tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 15, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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size in a star studded match up, lionel messi leads juggernaut argentina against reigning champions france and the sensational karine jean-pierre scored. it all comes down to a magic. the world cup final coverage begins sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern live on fox on the fox sports . d evenintog and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, so not long after jack ruby shot lee harvey oswald,amer on camera in the basement ofce dallas police headquarters, a lot of americans startedeopl to have some questions about the kennedy assassination. it was you'dd have to admit, a pretty extraordinary sequence of events. a lone gunman murders the president of the united states and then less thanat forty two hours later, that lone gunman is himself murdered
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by another lone gunman. i what are the odds of that? it's one thing if you get struck by lightning, rare but possible. >> but if ever tning, ry member of your family also gets struckf yr by lightning all on different days, you might begin to suspect these are not entirely natural events. suspec these are not naturants. suspec but, oh, replied the u.s. government, they are this bizarre chain of killings was all entirely natural. >> so less than a year after the jfk assassination, the johnson white house released something called the warrenk assassinatio commis. >> and the report concluded that while their motives remainedncar, both lee ac alone. no one helped them. there was no conspiracy of any kind. casesed. closed. time to move on . and many, many americans didat e move on .ea >> at the time. they had no idea how shoddy and corrupt the warren commission was. it would be nearly 50 years before the cia admitted under duress that in fact it withheld information from investigators about its relationship with lee harvey oswald. inve even then, at the time
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ex the government's explanation didn'tpln didn't seem entirely . some'tpln didn't seem entirely . and some people started asking obvious question s about it. >> it was at that point, as americans started to doubt the officialstarted to story, tt the term conspiracy theory entered our lexicon. as professor lance david smith points out in his book on the subject, the term conspiracy theory did not exist as a phrase in everyday americanpiracy conversation befe nineteen sixty four inbefore 19. year warreixty four inbefore 19. nineteen sixty for the year, the warren commission issued its report. the new york times issued publi five stories in which conspiracy theory appeared. now, today, of course, the termp conspiracy theory appears in pretty much every s "new york times" story about american politics. it's wielded an now as then as a weapon against anyone who asks questions.ks the government doesn't feel like answering. >> but despite sixty years oswef name calling, those questions o have not disappeared. >> in fact, they have multiplied with time and one of them, in april of nineteen sixty four, a psychiatrist called lewis george allen west visited jack ruby in his isolation cell in
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a dallas jail. >> according to west's written w assessment, he found that jack ruby was, quote, technically insane. and in immediate psychiatricd of hospitalization. >> those are conclusions that puzzlingly, no one who had spoken to jack ruby previously had reached ruby had seemed perfectly sane to the people who knew him.. d hi >> lewis dailan w pronounced him crazy. but what what w did not say was that he was working for the cia at the time. louis storyland w was a contract psychiatrist for the spy agency . t ony agency he was also an expert on mind control and a prominent player in the now infamouontrol as mk a program in which the cia gave powerful psychiatric drugsinent to americans without their knowledge. so of all the psychiatrists innh the world, what in the worldd wa was this guy doing jack ruby's prison cell? >> p the media didriso not seemt interested in finding out.edn in fact, the new york times, inu an extensive 1999 obituary of w never mentioned the fact that mn
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he had worked for the cia, much less his time in jack ruby cell ,which seems relevant. >> so you can see why non crazy people would wonder about what really happened.k and of course, many have wondered in nineteen seventy six long forgotten the house of representatives impaneled a special committee to reinvestigate the jfk tiveassassin. t th their bipartisan conclusion, jack kennedy was almost certainly murdered as the result of a conspiracy. >> but the question is as cons conspiracy. by whom? well, the obvious suspeccyy t wd be the cia. >> why else would the agency withhold critical evidence for investigators? is there a benign explanation for that, for maintaining this level of secrecy for this many years? >> level o not that we're aware. and it is illegal. s pa >> in 1992, congress passed the president, john f. kennedy assassination recordsk pres collection act. that act mandated full disclosure of all documents by twenty, seventeen, fifty four years after jfk was
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killed, the last administration promised to comply fully with that law. but under intense pressure from cia director mike pompeo, withheld in the end thousands of pages opof cimpeoa documents. today. today. administrationdae bide did exacy the same thing. that would be thousands off do pages of documents after nearly. 60 years after the death of i every single person involved. but we still can't see them clearly not to protect any person. they're all dead.ct it's to protec at an institution . but why? well, today, we decided to find out. >> we spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden cia documents. a person was deeply familiarfamr with what they contain. >> we asked this person directly, did the cia have hav a hand in the murder of john f. kennedy, an american president ? and here's the reply wenswe received verbatim. quote, the answer is yes, i believe they were involved. it's a whole different country.
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from what we thought it was. it's all fake. response then it's hard to imagine a mores no jarring response than that. again, this is not a quote, . conspiracy theorist that we spoke to , not even close. this is someone with direct knowledge of the information that once again is being withheld from the american public. and the answer we receivednswe s unequivocal. yes, the cia was involved inve the assassination of p the president. >> now, some people will notnt.e be surprised to hear that s they suspected it all along. >> but no matter how you feel about what you thought about the kennedy assassination, pause to consider what this means. it means that within the u.s. government, there are forces wholly beyond democratic control. these forces are more powerful than the elected officials that supposedly oversee them.versee . they canly oversee them.versee . these forces can affect election outcomes. they can even hidelicity o their complicity in the murder of an american president . in other words, they can der oot apretty much anything they wan. they constitute a government within a government mocking by their very existence
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the idea of democracy. >> as cynical as we have become after 30 years of watching government officials ignore, we the voters who employ them, we were shocked to learn this. it's not acceptable. americans have trusted e their government less with every passing year sinc eith every passing year sinc the killing of john f. kennedy. maybe this is why and people a have known this for a long time. the people who kneme.w would include every director of the cia since november o ifnc nineteen sixty three . 196 and that list would include obama's cia director , john brennan. one of the most sinister and dishonest figures in american life. s that list would also include y are sad to say, our friendan mike pompeo, who ran the cia in the last administration, mike pompeo, knew this. weo asked pompeya to join we h asked pompeya to join turns down a televised interview. he refused to come. we hope you will reconsider. >> in the meantime, we are happy to be joined tonight by new york post columnist frano devine. >> miranda, thank you so much for coming on . i don't think we'vi don'e pauseo
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enough to consider what thisr means. w after sixty years, when every person involved is dead, we can't see classified information about it. mayb e the pivotal event in modern american history. and noe pivotaw we know why. te well, tuckerr,, look, you laid t used, tuckerr,, look, you laid t and , you know, it used to be that conservative like me dismissed theories from the left about jfk assassination as just left wing conspiracy theories. but over time, i think that the left looks as if they were quite justified in not trusting the intelligence services. and i think the wmd pretext for the iraq war was a red pill is slowly dawning. red pill for m re. n and so now you just have fad so now you just have basic level. you just look at the fact that
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thirty years ago, congress, inus a unanimous bipartisan and unequivocal, unambiguous uivocal,decision, said that thel the jfk files have to be made public. absolutely no reason to keep them back . ever back . 60 years ago. everybody involved is dead. d you're not worried aboutea sullying reputations or unmasking a spy overseas. no. they can they can only be to reasons forg it. t one is that you're tryingo to protect the cia against allegations or revelations thati it knew more than it made out about. lee harvey oswald had huge file on him. they were investigating him or in in contact with him beforeh i the assassination. and they didn't dom be enougforh to save jfk or protectt th the president. ise president. enough to really keep this secret going for sixty years? i mean, a terrible dawning daw
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recognition is that really thisn recognition is that really thisn protecting the institution. ifif the cia was involved in tht assassination, that is the reason that you would wante. to keep that from the american becae the fury thathe american would erupt and this is a bipartisan fury would be the one thing that would unite absot americans is an absolute rage at this unaccountable spy agency that is has decided that it is going to get involved, murdering, assassinating the duly elected american president . for what reason? you know, there would be suc hn a clean of the cia. the i don't know if it would evenin survive. and so the trust inbottom our institutions is already at rock bottom. think i think it's a mistake fot mike pompeo not to come on youro show because all this does fue is fuel more conspiracyis theories. the truth is the best
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disinfectant. and if the ciat did do this, ws involved 60 years ago, then it needs to come clean. >> we need to have a reckoning. and just to be clear , that was the assessment of someone weas spoke to who was directlsessmeys and personally familiar with the contents of these documents, not someone who read it on the internet. this is someone who had access to the documents. >> and i have to say, i don'tage understand and i agree with secrecy, abets evil. and the more secrecy you have, the more evil you're likelyd mii to have. so wmie should minimizemount the amount of secrecy as a general matter. but i don't understand how johnj brennan can go on nbohc newsna every day. he was on today and no one pauses and asked, like, what is this exactly 60 years ti s,really? >> don't give me the sources and methods best, by the way,yer son , like we're adults here.ea? what's the real reason? n why is no one ask him that? cter well, the more we see characters from the cia like john brennan, like those fifty one former intelligence officials who sign that scurrilous letter about hunter biden being russiathnabou
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disinformation, the more the less impressive they look. h these people are in the shadows for a reason, because if yourean actually saw who they were, look at john brennan, would you, knowing what we know now about him, would you really entrust him to run the country's premier spy agency? spto have such power to run around the world, intervene in other countries elections?s elen no. sos? i , i , i just don't know what good it does us to have those kind of malevolent people having so much power i and using it in our name and causing us all great harm. because we don't know whatt they're doing. >> that's right. transparency can fix it. >>ri the only thing they can. and i appreciate. your assessment team. miranda devine of the new york post. thank yoranda neu. you. >> thanks. so the same people who aree peoe withholding this information lying to us about the pivot point in modern american history, sitting on the fact thatca the u.s. agency is complicit in the murder ofnt
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an american president , thosee same peoplsamee are now overseeg us involvement in the war in ukraine. americans fighting russia, and that involvement is escalating significantly. according to multiple reports tonight, the bush administration is preparing to sen pretod patriot missile ds systems to ukraine. now, these are not surface to air missiles. >> these are long range missile defense systems. long-rs that can shoot down bote missiles and aircraft. they are more advanced than any weapon this country has sent so far to ukraine. >> that's saying a lot. >> as recently as march, the pentagon denied that it would ever do anythingarch like this. a senior u.s. defense officialo said in march that, quote, e there is no discussion aboutt putting a patriot battery in ukraine. have t in order to do that, you would have to put us troops with it to operate it. americante it. in other words, you would have american troops directly fighting russia. congress does not authorize that. the american public is not ireso ofe american public is not ireso there's no justification for that. and of course, the risk of doing doing that are profound. >> but now we are positioningno troops in ukraine is no longer
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a problem. it's no longer a theoreticaldemt problem. it's reality. c and democrats in congress arong encouraging watch. >> we can provide them aire ai defense systems, specifically pt patriot missiles, and we've gotn to accelerate delivery of d those. i have called on the unitedery. states to really prioritize ukraine. i've suggested that we should take patriot missiles, but also another system called the amram system. how worried are you thatri otsupplying these patriot systes could lead to a very serious escalation in this war that would involve the u.s. and russia now directlyt that fighting? >> i'm not that worried, erin. i'm not that worried. tha he's not that worried because it's already happening. ening. so u.s. military military personnel are fighting russia right now. that'shting ru right a fact. >> but what's russia's response? how close are we to somethingnst awful? most americans don't know because news from russia has been cut off completely here. you're not allowed to know.s as it's been censored as it is in north korea. ibut you should know that
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the russian foreign ministry is warned that they'll be , quote, consequenceforeign indusf the biden administration puts patriot missiles and u.s. personneu.s.l in ukraine.n prop is that russian propaganda? no, it's just what they said. >> so in order to underscore the point, the russian government has just released footage of the ja's nuclear imissile. that missile is capable off hitn hitting both the united states and the uk. you're seeing footage of it right now. it shows a russian soyuz rocket being installed into a silotold south of moscow. >> a russian general told stateo media that the plan is to hit t london, quote, you don't haveinn to hit washington first. to hit washington first. firs farlondon is next door. london is the main hotbed of all nastiness. r an >> so however you feel about ukraine, you oppose the russian invasion of ukraine. >> most people do. we do. >> this is very serious. and you think that lawmakers in congress would notice it was happening, but they don't seem e to care. >> as adam schiff said the other day, armageddon is a small price to pay because we wneed to defend democracy in ukraine. >> do yocracy inu think the risf
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direct conflict is growing? >> i think it is growing. i i think it is and i think urbanization has done a remarkable job in managing that and not letting itbide get out of hand . but you see putin continue to rattle the nuclear saber, which is extremely dangerous. >> it it can't deter us , though, from giving our full and complete support to ukraine . so how do we get to a place where adam schiff, who is demonstrably dishonest and reckless, almost dementedis in the way he behaves, is playing a significant role in us foreign policy? >> scary. about >> pretty much everything they have told us about this war since the very beginning has been a lie.t kn >> and again, most people don'ts know because our news is sohe controlled by the u.s. government. >> one of the things we've learned from the twitter filesen ,but very quickly is run through some of the things they told us . they told us that sanctions were going the russian economy. joe biden said that in a speecha to the country did it well this
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summer, the russian ruble hit its strongest level in seven years. and just a few months ago, russian postedrsrussia a massive surplus. russian propaganda, no economic facts. facts our policy isn't working. in fact, it's counterfei it. from january to september of this year, russia's trade surplus wa12s one hundred and $20 billion higher than it was in the same period last year.. it is doubleperiod last year.. it's double russia's previous record , set in two thousandcord eight . that's where sanctions have done. remember when we were told that putin would be crippled by sanctions? liars? >> rebel news reporter called s jeremy loffredo just went to moscow to see what is happening there. >> turns out they're doing okay. doingwhat we're doing isn't hug them. only us grocery stores ines moscow are not empty. they're not running out ofn mo d and their food prices aren't bad either. watch this. upon walking. >> and i was surprised. i it seemed like not only a normal grocery store, but it was absolutely full of food.ood. barilla pasta, which you can
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get at any grocery store in the states with stacked so tall that i would need a ladder to reach the linguine. but i remain skeptical because surely the new york times and the washington post wouldn'tcked s be lying. n stors how expensive is everything? russian stores could have food, bu.t with inflatione so and shortages, items could be so expensive that no one canx afford it. pensfirst, i went to the milk aisle. kiffer 1% 10% three percent and even four percent. a milk, yogurtnds and fig dairyir alternatives. they had a lot of i got a liter of regular milk. it was eighty nine rubles or a dollar forty one . then i made my way to the meat section. they had beef, chicken , turkey , pork and even rabbit. i settled for a pound of ground beef, which was one hundred and seventy five rubles orground two dollars and seventy eight cents. the total for milk, eggs, beef,8 bread, and mushrooms was four hundred and ninety nine rubles or seven dollars. and ninety two cents. surprisingly, it seems the mainstream media is not being entirely truthful inn strm regards to the effect sanctions are having on the prices of essential goods in russia. >> so there's no question thatoi we will be accused of russian
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propaganda for playing that clip. not that we care, but it gives us the chance to make a very obvious point. . >> that's news. those are facts. we are bringing you informationa you do with it what you will .ul >> that's not propaganda. propaganda is when you withhold information from the population in order to affect a policy they don't actually support. tha that's what north korea does. that's what the soviet union did. and that's what we're doing here. and that's why we're grateful that you're actually went to find out what was happening. that is wht what was happening. >> here's the news. je here's the news. thanks so much for coming on . n i'm certain you will be attacked as a tool of putin, w but let's ignore that and get to what you saw there. what look from the grocerye no store that sanctions are not hurting moscow, too badly. >> yeah, i was on my way to russia and i saw the new york times that the soviet era" shortages "the washington post" said something along the lines e of that there's essential goods scarcityss of foreign policy. they put out a report that said that the economy in russia
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is in a black hole that's out of proportion. that's never been seen before. . and so i was a little nervous going there. and you i went to rural areas outside of moscow and i wenty to grocery stores like you just saw. and , you know, things weree cheap and they had more things than the whole foods, the whole foods here in new york city. and , you know, what is the goal? what is the goal of thesetions? sanctions? the goal is obviously to cause unrest, shortages, make people unhappy with the government. hopefully, people will take wi governm. thee will take and at the end of the day, wee a want regime change in russia. we want a different government. but as you can tell, you know,p. that's not happening. i spoke to hundreds of people in russia and they fit into how theya and they fit into about three different categories of how they feel about the sanction feel:s. t cae the first category ogof people they consider themselves russian patriots, and theyif
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usssian patriots, and theyif netflix, they don't care. spotify. they don't care if they can't g. send money overseas. they believe in the causer grou and they support their government. and then another group of people, maybe,e would consideram them liberals. we have them everywhere every and they oppose the sanctionssai only becauseon they can't go ony vacations. they can't, you know, watch netflix. and they oppose the war because. they oppose the sanctions. they just want to livehe how thy normally live, which is a relatively comfortable lifestyle. and then live. the other group o people, they don't even noticegu anything is happening. >> maybe they just buy food at. the the gas is cheap. they drive arounod at the d. they're not affected at all by these sanctions. y right.nctions. >> well, i mean, the point undergirding all of this is we are affected by the sanctions>>c and so is western europe and they're crushing our economy. so let me ask you very quickly, just for the record, will you yu accompany by a putin government minder, as was your reporting,
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dictated or driven or steeredn by anyone from the putin government? no one from the government? , anyy goom the government? government was with me. i was by myself walking aroundas documenting what i was seeing and grateful that you did, because more information, the free flow of information is essential in democracy. jeremy le figaro, thank you so much. so no president in americande history has evernt turned hisn guns on his own population inpoa the way biden and his staff ditd on the unvaccinated. they told you the unvaccinated. we're going to kill you. remember that?you. what opened up? though thed up? well, they haven't given that up, even though, of course, the science proves that's insane.s now, they're telling you that the unvaccinated are dangerous drivers, not making that nexate the ministry of changed the world forever. it's one thing to read about
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>> you are smart kids. you're smart, very smart. so the previous administration used regulation known as title forty two to try and keep human waves of foreign nationals from coming into this country and public health grounds because there was a covid pandemic. >> but the biden administratio n ,which is actively trying, in effect, succeeding in changinged inthe population, the united enthe population, the united total. forty two it it expires in just a few days.
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>> so what do you think the result will be? wellyou , huge. >> many, many thousands of people from all over the world waiting at the u.s. border in mexico to come across. the journalists who are i haven't heard, just shot this. footage from el paso. here we have a massive group of migrants waiting to get intocoun the country illegally. we have migrants from all over. we met migrants from ecuador, honduras and nicaragua, cuba. right now, the majority are from nicaragua. >> this just continues to get longer. but the majority here, nicaragua, venezuela, cuba, ecuador, is who right now are waiting to get in or even tourists shot that tape for us . >> he's a reporter with the daily caller who joins us . chinari, thanks so much for coming on . the it's hard to get perspective from videotape, but that looked like an enormous number of people. yeah, it's like right now we're
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seeing an absolute disaster here in el paso. i've been spending time on the mexican side and see what our juarez and i've been covering the border for a while. but what i've seen yesterday is something like i've never seen before. it was a massive, massive lyingo around right now. two thousand migrants on the border wall on the other side of the el paso geo border. we're waiting to get intthocounr the country.y. and the majority of thosef migr americans that i spoke to , tucker, were from nicaragua. they did confirm some of the things i was hearing fromghe our sources that different cartels are fighting over these migrants and the route to juarez. the the migrants mentioned to me that they've extorted also by mexican police. on the other side, tucker, border patrol officials who are so overwhelmed and local shelters are so overwhelmed. we're seeing a mass release of migrants onto the streets. we're averaging between twelve hundred per day, are being released to the streets and basically are being forced to sleep on the streets of downtown el paso. baseincluding children here.s tucker, it's a trueg tr trueg only expect the situation to get worse once title forty two expireues. they're saying that they couldn reach up to forty five hundred illegal crossings per day just here in el paso.s - >> so texas has a republican governor called greg abbott. naa
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>> he has the national guard at his disposal. is there any any ide a why he's not sending them to seay l the border and if it provokes a military conflict? well, i meaning them, this is an invasion like is has any of you heard anybody suggest he might do that? >> that we haven't heard anything quite yet. we know that he has operation lone star, but the massive waves of migrants have just overwhelmed official all throughout south texas, including to the point the local police have to now assist border patrol agents and dealing with the migrants. the issue here, tucker, is the cartels have essentially alle control of the southern border.r they're able to pick out spots where they able to overwhelm official overws and when they d. this, border patrol then has to call in other agents from checkpoints. e chec and that's how we're seeing the kind of the phenomenon continue to come into the country. buk seetht what we're seeing h, tucker, is it's a true humanitarian crisis. and the thing is ,. the situation, does it seembe to get any better here?tt the democratic mayor refuses in el paso to declare an emergencyl and local officials are continuing to mouns contint pree on the mayor to declare an emergency as they expect it to reach. forty five illegal crossings per day. but as we're speaking right
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now, tucker, there's two2,00 thousand migrants lined up with more groups continue to come in and they're coming to the border because accordingt to the migrants that i speak with , they believe that the border is open. yeah, well, they're right,reciat as you've demonstrated. i appreciate coming on tonight>> . >> thank you y forou that. thank you, tucker.cker so it wasn't too long ago thatag the governor of california, gavin newsom, was talking about people who didn't want the covid shot like he was going to pin little kids on their chests and round them up. >> they were evil, he said, even compared them to drunk drivers at one point. watch. and with all due respect, you don't have a choice to go out and drink and drive and put everybody else's lives ayot ris. that's the equivalent of thisrik moment with the deadliness and efficiency of the deltthat a virus. >> so he's never apologized for that. that turned ouy t to bofe completely 180 degrees from the truth. the majority of people dying from covid at this point are vaccinated. >> but that idea that we should
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single out a group of americansa and treat them liknde subhumans still exists. >> unfortunately, jason rantsubs is our correspondent in the northwest. >> he joins us tonight with an update. jason , hey, tucker. there's new research out of the country that tells you unvaccinated truckers are domestic terrorists, that is pretending vaccination status actually corresponds with risky driving. e it's the latest effort to shame the unvaccinated while perhaps maybe line the pockets of insurance companiee s or dr. donald rodemeyer at. the sunnybrook research institute who claim thatclaime motorists that skip the covid vaccine demonstrated trafficvi risks 50 to 70% more frequently compared to those who got the shot, he wrote in the study published in the american journal of medicine. he saie frd this does not mean covid-19 vaccination directly prevents traffic crashes. instead, it suggests that adults who do not follow publicn health advice may alsoeg neglect the rules of the road. th buckle up and actually get through this junk studyh because the study looks at crashes that landed all victims. in the hospital.
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>> so in other words, if a vaccine to driver hits to unvaccinated pedestrians and they all go to the hospital ,the data reflects one unvaccinated victim as a risky driver and two unvaccinated victims as risky drivers as well. so one vaccinated victim, plus two unvaccinated drivers who are pedestrians who end up becoming victims, even thoughthh they didn't actually drive. >> so effectively, they do or skew the data to disfavor the unvaccinated same . if the driveisfavor didn't actually go to the hospital, but the unknown pedestrians did . so it counts the two unvaccinated as risky, but not the actual driver who didn't go to the hospital and happens to be vaccinated. now, what's not in the datahe is who's actually responsible for a crash. y show now, that info could obviously show that the vaccinated disproportionately cause accidents using the researchers approach, we can actually argue the government banning the unvaccinated from using public transportation that forced them to drive. so in other words, w to e can ss
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actually justin trudeau is actually causing the accidents now. causing th study, you actually might wonder why it gets published at all. this is a conclusion from the paper. quote, the observed risks might also justify changes to driver insurance policies inr the future. so basically they're saying get the shot or pay higherrates. insurance rates. >> why not just put them in camps? i mean, that's clearly whatat i they'd like to do. let's justs whaty t cut out the middleman. jason rantes, it really a stunning, stunning story. >> thank you for that. thanks, dr.. y >>ou so, of all the medical experts who were censored for asking questions aboutexpe the covid lockdown, maybe the most shockinrtg was a physician called dr. gao about a charra. he was one of the world's experts on these questions and he wasn't allowed to speak. he was recently restored to twitter, thankfully, he joins us next to tell us what he learned from the experience here at waiting.dition,
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sometimes it's just inevitable.s but if you're coe overndit 50 oe with a chronic condition, waiting could be deadly. yo disease or diabetes raise disease or diabetes raise your risk of seriousu et treatmr death from untreated covid. and if youted don't get treatmi within days,gh you may not be able to get treatment. so get go with symptoms, get tested and get treated right away. it can't wait, angie. you will not going to believe what i am going to show you right now when a group of women put me on flawless second skin, the latest biotech cosmetic breakthrough under one . i watch what happened. >> i only did one eye and i see huge difference so far . they have put the product under my right eye and i see a dramatic difference. >> i just found the golden ticket. i'm telling you, this is unbelievable. i've shown it to my daughter and to my boyfriend.
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on fox. so everyone knew there is censorship on twitter. but until the files came out, the twitter files, we had no idea how extensive it was. turns out it was very extensivei during covid, especially in the people who are black listed who were prevented from speaking freely on twitter, weren't justfrom s people who we making up the science. it wasn't just people who were making cbd paste at their kitchen table. they should be able to speak to . it was exactly some of first the people you would talk to first when pandemic arrives, including dr. jabe , editor of stanford. but it was not i was punished univit was not i was punished the universal lockdowns werewn not the way to respond to covid ,but now he's back. he was disinvited twitter'so headquarters by its new owner, elon musk,d. dr. about bettery a charge joins us tonight. doctor , thanks so much for coming on.hanks so much for of of all people, it was stunning to see you blacklisted. sue censored. what do you i must say to you,
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when you went to visit him? >> well, i found out there that i was actually blacklisted the day i joined twitter. i joined in august 2020 one , we the public that we didn't need lockdown's we didn't need school lockd closures to manage the pandemic, that in fact man there were other ways to do ita. by protecting vulnerable people. i was puy t on apr trend blacklt the moment i joined in. no the audience knows what that means is that i write a tweet, my followers see the tweet, but on the trend blacklist, make sure thatllow people outside of my followerser don't see the tweet. it was it was something thatmet was designed to make sure that r my message didn't get out to the broader population. and what did i also found out wasat theq that it was at the request of unspecified agents. unclear who either inside or blacear who either inside or on this blacklist, which, by the way, is i'm still on a trend blacklist even up until just a week ago. >> itis it's there's a there's e a case i've been involvedinvolv with involving the attorney general's office in missouri.
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edlouisiana and the aclu, this new civil liberties alliance. what we found at government actors across a dozen federaln twtors across a dozen federaln with twitter, with social media telling these social agencies, c social media companies, whatrdii to censor in many cases, who to censor regarding information. it wasn. a it was a policy designed to make sure the american public did not hear that there were other alternative scientific views than just locked down lock down lockdown. what this does i mean, thisrett is pretty amazing on a lot of levels. l >> but the most basic is they told us that they wereng following the science and was our moral duty to do the same. t >> but you were practicing a science of all people to censor. you know that the stanford professor physician who specializes in this stuff seems like he'd be the lastot person you'd censor, correct? >> i mean, the key thing here, tucker, that i think folks need to know what they wanted to do . and this, i think, is government actors and also
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some old, very old media old, old owners of twitter. they wanted to create this illusion of consensus about the science. that's right. that's right. >>they they wanted to fool peope into thinking that we were following the science when, in fact, there was a robust debate among scientists about what the right thing to do was. and the consequence is schools closed, businesses closed,unvacn unvaccinated people lost their jobs. osbecause of mandates, even mandcause of mandates, even actually not none of the persuasive science actually supported any of those positions. peoplepported suffered as a a consequence of this censorship. and of course, it's an abstract violation of my civil rights, my first amendment rights. latin bu ot that's not the important ican the important thing is that people, american people were denied a debate, an honest debate. and i believe that had that honest debate taking place, none of those policies would have been put in place. and all of that suffering could have been avoided. >> the point was, as you put it, to create the illusion of consensus. and i think i think that's a perfect way to put and it's not just on this topic tha
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they're doing it, dr. jay. bu t i really appreciate you you coming on tonight. thank you. comin thank you. g so some people begin to ask q the question, what happened in the midterm elections? here you havble the republicani party in washington, the rnc g and spending millionse rnc of dollars in the cycle.of and yet republicans turn out a pretty disappointing, very disappointing result. so the question is , where didrt all that money go ? would they spend it on exactly . >> it wasn't get out the vote efforts. obviously, we have part of onviously, we have part of the answer nex t. >> some of the best traditions start under a tree. >> it's where we gather as a family, where we experience the excitement of opening day. and it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree shop. >> now, for special savings on gifts for the whole family, in-store and online.
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someone you know learn more . it stop the clogged. >> i spread the word. spent a lot of time tonight chronicling corruption in washington. one of the most florid recent examples is the biden family. we've gotten rich over 40 years of doing what public service?do one of the first people to report extensively on what exactly hunter biden was doing was a man called peter schweitzer. n calledhe's what on earth? remarkable pictures that showed hunter biden meeting with chinese businessmen when his father was vice his father was vice dad on the official trip. >> sdao we sat down with peterl schweitzer for a two partn with
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documentary, biden inc, worth watching how no. one fox nation. here's part of it. >> we first ran across hunter biden's business practices in 2015 when we stumbled across a account on a chinese blog. there were pictures of hunter biden meeting with the equivalent of the heads of china's goldman sachs, sacks citigroup, jp morgan, head of the federal reserve and the treasury secretary. and we were immediately sortunn, stunned by this, wondering hunter biden, who we vaguely h heard was a lobbyist before his father became vice president , why was he meeting with these chinese official? >> both parts? that documentary biden inc. right no w on fox nation. and >> so, ronna, romney mcdaniely has run the rnc or rnc, rather,a the republican national committee in washington. the republican partyn nationalme washington for nearlyar six years. >> and she's raised a lot of money.raised she's good at thatmoney..
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>> but the party has been losing a lot of elections. ging so red state online, the news site decided to look into this . where's all the money going? and red state found it under ronna romney mcdaniel. the rnc has spent more than sixty thousand dollars at clothing retailers, more than three hundred grand on floral arrangements. c que quite a few expenditures h effectively hidden because they weride e put in the wrong categories. according to red state, quote, nearly five thousand spent i nearly five thousand spent i 2020 two.. at lululemon, a luxury athletic brand was classified as an offense expense. tens of thousands went to broadway shows and nfl tickets. in a statement, the rnc said red state had published a blatantly false piece becausea all the spending amountsls to around one percent of the money. ronna mcdaniel raised. but the most fascinating part of the piece was how much was spent on private planes. >> a remarkable amount. and then red state. you should take a look at this, compared spending at the rnc to spending at the dnc, which did pretty well in the last election and found they weren't spending a lotll. money on stuff like that, like private planesoy and lululemon. >> they were spending money
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on winning elections inning, whichections e so a singer, a famous performer, and also an rns c donor. >> he saw this and we are comin interested in his reaction. >> john o much for coming on . o so i think like a lot of, yo our viewers, like a lot of people in america, you know, you sent money party to the paru vote for and you thought it wasg going to the right places. r rep >> what waons your responseis to this story? well, it's bad enough how they e spent the money, as you're outlining, butmone here's where i really, really got upset, tucker. and that's whe n i realized that the rnc right after thisn trum election, when when trump lost the election, they were running commercials on tv that saidcommr we're fighting for trump. so donate to theci figh rnc bee we're fighting for trump. and they knew that thate cons the conservative base out therer was fired up and would send in s a lot of money. matter of fact, and closee to to two hundred million dollars to the rnc. meanwhile, i fink d out that in
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the back rooms where nobody's at allowed to go,or that the attorneys for the rnc decide that they're going to hit the attorneys for trump and say cease and desist, sithu down and shut up. you're ruining the future of the republican party while they're simultaneously running ads saying fighting for trump. so when i saw that go down,re i said, these people are scoundrels. they're liars. liey're liars. this is a bait and switch. they are abusing their positioni with the conservatives around this country. and i don't think we should call them rhinos. on any more after what i've seen them do there, because that's honestly that's defamatory. to the noble rhinoceros. that's quite an animal. i wouldn't call them that anymore. i would call them i would call them judas republican because they betrayed the trust ofrhinor the people. they took their mone y and iok their mone never intended on using that money for what they said they were going to use it for. i'd like to see hashtag judas republicans trending from this point. republicforward. we cannot trust what they'ret ts doing. and until they have new leadership that we can, talk trust that speaks like us and talks like us and supports whatt
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we support, don't send them another red cent. >> i know i won't. and i hope nobody else does. either. wow, that's quite an indictment. ow, that is quite i mean, of cours e you need two parties. you need two party leaderships. you need to have a functioning party. >> right. are yoioning partyu convinced tu had better leadership, it would get betterd if? you know, i think if it's handled in the right way, ifd it you're not lying to people, i mean, tucker, you take two hundred million dollars out of the pockets of hardworking americans during a pandemi20c and say we're fighting for p trump. trump. the entirefi time. entire and the attorney that was sending those letters p campaign still works there, by the way. they said he was fired. he wasn't fired. he still works there. and you can't trust theseasn't people. listen, i'm a regulafid.r guy. i have a i have a pretty incredible life, but i'm a regular guy, as you well know.ur i don't like being lied to .like and i think i think we should hold them to account noy more money until they start telling the truth. >> wow. unthey swow.
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>> john rich speaking more clearly than anyone in dc. great to see tonight. we'll be right back . and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers look closely. i'll be full and optimistic. fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting. it's christmas time. don't let the news frustrate you. turn to god. put all your worry or hope or faith. >> trust, particularly this week. to god if there's hope and if there is hopefulness that there are good signs, that's where you'll find god bless. merry christmas. thank you ever so much.
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neat. oh we call home for the holidays fox weather weathering it together. >> are we there yet. what an hour. we enjoyed it. if you've been watchingey the whole time, we sure were appreciate your patience. >> if you justhe whole dropped n to watch sean hannity, the good news is he's right here. and welcome to hannity. and breaking tonight, w bureaucratelcomes at the nationy archives are ready and willing to release hundreds of pages of emails about zero experienced biden and the millions of dollars he was paid forn by sketchy foreign nationals. there's one person standind the. the way, the big guy himself. we've got a full report tonighte . also, israeli's incoming primeai minister benjamin netanyahllu. m he will be her
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