tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 31, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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tough times. i didn't expect that, didn't see it coming. she was impactful on a lot of people's lives. ain this culture throughout thu my lifetime. wish her and her familghy aloute .the best, thanks to sean f hannity for allowing me to sitbe in for him tonight. stthankssean will be back next i i hope everybody hashi a wonderful, happy and healthyea new year. stay tuned, because nanc y grace ,more with what's going on in idaho. >> grace wi in the last hours.o. >> news alert. alert. our friend from abc , barbara walters, dead at ninety three . >> we will give you the lateste as we hear it. but for now, this tv icon with us no more . >> and another fox news alert. e there you see him, everybody, 3 00 a.m. this morning. a swat team swoops down on a pennsylvania home to arrest the prime suspect inhome trs the murders of four beautiful idaho university students.
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brian christopher burgher age. d twenty eight student washington state university studying criminal justice, of all thingsi hiding out elsnge at mommy's. house. i'y nancy grace. i'm in for laura ingraham tonight. this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. wow. thisia is similar. after forty seven long days of suffering from the four victims families finally, an arrest. standing by right now, episode outside the s.i. correctional institute, where koeberg, outs is being housed tonight. laura , laura , what can you tell us ? hi, nancy. well, right, we are outside ofeh the monroe county correctionali facility, and this is where he is going to be calling home.g he for the next few days at least. and you mentioned that he was arrested, we believe, to be at e
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his parents house. it's just a few short mile sro toom where i am standing now. but tonight he sits here behindm me inside this jail that holdss. about four hundred inmates, some of them maximum security sr inmates, otherits minimum w security. of course, we believe he's over on the backside. sho but let's take a look at thate'b mug shot once again that we've been showing you all day. ee the twenty eight year old wasre taken into custody before the sun came u cp by the pennsylvania state police atde that home on the southeast side. oof scranton, pennsylvania,a fu arrested on what they called a fugitive from justicfrom je wt . and despite having an apartmentf in the state of washington, regs near the crime scene, his registered address is right here in pennsylvania. e inand when it comes to a poss motive, we're all waitinghere to hear what that is .'svestiga here is what investigators ind idaho had to say about that today. bout thathat's part of the investigation. >> and that will come ou tht as we continue the investigation. but what wk e stilisl ask is , is for people to continually thn send us things in the tip line. we are still looking forr more information, are stillke trying to build that picture, just like we have stated all
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along. >> all along we're putting all a together and that will help brian kollberg, our faces four counts of first degree murder in november 13 , stabbingcounts deaths of those four young university of idah oo students. he is also charged with felony. burglary, which police saylary r is for entering the home with an intent to commit murder. witent tonow, we've been talkit that white long. we know that law. enforcementa h recovered a white elantra right here in monroe county today. naich was the subject of that nationwide search. the car will most likelyearch. t critical clues if it is thee tht same one that was seen driving near the crime scene. wn drivin moscow, idaho, after the time of the quadruple murders. a pennsylvaniae neighbor nearaa where the arrest took place was clearly shaken today. odayby the news that the suspecy these grisly crimes was w ascaptured >> it was a surprise that did not expect that something like this can happen in such a quietb neighborhood. i specificallyorho moved fromyot new york to the quiet area. i didn't expect thatt ar things
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like this happen to be safe fore my future family that i'm planning to have. to it's kind of crazy. yeah. today, investigators were justwa 15 minutes away from the idaho crime scene. ho raiding the suspect's home inn pullman, washington, where he was a graduate student pursuing a ph.d. in criminal justice at washington state. we've been talking about that. a coworker is currently being held without bond and he is expected to have a hearing expeon tuesday. ess. and we've been talking about that extradition process. we'll see what happens. he could wavlde that process, bo again, he'll be back in court on tuesday as we learn more through these hours and days. nancy,hours an laura engle joinl us right outside the s.i. craigslisting us r, where kaipaa is being held. f questions fori've q you. nslaura . thank and again, thank you for braving the elements for being with us. number one , you with us said tr was found there in monroe. all right. it's the quite a long trip we've all been looking for lookg where and monroe was the car found, let me guess, parked
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outside mommy's house. , oh, it's a great question. and because nobody knew this was happening at 3:00. right. there was not a camera there. t and it is actuallyhere when he s arrested, he was in a private community. so it's kind of a gated community. f off of a two lane road. so nobody knew this wasa happening. nobody has seen where the car cr came from. it actually could be anywhere in the count cfrom.y. and they said it was a whitet wa a launcher. they didn't say it wasey the white a launcher, but nonetheless, they found a way to launch it. they found here in the county, a the same day, apparently, thate they made this arrest. so we're waiting to find out, i you know, if this is , in facthe the one they were looking for, where they too ik and whenproces they're going to start processing it. anl , of course, what they'l find inside. laura , stay with us. >> nancy grace also joining us there in moscow, dan springer, fox news correspondent. dan , i understand that right rt now as we speak, cops are tearing apart bergers pulman
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apartment. don't you know this guy? he's so fastidious. he's getting his. i've read a lot about him. i've been researching this guy . you know, he had to leave some kind of a trail in that apartment. well, nancy, here's lea the interesting thing. >> the polic traile in pullman y the campus police over ine in pullman, washington, said that he finished off his degree or hs his semester at the washington state university, which is about eight miles away from us here in moscow. froso that means that after the murders, if he's the guilty party, he went back to thated apartment and stayed there and finished school for atthat least a few more weeks before that term was up. was but the announcement ofat the arrest was made behind me at city hall here in moscow,si idaho, at six hours ago. and as you can imagine, theref was relief throughout this entire city.s entire city. they have never seen anything
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like a they have never seen anything like a quadruple murder in moscow before. quaurdethis is an especially it day for the families of those four victims. who were butchered in that rental property just offes of t four victims butchered, as a campus as they slept nearlyarn seven weeks ago. and now those families ago areay finally getting closer to getting some justice. the murders of quilligan g , slovis, maty, mcgahn, zeneca a.l and ethan chape shockedl col this small college town of twenty five thousand people. it touched off a massive investigation. video quickly surfaced fromst a foodigatio truck the night of the murders that showed caleb o and matty just a couple hours cl before they were killed. police had thousands of tips, bf but apparentlyor. few good leado dozens of local, state and federal cops have been working the case right through the holidays. but justin, recent days, they must have locked in on a suspect, i'm told by a source it is very difficult to get a judge to sign a no knock first degree murder warrant to be executed out of state. you have to have a lot ofng evi
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compelling evidence and no one is happier about the arrest. ishethan the parents of the victims. we spoke with caylee's dad by phone, a bio, a biohazard a team was cleaning up today ate h the house where the murders took place. murderthey were ordered to begie cleanup, returned the house back to the ownek to tr, but tht work was stopped after news of, the arrest. and , nancy, thid,s is also a very important day, obviously, for the university of idaho. thf this is a school that wasrod rocked by these this quadruple homicide of those fouro students. and for them to geget beyondt bs ,this arrest had to happen. and now they can try to get back to some semblance of normal at this college town andg get those kidse back on campus and feeling safe again. nancy. dan , thank you for being with us. and please don't move. we got a lot of questions for fiu, but i want to bring in
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the panel. we've got an allrst, i star pan. joining us tonight to make sense of everything we know. b but first, i want to gostraig straight out to chris sweckehtr former fbi assistant director ., twenty four years of the fbiage. special agent. now, chris swecker, attorney at law. twenty four yearnow,, 24 yeas, o okay, you've been around the block. no offense o, but i got to talk to you about a couple of things, really. this is a guy who's getting his p, h, d and criminal justice. and where does he go home?? how many times how many times have i hadd a share of pull a defendant outt from under the bed at mommy's house? so i f he's hiding out ate, c mommy's house, chris , you, you know, the car is probablkny parked right in front of the driveway. t of theyeah, i think i think i actually . >> and i think thi s shows a little bit of an arrested development, if you will , this this guy reminds me so much of thd bundy and people have made
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that comparison, you know, throughout this whole investigation.ughouthis whole inbut, you know, a guy whn act normal, be a phd candidate . bundy was a law student and eventually passed the bar and walk among us and then just amonh into a quadruple homicidal maniac and do theseo h horrible things that he did. so, you know, yeahible, he thi type of guy, i think, that has that profile of maybe a misfit,n maybe on the margins off society, not accepted. ct and maybe he was he came in contact with one of these four victims and just got rejected or, you know, just you hadexperi a bad experience with them. >> you know, i want to talk about the dichotomy of what you just said and it's like to face. all right, you've got a guy who is meticulously and fastidiously achieving hisis ph.d. in criminal studies. i'm asked to somehow get my stmitts on a questionnaire he ws sending to violent criminals,
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asking them to detail chris swecker for him, their emotions and their thoughts and their decision making during the crime. i'm talking about murder, , lation. he was obsessed with this hi the point that he immersed himself into it and becamebecame a killer himself. i believe that's going to bethey the theory. so he's not amaney out of out control, but yet he is .ou have you seen this during your years at the fbi? s absolutely. i mean, you have these people again, they can they can appear normal at times. and then they can fly intot these rages and kill just for tl the sake and the thrill of killing and that and it raisessh the question, nancy, is this the first time? i think that is on e of the reasons the moscow police chief was casting about looking for more information,
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information about this person? you know, i think they have theigh to make an arrest, enough probable cause, but they're still buildinghe their case and they're still trying to figure outy ar motive and everything there is to know about this person goingmy back to his childhood.once >> you know,rn my concern is ane lot ould do it again. >> what about this guy and his childhood? dhood. to jonathan gilliam joining us , former fbi special agent, former navy seal, author of sheep no more the art of, awareness and attack survival. e art jonathan , thank you for g with us. i want to tell you and pleaseu o everybody on the panel jump in. ifl right. if you have an idea orme a thought or a lead, tell me.e o liket wait for me to call on you. school schoolteacher jonathan gilliam. this is what we know. this gilli guy was very socially awkward. now, get this.ward. he was so fastidious. he's described as being an overzealous vegan to the point that he made his parents throwte out their pots and pans that had ever touched e
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the high heat bake cycle wasn'tr enough for him. they had to throw out their pots and pans and buy new ones for him to cook his f meals. and now think about it. coo think about it. do i care about his pots and pans? no, i don't.die ca pots an but what that tells me is hepan? has an acute attention for detail. heute atte went into this househ i'm telling you, jonathan , with the intent to kill, justys. like the burglary charge says he didn't go to .. he didn't go away to steal.o he went in to kill. he had this planned out right rg now. >> sht.o think what you just pointed out actually points out how much of a manipulator thisd individual is and how focused he was on whatever desire he has. this is a heightened desire when you're that desir concerned with the pots and pans that your parents are using to cook your food, that you're goingm to to make them throw those out.e u that shows me that there'st. beo a pattern of behavior here. i and i wouldn't doubt as thedoub come out and people start to
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information starts to come out and people start to realize who he is , just likt lie ted bundy, you're going to see a history of violent and odd, dn behavior, deviant behavior, to the point wherebe i'm not i'm still not convinced thats ii this is the first time this. individual was killed.d on and i would think based on looking at the profile of this guy and this investigation or is this thing that he was doing with these prisoners ors these criminals, it was as if he was living by curiously through them. >> so that mayt ma havy hae been a trigger for him to takey in fantasy into reality. tobut i still believe this is most likely not the first time he killed. well, just just what you just yj saidus. i'm going to pick up on that. jonathan gilliam, go to brian foley, former homicide detective, connecticut state police. brian , i dealt with so manybri, killers, i can't even count them literally hundredsterall and hundreds. all right.y dred every 10 years 1 prosecuting
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inner city atlanta. facts i wanted to know the facts. i didn't hav he to proveav the motive, but i would like to present it to the jury when this guy is asking violent vio criminals, killers, ,child molesters, what do you think tren you pull the trigger? what were you thinking when you saw the knife in his right? gillingham is right. he was getting involved, enmeshed, obsessed, with the details of crime. psych majors always seemrime. to scare me for some reason or another. s alwaysand what really got me c the the lack of emotion to ben r able to kill four people itmn an apartment and move around so quietly at night that that knife homicides in general are usually very emotional, very loud and very violent. downthis went this to not wake up people downstairs and not wake others up in the processlao
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of it.f emotio that shows me a lack of emotion on his part. whatart. i also want to know is number of without getting too gory here, the number of stabtya wounds per victim.ll typically when you when you're targeting one person, thatre person will have a lot t more stab wounds than the ones that aren't targeted. i don't think we'ronese goin wht to see that here. like i said, i think it was a lack of emotion. i think this is this l is a verp like something really smart, d really, really. y were these girls targeted?a of course, is the possibility that ethan, the boy, the young man was targeted, but it's most likely one of the girls. sheryl mccollum, joining me, director of the cold case th, crimeinstitute scene, tech insider, cold case crimes dog. sheryl, you know this guy,ins me he's so fastidious over the pots and pans. what about the parents doing it? twinfs , magine if one o my twins said, hey, mom, throw out all the pots and pans. i want new ones that would not happen. >> well, but again, it's certainly desirable to but it shows he's able to manipulates g
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even as a 30 year pot his biggest concern is a pot orh pan that's tied to a piece of meat and he can't use it. but again, nancyancy, we've talo about bundy several times tonight, but i'm going to jump on that bandwagon, too, and say ,if you have ever heard kathy claitor speak and she is one of the survivors from the child make a house, she says that bundy never said a word.said a i don't believe this person did either. i believe he came in. he wasin laser focused on what e was going to do. he committed those crimes and he walked away all inl in silence. you know, just scott morgan joining me, professor forensics jackson, state university, author of blood beneath my feet and hit of brain and host of f a hit podcast, bodybags with us ,scott morgan. jo scott, i agree with what one of our guests had earlier.d a knife killing is different from every other killing. and i've worked, what, thousands of homicide scenes,, u as have i .sa you are such close contactwith y
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with your victim. it's notvict likime you're a snr at three hundred feet, you taket a shot, it's all over. it's not antiseptic and sterile. he was uwith evep close and perl with every one of these girls. o and according to one ofth the dads, kealey had gouge wounds on her body. how long do you think he spied on them? i mean, look alook at can't you see those eyes looking through your window? watching their moves, seeing where they were going, what time they come home? goiyeah, he had taken his time he had i think they usedbi the word targeting quite a bit here. . over over the course of these past few weeks. i think that he did target thema . this home was on a cul de sac, nancy. ths only one way to get wear in there. he wasof aware o wasf who was ln there and when he got inside vis time these victims, he took his time with them and attacked, kep them individually. keep in mind, we in mind had to couples, both of them both
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sets were co sleeping that weren in the samg.e bed with one h another. and so he woule d movewoul from victim to victim. and the blood in this case, the blood will in fact tell because we're going to learn a lot about sequencing here relative to dna and physical evidence as he moves with this knife from victim a to victim ad b to c and d and so forth, we're going to have an o increased amount of dna from other victims deposited finally on that final victim. l and then, of course, the bigg five here, nancy, is going to be that car and his apartment. >> yeah, no way. he got all that blood evidence have to use block black swan or muriatic acid to get rid of all that dna. there's got to be a trace in that car . guy, stay with us.t because when we come back , we've managed to track downhi people that know him and what they had to say about him being a bully. socially awkward, awkward, and i quote, mean spirited.
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i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. the from annie in my family.e th >> feels like the first story that we've had in seven days, s but it really is you.. you can't even smile when you se have this over your and it was like a little bit of weight has in believed
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and things are on the right track. we're moving in the rightn direction. edyou're hearing the voice of steve gonzales that is kelly's dad.u and can you imagine you spendur your whole life trying to helpuo your children before and all n alyour money, all your love, r your energy, your hopes, your dreams. plentyurams,, your prayers.e, you finally get them to college. and now this walksis walks in rc there. according to police, this is the guyording that stabbed fr beautiful college students first dead. he said it's the first time he's had joy in seven days. and this is just the beginning of the ordeal. thinthese families will be faci. joining me right now, laura ingalls is joining us . laura , what can you tell meone, about number one , where youe, a are, what you see, what youlso, know from that? and also, i'm really wantll to hear about the defendant, the suspect's family, aboutsaidi
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where they live. you saidt it was a gatedy. community. i want to hear all about it.t. go tell me right. all right. so right now, we are outsidecorc the monroe county correctionalt facility. c this is the local jail here int0 this county where there's about anur inmates, both maximum and minimum security inmates here inm. i went up to the front door earlier. it was locked.i i tried to gettrie in ton to sel maybe we could put inutely a request. they told me absolutely not. l behe will be here for the next few days while he waits for that next court. appappearance on tuesday. it was just a few miles away from where he was arrestedearl early this morning around 3:00y a.m. . e i think we have some videox to show you of the area. our fox news digital team was over there earlier today.rece and what we haveiv been explaind is that it's a gated communitykd in the sense is it kind of hass barricades, not those big fancy gates that we see typically h when you hear gated community, but certainl y something that private is blocked off. it is ca yo ou can't just mosey on in there. there. they kept the public out, the reporters out. the police did.
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this news broke today of this arrest. this is what we have i been told as well. respected family in the area. and the suspect in this case. m so, you know, people don'tt talk really like to come outt and start talking about people. they get scared.a fe but there have been a few come people who have come forward to some locafoe l outlets. we're going to have a story published on fox very soon. about some people that say, look, when we first met him, he was a nice guy.ri and that's what you alwaysght? hear. right. but then i in laten later r yean the later school years, at the end of high school, things started to changche and some people said that he was a bully. some people said that he was aggressive. others ag that, you know, he was starting to get cut out of social groups becaus e of hisd y aggressive actions. and many people saidple he's extremely smart's. this was a very smart guy,resume according to his educational resume, that you've been talking about, but always somebody that wanted to talk wat how he knew everything. have com this according to people who have come forward and started d talking about his mannerisms. you know, he's a tall guy. t he's thin.
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we will learn more . mor piu know, hopefully we'll get some more pictures. we'l mug shot and thense hopefully we'll see him on tuesday in court. esday, aand give you a betterbui description of that. but right now, thighs is a very quiet community. many people we played that sound bite for you earlier oftye guliy that moved here fromted to new york city feeling like you wanted to be somewhere safe and secure. heresecure where bad things didn't happen and it didn't happen here. hasth been found hunted for seven weeks was in td here in this count y. we'll learn more as we're here in the coming days, nancy. sam, can you show me that aerial shot again? >> of the defendant's family home? >> i want to say that there'stht a lot of snow. there you go . and their big, huge homes on wooded lots. i mean, i'm starting to suspect a silver spoon and somebodiesmo mouth. look at that.uth. how didlook this guy end upd a suspect in a quadruple
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murder? one of the worst things that i've been saying and the state of idaho at has affectedth the law, men and women that h handle the same. soe acutely that they have actually had to get counseling after working that crime scene. how did that happen? another thing, sam, if you could put up cuttone. this this is from two friends of co o burger, nick mcglaughlinn an and thomas antz. d thomasstating that koeberg ars wanted to , quote, fightody, thembody, bullying people. we started cutting them out of our friend group because one was a one hundred percent a different person. he wason meanspirite.d, a bully i never thought he would do something like that. o but at the same time, itally r doesn't really surprise. w! wow. neig's telling me a lot.
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neighbors, we understand, state that they only saw him going to and from the mailbox. that's all they knew about him.o straight back out to dan springer joining us on location in moscow. you know, dan , i understand exs that. >> excuse me, sam. what? okay, going to the panel. i understand that the authorities were just about to clean out the home. our sho poke a listen to our sort. a police reveal the cleanup of the murder house was starting and then called off by a court order. can yoordeu playr. it for me, s? this morning?mornin and you told us thatus the remediation would begin today. it was suddenly day.can you tell us why? >> yes, the cleanup has been, ah halted and that came by illegal >>. est from the court.
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>> joining me right now, former homicide detective with oceanside police department in california, host of the interview, chris mcdonough. chris, chris , thank you for being with us. bef whatin we areo learning now about the suspect show? nancy, i think a couple of isints to consider real fast is what we call pre incident and what the authorities have haviwhat thedone is sent the meo into the community and across the country for any type of anhaviors that this individual may have engaged in. and so that's criticalhelp u to understand because that will help us put togethere of some of the behavioral aspects be this guyship to why and what he did. and so i think a piece of thiszi big puzzle is going to be hiss academic choice. and the studies theracademice wo
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his mentors that workersd with him through his master's program? what were his interest that hean would reflect that back on to the suspect or show those types of things? help us understand a little bitk more about how this guy thinks. and that's going to be criticali comingca over the next couple ox days. >> you know,t that's really interesting. just got more professor, forensics experts at universitys and i were discussing that justw before we wentit to air becauset you know, joe scott, whenen i went and got my advanced degree at nyu, and criminal law specifically, i got to steer inr what i was interested in.. all right. i would be very curious, as chris is pointing out, what was his interest? i mean, we know about askingnowb violent felons, hey, what wereng you thinking about when youapedt write that lady or when you committed that murder? haommittedi mean, he was a litto into it.
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yeah. you know, a really fascinating o to me, nunzia, out of all of the schools, he could have anosen in washington state, is a is a fine school. ington wh sy did he choose washingtonh. state for his ph.d. studies? we know he was at the sales.e but here, here's the key. who was he going to study under at washington state university? that individual that would haved mentored him there. what's h t their area of intere? did he have a ph.d. supervisor h at this earlavy point in his academic career as a ph.d. student? and , you know pepeople talk about digital footprints all of the time. we'd leave all of these signals behind in academia. in swath here. he's he will have published papers. he will have worked on researchh . and it's going to be veryd it w fascinating to kind of track him througilfascinath his entirv career relative to this. what has he produced? what meetings has he been to ? who is he engaged with all along? cont of continuum with him in academia and finally landing
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him there in pullman atd washington state university? this is something we needty. to keep a close eye on .d to >> i think, guys, when we comeaa back , we're going to hear itren from the experts, from the fbi, and homicide detectives. how did they dtectiveso exactly how did they find this guy? how did they make the arrest?ut and what about this guy'sdia? social media? my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years. and what i realized as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables in, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end of the day. and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables. i think a lot of people are in that situation. i found balance of nature and i looked at the ingredients and i thought, this is exactly what i need. and so after trying it for about a week, i'm not a morning
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job and my read is they are good people. caught up in a bad situation. learn to tell your son if you're still alive. >> i wanted all of this to stop the legal system. nothing but what are tvey afraid we'll find fox news alert tv icon barbara walters dead at ninety three . 93. out to ashley strohmeyer. ashley, what can you tell us ? hi, nancy. trailblazingu abc news anchor and correspondent barbara walters was born in boston on september twenty fifth nineteen twenty nine after graduating from sarah lawrencein college in bronxville, bro new york . in the nineteen fifties, nxvi newwalters found work as a publicist and television writer before landing a spok t as a
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writer on nbc's today show init nineteen sixty one , she would's become the program's first female co-host in firshost four, walterstered shattered the glass ceiling intn feneteen seventy six as the first female anchor of ang s evening news program. she also hosted 2020 and launched the view during nearly four decades at v abc anr before that, nbc walters became a household name for herme exclusive interviews excwith rulers, royalty and entertainers and a career that spanned five decades. entertaiwalters won twelve emmy2 she made her final appearancey as a co-host of the view in 2014, but she did remain ane executive producer of the showe and continued to do some interviews and specialser barbara walters was ninety three years old. back to you, nancy. baashleigh, thank you.ears >> and we will keep you abreast of all the death of tv icon barbara walters. but noaltersw back to the quadre
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slide of four incredible young people with their lives inn fr front of them in the last hours, around 3:00 a.m., anest o arrest goes down iesn a sleepy town nestled near the poconos and mommy and daddy's house. we find koeberg are.d now, how did they do it? straight back out to chris- swecker, a former fbi assistant director .rsta chris , we understand that there's dna atnd the scene there understand that somehow cops understand that somehow cops match dna at the scene to thiseo white hyundai elantra. dna it's got to be dna that they found at the right place because this wasfound at a realy house. there's nothing wrong with that. that's not a felony. therthat e. good it's having a good time.a lot op a lot of people in and out. it hadeo to be dna in the right place, like on the bed sheets,pl on the victims, on the doorknob, mixed in blood . ho how did knomixe they do it? how did they affect thisw did arrest? thitwell, nancy, as you know,tw there's there's two types of trace evidence that
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specifically identify a person, and that's fingerprintspa see and dna. fingerprints have been around around f i'm surehat they got or it's likely that they got fingerprints. they're my sources tell me that they did get some good dnaid profiles, but this person has never been arrested. so he is not in the dna database, which is the other way you identify a killer. >> butfy a what what i believe happened is they use forensic fi genealogy, which is diving intoa the commercial dna databases that are outtas that a there the available to any one of us whooo wants to pay the moneyne and lok at our own genealogy.da and those databases have builtte up a pretty good bank of dna profiles. all the way through the familyle line. and i think in. thi s hise, it's ghhighly likely that that's whae happened here, is they were able to get into commercial databases and make and make a match atan least to a relative ,and that led them to this person. pe i don't think the carson.r led h to it. wa
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i think the car was incidental when they when they showed up at the scene, the car happened to be there, which was a confirmation, if you will , but i think dna playe a significant role here. > and was really importantt dn to me. jump in. go ahead, cheryl. i think it's really important that you've got dna fromname somebody. and when they get a name a and theynd see what vehicle this person owns, it's the same vehicle they've beene e be lookv for.e to >> and what's imperative to me is these law enforcement officers weren't waiting just b. for the evidence to come back . they were activelyly searchinga for this car the wholeth time. and that's just extraordinary. police to me. >> you know, there's another thing and you're right, sherylll mccollum, jonathan gilliam, what about thi s? we all went to college. do you you r remembeemr all the stickers and licenses you had to have to park anywhere on campus? i mean, his school there at pullum at washington statete university was 12 miles away, ml give or take a mile ores two,
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12 miles away from the murder scene. don't you think that washington state university had his car on file? he was therethin a student hous? >> yeah, most likely. by the way w, i was one of those weird psychology majors when tho i was in >> at university, i saw i a little rock before i went into law enforcementlaw . but, you know, i think that all, these things, what you're seeing here, nancy , is the way to co that evidence starts to comeme into play once there's a break in an investigation, because you can only go as fast as the evidence comes in. so once you get a break, you start to see things just fall into place and literally piecesa ofnd the puzzle just start to appear. one thin g i want to go back on, though, with laura ingram when she said earlier and was was talking about how he became progressivel hy more abusive and a bully as he was described by his friends., i think now that i'm hearing n that we could probablyow go back to his childhood and how he
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startechd to develop, which we'e seen in other psychopaths. and i think what you're probably going to see is that there is a pattern of behaviore that led up into the bullying a then that led up into a more deviant behavior where his desire became greater and greater for domination. and so what you saw in that house was a s.a.c. satiation of the ultimate desire of these types of psychopaths. so i wouldn't be surprised. i don't know how long they lived in that house. around that area ined pennsylvania, but i wouldn't be surprised ie inf they foundnd the carcasses of animals and even potentially bodiese aln somewhere along the way,e because he maywa be a bullys, to the people that he knows, he far besh it. so far ,fore h before he gets in trouble. but it's what he does in secret is what we need to find out now. >> and the cops and nancy and i don't feel anything joininge us . >> an arrest has -- gone down. got to take a quick break. but when we come back , what t akdoes social media or lack
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thereof reveal about this guyw now charged in a quadruple murder of the idaho university who still hey,ru i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick , hert, you you remember rick , hert, you neighbor m? >> he's the seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons. >> sadly, not anymore. what you mean just like that?ina >>, ar e so sudden we're not about your to have the we need life insurance conversation again. >>e nth plan are we know we're g though we are getting coverage so we don't have to worrwe put t so we don't have to worrwe put t it. conversation. the nine ninety five a month plan is i from colonial pan?ap i am. enn we put it off long enough. we are getting that ninety five plan today. it about the 999 plan? cne >> y i'm jonathan fromou k colonial life insurance. sometimes we just needthat's w a reminder not to take today
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to arrest that guy right there. in the quadruple slaying ofth the idaho students around three a.m. this morning. it took thousands of man hours to lead cops to that moment. ps tthe work of the moscow poli the idaho state police, evenhe the fbi working side by sidef.b. to finally unlock the mystery. t but it's not all unlocked yet. how did they do it?bria >> straight out to brian foley from homicide, the connecticut state police. >> it's my understand that there was dna at the scenecene a and they found the car. but whaty fo about this?unr bu think about it.t hewhat about had, according to , a seatbelt infraction in moscow.frac he's driving arountion id in mo. so what do you think was the tipping point? >> so look at what i look at
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is what the police say and don't say in this thing. so let me let me i want to go back to what this captain lanier of moscow police department sai thed a few weeks ago, that they were narrowing down on a suspect. a he could see the case comingd tl to a close and then look what the chief fauci fry, who didfrey a good job in moscow today, what he said about the case today. he thanked local pd, state , federal pd and the cops in the keystone state that threw the net on this guy. buand t he went out of his way. >> and you think about allk the thousands of tentacles in a different directionst all th. this went in.nd ten he went out of his way to thanke the scientists and lab techs in the idaho state lab. so he didn't say dna. peop but, boy, he sure did tell us that they do have dna. and i saw confidence the way hek spoke and a rock solid case. they got the prosecutor there. they don't come out and talk.rok unless this is a rock solid case. you can be whthey have dna. and what the guy said about on aowing down on a suspect in twenty , twenty two , that means the family dna. >> and sfamio that'sly what i to from i was surprised to see: i a
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the prosecutors there, too. that wasrpri a cardinasel rulede as a prosecutor. never spea, k to the press. rul chris mcdonough, what do you make of it? t >> youo know, i love that last comment right there, nancy, because i agree. 100%. and also something else to consider is some of the trace evidence potential here. potential, tg inidencedo that residence, right?right? that's a silent witness that does this individual have potential trace evidence from the animal walking through thata house and that now transfershe onto the suspect's clothing the some point and then that caansfers into the car and then they getr? the dna off ofhat' the animal hair. t is another possibilityanot as well, not only blood. and then, of course, there's the suspect shoosh. you know, those were always critical pieces of clothing that any as this panel knows, we want to grab that stuff stu early and quickly, show there's a whole bunch of variances that could play into this. >> it's going to be interesting
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to see, hey, you just got morgan. i'm up against a hard break. we gotagainst one minute left. what about the fact that we're y hearing this guy has no social media? what, he's living under a rocksi in a cave? t do well, it doesn't mean he's not anonymous.t anonymous, playing around out there, n playing around out there need to go back . and i think about the tick tocko videk o that these poor young women created. and you could see the interiorin of their home. they were imitating each other other's personalities. and it's a chill up and down my spine. was thiswa guy lurking on their social media? wa os just there kind of standig back and watching everything, going on in that house. going >> don't don't be surprised if they stay with . i remember when i got my first glimpse of the malcom's, i had to take a breath. i began to understand what was so special about it. you guys ready?
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in the field tonight. our prayers go out to thevictim victim's family. they have a longs and lonelylee path ahead oadf them. i'm nancy grace, in for laura ingraham tonight. gutfeld is tonight is coming up next. good night, friend. what it is , i'm cyrus, filling in for greg gutfeld . let's welcome tonight's guest. she doesra
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