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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 27, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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setting the perfect example of what love is, what it means to serve and find happiness in service. trulily what it means to live a purposeful life. i love you. you can watch tucker's full conversation of libs of tiktok on fox nation. there is more to that conversation you don't want to miss. up next greg jarrett sitting in for sean. >> congrats to your parents. that's wonderful. >> thank you. it is wonderful. >> welcome to this special edition of "hannity." chaos at the southern border and deadly winter storms and our economy on the brink. but joe biden is once again on
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vacation. this time in a sunny tropical lush destination. first, let's begin with joe biden's unyielding commitment to free speech. he loves the first amendment. here's press secretary karine-jean pierre with more. >> our support for free speech and free press is well documented. twitter is a twist company. -- is a private company. they will make their own decision. our support for free press has been well documented. i will leave it there. >> that's offable. -- laughable. a new bat of internal twitter files show the biden white house
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try to strong arm twitter specifically about covid. here's a quote. while twitter did not ac accommodate from biden's staffers they did quote: legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded the public debate went missing. he continues: twitter even took action against a harvard epidemiologist who tweeted an expert opinion about
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vaccines at odds with the biden administration. this kind of government deright field censorship is concerning. watch. -- deright field. >> this is very concerning. is this a result of president biden's orders or the deep state government agencies on their own as a result of a weak president? people need to be held accountable. >> joe concha and charlie hurt are here. it's absurd for karine-jean pierre whom you have described as baghdad bob in disguise, to brag about well documented
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efforts to preserve free speech? didn't they toss the first amendment in the trash can and light it on fire, joe? >> it went in the circular file, no question about it. it's funny to hear karine-jean pierre talking about how the biden administration is for a free and open press and accessibility to the administration when you have a president that did 5 solo press conferences this year. donald trump did 7 times as many. the twitter files dump. one person said don't think of it as a vaccine. he was banned. those vaccinated can transmit the virus. and president biden declared on cnn that you if get the vaccine
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you will not get covid. who is spreading disinformation? now the twitter files one of the biggest stories of the year that nobody outside of this network is covering, shows that the fbi was working in concert with twitter to silence the hunter laptop story and the biden administration is using the tactics you would see in beijing. the american media says nothing to see here. wtf? >> that's a good way to put it. before the lockdowns at the out set of the pandemic and the shutdowns i argued against them. counter-productive. they would do more harm than good. ruining lives. that's what happened. i recall the push back i got uaw
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-- was severe. charlie, if you offered a contrary opinion, even evidence that something that the government was saying that biden was saying was wrong, you were vanished from social media. you were absolutely finished. they shut down the pandemic debate, didn't they? >> yes, they really did. it's remarkable to step back and look at all of this and remember that the big picture principles on which the country was founded like free speech, it works out in good times and bad times. free speech helps no matter what. very early in the pandemic about january or february of 2020, my newspaper printed the first
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story fingering the wuhan lab and pointed out there were intelligent sources who were looking at the wuhan lab as a potential spot where the virus might have come out from. we were panned. -- banned. they sicked every major media outlet after us and went after us to disprove us and claimed we made up the story and it was disinformation or whatever. two years on we realize that all of the intelligent, informed people now believe that may have been the potential source of it. it's too late to trackdown what was going on in that lab and what might have been in that lab that helped us save hundreds,
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thousands, maybe millions of lives if people had taken that theory seriously at the time. they were not interested in that. they were interested in controlling the debate and silencing people and silencing enemies. even if they were pedalling actual science and legitimate concerns about the efforts that wound up doing more damage than if the government had not gotten involved. >> joe, it appears that the fbi infiltrated social media. dozens of cia, fbi agents left their agencies and went to work for social media companies including twitter. at the same time, the fbi assigned up to 80 fbi agents to spy on americans and their social media accounts. to gather a master list of
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people to be black listed. talk about pressure. they basically convinced twitter, for example, to ban people whose opinions they didn'ts like. they were always one sided in favor of liberals and against conservatives. given the background of the fbi during the russia hoax and what they did and the wrongdoing, it doesn't surprise me. does it you? >> not anymore. it would have a couple of years ago. now 2016 you had the fbi, with james comey clearing hillary clinton only to reopen the investigation a couple of days before the election. both sides hated that. the fbi doing things base odds their own opinions than following the law. -- based on and 2020the hunter
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laptop story. the american media needs to say there needs to be serious investigations to recreate all of the intelligence agencies from the inside-out. like we did after watergate back in the '70s. we see the american med ia, you would think the free press would slower this story based on twitter dumps. it's silence of the lambs. it's unbelievable. >> i only have a minute left. we now know the things that the cdc were saying and anthony fauci were flat-out wrong.
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dr. marc siegel said this is government censorship on the road to, to totalitarianism. he was right. >> the fbi bu what it was ldoin. it put the thumb on the scale and did everything to squelch free speech of opponents and promote their own stuff. joe is right. twitter is a little different. it's still disgusting and of the administration. my goodness, after the fact, where is the "new york times"? where is the "washington post"? democracy dies in darkness i thought. where are they? on this story? they are just leaving the lights off. they don't care with darkness or democracy or anything. >> they are on board the biden
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team. charlie and joe, thank you very much. the key element from the twitter files involves a deep state law named jim baker. after playing a role in the russia gate hoax at the fbi. baker landed a cushy job with twitter. he's been fired by elon musk. but he was advocated censorship at the company. quote: really, jim? baker wanted to censor president trump for telling people to have hope.
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pam bondi, jim baker i wrote about him in 2 books. with the russia hoax. he was knee-deep lying to the fisa court crafting the phoney warrant applications. he was peddling the dossier knowing it was a fiction. no surprise he is involved, is it? >> no, not at all. also, he left the fbi when they were visiting him for all of the leaks. they knew the leaks were coming from jim baker. that's when he left the fbi. thank goodness for elon musk for firing him after dorsey hired him. and knowing we -- the beginning of covid, everyone was scared. we were all scared. we didn't know what was happening. president trump delivers a message of hope and optimism when he gets covid and leaves
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walter reed hospital and says you can overcome this. he wanted to take that off twitter. it took a twitter empployee overruling baker saying you can't do this. that's how bad the guy is. to do that as a former fbi agent to continue working with the fbi to censor every day americans is outrageous. every tax paying citizen in this country should be disturbed and infuriated that happened. they were trying to censor every day americans. what we were hearing. what we were reading on twitter. it's outrageous. there were 80 fbi agents just on twitter. i wonder how many censored faker and google too. >> what is so despicable but predictable about the fbi is now they are trying to cover it up.
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they are trying to cover it up with lies. they are saying in the name of national security, we were being good people and notifying social media companies clthd twitter about concerns we had about concerns with russian disinformation. -- we didn't direct anybody to eliminate tweets or stories. that's a lie. they groomed. i talk to one of the journalist who analyzed the twitter files. he said they were running a cyopes campaign like the hunter laptop story. they were prepared and warning twitter: you got to kill this story. it's russian disinformation.
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the twitter files show twitter and the fbi knew it was the real deal. they had the original they seized in december of 2019. >> that's right. thanks to elon musk we know one twitter employee received 150 emails from the fbi. just one twitter employee. they could be out there helping people. the fbiing weaponized and doe ployed their -- and deployed their own agents with twitter and i believe with facebook and
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google. it continued so long without them getting caught. we say this and it's so true. 95% of the men and women of the fbi are great people. they are trying to save lives. i watched them firsthand visiting kidnapings and notify families on mass shootings and investigate the most serious crimes. but the fbi leadership concernsed every day americans. it's outrageous. >> christopher wray should be fired. i hope congress calls him to testify under oath. pam bondi, thank you very much. >> thank you. i can't wait to see jim jordan have these people under oath soon. >> bring your popcorn. straight ahead biden's border crisis continues.
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we will get a live reaction from the scene. plus an important update can sara carter and a congressman donalds and later adam schiff's christmas wish.
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>> welcome back to "hannity." breaking news from the u.s. supreme court where in a 5-4 ruling the high court agreed to keep title 42 in place for now until the justices make a final decision. they will have a hearing come february. this comes as biden's border disaster hit another low point last month.
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a record 233,000 illegal immigrants apprehended in november. that doesn't count the people that got away. it's so bad even biden's fans in the media are being forced to face reality. look at this clip from nbc earlier this month. watch. >> really what we are seeing here is a city that is overwhelmed and in chaos. these families are lucky ones. inside the shelter. a lot of shelters are overwhelmed. on the streets there are hundreds of people sleeping in the airports and on the streets. it's cold. there was 33 degrees. migrants were huddling under blankets for warmth. >> where is the outrage over the overcrowding that the media covered under donald trump's
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administration. where are outrage for biden's border failures? joe biden is to blame. it's not just in south texas. video from san diego, california, shows migrants dropped off at border patrol at local bus stops as communities across the country grapple with how to handle the migrants influx. here is san diego county supervisor jim desmonday. i grew up in california and how bad is it getting in san diego? for the last 4 days, the border -- patrol dropped off 1,000 asylum seekers in san diego county. that they are bewildered. they don't have money for tickets to get to family or get in touched with loved ones. they are just dropping them off.
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the border patrol can only hold them for so long. our shelters are full. there is no room at the inn. we are at max capacity. they are saying see you later, good luck. the hypocrisy, the same administration criticized government abbott and desantis for taking people to sanctuary cities. but here is the federal government just dropping them at transit centers without giving them money. many are getting together with families eventually. but just dropping them off at transit centers is not the answer in san diego county. >> your governor newsom has had an epiphany. hours after his inauguration he
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invited everybody to come to california. he said we are a sanctuary for all who seek it. signed several bills giving them free healthcare from the taxpayers. now he says, this is really bad but it's not my fault. it's joe biden's fault. what do you think of that? >> well, there is should truth to. that it's biden's fault and the federal government for having open borders and dumping people without giving us the resources or the housing to help these people to be on their way. governor newsom invited them all. we have them. we are not getting any help from the state government. we are at capacity. it's terrible for these people. i feel sorry for them. they are seeking asylum and get dumped on the streets. good luck, you are on your own.
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>> newsom and abbott and laurel and hardy. pick your comparisons. with more reaction sara carter and former congressman donalds. your reaction to keep title 42 in place? will it make a difference really? >> well, it's a good decision. it will keep an avalanche of people seeking asylum illegally, which is against federal law. joe biden is doing it in way. it's a reprieve on the border towns and states and the resources that need to be done. the real problem is not title 42. the problem is joe biden reversed course because he didn't want to manage the border the way donald trump managed the
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border. we didn't want to manage it successfully. he wanted a wide open southern border to allow illegal immigrants to come into the united states. i am glad the supreme court is holding up title 42 for now while they hear the full case. the supreme court needs to understand that joe biden is not following immigration law on purpose because he and the democrats want a wide open border in the united states. >> sara carter you have spent more time at the border than anybody i know. you are a lone ranger down there for a couple of years. nbc, cbs, we don't go down there. we can't cover joe biden's biggest crisis. now with title 42 they decide let's take a look.
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they are shocked. you have to laugh at these knuckle heads? >> i have covered the border for almost 20 years. i started on the border in the early 2000s. i have never seen it like this. this is unheard of. we were reporting on it. i was down at the border. saying look at what is going on. we have other colleagues from fox news showing what is going on at the border. this is not only harming the american people and the national security of our nation. we see an influx not only of migrants not vetted. there are so many young people trafficed into the united states by these cartels. in mexico city i visited 2 shelters where insurance --
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children were rescued from human traffickers. you can't imagine what they have been through. we have a government that leaves the border wide open. the only people benefiting from this other than them, there has to be a reason the biden administration is not allowing federal law enforcement to abide by the law, are the human trafficickers and drug cartels. who will stand up to them and protect our children from the fentanyl and people being trafficed into our country? this is no long just numbers. this is about people losing their lives. that's what is so frustrating. >> i am glad brought up the fentanyl. congressman donalds.
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according to the cdc, 100,000 overdose fentanyl drug deaths coming from the border and these cartels. 100,000 a year. that's 275 people per day being murdered by these illegal drugs coming across our southern border. joe biden won't even brother to go to the border to see the crisis that his incompetence created. what you would say to him about that? >> to the president, i know he doesn't care. he doesn't bother to go. it's outrageous. americans are losing their lives. you have not visited the border once. there are young girls being raped by the cartels and the coyotes in the journey to the
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southern border. back to joe biden, he doesn't care about this. he wants this policy. the news media covering it now where they were 2 months ago during the election? nowhere to be found. it's a joke. joe biden has the authority to change it and he won't because he is following his radical democrat policy. this is awful for the people who will lose their lives. for the families in america dealing with this problem, look no further than the president of the united states. he doesn't care about protecting you. he only cares about his political agenda. that's why he won't go to the border and doesn't answer question. in this bill they just passed they refused to have the money go to sure the border. >> thanks for being so candid,
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and sara carter your outstanding reporting at the border is important to us. coming up next, joe biden's poorly timed luxury beach vacation on st. croix. stick around for that. there's something going around the gordon home. it went from gabe. to gretta. to gabby. to grandma. then, gertrude found something for it. delsym. and now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. and the great dane pup. and grandma's gluten-free gooseberry pie. which is actually pretty great. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. and try new delsym no mess vapor roll-on for cough.
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♪ acoustic soul music throughout ♪
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♪ acoustic soul music throughout ♪ ♪ acoustic soul music throughout ♪ ♪ acoustic soul music throughout ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> tonight as the border crisis wages the economic warning signs go up. the president is off to beautiful st. croix until new years. old joe routinely spends the
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weekend in delaware regardless of the chaos in washington. the white house claims he is working no matter where he is. given his history of bizarre history. it's hard to believe that joe is doing much work at all. a trip down memory lane. >> the first frost, you had to put on the wind shield wipers to get the oil slick off the window. that's why people have cancer. i was raised in the puerto rico community at home. all men and women -- you know the thing. >> i want to thank -- you keep calling him general. the guy who runs that outfit. mr. jobs.
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the jobs will be great. >> think about what you would think about. this is an extraordinary story being written by this administration as i step over my coat. good thing my mom is not around. >> for god's sake. this is who we are. you know how much -- i used to drive a tractor trailer. i know about driving big trucks. >> living in his own little world. joining me is mark and david. mark biden has spent more than a fourth of his presidency in his vacation homes. others have it as almost half.
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hasn't he adopted this let them eat cake attitude? he is oblivious to the crises in his presidency or just doesn't give a damn? which is it? >> [silence]. >> mark, can you hear me? >> yes, definitely this is not the kind of look i would have advocate for any president. he hasn't visited the border. there is a controversy over title 42. to go down to a caribbean island where your brother brought land and raced questions about that and go to a u.s. territory. if you are running for reelection, usually you go to one of the key states and have a vacation. show you are encouraging tourism
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within the united states. it's very odd. going down to figure out whether or not to run, it gives a very bad look for any president. >> david, we have this deadly winter storm. i think 70 people have been killed. thousands are freezing and stranded. rescues still underway. looting is spreading. and from is the humanitarian and drug crisis at the border. this is a president who has a lot of nicknames. sleepy joe. clueless joe. maybe he has a new one. vacay-joe. >> part of me wants to go after biden for his absence and being gone for a quarter of this. to what mark said, this is not about the leadership. what we have going on right now
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is a big natural disaster affecting hundreds ever millions of americans. much in the way looking at hurricane katrina and others. fire and earthquakes. the leader of country regardless should reassure the people -- 46 car pile ups, the threats to the economy that come to slowed down supply delivery in our supply chain. but this is a man who stood in the u.s. senate from day 1 and all he's done is tell people whatever they want to hear in the room but not lead where it's a state or a nation.
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this is not surprising that joe biden does this. mark, you and i have watched this. temporary many defending joe biden and his misstatements and confused statements who were at the same time attacking ronald reagan for having alzheimer's in office. i think this man needs a cognitive test. as americans, the world stage we lead. i am concerned. >> yes. mark, begin the raging inflation. americans are counting their pennies. they are having trouble this christmas paying for things. and an american president who
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flies off on his luxury air force one jet to st. croix. thanksgiving in nantucket. in august he went to an island. it has the most wealthy population in america. americans are freezing. there is joe biden sunning himself if beautiful st. croix. it was 84 degrees. it's not just myopic, but it's tone deaf, isn't it? >> well, this is a president who is not well liked by the country. he was once well liked. he had a 60% rating that sunk to 40%. they are unhappy with how he is handling inflation and immigration. he is getting away from the
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problems. this is a very bad image for a president, any president to go to the beach in the middle of an economic problem related to inflation, just before the turnover of congress vuchl -- you have to show you for command. it's a very bad look. i can't imagine we would have suggested to president clinton let's go to the beach now. it's idiotic. >> yes. that's a good way of pulth it. -- putting. mark and david, thanks for joining us on "hannity." coming up adam schiff's big plans for the new year. plus, douglas is here to talk about it. stick around. we will be back in a moment.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. we turn to the state of california where there is growing pressure on diane feinstein to retire among her decades long tenure in the u.s. senate. if you thought the democrats were looking for a fresh face or a credible record to replace her, be disappointed. according to congressman adam schiff he is being begged to run for the seat. take a look. >> is there any reason why you would not run for the senate? >> well, [laughing]. i am not usually asked the question in that form. i am getting encouragement to run for the senate from people
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california. if she retires i will give it serious consideration. i think we are waiting to see what senator feinstein says about her plans. it is something i am giving serious consideration to. >> the only people that want him to run are his wife and kids. adam schiff was caught pushing the russia hoax claiming he is proof of collusion. and adam schiff lied when he claimed his office did not have any contact with the whistleblower for the first impeachment sham. it's a record of deceit and disgrace. that's adam schiff. here for reaction fox news contributors. a year ago i wrote a column
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about adam schiff's disgraceful legacy and described him as a liar with the feeding frenzy over the russian dossier which we know was a complete fabrication. i have seen proof of collusion -- he made that up. i find it hard to believe that anybody in california would think this guy is senatorial timber. what do you think? >> i will try to put this as politely as possible. adam schiff is a pathological liar and should be kept as far away from the u.s. senate as his district is from washington, d.c. he dragged the country through
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the russian collusion hoax. i called his office 3 times and sent emails saying i would love to see this evidence. they never got back to me. the last time i said if you don't send me that evidence i will write there is no evidence. they never got back to me. there is no such evidence. adam schiff lied about this for 3 years. made us a more divided country. he should be kept away from the senate. >> douglas, there are so many shameful episodes associated with adam schiff. that's hard to choose the greatest hit. i wrote about one in my book the russia hoax. during a hearing he accused paige upon being a spy.
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it's laughable. he said because paige shook the hand of a russian leaving the stage after giving a speech at a university, he is a russian operative. carter page was exonerated. schiff never apologized. he doesn't belong in the senate? >> no, i am not sure i see why feinstein has to retire. at the age of a mere 89 she is one of the striplings of the democrat party. one of the youngest members. the up and coming go get getters in the party. >> [laughing]. >> most of the democrats around that age. her best years are still ahead of her.
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schiff you are right. he spent his career lying. he doesn't mind doing it. he is one of those transparent politicians. he lies in order to further his own agenda. he is good at it. give him some credit. that's the one thing he is good at. fibbing about the russia collusion. never shows remorse just moves on and hopes he will move up. it's in all of our interests he doesn't stand a chance of doing so. >> and always in favor of the censorship. thank you, both. more of this special erickson -- edesignate of "hannity" after the break. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker
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supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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♪ >> and welcome back to this
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special edition of hannity. unfortunately that's all the time we have left for this evening. as always, thank you for tuning in. before we go, i want to wish you all a very happy new year. i'm greg in for sean. jason chaffetz filling in for laura and he takes it from here. jason. >> greg thank you. great show merry christmas happy new year. appreciate it >> tyrus: you, too. >> i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. since elon musk purchased twitter, we've been learning how the government coordinated wind the social media giant to censor so-called dangerous information. always with your safety in mind. when it came to covid, they weren't taking any chances, blocking any accounts with dissenting opinions frp cdc guidance. the white house pretended to lean heavily on this approach, so it provided them with a buffer from criticism.