tv Hannity FOX News December 27, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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by setting the perfect example of what love is , what it means to serve and find happiness in service, and truly what it means to live a purposeful life. i'm forever grateful for youe. both, and i love you. >> they can watch tucker's full conversation with libs of tiktok on fox nation. there is a lot more to that tha conversation that's not going to want to miss. up next, we have greg jerrett, i who is sitting in for sean.for >> aloha, greg. congr how are you?ats to aloha, and congrats to your parents. >> that's so w wonderful.onde thank you. it is wonderful. >> good to see you, tulsi.wond thanks. so k you. t all right. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm greg gerarda. in for sean tonight. chaos at the southern border, deadly winter storms across the united states and our economy certainly on the brink. >> but joe biden is oncet jo age
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on vacation, this time ate in a very sunny tropical, lush destination. a full report straight ahead. but first, let's begin with joe biden's unyielding commitment co free speech. he loves the to free speech. he loves the first amendment. here is press secretaryre's p karine jean-pierre with more. >> takree a look at this.rine-j eahour. h support for free speechupport and free press is well documented. just twitter, as you know, is a private company and they will make their own decision. so content moderation. but our support again for free press and free speech has been well documented. >> and so i'll leave it okay, that that's laughable.s >> obviously, in reality, the documents tell a dramatically different story and a new batch of internalerna twitter files published by david zweig show that the biden white house frequently attempted to strongen arm social media platform into censoring speech, especially
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surrounding covid-19. here's a quote, the biden teamte was very angry that twitter had not been more aggressive in deep platforming. multiple accounts. they wanted twitter to do more . and while twitter did not accommodate every demand from biden staffers, the compand noy did, quote, suppress views,from staf from doctors and scientific experts that d conflicted with official positions of the white house. as a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded the publicc debate went missing. zayde continues, quote, legitimate content was labeled as misinformation and the accounts of doctors and others were suspended for tweeting opinions and demonstrably true information. >> twitter even took action againsr event harvard epidemiolt who tweeted an expert opinion about vaccines that was at odds
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with the biden administer. >> as congressman james comersta explains, this kind oftion government derived censorship is concerneld cens. >> watch. this is very concerning. no government agency has the authority to censor free speech. i wantht to know, is this a direct result of president biden's orders or is this a result of the deep state government agencies acting on their own as a result of a weak president ? either way, this needs to be stopped and people need to be held accountable. >> all right. here now with reaction. fox news contributors joe concha and charlie hurt. guys, good to see you, joe . joc let me begin with you. >> given what we now know, it's utterly absurd for karine jean-pierred fo, who youe described as baghdad, bob inob disguise to brag about well documented efforts to preserveso
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free speech. >> no. p didn't they toss the firstreserv amendment in the trash can and light it on fire?re >> joe ? >> it went in the circular file, greg.rcular no question about that. and again, it's funny to hear karine jean-pierre talking abou t how the biden administration is for a free w and open press and accessibility to the administration. when you have a presidenhave t that did five solo press conferences this year, donald trump in his l final year in office, did thirty five . so seven times as many. buthist but we look at this twir files dump, greg, and it's remarkable. you see, alex berenson, for example, he once tweeted that the koven vaccine, quote, doesn't stop infection or transmission. don't think of it as a vaccine. and berentson was banned fork of what proved to be accurate. as we've seen breakthrough cases do occur, those who are vaccinated can transmit the virus. and president biden, meanwhile, you may recall, declared can on national television a cnn o town hall that if you get the vaccine, you will notu will
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get covered. so who exactly is spreading nosinforme notd again? and now these twitter files, which is one of the biggest stories of the year that almost nobody outside this network is covering. greg, as it has shown that the fbi is working in concert with twitter to silence twittenter biden laptop story. and now the biden administration was also looking to control the narrative, using the kind of tactics you would ses yoe in pyongyang or beijing suppression. d amplify an outright censorship and the american media simply yawns and says nothing to see here.g >> i mean,. yeah, to me it's a good way to put it before the lockdown's at the outset of pandemict and the shutdowns, i argued against them not just a violation of personal freedoms and civil rights, butit counterproductive. counter-pr >> if they would prove to beo me wrong and would do more harm than good, ruining lives and livelihoods. and of course,live that's exacty what happened. >> i recall the pushback i gotot
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was incredibly severe. but charlie, we now see through these twitter files that if you dared to offer a contraryd opinion, even demonstrate was evidence that something that b the government was saying that wa was wrong.ingiden you were vanished from social media. you wereu were absolutely finis. they shut down the pandemic debate, didn't they ? >> yeah, they really did. ste and it's remarkable to sorthi thep back and look at all of this and sort of remember that the big picture principles on which the country wasry founded in the first place, wor like free speech, it actually works out in good times and in bad times. free speech is is no matter what. and i remember very earl y in early in the pandemic about the pandemic long about june orf january , february of 2020,y my newspaper printed what i think was the first story
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the wuhan lab of urology and pointing out that there were security intelligence sources who were were looking a at the juhan lab as a potential spot where the virus might have come out from. weve were banned. the story was was vanished. they picked every major media ar outlet you can find after us and went after us to tryrove to disprove us and claim that we had made up the story and that was that it was disinformation or whatever . and of course, two years on , we now realize that int actually all of the intelligent, informed people now believe that thatentl really may have been the the potential source of it. but it's too late to actually track down what was goinn g on n that lab and what might have that in that lab that might have helped us save, i don't
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know, hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of lives if if people had taken that theory seriously. theoryat the time. but they weren't interested insd that. in they were interested in controlling the debatesilencin and silencing people, but most importantly, silencing enemies ,even if they were peddling. wer as you point out, greg, actual science and legitimate concerns about these efforts that wound up actually doing far more damag doinge than woule if the government hadn't even gotten involved. >> you in, joe , it appears that the fbi deliberatelyi infiltrated social media dozens, of cia, fbi agents left their agencies and went to work for social media companies,twit including twitter. at the same time, the fbii assigned up to 80 fbi agents to spy on americans and their social media accounts. ir iato gather a list, a masterr of people to be blacklisted and talk about coercive
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and pressure. ta they they basically convinced twitter, for example, to ban people that they whosean opinions they simply didn'tdn't like and they were always one sided in favor of liberals and against conservatives. >> given the background of the fbi during the russia hoaxdg and what they did there, there t misfeasance and malfeasance i and wrongdoing, it doesn't surprise you. >> not any more . >> they would have maybef year a couple of years ago. but now we looo.k at it in aggregate. 2016. you had the fbi before that election, whether it be james ye comey over 4th of july weekend, basically clearing hillarymes ce clinton only to then reopen the investigation. just a coupl cline of days before the election. both sides hated that. both doing so basection. involved in this and doing things that seem to be n more based on their own opinions than following the law? right. and then twenty , twenty sam be
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thing with the biden laptop story. and then we see it even afterwards. so there should be a reckoning thom the american media that should say, you know what,edia there needs to be serious, serious investigationss and serious things that we look at revamping and recreating all the intelligence agencies from the inside out, just like wed ae did after watergate back in the seventies. and instead, we're not seeing that, are we? we see the american media. i'm talking about abc , cbs,d ia nbc, cnn, washington post, "new york times", pbs, npr., yo you would think the free press would be interested in exploring this story based on these twitter dumps. but again, it's silency basee the lambs. >> i just it'slamb unbelievable. you know what's.bls soe. insidi you've only got a minute left as we now know that the things that the cdc were saying and anthony fauci were flat out wrong. but joe biden and his croniesd h in the white house madonefauc the american public go along with it.
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my colleague here, dr. marciege siegel, said thisas is governmet censorship on the road to totalitarianism. he's right, isn't he? yeah, he absolutely is right. >> and i get it. twitter is a different sort of media company, but it's still a media company. and the government knew what>> e they were doing. the fbi knew what it was doing. the administration knew what it was doing when it infiltrated twitter.look and it and it t a thumbal on the scale and did everything they could to squelch the free speech of their opponents and promote their own stuff. freebut but joe is exactly righs you know, i you know, i get it.s twitter is a little bite different.di i still think it's disgusting. and it's clearlyfferent. disgusf the administrative state and the administrationministra., but my goodness, after"? the fact, where is the "new york times"? where is the washington post? democracy dies in darkness.wher i thought, where are they onus this story? >> they're jusg tht leaving the lights off because they don't care about darkness or democracy. or apparently anything.
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>> they're on board the biden team. don't you know bid charlie hurt? >> joe concha, thank you very much. nk you vanother key developmentm their twitter files involves a former deep statere lawyer named jim baker after playinge a a critical nefa role in the russia hoax at the fbi. suddenly, baker landed a very cushy job with twitter. he has since been fired by elon musk. but according to the twitterby files, baker was a strong internal advocate of censorship. the company quote, in a surreal exchange, jim baker, the time twitter's deputy general counsel, asked why tellingpany people to not be afraid of covid wasn't a violation ofote: twitter's misinformation policy. really. jim baker wanted to censor then president trump for telling people to have hope to remain optimistictr. here now with more, former florida attorney general pam bondi. pam, good to see b
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jim baker, i wrote about you extensively in two books about the russia hoax. this is a guhoy who was knee deg in lying to the fisa court, crafting the phony warrant applications he was peddling the dossier, knowing full well that it was a fiction. no surpre >> so it's no surprise that he's involved in all of this. is it? no, n >> no,ot not at all. and greg, also, he left the fbi when they were investigating him for all the leaks. they all knew that the leaks were coming from jim baker. so that's when he left the fbi. and thank goodness for elon for musk for firing him, getting aft him out of twitter after dorsey hired and then knowing that we all saw, you know, covid, ev the beginning of covid, everyone was scared. we were all scared. we didn't know what was happening. and then president trump hat trump eis message of hop and optimism when he gets covidd leaves walter reed hospital thanks them for their great work and said, you can beat
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this. this is fine. you can you cawan overcomelt th yet he wanted to censor that and take that off twitter and took a twitter employee overruling baker, saying you can't do this. b i mean, that's how bad the guy is . he's we know he's been bad foro a long time, but to do that coni and as a former fbi agennut to continue working with the fbi to censor everyday americans is truly outrageous. and every taxpaying citizen in this country should be really disturbed and infuriated right now that that happened because they were trying to censor evero censory day americans. what we were hearing, what we were reading on twitter. twitte. and it's outrageous what they were doing. it really is . thd , you know, you said there 80 fbi agents, 80 just at twitter. i wonder >> i wonder how many werensored censoring facebook and google, too. and go, what is so despicable,ut but yet predict about the fbi.
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is now they're trying to coverto it up. they'r covere trying to cover ip with lies. naey're saying, oh, gosh, you know, in the name of national security, we were just being good people and notifying social media companies, including twitter, about concerns w e had about russian disinformation. >> no, we didn't direct anybody to eliminate tweets or stories o . >> now, that's a lie.r they did. they manipulated. they coerced. they engineered. they groomed. ey i talked to michael whellenberger, one of the journalists, to analyze the twitter files, and he said he said to he said, you know, great, they were running a psy ops campaign equivalent to brainwashing in advance o the biden laptop story. they knew it was coming out because they had been spying on rudy giuliani and they knew he was going to peddle it e to the "new york post". so they were prepare warnid ande were warning twitter, you got to kill this story. sit moment it comes out, it' russian disinformation.
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twitter files show that both twitter and the fbi knew it was the real deal . deal. they had the ori they had the original that they seized in december of 2019 . that's right. that's exactly right. and thanks to elon musk, we know that at twitter one twitter employee, think about this, received a hundred and fifty emails from the fbi, just one twitter employee. so these fbi agents who are out there doing this as a careerthec prosecutor and you as anlping attorney , they could be out there helping people. peopiing poised and deployed their own agents theirto censor, to violate ourt amendment rights in this country. continuos with twitter and i also believe with facebook and google. bud deploy their owt we know about twitterf course, because of elon musk, so that they were doing this is outrageous and that it continued for so lonaceboog wits
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them getting caught is really unbelievable. and we say this and it's so true.. 95% of the men and women 95% of the men and women of the fbi are great people.they arebut they're out there trying to save lives. i've watched them firsthand thed investigate kidnapings notify families en masse shootings, help investigate the most serious crimes that are happenin andg in our country. is yet the leadership at the fbi chose to weaponizes agents and put them censoring everyday americans. >> and it's outrageous. concerns this was the brass ined washington, christophe er ray, the director, was responsible. you should be fired. you should resign. >>in disgrace. and i do hope that congress investigates it and calls hims a to testify under oath. let's see him lie yet again. ou. >> pam bondi, thank you very much.. oh, thank you. o se go ahead. wait, i can't wait to see jim jordan. have these people under very soon. >> yeah, bring your popcorn. he pam, thankads so we w to see you. straight ahead, biden's border
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crisis continues. th we'll get a live reaction from the scene. plus, anplus important updatet n with sarah carter and congressman byron donalds. and later, stay tuned for adam schiff. christmas wish. the specials edition of "hannity" continues . hey, estacada kid, aren't you? >> let anyone ever tell you to respect your elders. oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. that's all you got. they're not bad. how about we take it outside, though? oh, just tell me when and where. welcome to fenway park in boston. the nhl has taken an outside event unlike anything else insir sports , the nhl discover.eighb? sports , the nhl discover.eighb? winter classic live from fenway january second on tnt. january second on tnt. >> my sister. >> you remember rick , her. neighbor? sure. he's seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons,
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to communicate. >> piñon asha, certified speech language pathologist, today. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". big breaking news from the u.sfe supreme court, where in a fivele to four ruling, the high court agreed to keep title pla forty two in place for now.unti until the justices make a final. decision. e >> they'll have a hearing come february. now, this comes as biden's border disaster hit yet another low point last month. month. a record
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a record two hundred and thirty three thousand illegal immigrants apprehended in november. that doesnt peopleun who got away with it. en and get this, it's getting so fn bad that even biden's adoring fans in the media are being forced to face reality. look at this clip from nbc earlier this month. >> watch.s a ovt really, what we're seeing here is a city that is overwhelmed and in chaos. these families behind me here, these are some of the lucky ones. we're inside a shelter, but a lot of shelters are overwhelmed. i just came frome the streets ts this morning. there are hundreds of people sleeping and the airports at bus stations on the streets. and it's actually reallyleepin d here. it was thirty three degrees. we woke up this morning. migrants were huddling together under blankets for warmth. for lovely. but where is the outrage being over the migrant crisis? and the overcrowding? the the media endlessly covered under donald trump's administration. where is the outrage covere over biden's border failures? because one thing's fonirstrati
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certain, the border is worsening. s the policy is failing. joe bide fn is to blame.ot and it's not just in south texas. recent video from sa n diego, california, shows migrants being dropped off by border patrol at loca l bus stopsacross as communities across the country grappl t grae with t how to handle the migrant influx. here now for reaction, san diego county supervisor jim desmonte. jim , thanks for being with us. so i know i grew up in california. i know san diego quite well,p in very close to the border. how bad is it getting in san dio diego? >> well, for the last four days, the border patrol has dropped off almost a thousand asylum seekers at transit centers throughout san diego county. and these people are bewildered. they don'tat have any money for tickets or means of figuring out the system to get to family or get in touch with loved ones. onesthey're just dropping them .
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the border the border patrol can only hold them for hol so long. l. >> and our shelters are full.ers i mean, tis the season. there's there's no room at the inn. and we are we're at max capacity. so they're just dropping peoplee at transit centers and saying, see you later. good s luck. and , you know, the ironic irony or even hypocrisy of it, you know, they used they were the same administration has been criticizing governors abbott and governors desantis for taking people to sanctuary cities throughout the country. and yet here is th e federal government just dropping them at transit centers with with no means of taking the transit or giving them money or anything else. m they're just dropping them.ny luckily, many of them arehe finding they're getting together with families eventually, but just dropping them off at transit's centerst t is not the answer, especiallery here in san diego county. >> real quick question. your governor there, gavinr govn newsom, seems to have had a sudden epiphany. and this is the guany.y who hous after his inauguration, invited everybody to come in
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to california. >> we're a sanctuary, he said, sanctuary for all who seek it. then he signed several bills, one of which gave them a free state id card and free health care courtesy of taxpayers. now, all ois rf a sudden, he sam hello, this is really bad, but it's not my fault. >> it's joe biden's fault. what dwhato you make of that?k f well, yeah, there's some truth to that in that it is biden's fault and the federal government for having openedd tb porous borders and then juste dumping people without giving us the resourc ue or the housing or any anything to help these people to be on their way.rnor o but you're right, governor newsod themm is has ind them all. so we got them. but we're not getting any help from the state government hel either. so we're ap t capacity and ite just it's just terrible for. these people. i feel sorry for them. el sorryactually . they're seeking asylum and thene they just get dumped on the streets her e and see you later. >> good luck.n you're on your own. yeah, well, gavin is from and
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joe biden, abbott and costello, laurel and hardy. pick your comparison. supervisor tasmin, thanks sopick much for joining us . here now with more reaction, fox news contributor sarah carter, florida congressman byron donalds, congressman, your reaction to the supreme court decision to keep title forty two inp tit place. >> is it going to make any42 difference? >> reall? y? well, first of all, it's a good decision to have because it will , frankly, keep an wil avalanche of people seeking asylum illegally by minderoo. they're seeking asylum at an illegal point of entry, which fr is actually against a federal law, then allowed to dalo that. but joe biden is doing it anyway. so it's a reprieve on these border, these border towns and border states and all the resources that are that need to be done. but the real problem is not title 40 to the real problem is joe biden reversed courseoe bidenafter he was inaugurated g because he didn't wanter to manage the border the way donald
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managed a border, i.e.,idn't wa he didn't want he didn't want to manage it successfully. he wanted it wide open southern border to allow migrants, illegal immigrants to come into the united states ad nauseum. thisw illegal is the plan from house. so i'm glad that the supremesup court is holding up titl e twow for now while they hear why they hear the full case. but at the supreme court needspo to understand is that joe biden is not following immigrationn a law on purpose because he and the democrats want and wide open border here in the united states . >> sara , you've spent more time the border thane sp anybody i know tim your intrepid work is really been admirable. ody i and , you know, you're kind of the lone ranger down there for r the last couple of years. therenbc, abc , cbs, that was s we don't go down there. we're you know, we're beef with joe. and so we can't coveere.r his biggest crisis. now all of a sudden because of title two, they just say, well, let's go take a look, see? they
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>> and they're shocked, shocked that there's gambling going on down here and a whole lot more . >> you got to laugh at these knuckle eads right? >> well, greg.heads? yeah, you're right. i look, this is i've beenalmost 2. covering the border actually for almost 20 years. i starte i std on the border in the early 2000s.this i've never seen it quite likeof this. this is unheard of..rting on what we're seeing and we were reporting you're right, greg.oig i was down at the border. i was saying, hey, look, look at what's going. and we have other colleagues like bill meluzin and others from fox news that are down there also showing what's going on at the border. and when you think about this. is an open sieve that is not only harming the american people, the national security of our nation. greg, when we see an influx not only of migrants that aren't being vetted, there are so many. young people being trafficked into the united states by thesee cartels. and i was just in mexico city, i visited two shelters where whi children had been rescued from human traffickers, some as
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young as six years old, were bein --g trafficked by these predators for unimaginable things. i don't even want to talk about them on television with you right now because it's horrific . weu can't evenve imagine what they've been through. and here we havee a governmentw that leaves the border wide open, wide open, and the only people benefiting from this other than them, i thinfitk because there has to beto be a reason why the biden biden administration is not abiding by the law or allowing our federal law enforcement to abide by the law. but are the human traffickers and the drug cartels in mexicoak who is going to stand up. wh them? who is going to protecto our children from the fentanylw and who is going to protect the children and the people being trafficked into our country? ylthis is no longer just number this is about human beings.just people that are literallyli losing their lives. well, and i'm gladves. that's s what's so frustrating. >> i'm glad i'm so very gladfrut that you brought upp the fentanyl, because i want to ask you about that,e congressman donalds.
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according to the cdc, one hundred thousand overdose fentanyl100,00, synthetic drugs deaths, all of it coming from the border in these cartels. >> so one hundred thousand a year, that's two hundred and seventy five people per day who are being murdered by these illegal drugs coming across our southern border. and joe biden won't even bothert to go to the border to seee th the crisis thathis he's incompetence has created. what would you say to him about that? he dell, first of all, to the president , i know he doesn't care because he doesn't bother to go. it's it's outrageous. americans are losing their lives. you haven't even visited the border. not once the news media going to go back because they wants b to talk about it. i will. there are young girls who are being by the cartels and theyote coyotes in the journey to ours southern border. care'she happening right now.
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but number two, back to joe biden. he don't care about this. he wants this policy and thenewd news media that's down there covering it, covering now.ring e where were they two months ago during the elections? nowhere to be found, butd. they're there now to cover their . it's a joke and it'se bi disgusting. den s and joe biden has the auty to change it. and he won't because he's following his radical democrat policy. listen, thisl is awful for the people who are going to lose their lives. it is awful for the people who overdose and the families have to deal with it. for r the families inn am america, who have to deal withtr this problem, firstn th and foremost, look no further than the president of the united states . he doesn't care about protecting . he only cares about hisagenda political agenda. that's why he won't go t.o the border. that's why h e doesn't answer questions. that's why the media won't bother askinnsweg and that's why in this omnibus bill that they just passed, they've refuse td to have t the money go to actually secure the border. it's ridiculous. congressman donald's, thank you for being so candid. >> sure. carter, as always, your outstanding reporter
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reporting at the borderr is is really been important to us. so thank you for that as well. coming up, next on this specialt edition of "hannity", joe biden is poorl, joy timed, luxury beah fake in the caribbean sea. o >> st. croix, don't you know mark penn and david webb? are here to break it all down. >> so stick around for that. my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for 30 years. and what i realize as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end of the day. and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables. i think a lot of people are in that situation. i found balance of nature. i looked at the ingredients and i thought, this is exactly what i need. and so after trying it for about a week, i'm not a morning person. but i started getting up early and i started feeling better because i had more energy.
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regardless of what chaos is brewing in washington and beyond. now, the white house claims, c well, the president is working no matter where hen is . giah, given biden's history of it's harbehavior and blunders, it's really hard to believe that joe is doing much work atd. all. dow >> here's a quick trip downn mey memory lane. the first frost, you knew what was happening. u you've had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slicon thek of the window. that's why. and soslic many other people i grew up cancer.that's and so i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at home. >> all theseo used to be home. self-evident that all men andale women are created by then y go o you know, the you know,thing. the thing i want to thank- yo the the former general. i keep calling him general. my my the guy who runs that outfit over there job, mr.outf jobs, good jobs. >> will be created to beil
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the joke. >> think about it.l be think about what you think about this extraordinary storyna being writteryn today in americn by this administration as i step all over my coat. good thing my mom's not around ,but look to the a united states. comed. , for god's sake. >> this is who we are. you know how much you know, i'm not sure we do with the death this year. i used to drive a tractor trailer. awesome. drand so i'm a little bit about driving big trucks living inruc. his own little world. joining us now, pollster mar lik penn, along with fox news contributor david webb. gentlemen,g me good to see you. mark, let me begin with you. mark knoller. it is sort of the unofficial statistician in the press corps at the white house, says biden d spent more than for a fourth of his presidency in his vacation homes. >> others have it as a full 40%, almost half.
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i don't know who to believe, but has any sort of adopted hal this. lef.t them eat cake attitude fueling the image that he is utterly oblivious to the crises that have enveloped his presidency or he just doesn't give a damn. which is it? doesn't mark, can you hear me?me? >> yeah, definitely. yes, definy yeah, definitely. thidefinitely.f this is not the kind of look that i would advocate for for any president , particularly when he hasn't visiteda the border and the border is in the condition that it is when there's the controversy over title forty two to go down to a caribbean island, even one where your brother had bought some land in the transaction and raised questions about that.abou and go to a u.s. and to go to a us territory, you know, if you're running for reelection, usually you'd go toe one of the key states , have your vacatiovacan show that youe encouraging tourism within
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the united states itself. so the whole thing is very odd if he's going down to figure i out whether or not to run in and of itself, it gives a very bad look for any president . >> you know, david , we've got this deadly winter storm .thin the last count, i think it's seven , eight people have beene killed. thousands are freezing. they're stranded. rescuefreezing s are still unde. looting is ay.and then, of course, there's the humanitarian drug crisis ate the border that escalates day by day. r.presthis is a president who'st a lot of nicknamed sleepy joe clueless joe bungling joe . maybe he's got a new one vacay. joe , what do you think? >> you know, a part of me wants to follow just going after biden for his absence ind being the numbers you mentioned being gone for a quarter of this. but in a way, to what markrk said, this is about notlead only optics, but the leadership. what at w we have going on right now
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is a big natural disaster affecting hundreds of millions of americans, much in the wayy k when you look at hurricane, say, hurricane, and recently remember katrina, two thousand seven , you look at othera an natural fires, earthquakes. this is a broad national disaster. and the leader of the country, regardless of party, should be there standing up and reassure the people the numbers that die. - the pump. forty six car pileups,onomy th the threats to the economy thats sume from slowed down supply delivery in our supply chain. all of this and more requires a presence of a president. i but then i remember that, you know, this is a man who has stood in the u.s. senate frome r day one since he's been there. d and all he's done is tell people whatever they want to hear in the room, but not lead, whether it's a state or a nation. for his constituents.
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so this is not surprising to me that joe biden does this no more than his gaffes. and , mark, you and i, you know, watch this for quiteu an some time. you know, there are manyd outi there defending joe bidending j and his actions and hisoe misstatements and his gaffes and his confused statements the were at the same time attacking ronald reagan falselyt decades ago for havingta alzheimer's while in office. but now you have a man who shows concern at least that i won't diagnose him.g al but i think he deserves at least a cognitive test. the montreal cognitive would be atests good start.iv and when you look at that, you know, as americans, as thed world stage that we lead, where we should lead, i'm concerned. s >> yeah, you know, mark, given the raging inflation, americans are countinginflat pennies, pen. my goodness. yo u know, i mean, they werere h having trouble this christmascht paying for things and juxtaposme an american president who flies off courtesywh of american
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taxpayers on his luxury airy ai force one jet to beautiful st. croix. thanksgiving was in tony, nantucket in august. he went to kelia island, the seat of wealth in america. a >> i think it has an american take pay in america, the mostits wealthy population in america. >> you know, americans are freezing right now and therether is joe biden biden sunning himself in beautiful st. croix. >> i think it was eighty four degrees. i it's not just terminally n myopic, buott. >> but it's tone deaf, isn't ist it? well, look, this is a president who's not well liked by the country. i mean, he was once well liked a by the country, had a sixtyk to percent rating that sunk to a 40% rating. they're unhappy with how he's handling inflation, inflatd immigration, crime. i mean, so he's gettingg aw he's getting away from b
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the problems. but, yes, this is a very bad image. for a president, anych president to go to the beach in the middle of an economic problem related to inflation. in the middle of these border issues. you know, just before related t inflation, just before the turnover of congress, when you've got to show that you're leadership, you're in command. it's not where you hold a kind of a getaway to decide whether or not you're goino showg to rur something. it's a very bad look. i can't imagini e thatcan' thate would have we would have suggested to president clinton that, oh, let's let's go to the beach now. >> it's it's frankly idiotic. yeah, idiotic. mark good way of putting a mark penn, david webb, many thanks, gentlemen, for being with us on this special edition of "hannity". >> coming up, adam schiff's big plans for the new year. plus, douglas aubrey and deroyk murdock are here to talk about. it. we w around. >> we'll be back in a moment. this is cowritten dewberry, where nale fungus grows
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be ready. learn more at america's dogs. send us in. urn to t >> welcome back. now wete turn to the state ofpru california, where there is growing pressure on dianne refeinstein to retire amid her decades long tenure in the u.s. senate. but if you thought thatte democrats, you know, we're looking for a fresh face, we'rea looking for somebody with a credible record to replace her ,prepare to be disappointed because according to california, congressman adam schiff, he is basically being begged, begged, don't you know, to run for the seat. >> take a look. you is there any reason why you wouldn't run for the senate? well, i usually ask the question in that form. you knowth, lookat, i am getting a lot of encouragement to run for the senate from people in california and colleagues here in congress. >> if senator feinstein retires
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,then i will give it very serious consideration at thisio. point. i think i think we're waiting te what senator feinstein has to say about her plans s. >> but but, yes, it is something i'm giving serious consideration to .in oh, please.consid the only peoplere who want himpe to run would be his wife and kids. t wantas i've documented, it waa schiff who is caught over and over again pushing the russia hoax, falsely claiming he had evidence of collusion, absolute prooff of and was schiff, who fueled the frenzy and lies surrounding the debunked steel dossier. d am and don't forget, schiff also lied when he claimed his office didn't have any contact with the infamous whistleblower ,the center of the firstfo impeachment sham. it's a record of deceit,t an delusion and disgrace. that's adam schiff here for reaction. fox news contributor deroy murdock and douglas murray dreursx. a year ago, i wrote a column
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entitled adam schiff's disgraceful legacy. i described him as a remorseless liar who fed des the feeding frenzy over the phony dossier promotedit and he defended it, even read , believe it or not, into the congressional record . the the entire dossier, which we run now know was a complete fabrication. and also, i've seen absolute proof of collusion. well, he had and he just made it up. to beli i find it hard to believe thato anybody in california would ever think that this guy is in a senatorial timber. >> what do you think, greg?>> i i'll try to put this adamolitely as possible. >> adam schiff is a pathological liar who ought to b patholoe kept as far away m the u.s. senate as his california district is fromenat washington, d.c.. this isn't just an exaggeration or something he said once orasho twice for three long years, he dragged this country that through this russian collusion ,
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hoax. he said he had absolutee russ evidence it was incontrovertible smoking gunn cs evidence. i actually called his office his three times and sent emails three times, said, i'd love to see this evidence. i'd love to write about it. would you please provide me the smoking gun evidence that donald trump is colluding with the kremlin? ce and guess what?id they never got back to me.f and the last time i contacte him, i said, listen, if youwill don't send that evidence, i'll just have to write that thereotb is no evidence and is all made up. and guess what? they never got back to me. they never sent me thatdence. evidence because there is no such evidence. adam schif 3 lied about this, the american people for three years and made us some s.more acrimony and divided country. and for that reaso cn alone, hop ought to be kept as far away from the senate as humanly possible. >> you know what, douglas ? there are so many shameful adam episodes associated with adam schiff. it's hard to choose. the greatest hits . but i wrote about one in my book, the russia hoax, during a congressional hearing ,he falsely accused carter page of being a russian spy. >> he was cross examining page . paige >> i mean, it's really laughable stuff.
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his premise was that becausehe page shook the hand ofook the hand of a russia a russian as he was leaving the stage after giving a speechf at a universittey, he is therefore a russian operative. >> and of course, bob mueller's report exonerated carter pageerg completely. >> but schiff never hae d the decency to apologize for that. >> this guy this guy doesn't belong in the senate. does he know ? >> right.t su by the way, i was just just say, first of all, i mean,steina i'm not sure that i see why dianne feinstein has to retire e at the age of a mere eight nine. she's one of them stripling ofa. the democrat party. she's one of the youngest members. she's one of the up and cominggo go getters in the party. most most democrats around that age. i don't see any reason whyt of o you've got to retire just because you're eighty nine .r bt the best her best years are still ahead of her, i'm sure. >> but as for schiff, you'reschu quite right. he has spent his career lying.
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he doesn't at all mind doing it . he's one of those absolutelys on transparent politician, as deroy just said. he just lies in orders in order to further own to further his own career opportunities to further his own agenda. >> i he's good at it, you know,. to give him some credit. that is the one thing he's really good at is justoo fibbing and pretending. he's a sort ofd acuil like figure in the russia collusion stuff. never shows any evidence, never shows any remorse, just moves on and hopes that he will moveu. up. and i think it's just in all of our interests that he doesn't stand a chance of doing so. >> yeah.chance and he's all in favor of censorship isn't it. always the propagandists alway who love censorship. >> deroy and douglas, thank yo u both. appreciate it. we're going to have more of this special edition of "hannity" after the break. >> stick around for that. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay sleep?
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12:00 am
and welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". asfortunately,y that's all the time we have left for this evening. as always, thank you for tuning in. >> beforo wie we go , i want to wish you all a very happyi'mg new year. i'm greg jarrard in for jason chaffetz filling in for laura and he takes it from here. >> i jason , greg. >> hey, thank you very much. great show. great show merry christmas happy and merry christmas. happy new year. appreciate it..apprec you too.ia all right.te i tyrus: you, too. >> i'm well, i'm jason chaffetz in forr laura ingraham. >> and this is a specialaham ant edition of the ingraham angle. >> since eloncn musk purchased twitter, we've been learning coo how the government coordinated with the social media giant-cale to censor so-called dangerous informatios n, always with your safety in mind. when it came to covid, they weren't taking any chances, blocking any accountspn with dissenting opinions from cdc guidance, the white houseac, pretended to lean heavily on this approach. so i iovidedt provided
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