tv Hannity FOX News December 26, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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they there's a different connectivity. how people leave matters and affects our grief. >> we're out of time, sadly.ight that's it for tonight. thank you for watching. and head over to fox for a lot t more interviews like the ones you just saw intervi. and of course, we'll be back after the holidays. we hope yoeu have had the bestti time with the ones you lovme we and welcome to this specialy," edition of "hannity". i hope you and your family had a very merry christmas. r we wil now, tonight, for the full hour, we will highlight some ofe my best monologues of from the past few months. now, first up, my monologue on elon musk exposing what is widespread suppression and censorship and election takerference on twitter afte ar the first twitter files drop, take a look at our country is facing a crisis of confidence. most people have not connectedlv
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the dots. to no.dots to try tonight, the most dire threat to a free and fair elections ini the history of the united states . it is now coming from within, will explain it all by coordinating with the dnc and big tech top brass at our own fbi have been puttingr their thumbs on the scales of our elections. now, fors now fo years, the laso presidential elections in particular, and the mob and the media are totally and completely complicit througare totah censorship, thrg lying, through disinformation, not vetting candidates. they all deliberately work w hand in hand to help elect democrats all across the country. but thanks to several new investigations, a handful of reporters and a guy by the s eportersname elon musk.ght, t that's righthe, the billionaire, t of thisexten corruption is now beginning to come to light. and tonight we're going to walk you through this step by step.u it mayth seem complex, but it'ss also actually pretty simple. we we'll begin tonight with elondod
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musk after twitter's bombshell document dump on friday. that centered around twitter's 2020 pro joe biden censorship campaign. prowell, musk said that all of this during an open discussionin on saturday at a roundtable over the weekend. >> take e a listenwe.eken clearly, if if twitter is one team's bidding before ans election, shutting down dissenting voices on a pivotal election, that is the very definition, election interference and what the else we're doing. of course, it's like, yes, well, that would be election interference and an arm of the democratic party, but it gets worse. according to musk, twitter was not acting alone.s no many in the media mob or notthei being truthful to you, the american people. >> shocker.ople take a look. well, i think those people should be looking in the mirrorw and wondering why they were puceptive, why did they deceivee the american public? and instead of trying to redirect blame to matt to bed
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accepting some responsibility themselves for some not being truthful to the american public. >> now, there's no doubt that many so-called journalists arey now downplaying musker revelations becausso-cal e they were, in fact, complicit in twatt inta twitter censorship efforts. censorshin 2020 short, shortly r twitter blocked any and all hune sharing of the hunter bidenbiden laptop report from the new york post, npr proudly announcedd that it would not be covering hunter's laptop from because, quote, we don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories and we don't want to waste the listeners storiand readers time on storio that are just pure distractions. arnow, countless other, quote, journalists, they falsely referu to the story as russian disinformation or hacked material. sinforma or hacknow, this gave s to twitter, which was blocking the report without anyccording legitimate reason. according to newly released internal documents, twitterock o blocked one hunter biden story,, the laptop story on the basi ts
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that it could be hackedk material and they hacked material policy. but thatal policy reportedly requires that law enforcement find evidence of a hack that bel never happened because the laptop was not w it was hunter's laptop. even twitter itself admitted that the hacked excuse would not hold up. focording to one former employee, quote, hacking wasas e the excuse. but within a few hours, prettyta much everyone realized thatt go that wasn't going to holing to t no one had the guts to reverse it. and yet twitter utilized emergency tool only use for the removal of child to block users from sharing the report. even over private messages.. now, twitter officials also eagerly worked with the biden campaign to remove other objectionable, objectionable posts. internal this internal document from october 2020, featuresthat the five links that the biden team wanted to removed three hours later, a twitter employee responded, handle these now. keepnow in mind, journalist
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matt taibbi reviewed these internal and to be clear, matt is in nowi way acting on behalf s the republicans. but the scandal is not aboutal i conservative or liberatla stor ideology. it's a story about whaty ab is systemic political bias. it's a story about censorship. it's a story about propagateon and misinformation that is now being institutionalized. in big tech companies that are seriously harming our country. reand the next level of this invour own fbi's involvement. worsthat makes it far worse. and i'll get into this in a second. o thisand it goes well beyond the hunter biden laptop scandal. >> take a look. ll >> old accounts that wered requested to have things taken downhave thi by the dnc and bybe the biden campaign, even onesont thatha have nothing to do th with the hunter biden laptop, if they will also be released, intends to release all the files. so it's not like anything that's hidden. this is like whatever stasi files or your truth and reconciliation like nelson a
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mandela would say, you know, if you want reconciliation, ith. >>st be truth. >> now, additional documentse fc are forthcoming and we can expect more of the same. and according to taieb, almost all twitter censorship favors the democratic party. that's because in part, almost everyone that worked at twitter was a hard core liberal rd-core democrat in 2020 over 9r political donations from n twitter employees, they went to democrats. now, this year, thatyear numbe r was up to ninety nine point seven three percent. that's nearly 100%o 99. and that brings us tote one former twitter employee in his name you havlar, his name you've heard of before, james baker. you might recall iyou mighn 202e was working as twitter's deputy general counseutyl and at the time, baker advised twitter staff that it was, quote, reasonableable to to assume thy the hunter biden story is thes product of hack material and urged, quote, caution. but a few years earlier, back in 2016, well, he was with the fbi and he was the topn
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legal adviser for the fbi.cauti and then baker threw all caution to the wind, reportedly disseminated hillary clinton's dirty disinformation, russian dossier to the entire media. this is the same dirty put together by ex foreign spy christopher steele. on behalf of the dnc and the cod clinton campaign. it could not be karabo created afteerified even after the fbi offered steele $1 million inly b early october of 2016 to back up anything or prove or corroborate anything in his salaciouup anys claims. now, that's because the dossier was always made up. it was a farce, unverifiedunveri and unverifiable. it unfai is filled to the brim with actual russian disinformation or bar talk, not as they called it. but that did not stop the fbi from using a dossier on four separate fisa warrants to gain access. the trump campaign, their transition team and the trump white house. even after steele couldn't corroborate it and collect his million dollarcollecs. co sai
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and then afterd his main sourc, dan chanko, said it was false and said it was bar talk, they still lied to the fisaid courts. they said it was something itrid was not. they said it was verified.eir they signed their datana. you ld it what do you think would cou happen to any of you if you lied to a judge in a court oft h law? is, ththink about this. the fbi committed fisa they didan knowingly with a fake document to spy on a candidate and then a president. t buhet in 2020, they seeminglyy a made no effortde to investigate a laptop that they had had forms eleven long months. that, in fact, not only implicated hunter biden, but now the president, then candidate joe biden and a variety of serious pay to play schemes. in fact,th on aprienl twenty eight , 2020 one and the fbi raided rudy giuliani's residence for whatever reason, u they didn't take his copy of the joe biden hard drive , even though he offered it to them. w they said they didn't want that's becausethat they alreadya possession of the laptop forhe nearly a year before
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the election, and it was handed over by the computer repairau guy, john paul mac isaac. t it was handed over by the computer repair guy. so he gave it to them. he will join us , by the way, in a few moments. the fbi had plenty of time to corroborate and that 11 month period of time, ticity the authenticity of hannah's laptop, the informatioe nes t on the hard drive , the crimes that are obviously committede on thaobvid t laptop, and they d nothing. instead, they heavily suggesteda the laptop scandal was part of a russian disinformation campaign. par now, here's where the fbi'slvemn involvement most people have vey not put this together gets very serious. now, we know and now we have the learned that the fbi, as reported by fox,tter met with twitter and other bigr tech companies weekly in up the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election. dentiain fact, we're now learniw that the fbi met with twitter and other big techg that compane and according to twitter's former head of sites, integrityn ,many of these meetings involve warnings about, quote,
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hack and leak operations by state actors with someely in involving hunter biden likely in october. use fbi agent recently testified that the bureau usedo these weekly meetings to lobbyla social media platforms to change their terms of service and then censor content. now, clearly, the upper echelone of the fbichel were puttingt in their fingers on the scale. they did it in 2016. 2020. they did it again in 2020. and we now know that hunter'swe laptop from is very real. they had all of hunter's ofails, all of his videos doing drugs and hanging out with women of the evening. shall wening, sh call them, andw joe biden was directlyoe implicated biden and involved il son's shady international business deals. ss dealstake a look. >> and now to another keyre in figure in this impeachment story. thachmenjoe biden's son , hunte. this morning, his business deals during his father's timeve as vice president are drawing new scrutiny. joe bidedrawing new scrutinyn hs family members, his son , hunter biden of course, and his
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brother james biden have received millions of dollars from politically connected chinese interests. >> and i remember looking atbid jim biden and saying, how are you guys getting away with this ? >> like, c aren'oncernt you con? and he saw how he looked me and he laughed a little bit and said, plausible deniabilita8 . >> a 201 trip 3 tripto to chinae new attention this morning, not for what joe biden did, but for who he brought with him. j his son , hunter, joining the then vice president on the official visit to beijing.e. >> of course, we have one email back on may 20th, 2017, wherewrn he's writing. and this is actually james gill. you're writing to tony blonsky e . n joe beingfa involved. it's only when you are fac tehao to face. i knowu know that, you know tha. but they are paranoic, unknown to the press. back then, hunter bidee press,n is forming a chinese private equity fund, planning to raise moneequiy, including from chiner investors. years later, hunter biden h acknowledgedunter it. during the trip, he met with a chinese banker, which his
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spokesperson describes as aa bui social visit, not a business one . >> the real conspiracy here was the democrats big tech, biging media keeping this story from te the american people just daysthp before the most important election. we havore election fore un president of the united states , election for who's aling to be the commandes goinmn chief. and you have a family involveds with all kinds of foreign business interests, and weor don't get to hear that story. still no consequences. into joe. one hunter, no investigation into joe , no early morning raids, process crimes connecting anyone in biden's orbit. at all. and just like there was no search warrant or charges ores contact chances for hillary clinton when she mishandled top secret classified informatio topedn, no prosecutoe were told, would prosecute.osec forgive me if i'm ute.a littleya cynical and roll my eyes wheny they raided mar-a-lago looking for top secret classifiedcret information or accused donald trump of collusionformatio. no prosecutors ever prosecute all of these things. e all ofbecause what he's arepul republican and he's not a democrat. ic
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it le have a two tiered system of justice? it looks like we l diko. the fbi, the dnc, the big tech, the media mob must all be heldaa accountable before our wonderful american republic. ois ruined forever.coming >> and coming up, my monologue on what the gop needs to do to win in twenty ,n in 202 twenty four . straight out 2020 two, a heck of a year to leak the vote. the trial, i don't know. until i was hitting the white house and that's just the beginning. relive the highs and lows. you're unlike any other in a special edition of who can forget 2020 two screaming new year's eve on fox nation. >> aquaria and don't miss a whole new season of who can forget streaming now. plus, sign up now and get 50% off all yearly plans. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee. former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis
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currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system. helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. eric ciliberti. >> it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle. relax your body and calm the mind for better. sleep through the whole night. call a day and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals. like many prescriptions, sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better the very first night. >> the very first night after being a relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable.
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when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. >> i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, give relaxium sleep call. >> get your very own risk free bottle , take control all of your health. >> stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium . relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed, call today for your thirty day risk free trial at 100% moneybag errante relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. >> call 800 for one 730 773 804 one seven seven seventy three . trust you got to relaxium. >> same for breaking news. politics and beltway coverage like no ot lower levels
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for. welcome to fox news live. jackie is in new york . much of the nation still digging out from a deadly winter storm that's left communities paralyzed from coast to coast. the storm is now blamed for more than 50 deaths. rescue and recovery efforts continue, but it's a monumental task. few states are able to dodge nature's fury, pummeling millions of americans with a combination blizzards, high wind, record low temperatures and rainfall.
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piles of snow in some parts are preventing emergency crews from reaching residents, frigid homes and stuck cars. >> meanwhile, russian forces showed no mercy to ukraine this christmas, shelling the partially occupied donetsk region with a deadly barrage of missiles. ukraine's foreign minister says his nation wants a u.n. summit to end the war, but he doesn't anticipate russia taking part. he says russia must face a war crimes tribunal before his country talks with moscow. jackie abana is now back to the hanadi special. m >> all right.y here's my monologue on the midterm election results. lection ltsand what republicans2 to learn from. twenty ,02te twenty two and do better in 2020 four. rafael warnock's win in georgia last night doesn't mean thatno t it's time to havime a pity partn or it's time to whine and complain. i started out in radio in987, nineteen eighty seven . ronald reagan was
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president during that period of time. e president .e have barack obama became president . now we got joey so there's ups and downs of political cycles. first, there is goodes new, fir winning the house is huge, has republicans now will be ablety to govern with the same majority that pelosi did in this mostelosi di recent con. that is huge.s huge republicans will control. committees. they wils willol l control the power of the purse and the power of first subpoena a and that means if they hold together a big if,big" i guess the ability to holdtabl biden accountable on the border, on big techon companies, on political interference in our elections and corruption in our elections. and that means the fbi,, the doj, that means hunterth and the president , joe biden himself, will all be investigated, rightly so. it's been long overdue.but firso but first, we do n need to askbi and look at this what did las.t night tell us ? what could we learn from it?ootl you know, ifl you're a football t halftime,those n a sometimes a sideline reporter will ask the coach, well, whatsi
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wig to talk aboullo ttalk with your team? r tewell, we got to figure outwo stop t stop the run game, the passing game. we gotheir run to figure out hoa get our offense movingke a little bit better. they make adjustments. fithey come out on the field and hopefully they have a better second half. this entire midterm's cycle. did that what did that tell us ?e it's time now fofor republicans to start paying a little bit of attention and embracing the voting system that we have t and not the one that they wisheo that they had. aas th they need to accept the rules as they arey aout as te, not ast them to be. and then after they win statrnorships, after they win state legislatures, then they can change laws over timed ,add all the integrityrity measures for elections that elet they waniot and put it inlectio the process of our elections. but thatns means they need to play. what is the early voting game? the ballot harvesting game. >> they need to do it well, if not better than the democrats. of all legally, of course c. and i'll explain that they can't start every election day down hundreds of thousands of votes dow.
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it was estimated last yesterday when voting started in georgia that herschel walker, because early voting mail in votinhe g innt int georgia, that he went into yesterday's election down two hundreelectid, two hundred and s thousand votes. that's insane. there's a reluctance and resistance of republicans to vot ovotee by mail or to vote early. so if you take a step back and you take a glimpse into how the system currently stands, there are currentl ytes 15 states and washington, d.c. they don't even have voter iand laws, including key states likek pennsylvania, nevada, new york , new jersey. dozens f then there's literally dozens of states that havthate some foh of legalized ballot harvesting, meaning that any third partyaryb can come and picalk up your ballot for you. californiaothersike ,nevada and others, they justut send out a ballot to everyey voter on their voter rolls, whether they request one or not. thisnot, is the system. this is the current reality.the socu i thinkrr it's the best system. no, i think it'sk it bad.
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now, democrats have embracedem this system. republicans have notpubl to thei own detriment. this r they have ignored this reality.e look, i've been very clear inany my world, in a hannity perfect-t world, if i laid out what wouldd have the most integrity and everybody would have confidence in the results,ve of elections. well, when republicans winf gubernatorial races,el and statt legislatures, i'd make electiono day a national holidayul. i'd have paper ballots only . i would have partisan observers ,people from every party. they would watch the voting iner every precinct and thehe vote counting after the polls close up close and personal, every state should require signature verification, voter id, chain of custody controls,of updated vote cr rolls. t now whd but like i said, right now, we need to work within the system as it exists because democrats, they're playing a very different game on electiontion y and the days leading up to election day. the republicans are democrats are not as interested indemocr the quality of a candidate or
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holding rallies or exciting voters or kissing babies or shaking hands or going affairs . democrats, they're they're avoiding debates. they're avoidingey their adorins media fans. they're raisinthg hundredsey a s millions of dollars to using those on negative ads against republicans. re pla and most importantly, they areyi playing they're not playing. thy let's get a vote game. they're playing a ballot game. democrats are only interested in getting their hands on enough ballots thatin they believe will put them over the top to win an election. that means big ballot harvesting operations. that means big early voting. numbers. that means big mail in ballotsthatail-in b for democrats and a hugeublica disadvantage for republicans. it's obviousns yesterday is at, great case in point.down hershel was down over two hundred thousand votes beforeare the day even started. n layi aewt this new piece from axios laying out how thousandswh of georgians were paid to brings war, not jusatt in conversation
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with friends and familgey and ga themct to vote for the far leftt senator . the tactic, it's knownis known s as relational organizing used by democrats across many different races in this election cycle. it is but anotheces in tectionrf how republicans, they're not only playing catch up,up they ae running elections on an oldn ol outdated. imagine thisd an is my iphone 10 version of elections of and democratelecs over here, they've got a ten point zero version of elections and republicans, they need modeatch up and build out a fourteen point oh election model. cans canrepublicans can't just a that they're going to be dowren big on election day and thenk try and make iupt all back up on election day. electi. it's just not going to it is too steep of a hill to climb. the g.o. seedgop can't just totally cede early voting and voting to thedu democrats and put themselves into one deeemselvesp hole aftea another. look at the state of florida, for example. they're voting system was a complete, utter, total mess. remember the two thousandt 2020s
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elections hanging, swinging, dented perforated chads, et cetera, et cetera? they fix that system. i don't think anybody could ever say with any confidence that it was only five hundred and thirty seven votes. di that was the difference in that race. but at some point, the supreme court weighed in and that was the end of that. ut int buegt now they fix their system. they put integrity measures in the system. now, florida has one of the the best run voting systems in the entire country. and by the way, republicans in florida, they've embraced voting early. empublicans in florida early.. they embraced voting by mail. m. every voter has to have a votern id signature. verification is required. atcationwhatever the democrats e doing with early voting, republicans need to at leaste oe match it ir n these other states , like arizona, like , likegeorgia, like pennsylvania and michigan. in some cases, republicans dlako need better candidates. i'll give you one example note o to pick on pennsylvaniaylvani
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gubernatorial candidate doug marciano, but you look ata his positionrnatoria on abortio. he had no exceptions for , , the mother'sfo life. you in pennsylvania. i'm talking politically, not morally here. you cannot win pennsylvania with that position. it is simply mathematically impossible, a bad candidate for that race. and it had impact on the entire republican ticket. now, i have confidence thatfide with the rightnce th leadership, republicans can get this done and win these swing state seats in twenty , twenty four . but it'sit not i easy, but it is doable. now, also, remember, there's another major part to all ofk i this. am i think i'm the only onee talking about it. i call it accelerated migration. now, that refers to republicans fed up with far left failures and blue states and seeking refugeking ref in states like f, the carolinas, texas, tennesseee ,ee,t cetera. they're sick. the high taxes, the sick, the high costs and burdensome bureaucrac of highy.
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they don't like high crime. they're tired of schools being shut down, covid mandates beingi shoved down their throat. they want in school learning for their kids.a be they want a better quality otted life. they want to keep more of-ene their hard earned money.y, and by the wayye way,, they woud prefer the warmer weather, especially with more and more hatbaby boomers retiring. and they're now moving in m drovesov to red states . now, look at your screen, lookul at the whole index. nearly it t costs nearly three timesmut as much to go from california to texas.from calnia to texas. foreground coming wa look at thatnt, four grand. to a you want to go frollm san francisco to dallas for green ? i want to go from dallas to san francisco. you're doing you alle doing u- it's only fourteen hundred $14 bucks that speaks volumes, s vou doesn't it? anyway, americans nome iw art?e voting with their feet. they're saying goodbye to failed far left states day after daroughy. o be and the people that tend to beo leaving. and a lotht ofat thesees stateso conservativens. a lot offl people are moving new to florida. they have about eight hundred residents, a da.
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it's great. the weather's great,.s. the economy grows, stroprosperity is there, and the state gets stronger and and stronger and stronger. as states in the midwest, likee michigan and wisconsin, are getting weaker. pennsylvania weaker. new york , new jersey weaker, .y , california weaker. and guess what?r. that means. those states have less conservatives. what does that mean forwhat d a presidentialoe election year?o that means those states that were hard to win already are going to be harder. you have states then, liked nevada and arizona, alarl sadly for them, they are doing well i in terms of population influn x however, a lot of those peoplefa from california and the vast majority of them happen to be liberal. they generally lal tend to be more left wing. so ievt makes those states even harder to win for republicans. here's the point. cois may all seem very complicatempd and it's going to take deliberate and a well thought out strategy strateg. and it's why republicans need to have a sense of urgency now. before the election in november. twenty , twenty four ,
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especially when it comes to thef issue of perfectin g a ground game, perfecting the ballot game, embracint g early voting and mail in voting and legal ballot harvesting, and start winning these close elections and outdo the democrats at their own game. >> and coming up, my monolog on joe biden disaster at the border. >> that's coming up straight ahead. you rehey, i just got a text frm my sister. you remember rick , her neighbor? -w he's the seventy six year oldow guy who still runs marathons, right? >> sadly, not anymore. what, you mean just like that?ea >> wow.gain, arso sudden we're not about to have the we need lifeabout insurance conversation. .95 a mo again, are we knowe having though we are getting coverage that we don't to worry about it.od >> so you'r the nine ninety five month planh
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was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr eric ciliberti. it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better. sleep through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better. >> the very first night, the very first night after being a relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable. >> when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i . i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, give relaxium sleep a call. get your very own risk free bottle , take control of your health, stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium . relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of
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clinically proven relaxium sleep today. fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed. >> call today for your thirty day risk free trial and 100% money back . guarantee relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription, is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. call 800 for one 737 73 800 for one 737 73 . trust you got to relaxium same when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> joe biden's open border >> agenda is now causing imple a complete crisis on our southern border hereagenda areue a couple of my monologues explaining why we begin with aat new record for the biden administration. this year. o i guess it's time to celebrate if you're pro open borders, hio because for the first time in us history, we have now
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reported over two million illegal immigrant crossings atan our southern border breaking, by the way, last year's record high of one point seven million. in other words, after vowing to address the root causes ofofm masoli immigration well and appointing his vice president as borde r czar, the crisis has become evenven ws worse than you can believe. >> now, apparently, his only trip to the southern border, which really wasn't jus where things were happening.qui just a quick trip through el paso just last year, that truly this in pers was not enough to put this in perspective. more illegal immigrants are nown pouring across this border thagn at the time of this video. >> take a look at that video. remember that video now that the shows thousands in these makeshift camps under a bridge in del rio? maybe martha's vineyard couldld set up a few areas in thatbeautifu beautiful island for people that need help there. so open minded and they believen in sanctuary status and they have a sign all overd the place that says weants welcome immigrants. but anyway, now biden
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bug newly arrivingr th illegal immigrants all overs be the country. he's been doing thisen d thi fom and a half, 2:00 a.m.,. 3:00orng a.m., 4:00 a.m. in the morning. secret secret bus rides, or as jen psaki used to call him, early morning flights while ats the same time refusingwhile to. admit that we have a problem. joe seems to think thatt beca owed some kind of mulligan because this latest wave of illegals, they're coming from venezuela and not mexico. >> this is what joe said on the border. >> whyy is is the border more overwhelming under your watch as the president ? because there are three countries that are never fewer, fewer immigrants comingin from central america and frommeo mexico. this is a totally different. circumstance, totally different wide open borders. in, ally are still getting in. reports now from breitbartw fr saying that venezuela is literally empty, emptyingraly their prison populationwide o and sending them to joe biden's wide open borders. now, biden
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is always more than happy to provide excuses, but here's what he will not tell you. this year alone, another record . seventy eight individuals on the fbi's terrorist screening database werethat i apprehended at our southern border. that is triple the previou thers record . and meanwhile, record fentanyl seizures at the border. they continu.entany e to spike. fentanyl is now the numberr on one killer of young americans claiming a new victim every five minutes, a record numberres of migrants crossing the border are also dying. tthey are drowning in the rio grande every single week. some get lost in the desert, and die from thirst and heatille exhaustion. others are killed by human traffickers and some of the cartels. there are alsoe large numbers of reported, including young children in one rural texas. border county. the local funeral home hashe lon operating at triple their their capacity stacking bodiesdr on top of bodies and freezers, housing others in a storage facility. storagthat was once used for cot treatments.
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this facility typicallypically performs three hundred funerals g iear, but it is now receivinpe up to 20 dead illegal immigrants every single week. this is now a real humanitarian crisis. look at your screen. scr eethe situation is so bad that maverick county, they're now burying many of these migrantss in graves marked. you can seg cae right there with pvc pipes. but none of america's virtuousce and compassionate democrats really seem to carseem to e bece it's not in their backyard. >> they only car thee about the people that went to martha's vineyard. and instead they're furious.insa the governor desantis had the audacity to fly these migrants to martha's vineyard. the liberaerall safe haven thatt is with another rumored upcoming flight to delaware near joe biden's beach house.ret i think that's a great idea.s fm now, attorneys in boston now attempting to file a class action lawsuit against desantis. ron y that's great, because aron then every state can turn around and sue joe bidend and, kamala harris and his administration when no strationone shredding the constn
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,not enforcing the laws in the land, aiding and betting lawbreaking. and by the way, being involvedy, in human trafficking. and he's done this now for one the last year and a half. but not saying one on the leftie is saying a single thing abouttn the bodies that are stacking ugt funeral homes in south texas. there's no legal action againstr the biden administration for the hundreds of migrants sleepings slee on the streets ot paso, there's nohe outrage over the dozens of early morningg fl flights dispersing illegal immigrants by the biden now, administration, none whatsoever. and now, by the way, twoby million boardercrosse bo and counting. but border czar, your vice president , kamala harris,rders, can't even be bothered to talk l about the crisis. sois is anyone convinced t democrats will stop future flows of illegal immigration? t is there any evidence of that at all? have they proposed anyhave kinde solution at our southern border? what they inherited was a secure border has, by the way, our border czar, kamalakamh harris, doing. what about homeland securityan
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secretary mayorkas? secrwhat is he doing to help? hp what on earth is he up to ? t because he definitely is not securing the homeland at our southern border. der,our country is at risk becae of what is a clear derelictionli ofction duty. is t let me explain. what happened is we have wides, open borders. they process, they release them into the country. they given preferential andtreatment because they don't have a vaccine mandate. they don't eveen have a covert test. there's no background checken p where people come from, whetheee they have radical associations or not. then they get their free biden phonn theyene. in the then they get transported in the dark of night to some to so obscurmee airport around the country. and from there, well, yofromu te care of their housing and theird food and their health carend and their education of their kids. et cetera.american and look at the number of americans now that are dying. record numbers from fentanyl pouring in from mexico, 90% heroin from that southern, th border. >> the cartels are emboldenee cn now, making more money than ever. human trafficking,
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sex trafficking,ing, sex are ran one hundred individuals on the terror watch list. on thebeen apprehended trying to cross. and we have no idea how many were not apprehended. that would mea. n terrorist cells to b are trying to get into this country to bring our our country harm, to bring your families harm. yet this administration may baucus, biden, they i'm noty sle sure exactly how they sleep atp night knowing that thi knowing that this is theirence d sheer incompetence and malfeasance. >> we turn our attention to thee southern border tonight. could someone maybe pretty, please, with sugar on top, let the white house know that a monumental catastrophe is now unfoldin catastrg? it's a national security crisis of epic proportions. o for two straight years now under the biden administration, illegal crossings has now reached an all time record high on top of last year'scord h record high. this year, arrestsigh. along the southern border have now2 mo topped over two million for the first time ever. timeit is about to get dramaticy
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worse next week on some, 2 will the twenty first forty two will come to an end. now, that's the measure enacted by president trump that enables the federal government to quickly expel illegal immigrants because of public grantshealth risks. now, soon, the process of p deporting those who break our laws don't respect our borders or sovereignty. >> will be long. if no in aill be complex, if not impossible, in a matter ofe borr days. by the way, no t only will wid our border continue to be wide open, but the government will also be unable to deport illegal immigrants in a timelyon manner. not that joe biden is doing that anyway. anywnaturally, many are worrieda that this will cause a migrant m surge unlike ever unlike anything we've ever seen before in two years since joe bidene wh has become president , we will have allowed a whopping four to five million illegal immigrants into this country, zero vetting at all whatsoever., and even this year, with the
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fottle vetting we do do we found one hundred people on the terrorist watch list. now, yesterday, eventerr far leg governor gavin newsom trotted down to the border and haveat declared that america's immigration system is about to collapse. interestin g, by the way, tha he's complaining that state, his state's facilities are atnte capacity and continued, quote, the fact is , what we've gotw it right now is not working.d is a it's about to breaboutk in a po. forty two world unless we take some responsibility and some ownership. oh, well, i thin k it's way past time for you to take some ownership. gavin missed the presidential gavin,e mr sanctuary state. look at this report from the immigration and customs enforcement. it's entitled dangerous i polifornia sanctuary policy leaves three victims in wake of a fatal shooting. gavin, are youu re readingow the newspaper? take a look. now, in this case, a repeategali illegal immigrant and longtime friminal was shielded from deportation by the lapd, then
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went on to murder a woman in the presence of her three year old daughter. there are countless other casesk just like this, just all across the country, all across the state of california, countrw and yet gavin newsom has neverre once spoken out about hisspoken state's sanctuary policiessanctr because gavin loves his sanctuary state. and california's 11 major sanctuary cities now, the message they're sending to illegal immigrants from illegalcalifornia, from gavin i and his fellow democrats come to california. you're not going to be deportedw for any reason at all whatsoever. l yoand not only will you not be deported, but california actually hands outlifornia cash to illegal immigrants in addition to paying in their hen care, in addition to paying.g their housing. it's no wonder i illegals are flocking across the border and they're going to california in droves.le by the way, ifgal im you're anig illegal immigrant, my adviceyoui is go straight to california. you will have everything paid for courtesy of gavin,
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now, e look at your screen everw single week, more andee more illegal crossings. they're jamming our immigration system. they're preventingmigratio ice o catching traffickers, gang members, criminals, drugm checue dealers, people bringingg heroin, fentanyl now pouring acrossll the country undetectedl and tonight, one of biden's only countermeasures to thecriss border crisis is creating yets r another potential crisis in the process. apparently, joe is planninpagrey to take scores of us air marshals out of the sky, sendtol them to the southern border no help process all the illegal immigrants coming in. now, that plan would reportedly now strip 99% of commercial flights from having any federal protection.wh no more air marshals when you're flying. so biden is planningifice yo to sacrifice your safety in marshals that and for what, a ce of thousand us air marshals that are not goingbe preve to be preventing two million illegalal immigrants that he's allowing, that thallowing into the count so really, what is it going to take for the biden
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administration? forto secure the border? have how many more people havtoe to die? how many more drugs will pour across the border? how many people will die frollm drug overdoses? how much more human trafficking is tooaffickin much human traf g for the biden white house? now, marhite houk my words, in t time when title forty two ends this crisis will spiral evenof more out of control and comingtd my monologue on president joe biden's blunders. that's straight ahead. that's straight ahead. by innov >> .com powered by innovation refunds can help your businessno get a payroll tax refundn th eva if you gots and it only takes if you gots and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. >> i went on their web site, uploaded everything, and i was blown away. a bin away. get refunds, .com help businesses get over a billion dollars and we can helpefunds your busines.cs. you qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to get refunds .com to get started powered by innovation
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risk test today. go to do i have prediabetes dog ? >> all right. every day there is a t new blunder from the bidenen-pas harris administration and i addressed this recently ine ha a monologue we have shown you on this program night. tonight, your president,, the president of the united states of americth a, joe biden, weak
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is not well. he is weak, is frail, frankly. decrepit.epit he is deteriorating cognitively at a pretty rapid pace.d he and he's not fit to bet to the commander in chief., fr yesterday, frankly, may have been joe biden's lowest momentso yet, which is kind of sayinginga a lot during a white house event on combating hunger, which honored the late indianaat congresswoman. jackie will ask. well, joe biden called out the deceased congresswoman at one point, said, i guessn jackie , where's jackie ? and wondered where she was,e is where is she seated in the audience. >> take a look.e i want to thanau.k all of you he for including bipartisan electricians lik e representative governor , senator braun, senator booker, represent jackie here., are you? where's jackie ? >> she must be here to helpa make this a reality. cook her book.? >> where's jackie ? not funny. sadly, this may have been one of joe's most disturbingyinl
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moments, and that's again saying a lot. rememberer a, at the time of her death, biden ordered flags to be lowered at half mast. anr he released a heartfelt tribute to the long serving lawmaker and then joe biden apparently hearot ruining what would have been a moving and heartfelt, heartfelt tribute, which is what was supposed to be. and the white house state tried to play defense for biden. ended that ended up just making itng much worse. and here's biden's pressnd on an secretary rambling on and on and on . and it's pretty ba prettd. >> take a look what happened in hungary today. the president appeared. he look around the room for ana audience member, a member ofawal congress who passed away last month. he seemed to indicate she might be in the room. soe in the still, the president, as you all know, you guys were watching today's event, a very m important event on food insecurity. the president was naming the congressional champions on this issue. >> jackie , are you here? she where's jackie ?t be she must not be here. i totally understand.he and i just i just explained she
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was on top of mind. get my head aroundsponse the response. if the congresswoman was, if thf expected to president and her family was expecting to be here. and that's whabet i speakingm nr about. why was heo looking forbe? i'm not trying to be snarky. no. i mean, and i'm not saying he would sit there. and again, i think people can understand, oh, one more time, back to the question about congressman ted that your wife . >> why why one more time. the confusing part is why ifwhy. she in the family is top of mind, does the president think o that she's leaving and inng in the room? thom >>. i don't find that confusingn ever wonder why the media mob never would speak out against me pointing out the obviousus, because they all saw what we saw. we were the only ones brave enough to say it and ask yourself, why couldn't ane justn white hous admit to the error? why can't they for once, kind of be honest, littletranspar transparent with you, the american people, you already know it is becausee th they know the presidenty ar is cognitive wreck and they aree
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the enablers that are coveringrs fong r him. they know he's not fit why to serve. that's why they hide him t. that's why he does less than one event on average per day. that's whye is he's at the beac. all the time. god only knows k how mannowsy ts he's really seeing doctors. and and they know with each passing day, joe biden is going from bad to worse in every way imaginable for his home policy. e onworse on stamina, worse on energy, worse on every fronte .tionin but of course, biden'sg unquestioning allies in the mob and the media didn't think itde wes that big a deal.bu but maybe we need to ask a question or two. here's how the ladies at that hard hitting news show, the view, greeted his remarks. >> listen specifically to joyless behar. >> you can go after him for joye forgetting that someone has passed. i mean , and she passed last month, not like one hundred years ago. >> okay, you know, i think whatll it really shows is that this country is so ageist. has a problem
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with age. t you know, you go to other countries and our elders are revered. hey ha they're revered because ofved ts the knowledge that they have acquired. and this is a man who has worked in government his entire life. >> life. ages. >> oh, we miss troilus. -- ag anyway, today, ieit didn't get all that much better for joey, where he appeared forge to forget the name of his veryt owd ton administrator and then aimlessly once again, heshak wandered off, shaking, er doing that usual thing that he does. that is very awkward and embarrassing. but unfortunately his vice president , she's not doing a whole lot better because again today inus the word salad, she found a way to , let's say, embarrassed the entire us on the world stage. she was visiting the dmz, proclaiming that america had ann alliance with north korece wa, little rocket man kim jong un . take a look, said the united states shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance. but the republic of north koreao
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and it is an alliancrte that is strong and enduring. and today there were several demonstrations of just that point. did no all right. but the blunders for the whiteti house didn't stop there. the vice president had thisd mo awkward moment while observing the dmz again, does she know anything about world events, history, where sherld even is ,t she's doing, where she's going, who she's talking to ? >> takshe ise a look t. and it's so it's it's 50 metersm away. that's that's right. that's all right.t. there you have it. sean: t america. >> these are the far left failures that are running your country. urmore of this special edition of "hannity" right after this. >> i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains, i had to take
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the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us and making the show possible. please set your dvr so set you s never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity for news. any time, every timeth, all the time.e time fox, hannity, .com. >> but in the meantime, leingra, laura ingraham are up next. hope you have a great night. i'm laura ingram from washington. >>: tonight. elon now, whemun elon musk purchased twitter for a cool forty four billion, you can hear leftest heads exploding all over the country. yo and when he started unveiling te the twitter files that exposedwh how twitter'ics leaders censoree conservative speech, will that really set them of thaf? now west learn not just how it started, but who was involved and how politics colored almostd every decision and who wasry blacklist by the tech giant,
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