tv Hannity FOX News January 4, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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so you admit a crime, but you werecrim never charged or arres are sent to jail, why. we're going to market with an investigation. in the meantime, have the best time with the ones you love. we will sum it up tomorrow with sean hannity. >> welcome to hannity. buckle up for tonight's debate e first breaking now the house ha just adjourned for the evening but the ongoing battle for speaker continues at this late as we have full coverage had details straight ahead tonighet and also the liar adam schiff has now been exposed yet again, not with russians giving -- this timt thise there are docum that show that adam schiff was attempting to use the power of your government to censor his
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npolitical opponents it iows n time for adam schiff to be heldn accountable in a court of law. have a full detailed report. former house intel chair will join us and also tonight we wil reveal aoc's big plan to be one happy coalition government on capitol hill. aoc can keep dreaming prove we want to taken ke a close look ac person the democrats would prefer is the next speaker of the house and that would be theo far left election done iran conspiracy theorists. and later yours yours truly liv in our last call segment. you get to have the last word oo the showre. we begin with more drama from washington and the swamp today a after two days, kevin mccarthy has not gone to the magic numbe of tort two out of at&t's be r ofspeaker of the house. twenty republicans intend you t oppose mccarthy. she will join us live in just a
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moment . they voted for congressman byro donald spirit donald's is a rising star for sure in the gop strong conservative track record , but radical democrat y bush, she just refer to him as a prop, upholding and d white supremacy practices your i vocal party pretty said his nam being in the mix is not progress . it is pathetic. just imagine with that and that much betrayal. he must be a pretty miserable yb human being. maybe she is jusshe't jealous. to his credit, congressman donald'sdo is attempting to bri down the temperature on capitol hill with this important reminder. we are on day two of the speake battle, not day 200 donald it's
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right despite all the squawking from the democrats. this is not a crisis, yes. yet it is not. republicans have worked all this out in private long before yesterday. absolutely. behind-the-scenes i can yetell i spoke to many of them that i urged them to work it out. wor they apparently did not listen to my advice. is at the disaster that the t media mob and democrats want? not yet by a longshot. there's nothing wrong with taking a few days to decide whop will fill this powerful positioa in the house of representatives. unlike democrats, members of th republican party are not sheep e or will do what they are told. over 220 prefer mccarthy beauty that onou his commitment to america. that is the america first agenda . he starts the agenda and also
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detailed all's the investigatio and the oversight that would e takeov place under his watch. you may remember mccarthy also y agreed to what is called a motion to vacate the speakership peak. all they need is five republica votes atand it would be a serioi insurance policy in the event that kevin mccarthy didn't liveke up to his promises. that was a huge ask and a huge gift by the bar keeps changing.a tonight i don't have a crystal ball. i can't predict what will happeh like many of you watching. i just want them to get working. i want oversight in the bite in administrationad and i want hiss family's business dealings investigateddeal.nv i eswant the fbi in the doj prod for abuse of power and i want our economy to recover pretty awad returned to energy independence and republicans, i there ever going to take back ce power and turn this great country around, they will need t to rally around real issues tha matter to millions of americans
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out there coast-to-coast. what i can tell you tonight is t this, that thehe one thing that house republicans seem to all t agree on is that here now with the latest, chad. he has the hitchhikers guide to n.l things washingto he knows the ins and outs of everything. >> tonight the first -- the house met at 8:00 p.m. eastern in the gop also house t adjourn. that entails a vote. democrats advised the members tr voten. and stay in session woul have forced another vote for speaker and kevin mccarthy would have losr spt again. republicans got their way. the house voted to adjourn only for gop defectors a >> on this, the yays are 216. the nays are to order 14.
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the motion is adopted. the house will adjourn until noon tomorrow. >> lip one boat and the tally i 215-twitter water 15 by the rol a tie vote fails. this was a test vote. the for gois wp defectors. det mccarthy supporters sense ns movement. wouldn't say there was a breakthrough but i would say there has been additional clarity about what issues are outstanding and what issues we can make progress on.ty i'm not at liberty to discuss the contents of negotiations. mccarthy is a longlong way to g but after six failed votes for he finally held talks with supporters and opponents.e the vote tonight marks the firs
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timeccar mccarthy has shown progress toward winning the speaker gavel. back to you. >> thank you. >> time for the hannity hotseat 19ed that we are joined by a republican who opposed kevin mc carthy's bid for speaker and every ballotin. that is lower -- lauren beaufort and negotiation have been on since the summer. kevin mccarthy's camp is now trying to determine which of th 20 votes against him are becaus of avote policy disagreement ve a personal vendetta. here now wit vh reaction is the congressman. the town hall quoted you today saying the president, you said complimentary things about president trump. he's to tell kevin mccarthy that you do not have the votes i n and it is time to withdraw. t kevin mccarthy hasur 202 votes.
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your site has 20. so if i'm going to use your words and your methodology and your math,etho isn't it time fo to pack it ickn, considering he has over 200 and you have 20? >> sean, i understand the frustration. i promise you.stra >> i'm not frustrated. just want you to answer my question. i'm not frustrated. back there are many who are still voting with kevin mc carthy. they are cheering us on. there are more for us that are against us and they are waiting for wakevin -- >> i'm frustrated by you not answerin g my direct yoidu said to president trump i earlier today that president trump needs to -- you don't have the cae n i finish? can i finish up your. s >> you don't have the votes of it is time to withdraw. he has 203 and your side has 20.
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by the time for you to withdrawo -- for him to withdraw and not you. >> he needs to order 18.8. and he does not have to 18.t as you said four months, kevin m ccarthy didn't want to listen to us until his disappointing midterms. we all want the unified party a but this isn't chaos printed as a tufunctioning constitutional i republic. when everything is set and done, house republicans will be icanstronger and better prepareb lead then we ever were before. our votes are working. >> i would ask you not to filibuster. yesterday yon u voted and today was firing donald's who was you choice. tomorrow i don't know who you are going to vote for the left bottom line is you stillth only have 20 votes. the mehave ask you thespian.ving >> be approving that we are ope to a menu of options. m
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>> my question to you is -- >> we are proving there are man options my question is did you t kevin mccarthy's commitments to america and do ?you not believe that he is goi to follow through on his writte promises? >> his commitment to america is not as strong as i would like i havto be. we have been working on the rules to change the structure o help washington dcs run and kn operatedow. you know more than anybody how a broken this town is. this is something that we have an opportunity to rebuild and restructure. >> congresswoman, he talked about --ship >> and we need great leadershiph toat do that pay. >> he ducked about border security, debt reduction. >> and that texas bill border band he refused. >> and he's willing to bring th exact plan that worked under pl eddonald trump and he has pledg investigations into the fbi and
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doj, the influence peddling of the biden family and the origin of covid and anthony found she.i my question is do you support -- >> you support all of those agenda items that he promised? >> of course i do but i do not trust kevio.n mccarthy at this point usto deliver on those promises, especially when i go into good-faith negotiations with him and he comes out and lies about what those conversations were, saying that members though she is not here to answer. d so let me ask you this. >> he's already apologized to one member in private but he doesn't apologize in public for spreading lies about that meeting. others fought hard rs for a motion to vacate with onl five republicans able to triggea that motion. kevin mccarthy did not want to give it to you but he did give it to you in the np to me that m is ae n --al >> can i finish.
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>> he did not. >> he gave you what you asked hi fongr and one of the things tha> i've s been asking people and iy asking you tonightou, who with e your final choice for speaker and if you can get more them let's say 30 votes, will you follow your own advice. you are asking donald trump, an withdraw >> there are certainly names that are being floated around. maybe i should nominate president donald j. trump tomorrow. pi did watch your show last nigt . >> jordan one day and donald trump another day. >> he did not give us this i motion to vacate. as a whole consent consents andt some other candidates.hio va >> i'm trying to understand how you think here. becky need to understand that kevin mccarthy did not give us my heart redline. >> he fought for it. o >> no, he did not. >> i know he made the promise -- >> i know he made the promise..
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which five members to offer the motion to vacate. >>. of the question is this, yo have to answer my question. yesterday you are supporting jordan and today you are ta sportingbi donald -- >> checks and balances on the third line. >> who is your final answer. who do you want to be speaker o the house? >> we need to come together -- >> i'm asking who you >> we want somebody who could actually unify the republican party. w -- would like to kno there are 203 people and you have 20.reme i respect the 20 if you and i respect all of you but i'm asking youou based on your awar let's have a final answer. who do you want. who will you support to be speaker. it is not that hard pay. >> i'm willing to have
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conversations with the republican conference to come u with a consensus candidate. we are offering people right no -- it doesn't have to be a member of the caucus and it doesn't even have to be -- >> so you don't even have a nam going into day three. >> when you are threatened by the committee chairman -- >> let me ask a final question. s that. that's a scary place to be. we're here to legislate and get the country back on track. >> sean: i can tell. >> when you have people making threats it's difficult to make the decision. we're going we are going to get there. i am fine getting there.ay the government is not spending money and sending it to ukraine. . american tax payers are winning. >> sean: politically we agree on most things. >> yes we do, sean.
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>> sean: i do have respect for you. >> i think history will show i'm on the right side of this, sean. >> sean: you can believe that in your position. i'm using your words. you said to president trump, we're very clear. >> i did. >> sean: he doesn't have 218. so you need to ask him to be draw. if by friday you and your group of 20 don't have a name with 30 votes is it time for you to withdraw. if not why do you support a double standard? last question. >> kevin mccarthy doesn't have 218 votes. >> sean: and you have 20. >> i -- kevin mccarthy doesn't have 218. >> sean: this is a question -- >> i will not, sean, with draw. our asks are not petty or self serving. we're asking for commitments on what the american people want to see. a vote ob term limits. a vote on the text tegs border plan to i secure the southern
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border. crying out loud, sean, we asked for a balanced budget. imagine a congress that doesn't spend money we don't. have we will get this right with the right speaker, sean. >> sean: if you only have 30. >> 30 would be a beautiful number to reach. >> sean: telling kevin mccarthy and the 203 people that support him to withdraw because they don't have 218. that is what you're saying. >> it's obvious by tonight's motion to adjourn. kevin mccarthy and his supporters have voter fatigue. i'm here for it. >> sean: i asked you a simple question. i feel i'm getting an answer from a liberal. >> i'm not going to support sketch mccarthy. if i'm the last person standing, which i don't believe i will be i will not -- >> sean: i feel we made progress. >> i love president trump. you won't pit him against me. i love you. >> sean: that's what you said to
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him. >> i have seen the broken trust. the lack of accountability. what we're getting phone calls saying that we need to stop this. kevin doesn't have the votes for speaker. period. we need a conscience candidate, get this right and get the country back on track. thank you, sean. >> sean: appreciate it. here with more is the former chair of the house oversight committee. tray, i'm sure you found that entertaining. i didn't get the answers i wanted. obviously the math exists differently on one side. 200 votes. you don't have 218 you have to withdraw. if you have 20 votes and support the congress woman's side you get to continue. does that make sense to you, tray. >> i tell you what makes sense, sean. you didn't get the answers. we don't need the answers. we can read the tempterment and demeanor. it's personnel. she didn't liking kevin mccarthy pherpblly.
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here is the proof. there was a vote 30 minutes ago to negotiate. you had the 207, some wanted to keep negotiating. they're making progress. then had you four that would rather have a spectacle on the floor of the house that embarrasses the republican party including one of the four being your last guest. if you want proof of her motivation she would rather embarrass the republican party on national television than adjourn to negotiate. >> sean: here is how i see it, what is critical to the country kevin mcdarthy has pledged to do. the agenda items i have read it many times and put on the screen for america to watch. the america first maga agenda i support. kevin mccarthy has agreed to do all of the above.
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a motion to vacate would be an insurance policy if he didn't keep -p his promises. he has 203 they have 20 votes. at what point do they realize the math is in kevin's favor or do we go onto perpetuity and not accomplish anything. >> not all 20 but some have principle disagreements. they're in kevin's office working them out. some are only interested in notoriety, fame and attention. they won't have a gavel like jimmy jordan. they don't have his talent, experience, they don't work like he does this. is their only moment to be on national television opposing another republican. so whatever great ideas they may have none will be done unless there is a speaker. they want to go from 207 to 218. kevin wants to go from 200 to
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218. i think kevin's numbers are better than they have now. >> sean: this is the point i'm trying to make. she pleadpugh with president trepl -p to encourage kevin to bough out because he doesn't have 218. there side has 20. yesterday she voted for jordan. today bu byron donaldson. agree jim jordan head of the judiciary committee is a massive win especially with the investigations he will be involved in that are critically important to the country. at some point will we get a resolution? >> i, we will have to. i mean unless you believe in minority rights and the extreme you don't go from 20 to 218. we need, you're never going to get some of these people, sean, i mean they live to be an opposition to republicans. but people watching your show need to call and say you know
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what i didn't work my tail off in november to watch you look like a clown show on national television. you all get behind kevin. you got your motion to vacate. as it relates to president trump they love him for a pardon or need attention. they say kevin is my person they know better. they know better than the republican conference. kevin got 85% of the vote in the primary. yet, they know better. i can't think of anything more antidemocratic than 15% dictating to the other 85% who the speaker should be. >> sean: if there is anything they want or need or missing in the agenda i want to know what it is. i can't get the answer out of anybody. >> get in his office and let him know. >> sean: i agree with that. >> quit opposing the motion to adjourn. you're right they should listen to you. >> sean: they should. nobody
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angeles. thank you for joining our special coverage of pope benedict's funeral. some 200,000 of the faithful have filed past the body of pop benedict as he was lying in state in st. peter's basilica. during general audience at the vatican wednesday come up pope francis prayed his predecessors acute and gentle thoughts. >> we begin our coverage with our chief religion correspondent , lauren greene, who was live in vatican city fo us. >> good morning. it is time to say goodbye to pope benedict. there is a fog here in st. peter's square appears so foggy that you cannot see that the dome of st. peter's basilica . naming the -- number you can see from 50 mile away on a clear day. we cannot see the top of the dome. there is a sense of sap as here. over the last three days people
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have been able to pay tribute t pope emeritus benedict xvi. today it is time to say goodbye. there are way more than the vatican. there were 3700 priests here to help with the servant of the communion and there will be contingents from many places. we've got a contingent from the jewish community and the italy islamic community bulletin that funeral. he would converse with people and this is very important. one thing that is also very clear because this is not a state funeral. there will be official delegations from countries all over the world of the elite delegations are from germany, which is his home country and also italy where he now lives. so after the funeral he will be
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buried directly in the crypt below st. peter's in the tomb that pope john paul ii once occupied. before he was moved up into the main church of one of the chapels but he will be interred in st. peter's basilica. >> i'm wondering because we are seeing you on the right-hand side and on the left-hand side for looking at the vatican at st. peter's square. i'm wondering if you can give u an idea of what has been going on for the past couple of days. what has the activity been and who is coming to pay their respects and what is that like right now as we wait for the procession to begin. >> this community has been really tight. it's grown over the last three days. when we first got here, no checkpoints and as time went on
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the checkpoints increased and the crowds increased. there is a sense of urgency yesterday because there was a lot for people to pay tribute to . this morning it is a lot of security and there are a thousand journalists here and there are people trying to make their way into the seats that are they are. actually people began finding their seats couple of hours ago you can see people in the dark coming into st. peter's square and trying to find their seed. you can tell also in the liturgical year, we are still i the christmas season you can se the tree and of the caress prints out this is still christmas, even though we are middle of expecting a funeral t begin in less than two hours.
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so it is a mood that is joyous because it is the christmas season but it is also sadness because we are saying goodbye t a beloved pope and the catholic church. >> lauren greene standing by. we will get back to you momentarily. his teachings have influenced generations of theologians. we are joined by raymond arroyo. the last person to conduct an anglo speaking interview back and he was a cardinal and he is the manager for the internal word networker we got so much t go through talking about here and just the stunning images of the fog at the vatican. >> as lauren mentioned to see christmas in the foreground and a funeral behind, it is kind of perfect because benedict was on who focused so much particularl in his latter years. he wrote those three books on the life of jesus and he wanted
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to awaken people to the histori reality of jesus christ and tha encounter. when you see this image of the christmas tree in the foregroun and the funeral that will take place behind it and the fog, it is like in the old testament, the israelites were led by a column of cloud during the day in a column of fire at night that i can't help but think of the imagery as i look at this. he would love this setting because it is mysterious but it is joyous at the same time. it is the adventure of faith in christianity that is calling people. >> you can see the christmas tree just off the right-hand side of the screen and you can see the fog. it just all appears in a sad wa to be so fitting in is you said he would have loved this page you go through all the people coming through it we talked about hundreds of thousands who came to pay their respects to pope emeritus benedict xvi. as lauren pointed out, no heads
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of state. it is a different ceremony that we are going to see but not much . it is a bit different than it would be bid. >> mass is different because it is not a reigning pope and we will get into that later in the broadcast. the thing that i have to say i am a little peeved that benedic asked for a simple and solemn ceremony pretty did not ask for an insignificant one and it seems that the sum of the vatican they disinvited heads o state and said you are not well compared they only invited germany and italy. president biden tactically said that. he said you know i'm not -- the estimate why i'm not going. >> well, you know. and then he did a two-step. they were not asked by the vatican. they want to downplay this and make a smaller ceremony and quickly move on because you are not dealing with a reigning pope . >> do you think that is a sign of respect because of what pope
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benedict wanted or is this something that maybe they should've just died in pittsburgh that thing there are signs of disrespect and may be trying to reinforce the idea that benedict is not the reigning pope. and i think they may have overplayed their hand to go a little further here in both the liturgy. i know we know he loved the old latin liturgy. he spent his career reviving ol traditions and the internal truths and way of doing things. this ceremony won't have markings of that but there are some things that we can celebrate that i do think resonate with his vision for th church. >> you did one of the last english-language interviews wit him, which was his fourth or fifth language or its just got to be an amazing thing why wonder if he was gracious and eloquent and his prose was as
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gracious and eloquent. >> the deal was he was going to do the interview only in italia and i had a translator. we sat down beforehand and i said your eminence, could we do the first three questions in english. >> he said but what we talked about. >> i said professor, do you handle the questions before? exit he wrote down four or five themes to cover. in that very small scriptable which gives us great insight into his character he was gentl and retiring and shy. he was a wonderful, dear, sweet holy man. i don't have to tell you that page you can see it and when he became pope the personality flows. >> that's got to be a wonderful momentum for you. pope emeritus benedict xvi staying faithful to the end, uttering the words lauren i lov
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you and his final moments. fox news contributor and theologian jonathan morris. it's always great to have you here. you and i, this goes back years but while pope benedict was the pope, you and i had dinner in rome and you were working at th vatican at that time and you ha been there for many years and a wondering as you look in your old workplace and you see the fog and you see raven i are talking about the christmas lights had just this kind of mystery that surrounds it, what strikes you, jonathan, from being in that time. >> yes. we are about to see something s unprecedented, to have a funera mass in st. peter's square celebrated by a pope for a former pope. by pope francis pip let's not forget that. the reason why that happened wa because benedict the 16th had
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the courage to say i no longer maple to do this raymond mentioned that he was a gentle man. he was a gentle, humble man. and beaten he got to the point where he said i can't do this, he peacefully transitioned spiritual authority from him to pope francis. at that very heart of democracy is a peaceful transition of power. and the papacy, the peaceful transition of spiritual authority was allowed to happen because of this humble man pope benedict. and i think we are all grateful to him for that. it is sad and i look at st. peter's square and i remember the many times that i was able to be with pope benedict and we will miss him. >> and with luck at the picture that you are talking. this is a time where it is all
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hands. everybody at the vatican has a job. everybody is really undergoing this magnificent ceremony that we are about to see and it is important. it is not going to be exactly what it would be, as raymond wa mentioning but this is a really great moment for catholics. >> it is. pope benedict xvi made really tough decisions. yet the role of being in charge of a massive organization that is the catholic church. fun of the things that he did from the beginning was make tough decisions about getting rid of priests who had been accused of pedophilia, of
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abusing children. and he mayberry tough decisions ahead of my public just order, was a catholic priest for a lon time, as you nope you're on the head of my religious order had been accused for many years of abusing seminarians and childre and yet the people around pope john paul ii for somehow able t protect him, to protect this priest because suit is pope benedict came into power as pope , he immediately removed him from the priesthood pretty did that not only with him but with many others. he made some tough decisions an that really wore them out eventually and probably one of the reasons why he chose to ste down. >> jonathan makes a great point. we hear a lot about pope benedict should've done more an he did not do enough. honestly as father giannis said this is the black legend that the type to affix to this name.
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no one did more at the bishop level and certainly at the papa level then pope benedict xvi. other malefactors here in the united states, he kept those investigations alive when he became pope he created a zero-tolerance policy and he left at the statute of limitations, which many around john paul -- pope john paul ii didn't. he removed 800 men from the priesthood and heat that that reviewing their files himself but he had john paul give competency to those offices and personally reviewed those files. he removed what he called the filth of the church and prepare for what he had to do as pope and he let about trying to teac a joyous, clear, historically based adventure with christ tha he was drawing people to. and his writings still spark sparkle with that childlike
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wonder if you greet them cover to caliber. >> please jump in here and add to that if you would. >> you know what is amazing about that simplicity of his writings. the perfect example is a three-part series, jesus of nazareth, super profound pretty but so smart and so confident i his reasons for believing in jesus of nazareth that he didn' have to make a complicated pizz when you are reading the life o jesus in this profound work, yo say, gosh, that is simple. and that is the way pope benedict really taught. i brought college student to th vatican many times. students met with him privately. he would walk into these meetings with 30-40 college students without any notes and he would say any questions. and these college students were really, he's just going to take our questions without any
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limitations. he was so confident that his belief in jesus as his personal lord and xavier, but also as an historical figure, his confidence was so deep in that knowledge that he was able to b deep and simple at the same time . a sign of brilliance, in my opinion. >> we are beginning to see the cardinals lineup for that procession. i agree with father jonathan. when you spoke to pope benedict he would do a better job of summarizing your argument befor he responded pretty but listen and listen and he would rephras it and challenge it and give yo a whole new understanding. his vision, he was truly a doctor of the church because he diagnose the problems of this age. the secularism, the relativism, that term, the dictator of --
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which really runs through everything that we cover every day. it is the moving goalpost and i is up to the whim and the personal opinion of the person making the rules are that is no reality and it is certainly not baked into nature. >> it is fascinating. raymond, stand by if you will. the funeral begins in just unde an hour prayer president biden pulled not be in attendance. instead the white house will be sending us ambassador donnelly to represent the us at the funeral. watch. >> you are not attending his funeral tomorrow. why? >> [indiscernible]
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>> pr now joined by robert moynahan, editor of inside the vatican magazine. it is so great to have you. thank you for coming on. this really is -- we were watching live pictures from the vatican. we don't really have control. is coming from a pool camera an we are getting different shots. as raymond was mentioning the cardinals and jonathan was mentioning that gathering up th cardinals, talk about what you believe will be different durin this memorial versus that of a reigning pope. >> it's entirely different in the sense that the reigning pop is the head of the church. and pope benedict gave up that role ten years ago on the 28th of february, 2013.
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so he spent the past ten years more or less like a monk, livin in a small convent behind st. peter's basilica with a small group of people who were taking care of him and not contesting the pontificate of pope francis and as a type of emeritus pope, he would not be. >> to have a funeral of a pope who was raining. and francis is and that pope. the ceremony should be simple and i am not surprised that the vatican would say that the delegations officially that would come would be from italy and germany. i agree with president biden that would be a massive undertaking 4,000 americans to land and fill up st. peter's
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square. >> do you agree with raymond that when pope benedict emeritu really said he wanted just a simple and somber funeral, that this is not what he meant by that? do you think that he would be pleased with what is happening right now? >> well, i'm not going to try t speculate on his mind. i think he did want a simple ceremony. and i think he wanted a simple life in front of the most telling things i ever heard was from a vatican monsignor who said 30 some years ago, we have one great problem with pope benedict. i said what's that. he said he doesn't understand power. i said i think that is his greatest virtue for that is in way the problem of the
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pontificate and really the life of pope benedict xvi. he was a professor trained to b a teacher and he loved teaching a small group of people in the seminar. he really took time off from being the pope to write his books on jesus said to write beautiful books on jesus so the role of the church is a great spiritual power over the great powers like the united states o england or france was not so much in the forefront of his thought or in his wheelhouse to carry out. he was a man who could teach an i think as he found that his role was untenable in the. back from 2012-2013, he decided to step down. he did something incredibly
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significant in that he spent te years very quietly continuing prayer, devoting his life entirely to an activity that many of us have forgotten in ou very frenetic monarch of world. and i think that is the most significant lesson that he taught us. >> as robert is saying, torres, when you look at pope benedict' legacy, clearly the resignation is going loom very large. when he first took the office h said pray that i can resist the wolves that surround us. i'm paraphrasing. listening to interviews with th secretary, the wolves may have gotten too close for benedict and overwhelmed him in some ways . you get the feeling that even though he resigned and whatever was. he said i lack the strength to
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govern and to guide the church. today strength is needed. otherwise it does not work but do not want to copy the model o john paul in sickness. he did not want to decay in public. but i interviewed him, this was before he was elected pretty ha repeatedly tried to resign. and he was always worried about his health. up bit of a hypochondriac. he did have a stroke and heart problem but he was very intense and worry about his health. from the moment he was made a bishop in the late 70s to the moment that he resigned the papacy probably to the current day, he was always very worried i don't have the signs but he did have the strength and he ha the presence of mind and the heart and the simple faith and soul that i think the faith needed during this period. >> would you agree with that or would you expand on that a little bit for us?
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>> well, he did have a certain strength that enabled him to rise to the top of the church. i think he was a pivotal figure in the sense that this passing of pope benedict xvi marks an end to the vatican two generation and along effort efforts of the church to adjust and update itself but i also feel, and he did fall down once in the 1990s and their pictures of him with a bandage on his forehead where he had fainted. nevertheless got it we say he was not strong, he did live to be 95. i just was watching an intervie with his secretary who says tha the interview, you are showing picture of the coffin being taken out. his secretary said he only. >> to live one more year and we -- you but i had for ten years.
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>> it's amazing as we watch the casket being brought out, we should note that the casket is different set of. it is a box inside a wooden box that has been taken to its fina resting place. >> the tomb of his predecessor, which is a beautiful symbol, trace, of the deep friendship but the collaboration of these two pontificate's 35 years of history you are seeing come to close. this is really the final moment of john paul and benedict's journey together to clarify the teachings of vatican ii back to layout in this modern age a place of faith to save these eternal truths still matter. these weights of celebration, prayer. this still matters. and the chance and the masts, o course, grocery and things that
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are traditional devotionals tha were forgotten. these two men on earth the simple faith of people who gave them theological foundations an sustenance. historical foundations. and i think revived the faith o an entire generation or five an the young people today the ec packing into latin masses, i just saw them in new orleans. at is the fruit of the men that we honor today. >> that was a great picture fro the back of the college of cardinals had the casket being brought down but i want to brin it our chief religion correspondent lauren greene because she is at the vatican for us. give us an idea of what you are seeing right now and the mood i vatican city. >> oh, trace, it was actually quite emotional as the cop and was being brought out. people spontaneously applauded. it is their last chance to say
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goodbye to pope benedict, pope emeritus benedict. on the right is has long time, longtime personal secretary, wh has actually written a book talking about the moment he kne that pope benedict was going to preside. it was a heavy load for him to take but he is here and going t say goodbye to a man who he has helped in the last couple of decades, i believe, as a personal assistant. at least even before he was pope . even before he became bishop bishop of rome the mood right now, they are starting the rosary to begin with and that will take place for a few minutes and then the mass will begin several cardinals, the american cardinals here, three of the american cardinals,
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benedict elevated to the level of cardinals. at he said this is very emotional for him. he would never be a cardinal of new york if it weren't for pope benedict. even as we watch the mass and the people were obviously from some official delegations here close by. >> it is amazing because we hea the singing on the chanting in the background we go back to when you had a chance to perfor for the pulp and i'm wondering if you could share a moment wit us about that. >> it just came by chance peter was honestly because he resign. i've been invited to play for a concert of his brothers on his birthday. his brother for signed. we had the concert at the
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vatican and the pope attended. it was incredible experience an i can't even explain the words. was so powerful. one of the things that always talked about is that, you know, when he died, he said the words i love you, lord. i'm so glad when i play for him but of the pieces was joy of man's desiring. that is an emotional moment for me to know that i play somethin for him that was deep in his heart. he is a pianist as well and his brother is a pianist and they love cats and i love cats too but his love for music was so powerful and we can really just bond on that. my mother gave mahogany no one told her you are not supposed t hug him. and he hugged her right back. it was the most beaming smile. people always talked but he was
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cold and distant. he was the warmest i had ever seen him in that moment. >> that was remarkable. he did love cats. he loved a beer in his home country. you go through all these storie and the fact that he had a pilots license and he spoke how many languages. he could speak almost any language they hadn't really is amazing i want to just if we ca listen in for one second here just to kind of see where they are and then we will begin our coverage again. >> [speaking non-english language]
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>> where the funeral for pope emeritus benedict will begin in less than an hour, for those joining us right now, we would like to start off by cutting back to our chief religion corresponded, lauren winter carnival gave us a layup what's happening in vatican city right now. >> they're going through the rosary and it is running because all morning long, the fog has been heavy on saint peter's square pick that you could not
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