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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 30, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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the victims family they have a long and lonely battle ahead paradigm nancy grace in tonight but did feld field is coming up next. ♪ ♪ >> what it is i am tyrus fillin in for greg gutfeld let's welcome tonight's gift grade
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host of kennedy on foxbusiness kennedy. he is whiter than the power in greg's ring room fox news contributor. >> on weekends, she goes out clubbing, seals. that is awful. no, no. we will try again. she is glad to see you. katie pavlik. her arms can be used as chopsticks, fox news contributo kat timpf.
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now that i have no friends left on this panel, okay commit before we get you some stories, it's friday, so it's time for this. >> greg's leftovers. to get that's not the first tim i've taken greg's food out of the freezer. its leftovers where i read the joke that didn't use this week. your other rules, just like how greg does it, this will be my first time reading these. here we go. on tuesday president biden traveled to the u.s. virgin islands to experience downtime which caused millions of americans to ask downtime from what? >> we are off to a good start. not surprisingly after three days and the hot sun, joe's new best friend is a volleyball named wilson.
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>> all right very according to new study, women outscored and on tests in countries all over the world. that's only because women did the mass, this week, southwest cancel thousands of flights creating a lot of unclaimed luggage, as percussion the airlines as they hired thousand of employees to control that was good. because he steals luggage bird that's awesome. after terminating the deer with connie west, adidas now has a half billion dollars of unsold, but the company plans on giving the sneakers to their factory
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workers once they are big enoug to wear them. that's where when you laugh and you really try not too. this week comedian bill cosby announced he's making plans to begin touring again in 2023. they save the official tag link the tour will be you'll laugh until you're completely unconscious. it woman arrested this week in south carolina after attacking her husband when she found dirt photos on his phone. but in his defense he did tell his wife he reconceived a lot o junk mail. >> i get a.
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>> vesely got brett meet beat u pdf chapter better punchline. directed james cameron remove scenes of glorified violence he didn't want to give the idea of the most risk group x. tips for survival the beacons i prison. although if he does get assaulted one things for sure, it won't happen in the weight room. a recent survey found that half of americans enjoy spending allowing time hiding in their bathroom, sometimes for hours. effort 20 bucks brain kill meat will hide in your bathroom. he is such a nice guy.
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a computer programmer giving people the chance to see the effects of an asteroid hitting their city using a new web app. or as they call it in detroit, window. this week, south korea on imported dolls. although they did keep the ban on dolls since they can blow themselves up. there's more. in a recent interview, former first lady michelle obama said she couldn't stand her husband barack for ten years of their marriage. oh yeah,? try 40 said hillary clinton. okay. and now some real news.
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he put pinocchio to shame when his i'm not doing the rhyme. the more people inquire inquire the more his plans are inflames. i'm not rhyming. speak of new york republican george santos for soon we will find out he's actually from switzerland. i believe he is kyser associate at this point, i note you didn' see it, but the bad guy she doesn't want movies. he told lies about his work history, education, religion, and come to find out, he even lied about his own mother's death. who would lie about one's loved one's death.
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santos, if that's his real name said his mom died in 9/11, but she passed away 15 years later from cancer. he hasn't even been sworn in ye and there are already calls for him to resign as well as calls for him to line that his car warranty is about to expire. so far, he as holding firm, eve a federal prosecutor in new yor is launching an investigation. the probe is in its earliest stages right if he goes deep enough he could run for uncover more fabrications which each layer gets more in more disturbing the magic mike audition tape. it's a shame he didn't get that part. meanwhile, democratic congressman richie torres launching the santos act to other candidates for lying abou their background. santos act stands for stop
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another non- truthful office seeker. that was clever. and this person. >> i have never done that. >> we have the photoperiod. >> kat, we probably all fluffed a resume now or then, but is this just lying about your mom' death brickey it wasn't even like there was a grain of truth grade not only did she not die in the 9/11 attacks, she didn't die on 9/112016 either. it was in december and he tweeted about that himself. it wasn't like people had to go digging. they just looked for the stuff he said before.
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i don't understand also how it took so long for all of this to happen. i don't understand. who does this. all politicians lie. i wonder if he's ever said anything true. >> i made the point and, is thi really that shocking? because literally, one politician, republican, democratic, independent is not based of fine. >> elizabeth warren not only ha the political career, but also her academic career based on a lie about a fake heritage. so yes, there is stolen valor all over the place right that's what politicians do. he kind of served in the united states during vietnam after his five deferments, but he was not in vietnam. this guy is obviously
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pathological liar. i am so intrigued by history, and i find it so comical that i think he is a perfect place. >> well-suited for governor brickey when they go back to madagascar, and chris rock and the zebra is running ronco majority into what is going to be like finally i have a chambe full of other. >> and, the thing that is so great about him is that he ascended to office after killin osama bin laden. >> he was there. he wasn't the trigger man, but he was the guy behind a. >> shoot now. shootdown. >> have you had lied today? >> i have not like today. i don't care about liars, they are there, that's what they do. at think he made some stupid lies because he was saying things like i went to an elite university.
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he is running as a republican, we don't like elite universities . he should've said he went to community college. now this guy coming he wants to pass a lot to say that if you lied and still get elected, we're going to hold you accountable. isn't that our job? if we don't hold you accountabl for lying, and we liked you, it's on us. in essence, we don't really believe anybody. who is that guy, coming he told lies about actual political stuff coming he didn't pad his resume he told lies about peopl in power and he holt held committee hearings and everybody , so if you're going to lie about the big stuff, this guy is just lying about his past . >> will somebody else's fast food. >> nobody else would be like hi mom died of cancer. >> he already had a good story.
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>> it wasn't like joe biden has repeatedly said his son died in iraq. he didn't die from iraq, he die from cancer many years later. that is also stolen valor. is horrible person who has lied about everything in his career and somehow got elected, that h should resign with all the othe people get to stay, it's just a indictment on politics in the types of people who want to go to washington, dc. really good people don't want t go to that town committee have to force them into going becaus it does suck. with gets really bad opposition research right isn't this the democrats offer thinking they had that seat unlock in didn't have to campaign. the guy who is running against him, different find of the stuf right a google search could've saved them their seats in new york fred. >> a bing search could have don that.
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official plans for boxers you are trans. and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. so pull it in close. secret works. if you have diabetes, then getting on the dexcom g6 is the single most important thing you can do.
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it eliminates painful fingersticks, helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before dexcom g6, i was frustrated. all of that finger-pricking and all of that pain, my a1c was still stuck. my diabetes was out of control. i was tired. (female announcer) dexcom g6 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or receiver without painful fingersticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading: up, down, or steady, so you can make better decisions about food and activity in the moment. after using dexcom g6, my a1c has never been lower. i lead line dancing three times a week, i exercise, and i'm just living a great life now. it's so easy to use. dexcom g6 has given me confidence and control that everything i need is right there on my phone. (female announcer) dexcom g6 is the #1 recommended cgm system by doctors and patients. call now to get started. (bright music)
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♪ >> you could have been a contender if you'd switched your . i'm not rhyming. can you make it to the 12th round if you change your pronoun
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? couldn't think of a word for that. touchet, tom. this week, a launch of a new transgender defender for fighters furd according to the wbc, the new category being created due to safety concerns specifically to make sure the dangers of a man fighting a woman will never happen. they also want to know how someone gets hit below the belt. boxers will be grouped by the they were assigned to at birth meaning if you identify as a woman but we're born man, you can only fight someone who was also born a man. i should say born a male, if someone was born in man, the stretch marks would be more painful than any boxing match.
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i wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even you, tom. the same rules apply for boxers born as a woman and if you're born to run, you fight bree springsteen. set out to greg with the reference that's four years old. the organization helps removing any gray areas and the rules it will be encouraging more opportunities for transgender doctors to compete unless you o course identify as greg. and in the future it may spot a entire week for trans fighters as a competitive athlete myself i think it's a great idea the only time in and women should fight is over the remote, the checkbook, and why can't you pu the toilet seat down yourself, why do i have to have everybody gets one left. one up, went down. the toilet seat thing, honestly i know this isn't the topic, bu he get a feel like it could be. >> women, the reason we haven't
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had a female president yet is because women are already looking for you go out, there i all over the seat, like ladies, if we we just all agreed to sit we could all sit brickey is thi in the women's bathroom? >> i will tell you this right now. if i go in the bathroom and it' busy and i see his come out, an there is tinkle on the seat, i will go back out and say you're an animal. >> are you trying to tell me that women piece standing up? you hover him like where you hula hoop being in here? he i get so angry. you go into a bar or restaurant about 75 percent of the time there is everywhere. >> this is in the women's
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restroom? to get yes. gig i have to lift up the seat. >> i thought it would be the cleanest place on earth. >> outcome i know. >> be a human being, you heathens. to get this is women? to keep clean up after yourselves. >> sit down so we can all sit down. >> i sat in the last night. >> clarified. >> i'm still upset about a. >> i don't know how they hover? >> why would you? >> jealous? >> oh, no.
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>> can we talk about boxing? >> for me, sports is the one thing that has to be based upon facts and science. sports is not about feeling so hope this carries over. i don't want young high school individuals born as girls to lose out on scholarships to boy who transition over. >> it's a solution to the problem were having. people don't want to exclude people who identify is trans from high school sports, colleg sports, even from athletic sports that go beyond school sports, but they understand tha there are biological facts and differences between men and women in this case they're talking about the safety issue.
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i hope the standard is not just safety but biology for of the other sports just because you can run without hurting someone in your sport doesn't mean it's fair for when to be competing against women in high school or college or having to change in the biker rooms in front of men. >> or hovering. >> if you can't hover correctly you need to go. >> 90-90. >> i'm trying to see this. >> never had to hover. >> don't know if you're aware o this. our biology allows us to piece standing appeared we can even write our names in the snow, it's great. cross streams with a buddy and
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fire, it's great. >> this league is, they are trying to make it more fair or something, but they are all fighters, if they really want t mix it up they should have at least four guys like me that would be women against guys who fight like women. >> as a like a slap fighting. >> yeah. yeah. >> something looks different. can give them a little flushed because of the cold water. because of the cold water. >> okay. she's tight says it's time to face it and admit the exercise is raised at. look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious...
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hi, i'm lauren, i lost 67 pounds in 12 months on golo. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life. it's all natural. it's not something that gives you the jitters. it makes you go through your days with energy, and you're not tired anymore, and your anxiety, everything is gone. it's definitely worth trying. it is an amazing product.
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work. >> she says when you lift weight , you demonstrate night. you are practically hitler if
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you like keeping fit were. they just wanted to say hitler. in an interview with time magazine, author details how he upcoming book explores the ugly history of exercise. i'm getting dumber reading this. no, it's not about greg's secre years as a zumba instructor. even when he's away, his creepiness is with us. the article, if that's what recalling it is called the whit supremacist origins of exercise and six other surprising facts about the history of physical fitness. during the interview, and itali argues in the early 20th centur people push the idea of fitness so that women could stay strong
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to have babies. what? roll that back? she's right. but why wouldn't you say white women? white women can stay strong tuesday have white babies. what? might blackness is so upset right now. she also frames the history of exercise is totally part of the white supremacy project. yeah, that really worked out well in the nfl and the nba. track and field, boxing, and most competitive sports for admission accomplished supremacist. so i guess i should stop liftin weights because some white people want to exercise there, but the most surprising fact is stuff like this actually got
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published. then again, so did this. tom, your white. and you have children. how many times have you walked into the room and so she can ge the arms ready to pull out thos babies? >> that's disgusting. >> somebody online, commented that this was almost impurity, this article bit of all the things that leftists have written, it is not that far from , obviously come exercising is not racist, but it's kind of elitist, i don't know any coal miners who got a pellet on. you know what i mean, if you work with your hands, if you ar working on the roads, if you do real work, you don't exercise
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because you're working really hard. >> or jack. because you work in the coal mine and you would beat the lea out of someone on a pellet on. something is different. i'm colorblind, but i feel like something is on. the idea of being racist is you don't accept another do we all agree that that is the point. within to ban everyone else fro exercising if it was. >> these kinds of articles are not written for republicans or minorities to be exercising because that means they're engaging in white supremacy it' for woke white women are who ar
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guilty into doing things that are virtues signaling. if you have been on to talk or use see them screaming into their phone this close or you watch them as they scream at black cops or the problem, they are the kind of people that should be in the gym. so they are trying to keep whit white woke women out of the gym because it makes them look bad when they're screaming into the phone. >> is this an excuse for someon who doesn't went to work out? to get you don't want to work out, just say that. you can have a whole career out of not working out too, there i fat flu inserts, you could be t one of those red there like i'm super fat, and i'm really happy. >> said no one. >> say a lot of people great if you like if you talked have to talk about how happy they are. if there is an instagram's it's like everything's about it's
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like oh, man, they hate each other. you're only ever smiling when the camera is on you. other than that you're screamin so it's kind of like you don't want to work out, do we have to study everything? do we have to study exercise in terms of the origins of exercise ? work exercise is exercise brickey exercise dirty when you didn't want to get eaten by something. >> that was my problem with this , it was actually very flimsy and she could push back much further into different societies in beyond the anatomically modern humans. what we're our ancestors doing for millions of years, they wer running to save themselves, so yes, we are genetically programmed to be fitter so we survive survived, but this is just click beta because people are if they know if they do actual journalism with actual facts, they are going to not click on it because it's boring
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because so they make things up so it's an excuse to not do something you don't like great washing dishes, it has its root in white supremacy, i think the invented laundry and polishing stainless steel. i should not be doing any of that. >> coming up, should jobs be ism ashley strohmeyer live in new york, trailblazing abc news anchor and correspondent barbara walters has died. walters shattered the glass ceiling in 1976 is the first female anchor of an evening news program. she also co hosted 2020 and launched the view during nearly four decades at abc. and before that, at nbc, walters became a household name. for her exclusive
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interviews with rulers, royalty and entertainers in a career that spanned five decades. walters 1 12 emmy awards, joining us now media and politics columnist for the hill , jo konta. you know joe for anyone's career to spanned five decades is nothing short of amazing but really for her in this career, especially kind of breaking up the boys club if you will, your thoughts, joe ashley for five decades in this industry, which, as you know, as i know is so tough to not only survive but excel. the way she did is nothing short of remarkable. barbara walters for perspective has been working in journalism since 1951 until she retired just a few years ago. and she went into journalism into her late eighties and was great at doing it. some of the highlights walters joined abc news in 1976, and she became the first female to anchor an evening news program. until that point, ashleigh it was
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seen as unthinkable. the glass ceiling was gone. 1979 she becomes the co host of 2020 with the great hugh downs and in 1997, she launched and thought of and completely conjured up the view, which at first, it was a watchable program with it was based in civil debate. differing opinions, differing viewpoints . that's obviously not the show. it is today, but when it launched it was great, and here it is still today, 25 years later, and even at the low point of her career, ashley she was encouraged by letters she received from female viewers, including john wayne. that said , don't let the bastards get you down. so that's how big she was. when john wayne writes you that that's a big deal, but think the highlight was 1999. she scored a sit down interview with white house intern monica lewinsky. that two hour special think of this number for a second because you work in this business so you can appreciate this 74 million viewers the
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most ever for a news interview. barbara walters broke glass ceilings broke ratings records at 93. she will absolutely be missed in this industry. actually when you talk about these famous interviews that she did, there's so many women that got involved in this business because of her, would you say the monica lewinsky interview was the biggest one to stand out to you. i would think so. but there are many, right we all remember the 10 most fascinating people of the year. she did that special for abc for many, many years, and it attracted tens of millions of viewers because there were so fascinating everybody would speak to barbara walters because she had credibility and she listened. which is something that a lot of people in this business, not you, actually, of course, but a lot of people in this industry don't have that ability. she asked great questions. but she also listen and understand that she wasn't the story. her interview e was the story. lot
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of sad hearts out there tonight. jo jo konta. thanks so much for getting up with us. we appreciate it. great to see you. ashley happy new year youtube. barbara walters made her final appearance as a co host of the view in 2014, but remained an executive producer of the show and continue to do some interviews and specials. barbara walters was 93 years old. >> you can tik tok at home, but not on the company calling device. indian at the state named after famed rga this indiana jones ha joined several other states in banning tik tok from government phones.
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now office staff will have to goof off the old-fashioned way by putting thereabouts on xerox machines. or i don't know, go back to playing basketball or clipping seals in there free time. there was no name attached to that. assuming a lot. while you can still have the ap on your personal phone, that doesn't mean you should because you are an adult. go outside. you shouldn't have facebook on your phone unless your 90. my apologies to the first row. to skating. not a day over 30, not a day. allow me a minute, i just lost
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my fan base. i will miss you all. meanwhile, some colleagues colleges like the university of oklahoma and auburn university banning access to tik tok from wi-fi which is bit definitely going to known as chinese price. may be it's a step in the right direction students will have more time to i don't know, stud and earn an education, at least i hope so because they're going to expect us to pay for it. kennedy. banning tik tok kebab good thing , bad thing? >> at this point, i am or when just the government that was spying on us, now, the government was working with big tech to spy on us, so yes, i don't like that becoming a chinese government is using thi very popular social media app t gather all sorts of information
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about people, but i also want every statehouse that's going t ban this to do the same thing and stand up to the united states government that has been abusing their power spying on americans willingly. >> you are a libertarian so thi has to be a deal at you a littl bit. >> i agree with kennedy. also, when we talk about government, state devices, hate that language because it's really taxpayers paying for this . so we should be able to tell them. i should be able to choose your phone backwards because i got i for you. >> that's a good point. >> you don't have any rights to what's on the government, but your own fresher, but this deep device, that is the state devic that the taxpayers paid for. if there's any security concern are, that should be.
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>> for private companies, the biggest problem we have we chin is stolen intellectual especially on college campuses word chinese students work with professors, but now because everybody has tik tok, they can go right into your phone and se what you're working phone and see if you're on company that does biomedical engineering, they can steal that, they can take passwords away and get int the company systems freight it makes sense that they would be on this private company funds, absolutely. >> tom? >> yeah. i agree with everything being said. that's an interesting angle, i would rather, if somebody has a government phone, i would rathe them have them do a stupid tik tok videos then writing bills. they're not doing anything anyway. and, i happen to think that thi tik tok thing, it's really you know, being attacking tik tok i
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it's fine with me because i'm sure they stink, but i don't think there any worse than zuckerberg, he is stealing my information to i know tik tok i dumb, but also, zuckerberg, he is running elections now he is taking all his money entrained to elect democrats all these high-tech companies are up to n good so if somebody wants to do a stupid dance video i don't care. that's fine with me. >> and it's a great discipline to a. >> is something strange about it ? >> i'm not that strange, tyra spread. >> okay. he hasn't ascot on, everyone knows that pride will bill cosby 's tour cell tickets?
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>> a story in five words. >> i'm going to say it, but i know i'm going. >> in trouble. bill cosby plans a comeback tour . what is his opening joke going to be? >> he could plan whatever he
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wants. i think people will make other plans. i mean, this guy assaulted dozens of women. >> is 72. >> dozens upon dozens upon dozens. i believe it's true that it's more likely by far that a woman who says something happened to her is telling the truth, but obviously it's not going to be all the time i wouldn't necessarily believe all women, would wear a believe dozens upo dozens upon dozens of women. multiple women say this is as sexual assault monster that nobody should be going to his show. >> what he did was similar to harvey weinstein, and i don't want to see him on project greenlight again. i don't want to see o.j. simpso giving golf lessons in bill cosby, he is a horrific person.
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i was a big fan of his comedy for a long time as a kid. it is sad to have to go back an tell your young south, this guy is absolutely disgusting perver and he should not be walking among us spread. >> at one time he was america's dad. you tuned in to see what life lesson he was going to give you. take kat's blessing i believe every person should be heard, and then the facts come out freight but when 70 to, let's take out 20. 20 of you lie and leave, you still got 52. >> he did exactly this. all of you got together and mor people are coming forward now. in what scenario is this even remotely okay?
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>> obviously they think they have an audience that they will buy tickets to the show. it is disgusting, we will see i that experiment pans out, but i don't know anybody interested t going to see him after this. he does have a fan base who thinks he's innocent freight after something like that, coul you please just go away paretsk could they always skip that redemption part. >> i'm not really that sorry, please. >> tom, i'm going to try to lighten this up freight who should open for him? joke mackey mackie? or joe devito? >> all devito up as should be h should not perform, but then it's like well, it's 20 minutes of time. okay. >> as long as you go first rate i don't think you want to follo him. >> i thought this was going to be another bill cosby. to get my god, he put the audience to sleep out there.
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>> watch her drink, make sure nobody else takes it. >> come up into your site and everybody's asleep. to get like what's going on here ? >> i've got a pretty good idea. >> don't go anywhere, we will b back. ♪ma ma ma ma♪ [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop*, and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fast-acting relief you can feel. vicks vapocool drops. fast relief you can feel.
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hearing aids that i can personalize to each ear right from here. brilliant.
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>> greg: before you go, it's our last show of years let's finish strong by showing you more screw ups. here is part two of the skip outtakes. >> do you care that you and you wife look differently? >> no. >> just say my coworker is a drunk loser pay do you see how took the pronoun out?
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you are under arrest for illega dragracing and exceeding the maximum donations. >> if you need to get anything off of your chest, i'm here for you. >> you can have all the fish yo want, but he. take my wallet. >> there are people watching building sand castles. >> you are all invited to a barbecue over at my sister's. spirits. >> oh, really. >> it looks like you've got irritable foul syndrome. i'm sorry. i'm going to get hooked up to a machine. >> a vending machine.
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>> i don't care. i told you, look at him. he's hot. whatever. we've got to go. >> you just passed a first grade . >> great, because any defect of my job at power plant paradigm ap supervisor and we are runnin a test at 2:00. great, because that got to get back to my job at the nuclear power plant. i'm the safety supervisor. that's my fault. >> oh, my gosh. red hat security. >> excuse me. i hate to complain. the bathroom in my room is mold and there is like a hidden resort. >> it's whiskey. >> i hate to complain, but the bathroom in my room --
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the bathroom -- [applause] >> thanks to kat, jim, dave, tom , and the whole staff. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you america. happy new year. >> good evening, i'm bret baier. after 17 weeks and thousands of tips, a suspect has been arrested in pennsylvania for th stabbing deaths of four university of idaho students. many questions remain as authorities still continue to search for a murder weapon. then springer has more on the developments tonight from moscow , idaho. >> good evening. it is a monumental day as you can imagine here in moscow. as you said, this wa


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