tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News January 3, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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over the new year's these two dogs could not contain their excitement. you couldn't keep them in the house. they wanted to find out what the white stuff is all about. >> dana: can you imagine what could exercise that is? >> deepak chopra would love that moment. a moment of joy. >> dana: happy new year. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here she is. >> harris: it was a game and then it was the most important thing of all, life. a young man's life. the nfl called suspended and postponed the monday night football game between the buffalo bills and cincinnati bengals. damar hamlin was down. the images at center field were heart rending. today we await updates on his condition and we'll report those oz they come. right now he is still critical. i'm harris faulkner and you are
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in "the faulkner focus." it had analysts the looks of an ordinary tackle. for all the fans that's what we saw. damar hamlin bringing down cincinnati's higgins in the first quarter of last night's highly anticipated last-season game. nobody was thinking of sports when hamlin collapsed on the turf. many players visibly shaken, tears. nine minutes of cpr. hamlin's mother, who was at the game, rushed onto the field. and then she was helped into the ambulance to be with him to go with him to the hospital as they fought for his life. today's back cover of the "new york post" tears on the field. doctors say the next 12 to 24 hours will be the most critical and crucial for damar hamlin. his recovery could depend on how long he spent in cardiac arrest. >> the direct blow to the chest.
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that stuns the heart at exactly the wrong time. we don't know where it's leading but clearly they got him to the hospital in critical condition with his vitals back to normal. good signs. i don't know when the medical center will reveal. i would expect they know today -- sometime today about waking him up and where he is in terms of that. >> harris: no one knows the sidelines better than my friend, a former nfl sideline reporter. michelle is in "focus." we'll begin with the latest from garrett tenney. >> right now damar hamlin's family and several teammates are at the cincinnati medical center waiting for an update on how he is doing. that's the biggest question in the sports world right now. how is he? is he going to make it? the last update from the bills and hamlin's reps, he is still in critical condition but vitals were back to normal and intubated and sedated to help
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with the swelling in his brain and more testing. how long did he go with less oxygen to his brain? that answer will likely determine how much brain damage he sustained and what his future looks like. coming into last night's game the future was looking very bright for the 24-year-old player who become a starter this season in his second year in the league until that one hit landed in just the right place at the wrong time to cause his heart to stop. the game was initially suspended and ultimately postponed indefinitely. early this morning nfl officials and former player troy vincent said the league allowed the two teams to decide. they decided against continuing to play. >> it wasn't about proper singed with the game tonight. frankly competitive aspect never crossed my mind.
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i've never seen anything like this since i've been playing. immediately my player hat went on. how do you resume playing in such a traumatic event occur in front of you realtime? that's the way we were thinking about it. >> the hearts of the entire sporting world have gone out to damar hamlin. there is a gofundme that he started for his charity to give toys and back to school supplies in kids in pittsburgh. that charity has raised more than $3 1/2 million since just last night. >> harris: thank you very much, garrett. michelle, a former nfl sideline reporters host of the sideline sanity with her podcast. there are no perfect words that we can say to each other today, but we can pray together for damar to survive and fully recover and for his mom who was in the stands watching her 24-year-old baby stand up and then crumble to the ground. we can pray for her, too.
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just this one time this hour we'll show you what our eyes just couldn't believe. >> so -- not what any of us want to see. everybody is around him. let's hope he will be okay. >> harris: michelle, you have had some time to react and i want to know your initial reaction and where you are now with this in terms of how your coverage has gone over the years. what do you see? >> my initial reaction is that, like everybody elses, never seen anything like this before. i think someone said it earlier on this network that until you are on that field surrounded in the midst of those players and close to the action, you can't imagine the fright, the horror, the alarm, and it really is
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different when you are down on the field. there is no camera angle that could bring it home. although all the shots of the players that you saw stunned, crying, emotional, tell you everything you need to know. there are injuries every game in the nfl and then there was this like nothing we've ever seen. the closest i've come is when texans had a coach collapse at halftime against a game against the colts and we covered that live on the air. we didn't know if we were dealing with life or death. fortunately everything turned out all right. this, however, a man's life had to be revived on a football field. the whole world was watching. i think to see that as a country, as fans, as people who watch these big, tough men play this brutal sport was really kind of a reminder to everyone how fragile life is. >> harris: i know how many coaches you've interviewed over
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the years and you've been around the players. what do you say to your players today? what is the pressure like on those coaches to lead not as football coaches, but almost as ministers of hope? >> the buffalo head coach is a tremendous human being and will have no problem and has many leaders on his roster. guys who will -- it will be up to the players themselves, although the coach will facilitate everything they need whether it's meeting in the locker room, whether it's getting together in some way, shape or form. i'm sure that's what they are doing today. a few players stayed back in cincinnati to stay with da'mar and be there to keep him going and to monitor his progress. but i feel certain this team is really coming together and realizing the game means very, very little at this moment and their friend, their brother is
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top of mind. >> harris: i was reading reports late last night that diggs caught an uber to try to get to the hospital to be with his player friend. can you even imagine your diggs, one of the best in the nfl and catching an uber trying to get out of there. so many people who were flooding out of the stadium after they made the announcement and people were emotionally wrought. bob covered a lot from the booth and sidelines and had some interesting things to sociality i want to get your reaction, he was arguing that damar hamlin's collapse is not an indictment on the nfl safety. >> any contact sport, of course, brings with it the possibility of injury. to say that this is unique to football or that this sort of thing is typical within football just isn't factual. is it tragic and concerning?
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yes. did they make the right decision by not going back out to play? yes. but does this fall into the category of another piece of evidence about how dangerous and uniquely dangerous football is among team sports? i don't think so. >> harris: michelle. >> i couldn't agree more. i know bob extremely well. we're good friends and bob has been critical of the nfl and the concussions and head and spinal injuries that have taken place over the years. he is not normally one to raise his hand to defend the nfl. this is very clear. it was routine hit we saw. it was just a moment like he described where the velocity and placement of the hit, whatever it was, was a perfect storm and aligned to have this result. no, this is not an indictment of the nfl unless you want to take all the physicality of the nfl and then the game just over.
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>> harris: quickly we haven't talked a lot about higgins, who was the player who had the ball. this was a hit from damar hamlin and so just quickly your take on that and we have to move. >> i think higgins needs as much support as anyone today. when you are someone that inflikts clicked -- inflict that kind of in jury he needs our support as well. >> harris: the man who would be speaker of the house, if he gets the votes, kevin mccarthy talking now. let's watch. >> look, i have the record for the longest speech ever on the floor. i don't have a problem getting a record for the most votes for speaker, too. thank you all. i don't -- i don't see how a few people -- maybe it's 5 or 20, sit because they want a gavel they can't earn by the
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conference of themselves. that would be interesting to me. that's not what the constituents voted them in for. >> harris: top republican in the house and now on january 3rd we look forward to see what will happen at the vote today to see if republicans will give him the votes needed to become the next speaker of the house. we'll be all over it on fox news. now a new op-ed argues that president biden takes top prize when it comes to politicians who lie. introducing new dockside duos. get an individual-size starter and entree for just $15.99. welcome to fun dining. i was thinking, i should probably set up that 90 day refill. walgreens is all about making life easier. i can help set that up right now for you. i'll be honest, there are days i forget what she's supposed to be taking.
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none can officially start until they choose the house speaker. it could be a long day. congress convenes for the 118th timeless than an hour from now. shortly after that the vote for who gets the gavel. we can see a second round of votes for the first time in a century. speaker designate kevin mccarthy is facing some head winds. five firm nos. he can only afford to lose four votes. someone pretty familiar with the post, former speaker newt gingrich says just get on with it already. >> i don't understand what they are doing. they are not voting against kevin mccarthy, they are voting against over 215 members of their own conference. the choice is kevin mccarthy or chaos. i think it is a remarkably short-sighted and self-ish position. i don't understand where they're coming from. >> harris: newt never minces words, always puts it right
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where it is. aishah hosni is live on capitol hill. are they listening to newt gingrich? he's got it. >> no, they're not. we have now a full blown stand-off underway right now on capitol hill. you just heard from speaker hopeful kevin mccarthy right before the break about that intense g.o.p. conference meeting they all just came out of. he says he will not drop out of this bid. house freedom caucus members came out very angry and they say they will not vote for him. in fact, one of those members said they were sworn at during this meeting and threatened to be kicked off of committees. watch. >> so i said from the beginning my hard line was the motion to vacate. single member motion to vacate. you can't demand more responsibility and less accountability. >> right now as you mentioned there are at least five republican hold-outs who don't think that mccarthy is conservative enough.
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nine more members may be willing to join them turning the rest of the conference against the opposition. >> kevin mccarthy took three weeks to call him after he won his election. after kevin mccarthy put a million dollars into that election. some of the reasons they have for not voting for mccarthy are petty. >> that's silly. we're doing what is right for the country and our constituents and to bring true change to washington. >> bill: mccarthy has made major concessions to apiece critics. he offered up a controversial policy to allow any five members to call a vote to remove the speaker at any time. as you heard from lauren boebert, that's not enough. the opposition is planning on voting instead for arizona representative andy biggs and then perhaps unveiling a mystery candidate in the second round of
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voting. some are calling this now the biggest crisis in the g.o.p. for some decades and mccarthy himself just moments ago saying we may have a battle on the floor later today. >> harris: all right. aishah, a lot of good information to take forward with the congressman mike waltz of florida. thank you very much. let's get into it with republican mike waltz from florida now. i thought it was interesting virginia congressman bob good, republican, had a point. republicans have every right to do this. isn't this what we saw on the left when nancy pelosi faced a challenge from representative tim ryan among the democrats? >> yeah, thanks for having me, harris. look, the thing i think so many of us are so frustrated about is that this stand-off is over a lot of procedural stuff frankly. five members to vacate the speaker, one member to vacate the speaker. every american i talked to back
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home in florida doesn't understand this stuff. it is a bunch of procedural washington swamp talk. what they want us to get to is china, what's going on with hunter, is getting subpoena power to get to the bottom of the origins of covid that have damaged so many kids. i personally want accountability for 13 gold star families. we can't get to any of that. we can't get sworn in. we can't establish committees. we can't put the first bill on the floor which by the way is to defund the 87,000 i.r.s. agents. we can't do any of that until we have a vote for speaker. so my message is now is the time to be united. we voted as a conference for kevin mccarthy and we need stow stand firm against the democrats in the senate and adversaries around the world that want to take down america.
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enough is enough. let's get on with the people's business. that's what they elected this republican majority to do. >> harris: if anybody is wondering whether or not it's pomp and circumstance where you guys are concerned. at 11:59:59. half hour from now or so you become congressman elect because we end one congress and then go into the next one. without speaker of the house you are in limbo for a little bit. this is very real. has mccarthy given too much, has he capitulateed too much? now what are the bargaining chips. he is giving in and people want more. >> by the way, the house will be presided while we can't establish ourselves by an appointee of nancy pelosi, the house clerk will be overseeing nancy pelosi so actually the hold-out and these stand-off is empowering them. >> harris: do we have any reason to think that clerk isn't a democrat?
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no, probably not. >> it's a nancy pelosi appointee. of course she is. but to your point on concessions, look. this place is broken. a lot of things need to be cleaned up. speaker pelosi would take trillion dollar bills and craft them in the dark of her office and give us 24 hours to try to get through it before demanding an up or down vote or government shutdown. a lot of things need to be broken. a lot of the things kevin mccarthy has done moves us in the right direction. we are moving from appeasement to hostage situation. we can't hold the agenda, the republican agenda hostage because of some personal agendas of just a few members. >> harris: what is the talk with the five people in congress right now who have things that they want? is that something that different groups of you are assigned to go work on this thing? how are you getting through this? >> mccarthy is dealing with them
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directly and personally. my understanding from this morning's meeting, last night there were individual demands for chairmanship. the rest of us all have to compete for -- amongst our conference for who is the best qualified. that's healthy. there was even a suggestion of letting a democrat speaker come in so that they could fight against them. at the end of the day that's not what we were elected for. we were elected to hold this administration accountable and get this country back on track. that's what we need to get through this afternoon. the thing that has me so upset as someone who served all over the world is authoritarian regimes all over, north korea, iranian,, cuban regime and chinese communist party are pointing to us right now and saying democracy is too messy. that's why you need to side with us and not america. that's unacceptable. we need to get our act together and move forward. >> harris: you know what an enemy looks like.
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they are pointing to us with other thoughts in mind. that's just my take from covering it for so long. congressman, for at least the next 30 minutes and then perhaps we'll see you after that. i appreciate your time and breaking it all down. great to see you. thank you. a new report on the vice president's toxic work environment. how many of these reports do we need? what kamala harris's former aides are now saying about her in addition to calling her deeply, deeply insecure. plus president biden could announce his 2024 decision very soon. he vacillates. >> he probably will run. i don't know that he knows he is going to run. here is what we can figure. he is not the only democrat that's going to run. he won't have a solo run at this. >> harris: the list of democrats who can take on the president of the united states, if he does run, and what polls tell us right now about biden's chances.
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>> harris: president biden could soon make a highly-anticipated announcement on a possible 2024 presidential run. i feel like he has done this several times. the president reportedly followed through on his plan to talk it all over with his family on their holiday on the u.s. virgin island of st. croix. recent polls have shown the majority of americans want someone else. even some within his own political party are saying he should just step aside. if biden decides not to run, it would open up the field. names being floated potential contenders kamala harris. pete buttigieg, gavin newsom. if biden does go for it, some warn it will be an uphill battle. >> he will be 82 by the time the election would roll around. that's just unprecedented. this isn't the senior bowl. this is really the toughest job
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in the world and he has already shown he may not quite be up to it. so will he run? probably. but will he run unopposed in the democrat primary? absolutely not. >> bill: did you hear governor huckabee call it the senior bowl? peter doocy is live at the white house. >> we've been hearing more and more republican possible contenders talk about how they are having serious conversations with their families about 2024. but for now president biden is laughing off questions about re-election. >> president biden: happy new year. there is an election coming up? i didn't know that. >> the latest fox news poll finds just 33 percent of those polled want him to run for re-election. 64% said they don't.
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white house advisor say he will make the decision over family chats at thanksgiving and christmas. most democrats say they'll stay out of the race if he runs. he is moving up states he was strongest in last time. among democrats just now taking office, he can count on some support. >> i'm very excited for president biden to run for re-election. we'll support him. i'm thankful for the amount of times he has come to maryland. >> we've been told the first lady is fully supportive of a run but that doesn't necessarily mean that he will do it. >> harris: that's true. peter doocy, thank you very much. happy new year and good to see you. recent polling shows president biden and vice president kamala harris are struggling. about half voters say their opinion of them both is unfavorable.
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peter just showed us a similar poll among democrats. big majority 72% saying they want a different candidate than joe biden. 28% have a specific choice. gianno caldwell and disray tims. why wouldn't it be automatic the president wouldn't say he was running again. >> happy new year, happy to be back. >> great to have you back. >> president biden has said time and time again that it's something he was going to discuss with his family over the holidays and now we're out of the holidays so i, too, expect an announcement to come soon. however, i do believe the answer is that he is absolutely all in in 2024. i believe that all the democrats and many americans will vote for him again.
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the reality is we might have another president biden, former president donald trump match-up. i think the outcome will be the exact same. >> harris: how excited do republicans get when they see someone who will be 82 running in all respect to older people, even in my own family. running for president is difficult and already been a challenge at times? >> i think republicans would like to see joe biden run again. i think the republicans see him as the most likely person to beat. i have to tell you, though, there are only two scenarios where i think joe biden doesn't run again despite the fact there was a december poll showing that only 19% of people who would actually support him. one, his health really and seriously deteriorates to the point it can't be hidden and two, f.b.i. investigation reveals he did something wrong with his son, hunter.
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those are the only two scenarios. other than that i believe he will run again and not even a question. >> harris: quickly, why do you think the polling shows so few people want to jump behind him even in your own political party? >> president biden and the biden administration have delivered. if you look at the polling, yeah, democrats, some democrats may say they don't want him to run again. reality is the policy wins have been excellent. the same reason president donald trump was inflammatory but a lot of republicans fell in line because they liked some of the policies. president biden has delivered for democrats across the country especially in ohio where i am. primarily located he is delivering recently just on a bridge here. there have been a lot of good deliverables and it's what people are looking at. >> harris: he has delivered to his party. >> i have to agree with her, he
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has been delivering inflation, high gas prices and a number of other things that most people agree aren't good but i hear that. >> harris: i caught that was probably one of the few times i've ever heard you or any other democrat on this program compare biden to trump in a positive way. that was an interesting reach right there. of course trump has policies that people cared about. less than $2 a gas was delicious. let's move on. >> gas prices are down again in ohio. >> harris: good for you guys. i mean it. it is cold in ohio and we need heat. critics often call on the president for repeating a whole bunch of tall tales. we had to scroll them. you can see them here. his claim he was arrested trying to see nelson mandela, sneaking into an all girls dormitory and a big rig driver and politically
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raised by puerto rico citizens and that delaware has the most chickens of any state but no turkeys, 0. a "washington examiner" op-ed argues if we were punishing politicians for lying about their past, start with joe biden. our own brit hume tweeted joe biden's mind has been the home of the whopper for decades. gianno. >> i have the tell you the chickens have come home to roost. >> harris: from delaware? >> yeah, we aren't going to hear much from the "washington post" liar meter when they had when trump was in office or other publications which they seem to dust it under the carpet. i'll tell you, this is problematic that the president of the united states continues to lie. one of the most interesting tales was he was raised in a
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black church. i don't believe that and neither does jesus. we have to keep it moving as you've been the leader of the free world. >> harris: i'll move to this. exemploy ears not holding back on kamala harris who says a deep insecurity. the vice president would not answer questions about reports of a toxic work environment in her office. former staffers more than forthcoming when saying she refused to do the kind of preparation that you need to do before going public on a hard core policy matter. and then she became incensed and outraged when things would not go the way she thought they were supposed to. there was a lot of magical thinking. that's a quote. they add that the criticism has nothing to do with harris's race or gender. on the contrary, people take jobs with her to help her succeed despite the environment.
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>> having former employees criticize former bosses is nothing new. we saw the same thing during president donald trump's administration where "new york times" articles, books, donald trump laying into eating happy meals and hot cheetos. the stories go on and on. the slander against a powerful black woman, a senator, attorney and vice president is just not news. she didn't get there because she is a slacker. >> harris: they're not calling her out for her blackness. that actually doesn't come up. she has had some of the most diversity potential type jobs like the border. anyway. >> i would imagine that kamala harris is feeling a bit of pain about the decisions she made to be vice president. she was a popular senator over in california. and she could have taken a job
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in the administration if she wanted to. now forced to take on some of these assignments which are loser assignments because she refuses to get in front of it because her boss won't allow her to. she can't fix the border issue, joe biden won't allow any policy to come out to fix the border issue. i don't know if she would know how to fix the i shall you've in a bipartisan way. she has to feel away about what's going on. she chose a job that isn't being helpful to her career-wise. >> harris: happy new year to you both. hope to see you soon. thank you. liberals claim to embrace the first amendment. when it comes to social media critics say a double standard is on full display. they call one democratic senator's demand of big tech straight up censorship plus a "new york times" guest essay claims we can save the world by being shorter people. really? pete hegseth is not helping the
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planet out, nor am i at 5'9, 6'2 in heels. maybe he can shrink me. ♪ day and night. we were all of us dazzling... like knights sworn to protect our kingdom. we knew it wouldn't last forever, but... that's what made it special -- you know we'll be back tomorrow, right? yeah, but it'll never be today again. -[ groaning ] -just get on the bus, flo!
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censorship on social media. senator amy klobuchar has introduced legislation to rein in big tech. she calls 230 archaic and should be replaced. the measure is part of a 1996 law protecting social media platforms from responsibility for the content it uses -- that users post. the minnesota democrat now. >> can this be amended rather than got rid of? >> yes, you can amend it and focus on certain kinds of speech misinformation, disinformation. all you are saying is we know people will put stuff on your alleged town square, which has become a communications company. your network and other news organizations have limits and standards in place. an argument will be if you amplify it that's a whole different thing. >> harris: pete hegseth, i'm having an epiphany now and so is
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she. she suddenly cares about social media. when donald trump and other conservatives were getting pushed off platforms democrats were like crickets? why the sudden change of heart? >> she has always been the quiet queen of the north of the nanny state amy klobuchar. she believes she knows better than everybody else. has always been a radical. now that the one organ of social media is not completely controlled by her side of the aisle. it has to be reined in. misinformation, disinformation are two of the most dangerous words now. they mean nothing, defined by the elites and there is a right and wrong assigned. how many times, harris, we have covered on this program have what is deemed disinformation or misinformation from covid to laptops to the economy is later
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then debunked and the truth was what was deemed mis or disinformation. they don't control it and they want to shut it down. this is about elon musk. he doesn't say he is a right winger but a free thinker for a forum to be discused. violent speech or present verse speech should be banned. but there are a lot of different views in this world. let's have at it. amy klobuchar wants what she likes based on her left wing view of the world. >> harris: you are from minnesota and you know her. "the new york times," the virtues of being a shorter person. when you meat with shorter people you are potentially --
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lowering the height minimum for prospective partners on your dating profile is the step toward a greener planet. wow, okay. twitter users quick to react. one wrote very heightest of you at the new york desmitis another called out the paper for its disgusting tall phobia. one more morning. nba better watch out. nyt is coming for you. pete. >> what do you even say? this is the absurd logic of someone who has held up -- she has written for "the new york times." went to columbia school of journalism. the elites that don't cling to time-tested ideas and then chase the latest fad in pursuit of their religion, climatology. as a result, point at you, harris, you are the problem or
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others are problem. tyrus is a huge problem. not acceptable in a green planet. how much is this based in science? i would like to know that. my lovely wife is half the size of me but eats twice as much as me. how do you factor that in? i don't know. >> harris: my husband is 6'4 as well and i eat more than he does. i don't know. if you look to widen out the dating pool. -- >> don't wrap it is virtue signaling of climate. say i'm short or i have a lot of friends who are short and they are great people. check them out. i can hang with that argument. but don't make it about your ultra green. come on. >> harris: hilarious. joe rogue an going after critics who believe the term toxic masculine tee describes all men. he dug into the topic in one of
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his podcasts. >> this term that gets thrown around. toxic masculinity. whatever that means. it is not a rejection of these classically masculine traits. >> they don't have to blow their own horn. what we think of is toxic masculine tee is a bunch of loser. it's the worst example. >> harris: the terms get thrown around so much it's hard to keep them all straight. >> the left have tried to use the phrase toxic masculinity. two biological -- it's gender, a sliding scale. i could be a woman, you could be a man and if i'm exuding masculine traits like the god-given things on my heart
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different than women have it's a problem because i fit in a box they don't like. masculinity is more important. men willing to stand up for their families and faith and teach their kids and grandkids what it means to be a man, to lead, to be respectful, what it means to provide. just like we should be teaching our daughters like i do, like you do, what it means to be a woman in any view of what that means, a professional, homemaker, whatever it is, they're wonderful and beautiful differences between our biological sexes. don't use gender. that's a made-up word of the left trying to fall into their convenient act lair. men should be proud to be men. teach our boys to be men and take those strong stance on behalf of other men and on behalf of women and we're better off when women are women and men
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are men. >> i have this piece in my ear and i'm hearing amen from women producing the show. i love what you said. your woman hood is about power and a lot of things. we can model all of that for our children. we can model it. pete hegseth, happy new year to you and your family. "outnumbered" after the break. i. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank.
8:58 am
ralph, that's the chewy pharmacy box with our flea and tick meds. it's not peanut butter. ♪ the peanut butter box is here ♪ i'm out. pet prescriptions delivered to your door. chewy. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we?
8:59 am
no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music)
9:00 am
♪ hello, colonial penn? >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. the new congress gaveling in any moment now. it is straight up noon, and that means, because they don't have a speaker of the house yet, everyone goes back to "congressman elect" or "congresswoman-elect." we will watch very closely this hour if the republicans will retain power or let nancy pelosi pick a fill in clerk until they figure out who the speaker will be. the opening session will take off to kill years of
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