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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 2, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ["jump" by van halen] >> we are jumping right into the new year! look at that move. he is jumping straight into the
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new year. i love it, a little van halen, taking me back to my youth. an injury by adam klotz. we lost him. >> that's melissa. she's going to be showing us how we can jump into the new year and actually get into better shape. >> literally and figuratively. >> i'm going to jump into perhaps my last cheeseburger. i've been eating when every day. this would be a baconator, mayo, cheese, even an egg on there. >> that is so good for your cholesterol... >> this is how we are starting 2023. >> the reason he got that is because, in the last hour, we were talking about new year's resolutions and stuff like that and he said he's been traveling so much. he's meeting a lot of cheeseburgers. and he's loving them from all over town. this one is from, i believe, wendy's. how is it? >> griff: it's delicious. i think in 2023 should decide, if you want a cheeseburger, eat the cheeseburger. >> nicole: i think steve is going to jump next to griff on
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the trampolines and i'm going to be somewhere else. >> steve: i promise not to barf it up, but i'm going eat more of it, although i first i'm going to read this intro, because we've got a mess. i am going back to not only a life without cheeseburgers in washington, but i'm going back to a mass on capitol hill. it's a new year and a new congress with republicans set to take take control of the house once new members are sworn in, h will hopefully happen tomorrow, although i don't know, steve. >> steve: it is supposed to happen tomorrow, but it might not. because they have to vote on the speaker, kevin mccarthy, the current leaders, is facing resistance from about half a dozen republicans. >> nicole: mark meredith joins us live from washington or things to get a little tricky tomorrow. good morning again, mark. >> nichol, griff, and steve, happy new year. a new era is about to begin the wash with republicans taking control tomorrow, but the question is who will be the next speaker of the house.
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california congressman and current minority leader kevin mccarthy is running for the job but it's not clear if they will have the votes needed to secure the speaker's gavel. since the midterms, he's been making attempts to address some of the tensions within his caucus about whether or not he can effectively lead. he is walking a tightrope. he needs 218 votes to become speaker and the g.o.p. only has 222 seats in their control, so that leaves little room to lose any votes. it is possible some lawmakers may though it present instead of a specific candidate and that could change the threshold a little bit. overnight, nine republican lawmakers who have yet to back with her he said they were thankful a conversation is taking place and mccarthy is starting to address their concerns, including supporting a rule that would make it easier to change leaders. it's a motion to vacate, that they could remove the speaker if they wanted to a little easier. but they are not on the mccarthy train quite yet. we hear reporting that the longer this race drags on, as the sun comes up in d.c., this also means a democratic
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leadership clerk, a clerk appointed by democratic leadership, will remain in control. there's also a chance of the business can be postponed but we'll wait to see if that can happen. mccarthy has an advantage going to the vote. a vast majority of republicans say they will back his bid, but they are still holdouts, occluding a few who will say they never support his candidacy. i know griff spoke to one of those congressmen a few minutes ago. so the question is whether the map will be different tomorrow, that a lot can change in 24 hours. maybe mccarthy will buy them some burgers, griff para [laughter] >> griff: that's a good strategy. by the way, go dawgs. just as the clock struck midnight. >> nicole: don't have a physical mascot that walks around campus? >> steve: of course. go dawgs. thank you very much, mark. what's interesting is griff had this guy, bob good, with republicans who said he's not
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going to vote for kevin mccarthy on the first ballot tomorrow, and he revealed that, if there's a second ballot, and that seems that is what this faction of dissident republicans is pushing for, they've got a mystery name that they would not tell you about who that person is, who they think -- she didn't really say good win, but at least we'll be out there. >> griff: really, that's the clearest indication we have had yet from congressman good that we are headed for a real interesting day tomorrow. we did press him. he's a little bit of what he said about running against mccarthy and the last hour. take a listen. >> why will we vote for kevin mccarthy tomorrow? he's part of the problem, he is not part of the solution. there's nothing about kevin mccarthy that indicates he will bring the change that is needed to washington or that is needed to the congress, or that he will bring the fight against the biden-schumer agenda. i suspect 10-15 members will vote against him on the ballot tomorrow, that will look for
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andy biggs, but then i think you will see on the second ballot and increasing number of members vote for a true candidate who can represent the conservative center of the conference. we are willing to risk everything to save this country, to save the republic. it's worth it to fight for a few hours or even a few days to get the best possible person for speaker instead of just surrendering to the status quo, surrendering to the establishment. >> nicole: griff come up until that moment we didn't know there was going to be a name in mind. they just kept saying there'll be other people who come forth that maybe we will hear from you. but it seems like they do have someone specific in mind. one thing i didn't like hearing from him, he kept saying mccarthy is part of the problem, but yet he refused to say what the solution is. and he said they will potentially be someone on the second ballot he will represent a certain amount of conservative voices. as steve pointed out earlier in the show, this doesn't have to be a seated member of congress. >> steve: absolutely not. there were some suggestions months ago that donald trump could be speaker of the house.
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>> griff: wow. >> steve: i just looked, and in the last couple of weeks, "the new york times" ran an item about how donald trump has been working the phones, calling people and saying, "hey, vote for kevin mccarthy, he's the best option going forward." but the big question is -- and it sounds like he has not been able to sell everybody, obviously, on it, because there is still a faction of republicans who say no. but it's interesting, according to mr. good, with the second name be somebody who would be md attract some democrats? or would it be somebody so completely different? because there is a possibility that, if the republicans don't hang together, and the democrats do, and just a handful of republicans defect, you could actually elect a democrat as speaker of the house, even though republicans have more members.
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>> griff: nicole really hit the nail on the head, which is, it is clear talk into cognizant and good, he said there are 10-15 people who will vote against him. we will see if that happens or not. that would be telling, as well. but the fact that there isn't a list of demands that he's willing to accept, it's just not kevin. >> nicole: i think it's more personal and therefore they are not putting the needs of the american people to the forefront of what they are doing right now, and playing a tit for tat. that's what our country doesn't need. >> steve: ultimately, though -- the republicans worked really hard, there was no red wave, but they did win a majority. however, if the very first thing the republicans do in congress is they cannot elect a speaker, it's going to be an embarrassment for the republican party, and -- i just look something up, and it was jaw-dropping. from 1945-1995, not a single member of congress voted for anyone other than the party's
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nominee. for decades until things got fractured in the mid-'90s, everybody just went along with the number one person. it was nancy pelosi, and this time it's kevin mccarthy. except for those republicans, the dissidents. and griff was quoting "punch bowl" this morning, talking about how for a number of them it's a very personal thing. they don't personally like kevin mccarthy and so they don't want to vote for him. in any way. >> nicole: speaking of embarrassing headlines, as a direct cut the goods of public health measures, "the new york post" editorial board had this to say. the price tag for covid school closures that lead to historic learning lessons for kids could top $28 trillion. the new study analyzes the haiti's nationwide decline in eighth grade math scores on the 2022 national assessment of educational progress. the average drop amounted to eight points, erasing all gain
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since 2000, equal to as much as 0.8 misuse of school, and likely a lifetime penalty of 5.6% to earnings. it's not only earnings that take a hit. lower math scores are per a harvard study correlated with higher likelihoods of incarceration, teen pregnancy, and the use of food stamp benefits, and lower odds of owning a home, marriage, and full-time employment. in other words, they are a good predictor of overall success or misery. >> steve: this was done by a stanford economist who looks at the impact of the lockdowns, and "the new york post" also noted it was the united federation of teachers who insisted that schools remain closed as long as possible. >> nicole: under the leadership of randi weingarten. >> steve: of course. but apparently she's had amnesia. doctor, maybe you could help her. she says they did everything they could open up schools as
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quickly as possible, and not the case. but just to think that it could impact all those people's lives for the balance of their lives, to the tune of $28 trillion in the aggregate. it just talks a little bit about health how the standard of living is going to be going dow, because of the impacts of those lockdowns. >> griff: dr. saphier, you've talked a lot about this. i have had in eighth-grade student during that period. my literally this group, and i think during covid we weren't paying enough attention to that group. and now they are perhaps going to shoulder the greatest consequences in the post covid world. i think this story and this report may be just the tip of the iceberg of learning more about the collateral damage. >> nicole: actually, no, i think some of us were sounding the alarm, but the only people the cdc seem to listen to where ra randi weingan
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and the teachers unions. as early as 2020 i said on this show that my biggest concern was going to be the mental health of our children. i have three kids, we all have children, we have seen the consequences, and this will take decades to recover from. >> steve: at that point, march of 2020, the trump administration agreed to shut down the whole planet, for the most part, here in the united states, four -- what was it, two weeks? that didn't work out. going forward, then, in what has been revealed over the last couple of years is that the teachers unions were working in concert with the biden administration wants joe biden won. keep in mind, he won on keeping things lock down. he was always in his basement weighing a mask when he was out and about, but clearly there was coordination, and now as you start to -- you monetize the lockdowns, and if this were true, that it's going to impact our economy to the tune of
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$28 trillion, that's more than the national debt. think about it, that's the whole united states debt run up during covid. >> griff: unbelievable. if indeed the republicans ever get their act together and are able to hold these hearings delving into covid, what would be, nicole, your question? would you call randi weingarten up they are? what would you want to really peel back? >> nicole: i don't even think there's any unanswered questions when it came to randi weingarten. it's very clear that, every step of the way, even though she thinks she was an advocate for children, the government conceded to everyone of her demands, and every time they give you something, she was still advocating to keep school clothes and doing whatever was necessary for the teachers and not necessarily for the children. i get a little bit cautious going into this in 2023 because you'll see a lot of investigations happening. you're going to see them investigate the covid origins but also some of the way covid was handled. but i am more interested in
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moving forward, because looking backwards right now is not going to help these children. maybe it makes people feel better to get fingers pointed, but what we have to do is rally around our youth and make sure they have the support we need to elevate up. like we talked about last hour, by doing away with merit scholarships and other things that keep children down, that's not the way to do it. you have to do everything possible to elevate children. >> steve: at the time, the teachers union said, "we are trying to pick our students, that we are also trying to protect our teachers." back then we didn't know a lot about how it could impact somebody with a comorbidity. we still don't completely, have a complete handle on it. but what we do know is that, when you look at correspondence from the teachers unions to the federal government, and the cdc guidelines on things, pretty much the language from the teachers union wound up being
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followed by the united states government. so there was coordination. is it going to impact us to the tune of $28 trillion? let's hope not. >> nicole: let's hope not. catholics around the world continuing to pay their respects to pope benedict xvi. >> griff: and pope francis honoring his late predecessor yesterday in his new year's day message as the vatican prepares for the funeral on thursday. >> steve: looking live at vatican city, and lauren green is live in rome, in vatican city, on this monday morning. actually, monday afternoon in rome. good afternoon. >> that is exactly it. thank you so much, steve. neither vatican here, people are waiting in long lines to pay their last respect to pope emeritus benedict whose legacy will be remembered more as professor than pastor, but who died with an intense love for the faith. as dawn broke this morning, a solemn procession accompanied his body as it was moved from
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the monastery and the vatican gardens to st. peter's basilica. later, a silent queue filed past the body of benedict as he lay under the high altar, dressed in a red cape and a white queue, that of the bishops. the emeritus pope died saturday and will be laid to rest thursday in the crypt below the basilica with other popes. people waiting in line have come from all over europe in the world. somewhere in rome already unplanned christmas vacations, but all showing reverence. >> he gave us a great pope, and i know his theological legacy because he has done so much for our church. i think it is worth paying him some tributes, and especially with our prayers. >> we came to the vatican to show solidarity for the passing away. we show solidarity with all. we are one world. >> people can pay their last
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respects through today, tomorrow, and wednesday ahead of the funeral on thursday morning, which will be led by pope francis. back to you, steve. >> steve: lauren green live in vatican city. thank you very much. it's going to be a big week. >> nicole: it sure is. >> steve: it's 8: 16 now and joins us with news from south of the border. >> ashley: at least 40 people are dead including ten guards and 13 entered after gunmen and bullet proof vehicles opened fire on a mexican prison. around 24 inmates escaped the prison before the military and state police were finally able to take back control. that prison is just 9 miles away from the u.s. border near el paso. no word yet on any arrests. actor jeremy renner, known for his role as hawkeye in the marvel universe, is reportedly in critical but stable condition. that is following a snowplow accident. details about the incident are slim, but "deadline" reports that renner needed to be
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airlifted to the hospital. renner previously sharing videos with his snowplow on his social media. the actor's spokesperson saying it was a weather-related accident and he is receiving excellent care. for the seventh consecutive year, fox news channel had the largest audience on cable tv in 2022. last year was fox news' third highest rated year ever, and 92 of the top 100 cable news programs came from the network. last year fox news average 1.5 million total day viewers come up 11% from 2021, and fox news was the top rated cable news network for the 21st consecutive calendar year. good for all of us! [applause] those are your headlines. >> steve: we like that. when we were talking about tv shows, we mention "ozark." you said they weren't filming, because you're from missouri. >> ashley: they would show pictures and that's not the
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ozarks. >> steve: my friend billy green, up and living in georgia, so you say that. >> ashley: is at georgia? i was going to say, it's not there! steel in the ozarks are in georgia. >> ashley: don't take anything of what "ozark" on the show has to say from missouri. >> griff: take it from you, you shouldn't watch "ozark," you should watch fox news! it's what everyone else is watching. >> nicole: pretty incredible. >> steve: thank you, ashley. >> ashley: no problem. >> griff: still ahead, police haven't revealed a motive as the suspect could be extradited as soon as tomorrow. our next guest is a retired fbi special agent and attorney who says we need to see the affidavit. stay with us. start by taking care of families for over 75 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest.
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♪ ♪ >> nicole: this morning you details are surfacing about the suspect charged with murdering four university of idaho students and how he managed to evade police for weeks. tomorrow the 28-year-old phd student is expected to appear in a pennsylvania court where his attorney said he will wait extradition. retired fbi special agent and attorney bobby ciccone joins us now. thanks so much for being with us today. >> thanks for having me. >> nicole: we know the defendant has waived his right to an exhibition hearing and this will expedite him being seen in the idaho court, which people are looking forward to you, because that's when we'll possibly get a glimpse of that probable cause affidavit. what you expect to see? >> well, expect to see a very minimal amount of investigative information. this only has two -- like you said, this only has to rise to the probable cause level, so the prosecutors often hold back. they give just enough in there,
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but i would expect to see the dna of the suspect was found at the scene. i would expect to see maybe some phone record data with him in the area the night of the murders, or before, when he was possibly stalking these people. at a very minimum i would expect in physical evidence linking him to the crime scene, which is probably dna, and some location data like either an eyewitness who saw him either coming or going from that house or cell phone data that tracked him in the area of that house or in the area of the victims. >> nicole: the moscow police department has been criticized for flip-flopping on some of the information that they were giving to the public, as well as people not necessarily believing that they were up to the task. do you think that we will find out more information? they probably have more evidence than they led to assume. >> i think you're right, nicole. they have done a fantastic job, first of all, to bring this kind of complex case to a resolution
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this quickly. it's amazing police work, and i think they have had a lot more. they don't owe the public at information. they only owe the public two things. they owe the public anything that will keep the public safer, and things to protect the integrity of the investigation. i was never a fan of allowing information from my investigations out into the public unless it either benefited the investigation or kept the public safer. >> nicole: you and your experience, leading up to the crime, what do you think some of his behaviors could have been? that maybe the police either talked to witnesses or people who knew him. >> well, i think he was probably what they call a stocking -tight behavior, although it's not true stocking in the sense that he might not have had contact with them, but i think he was probably watching them and watching that house and watching their routines. i think this was part of his thrill and the adrenaline he was getting leading up to that night of rage in which he killed those four innocent people. so i think that he was researching them as best he
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could, and basically surveilling them and casing that house. >> nicole: i think there's been a lot of questions and hopefully we will get some of those answers tomorrow. thank you, bobby, for joining us. coming out, knew how speaker? kevin mccarthy's path to the gavel is in jeopardy as members of his own party say they will not vote for him. newt gingrich once had the job. he joins us on the potential congressional chaos. plus, jumping into the new year literally and figuratively. how trampolines can put your fitness goals back on track. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula. airborne. do more. find your beat your moment of calm find your potential then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients
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♪ ♪ >> ashley: we are back with some headlines. the nypd is searching for the suspects accused of committing at least 17 armed robberies. those robberies date back to november 4th, with the most recent happening on december 18th. most of them involved a vehicle driving up next to the victim before the suspects jumped out and steal their things. fully open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years, this photo from 2004 shows parts of the pool as it was discovered. the cherished site is where jesus healed a blind man.
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a small part of it has been assessable for several years but excavators will fully uncover it in the near future. pretty cool. and a new survey showing the favorite shows of last year, and season four of "ozark" took the number one spot. not far behind was "stranger things" season four, the first season of "wednesday," and showtime's "yellow jacket." he asked you what your favorite shows are from 22 and a two. al in north carolina says "yellowstone" hands down. deb says "only murders in the building" was her top choice, and lee in ohio didn't have a favorite for 2022 but says fox news is the topic. we love it! followed by reruns of "everybody loves raymond" and "the andy griffith show." they see your headlines. back to you, griff. >> griff: the top shows where fox shows, that's what everyone is watching! ashley, thanks. here is a live look at capitol hill where the g.o.p. plans to take house control, but not before they settle on
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picking their next speaker. yesterday, in a bid to get full support from his party, kevin mccarthy reportedly told him to make them he will back a new rule making it easier to nine g.o.p. lawmakers who have yet to back him, you see them here, they say they appreciate his move to address their concerns, but he doesn't have a vote just yet. mccarthy needs 218 votes to become speaker. and they're already five republicans who refuse to support him. >> i won't be vote for kevin mccarthy tomorrow? he's part of the problem. he's not part of the solution. there's nothing about kevin mccarthy it indicates he will bring the change that is needed to washington where that is needed to the congress, or that he will bring the fight against the biden-schumer agenda. it's worth it to fight for a few hours or even a few days to get the best possible person for speaker. >> griff: our next guest served as speaker of the house. joining us out with his own first hand look, fox news contributor and author of "defeating big government
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socialism," newt gingrich. you may have heard that interview. we did, with congressman good come earlier, and he is dead set. it appears the members are going to vote against cogs in mccarthy, but it doesn't appear they've got somebody. what are we headed for tomorrow? >> and understand what they are doing. they are not voting against kevin mccarthy, they are voting against 215 members of their own conference. there conference voted overwhelmingly, 85%, for mccarthy to be speaker. so this is a fight between a handful of people and the entire rest of the conference. and they are saying they have the right to screw up everything. well, the precedent that sets is, so to the moderates, so do the members from florida, and any five people can get up and say, "i'm going to screw up the conference, too." the choice is kevin mccarthy or chaos, and there's nobody going to replace kevin, because he has
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far more people totally dedicated to him than his handful of never-enders. anybody who tries to replace kevin will face total chaos and it will be impossible to govern. hope in the next 24 hours that this handful of members will realize that they don't have the moral right to reject the choice of 85% of their conference. they don't have the moral right to break up the house against the wishes of over 215 fellow republicans. i think it is a remarkably shortsighted and, candidly, selfish position, and i don't understand where they're coming from. mccarthy has agreed every positive asked for. the truth is that the freedom caucus has won a huge set of victories, and you have to say to yourself, if you got somebody to give everything they ask for and he still says no, is the problem him and not mccarthy? that's where these guys are going to be. >> griff: and, newt, when there are several members who
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wanted to hold out to bring back the motion to vacate, which simply, under what mccarthy has agreed to, would be the threshold, all it takes is five republicans at any given time during his speakership to forced a house built to remove him, and he's willing to go down that road. i don't believe you faced, but obviously paul ryan did. when this group of five or however many more vote against kevin and that first vote, we get to what you call chaos. the second vote, do they just put someone out there? does this go on for days or will it ultimately end up being ke kevin? >> in the 1850s, they had several months of trying to find a speaker. so you can have total chaos. i think the republican party right now is in the greatest danger of meltdown that there has been since 1964. i think that's true in the senate, in the presidential race. i thought mccarthy, who had
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won two consecutive elections, they gained seats in '20 end '22, he was the singularly most active best fund-raiser and campaigner. i thought the house would at least be a sign of stability, and these five guys decide to go out as kamikaze pluralists and see if they can't sink the whole republican party. that's what they are doing. it's not about kevin mccarthy, it's about the right of any five members to basically throw away the entire rest of the conference and tell the rest of the conference it doesn't matter. >> griff: why would they do that? newt, that makes absolutely no sense. why would they do it? >> i think it's a psychological problem. these guys can't count straight, they can't play tic-tac-toe, they can't accept victory. this is a moment where the freedom caucus could claim victory and conservatives could claim victory. you're going to have -- given what mcconnell has been doing in the senate, mccarthy's only hope for conservatism in washington right now, and to
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undermine him, i think that is to undermine conservatism and undermined the republican party and, frankly, undermined the country. >> griff: just in the time we have left, i know that you converted to catholicism in 2008 when pope benedict visited washington. it affected you so much. what are your thoughts today as the world remembers him? >> we were very fortunate to meet with pope benedict. he was probably the greatest catholic theologian of the last century. he was a remarkably kind man. i was in the basilica, callisto was singing in the choir, and he had such joy in his eyes. i had in thinking about it for a number of years, but seeing him and seeing the joy in his eyes, and the whole theme that christ is our hope has a big effect. he has a huge number of followers across the planet who revere how hard he worked for
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pope st. john paul ii, how he hard he worked for the charge ce and that he stepped down when he felt he could no longer be effective. that probably took a lot of guts to set that precedent and say, look, i'm not going be doing the job the church needs, which led directly to the election of pope francis. looking back, it was a great act of sacrifice on benedict's part, and i think people have known him well really loved him and felt that he was a remarkable human being. >> griff: they did indeed. former speaker of the house, newt gingrich, great to have you want to get your insights and your thoughts. meanwhile, a blow to no cash bail. illinois supreme court making a last-minute change to what was called america's most dangerous law. a chicago alderman on how this will impact public safety, next. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah.
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♪ ♪ >> steve: welcome back. it's been criticized as the most
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dangerous law in america. over its illumination of cash bail. but the illinois supreme court has dealt a major blow to the democratic governor in illinois 'safety act, putting the provision on hold until a lower court ruled it unconstitutional. governor pritzker's own party members, including our next guest, have also pushed back against the bill. democratic chicago alderman raymond lopez joins us now from chicago. good morning to you. >> good morning, happy new year. >> steve: happy new year to you, as well. the supreme court of illinois says you have to get rid of that no cash bail thing because it's unconstitutional. there's a bunch of other stuff still in it. for instance, it limits when defendants can be deemed flight risks and allows people with ankle monitoring to go ahead and leave home for two days before they get charged. so they took the one really bad part out, with no cash bail, but they are still leaving a couple of things in there that a lot of people have a problem with.
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>> you know, the pursuit of trying to help criminals remains alive and well in the state of illinois, and we saw 62 counties pushed back, particularly against cashless bail. and they want a victory in the appellate court, but i created a 2-tier system of justice in illinois, and we have seen the supreme court step in and say we can't handle a dual system in the state of illinois. but at the heart of all of this is the fact that so many of my fellow democratic leaders are enamored with doing everything they can to help dangerous criminals remain on the streets, to remain in their neighborhoods, to remain at home, all the expensive communities who don't need them there and are struggling every day to get by and to get past the violence we see make headlines on a daily basis. >> steve: it does make headlines, particularly there in chicago where on monday mornings we talk about the number of people shot all the time. you look, the latest stats are that theft is up 56%. that is crazy. raymond, how do you are a
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democrat colleagues pushing for no cash bail and stuff like that wake up in the morning, ca 56% theft increase, and go, "hey, this is really working out?" >> they pride themselves on saying crime is down. well, it's down from the high points of last year, but we are still above where we were a few years ago. you can't keep blaming social justice and demanding money for programs that don't work as the excuse and the raison d'etre for moving forward. we had our first mass shooting in the city of chicago 12 hours into the new year. we see anarchy on the rise and all they want to do is deflect and gaslight and point to things that don't really matter while the violence impacting those communities, those black and brown communities we hear so much about, go unanswered. it is shameful and i think voters have enough. >> steve: particularly if you live in chicago, for the life of me i can't figure out why people
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still live they are given some of the crazy stuff that has come out of that town. >> i don't think real chicagoans want to give up on our city. we love our city and it's worth fighting for. many of us stand up on a daily basis and don't accept this madness as the new reality. but we have to push back against those elected leaders who are detached from that reality or trying to paper over it. i have an opponent right now who is trying to pretend that gang bangers aren't the reason for the shootings in our neighborhood, that it's the media, like yourself, reporting it that's the problem. >> steve: that's crazy. raymond, you've been a voice of sanity out there. we thank you for getting up early and explaining what's going on in chicago. >> thank you, steve. you bet. >> steve: 12 and a half minutes before the top of the hour. we sent out an outside where it's currently 46 degrees. >> good morning, steve. not bad out here. they are expecting rain eventually in new york city, but the big story across the country continues to be showers and snow
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moving across the western states. we will dive right in, maybe the temperatures to see out there, 50 degrees now i new york city bc 65 degrees in memphis, a big cold front in the middle of the country, and everything up to the west, more wintry and more rain. snow currently moving across the intermountain west, farther south. they've gotten rounds and rounds of heavy showers across northern california and they did over the last couple of days. that continues with the next really big round coming in on tuesday and wednesday. the ground is already saturated, so flooding could continue to be an issue for those folks. i will leave you with your forecast today. a lot of 50s and 60s out there on the cold air remains across the west. those are your weather headlines for now. tossing it back inside to you. >> steve: thank you very much, adam. we are ready to jump into the new year with trampolines, little mini. how to add the exercise to your workout routine and do it safely. ♪ ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail.
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workout you can
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do and a trainer melissa. thanks for having us. >> hey, guys, thank you for having me. i love to jump into 2023 with you guys. >> we should start by saying there are certain people that should not use a trampoline. >> yeah, no, actually what is great about these commit is low impact so find your nice, athletic stance and you don't have to jump up in the air but you can bounce. >> people with a balance issue or anything like that, if you fall off, you can't get hurt. >> you can get a towel or a stick to guide you. >> a broom. >> just to get the momentum going. >> a lot of trampolines have that built-in so you can hold on. one of the fun things to maximie trampolines? >> you start with a light bounce in your core is tight. you want to have a tight cormac bump back a little bit --
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>> like my core in '78. >> slightly bounce and as you feel more comfortable, you can add your arms, get the whole body involved. you know what is great about the trampolines as well? if we stop balancing you can use and do a full body workout. you can hold it and it stays on the side. to get into open stance and lunge down. >> legs. >> yes, a full body workout. very functional because you want to strengthen your core, your glutes, your thigh, your upper body and switch sides when you are ready. 30 seconds each. >> i want one of these trampolines. >> you can go on amazon or websites and you get $50 off a $500. but the cheaper the better, bill. >> so, you can lay on the ground and if you buy, elevate a push
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up, a modified version, which is great. you are here, core tide, pressed down, and then back up. you make a full circle so jump, lunches, push-ups and you can even get some core work. so here, core is nice and tight. lean back. >> all right. >> you got the energy, hold onto the sides and hold, you have your core engaged, fired up in and out oppress in in and out. good. and then the circuit, you can add a twist. twist. >> kind of like dancing. >> yes, good. >> it is all about building healthy habits and the new year. everybody should be sustainable and maintainable to build long-term success. >> and you can have fun. >> what is my work out? what do i have to have to do? >> their class of 20 minutes, 3. what is great if you can have it at your house and take
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10 minutes and think get your heart rate up. >> where can people find you? >> you can find me train and or i am a trainer on the app. you can find me anywhere. >> we will continue bouncing into the new year. more "fox & friends" bouncing moments away. ♪ ♪ (in a whisper) can we even afford this house? maybe jacob can finally get a job.
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the house whisperer! this house says use to see homes in your budget. you're staying in school, jacob! to each their home.
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♪ ♪ >> bill: let's get on a scale. i think i've lost 8 pounds. >> absolutely. listen i will bounce back to washington. >> good idea. >> 2023. >> say it again? >> >> we will see you back on the couch tomorrow. so long. ♪ ♪ >> fox news alert stunning new details on the suspect accused of stabbing four college students to death in idaho. how he reportedly stalked his victims for weeks and the precautions he took to keep from being caught. good morning, everyone welcome to "fox news live," i'm julie banderas. >> happy new year, bryan kohberger went to great lengths to hide his fingerprints weeks after the murder even wearing gloves to the


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