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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 6, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> harris: it is ten seconds after high noon on the east coast which means the house could reconvene in any second now for a historic 12 vote to determine the next house speaker. the republican nominee for the job kevin mccarthy came up short again yesterday after 11 rounds of voting across three days. the first time it has gone this far since 1859. but a new deal in the works could give him a path forward in
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today's vote. and just so you know the prompter could add two asterisks and some boldness to it to make sure i said it. all of this we are told contains more concessions to the conservative fold outs but insiders are signaling that even that may not be enough to get him to 218 votes and the stalemate could continue to route that we can. this is "outnumbered" i'm harris faulkner with my cohost emily compagno also joining us today kennedy, jessica tarlov, and bill hemmer, you know the news is big when you get for lexmark let's do this. let's take a look at things live on the floor today. one thing we have not seen, bill, as we haven't seen them come right out and reconvene for a recess. we are probably not likely to see that anymore because it's so hard to get them to agree on a journey. >> bill: i was wondering because i can't remember but how did that bill murray movie and
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after all? groundhog day? >> harris: oh, my goodness! they were in love! to think she is in the movie? do you think she's on the house floor? >> bill: if that's how it ended i don't see a lot of love right now. >> harris: wait, wait, emily would induce a question mark speak to his heart had to soften. then that's what made it. >> bill: i guess we wait don't we? >> harris: for kevin mccarthy's heart to soften? >> emily: i've got you babe. >> bill: if you read "the wall street journal" she said take the win. you pushed for everything. >> harris: to the group of 20 plus. a >> bill: the problem the public holdouts originally was five, right? i was told it was realistically more like 7 or 8. i don't know which of the seven or eight start to peel off but that's what we are waiting for. >> harris: can we talk about the holdouts for a second though? when i hear you say seven or eight versus five those were always the never cabins the four or five. if you are saying there are now
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eight, what happened over the course of four days that it grew almost by double? >> emily: they knew they had safety in numbers. before it was just 4-5 people still work who knew this was very popular with their constituency. they could go back and say i did exactly what i told you i was going to do. i found an unpopular congressional leader and i stuck it to him because i am not going to sit around and let this government get bigger and take more of your money and run the country into the ground. i am going to do what i said i was going to do. i have a steely backbone. so four people can do that and he can win and everyone wins. they all get exactly what they want. but there were other people is that you know what question might my constituents feel the same way. they are fed up with a washington, they don't like kevin mccarthy, so i will go ahead and i'll join the group and we will stand up and it's better for my career in the long run. >> harris: emily let's talk about what's good about this process because there were some things that needed change and still do need change.
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you get there by negotiating in good faith and talking and sometimes that can't happen on the timetable of you've got 24-48 hours to get it done. this has not been for naught because newt gingrich former house speaker with me last hour or up to 50% of those 20-21. and bill's numbers would hold eight or nine or so which are never cabins. right? so we have seen positive movement that needed to have an. >> emily: right and i think the reaction would be at what point had to suffice? at what point is it assuaged this need for change, the articulation for luck, we need to show the american people we are not just going to accept the majority rules right away. but there are issues why the supporters are growing frustrated day by day they are saying we are actually conceding a lot here, we are worried about these policies and structures, we are worried about community assignments even though we are being reassured absolutely not they will not be gavel holders
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and there will be an appropriate assignment. there will not be some type of award, there are also worried as well that look, their personal lives going on. one member elect his mother's funeral is on saturday. one has his wife with emergency surgery there are things happening where they feel if potential speaker mccarthy is not exhibiting the leadership needed to make these votes then why are we potentially making life changing decisions and really missing out on things for the kevin show? this is exactly what you signed up for a. you serve the american people and note that every single democrat has showed up every single day with perfect attendance periods >> harris: house speaker nominee kevin mccarthy obviously is in the center of your screen right now and there has been a lot of talk about what he just step aside for the good of the party. haven't seen anybody get close to 200 or 201 votes potentially at. so why would he choose to do that is the argument against it. but he has given away so much, jessica, i think it would be
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even difficult for democrats to get on board now because whoever would be a speaker and aware of the jersey of the g.o.p. is in a straitjacket. you don't think those people are going to give up if their republicans to somebody else over kevin mccarthy. what they have been able to get in the dealmaking. >> jessica: i don't think we know where would fall if he signaled that he would step aside, we haven't seen education the conversations will be different if it's an open field. right? people can say things like hey, let's talk about steve scalise, right? who looks like a pretty good second option. there are people on the hill talking about the fact that jim jordan who is going to get judiciary would actually like this job. but he is friends with kevin mccarthy and he has nominated him. >> harris: very early on he was one of the others. >> jessica: 100% but he also didn't think it was paul done my possible ramp but i was looking at 20 people multiple times a day saying no to kevin mccarthy, note to kevin mccarthy, maybe he could have the biggest double ball, right? third in line to the president.
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>> harris: you mentioned kevin hearn. we are so sorry to hear about his families loss at this point. but he was another name. some of them have only gotten one or two boats. >> kennedy: he is the chair of the study committee former from utah he brought up his name and said he is one of those policy people. jason pointed out there are three ways you get here. you either raise money, you are a policy person, or the other thing no one really cares about right now periods and kevin hearn seems to be one of the policy people that they are drifting back toward. but yeah, that's the question. can they keep people? you can't keep someone from their mom's funeral. you can't do it. ken buck from colorado also has health issues he has to address. life us to move on for people and those are as big as national security. >> harris: some people have their children in town for swearing in periods they have to go back. >> those babies are so cute. >> harris: i know. >> bill: and into the weekend. >> harris: i want to ask you about all the republican
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conference call today that we saw happen we didn't get a transcript or anything. what are your thoughts question work >> bill: it was my understanding that was among mccarthy's allies. there seemed to be anxiety among the ranks. >> harris: what could he say at this point? >> bill: hang on i'm still talking there is progress which is what they have set every hour of this week. a couple things stick out right now. they reported a moment ago that patrick mchenry is a republican from north carolina. i think he has the best name in congress. patrick mchenry okay? >> harris: close to patrick mccombs so i'm happy. >> bill: chip roi is a republican from texas with ten or 11 votes in his back pocket, if chip roy were to come over that would get mccarthy closer to the wind but still, it would leave them shy on the current number of that seven or eight. if you are watching last night mccarthy came out and talked, chet is one of them and he asked him whether or not he will be a
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weaker speaker which is a heck of a phrase right now. >> harris: and it rhymes. >> bill: he would said why would that be and chad said we haven't seen this in hundred 50 years and he said i want to make history but remember mccarthy's on the floor of the house when he delivered were the longest speech is recorded in history of the house of representatives. he is braced for this right now. but there is a really good chance if you want to drop in here? >> harris: let's drop in and brace for this. let's watch. >> the question recurs upon the election of a speaker. the tellers will please come forward and take their seats. >> harris: as we know, there are protocols and emily, thank you for reminding me that there are these protocols we will go through every day.
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we see her walk up there and we think okay, we will gavel in for a 12 vote, it could be a few minutes but we will stay attentive, bill, please continue. >> bill: the last point i want to make mick mulvaney who worked on the hill worked with the trump administration was on the air in the early hours of the saying this is a personality. it's true. there are some republicans in the house of representatives who simply do not like kevin mccarthy. and whether or not they can overcome that -- >> harris: are they part of the four, five, six, seven, or eight? >> bill: definitely. maybe we get a breakthrough today that pushes up a little closer but all likelihood this will go into the weekend and maybe next week. >> emily: can i make a point about the conference call too, that was a request for meeting in person. this was with mccarthy's allies but the intent was sort of a demand of what is going on here, we don't see a clear path to victory. we don't see you being transparent with us. what is happening with their negotiations behind these closed doors? i saw it as framed more of a we
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need more for me right now, we expect more from you right now, and the fact it was at a conference call was somewhat of a disappointment. there is this growing unsettled feeling and frustration among his allies. >> kennedy: but maybe to your point maybe he is not up to the job. he is making if the only consistent thing he is doing this week is making everyone mad? i don't know how you could lead! >> bill: kennedy you make a fair point. we have are watching this a week, right? there is no number two that has emerged to this. >> harris: not solidly. by written donalds from florida for a little bit. and i do believe and i will ask our team now we are to watch the nomination process we want to catch the speeches that we are doing question mike let's watch. >> i think it's critically important to note this is not about kevin mccarthy. kevin is a good man, he is a man of god, he is a patriot, he is a leader who has led this conference to our current
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majority over the last four years. those things are unassailable. this isn't about him. this isn't about kevin mccarthy. i put no single human being on a pedestal and certainly not before god and not before the gift he has blessed us with with this grand experiment that we call the united states of america. this isn't about kevin mccarthy. the matters before us are of stupendous magnitude. a federal public such as ours, is a dynamically unstable one, it's a wobbly top that is just a few mere revolutions away from falling down at any given mo moment. except for the exertions of men and women who are willing to serve her with pure and selfless intent. just as our founding fathers did, just as abraham lincoln and ronald reagan did with pure and selfless intent.
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as our nation today in the last three years has seen we are certainly a wobbly top. today we have a southern border that is wide open. as a result of that and as a result of our executive branch policies, today 200 fellow americans will die of fentanyl poisoning and many will die of humans struggling. our debt nation's debt is $31 trillion and that will go up in this day alone by roughly $2.1 billion. by today we are seeing when the worst crime spikes in history, our law enforcement are direly underfunded and they are hur hurting. on that topic i would like to thank our law enforcement i want to thank them not only for what they have done -- [applause]
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our police also served with that pure and selfless intent. they do it every day and we should thank them every day. today the chinese communist party will orchestrate the theft of another $1 billion of intellectual property from american companies. and the chinese communist party is still today not being held accountable for the deaths of millions of people around this planet, deaths as a result of within their borders and deaths as a result of covid outside of them.
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we are today losing on multiple fronts against china. so today is not about a single human being and not about kevin mccarthy but the 13 gold star families who still suffer today mercilessly without closure and account ability after this unnecessarily loss of their loved ones in afghanistan over a year ago. and today speaking of our military today roughly 40 out ot active duty veterans will commit suicide. these, medical or, are the issues of magnitude. this is not about a man in a suit in the halls of congress it's about 330 million adult americans, it's about the livers there end. the years of pride in providence we have enjoyed as a nation and above all things it is about ensuring this beautiful journey exists for generations to come. that doesn't happen if we don't
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address and rise above the multiple existential crises we stomach experience today. we must be victorious in this cause and victory begins allowing this body to get to work it begins today. now, winning isn't easy. okay? was winning isn't easy but winning is necessary. of all folks in this chamber i know winning isn't easy. i represent a district where only 29% of my voters are registered in the same party as i. but i engage, and i communicate with the other 71% because it is the only way we all went back. again it's the only way that the nation wins. it ain't easy but it's necessary. the noble wins, the most important wins never are easy. but we take on these missions just as passionately as colonel chamberlin did at little round top at gettysburg pair we must hold this line because if we don't hold this line the entire
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union is at stake. we don't hold the majority for bragging rights. we hold a majority to govern responsibly. we hold the majority to protect the american people. to coalesce around the foundational constitutional principles that i've been willing to give my life to defend since the age of 18. now to my democrat colleagues across the aisle, i want to make sure you understand and no mistake. we are in fact on the verge of a very important victory. a victory for the people, a victory by the people, and most importantly, a victory for the future of our nation. and it dawns on me as i look across the aisle after being here for nearly three years that i haven't had the pleasure of meeting many of you because you have chosen to stay home and do not vote here in person and electing instead to proxy vote.
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[gavel bangs] >> is reminded to direct his remarks to the chair. >> well, it is a pleasure to see 212 of you here today. it is also a pleasure to see the end of the proxy voting. let me end with this. let me end with this. i am extremely proud of my colleagues on this side of the aisle, the last four days they have not been ideal, they have been difficult. but i do see fighters. i see patriots who love this country and want to make things better. i see folks who are willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that we better serve the nation. i see men and women who are willing to serve her with that pure and selfless content even if that service means undergoing the dentistry we have experienced over the last four days and in the wake of the last
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20 meetings over the last two months. let us be clear these are not concessions to the rules, these are critical evolution of the rules for the good of the nation. and i am proud that we as a party have decided and been willing to extend the time aperture so that we can we get to a solution, a product of compromise, but also a product that will fix the ill olds induced by the democrat majority were the last four years. this will hopefully end the multifaceted reckless and toxic behavior in the swamp. this isn't about kevin mccarthy, it's not about the porta 34 members in this chamber, its about the 330 million americans about this quote beautiful land and it's about our nation's future. the person who will lead us on that journey will be kevin mccarthy, he has earned this position and i have the honor of nominating him at the direction of the republican conference as a speaker of the house of the 118th congress, but all my bless
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united states. god bless united states. [applause] >> harris: already, we just heard nomination for a 12 the vote of kevin mccarthy. as they always do we go from the first nominee and then we go down the line. we will watch these speeches, let's watch. >> and lead it for the house democratic caucus hakeem jeffries for speaker of the united states. [cheers and applause] >> he is recognized.
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madame clerk, i want to begin by thanking you. for your contribution to maintaining the dignity and honor of this body. the eyes of the country -- [applause] the eyes of the country are on us today. let us consider what they will remember. i often refer to this whole as america's classroom. the proceedings we undertaken this party, and our actions, should serve as lessons for those who may be watching and/or
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listening. hopefully that which they see and hear will help them gain understanding and appreciation for the greatness of america and the goodness of the american people. this body has a unique role in this government. what we do and how we do it will determine whether our pursuit toward a more perfect union can continue in earnest. no day in recent history with the importance of this pursuit more than january 6th, 2021. exactly two years ago today. our resolve was tested with a violent mob attacked our
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capital, threaten the integrity of this democracy and underlined our constitution. the greatness of this country and the resiliency of our democracy were put in peril, but we survived. the preamble of the constitution explains that the document was established in part to secure the blessings of liberty. not just for ourselves, but also to posterity. in this party, we are tasked with protecting our nation's hard-earned principles of liberty, justice, and freedom for all. every two years the american people evaluate our stewardship and render a verdict.
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last november they invested their time and resources going to the polls and casting their votes. the expect and should get a just return on their investments. for a minute, maybe most americans, this is the only investment they will ever make to help preserve the greatness of this country. for the first time in over 200 years, after 11 rounds of vo voting, we are unable to organize and begin to work on behalf of those who elected us to serve. democrats are offering a candidate for a speaker, hakeem jeffries, who is not just prepared to lead.
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but perm committed to preserve s democracy and enhancing this office body. madame clerk, there is some dispute among historians as to whether alexis corfield said this but i consider to be true regardless. they are credited in quarters with having said "america is great because she is good. if america ceases to be good, america will cease to be great." the greatness of america lies in the goodness that exists within the american people. today the greatness of our nation hangs in the balance because the goodness of the american people is at stake.
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we, democrats, are offering people of america through this unique body a good man who has the best interest of the american people at heart and is committed to preserving the fundamental principles that make this country great. madame clerk, i am honored to carry out directives of the democratic caucus and submit to this august body of the of hakeem jeffries to be speaker of the united states house of representatives. [cheers and applause]
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>> for what purpose does a gentleman from florida rise? >> to submit a name for nomination of speaker of the house. >> the gentleman is recognize. >> thank you speaker, garcia knows the horribly high regard i hold him income he is a patriot, i deeply, deeply admire him but i must take some exception with some of the comments he made in his nomination of mr. mc mr. mccarthy. first he said mr. mccarthy has earned the position. you only earn the position of speaker of the house if you can get the votes. mr. mccarthy doesn't have the votes today. he will not have the votes
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tomorrow, and he will not have the votes next week, next month, next year. so one must wonder, madame clerk, is this an exercise in vanity for someone who has done the math, taken accounts, and is putting this institution through some things that absolutely is avoidable? [applause] my colleagues did not see many of my other republican colleagues have, they believe mr. mccarthy has earned the position of speaker of the house because he raised half a billion dollars to get republicans elected. >> order! order! [gavel bangs] speak of the gentleman not recognized. >> members are reminded not to engaged in personalities against
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other members of the house. >> several believe that one earns the position of speaker by raising enormous sums of money and there is no doubt that the individual that was nominated by mr. garcia is the lebron james of special interest fund-raising in this town. there is nobody better, but i would suggest that there are qualifications for speaker that are far more important, they have attributes that are far more important, jim jordan has those and i am submitting his name for nomination at this time. i heard my colleague from california, mr. garcia, say we seek pure, selfless intent, and i cannot agree more with that assessment. mr. jordan, indeed, is reflective of pure, selfless intent. i don't know that the same can be said for the republican alternative. let's start with purity. many of you have seen the reports that there are
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negotiations to determine whether or not on this side of the aisle there can be a deal, a meeting of the mines, grand bargain that would allow us to perceive stomach proceed with the speakership and i want all my colleagues to know regardless of your perspective on me how ie of those negotiations have gone and i want the country to know. the principal goal of the people objecting to mr. mccarthy on the republican side is that we don't believe the rules of this place unlock the potential of all of the members to be able to cast a vote on individual bills and to offer amendments on appropriations act. we are also concerned about spending that has ballooned our debt and borrowed against the future generations of american citizens. and mr. mccarthy said will goodness to the objectors, a lot of you want to be on the oversight and judiciary committee and you never submit your names to be on the rules committee or the appropriations committee so gosh, if you get a list of folks who are willing to
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come early on flying in days for rules and folks willing to take on the extra burden of our appropriators who work so hard, then i will certainly work to do that. so we endeavored in good faith and pure good faith to create that list. what did mr. mccarthy do? he went out to the media and came to other members of the conference and said see? they just want jobs for themselves. that is not appear. selflessness. selflessness is not selling shares of yourself to the lobby core and doing their bidding at the expense of the american people. [applause] but there certainly is intent, and it is an intent driven almost exclusively by personal ambition, and that ambition is paralyzing the house now. madame clerk, at this time there is great trust in mr. jordan, and that is why i am nominating him. and if there is insufficient trust in kevin mccarthy.
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there are some who have been objecting to mr. mccarthy who are working on perhaps changes to the rules, changes to circumstance, that would convert the speakership from the a great, awesome position now to almost a ceremonial position like the speaker in the british house of commons referred previously to as a straitjacket that some of us are trying to construct with better rules with better personnel because we don't trust mr. mccarthy with power. because we know who he will use it for, and we are concerned it will not be for the american people. we trust jim jordan, i nominate him and i am going to vote for him. >> for what purpose does a gentlewoman from colorado rise? >> murder madame clerk i rise to enter a name for speaker. >> the gentlewoman is recognize.
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>> once again i stand here today to nominate kevin herman, the chairman of the republican study committee, the largest caucus in the republican conference who unanimously was elected as chairman whom i believe can unite this republican conference and put forward the agenda we all promised to work hard on and serve our american people to the best of our abilities with. i believe kevin herman will be a fighter for our national debt. i get texts on a regular basis at how inflation is hurting families, how grocery prices are skyrocketing continuously, he has crafted a budget that balances and will bring that to the floor to help the american people. madame clerk, i nominate kevin hearn as speaker, thank you. >> the rating clerk will call
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the role, thank you. reading clerk will call the role. thank you. >> harris: all right. the nominating process there was all of the speeches. we saw four nominating names there. bill hemmer, kevin hearn is someone that when jason chaffetz was on outnumbered earlier this week he said that as a guy who can get it done. so on and so forth. but you do have have the votes. and so who whips the votes for that? at >> bill: i guess we will see in a moment here whether or not this voterama can go here. it was made when kevin
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mccarthy was in the chamber they said we will shock you with great emphasis suggesting to shave off some of the votes. he insisted that they have no deal. okay? do not expect this boat to be successful. they may be able to push the boulder uphill little more with this vote right now. if they are able to do that, then we will be able to look at the seven or eight holdouts potentially and see what kind of pressure they start to feel as of whether or not this is a crack. >> harris: what you're saying is out of the 20 plus one present you would see a cut down to seven or eight? that's more than a boulder uphill. you're pushing a rocket uphill. >> bill: may be. >> harris: that's like can pull people to change her mind. >> bill: pick the metaphor but that's what he made to reporters going and we will see if he was right about that soon. >> emily: he told aisha hasse watch and you will see. according to him in that moment he was so confident but interestingly we saw what some of called sit theatrics come with all people exiting the
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chamber as rep elect gates was speaking and kennedy you have a feeling about his speech would you think? >> kennedy: i think he is a blowhard. i don't think he should be speaking about half of the party. you know, matt gaetz, god love you pure you are in this for matt gaetz. it's not really about kevin mccarthy, it's not about the house, it's not about the party, he wants to show us his great blow out and it is a distraction. i mean yesterday he nominated former president trump, today he nominated jim jordan. it's really, whatever he can say to get traction for himself. traction is a distraction here. and to bill's point about kevin mccarthy, one of the members said you don't eat a sandwich in one gulp it's one bite at a time. maybe they are seeing one bite at a time one vote at a time into that group of rebels and i think it looks like what they are trying to do is peel off a big group with some of the committee posts and rules changes. and then when they are down to s
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when they will go individual by individual and start. >> jessica: but the margin for error is so tiny on this right? of the four hard and folks. lauren will never say actually i like kevin mccarthy this will all be fine. right? and it is just such a stark contrast from how it nancy pelosi managed this multiple times before. she had a squad problem, she took care of appearing on the floor, she took care of it behind closed doors before they went down there. hakeem jeffries, this is an incredible showing of unity here that he has everyone in line 212 votes everyone is turning up whether they are wearing their babies, they are making sure family events are taking care of their seminarian unity. >> bill: this is a remarkable thing jeff is saying here. they went by proxy vote almost three years under nancy pelosi. as a democrat you could go to europe and vote on a piece of legislation back in washington, d.c. >> harris: that's true. speech we have to acknowledge that dan bishop voted for the
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first time for mccarthy paired we have to acknowledge what occurred. >> bill: maybe there's a crack in the armor. >> harris: dan bishop who we know has been so strong in everything he has set up to this point whether it has been for or against the key nominating with the most votes up until now for the republicans, kevin mccarthy. and that is a shift. let's talk about that, emily. that is a shift. what would it likely take to get that kind of shift? you have heard the house respond to it, but you still up 19. >> emily: to quote dave matthews band "the best of what's around" to your point earlier let's say mccarthy makes it through has he been damaged? if he has only served this week to absolutely infuriate at a maximum, frustrated at a minimum every single member, will this be seen as a victory or simply as i guess we are stuck with you? >> harris: another one. excuse me, emily, nosh became
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has just voted for mccarthy for the second time. let's watch. >burgess, mccarthy. burlison, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy. chemic, mccarthy. caravello, jeffries carbohaul. , jeffrie. jeffries. carrie, mccarthy. carl, mccarthy. carson, jeffries. carter of georgia, carol mike
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mccarthy. carter of louisiana, jeffries. carter of texas, mccarthy. cartwright, jeffries. cassar cassar ... case, jeffries caston. , jeffries. castor of florida, jeffries. castro of texas, jeffries. chaves derimer, mccarthy. cherfeles mccormick, jeffries
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chu. , jeffries. cisellini, jeffries ciscomani. , mccarthy. clark of massachusetts, jef jeffries. clark of new york, jeffries. cleaver, jeffries. klein, mccarthy. cloud,... mccarthy. [cheers and applause] cliburne, jeffries. clyde... mccarthy.
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[cheers and applause] cohen, jeffries. cole, mccarthy. collins, mccarthy cohmer. , mccarthy. connolly, jeffries correa. jeffries costa. jeffries. courtney, jeffries. craig, jeffries. crane, hearn.
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crawford, mccarthy. crenshaw, mccarthy. crockett, jeffries. crow, jeffries. cuaar, curtis, mccarthy. davids of kansas. jeffries. davidson, mccarthy. davis of illinois, jeffries. davis of north carolina. jeffries. dean of pennsylvania, jeffries. deget, jeffries. de la cruz, mccarthy.
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deloro, jeffries. de benning, del bene collect, jeffries de lusio, jeffries. dasani a, jeffries desarle. mccarthy. deespesito, mccarthy diaz bolart. ... diaz bolart. dingle, jeffries. doggett, jeffries. donalds, mccarthy. [cheers and applause]
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duarte, mccarthy. duncan, mccarthy dunn. of florida, mccarthy. edwards. mccarthy. elsie, mccarthy emmer. mccarthy. escobar, jeffries. eshoo, jeffries espiat. , jeffries. estes, mccarthy. evans, jeffries. ezell, mccarthy. fallon mccarthy.
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finstra, mccarthy. ferguson, mccarthy. finstad, mccarthy. fishbach, mccarthy. fitzgerald, mccarthy. fitzpatrick, mccarthy. fleishman, mccarthy. fletcher, jeffries. flood, mccarthy. foster, jeffries. fushi, jeffries. fox, mccarthy. lois frankel, jeffries. c scott franklin, mccarthy.
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frost, jeffries. fry, mccarthy. fulcher, mccarthy. gates, jordan. gallagher, mccarthy. gallego, jeffries garamendi. , jeffries. garberino, mccarthy. mike garcia, mccarthy. robert garcia, jeffries. garcia illinois, jeffries. garcia of texas, jeffries.
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jiminez, mccarthy. golden of maine, jeffries. goldman of new york,... goldman of new york... gomez, jeffries. tony gonzales, mccarthy. vicinte gonzales, jeffries. good of virginia, jordan. goodin of texas, mccarthy. gosar... gosar...
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gotheimer, jeffries. granger, mccarthy. greys of louisiana, mccarthy. graves of missouri, mccarthy. greene of tennessee, mccarthy. greene of texas, jeffries. greene of georgia, mccarthy. griffith, mccarthy.
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grihalva, jeffries. grothman, mccarthy. guest, mccarthy. guthrie, mccarthy. hageman, mccarthy. harter of california, jeffries. harris, jordan. harshbarger, mccarthy. hayes, jeffries. hearn, mccarthy.
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higgins of louisiana, mcca mccarthy. higgins of new york, jeffries. hill, mccarthy. heimz, jeffries. henson, mccarthy. horsford, jeffries. hauchin, mccarthy. houlihan, jeffries. hoyer, jeffries. hoyle of oregon, jeffries. hudson, mccarthy. hoffman, jeffries.
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heizinga, mccarthy. hunt, hunt, isa, mccarthy. i, jeffries. jackson of illinois, jeffries. jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas,... jackson of texas... mccarthy. jackson lee, jeffries.
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jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jiopal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. [cheers and applause] johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota,
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mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kim longer dove, jeffries. captor, jeffries. kane of new jersey, mccarthy. keating, jeffries. kelly of illinois, jeffries. kelly of mississippi, mcca mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kahna, jeffries.
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kiggins of virginia, mccarthy. kilde, jeffries. kylie, mccarthy. kilmer, jeffries. kim of california, mccarthy. kim of new jersey, jeffries. krishna morr jeffries. custer, jeffries. kustav mccarthy. lahud, mccarthy. lalota, mccarthy. lamoufa, mccarthy.
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lamborne, mccarthy. landsman, jeffries. langworthy, mccarthy. larson of washington, jeffries. larson of connecticut, jeffries. latta, mccarthy laturner. , mccarthy. lawler mccarthy. lee of california, jeffries. lee of florida, mccarthy. lee of nevada, jeffries.
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lee of pennsylvania, jeffries. ledger fernandez, ledger fernandez... jeffries. lesgo, mccarthy letlo. , mccarthy. 11, jeffries. lou, jeffries. lofgren, jeffries, laudermilk, jeffries, mccarthy lutkemeier, mccarthy.
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luna -- mccarthy. >> bill: that is a flip. anna paulina luna just voted for mccarthy the first time this entire week that they picked up her about. >> harris: that's up to six we have that a flip to. everyone we are watching this closely and please be mindful. on other days we have looked at this and said when you get to the others against mccarthy and it is five you know he has lost very we don't know that today. because there are members on both sides of the political aisle who are missing so you have to factor that in. we have to wait to see how many people ended up gone today. that will change the configuration of the magic number of how many people you can lose in order to get this. this is breaking news, dan bishop of north carolina, john brooking of oklahoma, michael cloud, mcleod of texas, andrew clive from georgia
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and florida and anna paulina luna which you just added that would be six flips so far. you have six who are voting against or for somebody else and that list of others. remember, that list has been as many as 20. you know at least another flip. >> emily: endnote, harris, josh green said as recently as 13 hours ago he said he will continue to oppose mccarthy until he can get assurances the bills surrounding spending of the federal budget would be treated much differently than it had been in more than ten years and we know that concession of the federal defense budget was made today so that is what as he said made him flip to mccarthy today. >> harris: all right and apologies the team has misdirected me. that was not another flip, that was mccarthy who is actually voting for himself and of course he got a rousing applause. what we are reacting today to is what we haven't seen which is applause from mccarthy with people flipping their votes. we are at six. >> bill: it's significant we
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started saying seven or eight hard know's. of the seven or eight there are turk wrote the drama from oklahoma that emily just mentioned and he changed his mind and so has luna from ford we just mentioned. >> harris: we are all over it on fox news channel. leave it where it is. "america reports" now. >> sandra: you have been watching it live play out there on capitol hill, a 12th vote is underway and right now it appears california congressman elect kevin mccarthy has made some in-roads with several hard liners in recent minutes flipping for him. we are watching all of it. hello, hi, john. >> john: welcome to friday, this is "america reports." cheers echoing throughout the chamber repeatedly as hold-outs switch their votes to mccarthy, what is the longes


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