaganda or did the soviets really orchestrate the assassination of our president? whether it's true or not, the cia doesn't look great in this document dump. in these documents the cia said they had eyes and ears all over the russian embassy in mexico city, but, when ozwald visited the soviet embassy there, to meet with an assassination specialist, cia didn't pounce, even though they had a running file on ozwald since the late 1950s plus these documents allege ozwald was getting visas directly from soviet embassies. so we are being left with more questions than answers from this document dump and the are a buckeyists are still blocking 4,000 documents. we didn't really get answers to ozwald was the loan shooter, the theory all experts alleged with a as lie and made its way to the
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big screen. watch? >> 161 kennedy stops waving as he hears something. turns head slightly to the right. frame 193, the second shot hits kennedy in the throat can you see obviously been hit raising arms to throat. third shot frame 232 hits kennedy in the back pulling him downward, frame 238, the fourth shot, it misses kennedy and takes conley in the back. this is the shot that proves there were two rifles. >> jesse: the author of jfk revisited and the screen writer for oliver stone. so, jim, have you looked at these documents and what are you feeling today? >> i had an opportunity to look at some of them, and let me give you an example of what i mean. this is supposed to be a four-page document. look at page 2.
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there's nothing on it. all right. then look at page 3? there is like one sentence on it. there's another document and this is a very serious problem that people have. look at this page, barely read it, it's illegal jingle bell. what people get angry about who are serious about this subject. the national archives has had a very, very long time to go ahead and get this ready. i mean, i'm not talking months, i'm not talking years. i'm talking decades. you know, which they knew that this -- this day was going to come. and, yet, you know, and we still get these documents that are unsatisfactory. all right. now, let me, if you don't mind, if i can say one of the documents that i thought was so interesting is that the warren commission is very puzzled about how ozwald got into the soviet union so fast from the city of
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helsinki. athey are writing letters to richard helms who is the deputy director of the cia at the time asking him about this problem. because, there's always been the suspicion that was ozwald a false defector? okay. but they want to know how the heck did ozwald get into the soviet union in like four days? when he was in the capital of helsinki in finland? they just can't figure it out. and the reason they can't figure it out is they have queried these other capital cities and their soviet embassies and no one could get a visa that fast. so this leads to the question did as wald know where to go in order to get into the soviet union that quickly? and there's another related problem with this. the warren commission says that ozwald had about $700 on him when he went to europe.
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when as wald was there in the city of helsinki, he stayed at two -- and i'm being conservative, four-star hotels. the other, the first hotel he stayed at, the hotel torny, that was more like a five star hotel. that's the kind of place that nelson rockefeller and president hoover, okay, they stayed at. >> jesse: it doesn't add up. and what does your gut tell you? what is your gut screaming at you right now? >> i want to see the rest of the documents. let me give you a hint, jesse, at what should be there but that's not there. back during the days of the house select committee, a couple of researchers wrote a paper called was ozwald an agent of the cia? they declassified 600 pages today from the house select committee, and i don't see that one in there. what happened to it? why is it gone? you know, why can't we see that?
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you know. and i'm sure jefferson morally has some questions, also. >> jesse: absolutely. well, again, this is the government spitting on our face, disrespecting us, and we are not surprised because they do this every damn time we ask questions. all right. listen. jim, thank you so much for pushing this issue. everybody is very suspicious and we want justice even after all of these decades. hopefully we will get it eventually and if they can work out the photocopying system, we would be very grateful. thank you so much. >> okay, thank you. >> jesse: why is the fbi sitting on a library of epstein blackmail videos? and "primetime" talks to the satanic temple about their little after school programs. that's next. this cough. [sfx: coughs] this'll help. vicks vaporub?
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politics and still so much we don't know. "primetime" has found new evidence buried in a trove of unsealed court documents, including victim depositions from a defamation lawsuit against epstein madam ghislaine maxwell. this is sarah ransom. she met epstein when she was a 22-year-old aspiring model, trying to make it in new york. like so many other girls, she ended up getting raped on epstein island. >> the more he saw you being damaged the more he enjoyed it, the more it excited him. >> this area, yeah, reminds me of the evening when i tried to escape the island after i had been raped three times that day. he would do things. [crying] >> jesse: so here is a photo of the island. and this was right after she says epstein gave her a naked massage. in a sworn deposition, ransom
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described the island like a brothel with lots of teens and ghislaine maxwell was tasked with having enough girls to keep up with be epstein's sexual appetite. when i was finished another girl was called by ghislaine and when they had finished another girl was called. ransom confirmed that epstein kept va videotapes of high profe men raping underage the girls as sexual blackmail. he says she saw some of those sex taping herself explaining, quote: when my friend had sexual intercourse with blank, and blank, sex tapes were, in fact, filmed on each occasion by jeffrey. she also said epstein was delivery. he made sure he wasn't in the video so it couldn't have been used against him. she says she got her hands on one of those videos and backed it up on those little thumb drives and sent them to different locations in europe because she's scared someone
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from epstein's inner circle still could get her. so, if sarah has the videos, the fbi has to have them too, right? yet, the only one that's been arrested is the madam. there's all these high profile videos committing statutory rape. how come nothing has come from that? something doesn't add up here. we know the fbi let epstein get away with abuse for over a decade. they even used him as an informant. he helped them with bear stearns investigation. so is the fbi covering for epstein's rich and powerful friends that abused the girls? are they blackmailing people from the tapes for more information? we can only speculate for now. when i was a young to to the kicking back in the class everybody looked forward to the drama club next brad pitt. debate club people aspiring to be the next supreme court
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justice. but, i wasn't really a club guy. >> the next screw that falls out is going to be you. >> what was that? >> eat my shorts. >> whatever club it was to make you a better person. make friends, expand your horizons. today a new program trying to take hold in our schools. satan clubs. one virginia town is already seeing it firsthand. b.m. williams primary school introduced the after school satan club organized by the satanic temple. the club promotes activities around the seven tenets of satanism. equivalent of the 10 commandments. this obviously has upset parents. one mom spoke to fox, watch. >> this was when parents truly
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showed up. had a record turnout. parents in opposition were the majority turnout. overwhelming majority turnout. when we're discussing satan clubs in our public schools, we are failing our children. we are failing our children. these are frightening images. this is a frightening ideology. it's the responsibility of the adults in the room to stand up and speak up for the parents. we have to do better. >> jesse: i get it. we don't want satan being promoted to our children. "primetime" has been covering these satanists for a while. a few months ago, i don't know if you remember. we went to satan con to find out what these people are all about. >> >> satan represents carnal desire. >> what does satan look like? >> me. >> satan looks like whatever you want satan to look like in your mind. >> the biggest misconception about satanism is that we sacrifice children. we eat babies. and we don't like kittens. and this could be the farthest from the truth. we love kittens.
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we love babies. >> jesse: oh, so they like kittens. what else are they about? well, we still have some questions. let's ask the satanic temple spokesperson lucienian grieves. all right. >> good to meet you. >> jesse: nice meet you, too. if satan is evil, why should kid be in an evil club? >> obviously we don't view satan as evil. and it really doesn't matter to us what your mythology is surrounding satan. you need to ask yourself if your distaste over us identifying identifidentifying assatanist ye speech and religious liberty. >> jesse: i thought satan was like sex. when you are 18, satan, sex, do your thing. i don't know if i would want satan in schools. you understand how parents feel, right? >> well, parents can feel that way and many parents feel
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similarly about evangelical after school club in fact put our club in place to offer it alternative to evangelical club convert children to get them to parking lot will he advertise to other kids. if parent don't want them send their kids to after school satan. club. there is other religious club. really the controversy evades the issue as to whether or not we're willing to allow government functionaries at school boards or whatever to simply shut down somebody's religious liberty or free speech because they don't like it. >> jesse: you are doing it to tweak the system. i get it. what are these tenets of satanism? can you enlighten me? >> yeah. i think the tenets are very pro-social. they're almost universal, i would think. i think as time goes on we will kind of converge on a consensus more rattle. but as -- but we don't have. to say i mean, we are not looking to convert people into
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satanism. we are not even teaching children about satanism in the classes. >> jesse: give me a tenet. >> one should strive to act with come tags and empathy to all creatures within reason. >> jesse: oh. that sounds fine. all right. >> you might like it. >> jesse: maybe. i don't know about all of that. are you married by the way? >> no. i'm not. >> jesse: okay. i was just wondering. all right. so you are probably going to go to hell, right? >> i don't believe in hell. we're not a non-theostic. >> jesse: i thought mane you wanted to go to hell. >> sounds like a better party than heaven. all the party where all the sexless go after they leif celibate uninteresting life. hell might be okay. >> jesse: all right. we got to go. i'm probably going to butcher your name again. lucien. >> that's okay it's lucien
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grieves. >> jesse: thank you very much. have a great night. >> have a happy and gay holiday. >> jesse: johnny asks some hard hitting questions. >> what are your pronouns? >> my pronouns? >> yeah. >> what do you mean? ♪ ♪ edictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older... with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks.
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>> the cambridge dictionary, just redefine words man and woman. that's right. being a man, being a woman basically can be whatever you want it to be. remember matt walsh who asked people a while back: what is a woman? we had johnny go out and take a stab at it. [music] >> define a man. >> a male. >> some someone that is loyal, strong. kind of sexy. >> seriously. it is like you are photo
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shopped. >> are you a man? >> what does it say on your driver's license? >> i was getting worried. >> define a woman. >> she has [beep]. >> i have nipples, greg, could you milk me? >> it is not proper, not biologically right. >> shocking, i guess. >> it is strange. >> do you like the dictionary? >> they are now saying you are only a man or woman if you choose to be. how do you feel about that? >> there are two genders. there are two sexes. >> we are a man and we are a woman. that is what we are made. >> definitions are definitions always been the same way.
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>> i was born a woman. >> man, i feel like a woman. >> when did you choose to become a woman? >> when i was born. >> i knew i was going to be a man when i discovered my [beep]. >> i went to the restroom one day and knew. >> who are your pronouns? >> my pronouns? >> what do you mean by pronouns? >> prosecute. >> prosecute. >> don't ask me pronouns. i don't have them. >> what do you have to say to people that want to change the definition of everything? >> no, no. leave it the way it is. >> stop changing the facts. >> come on, now. cut it out. >> if you are on jesse watters
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prime time, what do you want to tell jesse watters? >> i am waters. >> light it up we are in new york. let's go. [music] >> these brownies are delicious! they are from brownie points in ohio. i haven't stopped eating them. i don't have the munchies like that guy. check out brownie points right now. let's do some text messages, caroline from georgia when it comes to reparations, will there be exceptions for mine who arrived 30 years ago. we played no part in slavery, why should we pay for it. >> irish were enslaved, where is our cut of gold and silver. my italian grandparents were
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discriminated against do i get reparations. henriquez, a mexican, you stole california for us where do i get in line for reparations chuck from henderson, nevada. maybe they ought to put a check box on your tax form here if you want to contribute to reparations. tucker up next, always remember, i am watters and this is my world. [music] >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." not long after jack ruby shot leave harvey oswald on camera in the basement of police headquarters. a lot of people had questions about the kent ty -- kennedy assassination. that
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