tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 23, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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there. listen, we look forward to a great 2023. thank you for having us in your home and, as always, keep it, fair, balanced and unafraid. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> katie: welcome to "jesse watters primetime" i'm katie pavlich. the night before christmas eve and some of you are getting a little last-minute christmas shopping while others are finally kicking up their feet and going on christmas vacation. >> i wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year. happy holidays, merry christmas, happy swanza. >> i don't know what swan zoo is
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today is actually a holiday fess vas. >> the tradition of festivus begins with the airing of grievances. i have got a lot of problems with you people. now, you are going to hear about it. you, krueger. my son tells me your company stinks. >> oh, god. >> and now as festivus rolls on. until you pin me, george, festivus is not over. >> oh, please. somebody stop this. >> let's rumble. >> katie: this year's festivus like all the others with the airing of grievances. we have a lot of problems with the way swawgd p washington was. works. the unwiths who run it the ones supposed to represent us shown time and time again they only represent themselves. reminded of this every year on festivus when senator rand paul releases a report on how the government spent your hard earned tax money throughout the year. this year washington, d.c. outdid themselves spending over
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$482 billion on wasteful projects like dropping $3 million to inject hamsters with steroids and watching them fight. another 2 million injecting puppies with cocaine not very nice. another cool million turned mice into alcoholics. but, at least the mice weren't racist because the government spent half a million dollars teaching them about racial aggression. but, to make you feel a little better. we did spend $210 million on education. not in crumbling school systems like st. louis or philadelphia, that, of course, would make too much sense. that education money actually went to the country of jordan. and while we're talking about the middle east, our department of defense also spent another $28 million on new camouflage uniforms. the only problem with that is it is visible tan camo.
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believe it or not, none of these take home the award for ridiculous government project of the year. that award goes to the $120,000 spent on seeing if marvel villain name santos could really snap his finger and eliminate half the world population while wearing infinity gauntlet. >> going for the head. >> government skimmed booze and campaign away from the mice. no sober person would spend money to study that. we all have grievances offer. this we always do. but that is not going to stop nancy pelosi and chuck schumer from jamming through another massive $1.77 trillion spending bill today. most of our elected officials didn't be even read the bill before they found it or voted for it. they voted for it so they could go on vacation. so it shouldn't surprise you there is pork all over that bill.
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and, again, we turn to rand paul. >> 'twas the week before christmas and through the senate and house, not not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. the senators were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of pork danced in their heads. no budget was found just mischief and debt, while the taxpayers hung their poor heads and wept. away to the window they flew like a flash, tore open the shutters when they heard the word cash. when what to my wandering eyes should appear but a 4,000 page omni with endless debt year after year. >> katie: like the $3.5 million for a michelle obama hiking trail in georgia. and if michelle gets a hiking trail while nancy pelosi gets money for her federal building in san francisco. and at least she won't have to worry about angry insects on the highway. there's $3 million going to help highways become a little more bee friendly. no surprise the biggest check goes to ukraine, who is getting
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$47 billion for a war we're funding. and, second, is the fbi with $11 billion. and they are getting 400 million for a new headquarters. only a crazy person would say the fbi deserves a raise but that's what congress is doing. americans are getting a bigger, bloated, and ineffective government for christmas this year. and that should be everyone's biggest grievance. just look at what biden did this year alone. he hired 87,000 new irs agents to audit you. then he threw law abiding gun owners into a national data base just for exercising their second amendment rights and then he went after parents who spoke up at school board meetings and put them on watch lists like domestic terrorists oh, yeah, and he but the this lunatic in charge of policing free speech online. ♪ information laundering is really quite ferocious. >> companies when a huckster takes a lie and makes them sound
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precocious. >> sadly none of this surprising. this is just how washington works. and like george castanza we could all air our grievances all night long. thankfully we also had some feats of strength. the supreme court overturned roe. joe biden walls forced to undue his vaccine mandate for the military and jesse got paul pelosi's dui footage. turns out that public pressure works. i mean, just for today, stanford walked back their ban on the word american on campus. and while stanford may be a lost cause, there is still festivus hope for a brighter, freer future for the rest of us. ned ryun is the founder of american majority and victor davis hanson hoover institute senior fellow. ned, we laugh not to cry, i think, when you look at all of the things that the federal government uses hard earned taxpayer money on. >> well. we spend money on those things
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we prioritize. that's basic human nature. >> and the elites are making it very clear to us that we are not a priority. in fact, you can see through their actions that they hold us in deep disdain and loathe us and even borders on hatred and every day the washington elites make it very clear that they view us as dirty little ignorant peasants who haven't figured out what our pursuance in life is which so it be the atm to fund their priorities. this really feels like it's going next level. always had irresponsible spending now it's gotten to the point where brazenly looting this country. you talk about the millions used to inject legal puppy withs with cocaine mice getting drunk. security. corrupt eastern european oligarch i guess ukraine's borders and national sovereignty are far more important to the d.c. elites than ours. but i think one of the things that was really staggering rand paul's list of festivus grievances was the vera institute of justifiable which
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got $168 million from us gotten over a billion dollars since 2008 to use our hard earned taxpayer dollars to help illegals day in this country illegally. think about the utter disdain of that action to use hard earned taxpayer dollars to have people stay illegally to the county triment of the american taxpayer. the get i have in all of this are the free american born people going to stand up and say we reject being in state or continue to accept them that's one of the biggest questions i have moving forward. >> victor looking at all the spending, all the waste and especially this $1.7 trillion package thrown together. to me it's like this is not the way the american system of government was supposed to be. it was not set up this way. i mean, bills were supposed to be very thoroughly debated and the ones that were debated and vetted were the ones that could actually be passed when w. this
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omnibus bill we didn't see any of that happening. >> for the reasons you outline and ned outlined that's why they pushed this through a lame duck congress during a holiday in the dead of night. with 4,000 pages that nobody read because they were even ashamed of what they were doing. we are $31 trillion in debt. will running 1.5 trillion-dollar deficit. they don't have any of this money. they are just printing it. not addressing any of the issues that americans are worried about, crime, inflation, energy, the border. and some of these are very insulting. >> they are kind of iconic. you mentioned the fbi. the fbi, three of the last four directors have misled the american people while under congressional oath. and in the case of andrew mccabe he has lied four times to federal investigators. they have had an fbi lawyer forge a document. they have misled a fisa court. they have suppressed the laptop they knew was authentic and gave the impression that it wasn't. they hired a contractor at twitter and another one,
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christopher steele to basically suppress free expression. basically rewarding them that headquarters should not be built anywhere near washington. it should be put in pennsylvania or ohio or salt lake city. away from these people that are so incestuous. and then sanctuary cities are an open defiance of the law and giving money to them to help accommodate illegal immigration. it doesn't make any sense. and, i don't know whether the intent was to insult people, but my gosh, when you are rewarding a building named after nancy pelosi, when she is the first speaker in u.s. history to deny members of the opposing party to be on committees and the first speaker to tear up the state of the union address on national tv and iconic for that it doesn't make any sense. all based on the trust of the people. when you eliminate tax deductions like we did with the state and local taxes, and you up the percentage required as biden did when he under the tax
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rates and you are getting 300 to 500 billion more in revenue and then you just insult the taxpayer and say, you know what? give us more, more, more, more for these things. at some point you're in civilizational decline and people are going to say they are not going to do it anymore. >> katie: as we know lots of problems we are having with the economy are directly tied tied to the government over spends. it's not just democrats and nancy pelosi it's also republicans. one thing that stuck out to me today as well is this proxy voting that nancy pelosi has extended under this, you know, ruse of covid continuing. so house members voted for this $1.7 trillion omnibus bill and they weren't even in town. >> katie you make a good point 18 senators voted for omnibus. would be great if one would stand up and fight for the american people. that's too hard for the republican party in d.c. to do even that. >> katie: thank you both for coming on tonight.
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♪ >> katie: well the twitter files appear to reality the fbi on wednesday. they emerge from bunker and the files for the first time calling journalist matt taibbi, michaeli weiss and conspiracy theorists. called it a nothing burger all it shows is the finn doing business as usual. unfortunately, they are right. it is business as usual. intelligence community fully infiltrated big tech years ago and they did it in plain sight.
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they don't just control big tech, they are big tech. and it's not just deep state hatchet man james baker pulling the strings at twitter. at least 8 former fbi agents working in the companies orwellian named trust and security department. there, more than 100 members of the intel community work at facebook's parent company meta. and they are working throughout the field and their censorship ideology and authority over big tech has mess as it sized. so it's no wonder why the fbi completely ignored mountains of evidence of their dirty collusion with the tech community the same way they ignored hunter biden's laptop when they got it in december of 2019 and still insisted it was russian disinformation threat both of the last election. good thing washington just rewarded the fbi with the ultimate payday, watch. >> so is there any money in here for the fbi to pay twitter to go after americans?
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this bill provides the fbi 357 million for a new headquarters and over 11 billion of funding. i guess this congress of democrat majority right now doesn't care if the fbi spied on you. if the fbi went after you. simply because you wanted free speech. >> joining me now is representative lance gordon who sits on the financial services committee and currently investigating the biden crime family. thank you so much. reaction to the fbi calling what we can read in black and white for ourselves conspiracy theories first of all if this is business as usual i don't believe theys as dumb as the fbi think they are staples came out
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on wednesday colluded with big tech, the way they have been in bed with twitter and with facebook. and been able to do it without any pressure from congress, leader mccarthy today in his remarks outlined that. i don't understand how any senator on the republican side could go along with this bill. it should not have passed today. and unfortunately we'll be dealing with this for the next few months while continues to. >> you say republicans say that things are changing when they are going to be in charge of these committees in the house. you have been investigating the biden family and. foreign business dealings. what exactly. >> i think on day one as soon as we get organize organized, as
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soon as committees are set you will see reaction from house judiciary. what have you seen the last four years is jerry nadler running the show. jim jordan running house judiciary. a wonderful change. we will finally be able to compel members of the fbi to testify. we will be able to compel members of the big tech community to testify. we'll be able to subpoena them, things we have not been able to do. big tech run around this nation and did whatever they pleased without any oversight from congress. another thing that i'm very much looking forward to and seeing house republicans do the job that the mainstream media has failed to do for the last four to six years. they have refused to hold big tech accountable. they refused to talk about the hunter biden laptop and unfortunately, we have come to the point where house republicans are now having to do the job of the mainstream media come january and hold these groups accountable. hold the fbi account being and do what our press should have been doing all along. we are supposed to have a free press in this country and they
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have been co-opted by big tech, by the mainstream media, by the far left, and the fbi has been in bed from day one. quake. >> katie: you mentioned congressman jim jordan who will be the committee chair for the judiciary committee. he actually sent a letter today to fbi director christopher wray asking for him to produce a number of documents, kind of a -- we're asking nicely before we send you some subpoenas. so, is the goal to investigate the fbi and rein in federal law enforcement try and regulate big tech? do you have more authority to regulate federal law enforcement than you would to regulate private businesses, private industry,. >> the answer is yes to all of that. there has been nothing for the last four years with democrats controlling the house to hold hearings, the democrats have run the show, you have seen jerry nadler doing as he pleases. we have not been able to compel any witness to testify. having the subpoena power, having control of the purse strings for the first time since the first two years of donald trump's presidency will be a big
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change for the american people. we intend to hold the fbi accountable. we intend to hold big tech accountable and the american people expect that we have all campaigned on that. we got elected in november. we won the majority, as slim as it may be, the american people expect republicans to deliver. i expect us to start that come january. we're only a few weeks away. as bad as the last few days have been for the american people with this massive spending bill, do i believe our best days are yet to come and i believe that house republicans will begin delivering for the american people very soon and the american people will be very pleased with what they see. and if you are a member of fbi leadership or big tech, then get ready. >> katie: yeah. republicans have made a lot of big promises about accountability. we will definitely be closely watching to see what happens. congressman, thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. merry christmas. >> katie: merry christmas. all right. well, democrats are hiding the true costs of biden's open border. we'll tell you how next. ♪
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subject 1: on christmas day, we were in the hospital. it was her first christmas. it was our first christmas being parents. i didn't know a lot about brain tumors, and what i had heard wasn't good. i certainly never dreamed that i would be fighting for her life. narrator: families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. you can make a difference. please become a st jude partner in hope right now. subject 1: my dreams are to watch her grow up. subject 2: you going to do that one all by yourself? good job. subject 1: go! if we didn't come to st jude, i really feel that felicity wouldn't be with us. narrator: please go online right now and become a st jude partner in hope today.
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>> katie: this year the biden administration welcomed nearly 3 million migrants and enough fentanyl to kill every single american in our country while blue city mayors like eric adams and lori lightfoot claim about bus loads full of illegal also border cities are overrun. temperatures are dlopg dangerously low. el paso opening up convention center as a shelter to same some migrants from freezing to death. that's just a mandate on the sax spoon that is our immigration system. a massive wave of would-be border crossers are waiting for title 42. if you say biden should be spending taxpayer dollars securing our border instead of army ukraine you are putin's puppet. >> is there anything that you can see there from their side of things that they are worried about things that is happening
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at the border and yet spending this kind of money giving it to ukraine? >> what we have here, unfortunately, is people falling prey to russian talking points, to putin's talking points. the idea that putin continues to try and divide the united states not only here domestically but divide us from our allies. >> katie: just moments ago border patrol released new border crossing numbers for the month of november. it's the biggest on record. more than 230,000. >> rosas is a senior reporter for town and author of "fiery but mostly peaceful" julio thank you for coming on. you have been in el paso for a week. what did you see? >> >> you saw it in the video that you just played. i mean, this is something that i had never seen before in such a large city because so many people in juarez coming into the united states completely overwhelmed the city resources.
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you know, why are not talking about del rio or eagle pass. talking about a city over half a million people. one of the biggest border towns and they are completely overwhelmed and as you said before they have to open up their convention center. they also had to open up two middle schools that the school district had moth balled because they didn't have space. they don't have space. churches are also at capacity and so all of this is happening, even with title 42 still technically in place. if you actually look at the numbers, more people are being released into the united states after their processed than are actually being expelled under title 42. that's for a variety of the reasons, nationality and mexico take them back. that's why people are worried that if title 42 were to go away next week or depends on what the supreme court says that they're going to be even more overwhelmed which is almost hard to believe. >> katie: you know, the white house refuses to send president biden to the border. they say these policies are humane. based on what you are seeing and what you have seen, especially
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with the temperatures dropping is this a humane policy? >> absolutely not. i mean, we are, when i say we, the united states government is incentivizing people to come at very dangerous times. typically the winter months are. so slowest months historically but obviously all of that has been thrown out the window because people are incentivized to come to the united states. granted we are in a bit of a tough spot but it is still a very great country. that alone is going to draw people. when you incentivize people opolicy level skip the line illegally allowed in stay in because interior enforcement has been completely cut for a lot of the people it's a no-brainer. they are responding to incentives. that is why it is wrong for the biden administration to be doing that through their policy even a little bit through their rhetoric. it was pretty cold when i was in el paso. and it will continue to be. >> katie: democratic politicians in el paso are begging the federal government to pay more attention to this because of the enormous strain on local
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resources. schools and convention center. they are not getting help for that also, this is helping in places like arizona. you just wrote a story about how yuma is being stuck with unpaid hospital bill for treating illegal immigrants who came into that city. can you tell us more about that? >> absolutely you have have been one of the hardest hit sectors, yuma smaller town than el paso. the hospital $20 million in unpaid bills because as i have seen in my time there are a lot of people get sick on the journey. we talk about the summer dehydration but also they have chronic illnesses, that's what the president of the healthcare system was saying it's not just people who are dangerously ill but chronically ill, so honestly not even talking about some pretty complex illnesses that they have to take care of and that doesn't come cheap and obviously these people are paying a lot of money to the cartels and smuggling organizations to get there don't have money to pay back yuma. so this is just the second and third effects when it comes to
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this border crisis. and bad news just like last year, i don't expect next year to be any better because republicans taking back the house. not even the legislative branch. look at the footage and see firsthand things can get worse but it's about as title 42 will be lifted in the future. julio, thanks for all the work and see you soon. virtually no money allotted for the border in the massive omnibus spending bill even though the border is going through its worst crisis in history. known as ngos, smuggling process. former ice director. acting ice director. "fox & friends first" this week to explain. >> handed over to ngo. give them new clothes, new shoes, okay. where are you going? chicago, get you a plane ticket and send you to chicago.
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a lot of them won't stay in tennessee. handled by ghmplet go there. look at the latest omnibus bill, they are giving billions of dollars to ngos to do this work at great taxpayer expense while ice beds remain empty. >> dhs avoiding bad press from overcrowded ice facilities by sneaking these migrants through sketchy ngos? one thing is clear, alejandro mayorkas must resign when republicans take over congress in just 11 days, haul him in. subpoena his whole staff and get the bad actors out of dhs because we can't have working borders with him in charge. mike howell is a former counsel of dhs oversight and now the oversight project director for the heritage foundation. thank you so much for being here tonight. you just did a study that answers some of my big questions about this border crisis. i have covered the border for years. i'm from arizona. who are these ngos and who is paying them? >> so a lot of them present as
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charitable and christian organizations. and they have facilities all across the southern border. basically what happens is as time homan just laid out, border patrol turns over illegal aliens to these ngos and they provide them onward transitory where they need to go. who is paying them? you are. i am. the u.s. taxpayer gives them a lot of money to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to catholic charities alone last year. this omnibus bill that just passed, they are getting the biggest payday of their lives. we are talking billions and billions of dollars through hhs and dhs will then be handed over for this whole processing operation. it's staggering amount of money to move a staggering amount of people. >> katie: not only getting taxpayer money through grants, but let's talk about the role they play in the trafficking of people from mexico, from southern -- south american countries from 100 different countries all over the world they show up and pay a cartel
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thousands ever dollars to get them to the border. they then walk across, turn themselves into border patrol. border patrol then turns them over to an ngo. the ngo paid with taxpayer dollars send them on a bus or plane to basically any city in america based on the information that you guys have about where they are going. >> right. and so understanding this process what we did to further islet it and research it, we bought one month period and gathered about 30,000 devices and sat back and tracked where they went. guess what they go everywhere. every single district in the united states mainland where are illegal aliens are going. >>this is a massive operation. very sophisticated very, very coordinated it's a lot of money, the technology and cooperation between these ngos and the federal government. it's the biggest human resettlement project we have ever uncovered.
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it's only going to get way, way worse because 18 republican senators led by mitch mcconnell and tom cotton basically said we want to reward this behavior. we want to give the biden administration billions of dollars to continue this crisis and so as long as they have the money to keep paying off these ngos and get people away from the border. away from the cameras and into the interior, they are going to keep doing it. i agree with julio, we are in for a terrible year we just prepaid the biden border crisis up until september of next year. >> katie: clearly a trafficking industrial complex and the people who benefit are the cartels and the american people suffer while they are paying for it. we will keep watching. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> katie: all right, up next, how living in some american cities is more dangerous than going to war. ♪
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it's all glamour and glory but it's not. war is cruelty and it's a cruelty that we don't deploy lightly because we know the costs. we send our servicemen overseas to fight so men and women don't have to suffer such unimaginable violence here at home. it turns out some of them do. we have been calling cities like chicago and philadelphia war zones for years. but, according to new analysis from the jama network, they're actually worse. the study found that military aged males living in philly's worst neighborhoods were twice as likely to be shot and killed than soldiers in iraq and afghanistan. it's even worse in chicago where young men were three times more likely to die from gunfire than american soldiers in afghanistan and four times more likely than our soldiers in iraq at the height of the war. i guess they call it for a reason. not all bad news. despite being dangerous hell holes new york city and los angeles were, in fact, much safer than actual war zones, congratulations, you guys, job
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well done. amber smith is a former iraq war combat pilot. a former deputy assistant to the second of defense and author of the book "danger close" the context of being in a theater of war is very different than being in a dangerous neighborhood in a city in america. but what is your reaction to this study showing if you are 18 to 29 age male in these places your chance of i do something much higher than if you were to be deployed. >> i think it's pretty devastating statistic that americans are safer to join the military and serve and fight in a combat zone like iraq and afghanistan than to live in a couple of these american cities. and it's absolutely true. chicago is a war zone. phphiladelphia is a war zone its reflected in the way that people -- there's mass exoduses in those cities right now. people don't want to see these criminal damages gangs that are out of control and swarming vehicles as they come to stop
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lights and are robbed by weapons in broad daylight, where there is essentially a lawless city. i just think that these are the direct reflection of these soft on crime policies that we're seeing at the very top and this very anti-police rhetoric that we are seeing from some members of congress like aoc, the squad, and the defund the police movement. these policies and this rhetoric is what is pushing this rise of crime that we are seeing in cities. >> another distinction is that when you join the military as you know and you go fight for your country overseas. you are doing it for a purpose. doing it to fight americans at home from a foreign threat. in defense of the country. there is a purpose to it. here, it's like the purpose is just to be part of a gang and to engage in this violence for the sake of, what, exactly? >> yeah, exactly. i think it does come back to lack of police support. when i was served in the
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military when we had to deploy to a war zone. i served in both iraq and afghanistan. we had the support of our chain of command, we had the resources we need to be able to accomplish a mission. we had top resources, weapons and ammunition to ensure that the team made it back safely. but, most importantly, we had the backing of the american people. we knew we were supported here at home and it made such a difference. so i think with this rise in crime that we are seeing in these cities, the police are essentially being overrun. they don't have the support of their elected leadership, of some of these liberal cities, their mayors, these district attorneys that are refusing to prosecute criminals. everything from misdemeanors all the way up to people who are rioting, theft, you name it. and so they do not have the support, the people to back them up after they make these arrests and get these criminals off the street. the d.a. is sending them right back to the street.
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so they're not interesting that support that we had from our leadership when we were in the military serving in combat. >> katie: the guys who want to go in a protect people from this kind of bad behavior protect people who live in these neighborhoods who aren't part of the gangs are the ones who are not being able to get that as a result of the lack of morale, right? it seems like there is this cultural rot that's occurred and i don't really know where we go from here, given, as you said, people are abandoning the cities. police don't have the support from the people who fund them and give them the resources that they need. i just think it's going to get worse. >> it is -- we are seeing the negative effects of over two years of this defund the police rhetoric and movement with people pushing -- people pushing this without thinking of the consequences. and we're sadly seeing the morale being significantly damaged in the law enforcement culture and things have got to change. so there's this -- these lawless cities come to an end and we get
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some law and order back in them for the safety of the american people. >> katie: it's shocking that young men in these cities have a higher likelihood of being shot and killed in their neighborhood by a fellow gang member than they do if they were to join the military for a larger purpose than themselves and be deployed overseas. it's outrageous and devastating as you said. amber smith thanks so much for coming on tonight. good to see you. >> thanks, katie, good to see you. >> katie: next up, reporters are sick and tired of working in the cold. >> clark, how are you feeling out there. >> again, the same way i felt about 8 minutes ago when you asked me that same question. ♪ ♪ .medicated vapors go straight to the source of your cough... you can relieve your cough to breathe easier. vicks vaporub. fast-acting cough relief.
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ian ol oliver. ian, how's it going out there? >> colder than a couple hours ago. that's one of the threats we've been talking about with this winter storm, which the rain and snow associated with it wind down fairly quickly overnight tonight, outside of course of the lake-effect snow lingering through christmas weekend. i think what a lot of people are going to remember this storm for is the arctic air, with incredible temperature drops across the country, which we experienced in new york city today. you go back to 3:00 a.m., early this morning, it was 58 degrees here in new york city. last check of my fox weather app it was 13. so that's a temperature drop of 45 degrees. that's occurred in less than 24 hours' time. that's common with powerful fronts across the northern tier of the country. not so much in the northeast. that's just an indicator of how much cold air has followed this arctic storm system.
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so we've had the temperature drop, leading to the flash freeze concerns. still seen remarkable wind gusts with this. coastal areas in the northeast, coming off the great lakes wind gusts exceeding 70 miles per hour. so very, very powerful winds that have knocked out power. now you see what moves in behind all of this. it's that arctic chill. so many folks, millions across the country, waking up tomorrow morning to feels like temperatures that will be below zero. subfreezing temperatures that extend all the way down into central florida. this is a rare batch of cold air in terms of its intensity, how cold it is, but also its extent across the central and eastern part of the country. if you need something to look forward to outside of, of course, christmas weekend coming up, new year's weekend, west coast to east coast, have a strong signal toward above average temperatures. i think a lot of folks probably
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glad to hear that. katie? >> i think that arctic chill is trespassing. it needs to stay up north. all right. it's friday. >> yeah, keep it moving. >> don't come down here. all right. thank you. ha-ha. it's friday, so let's have a little fun and review some of the funniest stories from this week. jimmy is here to break down. fashion mafia has arrived. you ready? snow won't be the only thing falling from the skies this christmas weekend. florida is warning residents the iguanas will be falling. down they go. i will say, they don't die. they kind of hibernate. you got to watch for that. you can get knocked out. >> ha-ha! you got to feel bad for the stoners, because it's like a weird sharknado. it's a bigger deal to us up north, because we don't live in florida, where they have spring
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break, and they watch people fall from frees the whole april and may. desantis has stepped in, shipping the iguanas to martha's vineyard. >> watch out, everybody. it's the time of year. will your new year's resolution to exercise more actually stick? it depends on the routine maybe. ♪ ♪ you might want to stay true to that resolution, because regular exercise protects you against fatal covid, something we've known for a long time. jimmy, i didn't realize you were on camera there, doing your exercise routine. i know you're trying to lose weight. >> i didn't know you were having an intervention about my weight. we'll play the covid card. they were encouraging the evacuation by giving away donuts, shake shack burgers.
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think about that, they were making you fatter and more vulnerable. >> and shut your gym down. finally, we all have to do things at work that we don't want to do sometimes. sometimes that's getting out of our comfort zone, like the sports reporter who got tasked covering the blizzard in the midwest. >> how you feeling out there? >> again, the same way i felt about eight minutes ago when you asked me that same question, right? i normally do sports. everything is canceled for the next couple of days. so what better time to ask the sports guy to come in about five hours earlier than he would normally wake up, go stand out in the wind and the snow and the cold and tell other people not to do the same. i didn't even realize that there was a 3:30 also in the morning. can i go back to my regular job? >> what's amazing about this, he obviously complained, but he it got so popular he probably has to do it more now, which is
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funny. pro tip, drink a barrel of whiskey. one time on the job you get away with it, because they blame the red cheeks on the cold. believe me, if i had his gig, i'd be smashed. >> that's all for us. "tucker carlson tonight" is up next. merry christmas. >> ho-ho-ho. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." this is one of our last shows of 2022. naturally we got to thinking about the year that was. what defined it? if you're living a healthy life, of course your relationships defined it. politics is never the most important thing. the people around youer. your family, your friends, your dogs. that's where joy comes from, not from elections. relationships mean much more to you than any stupi
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