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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 25, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ jesus, jesus, a wonderful child. ♪ od todd a beautiful shot of the lovely christmas tree on the lovely fox square. sparsely attended new york city today because everybody is busy participating many merriment and revelry. as you can see right there on our faux chimney, solid,
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carley -- todd, carley, i didn't have, our stockings hang will with care, and we're going to talk with st. nick in about an hour. we welcome you in here on an amazing christmas morning edition of "fox & friends." carley: merry christmas, everybody. i was reminded of a childhood memory where we would open all of our gifts, and then i would fit about the stock isings -- stockings because all the presents were so exciting. and then my mom and dad would say, oh, but there's more. and that was always funment. griff: and simes you got with gift in the stocking. todd: did you ever leave it until next year? that only happened in the pyro household? carley: that's like finding $20 in your coat. griff: meanwhile, you can sending us photos like this one from the anderson hill family in texas. check out.
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they're wearing their matching pajamas. todd: looking good. griff: merry christmas to ya. todd: jim shows us this gorgeous photo of their three puppies in front of their christmas tree. carley: and carl asks who needs the elf on the shelf? i love this baby picture right here. keep sending us your christmas photos all morning long, we absolutely love to see hem. we'll be showing hem. o todd i know you're a fan of my daughter's cheeking -- cheeks, but -- carley: i'm going to need some baby content from amanda and you today. todd: will do. but there is this, obviously, not a jolly season because of the weather. historic winter storm slamming the northeast yesterday dumping upwards of 8 inches of snow -- 28 inches of snow in buffalo alone. carley: yeah, many americans facing power outages and travel
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chaos. griff: max gorden is live in hamburg, new york, with the latest. hey, max, how you doing? >> reporter: merry christmas to you guys. well, this is an area of the country that is well accustomed to winter weather, but this storm has packed an incredible wallop. the national weather service in buffalo -- [audio difficulty] recorded nearly 3 feet of snowfall with potentially more on the way. one of the big issues is drifting. if drift of snow nearly 7 feet behind me. you look over there, we've got that vehicle just completely covered in snow. as you mentioned, tens of thousands of folks are without power. crews are out will trying to resore power as quickly as possible,s but officials say it might not return to folks until evening or even tomorrow morning. just a tough christmas for people who are without power right now or maybe even -- [audio difficulty] buffalo's airport is closed
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until 11 a.m. tomorrow morning. unfortunately, we have 3 deaths here locally confirmed due to this storm, 2 people died because emergency services simply weren't able to get out of them, the roads were just too bad, and one man was found dead in buffalo frozen to death. it's been a tough situation, but we've seen folks banding together, helping dig each other out. winter storms like this really bring out the best in folks. i hope everyone has a warm and happy christmas, even if you're snowed in today. guys, back to you. todd: max gorden in a very, very snowy and frigid buffalo. max, stay safe and warm out there. meantime, i think earlier this week on our show i asked, you know, first the fbi, now the presidency, what's next, the cia? well, it turns out i was right, prescient, if you will. twitter files showing how the cia and fbi have spent years upon years meddling in twitter content.
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-the latest batch -- this was the latest batch released last night, batch number nine. and here we go, this is from matt taibbi. starting off, the fbi acting as doorman to a vast program of media sur sill advance -- surveillance and censorship from the state department to the pentagon, to the cia. carley: yeah. he also writes this: each ex-fbi lawyer jim baker agreed odd that they are searching for violations of our policies. another tweet he says the twitter files show execs under constant is pressure to validate theories of foreign influence and unable to find evidence for key assertions, found no link to russia, said one analyst, but suggests he could brainstorm to find a stronger connection. we're going to bring in "fox news sunday" anchor shannon bream. shannon, good morning, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, guys.
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carley: what is your reaction? it shows it wasn't just the fbi that had this unique relationship with twitter, it was other government agencies as well, the cia, the state department, and it also shows that twitter employees on their end seemed to really feel pressured to find something as it relates to russia and other sort of narratives out there that some people found very concerning. >> it's very interesting on so many different points. first of all, that most people are acting like the story isn't even happening, like it's in a vacuum. you talk to people about it, they seem baffled and have no idea that these revelations are coming out. we're just looking at factual information that shows us learn all of these interactions. and listen, i think we all agree the government has a role to play if there are videos of terrorism, if there are, you know, threats of harming people. of course there's going to be interaction between government agencies and platforms like social media. but if it's about deciding what content or what viewpoints are
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allowed out there on the sphere of a private social media company, that's where we start to ask a lot of questions. we see all this interaction with dhs, doj, fbi and dni, it just sparks a lot of questions for people who are uncomfortable, and it felt like there was something going on more than we were told. a lot of-couched in the context of we're looking at foreign interference. i think we all agree there is a role for that. but when it turns out much of the conversations were about domestic tweets and issues, that s.t.a.r.t.s a whole new round -- starts a whole new round of questions that need to be answered. griff: exactly. we learned in this latest batch this foreign intelligence task force, the fitf, seems to have been tasked with finding out foreign intelligence threats, but yet it was domestic accounts in the case of twitter that were pushed towards censorship, it and appears we're probably going to hear a whole lot more about this when incoming house
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oversight committee chairman james comer has these hearings. is that your expectation? >> yeah. listen, the republicans over in the house have talked a big game that they're going to investigate all kinds of things about the disaster rouse withdrawal from afghanistan -- disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, hunter biden, what happened with covid is, what happened with twitter. they've got a very full plate, and there will be a lot of critics watching closely to see if you want these investigations to happen, they'll be looking closely to see if they actually come to peru wigs. there's this growing -- fruition. there's this growing sense that even when there are hearings, things that people are called to account in washington, no one actually gets held accountable. so republicans have promised big on the house side, and there will be -- those who supported them are going to be looking for them to deliver. their critics are saying this is a waste of time, we've got real problems many country foreign and domestic, and they need to focus there. there's definitely going to be a spotlight on all of those plans for investigation. solid todd this is a real
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problem -- todd:. they fried to bend -- tried to bend over backwards with regard to the fbi and russia collusion to make trump lose, and when they didn't find it, they suppressed the hunter bide biden laptop story. and when jim baker, the fbi lawyer, says, whoa, this may have gone too far, i think that tells you everything you need to know. with that, let's end on a positive, shannon bream. what is your christmas message on this december 25th? >> you know what? to me it is the most hopefulful day of the year. i'm a christian as billions of people around the world today are celebrating christmas. it's amazing to me that god would choose to come here and walk among us as a human being. he didn't come to a world that was perfect, he came to one that was perfect and needed help, and i think that's an encouraging message because we don't have to be perfect to meet god and reach out to him. he's always reaching out to us. and if faith was only about
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perfect people, then none of us could ever get there. to me, it's just a hopeful message of a time of rescue and a time of, hopefully, peace and joy. carley: a hopeful and beautiful message. it's a working christmas for you. what do you have coming up on "fox fox news sunday"? >> this massive omnibus spending bill, new, massive numumbers at the border. for everything domestic rain foreign, afghanistan, iraq, ukraine, we've got you covered. we have panelists including dana perino, howie kurtz and david avella, and we've got special conversations we have recorded in the last several days with cardinal dolan, michael w. smith and the guy who is behind wreaths across america. millions of wreaths laid at veterans' tombs all across the world, and you'll hear the story of how he got started. griff: you got the best guest,
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cardinal dolan. watch it at 2 the p.m. shannon, merry christmas. thanks for getting up for us. >> merry christmas, guys. see you soon. griff: turning now to your headlines, five suspects are arrested in connection with friday's fatal shooting at the mall of america. minnesota police arresting the teenagers at a home in st. louis park saying they stopped at a white castle restaurant right after the shooting. authorities say gunfire broke out after a brawl between two groups leaving a 19-year-old male dead. prison also -- police also say the suspects are not cooperating. and president biden staying away from his telephone in the christmas eve, upending decades of traditional phone calls ott white house from kids. instead, first lady jill biden answered the children's questions about santa's journey. it comes a year after the father of a caller jokingly shouted let's go, brandon, while talking to president biden. [laughter]
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a florida navy lieutenant is kicking off his next journey with some christmas spirit. he's attending flight school and decided to make his required hours a little more pun by ying in the shape -- fun by flying in the shape of a christmas tree complete with ornaments and a star. it took him around 20 hours to plan out that flight. how cool is that? cr carr -- carley: perfect. griff: yeah, that's amazing. carley: good for him. todd: there's no comment on that, so amazing. griff: maybe he should do it every year, and it could become a christmas tradition -- carley: i see this transition. we're showing our christmas traditions right now. griff: in my family, my mother, sylvia jenkins, started way back in the day giving an ornament to everyone in the family that signified a big event for some minute of the family, and
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everybody -- somebody in the family, and she shot a short little explanation video. here is sylvia jenkins. >> i'm sylvia jenkins, i'm griff jenkins' mom. our tradition mt. family started in '87 with an ornament to be given to everyone with the birth of the first grandchild and, actually, this year's ornament is of the birth of the first great grand child. there have been milestones through the years of griff's wedding, of births, of family trips. it's been so special and a fun way to remember. merry christmas. griff: merry christmas, mom, and to my entire family and my wife kathleen and my daughters. my mom is with my sister amy and her husband dan and all of their kids. and that grand baby is cooper,
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born to sofie and ben, my niece and her husband, and cooper was just born, like, six months ago. and that is the sylvia's first great grandchild. carley: oh, wow. seems like such a sweet lady, your mom. merry christmas, sylvia. todd: we can't follow that. i mow what you're doing, literally cannot follow that. that was the highlight of the show. great to see mom there. my family's italian. we just eat a lot. so lasagna is what we do. and what's interesting about this, can i show this plate? if you saw the 7:00 hour, i apologized to santa for, i have to apologize to santa for calling him fat. this was clearly because i'm just projecting my own weight gain since i started here at fox, a whopping 35 pounds. we're not going to help that now when i have lasagna at 8:14 and then have another one literally at 4:00 today. cr r so you eat e lasagna on
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christmas. todd: that's our thing. i'm going to dig in here. are you guys going to? carley: you can, for sure. my family tradition, it's a thanksgiving/christmas tradition. i don't even know how started, but we would sit around the table and balance spoons on our nose. [laughter] od todd really? griff: can you do it now? carley: and see whose spoon lasts the longest on their face. my husband says -- oh, we have got several kinds. my husband says that he wins the most. i think i win the most. however, i just have to caveat this, i didn't know there was a specific spoon type. i don't think anybody's going to be successful in this. griff: is there a technique? carley: yeah, this one's not going to hold, i don't think. hold on, you've got to kind of -- you gotta kind of -- you got it? wait, go like this with your
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head -- it's really on your nose! todd's the winner. i don't think i can do this -- todd: i have a large nose in addition to my waistline. [inaudible conversations] finish basketball from one end of the court to the other, broke my nose here -- oh, griff, your technique is a little off. you're just throwing it on your face and letting go very aggressively. all right, let's see. griff: are you ambulancing -- the balancing it or -- carley: usually i'm better. that's a poor showing. todd: touching our makeup-adorned moses -- carley: i will go with fork for that. dig into that la sanaa. while we do that, we're going to check in with santa after his very busy night of delivering presents to kids all over the world. santa, welcome back to the show. >> thank you very much. carley: did you enjoy the
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cinnamon role? >> yes. hanging out in the green room eating pizza saw. carley: you deserve it. were there any issues, any bumps along the road, or was it successful delivering presents to all the kids? >> like i mentioned before, the australians, you know, they stay up late. it's easy for them to catch me. it's summer down there because, you know, hay don't go to -- they don't go can to bed early. carley: do you get warm in australia, or do you have a different outfit throughout the climate? >> the speed that i have to fly at, i'm always cold, so it doesn't matter. the fur coat is wonderful. od todd are you hearing positive stories coming from the children at in this point? are you hearing reports hat children around our globe are happy with what you brought? >> well, i have -- i've got that big snow globe that i check, and they're squealing with delight. griff: let's often the reindeer, because i feel like we don't give them enough credit.
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did rudolph lead as always? >> well, as you know, throughout most of the planet there was some bad, severe storms so, yes, of course, rudolph was with me. everybody else did wonderful. we actually did a couple of loops. it was a lot of fun. [laughter] todd: we interviewed some reindeer yesterday that are potentially going to be in your sleigh team. i must say -- carley: we interviewed the owner of the reindeer. solid todd i talked to animals. santa, we're going to talk back with you in about 42 minutes, so don't go anywhere. i'll bring this lasagna to you -- >> oh, nice, thank you. donald todd it's what i do. coming up, the real source behind electric vehicles and iphone batteries exposed. that is a real serious story, and it's very sad too. stephen moore reveals the true impact of the push for green energy. griff: a big show ahead, stay with us. check out these awesome guests.
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muck santa claus is coming to town ♪ if dad and i finally had that talk. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ brayden has amazed me. he's so strong. you hear about cancer, but you don't ever think that it will be your child. it was your was your worst fear coming to life.
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griff: the biden administration opening the door to financing mining projects in the democratic remix of the congo, one of the biggest suppliers of cobalt. but an author researching the mining industry which is used in electric vehicles and iphone batteries is sounding the alarm. >> there's no clean cobalt. >> are there any industrialized cobalt mines that use machinely and don't use slavery and don't use child labor and don't use these people that live in unimaginable poverty? >> i've never seen one. and i've been to almost all the major industrial cobalt mines. griff: here to react, former white house economic adviser and committee to unleash prosperity cofounder stephen moore. merry christmas. thank you for coming in, and this is an interesting topic because, obviously, the administration pushing so hard for everybody to get traditioned
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over to -- transitioned over to evs, electric vehicles. and yet now we're hearing some 40,000 children work in mines in the democratic republic of congo, the dominant source of this to cobalt that fuels the vehicles. steve, your reaction. >> hi, griff. merry christmas. by the way, this is the toughest job in television. i have to follow santa claus? [laughter] that's not pair. griff: you can do it. >> look, this is a tough story because with we are getting a lot of these minerals from these companies and countries where they are using child labor. it's as young as 8, 9, 10, 11 years old, and that is a tragedy, you're exactly right. you know, a big part of that tragedy is that we could be getting all of these minerals here in the united states, give. no -- griff. there's no country in the world that has more of these minerals than we do, and yet the biden administration will not allow the mining in states like
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wyoming, montana and north dakota to get the minerals you immediate, as you said, for our electric vehicles, for our cell phones. so it's a security issue, it's a human rights issue, it is an economic issue, and the biden administration's got it completely wrong. griff: steve, it seems like a public relations issue and a bad one at that because you essentially have the green energy push now depending wholeheartedly it appears in this case on country, in case the congo, that allows these horrific abuses. >> yeah. look, everyone should shuledder at the thought -- shudder at the thought of a 9 or 10-year-old having to be in these the mines. it really is outrageous. and as i said, why aren't we doing it here in the united states? why aren't -- and using american miners and much better, you know, human rights situations -- griff: yeah. >> -- much better wages for the
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workers. i found this story to be the highly disturning. gary give all right, chalk this one up under innovation although i'm not sure i'm onboard. mcdonald's, the fast food chain, is testing robot servers at drive-throughs in texas. is this the future of fast food and how we get our big macs? >> yeah. next thing you know santa's going to replace the elves. [laughter] you know, this is coming. this is automation, no question about it. as we move more towards a degeneratival society -- digital society with automatic intelligence and all of these new technologies, i think we will be seeing more -- you know, drones are now delivering a lot of the products that we get delivered to our doorstep. so this is progress, but what it's going to mean for jobs is another matter. when we keep raising the minimum wage 15, 16, 18, $20 the an hour, guess what, griff?
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a lot of companies are going to respond by having robots serve you at mcdonald's rather than a worker who would want that job. griff: i don't know if i'm up for that, but thank you, steve moore. merry christmas to you and your family. >> you too, griff. have a great day. merry christmas. griff: coming up, a judge stops the army from discharging 10 unvaccinated soldiers as the military vaccine man finally comes to an end -- mandate finally comes to an end. dakota meyer is here. stay with us. ♪ ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those...
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carley: merry christmas from the "fox & friends" family.
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this is line producer katie with her parents rick and calisa and her sisters stephanie, jenny and lori. and here is griffin sharing this photo and his dog -- todd: nice. carley: santa is his brother garrett, so a family photo there. todd: he's the man. carley: and this is booking producer kate pictured here with her parents, liz and leo. love kate, and i've met her dad before -- todd: the jersey folks. carley: and this is "fox & friends" writer nick celebrating christmas with his sister lindsey. todd: great stuff. as president biden signs a bill returning -- overturning the military vaccine mandate, a texas judge blocking the army from discharging 10 soldiers already booted from service. watch. >> this was the the great christmas present we could have asked for, knowing our jobs are safe for the time being, it's a
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huge blessing. >> we would like to see the army actually guarantee that they are going to rescind all of the punitive measures that they have already applied to several soldiers seeking religious accommodation. we would also like to see them guarantee that they are not going to further separate, further used a morive processes against -- can administrative processes against these soldiers who only went out to fight for their religious rights under the first amendment. griff: we're talking to medal of honor recipient dakota meyer who joins us now. dakota, merry christmas. it's great to have you. >> merry christmas. griff: as we often say but we can't say it enough, thank you for your service. >> oh, thank you. griff: this is a touchy one here, and we do have a statement from the army to fox saying this: the army is aware of this case and that the president has signed the ndaa and await further guidance from the department of defense regarding implementation of these changes. we want to get your reaction. >> no, look, i mean, i think
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that we have to. i think that this administration, you know, that the military has got to go back and say we got it wrong. we got it wrong, you know? take back all of it and let everybody who they pushed out, everybody whose lives that they affected, they have to make it right with them, right? nobody gets it right all the time, and i think that that's what we have to do in order to make it right with these men and women who put on the nation's cloth and want to serve this country. carley: i think you raise a good point and a hopeful one, but is that going to happen? now we're getting into a situation where the vaccine mandate is going away, but the soldiers who lost their jobs for refusing to get vaccinated aren't getting them back. >> yeah, look, i think you can't do one without the other. i think they both have to go hand in hand or you're going to see a ton of lawsuits, rightfully so. the effects of pushing these people out especially in a time like right now, pushing these people out of the military over this is insane, right? i understand -- i'm not going to say i understand or i agree with
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it, but they tried to get it right. ing hey, you got it wrong, let's fix this, let's make it right and put these people back to work. todd: but also looking ahead, what message does this say when you're trying to recruit? when we look at these numbers, recruiting is down significantly, and this is going to have potentially deleterious impacts on our ability to protect our mission. >> well, it already has, right? when you look at what administration -- this administration hasn't been consistent on much, but what it has been is that it will put its political agenda over what's in the best interests of this country every single time. you look at the pullout in afghanistan, these vaccine mandates, right? what they have done to our country, they have weakened our country more since they've been in than i would say anybody has, right? griff: we have this christmas as we do every christmas soldiers, sailor ares, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen standing watch. what's your message to them? >> you know, look, i want to tell all the families anytime you go and you sit down and
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you're able to sit with your loved ones, understand and always remember, i think it's a time for us to remember that there's people who are going to sit at their seats this christmas, and when they sit down to enjoy their dinner with hair family or whatever meal it is, there's going to be one empty seat at that table where someone who has sacrificed in order for us to still be able to be christians and for us to be able to live in a free country, for us to have the first amendment, all these things, for us to live in the greatest country on the face of the planet, and i think we all have to remember that. they're still out there ready to do the nation's bidding across the globe. there's men and women right now being shot at on behalf of us. carley: we know you've worked many christmases overseas. this christmas is a little bit more fun -- [laughter] >> new york city. carley: with your fiancee. beautiful, we just met her, so congratulations on having gotten engaged as well. >> i don't know if you can get her out here. [laughter] sit next to me.
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i'm the luckiest man -- carley: how did you meet? >> [inaudible] carley: she's not micked. you guys make a beautiful couple. >> thank you so much. griff: merry christmas. thank you for your service. >> thank you. carley: all right. coming up, does this sound like strength of leadership to you? >> we agree to advance specific rules and norms in space. regarding rules and norms, more specifically regarding rules and norms in and international rules and norms -- carley: vice president kamala harris wants better press coverage, but joe concha says there's no leadership to cover. he's next. ♪ ♪
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carley: we are back with a fox weather alert. historic winter weather continuing to unleash fury yesterday dumping up to 28 inches of snow in the northeast. at least 22 people are dead from the impact of the storm. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick like reichmuth with our weather forecast. rick: that eastern end of lake erie, maybe another 1-2 feet after snow right along the lake there. whiteout conditions are going to make travel really treacherous there. take a look at temperature down across parts of florida, we are
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at 23. we were at 20 a couple of hours ago in jacksonville. 43 in naples, still at freezing in tampa. so the cold air's in florida, you've got another day of it. and take a look at this, hard please warnings again tonight into -- freeze warnings. again tonight into tomorrow morning. the warmup happens by the the time we get to wednesday. in the short term, we've got this alberta clipper that's coming through here, maybe 3-5 inches for a few areas, 1-2 across parts of the ohio valley. this'll be through by the time we get towards tomorrow, and then we see this transition and a lot of moisture coming to the west. we'll talk about that later on as well. carley: rick, thank you very much. despite a wide range of accomplishments like failing to secure the border and constantly having to replace her staff, vice president kamala harris says the press doesn't cover her fairly claiming, quote: there are things that i've done as vice president that pulley demonstrate the strength of my
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leadership as vice president half not received the kind of coverage that i think the dobbs decision did receive. here to react is fox news contributor joe concha. joe, good morning, merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas, carley etch even though i'm at the north pole, my first priority is you and "fox & friends." knocked up and worming on christmas, boy -- [laughter] carley: thank you for butting it so well. -- putting it so well. we can always count on you for little gems like that. what is your reaction to this comment from the vice presidentsome. >> well, kamala harris, carley, should take caution on what she wishes for, because in terms of leadership, she's failed to lead on her number one job, and that is securing and solving the crisis that is a catastrophe at the u.s. southern border. and instead she's been an absentee landlord of a vp on this front. we've had nearly 5 million people come into this country in the first 2 years of this administration at the border she was put in charge of by the commander in chief. think about what 5 million
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people are -- people is. we have 27 statements that have a lower population than 5 million people. so overall a, carley, she's been largely invisible. her handlers are mortified, petrified of putting her in front of a microphone. and she's also -- one press conference as prime minister while mike pence held multiple press conferences. carley: and the reason her staff is petrified to have her many front of the microphone is because of moments like this. waf. >> okay. >> and we agreed to advance specific rules and norms in space, international rules and norms. more specifically regarding rules and norms and international rules and norms -- you guys are going to see, you're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes. so we invested an additional $12 billion into community wangs -- banks because we know community banks are in the community and
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understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community. carley: all right. and, joe, it's not just the stumbles, it's also these reports that joe biden said behind the scenes that she is a work in progress, admitting that. and, you know, the fact that there was this major staff exodus from her staff as well. and the media doesn't really cover that. they're really doing her a favor here. >> carley, isn't that comforting, that the president thinks his vice president is a work in progress, the number two most powerful person in the country is getting on the job training. and if joe biden doesn't run, apparently she's plan b, but it's more like plan z at this point given that she has an authenticity problem, clearly, given that whoever her speech writer is probably should be replacedthat's the type of lines that she's being fed. and not a lot of people, including many democrats, have the confidence that if joe biden
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were to say i'm not running for a second term and somehow she occupied to value office a, that she is remotely ready for this job. it's christmas, i hate to be a grinch on christmas, but this is the hand that we've been dealt as a result of joe biden choosing kamala harris over many more qualified people that he could have chosen as his number two. carley: it is christmas, and i've got to ask you, what dud you get for christmas? >> well, it's more like what did i get for these two? this is cameron and liam, they are on sent in theory anyway. ah, there's cameron. come over here, liam. i got a huge credit card bill, carley. these kids are expensive. the wife got me a gift certificate to a local gym because i have a belly like santa. cameron, what happened last might? >> oh, well, we opened presents, and you almost burnt the house down. >> yes. apparently there's a back draft
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going out in the old fireplace, and, unfortunately, i nearly burnt the house down or at least ghei all plaintiff of my relatives smoke inhalation. [laughter] carley: nearly is the key word. if it didn't happen, it doesn't count. >> thank you. carley: we'll end on a positive. bye, kids! >> bye. carley: have a great christmas. >> say bye, carley. merry christmas. [laughter] carley: see you, joe. over to you. griff: merry christmas to the conchas. starting with this: police arresting a missouri woman after they say she killed two men who she believed stole her car. she's facing two counts of murder and an assault charge. according to shot and killed two men at a gas station and shot a hurd who survive ised. it's -- a third. it's still unclear which of the three, if any, stole the car. and the subject of the hit crime podcast serial lands a job
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with georgetown university. of he was convicted of killing his former girlfriend in 1999 but was freed earlier this year after a judge vacated the conviction. now he's set to join georgetown's prisons and justice initiative where he'll support inmay not -- inmates and prison reform effortings. and pope francis giving the traditional christmas blessing from the balcony of st. peter's basilica earlier this hour, making peace a central theme. expwhrt hello, brothers and sisters. bent he hem shows us the simplicity of god who reveals himself not to the wise and to the intelligent, but to the little ones, to those with a pure and open heart. like the shepherds, leapt us too set out in haste and allow ourselves to be amazed by the unhi bl event of god who becomes man for our salvation. griff: pope francis also lamenting a famine of peace brought on by the vision of ukraine. those are your headlines.
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up next, more delicious, last minute add-ons for your christmas feast. plus, look who's in our green room. we're checking in with jolly old st. nick coming up. ♪ ♪ bells are ringing, children singing. ♪ all is merry e and bright ♪ subject 1: on christmas day, we were in the hospital. it was her first christmas. it was our first christmas being parents. i didn't know a lot about brain tumors, and what i had heard
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♪ griff: merry christmas from the "fox & friends" family. this is head writer ellie pictured here with her mom linda. love ellie, yes. [cheers and applause] and writer and line producer alex with her mom susan, her aunt, uncles and their dogs bobby and tucker on christmas eve. love those cogs. and this is director -- cogs. and this is a.j. with his wife nicole and their adorable daughter noel. merry christmas to all of you guys, our amazing, incredible staff -- todd: who work so hard to put this show on. we're back with chef george duran to show us how to make your christmas feast shine. cr. carley: cr we're going to continue with the appetizers, you want to do the christmas
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tree theme, i'm going to use some ricotta, gallic, then on top we're going to be the using a refrigerated salsa, not jarred. this is called fresh cravings, go to the produce aisle and find refrigerated pico deguy owe like this one. it tastes wonderful, crisp vegetables, it's a really great way to kind of clean up your diet a little bit. go to fresh, is the place. you turn it into kind of a christmas tree. use a cookie cutter to cut out some cheese and turn it into a star that you can put at the very top and turn it into a -- carley: love that. [laughter] >> and then we're going to go to dessert. for dessert i use envy apples, it's a nice balanced sweetness, floral aroma. what i love about it is it stays whiter longer, so you have a nice way observe apizers.
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in this case it's a caramel apple crunch. slice up your apples, pop them right over there. a little bit of a chocolate bar, some pretzels go in there are. carley: no, you, by all means. it's so beautiful the way it is the, i don't want to ruin it. oh, no, you're ruining it. [laughter] >> i go straight into whole foods, buy my apples, and i kno- carley: envy? that's the kind of apple? >> exactly. envy has a nice blush to it. add some more color and make it super festive. todd: what are the little red things? >> those are pom gran net -- prom began manipulates. griff: this is an educational show. george duran, you're the best. merry christmas, thanks for getting up and spending your morning with us. carley: find these recipes at and coming up --
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[inaudible conversations] performing in our all-american concert series. griff: but first, santa claus is coming to the couch. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] ♪ todd: merry christmas. carley: don't eat that. oh, boy, he did. >> very good. ♪ ♪ mckenzie: eliza, she's the little ray of sunshine. her laugh is full of joy and love. i'm so blessed to be her parent. brennon: i think she's the most beautiful girl in the world. you know i love her with everything in me and she's so tough.
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carley: the day is here, merry christmas, everybody. just think about it. it's 9:00 in the morning. a lot of people on the west coast are just waking up. opening their eyes and realizing it's christmas morning. people on the east coast are opening gifts, eating breakfast. everybody in the middle is celebrating as well in some capacity. todd: we're going to have to talk louder


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