tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 26, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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deliver toys for tots. many headed to the villages. tomorrow on "special report," we may get a supreme court decision on title 42 ending as the migrant surge at the southern border continues and hits monstrous levels. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that he was it for this "special report." i'm rich edson in washington. ♪ ♪ ♪ although it's been said many times many ways merry christmas to you merry christmas indeed. welcome toe a special edition of "jesse watters primetime." hope you had good time with family and friends enjoying great food and company and of course a visit from santa. >> okay tomorrow people 10:00
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a.m. santa is coming to town. >> santa! oh my god. santa here? i know him. i know him. >> jesse: jolly old nic. cookies put away and time for the real holiday to start the day after christmas. it's perfect for kicking back in your sweats. eating some leftovers, recovering from the chaos that was christmas morning. >> christmas come officially. we plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled. >> get a tie this year? wow, whoopi, a necklace. >> we at "primetime" hope you bundled with the tree lit up take time to thank you our viewers. you guys are our gift this season. "primetime" is a show for the people. we wouldn't be anything without you. and you have to admit, america, we have gotten pretty close this past year.
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i give you a peek into my life every night with a window. at this point you guys probably know more about me than my own sister. and this is a oneway street. i love hearing from you. we couldn't end the show each night without your texts and emails and trust us. you guys don't hold back. kind of wish you did. but, if there's one thing "primetime" loves more than anything, it's hitting the streets and talking with the people. and it's been a staple of my shows going back to "watters' world" and christmas is the perfect time of year to mix it up. so tonight we're going to run back some of our favorite interviews with the people. but let's start with a visit from the ghost of christmas past and take a look at one of my first holiday strolls on the streets. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: do you say happy holidays or merry christmas. >> i say merry christmas. i don't care who i say it to. >> do you offend anybody. >> i don't care. >> i will turn this damn bus around. >> jesse: for christmas, what do you think we should get hillary? >> a new job. >> maybe some tissues?
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>> something nice. something to celebrate the holidays. >> soap on a rope? >> no. >> it's utter nonsense. >> jesse: if you were to give hillary clinton christmas gift what would it be. >> trump already covered that by not sending her to prison. >> merry christmas, hillary. you are going to finally get your present. >> for christmas, i would buy hillary clinton the book from emily coast on etiquette. >> hillary has a problem saying sorry. >> as all females do. >> what would you get trump for christmas? >> nothing. >> some decent cabinet members. >> he has everything. maybe he should get me something for christmas. >> a new toupee. >> jesse: that's all real, baby. i get trump a filter. >> definitely getting stuff trump's stocking with coal. >> >> that's a lovely accent. new jersey? season is upon us where was jesus born. >> born somewhere in jerusalem, i believe.
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[buzzer] >> wow, wow. >> wow. like europe. >> where was jesus born? >> bethlehem. >> bethlehem. >> correct. >> jesse: the three wise men brought gifts for the jesus baby. what were they? >> some sandals. [buzzer] >> a robe. [buzzer] >> and some bread. [buzzer] [laughter] >> food, i haven't been to sunday school in years. what were the gifts? >> help. >> coal, frankincense and -- wings. chicken, i don't know. [buzzer] >> want wingy. >> frankincense, miles an hour and something else. >> what is miles an hour myrrh is something they use in making perfume. >> are you wearing nic like that. >> no. i don't wear cologne. difficult smell from you here. >> stings the nostrils. >> what was jesus' profession. >> he was a prophet, let's do that.
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>> he was a carpenter. >> he was a carpenter. >> yes. so. >> what got you into carpeting? >> i guess i will have to say sy jesus. >> the christmas tree itself what country did that originate from. >> i believe russia. [buzzer] >> u.s.? >> [buzzer] >> buffalo, i think. [buzzer] >> buffalo is a city. >> probably not the middle east. >> sweden maybe? [buzzer] >> jesse: close. >> norway. >> [buzzer] >> closer. >> finland? >> i don't know. i'm out of guesses. >> we can stop now if you want. >> i believe it was germany. >> maybe germany? >> germany. >> jesse: unbelievable. wait, was that real? >> that's exactly the way i feel. >> jesse: do you know who i am? >> no. >> jesse: i'm watters. >> what? >> jesse: and this is my world. >> oh. >> do you want his autograph? >> jesse: christmas in new york can be pretty special. the trees, the music and the lights. one thing i can do without is santacon. annual festival full of drunk
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kris kringles. ♪ ♪ >> ho ho ho. >> ho ho ho. >> oh my god, you exposed me already. okay. >> you are number one on the naughty list. >> what's the game plan today. >> obviously get drunk. what the hell else is the plan? [bleep] >> to violently drink. >> what are you drinking? >> everything handed to me. >> let's put the ass back in christmas. >> does santa have a drinking problem. >> the santa right here might have a drinking problem. >> is he downing the drinks. do you see that beer belly? he has something going on. >> i think santa feels a little buzz. >> jesse: why is santa so jolly all of the times. >> he knows where the naughty girls live. >> santa is a peeping tom. that's all i have to say about it. >> he gives gifts to kids. look. he has a bag of those. >> put your sack away. >> what do you mean by that.
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>> what the [bleep] be did you say? >> santa is a big guy he doesn't get fat shamed, why? >> probably diabetes type 1 i would assume. >> santa was invented before the [bleep] stupid stupid [bleep] >> any man who is giving me presents for free shouldn't get that shame. >> boy, i love hearing you say that ♪ ♪ >> have you been naughty or nice this year. >> pretty good. >> yeah? >> except for now. >> nice. why are your friends saying you are naughty. >> liar, liar pants on fire. >> what have you done? >> don't worry about it. >> i'm just a raging [bleep]. that's okay. >> i have committed a lot of tax fraud. >> i was naughty because i [bleep] nashville. >> we are going to nashville. >> have you sat on nissan taps lap today? >> yeah. [laughter] >> i sat on a couple santa's lap today if you know what i mean. >> by the end of the night somebody's going to sit on my lap for sure. ♪ ♪
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>> which washington, d.c. politician should get coal in their stocking this year? >> i feel like the answer is obvious. >> yeah? >> it's trump. >> lori lightfoot, i don't like. >> pelosi. >> whoever is going to get military out of russia for four years they are getting coal. >> i think that's joe biden. >> son of a bitch. >> what did joe biden get for christmas. >> thrown out of. >> i'm jill's husband. oh no, this -- you switched on me. >> inflation reduction act because it didn't work the first time. >> maybe a memory or two. >> trying to tell me something, huh? >> what would you get kamala harris for christmas? >> more buses to her house. we just keep sending them. >> look at this bus. oh my god i love it. >> a muzzle, i will give her a wig old kiss. nashville part two. >> that's one of the things i'm most excited about. ♪ ♪ >> you are going to be on "jesse
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watters primetime." what do you want to tell "jesse watters primetime." >> you give us a laugh every single night. >> merry christmas. 2023. saying yes to everything. which means that yolo is the same we are saying yes to life. >> jesse: coming up. "primetime" crashes michelle obama's book party. >> what is her book about? >> the book? i think it's about the whole book and the light we carry. ♪ a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. case, closed! it's gotta be tide.
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john rich went to times jerry to find out. ♪ ♪ what is your purpose in this life? >> entertain people. >> treat people good. >> have fun live everyday to the fullest. >> jesse goes to jail could you get him out? >> theyable probably lock me up. ♪ ♪ >> what's the biggest mess you have ever found yourself in? >> that's a tricky one. >> i have here a list. >> i smoke cigarettes since i was 10. >> i get arrested. crazy relationship. >> how crazy was it? >> how do you fix a problem. >> thinking. >> use your noggin? >> you're so smart. >> i pray about it. >> reaching out for help ♪ reaching out >> is joe biden making any progress on anything? >> i really wish we could all be
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nice to each other. >> i wish that i could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we would always be happy. >> elder abuse to make him run for president. >> presidential kind of feeling under the subways. and the cars. >> anyway. >> what's your favorite thing that biden has accomplished so far? >> not much. >> um, -- >> i think he has tried to work together. >> we will work together and continue to work together. >> finish this sentence: save a horse, ride a. >> donkey. >> save a horse, ride a motorcycle. >> not cowboy. >> i'm a kid from the bronx, i don't know about horses. >> are you or what? ride a mercedes. >> cowboy. >> there you go ♪ save a horse ride a cowboy. >> have you partied with the bar
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so far. >> i had a dream about? one time. >> i'm con rich and this is not my world not at all. >> jesse: so the people not have had the answers john rich was looking for but can they answer a quiz on american civics. we sent johnny to quiz the people on national civics day and all i have to say is wow. ♪ who is the commander-in-chief of the military? >> his name is joe. >> joe's piscopo. [buzzer] >> joe snow. >> [buzzer] >> joe bii. >> joe biden? [bell] >> what? >> it's not biden. >> it's biden. >> i'm your commander-in-chief. [buzzer] >> mr. jackson. >> name as many amendments as you can oh god this is a lot. i know amendments. >> what is the fifth amendment?
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>> [bell] >> you got it. >> i did? >> the right to remain silent. >> i don't really know. the right to bear arms. like the right to speech. [bell] >> the right to jay walk? >> right, exactly the jay walk. >> that's not a right. >> it's not? >> darn. >> freedom to record? ♪ pick up your feet. >> what is an amendment? >> an amendment is -- i don't know. enough to idea. >> not a single clue. >> what's in the president's cabinet? >> a big bottle of scotch. >> it's a right for people to have bad care. >> salt and pepper? [buzzer] >> people help the president out. >> secretary of -- what do you mean. >> secretary of state, secretary of defense. [bell] >> who is the secretary of state? >> mark meadows. >> secretary of transportation is. >> beats me.
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>> he beats you? how many supreme court justices are there? [silence] >> seven, i believe? [buzzer] >> 14? >> lower. >> 12. [buzzer] >> lower. >> [buzzer] >> 10. [buzzer] 9. [bell] >> can you name any of the supreme court judges. >> judge mathis. >> judge? >> judy. >> can he tanky. caketanji.>> i don't know him. >> it's a girl. presidential elections are usually held in. >> may. >> it's going to be may. >> september? [buzzer] >> november? [bell] >> you got it. let's go -- >> brandon. >> let's go brandon, i agree. >> who is your senators? >> who is your senators. >> chuck. >> e. cheese. >> norris. >> schumer? [bell] >> you are from new jersey, who are your senators?
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>> i know what he looks like, i can't hear his name. >> bob? >> bob the builder ♪ bob the builder ♪ yes, we can. >> who is your governor? >> rudy giuliani. [buzzer] >> kathy hukle. [buzzer] >> not for long. >> oh no what did she do. >> there is a race. >> right. right got to vote. >> you are going to vote. >> obviously not. i don't know nothing. >> what a dumb head i am. ♪ >> you're going to be on "jesse watters primetime." >> i love jesse watters. wait, i love jesse. i love you. my fiance, i always say you are my second boyfriend. he always puts on fox news and i say he's handsome. >> jesse: maybe one of those people should pick up a book and lucky for him michelle obama just u.s. just released one and we sent to washington, d.c. to see if they think michelle has what it takes to run for president. ♪ ♪ is michelle ebb running for
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president in 2024. >> i wish. i haven't heard of it but i wish. >> one can only hope. >> i think she is not running for president. >> not something i'm interested in. >> do you think she should. >> i think she would make a wonderful president. any woman could would want to see another woman running for president. >> [laughter] >> she would be incredible. >> she would bring civility to the workplace. >> a time of refinement and civility should joe biden run again. >> um -- [sigh] >> i have to ask joe biden. >> i'm not supposed to take any questions. >> that's a tough question. if he is able. >> should joe biden run again? >> um, you know yeah -- yes, yes, he could run again. definitely, absolutely. >> but i -- i -- i will have to see. >> why hasn't michelle fully
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endorsed joe biden for re-election? >> honestly, i have no idea. she has been in the limelight so she being herself for endorsing him. >> i think there is a lot of people still on the fence. >> i don't know. maybe he is going to be competitor. >> bring it on. what would barack do as first gentleman? >> oh, i actually have think of that but he will be adviser for the wife. >> i have no idea. >> hopefully be a great dad. >> who is your daddy and what does he do. >> what would barack do as first gentleman? >> i don't know. but it would be very interesting. >> i agree. >> what is michelle's position on the border crisis would you say? >> the border crisis? well, i have not really dug in with that. >> i'm not sure what her position is. >> if she is running on a
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democratic party we would know it would be what that party, whatever their position is, right? >> no, not quite. >> what is her book about. >> the book, i think it's about the whole book and the light we carry. >> her book is about other travels around the country. >> i believe her book about about advice to people overcoming fear. >> it doesn't really matter if i know what her current book about. the only thing which is important right now is she is really inspiring. >> yes, america. >> have you ever read how i saved the world? >> no, i have not. no. >> who wrote that. >> and don't forget to get a new copy of "how i saved the world." have you heard about this book i wrote a book. >> imencourageed to see how i saved the world. it's interesting i don't know if our world has been saved yet. >> jesse: up next, our most shocking man on the street interview ever.
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>> welcome to fox news live happy holiday i'm aishah hasnie in washington. one of the most brutal winter storms in u.s. history. the latest death count surpassing 50 now and rescuers fear that toll will continue to climb as they search those stranded cars, those frigid homes and snow banks. high winds knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses while temperatures plunged below zero in many parts of the country. repair crews say it's going to take heat and electricity. the chaos continues at many of
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our nation's airports tonight as holiday travelers scramble to get back home. the storm canceled or delayed thousand of flights during one of the busiest travel periods. if it's any consolation forecasters from predicting a warming trend on the way. i'm aishah hasnie. now back to the "jesse watters primetime" "primetime" special. ♪ >> jesse: right now airports across the country are disaster. flights are getting canceled. plane fix are outrageous and patients herb patience, especially mine is growing thin. we sent producers to newark international airport to see what the passengers are thinking. ♪ ♪ >> where are you flying to? >> viva las vegas. >> i'm flying to indianapolis. toronto, canada. >> disney world. >> we are going to disney world. >> how do you feel about all the delays in the airport and cancellations. >> it sucks. i'm here to live my life and be happy. >> last year i paid 300 now i
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paid 800. >> there's not enough people. the fuel is so expensive. i mean, we have biden as our president. pretty bad. >> c'mon, man. >> who what would you say is the most frustrating part about traveling. >> getting to the airport and finding out it's delayed. >> i wish i could jump on the plane. >> the size of the seats. >> for some reason i don't have any metal on me the thing beeps. they have to pat me down. >> ma'am, i need to you put your hands up, please. >> go on and pat me down. >> what would you say is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you on an airplane? >> there have been people that have been near me that take off i don't their shoes and socks. >> between you and me elaine, i think i got a foot odor problem. >> we landed in newark and the lights went out. >> pretty good on planes. i haven't gotten into any fights. believe me, if somebody touches me, i'll deck them. >> what's the strangest thing you have ever packed for a flight. >> those tiny little three ounce
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things. i put vodka and bring them in my pocketbook. >> ready to party. ♪ >> hell of a to say this can you edit it out. it's a thumb. sometimes you got to try some stuff out. >> gross. >> can you show us what you packed this time? >> i have my sandwiches. >> i got my toiletries bag. go to sweatshirt. >> couple of snacks. >> snacks? >> some snacks. >> get some haagen-dazs ice cream bar. chocolate. got have chocolate, man. >> you still wear your mask on the flight. >> i don't wear it at all. >> i feel i'm over it. >> i don't believe it in anyway. >> i refuse to now. >> you can't make me. >> the biden administration is all about going green so do you feel guilty when you fly on a plane? >> what other option do i have? >> environment? i love you but i got to do what
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i have got to do. >> that's the only place we are going to get to where we got to go. i'm not driving no more. gas is too high. >> do you feel guilty when you fly on a plane. >> no. because they are flying themselves all around. what is it john kerry on his private jet. >> it's the only choice for somebody like me. >> you are going to be on "jesse watters primetime." >> okay. >> is there anything you would like to say to him. >> hi, jesse. >> shout-out to jesse. 7:00 p.m. fox. nice. >> jesse, you look really cute all the time i'm watters and this is my world. >> jesse: so flying stinks. it turns it out driving isn't much better. there's nothing that drives me crazier than traffic and i mean nothing. and new york traffic is the worst. and i can't be the only one who thinks that so we sent johnny out to see what other new yorkers are saying. ♪ ♪ >> how about all this traffic? >> horrible. >> oh my gosh, this traffic is horrible, man. >> too much traffic. i wish it would cut counsel a down a littlebit.
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>> it's annoying. >> rather put needles in my eyes than deal with this traffic. >> you are not going to kidnap me, right? >> no -- maybe. >> i'm in danger. >> why is there so much traffic. >> too many people that can't drive. >> scooters, bikes. >> people are texting and driving. >> the traffic cops make it terribly worse. ♪ >> how angry does traffic make you? >> very angry. >> show me how angry. >> i can't do that. i would get arrested for that. [laughter] >> real angry, man. >> traffic makes me so angry. >> like you want to scream? [scream] >> i'm yelling at people. >> how do you do that. >> you have a great day. you have a good day. >> he does seem nice, doesn't he? ♪ ♪ >> how many hours do you sit in traffic? >> two, three hours plus in traffic. >> three hours it? >> would take 45 minutes for a 10 minute's drive. >> it's bad. real bad.
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running out of gas expensive already. >> thanks joe biden. >> thanks joe biden. >> what a stupid son of a bitch. >> whose fault is all this traffic. >> you know what? that's a good question. >> i'm like a smart person. >> the people that let them get their license. >> people that put all these barriers in bike lanes. >> oh. >> how do we fix this traffic problem? >> i wish we could trial in fly. they need to make the flying cars. >> zip lining. >> i think you have all got to work together. >> work together and continue to work together. >> stop closing the streets. >> everyone should get a remote job. i feel like if weekend be in smaller cars see past you. [horn blowing] >> they are not happy. [horn beeping] ♪ ♪ >> reach. >> i'm not going to tell you, you guys are silly. >> my girl might be.
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>> you are telling me women have more road rage than men. >> i can go for that. [horn honking] >> someone cuts you off. how do you react? >> i blow the horn. [horn] [horn beeping] >> get out of my way, please. [horn beeping] >> i think he wants to communicate. >> spending a lot of time in the car. you get home. how do you calm yourself down? >> it's helpful to breathe. >> let's do it. >> i need a joint -- you know, a -- >> sing a song. >> what would you sing? ♪ twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪ how i wonder what you are. >> up above. >> up above the world so high ♪ like -- i don't know the rest no more.
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♪ "jesse watters primetime." >> jesse, this is what i want to tell you, brother. [horn blowing] >> jesse: every once in a while "primetime" likes to take a little break from politics and have a little fun. so, instead of hitting the streets and asking people about biden or crime or inflation, this time we did things a little different. "primetime" got personal. >> what is your relationship advice? >> find somebody that really appreciates your awkward tendencies. >> you're happily married, stay married, if not, get out. >> don't be cheap. >> don't be cheesy but be yourself. that's what i do and it works every time. >> what is your relationship advice for how to deal with the opposite sex? >> kill everyone now. condone fights the green murder. advocate cannibalism. filth is my life. filth is my politics.
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[bleep] you jesse watters. you're a piece of [bleep]. >> lady, you are scaring us. >> what is your dating deal breaker? >> if they don't like their mom. >> a woman that begs. >> being vegan, i love meat. >> what do you mean you don't eat no meat. >> what is your dating deal breaker. >> have some experiences with like weird misogynistic views where i had to check them and leave immediately. >> i don't date men who play video games or like sports. >> do you mind if we finish the game? we got a real nail-biter going here. ♪? who is your celebrity crush? >> oh so many. >> i take the fifth on that one. if i answer that one, then i will be this trouble. >> o.g. natalie port ha.
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>> britney. >> she looks like my aunt. >> who is your celebrity crush. >> halle berry, of course. >> prince. >> ryan gosling. he's just -- he looks good. he has a nice body. >> seriously? like your photo shopped. >> what. >> i shoplifted from serious in sixth grade. >> i want to say crowd surfing maybe -- i fell and chipped a bunch of my teeth. >> what is a lie you have been telling for a while. >> sometimes i say i'm employed. >> that i know what my future looks like. i have no clue. >> i don't know whancts is a lie that you have been telling for a while. >> wow, age. i lie about the age. >> i guess maybe the fact that i am not 5'3". i'm not even 5'1. >> i wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller. >> what is your hidden talent.
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>> i can do something with my mouth like right now. >> can you do it? >> ba ba ba ba ba. >> i can clap with one hand. [applause] >> i can do a -- like a bird call. i can burden of proof the abc. >> you are going to be on "jesse watters primetime." what would you like to say to jesse? >> who is that? >> if you have never seen him in person, is he strong. stronger than he looks on tv and it's epic. >> jesse: what are americans' biggest fears? >> you think there is going to be a lot of volcanos popping up everywhere? >> i think so. >> one in new york maybe. >> yes. >> in the city? >> yes. >> right by times square? >> yes. ♪ can you make it twice just one dose starts to relieve 9 of your worst
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why are 93% of sleep number sleepers satisfied with their bed? maybe it's because you can adjust your comfort and firmness on either side. your sleep number setting. to help relieve pressure points and keep you both comfortable all night. the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only $899 - save $200. ends monday ♪ ♪ i didn't know where my life was going.
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with wounded warrior project's help, i was able to get my life back in order. i thank wounded warrior project not only for helping me, but, also helping the veterans that i know that are dealing with the same struggles that i am. wounded warrior project understood what i was going through. i am grateful that wounded warrior project helped me re-establish my life. i am living proof. ♪ ♪
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♪ we're all scared of something. maybe you are scared of ghosts or an ex. for me my biggest fear is seeing gutfeld shirtless. what are new yorkers afraid of. we sent one of our producers to find out. ♪ >> what would you say your biggest fear is and why? >> throwing up. >> heights. spiders. [scream] >> we don't have that many fears, really. i feel -- i feel pretty good. ♪ i feel good ♪ i feel good. >> i'm afraid of my mom. if you don't do what she says, she has powers.
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>> jesse: mom has not been happy this week. are you scared of global warming? >> to be honest with you, no. i like it warm. >> like a sauna in here. >> would you say you are afraid of global warming? >> i am. i think that's our all over the earth. >> do you think there is going to be a lot of volcanos popping up everywhere. >> i think so. >> one in new york maybe. >> yes. >> in the city. >> yes. >> right by times square? >> yes. >> i know it sounds crazy but it almost looks like volcanic lava pouring on to the street. >> are you afraid of joe biden? >> a little bit. >> i'm scared of every politician. >> i'm going to wrap this chain around your head. >> i mean, all presidents are stupid. they are just little puppet people that -- >> do you think joe biden is a puppet person? >> yeah. >> who are you? >> i'm the big bad pig of the forest. >> are you afraid of donald trump. >> yeah. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> why are you afraid of donald
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trump? >> he has like no filter. he just says what comes out of his mouth. >> everything woke turns to [bleep] >> he is completely harmless. i think he probably loves the united states more than any other president has in modern history ♪ and defend her still today. >> are you afraid of covid? >> no. >> okay. >> no. not at all. >> hey, i'm not afraid anymore. >> no, i don't think so. because i keep my immune system strong. i get a lot of sun. >> awe! >> are you afraid of china? >> i should be but i'm not. >> we will hold china accountable. >> if you could give americans a pep talk right now, tell them why they shouldn't be afraid of anything, go ahead. >> you shouldn't be afraid of anything, honestly, because your fears are going to hold you back in life. it's really hard because america is pretty stupid. >> you really are crazy. >> everything that is bad comes good again. everything that falls goes back
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up. >> everything that should be down is up. everything that should be up is down. >> you are going to be on "jesse watters primetime." anything you want to say to jesse watters. >> jesse watters, i don't know how are but hi. >> jesse you are in my world. you have great hair. >> it turns out pretty irrational fears there. the one thing should scare us. millennials don't know the words to anything. now, that didn't really sit right with us. so, we had johnny hit the streets to investigate. ♪ ♪ >> hu humpty dumpty fell off of something what did he fall off of. >> the mountain. >> mid-air? [buzzer] >> the border wall. [buzzer] >> chimney? [buzzer] >> mary had something little. what did mary have? >> she had a small amount of weed. [buzzer] >> mary wasn't known to be a pot
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smoker. [coughing] >> little cat? >> mary had a little lamb -- i don't know. >> that's all i know. >> mary had a block of cheese. [buzzer] >> lamb? >> [bell] >> what do you think of lamb. >> i don't eat lamb. >> i know somebody who eats lamb. >> jesse: lamb is underrated. >> two people famously went up a hill. what were their names? >> adam and eve? wurz. >> jim and jane? >> [buzzer] >> tweedle dee and tweedle dum. >> jack and jill. [bell] >> why did jack and jill go up the hill. >> they had a beef with the dude at the top of the hill. [buzzer] >> don't make me come up there. >> to fetch. >> to fetch some -- [laughter] >> bees. >> [buzzer] >> beans last week. >> jack fell down. >> jack fell down. >> and he broke his. >> elbow. [buzzer] >> his as.
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[buzzer] >> his foot or something? [buzzer] >> crown. [bell] >> do you have any message for jack? >> head injuries are serious. >> read the poll, jack. >> little miss m muff get she st somewhere. >> on a pillow. >> she sat in the tree. [buzzer] >> train station? [buzzer] >> tuft tuffet. >> she sat on her as. [buzzer] >> i'm not getting up for anything. >> the itsy bitsy spider went up the. >> cure. [buzzer] >> up its web. [buzzer] >> she climbed up the waterspout. [bell] >> how do you know it's a she. >> i would rather not get canceled. >> don't cancel me. >> another line is out came. >> the rain. [buzzer] >> and then came the sun and something with the sun. [buzzer] >> something, something happened. >> all the blank had a farm.
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>> davey crocker. [buzzer] >> darryl. [buzzer] >> macdonald? [buzzer] >> and something, somethingen the farm e-ie-io. >> they did something on the farm ♪ i've been feeling fine, baby >> there were three mice. >> yeah. >> what do these three mice have in common? >> they were nice. [buzzer] >> the three. >> sexy mice. >> [buzzer] >> so sexy. >> three blind mice. [bell] >> three blind mice, see how they. fart.>> very famous line. i'm watters and this is my -- >> i don't know that nursery rhyme. [buzzer] >> i never heard of that. >> ocean. >> fathers? [buzzer] >> waves? [buzzer] >> i'm watters and this is my
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♪ ♪ i didn't know where my life was going. with wounded warrior project's help, i was able to get my life back in order. i thank wounded warrior project not only for helping me, but, also helping the veterans that i know that are dealing with the same struggles that i am. wounded warrior project understood what i was going through. i am grateful that wounded warrior project helped me re-establish my life. i am living proof. ♪ ♪ >> let's do texts. haley, boston, sounds like none of michelle bomb's fans red her book. does that surprise you? boris from nashville. john rich is a natural. how come nobody knew his iconic song? it is times square.
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leslie from sioux falls. jesse, if you had a class take a she vicks test, how would they do? i'm not saying they're in the 90s. but not the 70s either. i think they're in the 80s. not trying too hard. not falling behind. tamara from new jersey, congestion pricing. isn't that when the government charges you for sneezing? that's next. and chrissian from california. what is your dating advice, jesse? guy has to pay for everything. take it from. lori from atlanta. jesse, what is your biggest fear? being trapped on an island with gutfeld? no. my biggest fear, rodents. varmints, rats, mice. beavers, hedgehogs, armadillos. terrified. terry from akron, ohio. hope you had a merry christmas
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and got to keep your leftovers. i did. joe learned his lesson. always remember, i'm waters and this is my world. >> good evening. welcome to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." one without a neck tie. hope you had a wonderful christmas. we're about to hit 230 interviews with tucker carlson today all an hour long on fox nation. if you haven't been watching, we want to show you what you've been missing. they're long. they go places we didn't expect. every one of them is with a genuinel
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