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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 6, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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[applause] those of us who had kids in the public school system can testify that our kids have lost a year of their education because of the forced virtual learning that so many of our schools put our children through during the covid pandemic. congress ran the debt up at least $3 trillion in the name of covid-19. yet as i mentioned earlier, there has not been a single hearing in the oversight committee to deal with potential waste, fraud or abuse of the covid funds, not a single hearing. and we all know despite what dr. fauci said american tax dollars were sent through alliance to
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the wuhan lab in china for gain of function research. but yet dr. fauci hasn't come before congress in the house of representatives. the american people deserve answers on covid-19 and speaker kevin mccarthy has given the republican majority the tools necessary to make that possible. [applause] the democrats have spent the past six years investigating a president for potential wrongdoing in ukraine and russia. now let me say this loud and clear. the republicans will also investigate a president for potential wrongdoing in ukraine and russia as well as china. the american people have a lot of questions for dr. fauci.
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christopher ray, merrick garland, secretary mayorkas. we cannot ask those questions until we elect our speaker. under speaker pelosi was a full-time committee to harass the previous president, to advocate for wage, social issues which the oversight committee had absolutely no jurisdiction and committee totally uninterested in the american taxpayer. in a republican majority under speaker kevin mccarthy and many of my friends embedded in these negotiations, house oversight committee with strong members, strong members like byron donalds and andy biggs and jim jordan will return to its original mission of identifying waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement in the federal government and holding unelected bureaucrats accountable.
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in a republican majority under speaker kevin mccarthy the forgotten working men and women's voices will finally be heard and represented. and in a republican majority under speaker kevin mccarthy, this broken congress will finally be fixed and we will return to regular order and we will drag those senators kicking and screaming along with us every step of the way. [cheering] we will return to regular order, we will get the backs of the american taxpayers. this is the people's house. let's get to work. madam clerk, i'm proud to nominate kevin mccarthy to be the next speaker of the united states house of representatives and i yield back. [cheers and applause]
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>> for what purpose does the generalwoman from texas rise. >> i rise to nominate a great leader, a unifier, not a divider, hakeem jeffries for speaker of the united states house of representatives. [cheering] >> we are on day 4, 13th vote, and house democrats are united with hakeem jeffries with him and for him because he is uniter and not a divider, and positive force of nature. two days ago during the 4th, 5th, maybe the 6th roll call a
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nominator said it should not be considered dysfunction. madam clerk, their process did not begin this week. they have had months to figure this out and americans should have profound concerns with what this portends. as we gather here in this chamber on this solemn day, the second anniversary of january 6th, when members of law enforcement were under siege, there was an attempted coup, insurrection that will live in infamy, what we lived through was an assault on our republic and on our democracy from within. on that day when my colleagues and i were trapped in this gallery the terrorists who assaulted our police officers could be heard banging on these doors, breaking these windows, and they were here to prevent the certification of a free and
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fair election. i shudder to think what a republican inability to govern meant on that day and what it could mean in the future for those of us who defend democracy abroad and now here at home. on this painful anniversary, thankfully the honorable hakeem jeffries made sure we came together to mark the moment, to honor our law enforcement, recognize the lives lost as a result of that day, honor the families and the survivors, and to ensure that we recommit to our republic and our democracy. that is the kind of speaker that our nation needs. [applause]
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we are now four days into what should be the 118th congress and the house of representatives has no committees, no rules, no classified briefings, no members who have taken their oaths to serve our country. there are no debates happening on this floor about addressing the challenges we face at home or around the globe. no votes on legislation to tackle the challenges facing the american people. madam clerk, they told the american people they wanted to win the majority to fight inflation. the only thing they are fighting is each other. these four days have tested house republicans' ability to govern and they have failed. with hakeem jeffries as our speaker, congress can continue to deliver common sense bipartisan solutions for the american people.
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instead what we have seen unfold before our very eyes is exactly what is in store for the country over the next two years under republican control. and this should be deeply concerning to the american people who expect us to do our jobs and fulfill even the most fundamental functions of this institution. like voting on the debt ceiling to fund expenditures we have already made. what if this happens then? what if we default on our debts because of the republican majority inability to govern? what impact will that have on our economy or on the global economy? and in less than nine months, in september, we have a vote to fund the government. to pay for our military, social security, medicare and other obligations. what happens on september 30th when government funding runs out and they are in charge. with hakeem jeffries as our
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speaker we can continue to advance an agenda that puts people over politics just as we did in the 117th congress with the majority as slim as theirs. [speaking spanish] madam clerk, in accordance with the vote of the house democratic caucus, i'm honored to present for election to the office of speaker of the house of representatives for the 118th congress, the name of a man of integrity and intellect who is bold and brilliant and most importantly, a man who leads with love. the honorable hakeem jeffries, representative from the state of new york. [cheers and applause]
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>> reading clerk will call the roll. >> adams, jeffries. aderholt -- aderholt --
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aguilar, jeffries. allen, mccarthy. alred, jeffries. amodei -- armstrong, mccarthy. auchincloss, jeffries. babin, mccarthy. bacon, mccarthy. balderson -- banks, mccarthy.
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barr, mccarthy. barrigon, jeffries. bean of florida, mccarthy. beaty, jeffries. bentz, mccarthy. bera, jeffries. bergman, mccarthy. beyer, jeffries. bice, mccarthy. biggs, jordan.
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bilirakis, mccarthy. bishop of georgia, jeffries. bishop of north carolina, mccarthy. blumenaure, jeffries. boebert, jordan. bonamini, jeffries. bost, mccarthy. boman, jeffries. boyle of pennsylvania, jeffries. bercheen, mccarthy.
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brown, jeffries. brownley, jeffries. buchanan, mccarthy. buck -- buck -- buchon, mccarthy. bazinski, jeffries. burgess, mccarthy. burlingson, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy. cammack, mccarthy. caraveo, jeffries.
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carbohal, jeffries. cardennis, jeffries. carey, mccarthy. carl, mccarthy. carson, jeffries. carter of georgia. mccarthy. carter of louisiana. jeffries. carter of texas, mccarthy. cartwright, jeffries. casar, jeffries. case, jeffries.
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caston, jeffries. castor of florida, castro of texas, jeffries. chavez derimer -- chu, jeffries. cicilini, jeffries. ciskomani, jeffries. clark of massachusetts, jeffries. clark of new york, jeffries. cleaver, jeffries. clein -- clein --
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cloud, mccarthy. clyburn, jeffries. clyde, mccarthy. coen, jeffries. cole, mccarthy. collins, mccarthy. comer, mccarthy. connolly, jeffries. corea -- costa, jeffries.
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courtney, jeffries. craig, jeffries. crane, jordan. crawford, mccarthy. crenshaw, mccarthy. crockett, jeffries. crow, jeffries. cuellar, jeffries. curtis, mccarthy. davis of kansas, jeffries. davidson, mccarthy. davis of illinois, jeffries.
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davis of north carolina, jeffries. dean of pennsylvania, jeffries. degette, jeffries. delacruz, mccarthy. delauro, jeffries. delbene, jeffries. deluzio, jeffries. desaulnier, jeffries. d esposito, mccarthy. dingell, jeffries.
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doggett, jeffries. donalds, donalds -- duarte, mccarthy. duncan -- duncan -- dunn of florida -- dunn of florida. >> mccarthy. edwards, mccarthy. elsie, mccarthy. emmer, mccarthy. escobar, jeffries. espiat, jeffries.
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estes, mccarthy. evans, jeffries. ezell, mccarthy. fallon, mccarthy. finstra, mccarthy. ferguson, mccarthy. finstad, mccarthy. fishbach, mccarthy. fitzgerald, mccarthy. fitzpatrick, mccarthy. fleischmann, mccarthy. fletcher, jeffries. flood, mccarthy.
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foster, jeffries. fusche, jeffries. foxx, mccarthy. lois frankel, jeffries. c. scott franklin, mccarthy. frost, jeffries. frye, mccarthy. fulcher, mccarthy. gaetz, jordan. gallagher, mccarthy. gallego, jeffries. garamendi, jeffries. garbarino, mccarthy. mike garcia, mccarthy.
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robert garcia, jeffries. garcia of illinois, jeffries. garcia of texas, jeffries. jimenez, mccarthy. golden of maine, jeffries. goldman of new york, jeffries. gomez, jeffries. tony gonzalez, mccarthy. vincente gonzalez, jeffries. good of virginia, jordan.
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gooden of texas, mccarthy. gosar, mccarthy. gottheimer, jeffries. granger, mccarthy. graves of louisiana, mccarthy. graves of missouri, mccarthy. green of tennessee, mccarthy. green of texas [inaudible] -- cast my vote on the behalf of the thousands of black people lynched in the country i cast my vote. jeffries. green of georgia, mccarthy.
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griffith, mccarthy. grijalva, jeffries. grothman, mccarthy. guest, mccarthy. guthrie, mccarthy. hageman, mccarthy. harder of california, jeffries. harris, mccarthy. [cheering] harshbarger, mccarthy.
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hayes, jeffries. hearn, mccarthy. higgins of louisiana, mccarthy. higgins of new york, jeffries. hill, mccarthy. himes, jeffries. hinson, mccarthy, horsford, jeffries. hauchin, mccarthy. houlihan -- hoyer, jeffries. hoyle of oregon, jeffries.
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hudson, mccarthy. huffman, jeffries. hizinga, mccarthy. hunt -- hunt -- issa -- issa -- mccarthy. ivy, jeffries. jackson of illinois. jeffries. jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas, mccarthy. jackson leo oh -- jackson lee --
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jeffries. jacobs, jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jayapal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. [cheering] johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota,
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mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kamlager-dove, jeffries. kaptur -- kaptur -- kaine of new jersey, mccarthy. keating, jeffries. kelly of illinois, jeffries. kelly of mississippi, mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania, mccarthy.
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kanana, jeffries. kigginof virginia, mccarthy. kylie, mccarthy. kilmer, jeffries. kim of california, mccarthy. kim of new jersey, jeffries. krishnamoorethi, jeffries. kuster, jeffries. kustoff, mccarthy. lahud, mccarthy. lalota, mccarthy.
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lamalfa, mccarthy. lamborn, mccarthy. landsman, jeffries. langeworthy, mccarthy. larson of washington, jeffries. larson of connecticut, jeffries. lata, mccarthy. laturner, mccarthy. lawler, mccarthy. lee of california, jeffries. lee of florida, mccarthy. lee of nevada, jeffries. lee of pennsylvania, jeffries. ledger fernandez, jeffries.
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lesko, mccarthy. letlo, mccarthy. levin, jeffries. lieu, jeffries. lofgren, jeffries. lautermilk, mccarthy. lucas, mccarthy. lukemeyer, mccarthy. luna, mccarthy. latrell, mccarthy. lynch, jeffries. mace -- mace -- magazier,
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jeffries. mann, mccarthy. manning, jeffries. massey, mccarthy. mast -- mast -- mccarthy. matsui, jeffries. mcbath, jeffries. mccarthy, mccarthy. [cheering] mccaul, mccarthy.
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mcclain, mccarthy. mcclintock, mccarthy. mccollum -- mccollum, jeffries. mccormick, mccarthy. mcgarvey, jeffries. mcgovern, jeffries. mchenry, mccarthy. meeks, jeffries. menendez, jeffries. meng, jeffries. muser, mccarthy. mtume, jeffries.
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miller of illinois, mccarthy. miller of ohio, mccarthy. miller of west virginia, mccarthy. miller meeks, mccarthy. mills -- mills -- molinar, mccarthy. mooney, mccarthy. moore of alabama, mccarthy. moore of utah -- moore of utah -- moore of wisconsin, jeffries.
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moran, mccarthy. morelle, jeffries. moskowitz, jeffries. moulton, jeffries. mrvan, jeffries. mullin, jeffries. murphy, mccarthy. nadler, jeffries. napolitano, jeffries. neal, jeffries. neguse, jeffries. nels, mccarthy. newhouse, mccarthy. nickel, jeffries.
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norcross, jeffries. norman, mccarthy. nunn of iowa, mccarthy. obernolte, mccarthy. ocasio-cortez, jeffries. ogles, mccarthy. omar, jeffries. owens, mccarthy. palone, jeffries. palmer, mccarthy. panetta, jeffries.
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pappas, jeffries. pascrell, jeffries. payne, jeffries. pelosi, jeffries. peltola, jeffries. pence, mccarthy. perez, jeffries. perry -- perry -- peters. jeffries. pederson, jeffries. pfluger, mccarthy. phillips, jeffries.
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pingree, jeffries. pocan, jeffries. porter, jeffries. posey, mccarthy. presley, jeffries. quigley, jeffries ramirez, jeffries. raskin, jeffries. reshenthaler, mccarthy. rogers, mccarthy. rogers of alabama, mccarthy. rogers of kentucky, mccarthy.
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rose, mccarthy. rosendale, jordan. ross, jeffries. rauser, mccarthy. roy, mccarthy. ruiz, jeffries. ruppersberger, jeffries. rutherford, mccarthy. ryan, jeffries. salazar, mccarthy. salinas, jeffries. sanchez, jeffries.
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santos, mccarthy. sarbanes, jeffries. scalise, mccarthy. scanlon, jeffries. schakowsky, jeffries. schiff, jeffries. schneider, jeffries. skolton, jeffries. schrier, jeffries. schweikert, mccarthy. austin scott, mccarthy. david scott, jeffries. scott of virginia, jeffries.
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self, mccarthy. sessions, mccarthy. sewell, jeffries. sherman, jeffries. sherrill, jeffries. simpson, mccarthy. slotkin, slotkin -- smith of missouri, mccarthy. smith of nebraska, mccarthy. smith of new jersey, mccarthy. smith of washington, jeffries. smucker, mccarthy.
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sorenson, jeffries. soto, jeffries. spamberger, jeffries. spartz, mccarthy. stansbury, jeffries. stanton, jeffries. stauber, mccarthy. steel, mccarthy. stefanik, mccarthy. steil, mccarthy. stube, mccarthy. stevens, jeffries. stewart, mccarthy. strickland, jeffries.
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strong, mccarthy. swalwell, jeffries. sykes, jeffries. takano, jeffries. tenney, mccarthy. thanedar, jeffries. thompson of california, jeffries. thompson of mississippi, jeffries. thompson of pennsylvania, mccarthy. tiffany, mccarthy. timmons, timmons -- titus, jeffries. tlaib, jeffries.
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takuda, jeffries. tonko, jeffries. torres of california, jeffries. torres of new york, jeffries. trahan, jeffries. trone -- [cheering] -- jeffries.
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turner, mccarthy. underwood, jeffries. valadao, mccarthy. van drew, mccarthy. van duyne, mccarthy. van orden, mccarthy. vargas, jeffries. vasquez, jeffries. veasey, jeffries. valesquez, jeffries. wagner, mccarthy.
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walberg -- walberg -- mccarthy. waltz, mccarthy. wasserman schultz, jeffries. waters, jeffries. watson coleman, jeffries. weber of texas, mccarthy. webster of florida, mccarthy. wenstrup, mccarthy. westerman -- westerman -- wexton, jeffries. >> wild, jeffries.
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williams of georgia, jeffries. williams of new york, mccarthy. williams of texas, mccarthy. wilson of florida, jeffries. wilson of south carolina, mccarthy. wittman, mccarthy. womack, mccarthy. yakym, mccarthy. zinke, mccarthy.
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>> reading clerk will now call the names of the members-elect who did not answer the first call of the roll. aderholt, mccarthy. amadai, mccarthy. arington, mccarthy. balderson, mccarthy. buck -- buck --
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clein, mccarthy. corea, jeffries. diaz balart, mccarthy. donalds, mccarthy. duncan, mccarthy. hunt -- hunt --
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kaptur, jeffries. mace, mccarthy. mills, mccarthy. moore of utah, mccarthy. perry, mccarthy. slotkin, jeffries.
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timmons, mccarthy. westerman, mccarthy. >> sandra: you have been watching live on the floor as what has now become the fifth longest speaker election in house history continues, 13th ballot for speaker and you can see the tally on the board there, 214 for mccarthy, 212 for jeffries, and john of course it makes it different than last time. mccarthy gaining grounds and more votes than jeffries, just changed in the last vote but the
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tally did go up to 432 by the latest count there, it went up one as rep trone from maryland, he tweeted out he was coming back from surgery, a picture of his office in the capitol, brought the number up one, but 216, with 431 in the last go around, that was 215 and a half, that marker does move. >> john: he's still behind. what you have to look at is the others in the present, as long as the others is above 4 he does not get there. if the present starts to go up because democrats are dropping out, that drops the threshold to mccarthy's favor. but if republicans vote present or don't show up, that means mccarthy likely won't get those votes. so notable flip, andy harris, looks like they managed to convince him. andy biggs and eli crane and
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matt rosendale, holdouts. shannon bream is standing by with us, and bret baier as well. you'll be talking about this on fox news sunday at length. he's picking them off one by one each vote. >> what i heard overnight from some inside the negotiations, they did think a big chunk would go today. they felt good about moving forward with the deal they were working with, but they did not know what it would take to get the other handful. we keep talking about this. those who said they will never under any circumstance vote for kevin mccarthy, not about policy or rule changes, they do not trust him. even some folks who flipped votes minutes ago, scott perry notable among them, if the framework falls apart i'm out. so they still have a bit of a trust issue that mccarthy will hold to the deal and seems like at least six of them are unconvinced on the gop side. all six of those votes were for jim jordan, he will join us on sunday. you have to talk about what it does to the larger picture of
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the optics of whether gop house members can govern. is it going to be this tight every time they have to stick together and vote on something difficult, we don't know. >> sandra: so bret, your thoughts as we did see the one democrat, david trone from maryland return to the floor, a little color he showed back up for the 14th vote after missing the 12th wearing a sling and walking with a cane, standing ovation from democrats as he was helped on to the floor, raised the number of votes we see here. still a couple absent, 432 voting right now, but that could change as some reps are intending to return for additional voting that may happen this evening. >> bret: yeah, a couple of things. one is right, now after 13 ballots, the lawmakers know exactly who's who and as far as where their votes have been, and where they are. so if there is a change there is a standing ovation and it's very exciting. when trone came back on the floor and voted, standing ovation from democrats. there were a number of democrats who wanted to go to the white
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house for that remembrance for 1-6, the capitol riot honoring the capitol police over there, they did not go, and they are full strength, 212, the maximum number of democrats who have voted. mccarthy is picking off one by one, the six others all voted for jim jordan and he was working the crowd, we are told, earlier before this vote. it's fortuitous shannon will have him on on sunday, and if the number changes, it's algebra, not just math, it's a sliding scale. if it changes all you need is a couple to vote present and mccarthy could win with a magic number. >> john: shannon, the people who are being worked on by mccarthy and his team we are told andy biggs, matt rosendale, eli crane
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are seen as ones with the most potential to come over to mccarthy's side. when you look at what biggs has said, drop out mccarthy, we need new leadership, you would think that's going to be a hard sell. could he get either crane or rosendale, if he got both of them, probably be just about there. >> they could be done. boebert and gaetz, people have said there's no way they are voting for him. so i think they have to hone in on those 2 or 3 they think are flipable, and listen, anything can happen. overnight enough conversations that some of the hardest critics of mccarthy were convinced they had the concessions. again, still having the conversations publicly making the statements. if any part of this framework falls apart i'm out. so it's tenuously held together, what else is it going to take. that's what i ask the people in the conversations, what did the holdouts want, and nobody seems to be able to answer that question at this point. mccarthy cannot give them what they are not asking for and seems unclear at this point. >> john: shannon, we will see
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you on sunday. bret you as well. >> sandra: thanks bret, and shannon, president biden is holding an event on the second anniversary of january 6th. it is ongoing, we are going to listen here. >> two years ago on january 6, our democracy was attacked. no other way of saying it. the u.s. capitol was breached which never happened before in the history of the united states of america even during the civil war. a violent mob of insurrectionists assaulted law enforcement, vandalized sacred halls, hunts down elected officials. all for the purpose of attempt to overthrow the will of the people and yuserp the peaceful transfer of hower. automatic of it was fueled by lies of the 2020 election. on that day, our democracy held
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because we, the people, as the constitution refers to, we the people, did not flinch. we the people endid your -- endured, we prevailed. we honor a remarkable group of americans that endured the worst and the best of january 6, 2021. for the first time in my presidency, i'm bestowing the presidential citizens medal, one of the nation's highest civilian honors and recognizes citizens of the united states of america who have performed exemplarily deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens. in a few moments, the few citation will be read by a military aide. this is who these people, these
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extraordinary americans are. heroic law enforcement officers. as congressman bennie thompson said, a man of honor himself eloquently said about these officers, he said "you held the line that day and what was on the line was our democracy and history will remember your names." history will remember your names. they'll remember your courage, they'll remember your bravery. they'll remember your extraordinary commitments to your fellow americans. it's not hyperbole. it's a fact. it's a fact. folks, history will also remember your instincts to respond to do something as you did. as we all watched, all america watched it. watched it on television and saw it repeated and repeated. the past months we've heard you testify to the nation about what happened that day.


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