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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 5, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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to decide a claim of asylum. someone says they come because i'm facing oppression. there has to be a way to determine that quicker for people seeking safety from persecution. mayokas will detail this after i finish at homeland security. one step we're taking. over the summer we saw a huge spike of venezuelans traveling through mexico and attempting to enter the united states without going through our legal processes. we responded by using an insuring that there are two safe and lawful ways for someone leaving the country to come to america. go first, if they are seeking asylum, they can use an app on their cell phone called cbp one,
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o-and-e. you have to spell it out, not the number one trend. to schedule at a point of entry and make their asylum claim there without crossing the border unlawfully and having the decision determined by an asylum officer do they qualify. second, in october we worked with the mexican government to launch a new parole program. there is another program, you all know but the public may not called the parole program. it immediately show results. it reduced the number of people crossing the border unlawfully. the way this parole program works, one must have a lawful sponsor here in the united states who agrees to sponsor you to get your. then that person has to go undergo rigorous background checks and apply from outside the united states and not cross the border illegally in the meantime.
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if they apply and their application is approved, they can use the same app the cbp one app to present at a port of entry. and to be able to work in the united states legally for 2 years. that's the process. up but if their application is denied, or they attempt to cross unlawfully, they will be retur e eligible for this program after that. so the program is available, if they apply and they do it properly find. if they don't apply and they try to come through, they will not have the opportunity to use the program. this new process is orderly, safe, inhumane. it works. since we created new program, the number of venezuelans trying to enter america without going through a legal process has dropped dramatically from about 1,100 per day to less than 250
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per day. on average. that is several hundred people on average every single day who are not crossing into america illegally. today i am announcing that my administration is going to expand the parole program for people not only from venezuela but from cuba, nicaragua, and haiti. again, these four countries, venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, and haiti, these account for most of the people now traveling into mexico to try to start a new life by crossing the border into the united states of america on the southwest border. we anticipate this action will substantially reduce the number of people attempting to cross our southwest border without going through a legal process. in fact today i am announcing that the mexico has agreed to allow return up to 30,000 persons per month who try get caught and get sent back from those four countries.
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or apprehended while attempting to unlawfully cross the southwest border. my messages this. if you are trying to leave cuba, nicaragua, or haiti, or have agreed to begin a journey to america, do not, do not to show up at the border. stay where you are and apply illegally from their. of starting today if you don't apply to the legal process you will not be eligible for this new parole program. let me reiterate: you need a lawful sponsor in the united states of america number one and you need to undergo rigorous background check, number two. if your application is approved and you show up at a u.s. airport or when and where directed, [coughs] excuse me you have access. if your application is denied or you attempt to cross in unlawfully you will not be allowed to enter. look. we should all recognize as long as america is the land of
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freedom and opportunity people will try to come here. that is what many of our ancestors did. it is no surprise it is happening again today. we can't stop people from making the journey but we can require them to come here that they come here in an orderly way under u.s. law. let me say it again. the actions we are announcing today will make things better. will make things better, but will not fix the border problem completely. there is more that happens to be done. i lay that out in the first week i was here. that will not happen until a congressman accesses funds and a comprehensive migration plan ia set on day one. until congress has acted, i can act where i have legal capacity to do so. last year i brought together 20 leaders, many of you were there in the western hemisphere heads of state for the flow of immigration to expand pathways and diminish the border hum
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humanely. the leaders of the hemisphere building on those efforts that i lead when i was vice president to expand economic nations in north and central america so people there can improve their economic prospects at home instead of having to leave the united states. most people would much rather stay in the country they are if they can feed their families, be safe, send their kids to school and have opportunities. it's not like people have heard me said it before, so i people are sitting around a table somewhere in central america saying i have a great idea, let's sell everything we have. let's give it to a coyote, smuggler. they will take us on a harrowing journey for a thousand miles to get to the united states and then we will illegally cross the border they will drop us in the desert and where we spoke to mike won't speak the language, won't that be fun? i'm not being facetious. president harris lead this effort to make things better from the countries which they are leaving and thanks to her
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leadership which he has been able to generate more than $3.2 billion from the private sector to create jobs and opportunities in el salvador, honduras, and guatemala. tell people to stay in their home countries where they will be safer and they have some opportunities. we have also set up joint patrols and law enforcement with mexico and guatemala. they share real-time information on location at the smugglers are using to convince migrant groups to cross illegally. that is what they are doing, they are out recruiting. recruiting and taking all the savings of everything they have two take them on an incredibly dangerous journey. we embedded our border patrol officers on the mexican patrols to detect and raid human smuggling operations. thus far, there have more than 7,000 arrests of human smugglers in the last six months. 7,000. that is not just human smuggling at the border, we are focused on
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cracking down drug smuggling. which is a serious and deadly promise or i'm sorry, problem, and i made a promise that i would try this. my administration has record funding that added hundreds of additional border patrol agents and installed new cutting edge technologies that you can use effectively like an x-ray machine detailed able to look through large containers to determine what is in the container. at the border. for example, since august of last year's border patrol have seized more than 20,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl. that is enough to kill as many as a thousand people in this country. 20,000 pounds of fentanyl, it's a killer. it is a flat killer. next week i'm going to travel to mexico, we will meet with president lopez, we have a big agenda. from climate crisis to economic
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development and other issues but one up or of that agenda is strengthening our between our issues. i will visit the border myself this sunday in el paso to assess border enforcement operations. meet with the local officials communion, community leaders and assess what they needed they don't have and make it public what they conclude they need they don't have too can be done at convince my republican colleagues i should do some something. and another migration is putting a real strain on the border and border communities. it can't to do anything but that. we will get these communities more support, and i want to thank all the nonprofits, the faith groups, community leaders and other volunteers who will make sure vulnerable immigrants will have what they need to survive whether it's food warm clothing or medical care right after their arrival. these groups represent our nation's generosity, they really
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do. they really do. they are a powerful rebuke to the hate many people face when they arrive here legally. let me close with this. are problems on the border didn't arise over nice and will not be solved overnight, it's a difficult problem. it is clear that immigration is a political issue and extreme republicans will always run on, but now they have a choice. they can keep using immigration to score political points or they can help solve the problem. they can help solve the problem and come together to fix the broken system. before congress adjourned for the holidays, some democrats and republicans a few of them got together, both sides up in the senate decided they would put together comprehensive plan immigration. republican leadership and other republic, i don't know exactly who did it, rebuked it and rejected it and it broke up. just like they rejected my planter go years ago. just like they rejected my recent request for an additional
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$3.5 billion to secure and manage the border with more holding facilities, better transportation, additional funding for 2000 new assi asylum officers and to more rapidly adjudicate for people when they come here and so much more. think about a. if this were something if we were to have a hundred more immigration officers to see to it we were able to import some and we needed very badly it wouldn't take much time to get it, would it? it would be done or conversely, if criminal gangs come in to the nation or i mean -- but when it comes to immigration it seems like there is a better issue. a better issue for them than trying to settle. look, we need more resources to secure the border. yet again, extreme republicans have said no. many republicans agree we should do something. but it is time to stop listening to the inflammatory talk. it's time to look at the record.
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because as i've always done i will sit down with anyone who has good faith and wants to fix our broken immigration system and it's hard. on the best of circumstances it's hard. but for the most extreme republicans if they continued to demagogue this issue and reject solutions i am left with one choice. to act on my own and do as much as i can on my own to try to change the atmosphere. immigration reform used to be a bipartisan issue. we should make it that way again. it's not only the right thing to do, it's economically the smart thing to do. that's why immigration reform is supported by everyone, think of this now. i want to remind the public. immigration reform is supported by the american labor movement. unions. it is supported by religious leaders. it is supported by the u.s. chamber of commerce. we can secure our border, fixed immigration system to be orderly, fair, safe, and humane. we can do all this while keeping
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lit the torch of liberty that has led generations to america. many of our forbearers, many come we can do this by remembering who we are. i will save us a million times, we are the united states of america. the idea of this is beyond our capacity. i just don't buy. we can do anything if we do it together. you've heard me say it, god bless you all, may god protect our troops, i will stop at a few minutes, secretary mayorkas and i will have been correlated, he will be speaking much greater details and will take questions at the detect ohmic apartment apartment land security headquarters. this'll be a hard one to deal with but we have to do with the. it's with who are. >> active it say it is what's your take? >> i think it is a human right if your family is being persecuted. and being dealt with in a way
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like i thought it was a human right for in germany to be able to go escape and get help where they could. but the other side of this is their people in this country who have basic rice stomach rights. basic fundamental rights. they are not criminals, they are not a problem. they have their background checks are real. look. if you think about it, there is not a whole lot of countries people would rather live in than here. i mean sincerely. i think about this and i think this is sometimes the team looks at me like maybe i'm out of my mind here. all kidding aside. if you just said tomorrow all right, for the next year you can move to any country you want without any questions, how many people do you think would leave the united states?
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i can name many of the 147 countries i have been to, there are more than that. i think a lot would be willing to leave and come here. there is a rationale that has to be an orderly process. but it is -- and there are other ways we can do with this as i said. you may remember, i don't think you're old enough when i was doing it as a senator when i came up with a proposal to have billions of dollars of funding for the central america to keep people where they are. remember, we were putting -- it was very, very precise. for example, if a country wasn't economic difficulty and most of them are because of climate and other things, and we said okay that is a problem, guess what they don't have lighting in town square, they can't -- they can't assure the safety of people walking in the streets. well, if their leader asks for money, we made them sign a
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proposal that they will do lighting in the town squares and what they will do exactly we checked it out, the we put it id when it began to work or hospitals come we have hospitals that don't function because they don't have the following. well one of the reasons people will stay is if we improve the hospital, we were doing that. end of the thing i am so presumptuously to say proud of the vice president, she went beyond the united states. she contributed to try to get the rest of the world is a look, this makes sense. she got commitments of 3.5 is it? $3.2 billion. there's a lot to be done. think about it, even back in days one... it's so easy to demagogue this issue. it's so easy to demagogue it. and you hear a number of our friends the republicans saying
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you know, they don't even want me to speak english anymore, they want me to speak -- they will take over my community whoever they are at the time. but you know that is what a lot of folks went through all the way back to the 1800s. it's not new it's part of nature and fear but there has to be an orderly way. i know we can make it much, much better. >> mr. president why did you decide now is that finally the right time to visit the border? or public and ask you to do it since the beginning. >> the borough republicans haven't been serious about it at all. come on. they haven't been serious at a all. i wanted to be sure that i knew what the near outcome was on title 42 before i went down. we don't have it yet so i had to operate -- i don't like title 42. but it is the law now, we have to operate within it. my prediction is --
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not particular unsightly insightful about this it will go away in my prediction. then we we have used title ix, title 8. right? in my right? title eight. which is we can implement what we are doing here plus some other things. there is a rational way we can announce but i couldn't wait once those supreme court ruled they would not make the final decision on title 42 for some time for another who knows. probably not until june and that range. i don't know. that for a fact. to be able to lay this out. but look, mayor arcus is waiting to impress you all all kidding aside. >> are you concerned about their requiring airline tickets that they are toward welfare migrants?
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>> yes but there are also ways along the border as well. >> so the cease-fire proposed by president putin for the orthodox christmas on january 6/70 of a reaction to that? >> i am reluctant to respond anything put in says. i find it interesting, he was ready to bomb hospitals and nurseries and churches on the 25th and new year's. i think he is trying to find some oxygen. thank you so much. >> are you still monitoring the speaker's race? are you still walk watching speaker's race? [speaking over each other] >> harris: awkward.
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all right. let's get back to the border. we can get to the rest of everything that just happened at the very end of that that was so confusing, let's talk about this. i want to bring in former acting homeland security secretary chad wolf, you and i have been perch since before last hour watching the president, what is your first take on his first words as president at the border with mexico? >> well i thought overall, harris, the speech was a little confusing. it was meandering and in places contradictory. it was clear the president wasn't really sure what he was talking about. he talked about a number of different programs that weren't accurate, he talked about gang violence in central america as a basis to claim asylum, that's not true under u.s. law. i think that is important. he talked about continuing to process more illegal aliens into the country instead of actually solving the problem. he talked about parole in the venezuelan program that started back in october, and yes, we may see if you were venezuelans of the border but guess what question what the numbers
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continue to increase month after month after month. it's different populations. so applying this perl program which i would say is not lawful to other populations is still not going to solve the problem at the end of the day. of course he concluded with title 42. this is an authority that he has said he doesn't like, they are fighting in front of the supreme court yet he is going to extend at title 42. so it's very unclear what the strategy is with the long-term strategy is. for the border. i think that speech raised more questions than answers. >> harris: how could it not? he hasn't had eyes or hands on the situation on his own and the two people that he put in charge have been so woefully incompetent that it is almost laughable. and one he gave the set up to the homeland secretary mayorkas, everyone is waiting to talk to him, no, i don't think anybody is. and the vice president, kamala harris, what has she done as a border czar? what a mess. you extend title 42 which he
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says he doesn't like, did he tell us why doesn't like us? did he tell us what he wants to see in its place? does he know that in between titles 8 and 9? >> i don't think he does. again, i think what it shows you is there is no comprehensive plan for that border. they do not have a border security strategy. they have title 42 strategy, by his own admission which will go away this year. what it's a strategy after that? why -- i don't understand why they are now simply trying to come up with a strategy that they have known, they have been in this problem over 24 or about 24 months now. and yet this feels like a solution here at the last minute they have come up with in trying to figure that out. harris, he also mentioned congress. i have to come back to this because this is a point i think the viewers need to really understand. he keeps talking about republicans or members of congress who won't help.
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what they are advocating for is amnesty. what he put forward at the beginning of his administration of of course that he mentioned senator sinema and senator tillis, they are talking about amnesty for my 3 million people. someone needs to explain to me and others on how amnesty equals border security. the two have nothing to do with one another and yet they are conflating the issue and somehow trying to convince the american people that if you give amnesty to 3 million people who have been here years and years and years that somehow that will stop 230,000 people coming here every month. >> harris: it won't. >> it's disingenuous, it's dishonest, i get fired up over that because it's not going to solve the issue. >> harris: it's reflexively what a politician would do come up with a finger the other side. the problem is the finger needs to go right in his own chest. i mean it feels like 24 months ago because it was 24 months ago that he's flipped the switch on trump era policies. and look, no one is saying they
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were perfect or that they were solving every problem, but we have somebody more people in this country that we would have to hand amnesty to at some point because the floodgates have been open for those two years. >> that's actually right. we could talk about all these different programs they are looking at, or you could actually go back to what works. obviously there is a number of programs we put in place after the trump administration, but we also built on programs from previous administrations that also worked. you don't need to reinvent the wheel, you could just go back to what actually works. and then to talk about this perl program, it is interesting. when new parole individuals into the country, you are not actually adjudicating any type of a asylum claim. you're actually admitting they have no basis for asylum, so therefore you have to put all the men. otherwise it would go through the asylum system and grant their protections through that process. so the biden demonstration is admitting that these groups of individuals, venezuelans,
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cubans, haitians, there is no process after t they have to pul them into the u.s. is not on t honest conversationo the human people. >> harris: that is a sleight of hand you just game. it doesn't solve any problems when you stand at the border and you know this, chad. when you stand there and you see our men and women pulling little ones, families out of the water because the current is so vicious on the rio grande that some of them don't make it, how does anything the president said today addressing any of that? and then our guys taking their own lives committing suicide at the border patrol because it's also all so much, didn't hear that either. chad wolf, so great to hear get started with you this hour, i appreciate your time, thank you very much. >> all right, thank you. >> harris: all right, continuing breaking news and we will eventually get to the couch here but we want to show you
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what's going on inside a u.s. house of representatives. the seventh house speaker vote set to begin, and of course they have nominated kevin mccarthy again who we saw, congressman elect john james do that. of michigan. and so will wash this again, nominated again for the democrat side hakeem jeffries. and seven times martha maccallum, seven times kevin mccarty can the votes? that's the main question here. >> they will give it another go, probably a few more goes today. >> harris: you think. >> kennedy: i think so. what we learned last night and early this morning's they had what they called the most constructive discussions they have had so far. trying to get to some sort of conceptions, let's listen into some of this. >> appeared on the screen. that member elect wrote and sent
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out to america that byron donalds is a prop. i have spent a good amount of time with mr. donalds, especially lately, he ain't no prop. [applause] and if he were a prop, he wouldn't be sitting where he sitting aske! this is the tired old grotesquely racist rhetoric we have seen for too long. [applause] today... today a member elect tweeted a
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fox news story that incorrectly reported that i said that if i don't prevail on the question before the house i will resign. that member, that member elect quote tweeted that incorrect story for his own political purposes. after the story had been corrected and the actual statement contradicting that report had been provided. this is the old trafficking in lives in washington that the american people know far too will. by the way, i am not leaving. [applause] kevin mccarthy released to the public on new year's eve a document entitled "restoring the people's house and ending
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business as usual." to his great credit, mr. mccarthy made a statement of huge significance to the country. the nominal leader of a major party acknowledged publicly that this institution is broken. and he committed to make change to fix it. [applause] so, let me help my colleagues in the minority understand. we are doing the people's business. [applause] that is what these three days have been about. three days. we are committed to make change to this constitution that has lost its way. it has epitomized in the
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$1.7 trillion omnibus ran through this institution just two weeks ago. you see, ladies and gentlemen, i came to fix this broken system. america has seen that problem for a very long time too. the commitment to change it is new! the genesis of the prospect of changing it emerges from this moment. and those since june that lead at long last to the new year's eve statement of mr. mccarthy and these three days on the floor. america needs men and women of courage to do something new in congress so that congress can serve the american people.
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[applause] the lord said to behold, i do a new thing. we need more byron donaldss i know byron he is not a prop. he is a man of personal conviction. he arrived at his convictions through authentic and genuine life experience people to bless you what is the end game? how does this end? the answer to this question is this is a dynamic process. all of the decisions on this floor result from the coming together of minds one way or another.
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this is the people's business. we will resolve the people's business. [applause] and when we do, we will go to the mat for the american people. [applause] because we will be led by people of conviction. like the gentleman from florida. byron donalds. i yield back. [applause] speak of the rating clerk will call the role.
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the reading clerk will call the rule. role. adams. jeffries. adderholt, mccarthy agular. , jeffries. alford, mccarthy. >> harris: so the seventh vote begins at this point. and our graphics as others on
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your screen, byron donalds name could go there from florida, congressman elect. you saw a fiery nomination speech for him on the floor there from representative elect dan bishop of north carolina. if you thought he was trying to only talk about byron donalds you would be wrong. he is talking about change. he is talking about what the party needs at this point and explaining to viewers and the rest of america why this is happening. let's bring in bret baier are now joining us via satellite obviously because he is in washington, d.c., and has that amazing show to do special report. brett, what is your take on where we are now just in terms of how much strength and velocity if you will these votes are coming with but how much strength that there is people who are nominating russian mark >> i think there is a clear message that they are sending witches they need to shake things up. they don't like how washington is working, and with the base
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that is a really popular message that comes down to spending. they don't want omnibus spending bills jammed down their throats of the end of december like just happened with $1.7 trillion. that said, there is a point at which the populace also is frustrated with this process. >> harris: how do we know? >> well, you hear it from all kinds of rank and file. you hear the 200 plus members of voting for mccarthy saying we have things to do and you also hear the politics creeping up on them as the president fills the vacuum with immigration speech this weekend as her republicans are dealing with this chaos on the house floor. they want to be with the committee saying here's the solution we need because they have been on this issue. let me say this there been progress made, we have heard there is substantive negot
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negotiation, but that will not come to fruition in this vote. they are again going to get likely past the five once you get 4-5 that is another ballot coming. essentially mccarthy has given all the concessions, and it will take some time to write that all up. mccarthy said don't pay attention, he was leaving the room he said don't pay much attention to these votes because we are in the process of locking everything down. it is not done until it is done. if he gives everything, you could be looking at another day or two of this before you get to a place with the votes to get past. if he doesn't after all of that after giving everything you want then you will have to get another candidate. >> harris: look, there were so many candidates of whether they had leverage left anyways. the idea of it there will only take one person reportedly
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offering the party will consider pulling the speaker whoever that turns out to be if they don't like that person after a while. lauren boebert congressman woman elect had said that that has ben on the table. my big question has always been and i'll bring it back to the couch now with emily, why in the world didn't kevin mccarthy sure up his whip of votes the way nancy pelosi was able to do before this day or did it fall apart? >> emily: i think that was the question a lot of rank-and-file members had going into this process. americans surely do right now and that's why the argument is the patient's for him is growing quite thin, right? we have a rep elect to buck meeting mccarthy even needs to make a deal bringing 19 or 20 over or he needs to step aside and give someone else a chance to do that. the wsj editorial board states i don't see a republican who wants that, frankly.
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there is not really one that wants to keep and hold that republican power that perhaps the more attractive position is simply opposition to the majority rather than actually stepping up to take the leadership role but i think will be a reflection of the culture of their then the position the temperament that you serve the american people to elect to get something done. certainly we are now all suffering for it. >> harris: rich lowry is on the outnumbered with us today. and rich, you know i asked brett this question not to be contrary and although reflexively i do like that role, but how do we ke really want? how do you know conservatives at that point are absolutely thrilled with what they see because they finally feel like they are being heard throughout the people date elected to report on them? >> rich: the way i look at this there are important steps in the matters on the table. chip roy and others are very sincere and passionate in stopping omnibus bills. it's a terrible process and not
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the way anything should work. we were 4,000 page bill on someone's desk before the holiday and send it you have to vote on it tomorrow, it's crazy it's not how it should work and they are right to try to stop it and if mccarthy tries to make those concessions good. but then there's those who don't want him to be speaker and probably won't get no matter what so these are dangerous for mccarthy. let's say he gets the deal and the 20 opposing him goes to 8 oe after all of these concessions and days of drama. then you have ken buck of the world with mccarthy that this isn't working and we have to go someplace else. i think there is more in the 50/50 that we end up there. >> harris: do end up with byron donalds the representative elect from florida? it's been arguable does he have the experience what was talked about with representative elect dan bishop was more about is he the true brand of conservative where the party wants to be right now? i mean that seems to be more of
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a question they resume checking. >> ha>> kennedy: as a dongle mer of this caucus that you are getting to the point where the potential speaker the leader of the party is going to have to withdraw his name. that will have to happen at some point because the math is not adding up in his favor. martha talked about this. there were talks last night, there were concessions made, more concessions made and they were talking about altering the rules and whether or not this speaker is going to give money to opposing congressional opponents work they are safe because they are people in this group who don't want their members primary to. that is one of the biggest issues. but will that be enough for them at some point, i don't think it's going to be and that is when byron donalds may not be enough. >> harris: this may not be breaking news but happen again, kevin mccarthy has just lost,
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martha. >> martha: you see in the colony of 6 and that means the math is not therefore kevin mccarthy on this round. you have to wonder what's going through his mind at this point. he has made enormous concessions. he has put himself in a position where if he is the speaker of the house, only one vote could overturn that speakership. he has given in a number of things come appropriations committee where he wouldn't have control over who goes on it, the 20 members some calling them the rebels would have a lot of control over that, three, may be four seats that rules committee. now, i think your question, harris, is really interesting. is there an appetite for us to keep going on? in the country and i hear from many people that they do have that appetite. that they liked this process as messy as it is, and they like the pushback. because rich, they look at the situation and say hey, why did
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we have to get $1.7 trillion omnibus bill jammed through right before christmas again? and everyone says oh this is a terrible way to do things and a bad way to do stuff. well, one is it ever going to end? >> rich: that's a legitimate question and earlier, why did we end up in this place where negotiations are going on while they fail us? the mccarthy theory is i don't have toted 18 on the first ballot but we will go up there, i will lose but it will be so embarrassing to all my opponents there'll be so much pressure on them they would give way but instead it has been embarrassing to him. that is the problem. if you are an opponent of mccarthy and doesn't want the speakership, every vote he fails as a victory not an embarrassment. >> harris: brett, i heard you in the background saying we are at 5, it's over, we could get to the point and i think rich and martha made this point before, that may be mccarthy does better this time and only ten or 11. he still hasn't gotten their
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pairing may be won't be 20, but he artie got to 5 so he artie lost, you are right. and as chad schooled me last hour, it was three days in nine votes and 1923. we are almost there. >> yeah, its history and its history in the making and you are right, i get tweets all the time from somebody saying we are not frustrated with this process. you don't know -- >> harris: i want to bring up that some people supported. >> rich: it's very powerful. it is very powerful and a lot of people are saying no we can't have this process. however, there are also 200 plus members who are saying we need to move on here and mccarthy is giving. render all these concessions also upset the moderates and the traditional conservatives part of that 200. they are saying why are you giving this to the 20 folks when we are in your corner? so he is upsetting the apple
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cart all over the place. if he doesn't get the numbers and they do this again and again and again that it will build. >> harris: where is that place? monday? >> steve scalise, maybe it's monday, maybe it's tomorrow. if you away from where we are now. >> rich: the clock is ticking. >> 1856, 133 ballots. >> harris: that's right. brett, i have a quick follow for you. i am really confused about the nominating process and how they come up with people who don't even want the job. we saw this with paul ryan a few years ago. jim jordan didn't want it, he was still advocating for kevin mccarthy buried byron donalds, he says may or may not happen in an interview he gave yesterday which is a great interview if you haven't seen it, if there is someone that wants the job they can get behind other than kevin
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mccarthy? >> i think that's a great question barry lesson, looking at this who really doesn't want this? the slimmest of majorities and everyone is going -- >> harris: kennedy would take. >> kennedy would take it and they can nominate whoever they want to nominate inside or outside the chamber. with bottom line is who will get the majority of votes. i think you have other people in there who will be other names besides byron donalds when we are all done. >> rich: a pretty good job, major constitutional office, first line in wikipedia. ill be somewhere. >> harris: let's get that straight. >> kennedy: it's interesting quickly that this is the second day that it byron donalds name is a nomination, everyone else got one day we haven't seen that before. we were told they would just scroll through because it's anybody but kevin for this narrow group. but i think they may be settling
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on byron donalds. >> harris: that is interesting. >> emily: i feel like we're watching a coagulation occur with him that we didn't in the past and this is possibly the spark that ignites a fire nitrogen. i had a friend who took the california bar nine times, he passed the ninth tried. there is something to be said to stick it out. a >> rich: my cousin vinny isn't that? >> e>> emily: something like th. but to your point which the clock is ticking the longer it goes on the longer the fatigue may actually work against kevin mccarthy whereas i think people predicted in the beginning the fatigue would work in his favor. and i think it seems we are seeing an energy being stimulated here on behalf of donald. >> harris: can i deposit it is worse than the fatigue? what if it is see he is so weak he starts to lose even more people? that is worse than people getting tired. people losing trust. >> kennedy: it starts as a
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minor movement and at some point it reaches critical mass. that's why this group of people is not backing down because they see even though it is minute momentum is shifting in their favor and away from kevin mccarthy every time he loses another ballot it takes a piece out of him. >> and i'm sorry, brett, what'd you say? >> it is still 200-20. i mean, the numbers haven't changed. there was 1 who voted present. until we see some big change i hear what you are saying, guys. there is possibility the numbers start to shift but it still 201. >> what if they adjourn? >> or 218 is majority. they don't have it. >> harris: and brett, the other thing i would say to that is who is capitulating to whom right now? yes it's 200-20 but the 20 have some mojo the 200 don't have right now. and emily, i saw your face light up. what happens?
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>> harris: to >> what are the need? >> harris: what you mean? >> apparent to anyone but kevin mccarthy. >> harris: apparently they don't want what they had. we don't know yet. emily i saw your face light up. what if you are a member of those 200? and you've been supporting and they get the 20 special committee, they get all of the things and you didn't get to ask for anything. >> emily: and i wonder too after the second boat we saw the potential motion for adjou adjournment. the clerk said absolutely do not vote for that but at what point do that critical massacre where there is a motion brought and it's granted and behind closed doors perhaps that 200 that brett is mentioning we see perhaps they are somehow swayed for the stew delegation because if it is anyone but mccarthy, iy this is articulated or appreciated to the committee maybe this is what persuaded me. >> rich: my guess is if kevin
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fails, which is quite possible, the next name on the list, steve scalise, and the next name on the list is -- i don't know. it may be does. but i think kevin will have a big role in who it is because he wanted to be a consensus choice and if he stands on on what happens and resigns now we love you, when you are such a statesman, it will have to be a consensus choice and coming together. because two days, and only remember this, three months from now we will but no one else will. >> harris: i think they will remember. >> rich: for weeks they will remember a negative impression. >> harris: i would argue voters and constituencies could be more than 20, we don't know really. someone voted present who hasn't done that before yesterday. and the representatives elected i think they'll remember, they will remember somebody who fought for their perspective. i don't think they will forget that. maybe someday more people who
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feel that way but are not represented periods >> rich: my worry in the sense they are chaotic. yes, it is democracy you have to get to 218 that's the rule fair and square but if it drags on, this is the easy thing, right? this is not hard. and electing a speaker is supposed to be the easiest part of the process and if you can't do that it will not create a good impression over time and 2 what happens when the hard stuff happens? you have a five vote majority and five members who want to blow everything up. how will that work? >> kennedy: and that's without bringing democrats in the equation, that's just within your own caucus. the hard part really comes when you are trying to create a coalition with members of the other party and that seems like an utter impossibility now because even though aoc talked about building a coalition, they won't do it with a republican speaker. democrats will not vote for even the most moderate republican. >> martha: they put forth of
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their own though they could reach a coalition and they are enjoying obviously every moment of this because they know me as if any member makes a coalition, that number 20 will grow. so you know, i always think of everybody on the life raft and don't let anyone fall off but -- at some point exactly. >> rich: you gain democrats you will lose 50 or republicans. >> harris: i have a question for you as we watch the forno. what do you think happens next that is productive? we will report as a happens but what would be productive? should we adjourn at this point? will democrats let them do the? as martha said they are snacking on popcorn. presented of elect kat cammack told me last hour they had booze in their cubbies. >> they didn't like that. it in like that.
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>> pushed back on that hard. i think what you will get is a successful adjourning vote which means the mccarthy people succeeded in that sense last night. i don't know if they can do it again today. you are right, democrats love this but there is a point at which they want to move on to but not yet. if they do agree to support some candidate come a consensus candidate, that will come with strings as well. whether it's committee, committees being equal, subpoena power on committees, that is a big deal when you're talking about big investigations. >> harris: hunter biden and the like. >> we are not there yet. i do want to make one other point and that is for the 20 that are holding ground we don't know it's 20 as of late, there may been a shift robbery of one present as well, it could be more.
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there are always the always come in group who are saying they're only voting for kevin mcca mccarthy. on the 200 plus but there is a group of those. and you have to consider that as well. >> harris: you know what too, democrats and republicans have flown their families end. they thought they were going to be sworn in. this would be the moment. a >> kennedy: time to go back to school, kids. i don't know what else to say. how long will family stay around? that's a deal breaker. you can see my kids are still here we have to finish this up, i know. i did not work out the way they wanted. don't make mom's mad. >> harris: i was thinking the expense of all of those for the families, not just monetarily. >> rich: the kids are really once enjoying this process. >> harris: lives put on hold branch of the kids are loving it. >> martha: they are witnessing something pretty amazing. as someone said yesterday, this is the way conventions used to look, right? now they are watching something
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they don't normally get to see. maybe it's a good education for them in a lot of ways. >> emily: our capitol hill producer says elect to set spoke to a reporter and it's not about a speaker now. it's about whether the republican party can actually govern. and he was asked as a follow-up this continues to drag on wouldn't that be an indication we are not unified? he says we will find out, i am a co and trained to never quit so i am here as long as it takes. >> harris: that's what richard was saying. do do things because people are watching you and it looks bad or do you do what you feel is right? >> rich: you do what you think is right and the question is if what you think is right is right and i think chip roy is right to have a more open process to not have omnibus bills that the end of the day, you do have to elect speaker, right? you have to elect a speaker and everyone has to give a little bit.
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i doubt it's the only kevin people will be the only coven people of kevin says i'm stepping down. that's annex canada but you have a five vote majority, nancy pelosi somehow made it work and a republican left to figure out how to do it. >> harris: brett, what is the difference? nancy pelosi, you can find out what's in the bill once we pass it, i mean she was like the honey badger of how speakers the mcdevitt house speakers. can you be that if you are kevin mccarthy now? can you just be bold? >> no. you can't. >> harris: everyone on the couch is saying no. >> it's a lot of power. you think john boehner had it tough? you think paul ryan had it to tough? with a tea party or a waiver of the party that said we are not going to do this in end they stood up and blocked different bills, just wait. just wait when the debt ceiling battle comes in. when other controversial, he
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will not have a lot of power. that's what he was trying to protect but he negotiated away. but you bob good telling reporters today i will always vote against kevin mccarthy. always. you just had matt gaetz vote for former president trump, that's one of the others. gates voted for from the spe speaker. there is one way this could be solved, and that is the negotiation includes democrats. there is some kind of thing that happens as far as what they get, i don't know what it is book 40 of them vote present. and then the majority to win becomes 198, and kevin mccarthy becomes a speaker because the magic number shift from 218-198. it's costly but that would cost in. >> kennedy: and be careful because jeffries could get that number too. that's a tricky game when you start picking your exact number of present votes and how it will
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work. >> rich: per breaths point who is afraid of kevin mccarthy? >> harris: who? >> rich: no one. >> harris: i don't know. we are not on the house for. certainly not amongst the 20 people who are holding opening up right now. who has the juice? if you need the kind of power that bret baier just described i don't know if anybody else or anybody period who can do it. >> calvin coolidge and ronald reagan. >> harris: you have to be him too. i'm serious, because the tea party put pressure on the party too. you've seen this on the left as well. tim ryan put pressure on nancy pelosi and it should be someone younger, someone and so forth. martha could it be scalise? >> martha: that's was emerging and that's the debate. that's why we see there's a lot of people out there who don't mind this fight. when i see the discussion about
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what about the debt ceiling? you know, our debt is atrocious. at some point do we let the government shut down for a time in order to get our hands around this ridiculous debt that we settled the nation with over and over again? i guess what if it is my question, and i think that is something that we are really wrangling with your. >> mike >> emily: when i was federal attorney i handed out those furlough papers, i hear you there is nothing positive that comes from it and especially because the irony is it so much more expensive to prepare for and checked on the government than to balance the budget. brett, i have a question for you because it's about policy were talking about. rep elect bo bert went on camera the last break and she said
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essentially there's nothing left mccarthy has to offer. she said am i ready to make a deal, i had a deal to offer on the second and the smug mccarthy rejected it. she said i don't know what negotiations he could come up with that get even more people on board because he has since lost votes and capitulated again in the beginning care what say you? >> harris: brett we have 45 seconds. >> i've got you. we will make could've done all this in negotiating a long time ago. he went further on negotiations over last night. i don't know what else he could do. they either have to take yes for an answer or they have to move on to another candidate. i think shutting down the government and dealing with the debt ceiling hurts the economy overall and republicans would feel the backlash of that in the long run. >> harris: quickly, your thoughts, the president at the border and republicans quieted on the house floor because they are dealing with >> i think the president is trying to take the political moment and deal with the issue he did not want to deal with before the election, and dealing with the border. it's not going to solve anything as far as what they are proposing but he's going to blame congress and right now congress does not have a chance
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to fight back. >> harris: yeah, bret baier, on "special report." you have transportation secretary pete buttigieg. find our co-workers' luggage. >> i will. >> harris: thank you so very much. this is fun, right, em? we will cover it as it happens. "america reports." >> sandra: great coverage, team. "america reports" with a live look at the house floor where lawmakers are back at it for a third day now trying to select a house speaker and once again it appears congressman elect kevin mccarthy is headed for defeat. hello, welcome, i'm sandra smith on this thursday afternoon. hello, john. >> john: welcome to friday eve, sandra. gop dissenters nominating florida congressman-elec


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