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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 2, 2023 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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this is in fact many people are put on lists for various reasons. it depends on where they fit on the list of the reasons why they're on the list kind of gives them a level of attention that may or may not be required. >> i appreciate it. thank you for your insight. the first of 2023. hope you have a good one. thanks for joining us. neil will be back tomorrow. in the meantime, you know what, "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone, i am judge jeanine pirro along with jessica tarlovd jesse watters, dana perino and world heavyweight champion tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. welcome to our new year's special. it's been a busy year for usr fo here on "the five," covering all the big stories.
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we have covered just about everything from politics to popo culture and everything else in between. we have a huge show head today including ouw r resolutions andd our predictions for 2023. i can't believe i'm saying that. we are also going to take a look back at our most-see momentst ou from the show in the last year. don't miss our favorite viral videos from 2022. plus, we are answering your fan mail questions but first. it's our big five stories of 2022. we are each taking a look at the toacp headlines from the pastne year. jesse, you go >> jesse: the war in ukrainedomi dominated the spring season. we covered it wall to wall here on fox news channel.he reyou haven't seen tanks in the european theater like that for decades. really shocked the country, shocked the world that you youdu would see that type of brutality again in that part of the worldt
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the stock market took a hit. t energy prices were affected. supply chains, food prices, really scrambled to the entire european energy policy and we are still feeling the repercussions of it. it's a cold it's going to continue, could continue for years .co ulyou never know how it's goingo play out. this was the story of the yearor according to jesse watters. >> judge jeanine: dana. >> dana: i agree certainly on ukraine and the ramifications o that are going to continue through 2023. as is the story i chose which is the one on the border, theh is selectmen border. a couple points. the southern border. in all of 2020 there were 4,950,000 encounters at the border. we are two and a half months into fiscal year 2023 and they're already 505,000. that's not counting 140,000 got-aways. fox news has covered this storyv every single day, it's
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astounding how every morning onw "america's newsroom," we turned to bil l melugin or griff jenkins or nate foy orgrif whoever is ae border for us and you can see,st dana, bill, 300 migrants just ar came across its daybreak overhearing go past texas or del rio. also happening in arizona, new mexico, california. it's not just bringingim immigrants who are illegally entering the country. they're fanning out across the country. every state, every locality isry affected by it, every school,y every hospital. there is no end insight and we , evare about to have a big chag in this country come as you see some of the protections as why we could turn away migrants.titl title 42, the public health now issue. now you're looking at having thousands of migrants every day coming into the n i've never been somebody who is like, i am for open borders. to me feels like the border is totally open and i am shocked that you have a commander in chief turning a blind eye to it.
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anybody who traveled over the holidays or if you have plans foo r the future coming or going to go through tsa. you're going to have to takerouf your belt, shoes, put yourselfhu through, w why do we do that?t? to give us all safe. it's an agreement we have all made and we might think it's really annoying but we all do it. there were 98 people caught las year on the terrorist watch list. those are the ones we caught at the border. with a million got-aways, how many others are there?ll we are not doing enough to protect this country not only from all the problems it could lead to in regards to your social structure but also i think the worry is from a national security perspective and as jesse pointed out earlier in the month, we have ae situation with a narco state on our side than border. it's a huge story and what's shocking is there not moreha reporters willing to cover it.s it's still fine it is a huge story in the craziest part of it is that we have basically lost our sovereignty as a nation.
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we are no longer a sovereign nation. stwe are nothing more than a global landing spot for anyone who wants to come here. just last week, i was listening and there was something, in onee week people from 96 different countries arrived through the untrborder illegally. tyrus, what's your take on the border and what dana is talkings about? >> tyrus: the border is like the gateway for what we are seeing, a ripple effect across the country.ripp it leads to so many other things and i'm not saying everyone who crosses the border, to dana's point, is a criminal or terrorist. i we have all the fentanyl coming in. we are crating more problems for our residents. the neighborhoods directly next to the border are overwhelmed.oe cities and towns are overwhelmed with no help in sight. >> judge jeanine: jessica, the s sad point, so many people coming through with title 42 and basically being eliminated. we are hearing about people who are sleeping on the streets
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where there are not enough beds. it's cold in texas rights. now. the humanitarian way to handle it would be to at least create some kind of safety net for t safethem. >> jessica: that's what happened before the number skyrocketed to these levels, there was a push to build enougt facilities and that we have found out that 1500 beds aren't enough because you are getting 3,000 people a night and what are you to do about it? he used the right word, humanitarian pain whatever kind of crisis you want to have, you want to have a national securitt if that's how republicans want'e to talk about it but democrats if you want to talk about it from the human level that's just as important as the national security site. there are people becoming there are people who are beingeg raped coming across here, people selling their children, people flat out dying makin dyig this , very dangerous journey., >> judge jeanine: jesse, whywh is the administration not addressing the issues that jessica is talking about? >> jesse: part strategy, part
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incompetence. , pathey want to do the exact opposite of what prompted antd they want cheap labor for their donors and they want new voters and they want people to come here and have babies. that's what aoc and schumer didt all part of a plan. >> jessica: i missed the plan, just putting that out there. >> judge jeanine: my story of the year has to do with elon musk exposing twitter. i think this is the biggesttert story of the year because for centuries, as americans, in fact this country was founded on the concept of free speech, the first amendment, the ability to say what you want to. the first amendment doesn't juso address you and i speaking. it addresses the power of the, and the ability of the press to not suffer from prior constraints, and what we had in america and what we saw as a result of elon musk exposing what was going on at twitter was
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that there was prior restraint. there was suppression of free speech. there wapps depressionre. not only of free speech foot suppression in one direction so that there would be an elected impacted in one particular way i'm not both ways.ship this chilling censorshipd of indicates to me the end of aemoc democracy. just as at the border we are noo longer a sovereign nation but ae reglobalist landing spot with g spbenefits, we now have a pros that is not holding up it's part of the deal as the fourth estate. that all of us as americans relied on to the kind of check what government was doing, to be g.the fourth estate. it's not happening anymore. when the head of twitter was called before congress, he lied he lied under oath. he can say -- oh, i didn't know what was goins gon at my own
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ashogwash. you knew, jack dorsey, why you u were called before congress. you knew the issue had to do with hunter biden. ano dod you knew that there was1 officials, intelligence officials who said it looked like intel, like russian disinformation. so you knew there was an issue there that you had t o addresss before you went to congress buts no, you put your hand down. you swore to tell the truth, and you lied. so the search results being manipulated that affected a federal election bei, the end oo first amendment, to me it's one offi the biggest stories not on2 of 2022 but of the century soso far. what say you, jesse? >> jesse: i agree. in ten years we may see this being bigger because 1 things ae still coming out. elon confessed, he said i'm here to save democracy. i i'm here to save free speech and the fact that he plowed 44 billion into this thing and then just kind of wrestled it i ntaway from the grip of the fbi,
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the cia, the democratic national committee, it shows you how fast we were veering towards not the republic that we know and love. thank you to elon musk for doinn that. everybody owes this guy a big debt of gratitude. >> judge jeanine: gi couldn'tcol agree more. dana. >> dana: if you look back in history new year's, it's a good time to do that yoodu think back not only to just the past yearea but in the scope of things to come, when history bookse wasse written, people look at this period is a social media had been given this free rein for a igwhile because no one knew what it was going tcauso be like andt turns out to be something we realize oh, gosh, that's not very good. in fact it's actually destroying, leading to the destruction ofroys some parts or democracy. elon musk takeusk kes a pin andt the balloon and now we can have a chance to regroup and i think in the next year you might see attempt by congress to do something about it. however, congress is always behind the times and it comes t technology in the private secto.
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will have creative destruction and createcr something new and that something that elon musk is doing. >> tyrus: woke martyrdom. that's what they are going to say it was. it wasn't about hunter tthe mission was simple. you have to stop president trump. whatever reason, all the things that he was going to drain the swamp. did he did not realize how deep the swamp was and how many monsters were in it and they came out ann there whole thing no matter how yethey look at yes, we use the fbi. we did it, our greater good was we had to stop president trump. we sought the entire time. and it worked. you will not see any "oh, i'm sorries." they weren't necessarily democrats.nece they were this woke group whos has decided what the country needs because they virtue signal who know what's best even though ity kn wasn't for the best and e are seeing the results oen tf tt so it will always be called the woke martyrdom. when you look back at this in ten years, president trump, i think the light is going to be
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very different on him based on all th base evidence we are sta to see. >> judge jeanine: jessica, your big>> story jor for 2022 pd >> jessica: the red wave that wasn't or "maybe joe biden isn't that bad" is what we call the takeaways from the midterms and we know we are constantly it campaign mode. w a few days before he started going into what's going happenwt in 2024 but there were some big lessons. the first, maybe joe biden isn't that bad. jesse, that one of the points he made a couple months ago was really salient which is people just don't hate him the way they hate other -- >> jesse: i try. >> jessica: you do try and sometimes you succeed.some it's a really important point. heim doesn't raise this level ot fire, animosity as hillary or barack obama and we can talk about why that may be. people understand certainly why i think that is. joe biden had the most successful mentoringjo since the 1930s, it's a really big deal. r
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house majority for the republicans, very slight. kevin mccarthy not being ableca tort corral the caucus, as he expected. that's a really interesting aspect of it. the other things i think thatin gsare important out of the midtm results. the importance of the issue of abortion. that the ruling may not have been the gift for republicans they thought it was and noti understand there were a lot of pro-life activists that said it's the long game pro. g amit's not about winning an a election today or two years, four years, it's about protecting life. the way they see it.y th people showed up, democrats, republicans, moderates, and they said what's going on in verys he conservative states is not acceptable. you'll see a lot more of these referendums like in kansas and kentucky, michigan. you had jim messina on "america's newsroom" right after we said we are going to run then table on this and they sure everyone votes on ithis .t th the third point that'srtan important, donald trump's impact on the midterms was terrible. just like it was in 2020. lost the senate again as a
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result of handpicked candidates that he thought were great.e ended up being really terrible. he's declared to run forthatdecl president right now looks like t campaign in name only and he's m losing a lot of salience in the party. >> jesse: happy new year. >> jessica: i'm sorry. the border is open. we have no free speech. yeah, democrats won. >> judge jeanine: your big story. >> tyrus: crime and homelessness. they go hand-in-hand. we have seen el more videos thiess year of americans being awful to eachs other. little or no consequences. no cash bail has hurt a lot of families, destroyed businesses. this is where i talked about th border. fentanyl coming in. fentanyl and meth are the leading causes of homelessness in this country.ew m they have doubled. in a few minutes they will triple. no help, and no media attention. china manufactures it, they send it to mexico to be made and thet it comes to america and it kills our kids and the ones who aren'k being killed by it, they end up
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so strung out and we see the zombies walking the streets and everyone doesn't --st reit's not until unfortunately they die that somebody cares y thenough to talk about it. no one is making the effort. the media is not interested inhe it.di one of the things that i wasit very proud about being a fox news contributors we didn't talk about it. we can't bring it up. he needs to be -- it's very simple. have to cut the snake's head off. where do you do that? you pick up the phone and youck tell china, stop sending that two, i know gutfeld likes too, bomb things.hi i like to target things. you can drop little in spanishts waivers all over the factories where they make this stop then let them know a missal is coming your way on this day and these are terrorist --yon if these work in iraq or afghanistan and they were making thes e plants and sending it over here, we would do something about it so somethinr heg needso be done but i'm glad at least they are getting a voice here because the story should've been the top story because who are the victims? our american citizens and our kids and there's not enough
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voices for them. .> judge jeanine: yeah great, great, great segment to coming up, don't miss our resolutions and our predictions for 2023.on first we are taking a look back at the best moments from he b"the five." >> let's go! ♪ ♪ >> ♪ everybody just have a good botime ♪ ♪ make you lose your mind ♪ versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. you never know what's going to happen here on >> d >> dana: "the five." here's a look atsay elf. some or most memorable moments. >> animals are great.
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>> what the hell is going on? >> it's a good thing we are not on broadway. >> hi, percy. this is your debut. >> huge, very huge announcement about "the five" is coming out. >> dana: judge jeanine pirro is going to be a full-timeime cohost on the show and geraldo rivera, harold ford jr., jessica tarlov will be our per permanent rotating cohosts. >> jesse: american voters know exactly who to trust when it tru comes to crime. >> i like drawing i drawpo emoji's of me. >> dana: coming up next, liberal cities. [laughter] >> that could very well be it. >> did you call me george? >> do i ou money? >> jesse: i'm not sure if i amig still going to pay, geraldo.
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that's not mine. that is a rolex, geraldo. >> dana: say hello to gus gutfeld. w >> all he does is scream in this demoni ic whale,n tiny little . >> judge jeanine: this is a holiday near and dear to my heart, world chocolate day. oreo cookie. ritz cracker. peanut butter. >> this is dv into!t re >> judge jeanine: this is deviant. >> dana: it's time for "one more thing." everybody should be quiet about what they were talking about. >> dana, please hold my hand. >> t>> i hope you come up with n analogy thatd will make everyoe uncomfortable. >> jesse: no one knows suburban women better than i do. >> jessica: i was going to say. >> jesse, my brother. >> dana: i have no idea what we are looking at? >> what exactly happens during the commercial breaks?
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>> dana: this one is worth it. >> i agree with what you said in the green room that we should b. cutting off the hands ofe. shoplifters. >> it's good to be back around o the table. >> good tod to see you. >> good to be back. >> jesse: shamrock frozen hot chocolate.r] >> judge jeanine: all right. >> jesse: "jesse watters prime time." >> abigail spanberger. abigail spanberger. abigail spanberger. >> jesse: we should drink every time dana says abigailaugh spanberger. >> geraldo just happened to have it in his back pocket.>> >> i love this! yee-haw! >> very soon we are going tomila have our guest of honor hit that button to light this sucker up and not in a bad way. three, two, one.
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[cheering] >> do it. >> oh, boy, oh, boy. oh! >> i hope it doesn't start aow fire. >> dana: i hope it comes down during jesse's show. >> let's do some text messages. >> dana: i'm not crying.rrec your crying. crying wit hh tears of laughtero >> judge jeanine: i was talking to the producers this morning.alk >> jesse: you talk to them? >> judge jeanine: they are wonderful. tthey are so smart. >> i didn't mean to cut you off. >> jessica: no, the producer did. i heard it. >> judge jeanine: it shows that we have a lot of fun during the break. [laughter] also during the show.ho it spills over. w you know what, you are saying yesterday, the great part ofying this is you get to go to workat and do something y fun, like jut have a conversation with your friends. justhat's what's great about te show.and plus everybody is so smart. me.r than >> no.
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>> no. >> jesse: i forgot that you joined the show this year. were we on boxes? we were, this year? >> dana: last year. t it was the beginninghi, january. it's a big year for you. >> jessica: had a little hu human. more humans coming. >> jesse: we have another one and he on way. >> dana: i got a puppy and he got a puppy and greg got a puppy. >> jesse: every inch counts, dana. one of the your best. >> jessica: is that when you started your tear? >> jesse: i have been crying mostly about the judge recently but it's been fun. we had a great year. >> jessica: he meant that my sleep, like you are so funny. >> judge jeanine: that conversation, that was ad on bad one. he >> tyrus: the color yellow. we can never talk about it.
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i'm not crying, your crying. >> dana: the first day that jesse was on, i found that he tearhe ts up when he laughs hars it's one of the most enduring, sweet things that we have. more of that on tape please for next year. >> jessica: more crying jesse. >> judge jeanine: a lot of stories. yeah. the naked city, yeah. >> jessica: i don't really know what's going on. >> judge jeanine: you don't tot want to go there. >> jessica: she will tell mebrea the break. up next, a mom sends off the raccoon and mike tyson punches out of passenger. our top videos next.a pa p next. ♪ life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar.
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i am david spunt from fox news in washington. "the five" continues in a moment the first this special report newsbreak. top house republican kevin mccarthy trying to get enough votes to become speaker. he is agreed to hold a no-confidence vote of members do not think he's doing a good job. his detractors so far not been satisfied. a 19-year-old man has been charged with the tented murder after allegedly stabbing to new york police officer saturday night. authorities say trevor bickford was shot by another officer after the attack just blocks from times square. ten guards and four inmates in a mexican state prison just across the board from el paso were killed during a raid by armed gunmen sunday morning. 13 other people were wounded. officials say 24 inmates escaped. be sure to join mike emanuel at 6:00 p.m. eastern for a life special report. i am david spunt. happy new year. now back to "the five." ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome back, everybody. time for the fastest. featuring our favorite viral videos of the year. first up, this connecticut mom is definitely not one tor. mess with. >> [screaming] >> grabbed the raccoon! >> jesse: wild surveillance video captured a mom fending off a reckoning that attacked her daughter. both are okay after getting rabies shots. not sure about the raccoon thats ioran away. tyrus, you know when you grab a can t by the back of the neck fr >> tyrus: or a small human. >> jesse: that was brave. >> tyrus: mom 101. mom instinct. not only did she take the animal off with one hand, she safely removed her daughter, corrected her the e right way to get in t
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tohouse and close the door.ho and then proceeded to, if that was the olympics, the gold. f we forget when the mama instinct kicks in, that's why big bear's back up.'s b don't mess with mama bear. >> judge jeanine: there literally is adrenaline that goes through you. at gi had one situation where, u know, it involves my son it was a dangerous situation. i think i jumped 16 stairs inus one jump. it is, you don't even think about it. it's like "my baby!" >> jesse: you can lift a carou c up if your kid is trapped under it. >> jessica: or the garbage,pr clean a dish. >> jesse: where was dad, dana? >> dana: assuming he was at work, jesse. a >> jesse: probably bringing home the bacon. >> jessica: you know suburban women. >> dana: becauseo you know soso much about critters and animals, if mom had been there, what do
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you do? >> tyrus: you want to doou w better than she did, not jud judging. loud noises scare animals. typically it was not rapid, that loud scream, it would have took off running. the good news, it would have alerted other people in theru neighborhood. it looks like somebody came outn she was lucky.he she had jeans on, she was and she kept kicking and screaming and eventually. i think she was doing all rightm she was winning on points right there. he had the gravel but she was striking. >> jesse: take down. up next, here's a painful life lesson. never mess with tyson.s ne check this out from tmz. >> hey, hey, hey, hey, mike, mike. >> jesse: mike tysonmike repeatedly punching a man in the face on a plan w -- on a plane o kept bothering him. no charges filed. they don't look like big pun punches. those hurt. >> tyrus: those are the ones that knocked you out. the short one.
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i never did that. >> jesse: you don't need a wind out. >> tyrus: oh, sir, i am so sorry. boomry. he has fainted. hard tito catch on video.o >> jesse: you've knocked out a few people on flights, dana? >> dana: i had visions of doing it. i would never actually do it. >> tyrus: planes are love stories for her. >> jesse: she falls in love. >> dana: so many things on a plane. when people are talking nonstop. drives me nuts. >> tyrus: mike tyson too. he >> dana: you can envisionm ou yourself punching them out and that helps you get through the flight. >> jesse: does this guyd deserve this?re hess was bothering the >> jessica: kind of. i am generally a pacifist.i' but everyone knows it's mike tyson, right? tattoos on the face. he is enormous. why would you ever -- >> jesse: no charges filed. >> judge jeanine: did he deserve it, absolutely. no charges filed.d justified assault. the guy aggravates the crap out
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of view. >> tyrus: the gugraby was reachg and grabbing for him. >> jesse: i can be aggravated and then throw a punch? >> judge jeanine: don't do it. >> tyrus: let him do it. he needs to learn. [laughter] >> jesse: i need to learn a r] lealot.jabs up next, answering your fan mail question when "the five"'s new year's special returns. . let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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♪limu emu & doug♪ hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance... you only pay for what you need! [squawks] whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: my favoriteight weight lifting song. welcome back to our new year's eve special, answering your fan mail questions. judge, do you stay up until midnight or go to bed?
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>> judge jeanine: i stay up until midnight, 1:00, i can't go to sleep. i get in the bedroom, bring all the dogs and, all three, i locked the door. the alarm is on. i don't have to worry about any of that stuff.stuf my mind just goes tick, tick, tick. o i don't fall asleep. >> tyrus: try the rain. try the com app. you are early to bed. >> jesse: how did you know?r tithis year i new year's my twis really wanted to stay up untilel midnight for the very first time. i stayed up with them until midnight and then we all went right to bed. i hadn't done that for many years. >> judge jeanine: east coastereo midnight? >> jesse: east coast midnight. there is no other midnight. >> jessica: i stay up. my husband goes to bed super early because he wakes up super early so i watch the west coast late nba game by myself. it's bad. then i have to wake up and feed the baby and then i go back to
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sleep. >> tyrus: i am not going toto waste the time and energy to ask. we but i will ask you this..m. what's your middle name and do you know why it was chosen? >> jesse: my middle name is marie. my mom's middlnamee name is mar. i assume that's why. >> judge jeanine: i use myy ma maiden name mostly. when i got my confirmation my maiden name was esther, that isn my mom's name. >> jessica: pretty. i have two middle names. my mom is a feminist. her last name is my second middle name. i am jessica brooke. it is brooke spelled wrong which is really irritating, there is no e on it. she knows she made a mistake.e. roberts tarlov.nt troberts has been a huge problm getting new ids. i had to bring my birth certificate and find something r names with the smart i.d. i am bitter about the feminist
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revolution of the early '80s. >> dana: will just call you babbling. babbling brook. >> jessica: that's really not nice, dana but i get it. that liberal, she is babbling. >> jesse: bailey. my f so mom's father, very prominet permanent, very prominent, extremely prominent. >> tyrus: mind changed three times. i was born with a black eye because they had use the tongs to get me out. it got me in the eye. first it was cassius and hercules and t. >> jesse: the last person tohin give tyrus a black eye was the doctor. >> tyrus: your favorite t appetizer at a party?in g >> dana: chips and salsa. a >> jesse: lollipop lambi
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chops. >> jessica: pigs in a blanket. i watch the whole tray. >> judge jeanine: i don't eat the food. i just drink. >> tyrus: my favorite is thertie exit. i don'hot like parties. where is the exit? i am out. i am with you at the bar while everyone else is parting. i hate small talk. up next, our annual tradition. revealing our new year'salin resolutions. don't miss it. t. -what's he doing? -he's cleaning the trash cans. oh, boy. meeting a new young homeowner for the first time is a unique challenge. -so you think you can help? -i can try. hey, what you doing? oh, just cleaning my trash cans. wow. it's important to build trust. see you put your address and phone number on here. well, you can never be too safe. with trash? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto -when you bundle with us. -don't look at the hedges. -they're a mess. -no one's looking at the hedges.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back. it wouldn't be a new year without making some resolutions. let's go around the tablree andv find out we have in store for ourselves. >> judge jeanine: here's the problem. would you make the same resolution every year. you know that there's a problemy this year my resolution, guess.t >> tyrus: less chocolate. >> judge jeanine i: you've got it. tyrus is in the room right nexte to me. it's sugar. it's a terrible thing. it messes up your head, yourou body, everything. get rid of sugar. now, if i could only convincear myself of e >> dana: all right. we will see if we can help you.
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>> judge jeanine: tyrus comes in. >> tyrus: she literallhay has her own segments on the show, candy with the judge. what are you talking about? you bunch of enablers. it's not her fault. sugar free. be supportive.rtiv >> jessica: sugar-free candy. it turns into a laxative. >> dana: what? >> judge jeanine: i thought only ice cream did. >> jessica: sugar-free gummy bears.>> >> jesse m: my resolution is to be nicer to >> jessica: again?st y >> jesse: with that it last year? >> jessica: yeah, it didn't work. i was on maternity and leave ani sighed. lik >> jesse: there is something about you. [laughter] i just want to interrupt you. i have to work on interrupting and that's something i reallyin will try harder.omet >> judge jeanine: i got over it. i used to interrupt you all the yotime, remember?reme >> jessica: it's a holiday so i don't want to break it to you but you do still interrupt me. >> dana: jessica.
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>> jessica: i need to read more. like books. >> dana: we just talked about this. >> jessica: books. you and dane are always saying, dareading this, reading that ani don't make enough timeis to sit there and actually. >> judge jeanine: you have a baby. >> jessica: guys, it's a goal. >> dana: i'm going to give youro some recommendations. d like that.i woul use my phone less our family. lead with kindness and patience. i need tly ao not jump. > judge jeanine: we need to do that. >> dana: jesse is a good role model and you are too, tyrus, i'm not using your phone in front of your family. >> tyrus: i leave mine in my truck. >> dana: i really resolve tohi get my tech life in order. there was a time right around the election, everything was super busy.el everything was on the i had a problem with my phone and i decided i wanted to go
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back to paper and pen because i was so frustrated. there is too many apps.te i feel like i'm paying for ten subscriptions to showtime. i want to get my whole text thing inshow order. i might even hire somebody to o come and help merd. if you're a teenager and want to come over to the apartment and y helpou me get this figured out,i would appreciate it. >> tyrus: only you could say that. [laughter] >> dana: [laughs] that's true. my second resolution we've been meaning to do this. i wante t to take ballroom dang lessons with peter. >> tyrus: that's fun. you'll like it. >> jesse: does peter want to take ballroom dancing with you? >> dana: yes. hopefully. i think so. s be >> tyrus: he is an english gentleman. my resolution is to eat moret' apples. not use pronouns unless it's in a sentence. i i'm not going to do the pronouni thing. i'm going to do more stand up live shows. >> dana: can u i come to one? >> tyrus: you all can come to one. >> judge jeanine: for free? >> tyrus: yes, you.n
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i will make more money on you and the candy. >> dana: up next, one of our favorite parts of our new year's special. making ourew predictions for 20d straight ahead. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. . .
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>> welcome back to "the five" it's time for our an rule predictions for the new year. >> i usually almost always mail my predictions. i didn't do a very good job this year. i have three predictions. i predict joe biden, the >> judge jeanine: okay. welcome back to the "the five." make our annual predictions for the new year dana, what are your predictions. >> dana: i usually almost always i did not could a scwoo good
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imrob i go predict that joe biden the will visit the border in 2023. it will become untenable and he will have to go there. number two the u.s.a., the government will ban tiktok ihe n america. and k thi think the bengals aren going to win the super bowl. >> jesse: the bangles or the bengals? >> the bracelet? >> judge jeanine: okay. my prediction is that, you know, even though biden thinks he has got this thing all wrapped up, he is definitely going to beh prime married. and that's the only prediction that i have. >> dana: good one. >> judge jeanine: thank you. i will just leaf it at that. jessica? >> jessica: okay. my first prediction is that the brooklyn nets will be in the top 6 in the east and kevin durant. >> judge jeanine: top 6? who cares? >> jesse: go out on a limb. >> jessica: we'll talk about it after the show. that's a big deal for this team. kyrie could do anything t tomorrow. >> tyrus: they are ranked 1st? >> jessica: jennifer coolidge winsdg the emmy again for the second season of if you haven't watched it
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already, do.seco so fabulous. and my prediction politically was that biden announces re-election and no primary so il guess it's youec and me kid. >> judge jeanine: how much? jesse and did i geraldo will probably do a thousand. >> judge jeanine: jean. >> jesse: take your money. >> jessica: bet my >> jesse: eagles will beat the bengals. not convicted and just arrested. and the amount of fraternity i from a --paternity will surpris. >> jessica: it's paid family leave. >> jesse: they don't call it paternity leave? >> jessica: we don't have to gender anything, don't we? >> dana: oh, don't we? >> jesse: there goes my?
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resolution. >> tyrus: celtics will win the nba championship very excited about that elon musk will buy disney. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> tyrus: clean that place up. i believ ce he canan he will but under a scootch of 25 billion because of all the taxes they owe since desantis took awaye de their state status. that will unfortunately crime is goingat continue to escalate and the power outages are going to be eventually connected to the crimes. criminals are getting clever. >> jessica: that disney buy is really crazy one. >>gett sometimes you got to go g >> judge jeanine: bob iger is doing the dumb thing. i thought they were going tothey stay in their lane and not done th, e cultural stuff he already veered off it. we will see if musk buys disney. but, anyway, that's it for us. >> tyrus: save the mouse.
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>> judge jeanine: and minnie mouse. mickey and mini. see you next year on "the five." we love you. ♪ don't blame it on me. >> mike: good evening, welcome to washington i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier. president biden returns to washington after caribbean vacation with republicans about to take charge of the house and questions swirling concerning the possible re-election bid. charges are filed against the teenager accused of stabbing two new york city police officers on new year's eve just blocks from times square and twitter ceo elon musk teases a new document dump concerning dr. anthony fauci. ♪ >> mike: but, first, breaking tonight, a new effort to win the
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