tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 4, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST
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thank you for joining us . and in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. why? because laura ingrahamoubled. ip next with the "ingraham angle", and she has an amazing show with amazing guests. amt to watchou wan every single anyway, call my radio show between three and six eastern eight hundred for one . >> sean, have a great night. i'm laura ingraham and this is ingram angle from washington tonight. >> well, republicans supposedly have the majority in the house of representatives, yet despite three votes, republicans have been unable to elect a speaker . now, this hasn't happened in one hundred years. so we're going to talk to two congressmen on different sides of this issue. that's coming up. but first, what matters? >> that's the focus of
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tonight's angle. now, how often have we seen the press try kind of pretend that religious americans are part of a fringe movement? liberals warn of christian nationalism and even link the faithful to domestic terrorism. now, these same elites relish seeing headlines like this. christianity in the u.s. is quickly shrinking and they're gleeful to report that millennials are turning against organized religion. and if you are someone who offers thoughts and prayers after tragedies, well, they assume you're just a fraud. >> we are not going to give them thoughts and prayers, which to me is just the rhetoric that we've used. the thoughts and prayers that you just referred to . it has done nothing to stop the epidemic of gun violence. >> a liberal high school administrators, let's not forget about them. they felt threatened by public displays of religion for decades. now, remember, joe kennedy,
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a beloved football coach at bremerton high school in washington state? he lost his job for the high crime of praying after games. >> it was never like we were forced to pray with him. he never said, hey, guys, like let's go pray or anything like that. we all just kind of took it upon ourselves. >> but the bremerton school district says it warned kennedy several times that as an employee he could not pray on the field after games at all. >> well, this poor coach had to take his case all the way to the supreme court, which thankfully ruled against a school and upheld his free exercise rights. >> but then last night in cincinnati, when buffalo's safety damar hamlin fell limp to the ground after a hard tackle, not only was no one complaining about public prayer, the millions watching, including yours truly, we were comforted by seeing it. grown men visibly shaken, terrified of what they saw, were moved to drop to their
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knees, not in protest. but in humility and devotion to the almighty. it was fervent prayer for healing for their brother, who lay motionless as his mother watched in the stands. no one was focused on rivalry's the playoffs. fame, fortune, issues like race or politics. none of that mattered on display for the world to see was the best of america. our humanity, our compassion, our caring, our shared faith in a greater power, one that can help us see goodness even if it's terrible suffering fans from both the bills and the bengals even ran to pray outside the hospital where hamlin was rushed in for treatment. >> it was just a big shock, like it was just a big silence, like no one knew what to do. and it's just heartbreaking to even hear what happened. >> the whole world loves them. everybody loves them. it's not just one fan base.
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that's just one person. we're all here. we're all praying for him. i'm a big fan. so i was really praying really hard that everything was okay and i still am. i feel like the world just stopped at that moment. >> this is the best of america. and it's also in part why we love sports . all sports teams, when they're run well, become brotherhood or sisterhood. the reservoirs of love and support where young people learn and they grow when they confront disappointment and enjoy victory, and where on rare occasion, they're forced to realize that every breath of our lives is a gift. that tomorrow is promised to none of us . of course, it's easy to lose sight of your priorities. we all can do that with money and fame. but in interviews, damar hamlin seemed wise beyond his years. >> i'm big on my family unit, like my mom, my dad, my little brother, like that's pretty
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much my whole world outside of any other thing going on . my life revolves around them like i don't really do too much without my mom and dad's opinion. whether i take it or whether i don't, you know. but i sometimes i just want to hear, you know, that's just how i was raised. and that's just something i'm big. how refreshing and how uplifting that last night and today, americans from coast to coast contributed to damar hamlin, a charity that provides toys year round to needy children. now, here on the angle, we spend a lot of time pointing out where our politicians and sometimes our schools go off the rails. we've blown spectacles on capitol hill. and the fact that kids are taught that america was founded on evil or that capitalism is only about greed and power. as i mentioned earlier, we're taught that anyone who dares to be religious in public or offers thoughts and prayers is kind of treated like an outcast. it wasn't too long ago that
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quarterback tim tebow was ridiculed for kneeling in prayer. but fast forward to today on espn, moved by the heart wrenching reality of damar hamlin condition, sports analyst dan orlovsky bowed his head on live television. >> and maybe this is not the right thing to do, but it is on my heart that i want to play. it is damar hamlin right now and pray for strength, for demand, for healing. for demand, for comfort, for demand to be with his family. to give them peace. if we didn't believe that prayer didn't work, we wouldn't ask this of you. god , i believe in prayer. we believe in prayer. we lift up damar hamlin name in your name. amen. amen. amen. now, how often have you seen that happen at an anchor desk on secular television? well, tonight, even with all the political chaos in d.c., we're going to get to that shortly.
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we see the innate goodness in america shining through. >> we're endowed by our creator with inalienable rights. among them, we know where life, liberty and the pursuit, happiness. and for tens of millions of americans, happiness includes celebrating our american traditions, things like thanksgiving, christmas, fireworks on the fourth of july and yes, football to stay healthy. for us to continue to build bonds of friendship across our communities. >> we need to strengthen our traditions, not tear them all down. certainly not allow political or racial or socioeconomic differences. divide us in the horror that unfolded on a football field in cincinnati last night. we also saw grace and the beauty, the deep concern for our fellow man. so wouldn't it be incredible if this national outpouring of genuine empathy could carry over to others suffering in our midst to the addicted,
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to the homeless, to the elderly who are left alone or maybe to the foster kids shuttled from home to home? that would be the greatest legacy of all, because in the end, it's what really matters. >> and that's the angle. joining me now is lou holtz, college football coaching legend go notre dame. lou, your reaction tonight to what happened to damar hamlin and how sports can actually bring rivals together? >> and great, great hardship. laura felt that your interview with dumar said volumes about the importance father in the family. because i remember not too many years ago, everybody was trying to downplay the importance of the father as an nfl and college football coach , predominantly college for well over 40 years. i think i speak on behalf of all the coaches. your number one obligation is not to win is to keep the safety of your players. i'm proud to say over 40 years
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,a coach, i never had a serious injury because i think it would be absolutely devastating. it's like your children are entrusted you with their safety. so are your players. i think the nfl has done a tremendous job in improving it, lowering the risk of possible injury. you look at all the changes they made targeting the if you get a concussion, you can't pay like two for a while. you only get the one yard run on a kickoff. you can't hit blindsight by block things along that line. so they've done a tremendous job, but with the ncaa in that and as i look back on it, it was devastating. but you know what? i don't read about is how many athletes do they have problems with their heart after covid? i'm talking about athlete like over fifteen hundred, but yet you only have one in the nfl all of a sudden let's get rid of football is too dangerous. it was an accident.
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it could never happen. i think it was a smith to comment about gave or he was a basketball player, had a problem, died on the court. this young man got hit in the chest. that is unfortunate. and is so important. you say, well, what makes you i think, come together and pray for one another? i think i'm sorry to interrupt . there's a little bit of a delay here, but i think we don't we don't know. i mean, we speculate politically a lot on the show, but i'm certainly not a doctor, so i don't want to i don't want to speculate as to what caused this cardiac arrest. i think that i think they are going to have to release his medical file. we're going to have to learn a lot more , as dr. mccullough said on tucker's show earlier. and we will have to know more about his overall medical status. but i want to talk about him as the man, because i read i think this is right, lou, that hamlin was offered letters of interest from notre dame and other top college programs.
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he, as much as he loved those other colleges, including notre dame, he chose to stay with pitt because he wanted to be close to his younger brother and his family. what does that say about him as a young man? >> it is his priority to right it. it's all about family. i don't know what happened to the deterioration of the family where we cared about one another and what made football so popular. and i say this from the bottom of my heart, it's because football is a family, the only friends you have in this world. things don't go well for those wessely bleed with , pray with and cry with your family and your teammate. you love one another. players come and go. teammates last a lifetime. and that's where you care about one another. you care about the safety. you care about their success. yeah, you're an individual, but it's being part of a team. and one of the reasons that drug gangs became so prolific was because people start downplaying of football and everybody wants to be part
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of an organization. so if they don't have football, then i'm going to go join a gang. so i cannot begin to emphasize how much i learned on a football field. i learned far more on a football field to ever learn a college classroom. although one aspect of the story drawing controversy involves this claim that the players were told they had five minutes to warm up following damar hamlin injury. now, the nfl has denied that there was other old timers out there on the internet today saying, you this is horrific and tragic. but 40 years ago, the players would have got themselves together and they would gone on and played the game. i don't know what's true and what's not. but your reaction to that claim that the nfl was going to go ahead with this game? >> well, i've been watching football, i say for 50 years, so we think that could be . however, in the 70s, there was a receiver, i think, for minnesota, ran around, came
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back , passed out and died. and they called him off the field. and but they continue the game. they played it. they did catch it. and our society changes. you remember this when i played in high school, my football coach , five years before that, they were cheeba. and he had a different attitude about murphy picking up life and moving on , etc.. and so i the nfl had to make that decision also. but that's the players don't want to play. there's no sense having to go out because that's what serious injuries do occur. i agree with what the nfl decided to . they've got all kinds of problems because that was important game between the bill and the bengals who don't want to be who they say are not play your game. >> so i don't know what the world is going to happen, but it was an important decision, although they say they're not going to play this weekend. so how how does that actually work? i mean, there is a lot of money on the line with football. it's a business on top of
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everything else that it means a brotherhood of of of family on american tradition. >> but there is a process. so what happens? it can be done. you can have the open date or you have the playoffs, etc. you could work at, say, out. it may be you have to eliminate the open week before the super bowl. that's no big deal . it's all about fanfare. and everything else. but it can be done and it has to be done. in fairness, of the game. >> lou, it's great to see you tonight. thank you so much. for joining us . and coming up, chaos on capitol hill leaving our country without a speaker of the house. so what does that mean for the republican agenda? who's going to be speaker? congressman roy and jim banks are both here. they're on different sides of this day. >> they're i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains, i had to take a breath. i began to understand what was so special about you guys ready
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>>e title. >> let's meet the challenges that the american people sent j to all of us ,th not justs. the republicans, not just e the democrats. wechalle can meet those challene but let's starctt by electingrii kevin mccarthy as our nextly speaker. >> i think kevin mccarthy b is the right guy to lead us . i really do.p or i wouldn't be standing up here giving this speech. that wf th? everyone feels that way becauseo if they did whatf have a speakr of the house right now nominated kevin mccarthy lost three votes in a row today and the first th 1o, 19 house republicans votd
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for someone other than mccarthyi congre then issn the third, floridama congressman byron donald s switched his vote at the last 2 gonute, bringing it up to twenty lost gop votes. eceive my next guest actually received one vote durin during that firsa round. joining me now is indiana congressman jim banks. s chairman of the republicanress study committee. congressman, did your moman, yom vote mean what happenedg with that one vote? so i just i'm nofoa t asking for a recount now.u vote i got you. now, you voted for mccarthy three of the three times. three >> how are you going to vote tomorrow? i intend to vote foru kevin mccarthy again. he's the guytomo who has is moso prepared to do the job to stephd ayin. this has been a long yet and somewhat messyn , yetthy pr productive and healthy process. it's led to betteroc rules that has empowered members withings the conference to get the things done that we said wel were going to do. that's my biggest gripe about republicans. at rep weub make we make promisese be and commitments that republicans don't keepen afterea we've been elected.hat we but i think this processents
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is leading the way. so o that we can keep those commitments over the next couple of years. >> any concessionsession by anyo the opposition that you're t seeing on this many ofhe thesee, members on the other side? frin many most of them are new my friends. and the good news iss is that we all get to go home and sleepd s on it tonight. has havee conversation been ongoing throughrrow the evening, probably will well we'r the night. and tomorrow morning we'reg going to go back to work at noon tomorrow. we're going to electto elect a republican speaker, conservative speaker. >> let's say the vote keepa nsei s going, okay, and it keepsand going. and we have anotheher and anothr and another. at some point, the moderate republicans and there are o thro some could decide to throw ine y with the democrats and have some type of coalition. house of representatives, correct? yeah, that's my biggest fear. what the heck was that?dn't the what did why didn't you why didn't the folks who weren opposing mccarthy campaign on that in the midterms? yeah, that would be devastating. the midtethat would be a breakr
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our promise to the american people who gave us the majorite y a counting on a republican speaker to lead us forward, to go afte blican sr the democrats, to hold the biden administration accountable. so we have to do on accoule. everythingg that we can to stop that.o make laura , i'm determined to do everything tha t i can to makeee sure that a republican speaker is elected, someond. kehas to get 218 votes. and kevin mccarthy is ths ethe n only one that's getting clos the to that number, the only one that i suspect can get 218 votes in the conference. wor so we'll go back to work at hopt noon tomorrow and hopefully get this done so that we cant roll up our sleeves and go. >> when you answer. when i askedto the first wor tiu said you intended to vote and you didn't say you will , i'm going to vote forn kevin mccarthy on the fourth ballot tomorrow. >>the fo and more ballots after i mean, thatkn that that's i don't know what's goingt to happen overnight. i'm hoping that dealdeale s aree overnight, that the deals are struck and we go and have unity tomorrow. let kevin mccarthy be the speaker so we can roll u uves a. our sleeves and move forward. >> what would have happened today had a speaker
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actually elected? >> well, then we would have gone to work. we would have passed bills. we would hav te createhed. the select committee on china. we would have got startedd on our efforts to balance the budget and cut wasteful spending, cu t the sixty seven thousand irs agents was banning irs agents. those are the thingsth wose e dr right away. budoightt but we're held up.g to we're going to be go back to work tomorrow and hopefully we can get that done.>> >> all right. lau i we thisn'ts isn't going to be le a never ending process. it's like electing a pope ata this point. we can have white smoke comepope out of the capitol, some banks.s great to see you. thank you. all right.s texa joining us now is texasss congressmaman chip roy, who votd against kevin mccarthy, al l three times. when have both sides on this issue now?ss congressman, it's great to see it's great to now, some are saying, and now, some are are are saying and i think kevin mccarthy's folks are saying thatys a they already gave you guysre a number of key concessions. i frankly, if i were here,give i might not have given if i were trying to become speaker. so wist what is your end gamen h at this point, given the three
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votes? and yet you all don't have one candidate who can get to 218, at least not. >> well, thanks for having me, s on , laura . look, this iabou is all about mg sure that we change thislath institution, okay? laura , you know this every single night on your show, you talk about how broken this place is . does anybody think thatt one point seven trillion dollar bill that just passed is a goodd thing? does anybody think tha thing?t s institution is working? d with all dueue r respect to kev he's been in leadership since two thousand nine . let me be clear, the debt was $32 eleven trillion dollars, then it's thirty two trillion dollars. now i can go through vote after vote after vote over the last decade, he was in the minority of republicans not standinnot sg with ted cruz on obamacare. in 2013, he was on goodlatte wao two in 2018. wit with respect to the immigrationr and border security bill , which messedr bi up the entire effort for us to secures the border four years ago, last year.evody congressman, we've documented that and everybodyknows. is liks
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i'm in i'm probably to the right of all a lot oa lof you gn on a lot of these issues.e so no one is going to be conservative enough for me. however, you still have to get t to 218. so, again, i'm going to ask yood what is your end game here?be because it looks like we could be going to something, in my view, a lot worse than someone who is an who passes an ideological purity test, understandin. g gets here. no, it's not an ideological purity test. this isn't kevin, about kevin . this is abou'st all of the assertions being made by kevin's camp. whwhen i hear assertions, it says, oh, they gave yo u everything you wanted, laura , hold on .a .a second. ours t what? seventy two hours to read a bill that's already the rulely and it gets waived. he do you know how it gets waived? because the rules committee is chock full of a bunch ful establishment people who say, oh, whatever we need to do to jam through a big spending bill that mitch mcconnell justt sent to us? look, when the leadershimitch padersh actually votes with the minority votes, with the democrats to steamrollipminoriis republican , which is the past s history of our republican leadership, then maybe we should do something different.
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diff.o want tools i need to change that. >> okay, but my question to you again, you have to get fromnd point a to point b , i understand frustration. ing th the establishment long before you were on capitol hill. i've been fighting esta that.ight.o i geto point that. but you still have to be able to get to point b . so my question is a veryu rather specific one . would you rather have hakeem jeffries? >> and it's not hold c on hoicer eaof a real choice in the house rather than have mccarthyth as speaker with the concessions that you did get a number ofsio. concessions on , what would you rather have a coalition where you could be in the minority that's opposing the democrats? yes or no? laura , that's a false >> hakeem jeffries can only be e the speaker of the house if a republican votes for him.: mor right now, moderate republicans might. moderate republi might moderate republicansup doi ifght end up doing that then. i don't vote here for days later. look, i don't believ t ee that and look at the end of the day
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right now, the conversation we're having is will we changeep the rules committee so that we what wstop doing what we are dor like you're talking about explai having a democrat versusworkin republican . explain to me how what we've been doing is out e . right. but my question is didn'tthing, and i'm not privy to everything ,but didn't did he not puteedo a number of freedom caucus members? didn't h ae already agredye to u guys have specific and top positions in the key committees? no, i know. i know.commtees. know some of them aren't some of them aren't like waysnd and means or appropriations, but thos oe committee. yes. correct. no judiciary.e co yes. correct. this is thjudicie judiciary. onj weud have republicans,e reality jim jordan's on judiciary. this is the reality, though. lastthough night, a presentatio of an offer was put in front ofo kevin and he walked away from it. ndand guess what?ng to hepa then went out and said that people were looking to try to pad their resumes and getn th on committees. ru to beledon't want on the rules committee and it's my family on sunday night, but i offered my name so that nam i could come and fight for my country. and then he turns aroundrns aroh and goes to the conference meeting. thisis m analy morning and the about us .st
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and then he had mike rogerss stand up and say he was going to kick us off committees. he just burned himself. he jusrnedt solidified fifteen m twenty people who are against him.ave some obeenf been working ford ft sixty days in good faith to getl actual changes to fix thisd i' place. t th and we're still i'm here atd the capitol and i'm going to turn around and i'm goingm to go sit down to try. to negotiate. but the negotiation only worksth when people want to actually advance conservative policies and unfortun pand une. we hit a wall last night when t kevin rejected a good faith offer to give him two hundred, and eighteen votes. he had it on his table. heturn turneedawayd it your way okay, my final question here is , do you have ana vo alternative, let's say a vote after vote afteraf vote happensi and hakeem jeffries is still beating and the overall count, kevin mccarthy, would teve scalise then be acceptable to you? t from whai'vet i gather on most issues that i've the following, they're pretty much the sameco on the issues, correct? i mean, i like personally, likeve nothing against any of these folks. i like steve scalise as well. s cl.but would that be moreyoun acceptable to you?
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and if so, why? ut but >> w so there's a number of nam that have been floating about, but we can'tet t actually get to that as long as kevin saysin he's going to keep running indefinitely.finitely >> l aura: so you don'ti don't realli you don't wantm, him at all the i mean, you really don't just i say, look, i'm actually i like n kevin . i like steve .t i like but what i want is i want refle the rules committee to reflect ideologict c. our ability to stop an omnibus spending bill like was just passed in decemberpendin over the wishes of republicans by mitch mcconnell and eighteen republicans. you didn't a8 give a about americans.op i want the ability to stop that. and i don' that t leadert leader it currently. well, you need more populist eelected, right?t i mean, the point is stillal mas there's still not a critical mass of populist republicans. io that's who i am.t on i'm not i'm not one of the pro-war republicans. s that i'm not.'se that's not me at all. so you need more america firstum populist. you don't you don't have the numbers yet, right? no, but hold hnu on mbera secon right. whatgo package was a ukrainebilc bill packaged with a massive spending bill ?>> we could have broken thatt th a speaker. right, right.
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bue fat the fact is , you could have negotiated with mcconnell made chip roy. i woulchip roy have sad said yog an nda until you passndaa a continuing resolution. so you until don't stuff us with a bloated omnibus spending bill likwith ae just happened, restricting our ability to secure the border. he didn't do that. he should have der. tha the senate and met with them and said, don't do that.n't like any he didn't. i don't like anyf of these bills. i wouldn't pass any of them. i'd still i' d make everybody mk stand a christmas until everything got straightened out. 85% roy, i'm looking forward m looking what happens. i want to hold the democrats accountabltoe and believe me, i've had to learn the hard way.h perfect is the enemy of the good.o so hope i hope you all can work ou. something. i appreciate it. thank you so much. no jo, tulsiit.g us now gabbard, former democrat, congresswoman fox news contributor. tulsi, the dems are enjoying, obviously, what's going on with all the republicans. >> watch this. i did not think thatoing t kevin mccarthy was goingo to have the votes in the first round, but i didn't thin tk thai it was going to be di catastrophic for him as it
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actually was the democratic side. we didn't have a singledna defectiosinglen and that unity l is very much going to helpp us. >> maybe she can have the wordrt unity written on our next galaga. tulsi, your thoughts on what unfolded today? >> yellower. for i turn on the tv for a little bit and was watching it for a few minutes and seeing that clip from aosisse and seeii how some of thisng is playingi h out. i think i felt the samk e frustration in that so many americans feel.see two as you see two big political parties fighting with each other. and she's like, oh, kevin d , mccarthy, thisha or this, hakeet jeffries that. what about the peopl people? what about the fact that over decades it has increasingly becomeasingly true that political parties are gettinguld more powerful and individual representatives that we, w the people elect are gettingea weaker and the more powerfuls bo rethese political parties become who really only care about their own interest in advancinad their own power,va they use thao power to bully individualy
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representatives to do whatever it is they want. and what is it they want is ? well, they want to accomplish oftentimes whatever their highest contributentributi lobbs want them to do in the militaryo industrial complex is one ofne the biggest donors of them. so i've got experience of this. obviously, i served in congress for eight years and i saw this was true within just a couple of days. within of going to congress in2 when i got elected, where veryil quickly it was clear , hey, if's you've if there is a good idea ,but it's coming from a republican, we're not going to support it unless a democratn actually introduces the bill and vice versa. so ultimately, what i se e here ,laura , is the american losin people are once again losing out to this battle between, you know, kind of what is best for t the political party rather than saying, hey, what action do wer take to best empower congres your individual elected representatives in congress to fight for you? yeah, totally. i agree with you. ea however, i mean,n, this, thatnde what unfolded on capitol hillry and i understand everybody's reallyfrustration here.
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i really do. but how does tha keet get us to keep saying from point a to e point b to better representation fornt the peoples the anti-war republicans don't he numbershave the numbers yet.s they need the numbers. they can blockha some things.t' that's true. t blocking mccarthy, again, a no one as conservative as i want them to be, but blockingo b mccarthy, how does that get youu to a place where you block a the the pro-war coalition orn or the pro china coalition or the pro free trade or pro open t rders? i'm not sure how that getssure there. you segetsyou see what my poine. yeah, i see your point and i agree with you. >> there definitely needs to be securi more people who are for the security of this countryagas and against these counterproductive wars that end up costing us and hurting the american people more than anything else. it's one of the reasons i leftis the democratic party was the democratic party has become the pro-war party. and as youe party anas y know, e thing that so many democrats and republicans in washington
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actually do agree on . and i think there is hope in the fact that there are still a small l group, but an increasing group of republicans who are becoming that voice of accountability and restraint and against these counterproductivnd restr e laws, there's a lot more conversation, i think, that needs to take place in order to start to movee we'r towards that objective that we're talking about here, that we actually have leaders who are looking out foinrd the the best interests of the country and the americaneop. people. now, that's the way to grow p this party. i'm not sure what happenedarty.t today acrossoday needs the partn needs to grow and it grows, grows in different areas. rent d diand different ethnicits and races and ages. tul and , tulsi, wsie value t your voice. thank you so much.op now, a top high school just d outside the d.c. courtintentio intentionally hurtings in some students college prospects. a major investigation is in the work works ans. his me and we're going to talk fromss one of the parents who helped uncover this mess. next. >> let me tell you the secret to stressing less, sleep more , no matter how much
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school in the country. enn youngkin n aafter allegatio withheld telling students about wis award. uit this is all in the name off equity, by the way. thomas thomas jefferson high school ins fairfax county, virginia, known as a school for gifteds and talented students, is admitting that numerousadld national merit scholars were only told of their honor aftercg important college application deadlines had already passed . nts is sayin but my next guest is a parentate of one of those students ddent is saying that the director of student services told her thatwa it was dons e intentionally because he and the principal ste didn't want to hurt the feelings o f students who didn't get the award. >> oh, my god.. joining me now is shawna yashar, thomas jefferson highje school. mom, shauna, i know you'reffers a proud mother of a greatw you'e son who's a senior at a schoolat ,doesn't want to hurt. the feelings of students who ia pres mean, that's such a prestigious honor to be a national merit scholar. >> we eryonea nation can be that . we were so proud owef him when f found the certificatice in hise
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room and a pile of papers this. and we asked him what was this?h mee and the thing, laura , that really makes me so sad is that k these kids at the school dodoes' amazing accomplishments and the school doesn't celebrate themasc to the level that these kidse ki deserve. and as such, these kids ardse aa thinking that they'rccomplet. accomplishments don't mean anything. but it does mean a whole lot.% f i mean, graduating in the topn m three percent of your class in terms of sat, sat scores is a huge honor. and we should be celebrating the kidsg to for that, not tryie to hide that information. well, we had heard h over the last couple of years since really since the george floydato tragedy, that the concern abouuo honors other people feel bad because they're not in high honorse , they're not in honors. so they didn't get an apo designation or they didn't do well on a on an exam even. what does that do to objectivee standards in the united states ? >> it absolutely destroys it, right. thes i mean are, these kids are thin that, you know, thatments do their accomplishments don'twh mean anything. >> what doeso ar it do to the kh imo who are coming up through
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the ranks or maybe areg improving over time? why bother tryin?g? really?you? absolutely not trying.on't i mean, why would you i mean, these awards don't meane ac anything to you. t me your accolades don't mean anything to you. beu're led to believanythinge ce admissions. don't even look at satli and acg scores anymore. why are you even working on your studies? i mean, it's jusr t a hodgepodge of luck at this point.s at this point, what are: at t the kids at tjhi say about a how this is all going? and they kind of know what'sthey agoing. are. >> do they know? my yeah, they are. i mean, my son and his friends have have made comments that they really are proud of the work that i'm doing and some of the other parents are doing to try to make the school they're proud of be. >> they were really proud when they got accepted to the school. i mean, itd let me just tell everybody watching. sc's one of the top schools in the united states , period, thomas jefferson high. but that that made them feel j bad or it's not fair to the tha other kids who didn't get in. i've never heard of anything more ridiculous. don't tk they made any of them feel bad.l i don't think these kids actually felt bad. i think it's talking about ink any kith the administrators. the administrators feel bad or they think the kids should feel bad. eland they try to to impart tho
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feelings onto these and that's just really interpret. your son doesn't really deservso to go to a top school. it hase to be given to someoneh who didn't do as well. shanna, thank you very much for. bringing this issue to light. and we're going to br brine fold up on this. >> thank you. so thanks. good luck to your son . thank you. now, the medical censu: the mes strikes again. of course, this is happening where common sense goes to die. of course, california, whereo new laws go into effect this week. doctors who spread so-calledo- medical mysocalledmedican automn will now be subject to various punishments. now,punishs. the sanctions rangm reprimands to suspensions to complete revocations of medical licenses. cajoining me now is dr. jay proe bhattacharya, professor of medicine at stanfordf , dr. b ,o who gets to determine what constitutes misinformation inli california. >> now, essentially, if f yogo u go to the doctor, you havethe do the cdc in the same roomct with you as your doctor . and the doctor has to decide
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whether they're going to serve it's the cdc or the patient. appened. it's an absolutely incredible thing that it's happened. normally, you would want the doctor to servet ra the interest of the patient ratherther tha than just publir in general and now under law, under threat of losing latdoctor their license, california doctors serve the cdc overc over the patients . t as dr. brown . info isn't it curious tharmt as new information is coming out about the efficacy of these booster'ss antibody dependent enhancement, natural immunity, vitamin d, , i three zinc, all the other antivirals, the early interventions now we're seeingel this data. whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't talkl anymore about this stuff, isn't that curious? >> well, i mean, the thing is , these issues are complicated. there's a lot of differences of about among experts on these issues. what this law doesf , thisw does new law in california does is essentially tells doctors, if you express your honest opinion, you could loseyou your license. if that's the purpose of the law, it's to take qualifiedd doctors out of that conversation. out of thaso that there's an ilf
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consensus on all of these onsensuscomplicated issues whent fact, what we really need is all minds at the table a talking, considering honestly saying what they actually think instead of this sortg hones suppression of opinion by byreso by government edict. well, one of the most courageous doctors in e the unitedunited states , led it the great barrington declaration. everything that you've been evh and you still spoke out. dr. bhattacharyya, we really >> up nete youbh r. thank you.xt now, up next, jimmy fallon finally woke up from his h new year's eve stupor, and he'ss here to weigh in on a sober cnn and so much more . a stay there.po even if you go .comt powered by innovation get a payroll tax refund. get a payroll tax refund. evenup only takes eight minutes to qualify by wha. busines i went on the web site, uploaded everything, and i was uploaded everything, and i was blown away. s too. >> what they could do,
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>> go to joe biden dog today. >> now, saturday, i proved thatn the only thing worse than new year's eve on cnn hosted by drunk anchors, was new year's eve on cnn was sober anchors. now we at fox, we didn't need hounds to make our coveragen to on on air it was fun to watch. joll, certainly not with jimmy fallon on our air. joining us now, the host of fox he jss america, fox news radio. he joins us . jimmy , now, it's great to see you. happy new year to that. it wasn't to cnn, though, host. right. tim who blacked out this time, but
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their actual coverage. i want you to watcath what n th happened when the clock actually struck 12:00 in new orleans. >> 12:00 thanks all ready for ts countdown. coun ♪ it is new year's stories happy ne. hey, jimmy , here's here's a problem. here yo'su can see a little countdown on the corner. it wasn't unti youl nineteen seconds after midnight. yeah. betty asked if everybody was way to start the countdown. well, it's just nineteen seconds. it's only now what's going the countdown at all.. don lemon did such a good job,uc laura . h they just offered him a show on cnn. plus, hey,show on man, come onl yoy u literally had, you know, the expression you had one job. this is like the hog forgetting to come out of its hole.year dude, new year's eve is alle about the
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the only thing i'll say in their defense is cnn has been dropping the ball all yearhey, g long. >> hey, good night, everybody.ou raall right. the we can just drop the mic now. so, jimmy , i preferred when they drank, i think it was a much more interesting or maybinterest ie because i wasn't drinking. i don't know who knows a by the way, there is a brandat new book out that's revealing that biden apparently doesn't trust his own secret service, saying that he told a friend that he thought an agent lied a about being bitten on the leg last year by the then first dog, major. the president's attitude about the dog incident reportedly the distrustbroader of the security agency by the main figure it's supposedgenc y byto protect jimmy .roblem wit that's his problem with thesecrr secret service.vice >> well, h well, he has a territorialin thing with the dogs in dog the white house. because biden thinks the onlyono one sniffing people is him. he doesn'tne realize he has some competition in that department. but, yeah, when it comesition ie secret service, if anybody
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should be showing their appreciation to the guy who needs them to help him in and out of every room so its th e doesn't get lost. do you remember when h ge was given the fema briefing and he just walked ouout oft mid speece i'm done here and they hadt mi to go fish him out of the crowd like show a little respect, you know? well, yeah. i meanth, i personally think tht dog could be on capitol hill giving some encouragement to people to come to some agreement. well, i was goin e , wellto , u a dog is just picked up eight votes to be speaker, so don't rule out the dog just yet. he's now in the lead.he he's the best candidate. i thought george santos just out of that. re jimmy okay, back to new year's.u now, it'yes that time of yearin again where people are thinking about shedding a few elves. >> but what happens? they stop trying ay t the beginning of february, according to the "wall street journal", saying that exercisstreetcisee and weir the common focus is for resolutions. but two thirds resolns but the t basically abandon them. in the first montht , jimmy ,
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how's how's it going for, oh,os god , you need to lose youd into right now. i've leaned into thi this sht fr overweight figure skater looki that i rock on your show every year. i look likusede i used to be the gold medalist guy they hoisted at the end of the routine. but now i got fat during covid,g so i'm the guy on the bottom. >> but stick with me, laura . t the reason resolutions go nowhere is people want to make them a gt the beginning of the year to get the social currency of posting the photo mt like, look at me, i'm turning po my life around. buike t the truth is , nobody hd is into it, number one . number two, you're making it in a bad time of the year.s it's the height of all the ravelry, which is the holidays. it the winner. so you want to get it that.>> , whoa.ait who is that man?g me i they're tellin g me i haveout to get out.t but you just got thrown off by a mechanical bull. apparently, he wantsrently h toe weight or something. jimmy will see you next week. up next, a sad goodbye on the angle fundrise is for the smart money with direct
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"the ingraham angle," jessica curry, on the right, one of our great producers, been with us almost from the very beginning of the "the angle" is going to bigger and better things, she's getting married. malcolm is a lucky guy. we will miss you. she is one of the greats, what can i say? up next, gutfeld. >> todd: fox news alert, day two of the new congress and no speaker of the house. kevin mccarthy hit with a wall of republican resistance and now only hours left to win him over before they try again for the fourth time. you're watching "fox and friends first"s, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. mccarthy is heading into today's vote confident he can get it done. listen. >> leader
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