tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 28, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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special edition of "hannity". asfortunately,y that's all the time we have left for this evening. as always, thank you for tuning in. >> beforo wie we go , i want to wish you all a very happyi'mg new year. i'm greg jarrard in for jason chaffetz filling in for laura and he takes it from here. >> i jason , greg. >> hey, thank you very much. great show. great show merry christmas happy and merry christmas. happy new year. appreciate it..apprec you too.ia all right.te i tyrus: you, too. >> i'm well, i'm jason chaffetz in forr laura ingraham. >> and this is a specialaham ant edition of the ingraham angle. >> since eloncn musk purchased twitter, we've been learning coo how the government coordinated with the social media giant-cale to censor so-called dangerous informatios n, always with your safety in mind. when it came to covid, they weren't taking any chances, blocking any accountspn with dissenting opinions from cdc guidance, the white houseac, pretended to lean heavily on this approach. so i iovidedt provided them witd
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buffer from criticism. they acted like they wereial me removed from the process and that social media companieso wncould make their own decisions on how to best moderate content . media platforms makede independent choices aboupendent' their information. they present course. it's us upo thesp to these comps to make their own decision about the content on their platform. eir platfoand to ensure contents their own standards and policies. twitter, as you know, is a private company and theyd will make their own decisionthe yeah, right. plausibleah,e deniability is thn name of the game. just send fauci on an endless press tour claiming the science is settled and opposing viewpoints aren't just wrong,ut but very dangerous that way. joe biden gets to keep his hands clean. >> it seems like the people who spread the disinformation, a very energetic and seemedve gt to have nothing else to do but o do that. so we've got to be out there,bla scientists and the general
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public and thosend who understat the facts and get out there and >>d talk about true and correct information. >> but but the most recent installments of the twitter files show the biden administrationn admini and playd a much more active role in twitter's censorship involving n covid in some cases directly asking twitter to removef u.s. accounts. twitter's head o pf us publiubci policy wrote a summary of meetings with the white house earlier this month. onth shoshowing the biden administration wanted more aggressive censorship. no she wrote , quote, the biden waam was not satisfied with twitter's enforcement approach as they wanted twitter o to do more and to d platforms several accounts because this dissatisfaction we were asked to join several other calls. and twy were very angry in nature and twitter waso listening, also takingking their money, censoring thedissenting voices like harvr epidemiologist and my next guest, dr. martin caldor, for
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saying that not every singlesayi personng needed to get the coveted vaccine. twitter slapped a misleading label on it for sharing falser a information about the efficacy of the vaccines.s not ab this is not about science.oue o safety this has always or safety. abou >> this is always been about control. if you cared about the health and safety safety, you wouldn't censor experts or suppress ordinary twitter users for sharinr userg. ip is cdusc data censorship is useda p as a weapon used to silence critics of their agenda. thisis act actually reminds me f the irs targeting conservative groups under the obamama administration. >> rememberar thattion one ?ou m i do. it's a toothl to keeat one?p the thinkers in line. >> joining me now, dr. martin caldor, professor of medicine at harvard, and mike davis,harvr president of the internet accountabilityke project . thank you both for joining us .n dr. calderin, explain to usn to
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your first person account, your experience with whatd tw happened between your that and twitter when you tried to put out some informatio you n that you believed in. doctor , dr. doctor , i was, hoping you're having some trouble hearing me,jump int obviously, mike , jump into because th this here, because thislook is really quite a problem here. look, that only was t the government using its lawandy enforcement, but they were and they were pushing peopleingh these people are wearinge badges, some of them, but, theyr they're also they were handingey people money. they were giving these these medial media companies. money to pay for the staff to do this kind of work. >> ir staff t is a clear firstmt amendment violation for the government to collude with private actors to censor e with pamericans. us and it's even more egregiouse here because they weree censoring dr. and scientists for merely questioning the science. questioning thc method.
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that's how science is supposed to evolve. but starting s with covid, they censored these doctors. and you have to ask how manyw people how many people around te the world unnecessarily suffered, even died because they censored doctors who are questioning the vaccine efficacy or they are censoring doctors who are advocating for for for covid therapeutics. and they are questioning these covid lockdown's. this is egregiouegregious,s whas happened here and house republicans need to get to thets bottom is the only reason we're learning about this from twitter is because elon muskionn made this. forty four billion dollar investment to buy twitter. think about facebook. tha that's, you know, ten times bigger than twitter. r or than that's twenty five times bigger than twitter. think aboue amout the amount ofa censorship that's happening there. >>t' my qe. yeah, doctor , i think we got you back . now, my question to you was expl to us, your first persont,u account, your personal ex when you triedrmatio
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to use twitter to put out some information that you trulyd believed in. ie >> well, it started in whe the summer of 2020 when i washol arguing very strongly against school closures ans and hoping t schools reopen. >> and i was conveying the data from sweden who had kept the schools open and there was not a single child who dieoolsdd and teachers were doing no worse than other professions. na but at that time, twitter put di on a blacklist so that message didn't come out the way it could have come out.out an and i think if it had, i think maybe more schools would have been open. i would have been great ford ha children. my children suffered a lot later on . lot i was had tweets that were censored because i was arguing that if you had already had had covid you don't need the covid, you don't need the vaccine. and we know that the infection o stimulate your natural immunity is stronger than vaccinewast immunity. so why waste vaccines on people who don't need because they'll d never had covid, but somebodywa at twitter thought that was not correct. >> and the it is by manyntific
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scientific studies. so that was answered. >> yeah. and , doctor , i'm going to go s ahead and bet that you'ree a little bit smarter and have a little bit more background and experience than some twitter ner andd along they . mike , going back to you back in 2020. president trump, he was recovering from twitter and he tweeted, don't be afraid of covid. don't let it dominate your life. well, that didn't sit well with the former fbi general counsel, jim baker, who left the fbi to work for at twitter's trust and safety department. ng, he she sent this email to yl roth, twitter's then head of the department writing, why isn't this, perdis tweetation a violation of our covid-19 policy, especially don't be afraid of covid statement. so, mike , how it is .d don't be afraid of coviddisinfor qualify as disinformed when it comes to the president of the united states at.
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that's just the problem.. they have politicized and weaponized the debate here. there' thes jim baker was the se jim baker who was behind the russian collusion hoax. whe he was the same jim baker their who was at twitter when they when they went out ofthei their way to censor the new york post over their accuratef reporting on biden's laptop. and now we see that there's jim baker pops up again to try u to censor the president of the united states , overcover purely jim baker proves this is just purely politics. what they'rey're doing with this censorship. >> doctor , again,. your personal experience as a qualified medicaoctor agl doctof sharing a bits of information, it doesn't seem like you'r e taking an extreme weu're just saying some things >> y were common sense from your perspective. >> yeah, and i think i mean, ic the basic principles of public health was violated during t these last three years. and i thin pk it's the biggestal public health scorthe ever. >> and for example, you don't just focus on one disease like d covid. you have a to consider thatnd lockdown's another other
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measures that affected other aspects of public health, including cancer screening, cardiovascular disease outcomes and mental health. so you you can't just focu scres on one single disease that goes against principles of public health disea. h. >> well, it makes sense to me.h and i thanks for helping to illuminate that for us .us dr. calder, mike davis, thank you so much for joining us on the anger. >> do appreciate it. well, it's not than u covid, quote, misinformation that the biden >>administration wants big tech to censor, but so-called tecgender affirming hair. and a clip that's just nowaffirm going viral. biden's assistant secretary forl health and human services and transgender woman rachel levine demands social media takeel levin action. >> here is substantial misinformation about gender affirming care for transgender and gender diverse individuals. er the positive value of gender affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical. we nee
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d to use our cliniciansian' voice to collectively advocate for tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environmencompany t >> joining me now is molliews hemingway, a fox newst th contributor and editor in chief at the federalist, as well as sean davis, co-founder and ceo of the federalist. , yo molly, you see that video, you hear the comments. well, >> what's your perspective? well, it's just so interesting to hear people engaging in disinformation while claimingdii that to speak. truth is , what is disinformation? gender ideology is a radical, destructive and unscientific denial of the two sexes, maleane and female. teaches a lie that men can become women or women can i become men . in which is completely ins contradiction to what the science tells us . see,and you see, as rachael levr and other powerful actors try to suppress the truth about the importance o abof distincts and complementarity under the guise of combatingsexual
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disinformation. they do it with the powet r ofwh bulltech and powerful government agencies, bullying gg and getting big tech big to to suppress the truth that is so important for everyone.>> >> you're listening to your left just now, sean. it's mov a moving target with ti left. watc's what rachel levine said back in two thousand nineteen . >> watch this to the left. i have no regrets because when i transition when i was young cd and i wouldn't have my children, i can't imagine life without my children. exp and so every experience led me to hear this position as secretary of health. i use everything i ever learned. i channel everything . all right all right. i levine is basically provingri' the right's argument here, isn't he? >>argumente isn' she quitno you, >> he he absolutely is . impor and i think it's important that we say plain truth.he will alwab clearly, levine is a man. he was born a man.
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he will always be a man inoo the idea that this person who , by the way, took his own mother out of pennsylvania nursing whe peme when he wasn the heahed of health policy in pennsylvania. at the same time a, het the wae directing nursing homes to taking covid patients. the idea that thispers personan who himself is living a lie, ane would go and tell tech people the companies to ban people. truth, the crime for the crime oflute speaking. the truth is absolute insanity. i mean, it just it's one thingsn to have government officialsh go and try and push their spint at these companies.but fo but for them to do it in this fashion, to punish people who are speaking the truth about obvious realities that we all know is utter madness. all right. all i want to move on to another topic. you, toou , are some ofo move the brightest minds on this. but i want to move to another topic. i don't know if either of youutl been traveling the last few days, but a lot of flights, especially southwest, have been canceled. and it's a disaster. but, hey, don'enancelledt worryr
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pete is on it.s on >> it. watch this. you're the secretary of transportation. what does that mean? hold them accountable. mean,well, we have enforcementw that we e have been using,on especially this year. we're also in a position to use enforcement powers and fines to hold airlinesirlines to theh that that they have now committed to us will be watching to make sure that they follow throug theh. t molly, i don't know what ma to make of that comment, holding them accountable, likete how i just hope that mayor petee booted judge was speaking from the united states of america when he was surveying the situation. he america was su got in a lot of trouble recently for taking a vacation a and bringing american flagss ac to make it look like he wasted t actually traveling in the unitedat states while he wason issue addressing major transportation issues. southwest airlines is having many problems. i am i am not in an ny way confident that. but a judgine getting g involvea will help any of that.f th whilate it is true that many major airlines and other travel
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corporations get a lot of subsidies and assistance from the federal government,d as anything he's proposing would probably only make the situation worse. >>the fego yeah, you bring up a point. >> i really woula d like to kno where the secretary ofport transportation is when all thiso this crisis and all this stuff is going on because it has been a problem with him. sean, real quickly quickly, her i guess part of my concern thate twitter is illuminating herer' is that it's multiple agencies. it's it's the whole of government that seems to be involved in this propaganda and pushing their politicalt narrative. how do we get to the bottom of that? well, i think we actually needr a strong response from congress to take on the monopoly power that is allowing these companies like facebookbo and google to box out all their competition and then control theil the public squares you look at google, it is just its bsolute monopoly who crushes its competition, uses its monopoly in search to basically create a speech monopoly for itsel f and sok mark while i would like to thinkould
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market forces would fix this, we don't have markets, facebookd and google. we have a monopoly. monop and it's time foolr antitrust regulators and these to new republican house to crack down on their ability to use their power to silence people like us for political gain for the left. for molly, john , thank you so much for joining us tonight. all right. did you see this viral video of patriots fan being berated during the very his very first a nfl game? thll, that man is here to talk about it.n but first, breaking tonight,is r the supreme court halting biden's push to eradicate t our border. national border patrol council president brandi judd is here i with reaction next. >> stay with us.h twenty , twenty two heck of a year. the leak, the vote, the trial. and up until i was kidding, the slap my name. and that's just the beginning. relive the highs and lows here,
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got me. i have the time. ♪ >> the supreme court today allowing title forty two at trump era immigration policypoer to continue, at least for now. the court said it will hear oral arguments in february from republican led states over -led stawhether or not to liftao the policy, which means we should know the fate of title forty two by next summer. here's how joe biden reacted in tan dude, apparently. and in the meantime, we have
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to import. >> but i think it would be .ha that's all we got out ofligh the president because he had a veryt important flightts to catch, you know, a plane that takes off when he getsn st on it for his vacation. in st.d croix. >> joining me now is brandon, t hejudd, president of the nationl border patrol council, and kevin roberts, president ofi the heritage foundation. brandon, i want to i wanondon,t to start with you here, because i got to tell you, i'm glad the supreme court made this decision. but my understanding is there were some 16 were so thousand br encounters over the weekend.0 only two thousand or so. itle where did they use title 40 took to invoke the deportation ofh, these people? >> yeah, absolutely.t' actu's the problem. what's overdue is this president actually giving us policieprogramss, programs ig to allow us to secureri the border. right now, if yoghu look at noto out of forty , we've completelyt gutted it, even thoughely the supreme court said that that we havegu to keep it in place. in the meantime, we're only expelling about a third of the peoplein. me we're
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that's why we have this explosion. if you look at christmas, we just set a new record for christmas day apprehensions, and it wasn't even close. and that's the problemthat's with this president , this administration. no new policie the problem witso prw programs, no new operations. the border continues to be absolutelyms or e out of contr. we're apprehending eight times what we shouldpp be apprehendind . there's more drugs flowingap ine the country than ever before. all of thin evers is complete c. and this and this president is going on vacation.on what's overdue is for him t to give us the actual policies and programs that we need. ogras >> w and kevin, what's so s infuriating? i have talked to brandon on aira and off air an awful lot. these poor people down at the border patrol trying to do a their jobs aren't allowed to enforce the current law that's on the books. t i hear democrats wail alls. the we need immigration reform. th no, you don't. wee had that and we got to do it. the previous congress set yod to d and enforce the current laws that areo what on the books. >> it's actually so simple as brandon and his heroic
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colleagues know. by the way, brandon, to yoayugef and every border patrol agentroe from the heritage foundation bld from tenritas of millions of thank you and god bless you fof the job. doinyou're doing in spite ofidiy the idiocy. and i use that term, intentionally, the idiocy ofpred the president of the united states , not just goinen g on vacation, but deciding, to your point, jason , thate' we're noret even going to obseru the rule of law.lef this has not only a greats to tragedy as it relates to the p people crossing the border, illegal aliens, but as our heritage foundation research showed a couple of weeks ago,y n literally every county in this country has received illegalis aliens. this is a nationalti problemonat the president is trying t's tryito sweep under the rug. alo l we have to do is go the prod back to the process, the approach that was working. but two yearo yes ago. brandon, i want to give you an example of how unaware most americans are about what's happening at the border, because a recent poll asked re aamericans how many border crossings by illegal immigrants do you think are occurring each
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year? well, 87% of them undercount the number in 16 , 16% thought the number was less than was l one hundred thousand. so we knowes that the number is at least two point four million for the fiscal year.llio 2020 two. and that doesn't even include. the gateways. the numbers are just absolutely staggering. but most of the public, if they don't watch fox news, they'rdon't e going to be oblivs to this. >> yeah, and you're absolutelyts correct. and that's what's sot's sora frustrating to me and all ofting my and all tme and a my fellow understand what's going on . unn fox news understands what's goindsg on .ues to bu lt this administration continues to lie. and if they lie in l the mainstream media doesn't cover them and they don't fact check them, they don't call them out for it, thedoesn' walto becomes the truth. if it's not for organizations like the heritage foundationke , that's filing for years left and right, that's actually getting 's fthe informatioilinn, putting the information out to the american public, doesn't know anything about what's goind g gg on , and that's what we have to do. i'm dround as i travel aroun the country how few people
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actually know what's going on on the border. but that's simply becausn ate ts administration lies ld deflects and the media is culpable. ies anin covering up for them. kevin , what is the c new congress have to do to try to illuminate the problem and to helo dop give us supportt that these border patrol agents need to actually do their johatw >> well, jason , you know well, if you're our audience knows well that this country has a lot of problem ts to sa and therefore, it's really meaningful for me to say thattht at the top o aisf the list for the house republicans is immigration and border and immigration and border. that is to say, number one , they need to hold oversight hearings a cause close to your t heart. i know heritage is readyur with the evidence about the mismanagement, but i will also say this, and i don't sa say it lightly.s this is evil. it is unjust.ev. it is a purposeful reordering of american society. to allow a flood of millions off illegal immigrants into this country. and so the house republicans better be ready to use
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their oversight power. they also betterov be ready to impeach secretary mayorkas. somethinpeacg the heritage foundation has never called for. it would be unprecedented d in the history of our organization to do so. and the reason i raiseo doan tht is this is not justt inc incompetence. it is intentional. ompetence,and for americans whoe that this is just some happenstance,appe they aret mistaken. >> the desire here is toamerica reorder america and we must stop it with the power we have. it is intentional. the white house press secretary to continue to say, are the border safe and secure? ander' it'it's locked down. and for the secretary to say the same, we all knor w that its not brandon. >> n kevin ,ot thank you for joining us this evening. we do appreciatethank yo plea ii for republicans not to donc anything about this and carry it on as a political football because they know among y kntheir base there they're absolutely engaged on this issue of having no integration, building immigration reform and building a border wall .s
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that's what the republicans want. so as long as this issue continues, it's politicallth isu helpful for the republicans, for their base. >>fo listen, i spent years and years in congress and i still talk to a lot ofan't my former colleagues. i can't name a single one of a t them, nohem,t one who thinks thd border crisis is a good thing. so matthew, dowd, in your highfalutin talking down y to republicans in trying to explain republicans, you've got it totallyoually wrong. you got it totally wrong.e nobody wants this to continue. >> joining me now is georgiay congressman buddy carter inca york congresswoman congresswoman claudia tenney. tenn for joining us .i' i had the pleasure and honor of serving with both of you. iti'm going to start with buddyd carter as he served with meh me on the oversight committee. arn the you aware of anybody who thinks that, hey, this thdder crisis is a goo t ittical tool if we wan to continue on , don't actually want to solve it? >>o contin absolutely not. outside of joe biden and possibly general harris?t ot
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no, i don't know of anyone.d kaa listen, thisla is a seriousr problem for obviously forous obvious reasons, not the leastr of which are the illegal drugs that are coming across that e infesting ar our community, killingr co our killing our citizensmmun ovr one hundred and seven thousand one hundred and seven thousand h toople last year, much of it due to fentanyl that came across that border. and it's not stopping. thank goodness. the supreme court has ruledodnes with title forty two and we're ruleg to be able to keep in place. and otherwise thiswe would be evenei more of a disaster. and to think we just passed this monstrosity of a one point seven trillion on a bill that had money in it to help otheriln countries secure their bordercor but had noie money to secure our border. ludicrus. secure congresswoman, tenne you'v e talked a lot about that all insn your career and time there in congress.y yo but, look, i think republicans,u in general have just arguedrren enforce the current law. yeah, ther e are things we cane thin
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work on on immigration, butave until then, you have a duty and an obligation to enforceell, the current law. >> well, absolutely. absol and i agree with my colleague betty carter. look at this is a crisis. . this is something that everyone agrees that we have a problem. opeopenn border. wewe have policies in place that were working that were removed by joe biden in his first act of office was to prevent us from spending money to complete the wall, whichw of slows down the inflow of illegal immigrants into agent the country and helps the border agents so they can manage this. lookmanage, humanitarian effortt i witnessed at the border by our borde t ourr agents was nothing less than astounding. their own personal interes t in helping these immigrantsthe and understanding the problem. it wasas been foisteproblem,d o. they have you know, it was overwhelming. they can't really handleey't re. but again, we have as buddyere' noted, there's human traffickers, drug trafficking. we have dangerous peoplet that c on the terror watch list that could come in and create a 9/11. many times over ever y singlewe've tr day. >> s to weim care about this.
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we've tried many times to come up with solutions. talking poin i would say the democrats use this as a talking pointnt and it's their base that doesn't want anythingn on the border. we have alexandrea cosio, bordercortez's is the lone no vn the democratic side on these so-called omnibus big ugly, as i call it. and she voted against itd agains because we actually had the audacity to put some money into because just a nominal amn helping the border crisis. but remembert , only only fort nominal use not to rebuildto r the wall, not to create more agents, which is why i say let's take that money that wetoe are going to use for the eighty seven thousand new bureaucrats in the irs and put that into tha the border. that would have been a ton of money. and just think those thoset into eighty seven thousand irs agents would have made a the ir. the size of the u.s. marine corps. and wearine corp have technologn place. we don't need that many irs agents. so we have solutions a lot of sn we're trying to get them donek e and the republicans are goingth to have to stickr ne together it our new majority and come upth with a solution to this.
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i thi think it would be a greaty in the united states if we can c stick together and come upom with reasonable solutions that s will be all sides ofides our of our party and know that our opinions are diverse. well, yeah, sticking togetherche is going to be one ofng the biggest challengesand th ane fact that the the housed and senate passed this omnibusth ,which ties your hands through the end of the fiscal year. twenty ,powe twenty three , you know, using the power ofat the purse was supposed to bes ca one of the tools that congressn can use to hold anbu administration accountable. but that tool hat thats gone awy until september of next of next year. i'mlaand so i'm glad you're bo there. you two ar e some of the hardest working i know. and you're passionate about what you do. thanks for joining us tonight..n ks fort onthe ingraham angle, cn carter, congresswoman tenny, thank you. and a wonderful happy new year. >> all right.gger what's a bigger threat to theou us than china? >>ce how about b a bromance betn putin and former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe is here with new
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details on the budding relationship and what it means for the united states . plus, dihed the country'sreil top rated high school juste to intentionally, intentionally messgh schoo with students tryir to get into college?ea the reason why n is next. >> you won't believe it. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick , our neighbor? >> sure.-j he's the seventy six year oldusi guy who still runs marathons, right? >> sadly, not anymore. what, you mean just like that?eu what, you mean just like that?eu >> wow.conversation again, are ? so sudden we're not about to have the we need lifell insurance conversation. the $9.9 again, are we knowe having though we are getting that so you're calling abouist it .9 the nine5 plan ninety five montn to worry about it. so you're calling abouist it .9 from colonial pan am. we put it ofm f long enough.coli we are getting that nine ninety five plan today. five plan today. >> is it time for you to call
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ratcliffe, the former director of nationaljohn intelligence. i served with you inr ofl the congress and thanks for joining us on the ingram angle. ru this deepening tie between russia and china, it's been inss place for a while, but you are privy to a lot of information, perspective, those of u us aren't. >> why shouls d we be worriedouw about this? e bebecause that collaboration is increasing during the biden administration, we've seen china and russia collaborating in ways that they weren' t doing during the trump administration. primon on china'sy end because they're doing things now that they weren't doing under fear of tradesancti sanctions and tariffs inon det the trump administration when there's no deterrent effect. and joe bidebiden han has been t on china, it's really encouraged the collaborationt between russia and china to work against us .eekend just this past weekend, they did joint naval exercisesi together in the east china sea. you know, china still has not
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condemned russia's invasion of's ukraine, nor invas they particid in any international sanctions against russia for thosebecaus actions. those are things that china is doing because, again,e, therh isn't a deterrent effect from china working with russia to undermine the uniteds states . well, i also think that there concer is a legitimate concern about the relationship that joe biden and his immediate family member ,family membernos have with china. now, i want you to listener to this cbs reporter talkingut abou tt the pending investigatin now that republicans will be back in contro the houl of the representatives. >> watch this. rational republicans arethis. rg to start investigating that laptop and certainty t at hunte that biden has ever done. onceon they take control and the white house is beefing up their counsel's office for that very reason. and their position right nowthih is when they think that the investigation is legitimatel ,they'll cooperate.ieve they clearly don't believe thatl
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biden investigation on capitol hill is legitimate. >> and look, is you know, i was the chairman, the oversight committee, and the white housee doesn't get to decide whether or not something's legitimate o no to be approac's going their approach. that's what they're foreshadowing. you were deeply involved inow this. yoing.ed iu the legitimacy of te hunter biden laptop. you were the senior most personh in our entire government, in the intelligence community. >> and tell us that experiencee. in your perspectiv e. >> well, first of all, jason ,ni you're right. it's not unfair or unkind has b to say that joe biden has beenn marshmallow soft when it comes. to china. i mean, things like a million americans being killed by a virus in china. and joe biden is afraid to confront president gee, on the origins of that in a labt in wuhan, those types of things do raise questions about whyb in won't he challenge or confronthu america'n.s number one adversarr ? but to your point, specificallys about the biden laptopary bu, tp
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york post broke that story.osy bubut i was the one that verifid it. i was the one that sai, d no, despite what a lot of former intelligence officials are saying and democratic officials like adam schiff are sayin ialsg, wh's not russian disinformation and unfortunately, what we've seen and some of what's now then talked about inn ta the twitter files is that that there was a suppression essentiall ay disinformation cam campaign on behalf of joe bidepn that involved many people. and as a result, some of that information was suppressed froma the american voters, even though, as you correctly pointf out, jason , that as the voice people, or of the intelligence people or as the voice of the intelligence community, i said that thisintell was notra russian disinformation, and yet there was a suppression of thati amuth and annf amplification of a lie that it was russian disinformation will be interesting to see how the white house reacts. >> they can't just>> jason intef and say it's not a legitimatey a story and not worthy ofy oversight, given the relationship and the gfinance relationship the bides
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have in china.ens john ratcliffe, the formerhave director of national intelligence, thank you so much for joining us tonight. >>r he when we hope this goes to far , a new report reveals a top rated high school just outside of washington, d.c., rat with telling twelve hundred students about their nationalor merit scholarship awards. >> four year, s, and it's all in the name of equity. >> this award is a very per prestigious honor. only about three percent ofce students receive earn it eachd year. this could leatod to scholarshil ,early entrance into college, countless other opportunitie s, a lot of hard work goes in by these students to accomplish that. bunistratorst the administratort thomas jefferson high school don't want students to know when they are succeeding. the director of services reportedly telling one parent that hiding this information was intentional, saying, quote, we want to recognize students for who they are as individuals. dividualnot focus on their achis
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and claimed that the principal didn't want to hurt the feelings of students o who who didn't get the award. joining me now is asra nomani, senior fellow for the international woman's network.a nemani asra, in the course ofwome your reporting on this, you discovered that your son wasne one of the students that wasts impacted. tell what in the world is going on there? >> oh, my gosh, jason , thismple completely make people's headsly explode. so i hope they're sittin'sg dowe . we value education inited the united states of america. a right. my father came here as an immigrant to do his education. o i came herlde as a four year ola child, knew not a word of english. my son went to thit s prestigioi school, thomas jefferson high we school for science and technology. he worked so hard like everyd, other kid. and lo and behold, like everyio other junior, one point five million juniors, he took
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this test called the psat. well, we have discovered attj t.j. that the principal and the director of student services ha dires been hiding the award to students that are calledha commended students. ntry they are the top three percent in the country. and yes,es jason , two years later, during the course of my reporting, i discoveredyear my son was a commended students two years ago. but tht the principal kept it a secret. >> it's all in the name of equity because they didn't wante to hurt the feelings of the ninety seven percent of othersrst that didn't have the same types of achieves achievement. acement. to hurtding. their feelings, is my understanding. >> exactly. eand this is part of a wider wn on merit. merit in america. in america., this is not just aboutppenin one school. this is happening in school districts. hool discross america. across america, right across the border in loudoun county, loudther just learned that his children will not be allowed to wearnedr the golden national honor society sash at
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graduation. this spring because it will make kids feel hurt again. hurt again. and in this case a and in this case at t.j., whatcu they concluded was that they didn't want these kids to have this award that opens the doors to scholarships and entrance into o colleges. ked this this year, they kept it a secreptt. licati and until afteonr the early applications were done and it was justd it w an intrepid mom d shauna who started asking questions, i well, thanks for b being involved in an engaged parent. and to all those kidcts thatuala actually doing the worndk and having the achievement, i mean, shame on the school for holding them back .o much that's really what they're ultimately doing. thanks so much for doing this. have holiday day and ave n happy new year. >> all right. you have no doubt seen this a viral video of a patriots fan being berated by a belligerent raiders fan during his very first nfl game. well, that patriots fan is hereu and he's about to tellri us exactly wha
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t led to this confrontation. >> that's coming up next. stay with us. my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for 30 years. and what i realized as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden, it's the end of the day and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables. i think a lot of people are in that situation. i found balance of nature and i looked at the ingredients and i thought, this is exactly what i need. and so after trying it for about a week, i'm not a morning person, but i started getting up early and i started feeling better because i had more energy. i think, of course, as a nutritionist, it's best to get all you can from your diet. but it wasn't until i started taking balance of nature that i started noticing a difference . so that's when i thought, okay, there's something about balance of nature that i need to tell the world about. so here i am. jumpstart your journey to better health for the new
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that videoid you just saw quicky went viral with many on social media heralding jerry edman, , o the patriots fan, for his composure as he was screamed atn by an unhinged raiders fan. he didn't yell back , get in he didn't ye the woman's face. woman's he just let it slide. but it wasn't just social medias that wast just impressed with hw jerry handled it. >> how about you guys? just kind of cold. how about if you come to ourou suite, watch the game there. g >> okay, all right. jerry edmond joins me now. ompou >>re hey, you had some realthat composure, my friend, thatt po i don't know how you didn't just want to just popper.u th i mean, you may have thought about it, but way to have the composure to just not do. . >> thank you.nk
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i want you to know i'm notor th. advocating for that, okay? i'm saying what you did was laudable. you did the right thing ang andu got rewarded handsomely for it, didn't you? >>, yeah. tell tell us tell us what happened. >> tell us about your interaction with bob kraft. raftit was an amazing experiencm going up to first. ffice i met hianm in his office and going up to him and seeing him. i was kind of in shock during the whole thing. and then upon hi and then upon him giving me the custom jersey, he went and ahead and called jay-z. i got to talk to jay-z. i got this. i got so. t yeah, oh, yeah. it was it was a while, like it was a wild experience.d experie talking to talking to jay-z for the thirty to forty five seconds that i did on facetime. >> then going over and seeingen gi all the supengr bowl trophies i. i person and seeing all the rings. even i even got to try on onevoe the rings and going up to the suite and watching the game.
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you know, everything was great. >> yeah. being in the suite at that at the patriots, that must be that must have been goo sd. s what was she yelling and screaming at you? now, this is a family y friendlt actu, so i've got to keep it clean here. but what was she what wa -s sheo actually what was her point? >> i mean, what was she tryingto to do to you? towards the end of the videof h where you see where she's kind of just like waving her scarf, i i believe, in my face and justng kind of screaming in my face.n h that was wrong at the time wheno the raiders had won the gameff off the fumble recovery fromts d the patriots and basicallyocuseo i was more focused on what just happened, like looking down at the field and just trying to ignore her. but she was in my face screa screaming cuss wordsmii'm and everything like that.ure ifs anm not even sure she was like speaking about the game anymore. >> she was just kind of just likeym just kind o, i'm not evee
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>> well, listen, you did the right thing at the right time. and thand the video happened te going and glad to see good people get rewarded for good doing decent stuff. you know, it's ordinary people' doing extraordinary things. and i thina e k it'swh a good ee for a lot of people who getal caught up inl the in the moment and they want to fight back and do all thathint. you did the right thing. and good for bob kraft and the g anotherfor creatin special day for you there. and i'm sure you're going to be a patriots fan. the rest of your life.a oh, yeah. oh, yeah.ason: ohoh, jerry, thank you. and best of luck to you. thanks for joining tonight on the ingrams angle. >> and coming upup h, just how d are democrats at math ? >> the last bite explains. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains
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gave $80 million for internalse revenue service to be able to administer these audits more fairly. actually, we lost $7 billion over this last decade from those who have not paid their taxes. >> $80 billion to recover $7 billion, that ives all the te we's have tonight. i'm in for laura ingraham and go to jason have a great week. ♪ ♪ >> a fox news alert supreme court keeping title 42 against the white white house's wishes. another mass surge of migrants at the southern border on top of the already alarming numbers we are seeing pure you are watching "fox & friends first" on wednesday morning i'm todd pie. >> carley: ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. 15,000 encounters alone including a convicted murderer and gang member. the agent stopping 1
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