tv Hannity FOX News December 23, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: that's it for us. we could go on forever, but time has limits. we'll be back. it's friday. we will see you next week. have the happiest weekends with the ones you love shielded with the insanity and the embrace of the people that matter to you. see you soon. >> welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i'm tammy bruise in for sean hannity. joe biden wants you to forget about his agenda's fay you're failures and forget about his smears against republicans and instead wants us to just all get along this christmas season. watch this. >> so my hope this christmas season is that we take a few moments of quiet reflection, find that stillness in the heart of christmas. it's at the heart of christmas.
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look, really look at each other not as democrats and republicans and not as members of team red or blue but who we are, fellow americans. fellow human beings worthy of being treated with dignity and respect. i hope this holiday season will drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another. i hope this christmas season marks a fresh start for our nation. >> and to think i thought i was a semi fascist. who knew? mr. unity has been singing a different tune throughout his presidency calling republicans threats to democracy, comparing them to segregationists and claiming that they hate science. here's a small sample. watch this. >> donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our
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republic. >> trump and the extreme maga republicans have made their choice to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate and division. >> jim crow 2.0 is about two insidious things, voter suppression and election subject version. do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> we will and we can turn the tide of covid-19. it will take a lot of hard work. many of us are frustrated with the 80 million americans that are still not vaccinated. >> are you feeling the unity yet? rather than take any accountability for the administration's self-inflicted crises, the vice president says
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it's the media that is to blame for not covering all of her successes telling the "washington post" that there are things that i've done as vice president that fully demonstrate the strength of my leadership as vice president that have not received the kind of coverage that i think the dobbs decision did receive. really? sounds like somebody told her that, right? the left wing adoring media is to blame? check out this hard-hitting interview biden did this week with drew barrymore. >> jill's favorite room in the house? i don't know what it is? >> it's not in the house. it's on the house. it's the balcony outside, looks over the -- yo! >> mr. president, can i just tell you, my daughters pulled me aside and said, could you stop talking to people as much or if you're going to because we understand it's important to you, could you edit and keep it shorter. >> i've been told that my whole
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life. >> like i want to have my daughters draw their self-portrait. >> you can. if you send it to me, i'll put it on our tree. >> are you kidding me? >> yeah, of course. >> ha-ha. joining us now, joe concha and charlie hurt. i don't know if you have been laughing really hard there because that was so enjoyable and believable or really that it strikes even more, joe, at the legitimacy of the government. in that this is what you'd expect to see from state television. and americans, we don't like it. there's serious issues in this country. we want leadership and yet there he is with drew barrymore. she's gotten through a difficult childhood and contributing to
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the american tax base here, but what do you think about this kind of approach she's having now around the holiday? >> well, i'm with you and drew barrymore. we grew up watching e.t. since the mid-terms, that which you just played is the only sit-down television interview that the president of the united states has done to this point. isn't that incredible? that joe biden after the mid-terms does one interview not with "60 minutes" and not with bret baier and the few legitimate journalists that would ask him good solid questions, but he goes to drew barrymore instead. what that tells you is that he's handlers are petrified to put him in front of anybody that will ask him about the u.s. southern border and the catastrophe going on down there, nearly five million people entering this country. there's 27 u.s. states that have a lower population than five
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million, a lower population than the number of people that have come in the first two years of this presidency. bottom line, tam-tam -- tammy, this president takes orders, he doesn't make orders. the question is who is making the orders to him. >> excellent point. charlie, at the same time, we found 6% of the american people have no real grasp of how serious the boarder situation is. maybe this strategy is working for them. maybe this happy talk, everything is fine, i'm -- he won the election on this, i'm the unifier. is this a thing that they should be doing? it seems to be working at this point. >> i think politically it definitely is working. it works as long as you have the media behind you ignoring a crisis the likes of which we see at the border, which is entirely been manufactured by this man,
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by this man alone. his predecessor, donald trump, solved the immediate crisis of the flow, didn't solve all the problems with immigration in this country, but solved the immediate problem of the flow of illegals coming in to the country. and this man and that man alone right there on the screen, unilaterally decided to undue the policies and hand the border over to sex traffickers and drug lords. he's -- human traffickers. he's content with that. that's what he wanted. that's what he got. the media is perfectly happy to cover for him. you know, joe biden is not only infinitely more divisive than his predecessor, i think we've never had a president in history as divisive as this man. wee never had a president in history who called half the country semi fascists or accused half the country of being bull
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connor or jim -- supporting jim crow laws. this is insane. now after his administration lied going into the last election claiming that a million jobs had been created when only 10,000 jobs have been created and he's now going to blame voters, blame citizens, the people he's supposedly works for who have decided not to get vaccinated or boosted and blaming them for his failures, his economic failures, it's just -- it's beyond pale. >> joe, just beyond comprehensive. this is the same guy that stood in front of the federal hall in pennsylvania with the blood red background. i'm wondering at this point since he was so comfortable doing that leading up to an election and it wasn't just calling republicans names, this was about whoever voted for trump, were white supremacists,
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the fascists and all of that. so it was -- it was half of this country that he was smearing beyond republicans. why is he shifting right now? why is he pretending that he's the great unifier? what does this say to you? >> i don't think, tammy, he's shifting at all. his handlers are shifting the message perhaps and he goes out there. you've seen anchor man, right? whatever you put in the teleprompter, burgundy will read. whatever you hand him, he will read. >> why are they doing it? what is the strategy? in all seriousness, are they getting worried? i'm wondering if they're looking at the nature with what is happening with confidence and legitimacy, if they're thinking they went too far. is that possible? >> no, i don't think so. i think it's a spur of the moment type of thing. tammy, we're near the holidays. you send out the unifying message during the holidays. you know, to charlie's point
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before, the white house stood today behind calling the georgia law jim crow 2.0. they will tell you it's warm right now with a straight face. you can give facts like there's record voter turn two straight elections. they'll say no, no, it's suppression still going on. in georgia it's as hard to vote as swimming across the atlantic ocean. the media, they won't say it's a lie. they shrug with it. >> thanks. joe concha, charlie hurt. it's perplexing. now as congress rams through the disastrous 1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, we're learning more about the egregious -- how egregious the spending is.
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little for securing our southern border. even as the crisis rages on. but the government's reckless spending goes way beyond the omnibus. senator rand paul detailed numerous examples of wasteful spending. according to paul, the nih spent 2.3 million injecting puppies with cocaine. there's evil to that, isn't there? the senator says that over $30 million of covid relief funds were used to buy luxury cars. paul said ask yourself in the leadership of both parties is all that much different on spending or endless wars from blo bloated bureaucracy.
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just like i've been saying again, it's washington versus the rest of us where the interests of hard-working americans take a back seat to the special interests of the swamp. now here for reaction. former republican senator scott brown along with the founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve moore and executive director of the heritage foundation, jessica anderson. thank you all for joining me tonight. i think that rand might be a little coy in asking the question if there's any difference, steve moore, between the parties. there's a uni party, there's an interest in the mentality and the cultural sentiment of washington. would you agree that in fact -- i sense that this argument between conservatives and republicans is really just part of the theater. that there's one interest and that is growing government, which requires of course a growing content for the american people. >> great to be with you.
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merry christmas. i want to correct you on one thing when you said there's not money for border enforcement. there is money for border enforcement. hundreds of millions. it's just not to protect our border. you can't make it up. >> great point. >> it's almost laughable the waste in this budget. my friends at heritage have just literally scores and scores of pages of these programs. i think this is a total political disaster for the republicans, tammy. because they're in on this. i've been on this show many times blaming nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and biden for their overspending. they did. they overspent by $4 trillion, this is a bipartisan heist where you have more than two dozen republican senators vote with the democrats to pass this and the reason they did, tammy, is they wanted the pork barrel spending for their districts. >> a great reference to the heritage foundation. let's go to jessica for a
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second. this is not new for the american people. this is -- they said we would get back to normal, this is exactly normal. this kind of spending, this is how obama care was passed. i understand the republicans don't vote for something or vote to get it out of committee but all vote against it. then that wasn't the case with the omnibus when it comes to the senate. the senate knew that the republicans would have the house and next year. they didn't care about that. what do you think, jessica, this means when it comes to what the agenda of the republicans are and what the next two years will look like? >> well, the entire process that actually put together this deal has been completely fractured and is representative of how broken washington is. so many people in back rooms throughout the last six months were writing this bill. you know who wasn't looking at it? the american people. we had less than two days to read it to understand what was in it and to pass it. so the process is a problem. but then as steve mentioned, the
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actual policies that are in this package is a huge problem for the american people. over 7,200 individual ear marks totalling over $15 billion for the american taxpayer are jam packed in to this omni bill. so what does that mean for us? it means our taxpayer dollars are going to fund lgbtq centers in new york and l.a., climate initiatives, nongender confirming houses. a michelle bomb hiking trail for $3.5 million in georgia that is not what our american tax dollars should be going for. it's ashame that congress jammed this through right before christmas. >> scott brown, we don't -- i suppose if a town wants a gay and lesbian museum, that's great. then have that town fund that, right? do a go fund me. right now we have americans doing two and three gig kind of jobs to pay the rent and to take
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a secondary job so that they can get enough gas to be able to go to their normal job. we see this, this vomitous spenting of tax dollars that we also don't have. is this -- almost seems like a deliberate -- i can't use this word because it's television. it's like a big foam finger hand to the american people in a way because that we vote sometimes against their wishes. what is feeding this mania in washington? >> well, first of all, i obviously was there. i saw it first hand. senator bunting had the very same type of documentation that rand paul put out about the tremendous waste. before we ask the taxpayers for more money, we should get rid of the fraud and abuse in these things. we go what? shooting cocaine in puppies?
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are you kidding me? seems criminal to me being an animal lover. more importantly, what it really shows me is that mitch mcconnell doesn't have a lot of faith in obviously -- i don't think he will get it, but mccarthy. had they did a short term continuing resolution, they would have had a better shot to get a better budget. it shows me that mcconnell is more likely -- feels better to work with schumer and the liberal democrats than work with his own party. that's very sad. the american people sent the house members to get a handle on our fiscal responsibility issues. the inflation is out of control. the heating oil is still out of control. i went today again to get some eggs. $1.82 six months ago. it's $5.89. people in washington are continuing to spend and spend. people need to get involved. enough. are we done already with this
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stuff? this is like the last christmas as you said, the finger saying hey, we're here. too bad. live your boring lives. you know, come on. we need to work to rectify these problems. >> sean: they forget what got this country trump. this is exactly the behavior. it's as though now they're standing on the hill saying we won, we got you. we got him. look, we're now going to do this again. the american people are going to vote other people in. we all have an interest in the stability of this country. this is just -- doesn't seem to be the way to do it. scott, steve, jessica, thanks for joining us tonight. now coming up, will the covid insanity ever end? you won't believe what one celebrity said and we will tell you when this special edition of "hannity" continues.
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>> tammy: nearly three years after the crippling covid lockdowns some celebrities are seeing the light and calling out the hateful division fueled by those that supported draconian covid mandates. here's tim robbins talking to russell brand. watch this. >> i was masking everywhere, keeping my social distance. i was adhering to the requests made of me. i felt, you know, angry at people that didn't. we turned into tribal, angry, vengeful people. i don't think that's something that is sustainable for the earth. that we start demonizing people
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that don't agree with our particular health policies and turn them in to monsters, turn them in to pariahs. say that they don't deserve a hospital bed. it turned in you should [bleep] die because you have not complied. >> tammy: yeah, excellent. bravo. so of course, tim robins is still one of a few to be honest about to covid madness. sean penn says that anyone who is unvaccinated is a criminal. who should not leave their homes. but the lunacy doesn't stop there. look at this from canada's chief health official who just got let go of her covid obsession and made a video with mrs. claus. take a look. >> it's been a tough season with lots of viruses making people sick. >> thankfully santa and i are
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feeling as healthy as ever. we're both up to date with our vaccinations including covid boosters and flu shots. i tell santa to make a list and check it twice. one, stay up to date on your vaccinations. two, wear a mask in crowded indoor places and make sure it fits nice and snug. >> tammy: who knew that north korea was in charge of all television. come on. out in china, never ending covid lockdowns and brutal crackdowns didn't work at all in the long-term as hundreds of millions reportedly caught the virus in december alone. here for reaction, fox news medical contributors dr. janet and dr. marty makary and erin
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perrine. we have always wondered if the numbers we heard out of china were accurate. there's no reason to believe they're telling us the truth. they tend to not do that. that would confirm that lockdowns all all of these things that the world replicated does not work. we've seen around the world that they don't work. and that you see what's going on within canada, almost cultic in the nature of the videos. there's this weird obsession for no good reason. you think this is going to end at any point and what purpose is this serving do you think, sir? >> well, in china, many of the lockdowns were human rights violations. they were down right cruel. what little time they bought they didn't use wisely. they're having a tough time. there's expectations that a million chinese people could do in the next few weeks. i talked to one doctor that said about 50% of the city is infected covid. it's a bit of deja vu and massive underreporting.
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we know that from the doctors i have spoken to. the concern is that a new variant could emerge out of this dense epidemic they're dealing with. >> we have the most dangerous thing, what we don't know. we're prepared and know how to deal with the covid that we know. beyond covid is what is out there now, what is happening in china? are you concerned about again, what we don't know and what could be moving across to us now or are we just all with the fear that it's not reasonable at this point? >> happy holidays, tammy and everyone else. i don't think we should be fearful. i agree with dr. makary that there could be more variants emerging. this is year through in to the pandemic. we know how to deal with it here in the united states. we learned our lessons when it comes to mandates, convenience, masking, social distancing. we understand how to protect yourself. we understand who are the higher
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risk groups, those with senior citizens. we understand that we now have tools how to treat this virus that we department have three years ago. at this point we need to stop with the fear mongering and be aware, if you're unsure, speak to your doctor. make sure you get information from a credible source and let's start the new year without the mandates but with the tools that we have to treat the diseases that we see circulating. i want to point out that the world does not revolve around covid. there's more cases of influenza and rsc than covid. we have to look at all the viruses and not just be focused with covid. >> tammy: a great point. just in follow up with that, erin. the reaction to covid in some fashion i think, doctors, you'd agree with me, has created these new opportunistic dynamics like
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rsc. kids and people were isolated from each other. another reason to not change our lives and to not react in a hysterical way. erin, do you see this being recognized at least politically at this point when it comes to lockdowns and outrageous reactions? >> unfortunately, the political rhetoric on this has been slow to catch up to the science on this. we now have an entire generation of the american youth who are behind in school and who are more susceptible because they were forced in to these lockdowns being a low risk population. we saw extreme political government and entertainment-based rhetoric to increase fear relative to covid. that continues to this day. the science should lead the day, not the politics. unfortunately when you put politics before science, you get politics that absolutely distorts reality. the american people much to the doctor's points needs to go to credible sources. sean penn is not a credible
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source. >> that's a very good point. dr. makary, this speaks to the legitimacy of the medical profession, of science. when you see that video that comes out of canada, it creates even more anxiety about the seriousness of the medical profession and our experts. we should be able to rely on them. do you think we're going to be able to recover considering what governments in the western world did in destroying -- now we have people hesitant at the normal vaccines that are required for children. do you think we can recover from this? >> i think it's going to take some new leadership and some humility. when we as doctors make a mistake, i can tell you if you're honest and forth right and you show humility. people can be very forgiving. we don't see that humility. i think this continues fear mongering is not helping. you're right. even the flu shot rates were way down this year.
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we had a bad flu season. that's because trust has been damaged. >> and dr. jeanette, we've had a white house individual from the medical dynamic admit there's been no real testing or data that confirms the efficacy of masks. we've been slowly admitting what we've gotten wrong. is this a sign that i think there's a realization that we won't go to lockdowns again. would you agree in that regard? >> oh, absolutely. you know, makes sense at the beginning of the pandemic when we knew very little to institute these mitigation measures. but as the pandemic progressed, we saw what worked, what didn't work. so moving forward, we need to take that information and modify our policies and our protocols. already on science -- >> tammy: i hate to interrupt you, you already have schools going back to masks. >> it's wrong. it's wrong. especially with children.
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especially when it comes to children. the policies that we had previously harmed our children more than any cohort of this population. mentally, emotionally. their education lacked. their anxiety, depression increased. they need to see their teachers smile and expression from classmates. it's our policies that were meant to be for older people with underlying medical conditions. in children, it caused more harm than good. less listen from this. >> tammy: we have to. with your voices we'll do a lot better. thanks for joining me. straight ahead, the left's woke agenda is invading every aspect of american life. and plus, douglas murray reacts as this special edition of "hannity" continues. 's covered . before dexcom g6, i was frustrated. all of that finger-pricking, my a1c was still stuck. (female announcer) dexcom g6 sends your glucose numbers
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>> 'tis the season for extreme wokeness. that's the case in one church in england where the classic christmas hymn "god rest ye merry gentlemen" was rewritten. we just can't. there's plenty of wackiness to go around here at home where our own u.s. marines could soon be told not to address their superiors as sir or ma'am. in order to avoid, ready? misgendering them. the university of pittsburgh was paid $2 million by the marines to come up with recommendations like this one or for more woke madness, just look to detroit where a school board just voted to remove the name of presidential medal recipient ben
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carson from a public high school because he's a republican. dr. ben carson joins me right now. he's the founder and chairman of the american cornerstone institute. dr. carson, of course, this isn't your first round at the rodeo, is it? you've been right in the arena. you know what the deal is. you continue to serve this nation. and these are petty things. when it comes to an example, conservatives on campus and the nature of i think you probably heard about stanford issuing this list of forbidden words and what was meant for their i.t. group and you couldn't say "american" because that would upset the rest of the countries in north america. it gets down to being like a pathology or a pathological obsession. what is your take on our direction these days? >> thank you, tammy.
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merry christmas. the first time i spoke at the national prayer breakfast in 1997 about political correctness, if we continued along that pay way was going to destroy our nation. it has continued to get worse. now it's morphed in to wokeness. we have a situation on our college campuses where students are afraid to express themselves, conservative students are. college is supposed to be a place where you explore and you have an opportunity to discuss certain things so that you can determine which way you're going. basically what is happening is people are being shut down. it doesn't have to be the government that shuts down your freedom of speech. big tech, social media, college professors can shut down your speech. if the government is compliant with that, it's the same as if they're doing that. we the american people should be outraged about that. our freedoms come from god.
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that is stated in our declaration of independence. yet we're allowing them to be taken away from us. now we also have a government that is insinuating itself to every aspect of our lives. liberty and community was about what the people could do, not what the government could do. it's impacting us tremendously. look at the omnibus bill that was just passedand all the pork in there. all the programs. you know, these were not programs the government is supposed to be doing. these are things that we the people are supposed to be doing and how we're supposed to be working together in our communities to strengthen ourselves. we're allowing all of that to be taken away from us. most people don't know their neighbors anymore. don't know what their names are. they have no idea who they are. all of these things are changing us from the dynamic and innovative people that we used to be. we had a system that encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship.
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most of the big inventions in the world came from the united states of america. but if everybody is thinking the same way and saying the same things, where is that out of the box thinking that will allow us to continue to be that beacon? >> tammy: that's part of the thing that the left wants to stop. they resent american being a beacon. they don't think that is good because we encourage human ingenuity and personal freedom. that is the problem for the left. because americans don't like the left in that regard. you're an example, sir, of what they don't want to have be reflected as a role model and as a potential career and this is where we start getting people erased. thank you, dr. carson, for your perspective once again. now here with more reaction is fox news contributor, douglas murray who writes about the growing hatred of american in european history and culture in his back "war on the west." douglas, thanks for joining me.
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perfect -- your series of books, you know, of course like cassandra, warning about this is the trajectory, that it's based in hatred for western civilization. you do have that accent. so you see it. we know england is in trouble in this regard. we had this omnibus bill that funds hundreds of millions of dollars for equity, right? it's effectively the antithesis of equality. it's the government promoting this. is this there a way out of this and what can americans do? >> that's right. i spent almost all of my time in america these days. that's because america is the focus of the problem. i've joked, you know, america used to be a net importer of bad us. now it's a net exporter of bad ideas. all of this woke nonsense comes
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out of america and guys canada, britain, europe, you name it. what we've just seen, ben carson epitomizes is what the woke left is trying to do. change the facts about our history, trying to change the facts about america's founding fathers, everyone, from the be ginning of america to the present day. they're doing it through this silly game, the language game. they are obsessed with language. it doesn't matter if you call general mark milley miss or misses. he's still a bloke. you know? it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter this stupid list of words stanford has come up with. they say these are words that could be troubling like using the word "american" or saying immigrant instead of a person who is immigrated. that is a difference with no distinction. but they say all of these
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things, come up with these things, play these silly language games and there's two problems from this. the first is you can play the language games, but you can't change reality. the second thing is they're wasting our time. america in the 21st century should be discovering how to populate mars, live in under water cities, go completely -- get our energy sorted out, all sorts of challenges we have. instead we're spending our time having to be bored by these people telling us which words to use and when. >> we agree it's meaningless. what it does do is makes people unsure about what to think and makes them as a result fearful to even think on the ideas because it's too dangerous to speak about them. that is part of it. >> it's intended to demoralize us. >> tammy: that is the goal. thanks, douglas. we're monitoring the situation in minnesota.
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police say the mall of america is on lockdown after a reported shooting. we'll bring you the updates as we get them. coming up, biden's border crisis is intensifying. brian urlacher visited the border and joins us next. we discuss as this special edition of "hannity" continues. can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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repeatedly swore and fumed with advisers over the intensifying crisis at the border. despite him later saying that he had "more important things to do" than visit. nfl hall of famer brian urlacher visited the border yesterday to witness the worsening situation first hand. he joins us now with more on what he saw. it's invaluable to be down there, sir. why -- what did you expect to find and what happened when you were down there, sir? >> i originally went down there in september to check it out. i wanted to lay my eyes on the situation. i heard so many things on news. you see what's going on on fox. i wanted to see myself what's going on. we talked to the chief, the director down there at the yuma sector of the border. the morale of the border patrol agents are so low because of the stigmatism that they get on the media. they're not doing anything but their jobs or what they can do
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according to the policies in place. they can't protect the border. we saw six people walk across the border at 11:30 a.m. we heard something from the white house saying that they don't walk across. there's six guys that walk across our border agents met them, arrested them and released in to the united states. it's the greatest situation. a humanitarian crisis. we saw the people in the tends, the cages -- they're not cages, but buildings they're placed in until they're released to where their destination may be. >> tammy: we know what the d dynamic is. the border pro december officers, your presence there probably gave them a huge lift. we have to remember that, you know, their sacrifice and we love them and appreciate them. i know american as appreciate what you do, sir. thanks for joining me tonight. brian urlacher. arizona border officers
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announced wednesday that they found more than 700,000 fentanyl pills hidden in a train arriving from mexico. here with reaction, sarah carter and arizona attorney general. attorney general, let's start with you. we just heard this nfl legend, he's there, he's lifting their spirits. these border patrol officers find these pills that can murder entire cities. what do you -- how would you describe to the american people now what the risk is and what is happening at the border? >> tammy, thank you for having me on. you know, following an nfl legend like brian urlacher, i can't help but think soldier field, this past month, four times as many people that fits in soldier field have entered our country. enough fentanyl was seized this
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last month to kill the entire population of the united states. so miles per hours are paying the cost not only in lives lost, but fiscally. in places like yuma, there's tens of millions of unreimbursed healthcare costs. many of the people don't have health insurance. since the biden administration's failure, more than five million people have entered our country, including 2,000 got-aways a day. i'm proud to lead the charge at the u.s. supreme court trying to keep title 42 in place. it's the only tool to stop this poisoning of america. >> tammy: thank god for your work and the work of other patriots that recognize this is a nonpartisan issue. it's a national security issue, sarah. it's an issue where there's some deliberateness to it that is literally at the core of every issue americans are facing now. life and death issue, future
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issues, the safety of their children. you know, with title 42 already this -- it's incentivized people moving to the border to take advantage of its failure. what do you see happening regardless of whether it's upheld or not at this point on the border? >> well, that's a great point, tammy. regardless, i mean title 42 is important. regardless when the federal government, when the biden administration refused to implement the law, that means tying the hands of our border patrol agents, not letting them do the work. brian was rights. the suicide rates have gone up in mcallen sector. that's an important topic that they've been dealing with there. when you talk about fentanyl, this is unrestricted warfare. china and others are taking advantage of this border, this is a national security issue. when you think of the amount of
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chemicals that enter into mexico so the cartels can make the pills. these are not just ant overdose deaths, this is about poisoning. there's pills that look like adderall, percocet, oxycontin. if you take a per that is not prescribed for you, you can die. it will kill you. so don't do it. they are all over our streets. the chinese communist party knows that. our government knows that. and the biden administration refuses to shut that border down and our children are dying. >> thank you for the work you're doing. the american people must pay attention and know exactly what is happening. we will be right back as we monitor that reported shooting at the mall of america in minnesota. stay right there.
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that's all the time we have left. i want to say merry christmas and happy hanukkah. thanks for having us in your homes. before i go, i want to remind you to watch "get tammy bruce" exclusively on fox nation and read my column at thanks for tuning in. stay tuned for "the ingraham angle" with jason chaffetz. >> welcome. i'm jason chaffetz for "the ingraham angle." it's time for the airing of grievances, festivus. >> hey, happy festivus, everyone! >> the tradition of festivus begins with the airing of grievances. i got a lot of problems with
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