tv Outnumbered FOX News December 23, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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let's do it. when you need to talk vaccinations, our pharmacists are here. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered" you're watching the best show on television, i am julie banderas with us is dr. nicole saphier, mollie hemingway, and we have kara frederick and former georgia congressman doug collins. we will begin with the border crisis. new border apprehension numbers highlighting the growing catastrophe we've got, but
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objections sources telling fox news migrant encounters have top half a million just since october 1st, folks while nearly 180,000 were expelled under title 42. the vast majority of them are still in the country. in the meantime we are also learning more about president biden's frustration behind the scenes. according to the new upcoming book coming out, biden fumed and dropped f-bombs as the crisis intensified with no clear solution in sight. the president has not been of the border still and not in his life and he didn't want to answer questions when pressed about by our own peter doocy, watch. >> mr. president do you want to stop at the border? >> julie: a fed up senator lindsey graham says the president needs to get down there asap in so many words. >> it is so unconscionable for him not to go to the border and
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listen to the agents and people trying to control the border, what life is like along our southern border. the fact he doesn't go shows to me he is disconnected and he doesn't give a damn catcher [bleep] to the border. >> julie: i will clean up get your to the border is what he said. the end of file two n, 42 will t be a good luck this is a quote they say it will likely lead to disruption and a temporary increase in border crossings. are you freaking kidding me? we're talking 2.3 million illegal immigrants that are crossed in the past year of 2022. of 2023 is not looking much better. temporary increase? >> doug: it's not. let's be honest, julie, this will be the story of the biden administration this will be one of the albatrosses in the biden administration. i used to be one of those saying
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he has to get to the border but no he doesn't need that anymore because he won't do anything different. i mean look. going and learning something and changing the way you will do it is what you will do but he wouldn't change anything different because he honestly believes, i have come to believe this is what they want. it's chaotic and as long as people reporting that they are fine but the reality is my concern at this time of the year is i have been to the border. i've been down there. i'm concerned about our border. >> julie: thank you for going. >> doug: when i was judiciary chairman and ranking member we had a look at this. they are just so, right now overwhelmed. if you listen to them, you hear them, when mayor arcus came who needs to go, he is a complete embarrassment. when you want to talk about health and welfare and he didn't have an answer when you believe in open borders okay -- >> julie: the white house is quick to blame republicans because they are not passing a bill, they don't want to fund the border. that's what democrats are saying
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to republicans which i think is the weakest excuse in the book. but the current plan doesn't actually utilize funding for border security. how are you supposed to protect a border and pay the salaries of these border patrol agents without funding the border? they have this massive funding bill they want to pass and shove it through and down our throats by midnight, but there is no money for border security? >> mollie: i am happy to blame republicans because they are part of the reason why we have this completely insecure border, but this entire thing we are hearing it doesn't make any sense. joe biden is yelling and dropping f-bombs because he is upset about what is happening on the border, then why did he own day one issue executive orders to get rid of every single thing the trumpet of administration? we didn't have a perfect border at the end of the trump and mr. risch and it was pretty good. he was really upset about it, why did he go out of his way to change it? it's like one thing to neglect the border, this is willful destruction. be one right and we didn't have a border and in 2020 was 500,000
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illegal crossings but now it's 2.3 million, you do the math. not perfect but certainly not as bad as it is now. nickel i want to talk about the f-bomb book. this is classic. i'm almost like thank god no one has written a book about me. there is a new book that claims president biden fumed, he dropped f-bombs as the border crisis intensified barry there isn't an to excerpt obtained by fox news and i want to read it, the doctor writes aids that had really seen him so you could see tangry, i want to know why he ws so angry? was it because he wasn't paying attention to what he signed? that he signed his executive orders? that would essentially be undoing what president trump did? did he not read that? is that when he's angry about? why is he angry? >> dr. nicole: first of all great question and as someone who tends to drop f-bombs myself i'm glad to say the president was may be dropping f-bombs and i hope it was because he was so upset about what was going on at
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the border instead of the indifference that has been coming out of the white house when it comes to the chaos in the crisis occurring at the border. our own griff jenkins cited the cbc told them from october 1st until december 22nd that they had over 575,000 migrants encounters. 30% of those were expelled under title 42. here we are, title 42 is going away so when they say there might be a small temporary increase of encounters of the border, absolutely not. 30% is not small and temporary? what is his plan to make it not temporary? it seems permanent. i don't think he is upset about the border and i don't think he cares about the border but he is dropping f-bombs about some something. >> julie: he should be angry but maybe it's because he's been called out by certain people? not anyone on other networks, but her republicans are calling him out basically saying get your butt to the border but he is not going there. i'm not sure we have a solution you can't just get angry at a problem and wish it away. >> and speaking of calling out
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the heritage foundation where i work we took tens of thousands l immigrants obtained and they are spread through out the country to 431 congressional district out of 435 congressional districts this effectively makes every single state a border state. people should be mad, we should be up in arms. >> julie: what is the solution, doug? they don't have one. they're blaming come to micro republicans for not having won the last i checked, biden is a democrat and he has the control, right? >> doug: he does. here is a problem. he is not upset. this book will report he dropped f-bombs but he is not upset about the border, he's upset because it got reported. it makes him look bad. what they will have to do is go back and fix border security. number one fix the wall, whatever else is needed on the border to get this under control. also, quit letting and giving out indications for folks coming and you will be able to go anywhere in the country when you get here. that's the problem we've got
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right now. >> julie: again, it's not just biden. >> your right. >> we had mitch mcconnell say the number one priority in the country is protecting ukraine's borders and making sure they get even more money. no accountability, just more money. until republicans understand this is a very important issue, national sovereignty of course you should care first and foremost about your own country making sure you have rule of law and your borders are protected. and they did nothing. i mean there's a limit to what you can do in the minority, but republicans have done nothing and mitch mcconnell gave away the only leverage republicans had which was waiting until republicans take over congress where they could actually fight and advocate for some changes. >> julie: and drug overdose deaths. you see this arizona border officers found within 700,000 sentinel pills hidden in a train from mexico, it's a free- free-for-all. >> let's also remember during the covid-19 pandemic he had more young adult and drug
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addicts being overdosed, they weren't allowed to do out of school activities, we perpetuate some of this crisis and not stopping it from coming across the board you are not taking it seriously. and her republicans all through out the midterms spewing rhetoric in the sense of border, drug control, we are going to take care of this, they better put their money where their mouth is because people aren't going to have it. >> it's eight humanitarian crisis and should be addressed as such. coming up, president biden using one of his latest speech is of the year to call for unity after some of his most memorable remarks this year where the definition of divisive to see the very least. that's next.
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aubree: i'm aubree. i went to st. jude because i had a cancerous tumor. casey: these kids, they don't deserve to have to go through this. my beautiful little redheaded girl has cancer. you don't know what's going to happen. narrator: please call or go online and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. christen: i think it's the most worthwhile place to put your money, when it comes to childhood cancer.
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take a listen. >> i sincerely hope this holiday season will drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another. our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan. and too often we see each other as enemies and not as neighbors. as democrats and republicans, not as fellow americans. we become too divided. >> julie: that's a pretty big 180 from some of his messaging earlier this year which had been full of political attacks. >> i rip republicans don't just threaten our security, they threat democracy buried at donald trump and the maga republicans have chosen to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate, and division. >> you know, molly, they say politics get so angry but the only one spewing divisiveness and anger is the president.
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>> mollie: mer maronis admit romney wanted to put black people back in chains. when the whole republican party is semifascist it's awful rhetoric but it's also what his administration has done to add to political divisiveness come we doj doing nothing about left-wing attacks on churches, pro-life pregnancy centers, you have a doj again that has been meddling in elections working to censor american speech. is a real disconnect between what he says, and what he does, and now what he wants everyone to do. i agree with him it would be great to have less disunity and more shared unity on our founding principles, which is not what he is saying. but he is the absolute wrong person to make this argument. >> julie: and last year's christmas speech he said if you are unvaccinated you will kill people. so again, the divisiveness. too late, i hate to be the serious one and the bearer of truth, but when the president was talking about we need to look to the light, let's look at all the positives that are
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happening right now and he says there are more americans working now than ever, but yet bureau of labor statistics and the u.s. chamber of commerce just said there are 3.4 million fewer workers in the workforce since february of 2020. fact-check, long. >> julie: that's thing to the government and handouts. where do you have any incentive to work if you are going to be given money to stay home? and i think more and more people don't want to work because the government are handing things out. as far as his speech is concerned, through rose-colored glasses because not only is there not unity in washington, not only is the president of the united states leading that charge, then he comes out with this op-ed piece where he's talking about how he is so proud of how the economy is doing. i truly wonder what is in his eggnog. the headline was looking back at 2022 i feel more confident about america than ever. my economic plan is making the united states a powerhouse? since when? then he talks about how we entered a year with inflation but he thinks that's over? i mean, you size op-ed, right?
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i was like in my reading this quickly? yeah, no, they are on, none of it made any sense and none of it is true. >> dr. nicole: it sounded good and it was a lot of fluff and i think a lot of people call them out for that. but doug, somehow in his christmas speech, the president managed to have an entire christmas speech without saying the name jesus, take a listen. >> the message of christmas is always important and we look to the sky, to the lone star shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child. the child christians believed to be the son of god. recklessly now, here among us on earth bringing hope love and peace and joy to the world. >> julie: i was tricky navigating by doing everything possible not to say the name jesus, the child christians believe was the child of god born. we are talking about christmas spirit you can't say christmas
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without saying christ. >> doug: can you imagine being a speechwriter question what did i offend somebody here am i using this right? it he was a true and honest assessment if anyone wanted to change the narrative i understand the speech from that point but there's something missing. and i've been a part of this. i have chosen to work with her republicans come into the house because i have actually if he wanted to say i was not the whole part but i had a part of this famous red speech. that would've at least we could have sat here and said okay, i will give him a little bit of because he said i am part of it but it was completely let's just all get along. where the fluff and stuff, and knowing what has gone on, knowing what is coming, that is the part here. not saying the name of jesus there other holidays float we are celebrating the birth of
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christ and to take that out is that. >> julie: but at the very end of the speech, the president did want to remind people that we don't know what people are going through there are people who are suffering, small acts of kindness go a long way, that is the message of the holiday season. faith, family, and kindness. >> kara: of course and it's all connected as well, this division and not saying the name of jesus, james dominic john john adams said this is for moral people only so america lost its sense of god and judeo-christian values and i think this is a manifestation of the speech not mentioning christ it's all part and parcel of the secularization of america. we need to return to our faith. that is the only way society is going to work going forward and it has made us a city on a hill. we need to reclaim that. we need to reclaim our founding principles, period. >> mollie: first of all you
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can be all-inclusive and celebrate jesus. >> julie: amines include all religions. if you feel you will a fun one religion by mentioning christ, put it all in their. his teleprompter can slow down so he can get through everyone, but i mean i just can't understand why he talks so much about unity but then he excludes half of america. when he goes off about you know those maga republicans we are ignoring christianity which is a huge population so your turn your back on mus america people. >> doug: i want to emphasize for many people and i've experienced this in my life as a chaplain and a pastor but also in life, this is the first christmas and holiday season for somebody we will miss. that may have been here last year that is in here now if you're watching the show today it's tough. many of us have been through that, but it's a time to come
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together. it's a reminder that it's not about that it's about the local people around us and frankly from christ's standpoint we have for him. >> julie: i appreciate his attempt to bring us together but maybe he isn't the right deliverer of the message right now. coming right now, christmas trouble chaos the winter storm causing widespread disruptions across the country. next what you need to know as you go out for the holidays. ♪ i'll have a blue ♪ ♪ christmas ♪ ♪ without you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'll be so blue ♪ ♪ just thinking --ha ♪ llenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan, i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now, i'm managing my diabetes better, and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know.
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(stalled engine) come on, ole' beauty. hey, are you ready? ♪ ♪ ah, this baby's coming. (knocking) ♪ >> julie: it's a christmas travel nightmare literally with the weather services calling it a once in a generation winter storm causing widespread disruption against much of the nation. it brings heavy snow, dangerous winds, and life-threatening temperatures in dozens of states. this arctic blast has left so
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far more than a million people without power in the frigid temperatures. airlines have canceled or delayed thousands of flights all across the country, stranding passengers at many of our nations airports. madison is live at newark liberty international in new jersey with the latest they are in this nationwide crisis today, madison? >> hi, julie. i mean this is when you know things are bad. we currently have more cancellations and delays across the u.s. that's on the last day before the christmas holiday officially begins, people struggling to get home all thanks to these terrible storms, taking a look at delays and cancellations right now we have over 3,400 delays and over 3,800 cancellations. art of the problem, runways completely shut down at seattle tacoma they have closed all runways until further notice due to ice. alaska airlines canceled all their flights out of seattle as well as portland until at least
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noon pacific time also because of that ice. and you take a look at the misery map you see this is leaving flyers stranded in the worst areas even for those who get outcome of those we have spoken to at the airport traveling this christmas they say has not been pleasant. >> i flew in from minneapolis yesterday, and everything was fine, but once we pushed back from the gate there was a 90 minute delay due to the deicing. 30 below and so they also couldn't get water on the plane which meant no running water in the bathrooms and no coffee at 7:00 a.m. so sitting on the ground for 90 minutes with no coffee for 9d to start my morning. >> julie: deftly not a good start of the morning but at least he got on the plane. we are seeing those passengers struggled to get out before christmas eve, we are talking about a lot of travelers, aaa is anticipating 113 americans or put it this way, one-third of the u.s. population will be traveling at least 50 miles this
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holiday season, some taking to the sky and some tech into the road but in those areas of the storm they will have quite the trouble getting to their destinations, really unfortunate news but we are wishing upon the best, julie? >> julie: edison all worth, thank you very much. i wish we had better news to report, but first of all i can imagine for those people trying to get home for christmas how horrifying that would be. i don't know what i would do but you would you get the car on a train? a lot of these people don't have options. by 720 this morning there were hundred and 958 flights in route and over 3,000 cancellations. >> mollie: i'll be honest i am like that they canceled flights because when they delay and delay and delay people are waiting at a don't know if it's canceled. than they can at least make other arrangements. i will tell you if this were happening to me right now, thankfully i'm not traveling this holiday season but it shows how much of a homebody i am because i would be like well i guess i'm staying home, we will hunker down light the fire and be at home.
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that's what i would do. i don't know if i would do the other thing. >> kara: i like we have 115 million americans that experienced planes, trains, and automobiles which is my favorite thanksgiving movie john candy and steve martin trying to get home. can get kind of as an adventure i'm traveling so nervous about this myself and we are here in new york and i live in d.c. and i can't go home today because i will go to see a musical with my daughter. i know she would have a very bad christmas if we don't go see that. we might be trapped here in new york there are worse places to be trapped. >> julie: absolutely. >> doug: i'm going back to atlanta after this and so it seems to be okay right now, we are hoping for that, but it would not be a good christmas, go home and a lot of to go home but as i experienced 12 years ago in iraq and our military members away from home it doesn't matter about travel. you're not there. that's the thing but you make
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arrangements. you figured out. if it's canceled you figure out to get on a d.c. flight or whatever it takes, people try to get home either way. >> julie: and i guess, if you're going to fly or get canceled, just imagine all the delays that are going to do demographic to. when you start flying in the planes get off the ground then you are basically going to be waiting to be next in line. i feel very sorry for a lot of the people that are certainly sitting in airports right now. >> kara: it we are driving so we may miss the cascade, i will let you know we may be a holiday in. i'm i have my infant with me so they'll be more colorful so we will see if i get home to d.c. >> dr. nicole: julie you have over 1.5 million americans out of power right now and with his frigid temperature it's scary especially with people that are on dialysis and oxygen and have medications that require refrigeration so if you've not prepared for the impending power outages to do every thing you can right now kind of like we talked about before hurricanes you have to do it during the winter to make sure you have
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some backup. >> julie: by the way i love watching and i respect their reporters out covering this weather. these are single-digit temperatures minus zero temperatures with windchill but there was this iowa sports reporter apparently has comments have gone viral over his comments about being sent out to cover the winter storm for his station's morning show. take a listen to this. >> how are you feeling out there? >> again, the same way i felt about 8 minutes ago when you asked me the same question. what better time to ask the sports guy to come in about five hours earlier than he would normally wake up, go stand out in the wind and the snow and the cold and tell other people not to do the same. this is a really long show, tune in next couple of hours to watch me progressively get cranky you and cranky are. bad news comes the good news is that i can still feel my face right now. the bad news is i kind of wish i couldn't.
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[laughter] >> julie: sorry, but put on your game face when i was a reporter i know what it's like, it sucks. you don't want to be out there but you have to be. it's like with hurricanes they put you in the storm, you have to show people it's snowing because they can't look out the windows. >> mollie: and it's mostly nationwide, everyone has been freezing all week. now that new york and d.c. are about to get cold now it's like major news. everyone is talking about it periods spewing nest so true. >> dr. nicole: but we won't have a white christmas! >> julie: i just don't want single-digit temperatures. keeper right here in case you missed it is next. is a good ray's a1c is down with rybelsus®. i'm down with rybelsus®. my a1c is down with rybelsus®.
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think that it will be your child. it was your was your worst fear coming to life. the doctor tells us your son has a large tumor. and he said, well, that's not the only tumor. we thought my son had one tumor. he had hundreds. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. at st. jude, it went from so hard to we're going to take care of this. what they have done for me, my son, my family, i have no words for it. marlo thomas: join st. jude with your debit or credit card for only $19, a month and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. the donors, they may not know it, but they helped heal my son. >> julie: welcome back it's
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time for in case you missed it. the u.s. marines are saving the day at a los angeles area mall this week. marine recruiters along with an applicant help stop suspected jewel thieves after they apparently fair heard glass and shattering and they witnessed an apparent smash and grab, watch this. [yelling] get them all! let's go! semper fi! salute! >> julie: i love it. people arrive to bring suspect into custody, marines returned the five or so pieces to the store and little did these idiots know doing the smash-and-grab these marines were stationed right next door. just so bold criminals these days think they don't get caught so i love the story. >> dr. nicole: thank goodness we had military here but this is the military i'll appeared we need to maintain the persona of this because what if they do? they stepped into action and had
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that military presence and they stopped when they saw criminals and put evident back and it was great instead of having all these conversations about well we won't you sir or ma'am anymore and let's talk about how everyone feels. this is the military ella. >> julie: yes, molly? >> mollie: i think the rule number one of thieving which i'm very aware of being you should case the establishment if there are powerful bold courageous men next door who will take you down, california has these rules where they don't prosecute thefts under $1,000 or something, it's incentivizing the type of behavior, its corrupting the youth. they should know not to do it either way but it's a big california problem. >> kara: i say who rock, the marines are one of the few that always get their recruitment goal, their red-blooded americans with honor top of mind, duties or, sacrifice, not saying that because my dad was a marine but these are the people we want joining the military
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paired unfortunately only 9% of americans that are eligible are inclined to go into the military. let's keep showing things like this. more young men and women sign up that way. >> doug: being in the air force 20 something years i was in the navy as well, the job of our military is one thing. fight and win a our wars period. they're supposed to go out it. >> julie: next up, this. ♪ don't stop believing ♪ ♪ hold onto that feeling ♪ ♪ streetlights -- emily would be dancing with us now i miss you, m, tension is arising with bandmates in journey a lawyer for guitarist bill schon sent a cease and desist to keyboardist jonathan kane after he played the journey classic "don't stop believing" at a mar-a-lago event with president trump attending.
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now he wants to partly keep the band and politics separate but kane responding i have watched him damage our brand for years, neil argues online with fans who don't see eye to eye with him. if anyone is destroying the journey brand it's neil and neil alone. ouch. >> this is ridiculous i think. there are some new people and who are so lefty, they think they know about politics when they don't. i go to a lot of concerts in d.c., they all feel the need to say about something they are all pretty stupid and this is the problem? the one guy who does play the piano at a republican house? this is insane. >> kara: they only bring the hammer down on one side. if your member mumford & sons ape folk band, one of their players was like okay, maybe we should have free speech in this country, he is out of the band. it only happens in one direction and molly is right. the one guy who plays mar-a-lago is the target? come on.
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>> julie: it's so important and she makes a great point, they can play the music wherever they want if god forbid you play at a republican event and you don't agree with their politics that's not okay. >> doug: groundhog day, a sitting on the sketch few months ago with luke bryant attacked for having ron desantis come on stage if i come on, they are musicians. sometimes we are overvaluing what they do, they are great people who make our lives better, but look. i will go back to journey for a moment, let's have open arms and play the "wheel in the sky" because i "faithfully" will play listen next time. i really will. >> julie: or don't listen after a bad break appeared room or listening to journey after you broke up with a boyfriend and you're like oh, my god, my life is over. anyway. >> mollie: it secure, they won't stop playing these songs at weddings just because there is one possibly conservative member of the band. they are actually making it more of a story than it is. >> julie: absolutely right. >> mollie: no one will stop. >> julie: finally we will look
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it up nice work from home set up. are you looking for one? how about making a cruise ship your home? that is actually what one meta-employee has done. he dropped $300,000 on a 12 year lease for a studio on the mv narrative which won't be billed by the way until 2025, and it will sail around europe. this is freaking genius. $300,000 for a year to live in a cruise ship? i don't know. >> doug: 12 years. >> julie: 12 years? >> doug: yeah he's moving in. >> julie: even better. >> doug: work at home have a view. >> mollie: that we have these work from home 20-year-olds that have this kind of money, it's a great idea for work from home but these people are paid so much given how much damage they do to a country. i am kind of at the point after what we learned from the fbi and what they are doing and getting big tech companies to take away first amendment rights that may be the jail would be a better place for all meta-employees then cruise ships.
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>> julie: tell us what you think really. >> mollie: that's kind of my starting offer. >> julie: what do you think would you want to live in a cruise ship? >> doug: if you have the money in the time and you want a room with a view, go for. again, where are we becoming? the futurist in me saying i am looking ahead and i'm not sure where this is going. it will really be a cultural change we are seeing here. it's what we do going to work, plus the work ethic. it's a whole different world. >> julie: i can't imagine living a cruise that long because i go putting on like 5 pounds a day on a cruise. [laughter] i'm not good at math but that's 12 years times what? i don't think it's a healthy choice. i hope he doesn't go to the all-you-can-eat buffet. >> mollie: i don't enjoy cruises but the one thing that bothers me here, i am a parent of one of these gen z-ers you are committing 12 years of your life to essentially being a nomad. are you not going to have a family? by not having children? what will be your contribution
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to society? you're just going to sit and do your thing? not interact with someone? imagine what this place is going to be like if you don't function the world? >> doug: this is really important for those who talk politics and life. this incubation of my life is in my computer, it's in my little room, this is all i have and i only get inputs for what i like and don't like. leave those out. this to me is where that's leading which is to go back to what was said a few minutes ago with the divisiveness in the country. it's feeding it because you only get what you want. >> julie: coming up some parents trying to change christmas tradition saying goodbye to giving their kids "tangible" toys. more on the viral push to go gift list this holiday season. not in my house. ♪ all i want for christmas ♪ ♪ is ♪ ♪ you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a storm that crashes, and consumes,
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the former border patrol chief will come in and the one who wants to swap for border patrol evidence and should the baby boomers turned the presidency over to a new generation? a boomer himself has his ideas so john roberts joined me for america report to the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ run run rudolph, santa has to make it to town ♪ ♪ -- >> doug: the gopher from "caddyshack." [laughter] >> julie: everyone has their own traditions but kids getting presence is universal right? a new trend has parents banning toys and other tenable gifts this holiday season. instead going to practical items educational experiences. in the viral transection of "the new york post" one mom writes "i am banning christmas toys for my kids this year. they will thank me later." julie, first of all i have three kids. you have kids.
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i love experiences, so therefore you have experiences in addition to press his. i'm not saying you go crazy and spend a bank account, you can still have an experience but you still at that present some of the tree and have them be less expensive. >> julie: this is cruel and unusual punishment honestly. i swear. what will you waterboarded kids next? i believe our kids need to be taught christmas is not about gifts, it's about love and peace at home. i have taught that to my three children. let me tell you, that lesson will not go so far when they come down the stairs and there are no christmas presents under the tree. is that not what christmas is all about for children? aside from you know, praying and learning about jesus christ and his birth ever your? my kids start counting down in a july. >> doug: what is it about? that's my question, it's about the parents. this is about parents in a way making and sometimes it's good, maybe there's a reason. but for the most part when i saw this like they will thank me later, really?
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are you thanking yourself right now? >> julie: they will hate you later. >> doug: you may not have an issue but they will thank you in counseling with you later. gifts is gift giving, christmas is a gift, it's the gift of christ and we express by giving gifts to others but not by giving, this is about the parents not the kids. >> julie: molly, there is a growing transfer kids birthdays they say don't bring gifts, they don't need them but did anyone consult with the child on this? [laughter] >> mollie: tell us, molly. >> mollie: i speak from personal experience i had thrown a birthday party with my daughter and said no gifts and she reminds me about this and it has been many years later. i do think there is an issue where we have so many material possessions it can get overwhelming. my mom, who is obsessed with christmas, always told a story about how when she was younger, she is 1 of 6, they weren't so wealthy. she got one orange and a slinky for christmas and her brother, russ, broke the slinky that t they. this clearly traumatized her, but she understood the value of
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gifts because there weren't so many. we have so many that we just kind of forget what it's all about that we are reflecting the gift of god incarnated in jesus and what a gift that is for salvation. but you know, there can be too many material possessions. >> mollie: and at a very, very beginning of a baby but there's something to be said about you awareness having too many toys and household. >> kara: very true but even jesus himself got gifts from the wise men, isa was going to twitter and i thought we'd that that i don't member what i got for christmas but i remember the smell of the kitchen on christmas morning. i remember my family members gather downstairs and the noise of bustling house. that is the most important thing, but gifts are good too. >> doug: the great part you have is you can wrap anything and it will be wonderful. literally the paper is all you need. [laughter] >> julie: you can literally just wrap it right in front of your kid and i'll be like what?
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>> doug: rewrap it. >> julie: a week to celebrate all 12 days of christmas starting christmas day all the way through the epiphany so we get gifts for the kids every day. the cool thing about it is they open one thing a day and actually appreciated, but it's like a lot of gift buying. >> julie: actually love that i.d. appeared i will get the gifts right now and spread them out on not buying anymore. [laughter] >> mollie: it's about quality not quantity in every in moderation. more "outnumbered" in a minute. ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ makes the yuletide gay ♪ ♪ from now --
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so how many vaccines have you given to people? me? about 1000. walgreens...millions. no way can i miss her big debut. with your booster, i think you'll be there. for every twirl. i got a shot so my sister won't get sick. way to go, big bro! so while we're here... ...flu shot, as well? let's do it. when you need to talk vaccinations, our pharmacists are here. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's christmas time for you and i ♪ ♪ we'll have a good night and a merry christmas ♪ ♪ it's christmas time for you and i ♪
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♪ we'll have a good night and a merry christmas ♪ >> we are all sitting here very confused, we don't know this song. but last but not least, christmas means many things, including the annual fruit cake debate. the polarizing holiday treat on a new consumer survey of worst holiday gifts by the company behind "wish," ranks fruit cake as the second worst possible gift behind defective gifts, but it beats out of style clothing and weight gifts. i'm too lazy, exhausted with the savory, the roast and the duck and the goose and the fish and by the time we get to dessert, i want a store made pie or cookies. what about you? >> when you eat cake, it's supposed to be cake, right, you are supposed to be doing something delicious and devilish, i want cake to be cake.
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>> i don't think you need to make fruit cake, i think they made them years ago and just like travel around. but actually, i have like super strong opinions about literally everything except for fruit cake. i'm fine with it. i don't hate it, don't love it. >> indifferent. >> i would rather take a piece of cardboard, draw fruit on it than eat fruit cake. for me, toll house cookies reminds me of my mom. >> i have never eaten it but looks like a perfect paper weight. >> it will last forever. >> do those even grow mold, i don't think so. >> i think they originated in fifth century rome and it was to be about the spices but now whatever you want, and calling it fruit cake. >> when is the last time you saw somebody give a fruit cake? didn't they do that in the 1980s? we still love to bash it, but i
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don't think anyone buys it. >> i did get one recently, we got it last year. >> and you have it this year. >> you are eating it. >> still on the desk. people might want to give it another shot. >> maybe we will. thanks to everyone, happy holidays. now here coming up is "america reports." >> john: my dearly departed mom used to make a great fruit cake. title 42 to expire in a few days, border officials sounding alarm, migrants would face into the united states without a fear of being deported. >> border patrol tells fox news over half a million migrants have crossed since the start of october alone, with most of them, the majority, released right here into the u.s. so, what steps should th
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