tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News January 4, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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issues with the secretary. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. again, the house comes back into session 8:00 p.m. eastern time. they may come in to then adjourn or they may not. we'll see what happens. we're following it all. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. busy day, jesse. >> jesse: very busy for you. especially. thanks a lot. >> bret: see you. ♪ ♪ success jess you know those people who think you owe them everything. they do a solid one time and they will just start inviting themselves out for dinner? >> i can't believe you're giving him this. >> i didn't want anything for it. [applause] >> very generous, isn't he? >> yes, yes. he is. i will tell you what, you can take me out to dinner some time. [laughter] >> dinner? >> yeah, you buy me a meal.
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you can't get a better deal than that. >> never get a better deal than that. >> think you are finally even, they come back asking for more. >> do you know what i think? i'm just going to have soup. yeah, i will save the meal for another time. [laughter] i had a lot dog earlier i'm not that hungry. >> no, no. this is the dinner. the soup counts. >> soup's not a meal. you're supposed to buy me a meal. >> jesse: and if you steal 70 million in crypto from criminals and funnel it to the democrats, you expect a little something, you know, in return. and no a kiss from maxine waters, no relation, isn't enough. especially for a skinny fat kid like mini made al-jaafari. he wants to hang out with katy perry, tom brady and bill clinton while his harem feeds him vegan sliders. nothing major. oh yeah, i forgot. full access to the white house. tonight, we're learning mini madoff visited the biden house not once, not twice, not three
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times, but four times just last year. mini madoff was at the white house as recently as september at the exact same time he was siphoning money from drug cartels and sending it to the democrats senate campaigns. here's what mini did after visiting the white house. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: mini just pulled off the biggest campaign finance scandal in american history money laundering, mafia money bahamas and into chuck schumer's war chest. dance like no one is watching, mini, because no one was. so, what was he talking about? you know, that whole time with the biden white house? well, maybe the binder reader
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has the answer. >> i'm wondering, given this first briefing since then if you can give us any sort of summary of what has been discussed in mr. bankman-fried's meetings with the white house. >> yeah, let me give you a couple of run downs here, so, as we previously confirmed, as you know, i know you are following this very closely, these meetings including sety and bruce reid. >> so who is steve row sety? he is the counselor to the president, one of biden's most trusted guy and who is bruce reid? >> he just happens to be the white house chief of staff deputy basically the gate keeper to joe biden. hmm, so what mini madoff talked to biden's closest advisers about four times last year? >> this meeting with sam bankman-fried was focused on pandemic prevention-related matters.
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>> jesse: so crypto fauci was advising the biden white house about the pandemic. i had no idea the vegan thief was a virologist. did you? i thought he just knew how to steal money. what else was mini madoff talking to the biden white house about? >> and crypto currency and crypto exchanges. >> jesse: oh, so the biden white house was meeting all year about crypto currency with the biggest crypto scam artist in u.s. history. and all of that crypto money just wound up buying the democrats the senate? and then the biden administration turns around after he won the senate with the illegal campaign contributions and arrests the guy. is anybody else in the media covering this story? this story is crazy. and what was mini wearing to the white house? did he look like fetterman? >> so, very often when people get wealthy they buy fancy suits and so forth. you haven't gone to that phase yet, right? >> not so much. >> so you're outfit is pretty much standard. it's some kind of t-shirt,
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shorts, tennis shoes. is that what you wear all the time. >> when i go to washington, d.c. i have a suit there because i have to wear it on the hill. >> jesse: so mini must be trying to impress somebody. and it's working because not just anybody can just get a meeting at the white house, let alone four. if you're an oil ceo, joe doesn't want you there. but, if you can buy the senate for the democrats, the white house doors are wide open. it's not like this is the first shady dude biden has had to the white house. when biden was vice president he had chinese spies all over the place. and if we know anything about joe, if you bring the money, you'll get the access. or as aoc puts it they will be licking your boots. >> all of them are bank rolled and licking billionaire boots. that's what they do. because billionaires pay for their little podcasts and billionaires pay for their little youtube channels. and billionaires pay to fund
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their campaigns. and if you are doubting me, check the receipts. the left in this country is not backed by billionaires. and so, it is very de -- it's grassroots. >> jesse: it's so grassroots. you know, there is nothing grassroots about democrats taking crypto cash from drug cartels and mobsters. the largest crypto exchange coin base just settled with the feds for $100 million. why such a big fine? well, because if a terrorist or a drug trafficker or a russian oligarch parked millions in their exchange, they didn't care. it was never flagged. bin laden could have put money with coin base and coin base wouldn't have checked. they wouldn't even know. coin base just took the money and paid for campaign events for schumer. does that sound grassroots, aoc? if the largest crypto exchange did it, mini did it 10 times worse. i wouldn't be surprised if putin had money with mini.
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and mini stole putin's money and gave it to joe. is this the biggest campaign finance scandal you have ever heard of? i mean, they're always saying the cover-up is worse than the crime though because now, watch this, mini is asking the judge to hide the identities of the two guys who cosigned for his quarter billion dollars bail. so who are mini's two sugar brothers who put themselves on the hook for 250 million if mini goes missing? i mean, how come every democrat's got a sugar brother? remember hunter's? hunter's sugar brother paid off 2 million of his back taxes and now mini has got sugar brothers? he has got two? doesn't anybody want to know who these guys are or girls? now i'm curious. why do they want mini out on bond that bad? we know mini walked into court yesterday with a big book bag. so what's in the bag, mini? a little suspicious that when he walked out of court we didn't see the book bag on him.
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now, sources tell "primetime" they saw sticky finger sammy hanging out around the new york courthouse. we can't verify but we also can't deny if sticky sammy picked up the bag on his way out. but, would it surprise you if manipulate any just showed up to court with a bagful of cash? he is always bribing his way out of trouble and everybody is in his pocket. the first judge assigned to mini's case actually had to resign because her husband was an adviser of mini's crypto slush fund. now the new judge on the case lewis caplan, a clinton appointed judge, who just happened to preside over cases against trump, kevin spacey and prince andrew. i mean, this judge sure is giving mini a nice vacation before prison because judge caplin just set mini's next court date to october. and the trial could start even later. did mini just buy himself a preprison vacation? sure looks like it. he might not be able to go to the white house but mini is not
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lonely. he is back living with his parents. 30-year-old just living with the parents. not a good look. but, we're thinking about changing his name to microbut undecided. but, is mini treating his parent's house like the penthouse in the bahamas? because the author of the big short, michael lewis, is already paying him visits. getting him ready for his time on the big screen, we hear hear. so now fetterman, aoc and mini madoff are now big holiday movie stars. i guess i'm in the wrong business. who else is knocking down mini's door? this woman tiffany fong paid mini a visit during house arrest. we hear mini lifted his pant leg unjust a little to give her a small glimpse of his ankle monitor. did fong make mini shake like chuck todd. we have invited fong on "primetime" tomorrow to hear how mini is doing under house arrest and we hope she joins us. we might even send johnny out to
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see mini madoff dress him up a vegan delivery and ring the doorbell. we know he likes cucumbers. s have they given back any of the money that mini scammed? >> investor and entrepreneur who works in the crypto industry. do you expect house republicans who hold hearings and bring these two biden advisers to testify under oath about what the hell they talked to mini madoff about four times last year? there a case that shows you if you go to the white house with a backpack of cash you can buy power and influence. this is a scandal. this is a crime, corruption of epic scale. what really shocks me though is that it sounds like i'm describing a third world dictatorship regime where you can walk it and push rules and regulations to expand your criminal enterprise. we're talking about the u.s. here. and i just u.s. recently i'm proud to call myself an american
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now. i'm disgusted at seeing how little there are with these politicians. >> jesse: now the guy's to hide posted the quarter billion dollars bond. do you have any inkling of who these two sugar brothers are? >> you know, it's crazy the judge allowed this to happen. what about the million people who have lost some of their life savings? we're talking here about retired police officers, firefighters,along with entrepreneurs trying to improve the industry i love investing in. let's not forget a lot of the people who use crypto currency money launderers. guess who that is, that's terrorists and drug traffickers. these are cyber criminals. it does make one wonder if they're using a platform like ftx which has shoddy record keeping. sam has even, you know, been alleged to build a back door to transfer money around. those criminals don't want their identities being revealed. and it does make me wonder how
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can someone just come up with $250 million. the public needs to know. this is our justice system. need to bring things out to the light so people see what's going on. >> jesse: should we have visitors' logs at mini's parents house so we can see who is coming in and out. >> is he treating this like a vacation. it's crazy. >> he has bought the justice system. he can do this. you see, that scene where maxine waters is blowing him a kiss. these are the people that we expect to hold criminals accountable. she is the chair of the financial services committee. and here, this is just a travesty the way the relationships are between now criminals and our politicians that we trust. if you also look at recent presidents, it is crazy to see some of these get a slap on the wrist. elizabeth holmes recently, the judge in her case suggested she doesn't serve time in an challenge prison but goes to a low security/no security place
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where she can engage in all the recreational activity she wants. sbf will probably enjoy this too and we see all the signs of this. >> jesse: thank you very much for joining us. zane, it's been a pleasure. >> thank you for having me. >> the federal government food pyramid with lucky charms on top. and in a prime time first, i need to issue a correction. ♪ ♪ you can always spot a first timer. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze.
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breakfast. >> got it, mom. >> you can't have cookies for breakfast. >> you can have cookie crisp. you can have that crunchy cookie taste with lots of chocolaty chips. >> hey looks like chocolate chip cookies. >> it's cereal. >> part of a complete breakfast. just, remember this. ♪ though you can't have cookies for breakfast. >> but you can have cookie crisp. >> cookie crisp cereal. ♪ you can have cookie crisp. >> jesse: the best part of that complete breakfast was the bowl of sugar you were inhaling every morning. we thought this was the right thing to do. the original food pyramid that we were taught in school about said the recommended amount for bread, cereals and grains was 6 to 11 servings a day. 11 bowls of cereal a day. 111 slices of bread a day. a whole box of cereal or the whole loaf of bread. we were told sugar and 11 servings of pasta were good and
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that's how we conducted our lives. look where it got us hook how our waist lines as food imlindz came out in 1980. weren't these guidelines based on studies like scientific research? funny you should ask. in 1963 the sugar research foundation, big sugar paid off harvard researchers to tell us that sugar play nod role in heart disease. the study blamed cholesterol and saturated fat. and diets changed for a generation of americans. and these rules will, you know, result offed in the meals you see in places like schools and prisons and even hospitals. do you ever notice you can't tell the difference between cafeteria food, prison food and hospital food? ever noticed that? and all the while the influence of the big food industry just continues to grow. a recent survey found that about 5% of snap funds like food stamps, which is meant for poor
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people to get healthy food was spent on soda. how is that possible? studies were bought and paid for by the food lobby. big food spends more than 11 billion a year funding nutrition studies. influencing public policies, confusing doctors and even us. recently the nih, you know fauci's little outfit told tufts university to come up with a knew food pyramid and touted it as the most comprehensive and scienced based knew trinity nutt profiling system to date. they have been so straight with us about everything like the pandemic. this study says cheese, eggs and beef are some of the worst foods you can eat. your better off eating chocolate covered almonds and lucky charms. that's right. the government's new food pyramid says lucky charms is a healthier breakfast than an egg.
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overall, like 70 sugary cereals are ranked healthier than a fried egg or a piece of whole wheat toast. diets come in and out of favor. what was once healthy before isn't healthy now. one thing's for sure. what we used to think was a balanced breakfast becomes much more unbalanced once you follow the money. justin marist is the true med co-founder who joins me now. so, cocoa krispies is healthier, according to the government than an egg and whole wheat toast with butter, justin. did you know that? >> it's completely insane. i recently wrote about this just because dnh funded tuft's university and took three years basically to do a comprehensive review of a bunch of -- the nutrient profile of a bunch of different foods. what they came up with as you said 70 name brand cereals being
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healthier than whole grain toast. chocolate covered almonds being three times healthier than beef which is one of the most nutrient dense foods that we have available to us. it's just completely insane the results of the tuft's food compass. >> jesse: so you have here -- you have potato chips are healthier than a piece of cheese. potato chips are healthier than a piece of cheese. do you think regular americans look at this and think you know what? that sounds about right, i think i'll have some potato chips? >> i certainly hope not. >> one of the things that i think is concerning about this is that on the face it's just clearly so absurd. they rank peta bread as a one and frosted mini wheats 85. crazy to me. peta bread, try hard to avoid, frosted mini wheats encourage
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and have as much as you want. the thing is completely insane. where i think it gets coded as the research and enforces policy and informs what goes into school lumples, prisons, hospital foods and things like this. >> jesse: food industry, big sugar and salt gets rich big pharma gets rich treating all of these conditions and big healthcare gets rich dealing with all of this. we should turn the pyramid upside down and all be healthier. justin, thank you so much. >> i completely agree. >> jesse: stay away from the frosted mini wheats. i'll see you tomorrow. now, this doesn't happen often, but, tonight, "primetime" needs to issue an apology. it appears we may have gotten be a little ahead of ourselves. >> kevin mccarthy is the house minority leader, soon to be speaker, who joins me now. >> jesse: kevin mccarthy the speaker joins us now. i'm just going to call you speaker and get it out of the way. so, speaker, yeah, i may have
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jumped the gun a little bit. and i jinxed mccarthy. i'm sorry. the voting process for house speaker isn't as cut and dry as we thought it would be. and, quite frankly, it's been a little messy. a faction of republicans keep nominating other people for speaker. >> it is with that i place the name of my friend and colleague from arizona andy biggs speaker of the house. >> every one of my republican colleagues knows that the person who can lead that oversight effort who works on it every day who has the skill and the talent and the will is jim jordan. i'm nominating him and i'm voting for him. >> today i'm rising to nominate byron donalds for speaker of the house of representatives. [applause] >> jesse: okay. so we're nominating everybody for speaker. we thought "primetime" might throw a couple hats into the ring. how about paulie p. he has seen nancy rule congress with a iron
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fist and probably has a personal driver. mini madoff friends all over washington. get everybody in line just drop a couple backpacks off in the right location. if those two don't work for you, you can always nominate johnny. i have been trying to get rid of him for years. up next, cannibalism has come to portland. ♪ despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots,
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>> jesse: if you have ever been wondering what the city of portland looks like right now. here's a live look. ' ♪ ♪ >> jesse: that was the walking dead but portland is close. you know about all the drugged out zombies living in tents. now they are trying to eat people. just yesterday, a guy was caught eating the face of a man at a
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train station. i'm not kidding. police caught the guy chewing on his victim's ear. cops say the 78-year-old victim's wounds were so bad you could see his skull. police say they are not sure if the zombie was under the influence of drugs at the time. yeah, i think we know the answer. maybe the guy was on bath salts. do you remember bath salts a couple years ago when people were smoking them and trying to eat their neighbors in florida? this is what happens when you let society crumble and decriminalize meth, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine. everything. you just are putting the priorities of junkies ahead of us. it's so bad even the homeless are fed up. >> you don't have to do [bleep] but stay in your tent or party or if you smoke a lot of dope, you can do that. it's like you wake up, you go eat, get high. go eat, get high. go eat dinner, go high. and that's all you do all day long every day.
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i'm being honest. >> i appreciate the honesty. >> yeah. >> doesn't feel like that's really helping anybody. >> it's not. >> go eat someone's face. get high. you know what? i've got an idea. why stop at legalizing meth? why doesn't portland legalize cannibalism, too? i know one guy who would be happy with that idea. >> i ate his liver with father beans and nice -- >> jesse: clay travis is the outkick founder and clay travis and buck sexton show. if i don't to portland i'm going to be wearing a mask. >> what a lead in. thank you for thinking about me for this story. i just want everybody to know this is what happens when woke white people have no opposition. they destroy everything. think about this, jesse.
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portland, seattle, san francisco, the pacific northwest in general. maybe the greatest place in the entire country in terms of geography, in terms of weather, in terms of natural resources. tons of woke white people have all coalesced in those cities and they have destroyed them. right? i mean, they shut down seattle and tried to create an autonomous zone. they have completely destroyed portland to the extent that even the mayor is like, i don't even know what to do here. i think they are still protesting the george floyd incident. and it's all white people by the way still protesting there and san francisco, even elon musk is looking around like what in the world are we doing locating twitter here and they just keep getting worse. this is what happens when there is no opposition. when there's no regulation. you got people just literally eating other people's faces at the subway. this is what happens when woke, white people aren't able to be
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opposed by anyone. >> jesse: woke white people the greatest threat to western civilization. >> amen. they really are. they're the worst. >> jesse: they're the worst. we're going to have to do something about these woke white people. you and i have got to come up with something and take care of. >> it i'm on the case. i'm all about it. thank you. >> jesse: i hope no one eats your beautiful face, clay. that would be a damn shame. thank you. >> indeed. >> jesse: moving on from one mess to another. no secret washington has been a little more chaos continuing than usual. two days into a i couldn't congress still don't have a house speaker but over in the senate things went pretty smoothly yesterday. kamala harris swore in the new batch of senators, including someone we have all been waiting for. >> hi, congratulations. how are you doing? >> stabbed here reenact the
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swearing in. senator, put your left hand on the bible and raise your right hand. >> jesse: did she say that gisele, come here. john, get the hell out of my face. she made her debut yesterday. did you hear who she congratulated all gisele. now big john was the one sworn. in don't worry gisele made sure she was center stage and when it came time for the family photo with the vice president. she just snuggled up shoulder to shoulder with kamala. it's gisele's party. it's clear. she swung by ed markey's office to grab a little facetime with the massachusetts senator. and then, of course, had a little powwow with warren. got to get in good with the colleagues. get ready, america, we six years with gisele. someone should check to see if she is wearing a wire. up next, the democrat who made more money trading stocks than nancy pelosi this year.
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>> jesse: there are two things society says you can't question. one, a woman's age. two, the rich companies who make the vaccine, you know, like pfizer? i'm sure you've noticed this. you either have to say good things about pfizer or you can't say anything at all. there's no in between. just look at what is happening to florida governor ron desantis. he wants to investigate some of these vaccine companies to get real data on how well the vaccine works and the studies that went into it? that's it. that's it. and now he is being attacked. they are calling him an anti-vaxer. how dare you question the drug empire. but, it wasn't always like this. in fact, the people who worship pfizer now are the same people who for years claimed big pharma was 8 the boogie man. said it was all about the money. >> pfizer, the huge drug company, i want the treasury department to do everything it can to stop that kind of behavior. [applause] >> and call it for what it is,
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gaming the tax system. >> big pharma shouts, they shout with their money. they shout with their promises. they shout with their lobbyists. >> they are determined to do whatever they can to maintain their huge profit margins, even if it means that millions of americans are unable to afford their prescription drugs that their doctors prescribe. >> they are nothing more than some high level dope dealers. >> jesse: whoa. here's the thing. what the democrats were saying not entirely inaccurate. pfizer all about making money, all pharmaceutical companies are they are companies. they are in business to make money. it's not a secret. pfizer settled tons of lawsuits, fraud claims, death claims, been accused of sketchy trial. google pfizer nigeria experiment. google it. write things off as doing business. fines, whatever. i must say the pfizer business is doing well.
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the company rakes in billions a year. and, with that said, can you really blame people for questioning a company? , dr. marty makary is a researcher at johns hopkins university and a fox news medical contributor. pfizer has also done great stuff, these pharmaceutical companies, come up with these life-saving jobs. i'm not smearing all big companies and you know that but, if you are settling fines hundreds of millions of dollars every single year. you are not allowed to question these companies? why not, doctor? >> almost every year, jesse, there is a major fine or settlement involving pfizer and in the pharma industry it's almost par for the course. now, remember, pfizer has done good work in produce organize marketing drugs. they actually acquire most of the technology from other inventors. in fact, the covid vaccine was
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developed not by pfizer but bye bye on tech in germany. if you look at the actual track record of pfizer, they became a darling for a short period of time during the beginning of the pandemic. before that they paid the largest criminal fine in the history of the united states, $2.3 billion in 2009 intent to defraud and kick backs to doctors and wasn't their first time. and that situation you referenced in nigeria a drug called trovan 200 children. 100 died. others disabled. nigerian authority whereby the way fraud is an industry there, they said that it was so-called exploitation of the ignorant and unethical. that's how bad pfizer was in the eyes of the world. >> jesse: what exactly changed when the democrats just blasted big pharma for decades. decades big pharma and then all of a sudden the covid things
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come around and they got the vax and you are not allowed to say anything bad about big pharma or you get canceled almost. what happened? pharmacy running overhead ads. i think they became a darling because public health officials extremely coast pfizer and moderna. why is that the astrazeneca cody vaccine never got authorized in the united states? a billion people in the world got it safely. never authorized in the united states. something very cozy between pfizer and moderna and public health officials. that became a relationship that's really inexplicable. >> jesse: very interesting. thank you so much, dr. marty. love having you on. >> jesse: now anybody can tell you with a 401 k 2022 not a great year for the stock market. the s&p 500 got crushed.
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20% down, basically. retirement funds. 401(k)s drained. we're all feeling it. except for congress. two house members, texas republican pat fallon and florida democrat debbie wasserman schultz each out performed the s&p by over 50% while everybody else was losing money they were raking it in. congratulations are order for fallon and wasserman schultz but where did this success come from? did wasserman schultz suddenly become the oracle of orlando? was she privileged to some inside information when she was dnc chair? well, maybe it wasn't even wasserman schultz making the trades. her husband could be looking at his own paul pelosi situation. he's a banker named steve schultz. and he's got quite the history. in 2017 he was accused of trying to steal a 70-year-old man's house reportedly telling him,
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quote: i will destroy you. i have the power. doesn't that sound familiar, a d.c. power player cashing in while the country struggles? pelosi is on the way out. is wasserman schultz the new nancy? she's connected. her husband is a banker with some magic fingers. so congratulations debbie, you beat the system when everybody else lost. or maybe you cheated. why do men think they can do just about anything? ♪ get down on it ♪ come on ♪ get down on it ♪ if you really want it ♪ you got to feel it ♪ get down on itan ♪ get dowdn on it. from paying ye from anywhere to supporting your talent everywhere, we use data driven insights to design hr solutions and services to help businesses of all size work smarter today.
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>> spread your wings. lock your speed. >> coming right at us! agh! >> >> jesse: a new survey says half of men think they could safely land a plane by themselves, a commercial airliner, more than double the number of women who say they could. why do you think men think they could land the plane? >> i don't know. i texted my husband in out of nowhere. i said, could you land an airplane? he said something even more annoying than yes. he said probably, depends on the aircraft. >> jesse: ha-ha-ha! yes. >> what do you mean by that? he's only saying that because he knows i wouldn't know any of the words, he could make up names of aircraft, and i would have to believe him. >> jesse: like a propeller plane, he could land safely, not like a 727. >> i don't know the difference. 727 sounds big. >> jesse: good job, you're right.
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>> see, i could. >> jesse: maybe blindfolded? >> i could never. >> jesse: no. we won't let you near it. there's a cockpit for a reason. next up, if you're thinking giving birth is hard, watch your wife give birth from a very uncomfortable hospital chair. one woman filmed her husband complaining how uncomfortable he was while she was going through labor. watch. >> i have to prepare my body to push another human being out. what do you have to prepare for? >> the inconvenience, i'm out of my environment, away from my tv. i can't get comfortable. this chair is not that comfortable. this is a dual process. okay? the spotlight is on you, but meantime it's supposed to be a give-and-take. i'm supposed to be comfortable too. >> you have a bed. >> jesse: okay. i kind of want to hit that guy. >> i definitely want to hit that
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guy. you know, as nauseating as her thought choices were there, you don't need to worry about it, because his behavior was awful, sickening and disgusting. i've never given birth, but from what i've heard about it soundss hard. >> jesse: there's drugs they give you. >> doesn't matter. "the chair is uncomfortable." no, no, no. you want the attention on you, because you have a human being coming out of your body. this guy y sucks. he's going to have an even harder time finding a new wife, other than that video, he's so unattractive physically. >> jesse: you definitely landed that plane. >> i sure did. >> jesse: finally a lot of talk about football safety this week, as you know. some of the ladies at "the view" are upset at heterosexual men for letting their sons play football. >> 45% of americans think that
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tackle football is appropriate. heterosexual men voted the most support for kids doing football? the way my son describes it, it's a family, a bonding experience he never had before. >> play golf. >> jesse: would you let your son, after you give birth with all that attention, play football? >> absolutely not. >> jesse: why? >> number one, it's outdoors. i don't like to be cold. number two, i don't understand the rules. i'm going to be very busy as a working mother. i'm not going to have the time to learn them. >> jesse: what if your husband wants to watch the game? >> he can fly his plane on over there and watch. >> jesse: is he allowed to play any sports, your son? >> hockey. i like hockey. >> jesse: ice hockey? that's easy no to you understand? >> yeah. i love ice hockey. >> jesse: put the puck in the net? >> there you go. women are upset about football, because they don't hike it. just say that. >> jesse: it's not about their son getting injured.
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they just don't want to watch it. >> i don't want to hurt with my boredom and my cold fingers. >> jesse: you guys are all the same. i don't mean women. >> right. what did you mean? >> >> jesse: comedians. >> okay. >> jesse: we sacked about sausagegate yesterday. my son is having a sausage fixations. not linkses, only the patties. he eats it for breakfast. fresh stuff had too many herbs and spices. the we got some takers. this morning we got a sausage without the herbs and spices. we'll film little jesse eating the sausage. let's do texts. tony from ohio. am i supposed to feel sorry for those poor tired members of congress?
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yeah, these guys are usually used to working three days a week. they can't leave the room until they pick a speaker. so eventually they're probably going to want to get home to their wives. or husbands. johnny from brooklyn, i accept your nomination for speaker of the house. that better not be my johnny. i think it is. samantha from maryland. congrats to gisele on her swearing-in. with any luck, she might be our next speaker. i have a feeling, if she was nominated, she would accept. ross from arvada, colorado. finally my choice of sugar cubes and cake icing is considered a healthy breakfast. we'll put out all the things on the food pyramid on the set later in the week and show you what this thing looks like. ryan from texas says, okay, let's say you're on a flight with dana, greg, tarlov and the judge. the pilot passes out. who lands the plane? obviously i do. greg's been drinking the whole
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flight. dana is a nervous wreck. you never trust a liberal with the plane. judge jeanine, i'd have her as my copilot. i think we could get that thing down. dvr the show. "tucker carlson" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. ha-ha-ha. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." kevin mccarthy badly wants to be the next speaker of the house, but as of tonight he's not going to be. he doesn't have the votes. it's not a good of who's good or bad, who's well intentioned, who's not. it's a question of simple electoral math, something that kevin mccarthy is highly familiar with since he does this for a living. at this point, as of right now
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