tv Hannity FOX News December 21, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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together. are we there yet? well, we're out of time.f time that went fast. s special on foxsolutely station is absolutely hilarious and worth watching. >> and we're not just some . it's really, really good. we'll be back tomorrow night. in the meantime, the honorablejo jason chaffetz has the hannity out right now. >> jason does it.ur now. thank you, tucker. i appreciate thank you put on the best show. >> absolutely. love it every night. you and so thank you. >> you have a merry christmas. you, too a. all right. well, welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz, sitting in for scott tonight. jason chaffet american taxpayers may be on the hook for another reckless, massive, bloated, one point seven trillion dollar omnibus spending h spree. it's a bill released inased the dead of night. thousands of the dea pages long. basically no, nobody read it. it's filled with waste. it. far left pet projects and allr swne with the support of the swamp.
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we have full coverage justamll ahead. but first, c tonight, ukrainian president zelenskyy arrived in washington today as congress debates, giving him anothert zee forty five billion in usa. here he is speaking to congress just moments ago from the united states to china, from europe to latin american and from africa, to australia, i the world is to interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay inside. and at the same time to feel bal safe when such a battle continues and your support is crucial. najas t, to stand in such a fight, but to get to theo turning point, to win on the battlefield. we have artillery. yes, thank you. i we have it. is it enough? honestly, not really. >> thank you for both financial
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packages you have already provided us with and the ones you may be willing to decide on your money is not charitys an is an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle. in the most responsible way. here for reaction, author of>> s the giant awakens, retiredtire lieutenant colonel oliver north, a colonel, thanks for joining us . there are some people that are0 concerned that a hundred and ten billion is that money well spent. the president's assuringt isl wh us that he is going to deal with it responsibly. but one hundred and ten billion american people aren't seeing that kind of money. peopls coming out their pockets. all >> well, it's coming out of all our pockets, but it's money well spent ir n my humblee opinion. this is very much like whaoptino ronald reagan did back in the 80s. and i do have some experiencere with i know that makes mean in a lot
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older than most of our viewers.p but in fact, he he believed indo supporting freedom fighters.. he did it in latin america. he did it in angola. guinea-bissau, mozambique. he did it in afghanistan. those people were willing, as ukrainian people are, to use their blood and our bullets. way and by the way, most of that hundred and ten billion total between the forty five to one point seven and the previous sixty five overover one point over one hundred and 10ten billion is spent here inod the united states . it's provided to contractors t and defense logisticians in the kinds of people who build the kinds of systems we're getting. so most of that money is spent h here in america. gooder, hardworking americans hv have the jobs. and when you look at that kind of an investment, what would be the difference if when the giant does awake and that's all that's all about communist china. it's not a plug for this book. the idea of it is to make sureme that they get the right message ,to make surpue that putin gets the right message. no more invasions. and that means the people in taiwan are going to need the same kinds of weapon
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systems that we're nowsystems providing to the ukrainians. and we better get hard at it because the communist chinese aren't backing down, but they're watching very carefullyg what we're doing. and so, jason , in my humble opinion, this is money wellt. spent and it's and it's expensive stuff. the patriot batteries themselves are very expensive. when you look at each one of the patriot pac three missiles, literally well comes in wellllio over. excuse me, a billion dollars a battery and a million dollars. a missile. so you're trying to shoot at stuff that's being flownow by putin as he's trying to redraw the boundaries of europe. a patrio t battery, one point five billion each patriot missile, four million. . >> the max range about one hundred miles. so the iranians, shockley drones. eighty pound warhead, twenty five k a piece. that's what we're up against. and he's got volleys and volleys of them that they're firing at infrastructure in the dead of winter. >> colonel , the concern
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is that vladimir putin turns this suddenly to world war three . i does. you're familiar with putin. does this provoke him in such a way that it gives him a justification to escalate war and take it outside the bounds of ukraine? >> look, he's been rattlingte the nuclear saber since all of this, before all this begans bea on the twenty fourth of february. he and putin does this routinely. and in my humble opinion, i don't think vladimir putind fi could fire a nuclearre weapon anywhere in europe. i think there have been so manyn mutinies in his armed forces. there are some people are juste not going to push the button. they're not going to go to the right place with that missile launch system. they're permissive action link program is entirely different than ours. thanthat weapon has to be ine in the right place to be fired. it's a very specific t target. and as pilots that aren't going to fly their weapons, the downside from my opinion, the downside of the patriot batteries is they'rerang only sending one the maximum range fo
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r patriot missile is about one hundred miles, okay? mie there's a minimum rang go o because you don't want to gove off right over your head. head. and if vladimir putin puts his hypersonic weapons on on an mood russia,a s over are they going to authorize the the launch of the patriot missile into russia? i mean, there's a whole bunch of things that need to be worked out in this thing. not not only the train takes>> n to make surege folks can do it. sure.>> and certain things are always been there. >> done that. yes. well, and i think discussion in this country, i wish we had happened with our more of a debate about it. lieutenant colonel oliver north ,thank you for joining us tonight on "hannity". do appreciate it. all right. t. now, congress is rushingto to pass a massive one points seven dollars trillion dollar omnibus spending bill to fund the government, meaning the incominggovernme house republican majority won't get a say when they take power. >> in january . here with the latest from capitol hill is our fox's own chad pergram chad. >> p jason , good evening.
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the goal is to finish the bill tonight, perhaps 3:00 in the morning. one poin.t seven trillion dollars without much time to consider the bill. >> otherwise, the government closes saturday and responds to the criticism from these conservative republicans, saying that the process behind this omnibus is broken. thousands of pages and it's been out, you know, less than 48 hours. this there are democratsying and republicans saying the process of moving big pieces of legislation in this congress is broken. i'm going to vote for this omnibus. >> i think it is the least bad option we have going. >> we expect a coalition of all senate democrats and 10 republicans to vote yes. many of the gop leaders will come from retiring senators roy blunt of missouri. s e rob portman of ohio is another senate minority leader. mitch mcconnell. inoritsays if the gop was in chi of the senate, he'd handle things differently. but republicans have no choice. >> but given r the reality ofy.
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where we stand today, senators have two options. senatothis week just to give our armed forces the resources and the certainty that they need or we will deny ito to them in the bill.dollars fo forty five billion dollars for ukraine, but some republicans like marjorie taylor greene and speaker candidate andy dybiggs oppose helping ukraine.l >>pi green callengd the aid abs. she referred to vladimir zelenskyy as a shadow president . >> biggs asked how much money was enough. there are other gop knows i'm for giving them money in vermont, but all at once, you t know, all ofhe a sudden it's going to be gone. >> and it was. and now we're back doing it again. g itsenate majority leader chuck schumer indicated he's concerned the senate majoey not be able to forge an agreement tonight that couldsc triggehumerr a procedural vote o break a filibuster on friday. and jason, i'vprocedure just bed there might be a holdup the on the bill over title 40 to
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republican mike lee of utah e on thatget a vot tonight. >> and i'm told that the democrats are concerned that that might pass back to you. o thank you very much. house republicans appear to be united in their opposition to the omnibus bill . so the big question is ,on whatl will senate republicans do? this package contains billions in pork and woke handouts, provides border security for counle eastern countries, but doesn't guarantee much for our own and emboldens biden's bureaucrats, all while undermining american prosperity. >> and it's all happening just weeks from when a new house majority will take power.hous here with more, house minority l whip steve scalise. e scalis whip scalise had the honor and privilege of servingyo with in the house. i've been down this path h with you before because it'spel' nancy pelosi's policy. basically take it up till december 20 . s everybody wants to get home. it's christmas. there's bad weather. what can house republicans do
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at this point other than hope that the senate stalls this bill ? what's the plan? well, jason , we're fighting fit it. we're whipping against this bill , but we're alsing o exposh just how many bad things are in this bill . and i think that's wherey ba the country is getting engaged. and , you know, you just mentioned through chad pergram that mike lee is going to attempt an amendment to try to reverse what the administration is doing, let letting title 40 to expire.. e lei hope mike lee successful,t there's absolutely nothing in this bill for border securit y. hundreds of billions ofions dollars. nobody can tell you what's in it. it was jus of t filed and they'e going to vote on it in dark ofin night. it would it woul d be ironic, but appropriate that they would try to vote on it at 3:00 in the morning. this is a bad bill for taxpayers, but we've got the to change the way that business is done in washington. it's what we w ranha on . we won the house majority on that. but you see them running this thing through by dark of nightha with billions in things thatni they'rght.e doing, border secury
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and foreign countries, and they're impeding border security iriesn our country. everything about this is the wrong way to go. i hope they reverse course. >> now, mitch mcconnell said there were two choices, but isn't there actually a third choice? ar, aren't the houseouse republicans encouraging to say,b why don't we juslit do a continuing resolution, come back after the new year and continue to address this? >> it don't do it.hat is the week of christmas? >> that's exactly right.ha it's a third option that would at least keep things going, but cat have all of this pork all this new spending that nobodn y can explain. >> nobody can tell you tel what is in it because they were just throwing things in. it was like a christmas tree being thrown together and litt p up right a at the end of christmas. and it's a lot of coal.t a lo it's not a lot of gifts rightgi. now. my understanding is there's something like seventy five hundred earmarks. is that a practice that once republicans have the majority in the house willu continue to support? and will will there be earmarks inre a republican controlled
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house? >> one of the things we'vee th talked about is actuallyth changing the way the entire appropriations process works. yoappropri andu go on as majorie i've already laid outd a schedule working with kay granger, who's going to be the chair of the appropriations committee, so that we ca wn actually pass all the bills through the house before summer, get them over to the senate. but wen need to lay down a marker early that the senate has to do their job and not wait till the midnight hour. this has becomjoe a problem that's going on for years. now where the senate waits until september 30th. they just do w c.raits. after c. short term funding bills because they know they can wait until christmas eve, throwsome something together in this bigth omnibuins bill where they have everything under the sun that nobody can read . we have to change that way of a doing business and we havend to lay that marker down early. but we've built a calendar where we can get our work done earlier, too, and make clear to the senate, we're not doing this. things are going to change. i wishchange they would change t now. and that's why we're actively working against it and exposing all of these items that are in the bill that people are still
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to this day, just finding outlee about. >> well, a little over twoe over weeks, the republicans hand is strengthened. i don't know why we're not doing everything we can to delay it until january . 4th. but you're in the house,ar congressman, so havee in t a mey christmas. glad you're there on the halls of congress doing what you're supposed to be doing. >> congressman scalise, thank you very much. come back at this ugly omnibus package is over 4000 pages. it hasn't been read . it's a gift to democrats and one "wall street journal" columnist notes it attached thousands of earmarkl nos in the washington's latest ruse. kim strassel writehington's, ito that congress, in a new trick, is attaching dozens of pieces of standalone legislation to this retirementand changes public lands management, health care policy, cosmetics reti, electoral count act changes, horse racing rules, adding that this monstrositye is cooked in a backroom and memberrules claim they had o choice but to vote againstd the shutdown. back room.
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ducking ducking accountability.accounta. and just how bad is it? t? well, tucked into the one pointr seven trillion dollar monstrosity over for a hundred million dollars for border security, fo r countries like jordan, lebanon and egypt, but hardly addresses security in our own border. even >> even as the crisis rages on . but members won't read it anyway. they'll vote . they'll go home for christmas and americans will be put last once again, no accountability, no transparency, no realions t solutions to confront a whole host of growing crises. well, here for reaction, hoover institute senior fellow victor davis hanson, along with america first legal founder steven miller and wall street journal columnist kim strassel. kim, i want to start with yorte i read your article. it's brilliant. es as always.mi you're one ondf the best minds on this stuff. verbalize for us how bad this bill is. >> well, you know, jason , at least past despicableomnibu omnibuses, we're only just about spending on everything
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undeser the sun. but this just goes to show youan what the natural and horrible limits of this process when int people disappear into back rooms this time, e de they decided to attach dozens of pieces of consequential legislatiociton, stuff that they couldn't be bothered to get through during the year. legislatand stick it on here. t and now alhel of these guys can say, well, we had to vote for this bill . vote fbecause we had to present prevent a shutdown. whethe and they conduct the question of whether or not they would have voted for those individuarl pieces of legislation, big stuff like retirement security savings, changes and the electoral count act and public lands management. i mean, where does anyone actually stand on any individual thing? don'tin this? we don't know. and they did that by design. they're doing that by design spcause they can just come up with a no spend a ton ofen mones ,pass a bunch of stuff and never have to take a vote on any of it. >>e yeah, let's remember that. >> i think it's more than 75% of what we spend in this country is mandatory programmatic spending.
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don' is just the quote unquote discretionary part of the budget. don't think this is the total budgett think . congress doesn't vote ondg the majority of the budget, but one of the thing s they do have t to vote on , stephen , is thhee border and the negligence. it's happening on the border. we see it every day, at leastfo only on fox news. you see it. but when you read and try to decipher what's in thisy bill , having had only hours wh look at it,e what's your red on what's happening here? >>ead on this is an unmitigated legislative atrocity. this is the worst spendings bill in our lifetimes. it neuters border security. it guts immigration enforcement. it ties the hands of our border ice of agents and our ice officers from enforcing duly enacted law. and it doesn'tin nothing to fore biden to end, catch and release even though in mere days house republicans would take overchane and given the chance, pass p a provision on the spending bill ending catch and release and forcing biden to deport illegal aliensng catch.
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as we speak right now, anatriot american patriot , mike lee, leeis fighting, desperatelyfigg fighting to get border securityt on this bill . y but doesn't just finance open borders. it finances critical race theory. in the form of equity and anti-racism. finance is the radical agenda ds ideology that is destroying the education and the welfartrge of our children. radic it finances one radical left initiative after another, enmeshing democrat priorities and doiative a every aspect of o government and all we would need to stop this madnesf s is a two week c.r., a two week short term bill so that kevin mccarthy and the house republicans can stand up for this country instead. tonight, we have stand a spectaf people waving the flag of ukraine while nobody p inr leadership in the senate is standing up for the united states of america. enough already, victor. i want to play this sound from senator tester from montana. ther e are a lot of lame reasonsuppot to support this bill . tbut i want you to listeno wh to what senator tester said.
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it also sends a tremendous signal out to everybody in treme ndthe world. we can actually function if we would not. and by the way, this past year.k it so i don't want to assume it will , but i think it will if we don't passs ts this bill , it just sends it sends a signal of weakness to the whole world's. >> is that really the best>> reason that a senato tr has for voting for this bill ? >> that's about the lowest barr. i've ever seen. as far as standards go . i i mean, if you do it in the middle tonight and during the holiday season in the lame duck congress and it's four thousand pages that nobody's read and you're supposed to beg proud of that, that's goingtoa to send a different message than the senator thinks. >> butr we live in la la land, an alternate universe, and we'rd e thirty one trillion dollars in debt and interest rates are going ups in about for point five and the federal debt. >> so just d as services debt, p we're going to pay fouayr hundrn and fifty billion dollars and it's going to increase d toa trillion at the rate we're going. so these one and a halfa tr trillion dollailr deficits are
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just normal now and nobody talks about it. and sonobody t there's nothing t bill to address physical sobriety. >>o ad are the deficits and then the three big issues thate bieverybody is worried aboutcusd we've discussed is the border. e nothing. they're in fact, negative attitudes toward the border. >> and thee n inflation. e infl and it's going to make inflation worse. g nothing about crime. there's no federal task force, no federal strategy abouforce.t, cartels, drugs, inner city crime, nothing. and there's nothing aboutan't energy because people can't afford to heat their homes. noti gangs is still high. there's nothing about new federal leases. there'l s nothing about offshore drilling. there was nothing about anwar. there's nothing abou plantsabt nuclear power plants. so everything that's in it b is bad and everything that's good is not in it. >> and it's reckless. >> and it's at some point somebody is going to say, oh, my god, the countre y is going broke. it's unsustainable. the we're printing money and we'veg got to do some type of radical t action. but i guess they think that we
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can keep borrowing for another four or five years until weunti go broke. >>l no, this is this absol is absolutely just riddick'sut.. you know what? this is done on purpose. this is no accident that acc they all suddenly get to the toe the day before christmas. they are purposely doing this. it was senator harry reid when he was the majority leader in the for the democrats in the senate who said, oh, don't worry about you'll never lose an election, you'll never lose an election because of subprocesyo bill .a proces but you know what? i just do not understand how any single republican in the senate, in the senate could vote for this if they areea voting for this, i have no idean how they can think they can call themselves a conservative or a republican when ifr if they just wait for t a fewt th more days, they can get the cavalry coming over the hilly to help on issues like stevenhil points out, immigration and others. steven miller, victon anr davis hanson, kim strassel, thank you so much for joining us tonight on "hannity". all right. >> coming up, in its latest political stunt, the sham
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january six committee is prepping to release a full report.y 6th commit tejohn solomon has the latest.l plus, jim jordan joins us with reaction as this specialpecial edition of "hannity" continues . hello, i'm mike lindell, and i'm excited to bring you my biggest betting sale ever. just in time for christmas, get my giza dream bedsheets for as little as twenty nine . ninety eight , a set of pillowcases only nine ninety eight . rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper. for as low as ninety nine ninety nine . we also have blankets, a variety of sizes, colors and styles. we even have blankets for your pets. get duvets quilts down, comforters, body pillows, boaster pillows and so much more of the biggest discounts ever. i know my bedding products are perfect for you and i'm extending my money back guarantee for christmas until march 1st. 2020 three . making them the perfect gifts for your friends, your family and every one you know. so go to mypillow .com or call
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family, a community help us change the world. >> one smile at a time now, while democrats are racing to get their reckless aamna bill passed, omnibus recklebill passed, they appareny needed an extension to release the one sided sham january 6th report, which nowe will supposedly come out tomorrow. and breaking tonight from just the news house republicans have located emails and text showing that pelosi's office wasolve directly involved in failingd to secure the capitol on january 6th. invee with more is investigative reporter john solomon john . >> yeah, good to be with you.
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a pretty big set of revelations today, jason >> what do you find so because of the work of five republicans, jim jordan, troy nel's, jim banks, rodney davis and kelly armstrong, they went out and got the contemporaneous text messages and emails that were going between pelosi's staffth and the security staff in the capitol police. and they put the lie to something that nancy pelosi said when she looked intofebrua the cameras on februarryy 20 , 21 and said, i couldn't have influence the security. i have no power over the capitol police. these emails and these text messages showed just the opposite. nancy pelosi and her staff were directly involved in meeting with capitol police and the security planners in the houseer . sergeant at arms goingltiple back to early december, multiple meetings, most times cutting out the republican colleagues from any of they werledgblican ce that they. the staff of pelosi was so involved they actually were editing some of the plans on january 4th and january 5th. they wer5te directly involved,
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which means the opportunity to prevent this attack wasn't just a failure of the capitol police, it was a failure of the political leadership ofpolii nancy pelosi and her leaders,cap the media, nancy pelosi been trying to debunk this, these five lawmakers with no budget, none the subpoena power, none of the cameras of the january 6th committee went and got the evidence of how the capitol security failures occurred. and how they landed at the desk of nancy pelosi. john solomon, thank you. really do appreciate it. have a merry christmas. meanwhile, the january six committee continues to sink their credibility with one stunt after another. now referring leader mccarthy,at congressman jim jordan and others for an ethicshe violation. well, congressman jim jordan, he joins us now to react. congressman, i had the pleasure of serving with you in congress . look, there's no malpractise on this commission on several fronts, not allowingnot al republicans to choose who'sy their committee. and everybody knows thatn ch the person in charge ofar
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security for the capitol is ultimately the speaker of the house. how can you not investigat speae that component and call yourself an investigation? that's why that's jason . wan that's why they didn't want o to let us on the committee in the first place, because they knew we woulde comm ask these questions and get to theti information. we ultimately got to really twoe thingsly are going on here.e remember, there was that one message that where that reporter talkeoud about they wee concerned about the optics. well, the reason they were concerned about the optics of having national guard presenceh here on january six is because of whae summert happened in thei of 2020. all the rioting going on aroundh the country. ts and the democrats seem to support it and call it peaceful protests. so you had that elemen ct and then you had this patternprt of approval that john referenced where it wasestf the speaker's office, the sergeant of arms office, working hand in glove all the time. g and many of these meetings, they didn't even invitee republicans to so it was it was a coordinated effort. and then on that day, when it. was obvious, youd see the national guard here, the sergeant of arms office had to go talk with the speaker before they could take action because of this this pattern of approval that then developed. approv soal that was the real problem
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here. and , of course, not to mention just the overall political nature of this committee for the last year, and a half, their sole focus t was to go after president trump. again, a political committee. >> i thinki that the country i yoes it for what it is . congressman, i need to ask you about what's happening over in the senate in this omnibus bill . i mean, one of the only toolsbi that republicans have come january when they actually are are in control of the house of representatives, is the power of the purse and the ability to build in the fbi and an and rein in the department of justice and demand some answers how you judiciary at james call more of anu oversight. how are you goingog to bing toeb to do that? youif you don't have the levere of the power of the purse? >> i do not get why the senate is moving ahead with this. i mean, the cavalry is coming over the hill and january there'll be a republican majority in the house will be in a much better position to deal with any spending, any appropriation bill and and hold them accountable. and the thingsholdaccounta we nk
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about. you mentioned the justice department. they're going from a ten pointrt three dollars billion budget to an eleven point three dollars billion budget. and they're talking about a newa headquarters for them. and that's even more than they asked for. biden asked for ten point10 and it's eleven point three in.t this bill that's now in front of the senate. why anyone would vote for this ? i do noty knoanw why anyor republican would vote for it in light that simple fact, this department of justice that waswo working hand in glovrkine with twitter and big tech to run an information operation, a missive formation operation on we the people justk weeks before the twenty,y twenty presidential election. why we would give themwo a rais i have no idea. but that's what's in this bill and a host of other badothe things that i think were best laid out in my colleague dan bishop's twitter feed just just the other day where he talked about all the stupid things we are spending taxpayer money on money that that the families that i represent in the fourth district of ohio getting their money spent on some of the stupid thingsnt that are in this bill . so why anyone would support sup this?port t i have no idea. i know you wouldn't when you were in the congress, you wouldn't vote for something this crazy. there's no way. w
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there's no way. and why not wait the two weeks that it takes in order to do this? they do continuing resolutions all the time. but i do believe when nancy pelosi was the speaker, whenme i is there back in two thousand nine , 2010, we did the same the thing. and if i got the year wrong, it was another year where nancy pelosi, she did. this is a tactic. they wait till the end of december when they think the country is asleep and more concerned about christmas and then they pass icember at t was supposed to be done on sept by september 30th. with year.the fiscal so if we can go twoew more months, what's wrong with a few more weeks? wer goodness sake, theweekn we'e going to have a majority republicans in the house of a representatives. ee >> i would be remiss. beneed to ask you real quickly, you'veen been referred to for an ethics violation, supposedly. i don't know what it is . comme >> dnto you care to comment on that? no. again, i think it just shows how political this this committee again, we've caught this committee, jason . we've caught in several lies, eight different lies, two of them about me. here's one that they did during one of these big fancyl th committee hearings. they do with other audio visual. they played a clip of me doing
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the interview and i said in the interview, january six is the ultimate datjanuare of dat significance in a presidential contest. the part they left out wase. the first sentence of that statement when i said the late justice ruth bader ginsburg said january six was the ultimate date of significance. of presidential contest. because it is , it said. but when you leave that off, it changes the meaning. and they presented that as if i said it the way they put it on on the film like that is how much this committee is willing to lie all to get after president trump. and the reason they go after aft him so harerd is because he came to this town . he did what he said he was going to do. he shook this placs e up, accomplish things for th the american people, for american families. and that's why they've beey bee. getting now for seven years. >>th butey a the country has fid it out. they're not going tolerate itnk now. i think that i think that's rigt right. chngressmen have a merry christmas to you and your wife and the rest of your family. ththanks for joining us tonight on "hannity". >> really do appreciate it. all right. >>raight ahead, biden's border crisis is going from bad to worse as the future of title forty two is in jeopardy.ross texaing.s attorney general ken u
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paxton joins us with a strong warning. plus, our ow an sara carter jois us along with brandon judd is this special hanadih continues. >> get refunds. .com powered by innovation refunds can help your businessrs get a payrolitl tax refund even if you got ptp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. >> i went on their web site,lpes yo blown away. blown away. >> whas tot they could do. get refunds. .com has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business in to qualify your business for a biovatg refund in eight minut. go to get refunds .com to get started powered by innovation refunds. are you one of the twenty five million americans living with control issues and on medicaid? then stay tuned for a free offer from active style. i would recommend anchor style because they fit for one thing, there's no leakage. my son was struggling
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is secure and instead immediately deploy federaldressi assets to address the dire problems you have caused. and crim probleme continues to e a huge issue on the border with the texas department of public safety, recently busting up a group of drug traffickers that included a 14 year old boy. >> meanwhile, the fate of title forty two hangs in the balance, with the supreme court keeping it in place fo ir now before making a final decision. here now with reaction is texas attorney general ken paxton. mr. attorney generalxa, thank yn so much for joining us .i wanted i want to address the issue of crime literally. there have been millions ofrder people that have crossed. the border and they're not all just the nicest, sweetest people. we really don't know who theyeo are, what they've doneple. and where they come from. atto what are you seeing as the attorney general with these smaltowns,l towns, big towns al across texas? what is happening with the crimacross t.e on the border, nt is going up and the bidenadmini administration knew it wouldst when they when they allowed the cartels to bring these
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people in.el yos.u can look at the drug situation, the human trafficking situation, it's allo gotten worse. thousands of kids have died from drug overdoses because the border is not secure and the gangs and the cartelerds are continuing to infiltrate border cities and really cities all across america because wee n have an open border thatn border they claim is both closed and secure, which obviously is not correct. oboti mean, that's a total lie.a every time that press secretary stands up there and says the border is closed, it's not thu have to do is look at the pictures. and i recognize that only fox news is out there actually showing people what's happening. but there's not a single bordera patrolppenin agent that can tell you that things are going well either. what elsn the can the state of texas do? i mean, it seems like texas doing just about everything it possibly can. it is the feds responsibility. bun,t what else can texas do?n >> well, i do want to say this.? when i say it's close, this very much reminds me of what the chinese communists say about things in their country. they lie about it and they claim it's misinformation.
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if you say the opposite, which is exactly what the bush we are continuing to fighere. we're continuing to fight the bush administration in court over title 40 to tryde to keep that in place.m lawsui they created this sham lawsuit where two illegalst sued and and then the bush administration doesn't even fight it. and this is this stration is the way they deal with title 40 , too. we've also fought to keepwe f remain in mexico in place because that's really the loophole that they're using. by allowing the cartels to literally handle as many people as possible and then just say, oh, the magic word is asylum. and now everybody gets to bed is transported by administration all over the country.. so we have to continue to fightg the two major policies that are protecting the country until we get a wall built. i mean,>> that reallycredib is the difference. the credible fear standard. they change that. and the obama biden white housen and now biden, harris are doinge the same thing. they've changed it here.e read this script and that'si wih how they do it. attorney general paxton, i wish i had more time, but i thankav you and have a merry christmas. now, president biden has
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mishandled the border so badly and done so little to even recognize that crisisd is happening, let alone fix it, that some are now asking the question, could this all be intentional? our own sarah carter asked that very question down in mcallen, texas. >> have a look. is this a biden administration strategy to just let them? well, that's what it seems to be. is i mean, it's been happening s since last year and nothing's been controlleinced. when we see record number for record number with encounters unaccompanied children, the number of deaths froms co illegal immigrants, drugs that are coming cross fit and that's coming across, that hasn't stopped. and the fact that they allowssow the mexican cartels to control the border, they don't have the priority to take care of the american people and secure the border and the fact thatr they're asking for more time, we're really asking more time just to have more resources, have more shelters, more processing centers so they can process people faster and release them into the country. that's not going to solve the problem. s t gointhey have the policies e just most recently, there was
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a court decision for the state of texas where department of of security, the federal rei government has to reinstate the remain in mexico policy right now. t again, they'rehe noty doing it. they haven't acknowledged it. so they have policies in place to stop the situation from one day to the next. but they refuse to do it. >> here with more, fox news contributor sara carter. and national border patrol council president brandon. brani thank you both for joining us .t yoandon, i want to start with you. you and i've talked about thiss offline, but why are these migrants not going through the ports of entry and then when they do cross illegally, not through the ports of entry, why aren't they being charged?th because it is against the law. e they've been detained. >> why are they not being charged? you know, this is an amazing question. i'm glad that you asked that question because everybody you y go through the port of entry. and that is a legal process. if they went to a port of entry and presented themselves and asked for asylum, that's legal. but what people ar these peopleg
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is they're crossing the border illegally between the ports of entry that a they are committing a crime and then they're asking for asylum. the reason that they'r.ason theg it is because the cartels forcel them to do that. that's what the cartels want. the cartels want to put border patrol agents out of the field, create artificial gaps in our coverage, and then cross our higher value products, whether that's fentanyl h ighecriminal aliens, aliens froi special interest country. that's what the cartels arepresn currently doing. and they're doing it becauset n president biden is allowintog them to do it. it's insane that we continue top to have this. and when you're on top of that, it's also insane that we're not prosecute any of these peoplele for violating our laws. remember when they crossed the border illegally? that is a criminal act and it's janishable with for up to six to six months in prison, in jail and a fine. it's not an end or this is something that should be happening. but becaus. in fuse there is no consequences, in fact, there'ssn not just no consequencesce, we'e rewarding them. we're releasing them into the united states . thise reason so is the reason t people are coming. these these are the root causes
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. sure.s th this is thproblee problem, righ? according to a brand and what i'm hearing from the borderrt o patrol, they cross not at eny. detai entr they can be detained, they canne be fined, they can be incarcerated and they can be deported. but they're not doing that. do you find any border patrol agent who believes that what'sta going on right now is actually the right thing to do? >> no, i haven't found any border patrol agent, nor have i found any immigration and customs enforcement officer if you who believes that this is the right thing to do. and if you talk to texas dps, fu the department of public safety, you talk about saf the enormous amount of resource s with operation lone star here in the state of texas. operatio abbott has had to do. you can see that the state i is pulling all the weight of the federal government. and that's the reason why, jason the, i asked the question to lieutenant olavarria. so, i mean, this. is a policy, right? we now know that this
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is biden's policy to keepep t the border wide open. and what brandon judd is saying is 100 percent accurate. basically, the bidenration a administration is aiding and abetting, in the opinion of manyd law enforcement officials that i talked to , the cartels and the human traffickersokay because they're saying, hey, look, it's okay.u move you've moved them in, not through a port of entry, but inr through an open part of o our border. you you cross into our border and then we're going to take you. we're goin tg to process you fo a day, and then we're going to release you. and i think what makes matters worse, jason , is the fact that they're not even there's there's a national security component to this. there is not even a real security check on many of these people. we can't eve sn verify who theyb are. and they're being released. many of them are flying on airlines all across the united states . and now we have une a one point seven trillion omnibus bill where eight hundred million dollars is literallyn going to be put into the pockets of ngos that are creating shelters. so all we're seeing is more in
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incentive for people to cross. so what we're seeing now, i think, is going to be co small compared to what we're going to be seeingmp in the upcoming year and in the next few months. i really, really do. i think it's that >> yeah. sarah , between you and bill meluzin and william lajeunesse, do some amazing reporting. so thank you. and to brandon judd, i hope every single border patrol agent is working one of the most difficult jobs. we're here in the warmth of our homes and i hope every single one of those agents knowl how much we love and care for ad them and appreciate what they're doing. they've got bad leadership . they've got a president who doesn't care and a vice president who's clueless. .but to the average man and woman who is down thereis on the border this christmas season working their off, please share with them how much we care and love for themt and care and hope that they continue to do what they're supposed to do. >> so thank you so much. all right. coming up, despite feeling britn
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freeing brittney griner in exchange for the merchant of death, the biden administration has left the number of americans locked up abroad. we'll bring you the latest lef developments as senator mike lee weighs in as a special edition of "hannity" continues . my name is vincent, and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for 30 years. and what i realized as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end of the day. and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables. i think a lot of people are in that situation. i found balance of nature and i looked at the ingredients and i thought, this is exactly what i need. and so after trying it for about a week, i'm not a morning person. but i started getting up early and i started feeling better because i had more energy. i think, of course, as a nutritionist, it's best to get all you can from your diet. but it wasn't till i started taking balance of nature that i started noticing
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overweight community. >> so it's time to start a bigger conversation. me bac >>k welcome back to this specil edition of "hannity". earliel r this month, president biden agreed to a prisoner swap in which brittney griner was freed in exchange for convicted felon felon victor boot, one of the most notorious arms dealers in history, accused of arming al qaeda and the taliban, amongm others. however, formeer ur us marine paul whalen, who was jailed on dubious spying charges int russia, was once again left behind. meanwhile, utabehindh senator me lee is ripping the department
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of defense for stopping a pay.he that's right, stopping the pay right before christmas to us off navy officer ridge alkonridg is imprisoned in japan despiteid questionable circumstances around his arrest. n senator mike lee joins us now with more. senator , i've got r mihort amount of time. i want to ask you explain to people at home what's goingsn on with this navy lieutenant and what what should happen. >> lieutenant rigell cona suffered a medical emergency while serving in japan fort su the u.s. navy.e servin and while he went through thisgn emergency, he lost consciousness, was involved in a car accident in which two japanese nationals tragically lost their lives. my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those victims. but in japan, when you do something like that, they can throw you in prison, at least y if you're a u.s. navy officer. who's respected and among the best and the brightest, that's what they've done in i prison. s what done.lieutenant rigell ca three years. meanwhile, his. wife, brittany , and their three children are still in japanthree ch with lieo
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welcomeness in a japanese prison six months into a three year prison. x sentence. priso the u.s. navy has informed himne that they're going to cut offrei hings pay one week from today. this is this is i find this absolutely baffling. >> we're doing everything we can to overcome it. we've got an amendment beforendment the u.s. senate. it's goinge to trthy to restore lay and benefits before it's too late by it to this omnibus bill . but in the meantime, the omnibus is in grave j jeopardy. so one wayy. or another, we're u going to need the u.s. navy to step up to the plate and do the right thing. >> yeah, yeah. i think the pentagon and come sc on , secretary, defense, you can do better than what you're doing right now. i tell you that. you tell us the latest title 40 to you're trying to inject it into the omnibus. >> what's the latest there in the senate yet, jason ? this four thousand one hundred and fifty five page bill full of democratic priorities does nothing to protect the border. quite to the contrary, it contains language undermining border security. so i insisted that we have at least one amendment up or down
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vote on whether to preserve titl amee forty two , because te 42 is the one thing standing between us and utter chaos. we already have mostly chaos. this would bring us to utter chaos if it expires, which is about to . all i wantl i is anwant up or o vote . chuck schumer, the democratsmoct are terrified of an up or down vote . why will ? becauss e they want absolute pandemonium and chaos on the border and they're terrified of this vote because they will lose as they should lose. g and so i'm standing firm.demand i'm going to demand an up or dow down vote if they don't give us the up or down vote , thiscult is going to be very difficult for them. and it probablably wy will cosim the omnibus. weeks senator , why nount just wait tv weeks till the calvary in the house? it changesy change leadership. r >> there's no more nancy pelosi in two weeks. why not dosi that? io fauci. , yo jason , you are absolutely right to ask that question because we should do that. this is what i've beenquestion advocating since september. i've been advocating this all month and december as well. we need to have a short term spending bill , stop this to the holidays rather than setting a shutdown cliff right
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before christmas eve. we should pass a short term spending bill taking this intoeo january . look, no republican should support th vote to support thisis measure. they shouldn't be supporting this bill in the first place, especiallyl in if they won't won give us an up or down vote on title forty to. well, senator , good luck, because a lot is riding on this. and to lieutenant coneys luck.,s there in a prison cell. come come on . o the united states is my formerso colleague used to say elijah cummings, we can do better than this and the government forbett the united states can do a lot betterer. senator , i appreciate your good work on this. more of this specialdicine c edition of "hannity" right after this break. >> i must in your medicine lovei cabinet, less sick days call cabinet, less sick days call coming on backhands. a number one called shortening brand. highly recommended side fans love decamps unique think
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12:00 am
sit in his seat before you go , i want to remind you to check out my podcast, jason in tye in, jason ine interv the house. you'll get there. the interview this weewithk is h travis. you're going to love it. it's available now. fox news podcast, .com or. wherever you listen to ar tuning podcast. thank you so much for tuning in. have a ver i a y merry christmasduffy and a happy new sean duffy is in for laura ingraham. sean, glad you're you'rein filling in tonight. and aren't you glad you aren't i sitting in the halls of congress here on december twenty ? >> first i was watching your show and thinking the exact same thing. thank goodness we gotn: i w a congressmaasn. by the way, your podcast is great. thank you. all right. i'm sean duffy and lauran ingram . thisnd this is a special edition of the manual from new york city. we begin tonight with a fox news alert with about 50 hoursde left until the government shuts down. senate democrats are right nowem rushing to ram through the four thousand one hundred and fifty five pagpae, one pointat s seven trillion dollars. pork filled omnibus spendingfinh bill that most senatorsed probably haven't even finished reading yet. fofox newsx
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