tv Outnumbered FOX News December 22, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> hi, everybody, i am dagen mcdowell, this is "outnumbered" come and run me today, nicole saphier, leslie marshall, lauren simonetti, and david webb. many americans say they can't afford as many presents this christmas thanks to inflation, but that does not stop in congress from going on a monster spending spree with your heart or in money. the $1 trillion spending feel they are trying to ram through is more than 4,000 pages long and filled with some eye-popping
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pet projects. including 3.6 million bucks for the michelle obama trail in georgia, another $1.3 million allocated for a study on the recommendation for alcohol in the upcoming dietary guidelines. that also makes of available for the pacific salmon population. there is $3 million outlay for be friendly roadsides and highways, senator rand paul blasted all that spending using a holiday rhyme to make his point, watch this. >> it's was the week before christmas, and through the senate and house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. the earmarks were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that st. nicholas soon would be there. the senators were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of pork danced in their heads, no budget was found, just
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mischief and debt while the taxpayers hung their poor heads and wept. >> dagen: david, what is more outrageous? the size of this or the fact that congress is pushing this giant omnibus bill through before the new congress takes charge, before the republican-controlled house takes charge in january. >> it is not an either or, they are both horrible. they drop a bill, they go to 2:00 a.m., come out in the morning, they add some more things. nobody has read this thing, i interviewed senator marshall on this and he voted no, by the way, a lot of turncoat republicans voted yes on this bill without reading it, and he said even if you had a team of 20 people breaking it down staffers you cannot read and comprehend the bill. and they are jamming this through because of the republicans come in, then they can get back may be under mccarthy or wherever the incoming speaker's, probably mccarthy and some sort of
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regular order, there are 12 key appropriations here, they are important. the michelle obama trail in georgia, i don't care, somebody raised the money and give it to them. call some donor. salmon, not a necessary appropriation. these roadside highways, are they going to put up signs for the bees, it's ridiculous when you think about it that fiscal responsibility has gone. these are a bunch of amoral elitists like richard shelby from alabama, a republican who wants to go out and spend what, 600 million on his own pet project. i don't care who they are. all five of us come all the people watching, all the people working in the studio, you are going to pay this bill. >> dagen: i will go to leslie on this, because i have been talking about this last year, republicans are part of the problem. and i will start with mitch mcconnell. mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, and mitt romney, that they cosigned, and i'm not going to take the microphone and hold the floor the rest of the
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segment, but they cosigned on two over $1.2 trillion in new spending under the democrats, the infrastructure bill, they signed on to it come about ada, the semiconductor boondoggle voted ea, and they have voted in favor of this and mitch mcconnell is talking about how proud he is, and richard shelby is out the door, and walking away with the most earmarks, $656 million in parting gifts for this old boys club over in the senate, and it does not matter whether you are a democrat or republican, it's all shameful, because it is on our backs. >> leslie: it made me tingle a little bit when you said republicans. but this is a problem, i don't like pork, if it is a democrat or republican doing it, because it takes away from the necessity is in this bill. you're avoiding the government shutdown. you are cutting money for the irs, and in addition to that, you have things that are so beneficial for veterans, for
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homeless, for affordable housing to reduce inflation, to help ukraine, to help our own military, the list goes on. and that's what bothers me. >> david: there are no appropriations, the 12 appropriations? >> leslie: david, they are there, and in addition to that when she talks about republicans, the preliminary vote was over 70-25, right? just a preliminary vote, so they got the votes. and you only have 51, 50 right now democrats, so you have certainly a good number of the senate republicans that are agreeing with us and we will see the same thing in the house. and this happens time and time again, everybody wants to bring money home to their district, money home to their state, and that's why, democrats and republicans adding all of the sport and it is bad because it puts a bigger price tag on the legislation and takes away from the tax dollar and takes away from the good stuff and there's a lot of good stuff. >> there is a farce in this, i
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have to say, the 2% reduction for the irs when they already did what they did in the inflation, the falsely named inflation reduction act is a joke. you get 119 billion to the va. i think that everybody knows where i stand on this issue, but if you don't have a system that works correctly across the va and a failed secretary mcdonough coming you are not applying it to updating to getting veterans to their appointments. they are throwing money because it gets a republican vote in because it sounds good and they all feel good while they use veterans for props, they are not fixing the system. >> lauren, one of the issues that "the wall street journal" editorial board talks about in the title the ugliest omnibus bill ever is that it says it is worse not just the size of it, the democrats have failed to in their duty to pass normal spending bills, and they also add major policy changes that it should've been broken out as separate votes but could not
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pass by themselves from health care to presidential election rules even the banning of tiktok on government devices and even regulating the beauty industry through the fda. >> yes, this was done by design knowing that they could not get all of that past and stand-alone votes, so do what you always do, just lump it together in this major omnibus spending package and jam it down people's throats a couple of days before christmas. there is another option, the third will be to pass a continuing resolution and deal with it in a couple of days and deal with and in january when you have the new republican congress coming in. but the other thing is we are dealing with inflation, struggling to pay our christmas gifts and bills, this is inflationary. and as interest rates go up and up and up and the cost of finance are $30 trillion debt goes up too, hundreds of billions of dollars annually is just money that we don't have and is being jam-packed it down our throats at a time when inflation is at a major, major
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problem. record spending, record inflation, they just don't go together when apparently they do. >> nicole: i will say something not as eloquent as lauren. this is a slap in the face. >> leslie: i would curse, i'm this close. >> nicole: i will try. the $3.1 million michelle obama trail, and david was saying they should fund raise, somebody else other than that taxpayers, do you know who should pay for it? michelle obama made $35 million hundred 2019 book and former president obama i think it is estimated at $65 million advanced in a netflix special and engagement, maybe she should pay for her own trail. in the $1.5 million for the alcohol study, save your money, everything in moderation. there is no amount of money that is healthy for you. we don't have to study to say how much you should or should not have, you should not have anything, but everything in moderation. and in this bill talking about the cdc, and the fbi, all of
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whom are going to be investigation in 2023 for the missed doings over the last couple of years perhaps before we start giving them even more money we need to hold them accountable for some of the things that they have already done and say that spending is contingent on these policies needing to be fixed. >> i just want to point out that we have a medical professional opinion saying it's okay for us to drink on the holidays, thank you. >> they keep doing this in washington and we are going to need that alcohol. >> doing it with democrat and republican in power. >> anywhere for that matter! >> a fox on both houses on this, kudos to the republicans in the senate who voted against it, but what is missing here is that thing that will never change in washington, too much power in the speaker's office and in the majority leader's office, the committee's are not involved, appropriations should be dealt with by the committee's regular order and that's why they won't give it to us, because i knew might have fiscal responsibility. >> let me add one thing. mitch mcconnell said that the
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reason that the republicans did not do well in the midterms was candidates quality. mitch mcconnell was 1 of 90 republican senators that voted in favor of the infrastructure bill, inflationary along with lindsey graham and mitt romney. 1 of 17 republican senators who voted for the semiconductor boondoggle which helped to lead to the passage of the inflation reduction act. so he was part and parcel getting behind and voting yes for inflationary spending, he cosigned on $1.3 trillion in non-defense spending at a time when inflation was running at a 40-year high, and then you have the audacity to blame candidates for the reason that republicans did not do well. it is your leadership and you are doing it again and saying you are proud of putting this omnibus spending bill together. >> we need to ditch mitch in a
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nutshell. >> it is the screw you american bill straight from the republicans and the democrats, and richard shelby, michelle obama is not in the senate, and not in the house, and richard shelby, this is james bovard in "the new york post," senator richard shelby is also getting his name on his fbi training facility almost everything in alabama already has his name on it. he is getting more than $650 million in earmarks. and he is retiring. never seen it going away present like that. coming up, could be the best paying job, no job that is, the welfare handouts creating a scenario where it now pays not to work, more on that next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mite inspection. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank.
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subject 1: i've always heard about it, listened to stories, and cried, and thanked god that it wasn't my child. and then it was my child. subject 2: nobody is thinking about, well, what if my kid gets diagnosed with cancer? it can happen. what if it does happen? what do we do? simone: in that moment, death was not an option. and if death is not an option, then i have to find the best place that will help her to live. and st. jude was that place. azalea: ok, mommy. simone: at two years old, she was formally diagnosed
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with rhabdomyosarcoma. and that is a solid tumor, cancerous solid tumor. azalea's cancer was in a peculiar position that was made it difficult to treat. ricardo: the doctor, she was telling us that, ok, the first thing you need to know is that we can take care of this. and then i was told that i wouldn't have to pay for anything. interviewer: thanks to your help, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. so they can focus on helping their child live. join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. simone: when you donate and when you contribute, you are saving lives around the world, not just that one child that you see on tv, or that one child that you may know. ricardo: i would say this is one of the best donations you could possibly make.
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>> nicole: many americans making a pretty good living despite sitting on the sidelines of the workforce, new study found unemployment benefits and obamacare subsidies and half of the country, 24 states equate to the national median household income. the study also showing that welfare benefit payout is close to or more than common middle-class american jobs in three states that's more than $100,000, just think about that for a moment, jobs do not pay as much as you can get by not working, more than the average teacher, construction worker, electrician, or firefighter. so a family of four with no one working would still take home at least the national median household income, bottom line, apparently it looks like it pays not to work especially in some states like massachusetts, my
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state of new jersey, and washington state, leslie, you are seeing the numbers, there is truth to this. would you agree? does it pay not to work? >> leslie: this is no different and before the pandemic and years before the pandemic and again democrat or republican in office. i want to -- >> nicole: 3 million who we fewer people are working. it >> leslie: i will get a lot of pushback for this coming years ago i lost my job and my grandfather said to me why are you at work at coming i said i lost my job, and he is to get up and get another job. it's not as easily said, but i was taught you don't get unemployment, you get another job. so i do think there is something to the way that you are taught, weights, okay, also when people are receiving unemployment now, which has gone back to the way it was, at six months, it's not a hero or a year and like some states in california during the pandemic where people desperately needed it and some people are still desperately needing the funding, but you can't blame people one if they
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are not able to get the job, or two if they feel more comfortable with a little bit less equal or more pay for that six month period, and broadcasting, sometimes it takes us six months to a year to get another job. i don't see this as hugely different from times in the past, there are people more comfortable not working, and then there are people like me who would get less to work, because i really enjoy work, i really enjoy doing the job. >> nicole: that if i see you got, just get another job, that's the work ethic that we have here in america, that i love that we have. but we also have this amazing thing called a social safety net, right, dr. saphier? but it's not supposed to be endless, and right now we have made that safety nets bigger and bigger and bigger and all-consuming in the work ethic with an exception of you and us and other people working went down. >> nicole: first of all, safe space. you can say whatever you want.
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>> leslie: you. >> nicole: i do think that the majority of americans believe in a financial safety net to help those in a critical hour of need, but not a stopgap, a temporary thing, but importantly what we have seen before covid as leslie mentioned, but it really ballooned under covid was the expansion of the safety net and then people became so comfortable with it too that they did stop working if they lost their job, there were a ton of layoffs during covid. they were not to -- they did not have that hell-bent i have to get another job, because i am still not able to pay my rent because they had the rent forgiveness program and getting more money that maybe they were getting from their paycheck and you said that in americans we do have this work ethic to go out and get a job, i'm not sure that's true anymore. i certainly am not seeing it in the younger generations. all of a sudden more college graduates living at home. there is no urgency to get out outof the house anymore becausee mind-set is changing. so we have to make sure that this government safety net, not as readily accessible, and should come with contingency is coming you have to have work requirements and other things
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that should go along with it and there has to be an end point. it cannot go on into perpetuity. >> lauren: dagen mcdowell, you are saying this creates the cycle of dependency and it is generational. >> david: it did not start in covid, it started in dependency, i will pass forward, we go to poor community is whether you are in miami here in new york, or what you saw around the country, and generational living with a trap is not a safety net, it's a safety trap that wraps around and you can't get untangled from it. it started in obama's years when he expanded on employment to almost never ending. this is a modern version, they adopted it through covid. to look at, there were a lot in defensive younger people, there a lot of jay insleeers that's go out through the country and work hard and want to get ahead, but the best antipoverty program is a job, because it gives you something that money can't account for, trusting yourself, strength, faith that you can
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move forward, that you can work hard and get better. >> lauren: you are right, david, but you have that job and you have to pay taxes, when you get the subsidies and the as other subsidies that are coming in and he is on employment benefits, that's your income that you don't pay taxes on. this to be on the subsidy you are talking about an obamacare is a premium subsidy that has been extended that is still in place that was from the covid to lock down from the covid era and that is the problem is a lot of these programs, they never end. it has been extended once again appeared to the biggest problem i have is with the moratorium on making student loan payments, that is welfare for the rich. that's in its 34th month that it has been extended into the middle of next year. these are doctors and lawyers and investment bankers that are not only not making their student loan payments, but there is no interest accrual.
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>> lauren: i pay off my student loans want to point that out. the spiel and there's no interest, but by then and company are allowing that debt to essentially inflate away. and that is -- that is actually screwing over people who paid off their loans who did not take out loans, that is welfare of the worst kind is welfare to people who don't need it. and if you want to talk about people not working, they are not working because of that, because they don't have to pay the lo loans. >> lauren: coming up, facial recognition device a mom with her daughter's girl scout group from a rocket show. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what should the future deliver? (music) progress... (music) ...innovation...
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♪ ♪ >> dagen: an incident at radio city music hall involving a girl scout mom shedding light on the growing controversy of facial recognition, the new jersey mom was denied entry into the rockettes christmas spectacular last month, she was chaperoning her daughter's girl scout troop, but the events facial recognition system flagged her. she was escorted out because she works for a law firm that is suing msg entertainment which owns a radio city music hall. "the new york post" calling it a kick in the face. but msg entertainment has done this before, the company says it is part of their policy to ban attorneys involved in ongoing litigation against them from their events. dr. saphier, as a mom, what you make of this? it is not unconstitutional, the fourth amendment does not apply.
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it is not government action, and the communications privacy act does not apply because it is not intercepting communications. it is perfectly legal if it is disclosed to the ticketholder. >> i have a lot of issues with this, one being the fact that it is being used for their own personal punitive policy being done right now. this mother isn't actually the attorney suing msg, she is just at a law firm that is in litigation with them. but they did have a policy, they alerted the law firm saying this is our policy, you won't be able to come, so she was warned. here's the thing, opera is right next door, would've gone across the street and had a glass of wine, stop at one glass of wine, we are going to be healthy, but it's a very unfortunate, if this was really a policy, i think they have gone a little too far with it, come on, she was taking the girl scout troop, her daughters, i think he should've let her in. i find it a little creepy that the facial recognition thing is going on for private use, but there's just a lot of things to unpack.
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i think they have taken it a little too far. >> dagen: david, it happened one female lawyer at mariah carey's recent christmas event at madison square garden. apparently according to "the new york times," madison square garden has been doing this at least as far back as 2018 used in the facial recognition. the whole thing is just creepy and gross. >> david: i am with you, we don't live in a cctv world, i got it, it's not government, but for that bad look you are taking on a mother taking girl scouts to a show, and i hope they get somebody there to say, hang on, some moderation at least in policy. don't like it, don't need it, don't want it in our society, keep that in europe. >> dagen: i would go scorched earth all over social media if i was a girl scout mom kicked out into the street. >> david: she should be on every tv. >> lauren: does not make me feel any safer sitting in the theater knowing the technology kept a lawyer, supermom,
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girl scout mom out of the theater. msg and jim dolan should have come out it said, look, it's legal that we did this, obviously the software works, it's great when it is put to the right use, but in this instance, it's fine that this innocent woman comes to see the show. we have the technology when we needed for the right purposes, this was completely wrong. >> leslie: that raises the issue of its technology and we always think it's so great for law enforcement or it so great to protect us, but how do you know that's how they are using it? and in this case it's protecting their backsides or maybe not, it's just, you know, they are using it as a vendetta to get the is a lawyers out of these event spaces. >> leslie: is a slippery slope, i am technophobe, i don't like the facial recognition things because anything technologically can break down. there can be mistakes because we
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as humans error, and who makes and programs these systems? facial recognition technology is put together by humans. it's supposed to be for terrorists. it's supposed to be for fbi most wanted list, not for girl scout moms. i want to commend this woman, okay? if this had been me, there are a couple of things. one, where those girls miners on escorted by an adult? two, she is really good, you guys would have had an different conversation. it would've been leslie marshall is in jail and she is fired from fox news because of her behavior at radio city music hall, because i would not let anybody separate me from my kids. >> dagen: what is in the database? >> david: it is biometric data, what if it is hacked? >> dagen: assuming that i go into msg again, i'm going in backside first. >> david: over at the rockefeller center tree, how about that? >> dagen: coming up in epic
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meltdown at the airport when a mom just loses it after she loses her kids next. >> leslie: that's me at radio city. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan, i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now, i'm managing my diabetes better, and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual!!!
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's before the holiday season is supposed to be filled with a chair, but you will not know it by watching what just happened at miami airport, a mom had a giant meltdown when she lost track of her kids and began yelling and ripping things off the counter and even chucked a computer at the gate agent. watch. >> i have to find my baby! >> that cameras coming! >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah. >> nicole: so lauren, we know the fight or flight response, we
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have danger, there is some unknown, that is not fight or flight where my children, she is not even looking for her children. >> lauren: you give her way too much credit by suggesting that's what she wanted to be if she wears defending herself, we live in this culture where anything goes, someone is typing what i do, caught on social media so we are too casual and loose and okay to just explode, because there is no accountability anymore. i mean, that behavior was utterly utterly disgusting. >> nicole: she checked it at the gate agent and had bruises from this, but i think part has to do with the last nearly three years, they've been in isolation or you will kill yourself or those around you, i don't think that people know how to behave anymore. >> david: there is a problem here, and my concern would be for the children, if somebody knows this woman, maybe it's her parents, she has a young five, they need to talk to her, because someone who reacts like that coming you should have concerns about how they are
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raising their children. >> nicole: mama bear or inappropriate? >> leslie: totally inappropriate, the cubs are watching. is this what we are teaching, my mom will say, are you going to go boston on me, you know, but that is not going boston, that is insane. i do think there is accountability. i mean, you get arrested and sued and face posted all over social media, there is one word that just keeps coming up his entitlement. they are so many people out there that they feel they are entitled, they are entitled to be first, they are more important than the rest of us getting on that plane, right? or getting first in line and the pushing and shoving, it is terrible, how do we get here. i think because we are so a divided, not just politically and every way, but to me i been doing radio talk show for over 30 years and it used to be i don't like your opinion on this, not i don't hate you because of your opinion on this, and i think that that is where we have come to you and you know, there is just no boundaries and there
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is no filters, and i do think we can find a way back, but we, the adults in society have to do that. we have to start doing that now. holiday season or otherwise, we have to turn this back for our kids. i would agree with you, david, they are watching. >> nicole: instability on the rise, let's pretend that these children were abducted in the airport, she was the perfect accomplice to that, she created a distraction that anyone who is trying to evict a child will take. any mother should know that you should look for your children and what she did was make a scene and who knows the safety of her children at that moment. >> dagen: i always question all the people standing around with their phones and videotaping this. that we are in agreement about this individual's behavior, there have always been people who are angry, throwing tantrums, but all the people standing around? like when you get videos of
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someone being beaten up. that is really what is on the rise here. and on this myself when i see people fighting and i pulled my phone out and i think, wait a minute, i threw it down and i'm like what i'm i doing? i call 911, because that is the society we are and it's like phone force rather than help first, rather than get this woman -- get her to calm down and try to find her kids come on a side note, in the holiday spirit, i did love the airline worker in the back wearing the red antlers hung to his head, just standing there like holy christmas. >> nicole: they intercepted and actually helped instead of this. spin on this happens a lot and no knock on florida, it happens a lot in the miami airport for some strange reason. >> david: i was in the airport yesterday just on a different terminal.
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>> nicole: david is causing a scene, we know how rowdy he can get, how many would rather skip the get together and take a vacation? me, that's coming up next. usable musical ♪ ♪ n a ♪ ♪ the fun button, the other button. sorry. marcia has sleep apnea and her struggles with cpap had me sleeping in the guest room. now she's got inspire. it's a sleep apnea treatment that works inside her body with the click of a remote. no mask. no hose. just sleep. now i'm back. and we're back. ♪ ♪ inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at so how many vaccines have you given to people? me? about 1000. walgreens...millions. no way can i miss her big debut.
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>> massive winter storm in the north or interior from the east coast to new england, will the weather steal your christmas plans? we have you covered on that front, ukraine's president asked the united states for some of our most sophisticated weapons, should he get them? what would putin do if the u.s. grants the request? general jack keane on that. in the cities in america sending alarm over illegal immigration. why won't the biden administration do anything to stop the flow? and what happens when thieves steal a holiday food donation bin? it's a heartwarming christmas story you coming up. jacqui heinrich and i will see you at the top of the hour for "america reports." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lauren: david is
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conducting, it is a most wonderful time of the year, and the toil too, a group of adults who buy toys for themselves, now make up at least a quarter of toy consumers, and this has the industry marketing more and more to grown-ups looking for some nostalgia from their youth. it's big business, estimated that people ages 12 and older spend about $9 billion annually on toys. one report says adults who attempt to spend more on toys have a great fondness for cartoons, superheroes, and collectibles that remind them of their childhood, like you, da david. >> david: look at, i love my matchbox toys as a kid and probably have them in a display, but that's about it. i want the real car in the real toy, the 280zx, overspeed, no overdrive, i am an adult and i one adult toys. the only difference between men and boys is the size and price of their toys. >> lauren: no comment on that,
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dagen. [laughter] >> dagen: you are cheating in the segment. there is a price limit, etch-a-sketch. etch-a-sketch. i have like games, i still play candy crush. i just have the modern version, but i love and etch-a-sketch. >> lauren: you have to use the other side of the brain for etch-a-sketch which i cannot do and i pick up too many toys every single day to buy myself one, we don't need any more toys in my house. so i will take a board game, because we do play a lot of board games and it has to be a monopoly and i want to be the car and i went to win. >> lauren: leslie? >> leslie: silly putty, i love the feel, you know the stress balls, you can use it like a stress ball, i love the smell and i used to put it on the cartoons and press it and i hate to admit that i used to like to put it between my teeth because of the cracked, and one of the kids that a paste, okay.
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>> lauren: unlike the modern-day version that is slime, it is not messy. >> david: if you don't like someone, give them silly putty as a gift, because their kids will stick it on everything and it leaves stains. >> lauren: it does leave stains? minus pogo stick and i challenge anybody to a competition. >> dagen: i owned a pogo stick. >> nicole: what is the thing that looks like saturn? spin on a unicycle trampoline? all of that. >> lauren: i know where you live. [laughter] which one is better? christmas on the beach or a luxury hotel, or spending it at grandma's house? the survey of 2,000 americans looking at how people travel during the holiday season reveals that three and five would rather be relaxing somewhere then dealing with the stresses of the holidays. >> nicole: i have to do christmas at home, i love it at home, but i have to be on a beach within a month of christmas, because i need that vitamin d and the downtime.
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book in hand on the beach, that's where you'll find me. >> lauren: let's go around the board, david? >> david: i live a half a mile from a beach. rubbing it in, that's where i will be. >> dagen: i like the vitamin d, but i find traveling stressful. >> lauren: and packing. >> dagen: and getting stuck in an airport with this weather, i love my family dearly, so that's piece. >> leslie: let my family and because i live in los angeles and they live in boston, we go to boston. and hanukkah, one of the reasons i am here. and so i'm going to be going to boston tomorrow. and get to see them. and i really would not give that up, but my adult choice beach house, so -- if my husband is listening. >> lauren: i wish i could say vacation, but i feel guilty
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spending like thanksgiving or christmas not at home with the family does not feel right. >> david: destination christmas! >> nicole: you have to pay a fortune for anything on the airplane, no way. >> lauren: you might want to skip this or not, forget the mint flavor, but several companies are putting a new twist on candy canes with unconventional flavors like brisket? another company recently he thought outside the box and developed sardine flavored candy canes? why? people actually bought them an eight to them and some like to them according to the company's president. other candy cane flavors at hit store shelves include sour cream and onion, hot dog, caesar salad, no thank you, leslie? >> leslie: oh, god, no. i'm old school, candycane should be peppermint, okay some of you may be with the spearmint or the cinnamon. yeah, okay, another thing,
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mac and cheese, stop, stop the garlic and the lobster and the truffles. mash potatoes, i'm sorry, old school, whether it is christmas candy candy canes, just leave it, and sardines, ptsd, my husband loves is one of those health nuts and has eggs, macadamia nuts, sardines, almost every meal, i'm smelling it, i can smell it. it's big i'm smelling it for you and i can sit here. dagen mcdowell? >> dagen: all of the of sugar candy canes and jelly beans, they all just taste like salt was added to them. maybe my taste buds are fouled up. >> lauren: have you tried one of the crazy flavors? >> dagen: i don't pick up crazy, i just pick up salt. >> lauren: david. it >> david: i will eat the brisket and keep all the flavors, not really candy kid, a good chocolate bar and i am
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than a fake. i disagree with that one, and also say my 8-year-old, he hates our lights, it's white all over, and he has coerced me into getting inflatable griswold inflatables, we have a snowman and santa in the front yard, he loves it, his opinion is the only one who counts. >> who was his name? >> william hanson. >> i want to show him my large artificial white christmas tree, a remote control for any light i want, a big sparkly bow on top and i love it. >> what about you, leslie? >> give like trauma as a child? tinsel. >> who doesn't love tinsel? >> tinsel, all over the tree and i took down the angel and put up my favorite kid, went out to dinner, came home, the tree is on fire. no more tinsel. no more tinsel. >> i'm not supposed to laugh. >> you are just evil. i love you. >> was everything ok?
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>> everybody was ok except my doll, but i will say, i do like a real tree as opposed to fake, i don't love sweeping and vacuuming up the pine needles. >> they make little sticks that smell like the tree. >> the candy canes? >> too much, david. come on. dagen. >> i'm sorry i laughed at your tree catching on fire. i thought you were going to say something about tinsel like still finding tinsel in the shoes. >> you do for eight months. >> it sticks to everything. you know, i don't like people giving advice about the way other people should decorate their christmas tree. we had ornaments made out of empty toilet paper rolls that mama's best friend helped us make out of felt and empty toilet paper rolls and we still have some of them and they are adorable. so, thank you, sandra owen foster, we still have them, very creative. >> david.
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>> look, it's christmas, we are in america. you do you, celebrate it, do what you want, just don't burn down the christmas tree. >> i like that. you do you. here is "america reports." >> john: doc, thank you. congress's big spending bill expected to pass but will not include a measure to save title 42. republican senator mike lee lacking the votes for his immigration amendment. >> expecting an influx of migrants as soon as border restrictions are lifted and they are worried they will not be able to handle the surge. tom homan and hector garza are here. >> the weather looked not great. great for a white christmas, not good for travel. >> we have been delayed until 9:30 p.m
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