tv Outnumbered FOX News January 9, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit ♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered" i'm emily compagno with my cohost harris faulkner and joining us today martha maccallum's, lisa boothe and former georgia congressman doug collins. president biden is set to meet with the president of mexico later today after making his first trip to the southern border is president. a trip's critics say it was
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nothing but a photo op or as i call it a layover. the presidents meeting in mexico city comes in with more than 100 migrants being processed in the group out of texas but when the president stopped for 4 hours yesterday to see border crisis first hand he didn't see the usual things of migrant encampments we have been showing you for years. that's because they were cleared ahead of his visit. look at the photo right now. what you are about to see is el paso on wednesday versus el paso on thursday. we can pull that up maybe a little bit later. upon his arrival texas governor greg abbott handed the president a "your visit to our southern border with mexico today is $20 billion too little and two years too late" moreover your visit avoids the sites were mass illegal immigration occurs and sidesteps the thousands of texas property owners who are angry and americans whose lives have been destroyed by her
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border policies. this chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the immigration laws that congress enacted. governor abbott had more to say when he joined harris last hour, want. watch. >> these points i laid out. about ending catch and release, about detaining people coming across the board illegally, about turning back across the border people coming across illegally. all of those are things the president and the united states already have the legal authority to do and they are not doing. until they stop up and start doing it it is nothing more than a dog and pony show and it won't stop anybody from coming across the board illegally. >> emily: congressman, truer words never spoke and frankly i president biden did read the letter. it remains to be seen whether he will in fact force those policies the governor just articulated they have been failing to do that for two years. >> doug: let's start off early know he is not.
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let's get it out. that is what el paso reminded me did you ever get called by a friend coming to your house who sang i'm stopping by and all of a sudden you take everything and cram it into the closet. this is with the binder ministrations immigration policy is like. they take everything and cram it in the back room so no one sees it and whenever he goes back to normal they open it up and let it fall out. you have had two years and an open border policy they show no interest in making this happens. mayorkas is an abject failure and needs to quit this is the thing, he doesn't see the real thing. and biden knows it because we are hearing reports he is yelling about it in the white house but the question is not about knowing something, it's about doing something. democrats don't want to do anything. >> harris: that's how we know he cares because he's yelling? >> doug: he's yelling. >> emily: we had such a great interview last hour with the governor i loved watching it and i think what was so offensive and troubling and disheartening as a fellow american citizen of
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all of those down there especially in el paso is that for the president to receive the sanitized view, there are more illegal immigrants will come over the border since december than the city's population itself. these members are staggering numbers are staggering and what is this rio de janeiro cleaning up the windex? he asked to have it be peachy keen? he can't handle the truth? >> harris: well, i mean, if he could handle the truth he woule gone unannounced. two things popped out at me that i learned i didn't notice the containers and everything the governor had put into place had started to have an impact about a week or a week and a half ago. when did we find out the present was going down? a few days ago. when they saw the tide had been stemmed a little bit. but even with that with the governor today that wouldn't
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have accounted for not seeing anybody. you are not just talking about sanitizing the streets where people were lined up trying to stay warm with blankets and get into shelters that had filled up in the study it foul city of el paso, god bless those citizens who've done everything who have shared their space andg else, that is one thing but the sanitation for the president's political protection was the fact that he goes to a migrant facility where they are intaking a thousand people a day that he tried to tell the president? and he just wanted an average number the president says he pushed back to get a smaller number he can live with and he doesn't see one migrant in the facility? give a thousand people? okay, adjusted number 300-400 and not one person is out of the facility when the president shows up? you don't have show their faces on camera. my goodness, that is a cleanup of epic proportions. that's a lie. >> emily: who surprised him harris? this weekend on ""fox & friends"" we had former border chief rodney scott on.
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he said when president trump came to visit the border with him in san diego he had two directs he said give me a tour and tell me what i should know. tell me was going on here. what were the directives from president biden? talking points. this was the border to telling us this in the past. what else would we expect from this administration other than a manufactured preprogrammed sanitized visit because everything to them, martha, is about manufacturing a distorted reality. they can't handle the reality that friday night 33 migrants were shipped to new york city that all of those, the volunteerism of what are those? air marshals. it's an absolute joke on this it's a final cherry on top. >> martha: it's pretty clear they don't want to fix this problem, right? they ended the building of the wall, they pushed away remain in mexico, and title 42, so when you look at the actual policies
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they have implemented or not implemented they are all designed allowing us to continue. they also are in a period where they have the house, senate and the white house. if they wanted to do something about this they just missed that opportunity so isn't it interesting that that's on the president goes down? now he knows he's likely to have some resistance to a bipartisan agreement on immigration and that is something republicans want to answer to as well, doug collins, but now he has a little bit of pushback even if you want to say on the person to fix it but here is the day all about the discussion between the heads of the united states of mexico and canada. right? we have justin trudeau, we have over door, we need more congressman michael waltz who wrote a very good piece on this today talking about the fact that they need to focus on energy production, getting chinese influence out of south america, and also cracking down on these cartels. neither one of these countries is running the border. the cartel runs the border. it is an embarrassment to
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governments, to the north and south of this border. that the cartels run it. they made $13 billion in human trafficking this year, a couple years ago that was 500 million so this is a huge business for them but we have drones, human intelligence, ways we can work the border with court nation the mexicans. let's see some aggressive discussion about being proactive in cutting down on these cartels because they are in charge. >> emily: that right there was presidential, martha, but instead what we got from the actual president joe biden -- >> martha: running in 2024. [laughter] >> emily: listen with the actual president asked. he was caught on air saying if i could wave the wand what should i do, oh, i don't know, mr. president, did any of the lawsuits by the attorney general, maybe the governor's the disaster? get out of here! do have a president or a junior bottle, lisa? >> lisa: we have a liar into
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chief. this is in our alien presidency. it's a gaslighting presidency. we are facing a war from this administration and we look at this sanitized version of the border where they kick everyone off the streets and cleaned up for the follow-up. right? the vaccines not providing immunity they change the definition of what it means to be vaccinated. men can have babies, men can get pregnant its pregnant people now on everything, you don't like you don't want to know just redefine it. this is an aurelian presidency and much of the media not us are following along with it. and we have a small group of republicans who fought for change who will force a vote on the texas border plan so you we will have some of those democrats on the record, what they think about this? do martha's point that's why joe biden is doing this photo up because he knows he will feel the heat. the past viewers will come up to
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him and he will be exposed along with the submits rations was time to light the fire under him. >> harris: but he wants to run again so this is part of the plane on isle seven. to piggyback shortly off of what you said, the cartels had a prison break about a week ago. one of the heads, a really dangerous individual, gets out and they are fighting warfare along the border. with our country. 17 people, guards, died in that fight to keep those people contain. what happens when they cannot contain them and that war is right across from el paso where the president was. none of that got talked about during the visit and that is interesting. he was right there. >> emily: that followed the arrest of el chapo's son it's a cartels that are running everything if anything biden should be with them. >> martha: they should be the table perhaps in until they are until they are under pressure with these drones and intelligence they don't have any incentive to budge.
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>> lisa: we also have a dhs sector that said crossing the border illegally is not grounds for deportation but we should start with him. >> emily: coming up now that they have a speaker house republicans are expected to get down to business today. what is on the agenda as the left is already on the attack? that's next.
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>> harris: the 118th congress get down to business now that the speaker has been chosen, california's kevin mccarthy won the gavel in a historic 15 ballot vote late friday night. the first order of business, and we have known this so here it comes, lawmakers are considering a rules package to govern the house. those rules will need to be in place before house republicans can move full stained him head
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on a huge array of investigations from the border crisis to justice department and weaponization there, accusations of that, the biden family itself, the liberal media already on the attack. what don't they like? speak of the key is a been handed over to extremists. >> the republicans don't want to govern. they are locusts and they feed on dysfunction and suffering. >> are general to assert don my concern is the dysfunction with historic we saw this week it's not at an end, is just the beginning. what will be a problem is if the american people will be held captive over the next two years to the extreme maga republican agenda that has been negotiated into the house rules and the functioning of the congress. >> harris: so we now know what representative hakeem jeffries talking points will be when he tries to move up to the speakership if democrats can take over the house again. by the way, he makes this too.
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>> doug: yes and i worked with him before we worked on the reform back when they would actually negotiate. look, it's what he has to say as a leader to say this is the other side, they are the extremists. what has their agenda been for the last four years? they started off as ranking member the first thing in the committee was call acting in attorney general matthew whitaker for no reason except to begin impeachment that's all they did. and then they moved in the last year with covid money and infrastructure bill and this issue. it's hypocritical again for the democrats to say it's radical from their republicans when they're all radical agenda to get everyone put in the line for. when we actually have discussion about hey should there be amendments? shall we pass all 12 appropriation bills? yes. >> harris: should you have time to read the build, come on. that seem so basic. everyone should want that. member nancy pelosi lisa said you would find out what's in it when it passes.
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americans are trying to address that. >> lisa: what i find interesting is congress or is a 22% approval rating grady of a small group of people, triple droid dan bishop, tired and i thought, martha. [talking over each other" demo] we have chip roy and dan bishop fighting over each other to hold accountable though they are the ones in this process were attacked and why should the speaker of the house of absolute authority? when he checks and balances in this country. that's what makes this country checks and balances. so mccarthy should be held accountable. i look at what they did as a positive fight for change. what worries me more is actually the reaction to all of this rather than what they did. republicans need to have the stomach for the fight ahead. with such a small majority we will get scrutinized, we will get attacked and we need republicans who are fighters who are willing to take the beating who we are willing to shut down the government for its right, to take the fight to democrats and sadly what we saw is there are
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not enough. >> harris: my warrior dad used to say you need someone who actually wants to be in the fight. >> lisa: there you go. >> harris: talk to me about the process of moving forward with all they have to get done. we know the irs is where they want to start with that first bill 1,000,000,080 the 87,000 agents they want to hire. >> martha: visits with the sausage making looks like and the fact of the matter is when we get back we will have opportunities to break the bills apart and to approve them piece by piece. and i thought it was very compelling, i forgot which congressman it was who was talking about it, you get here, you get elected, you get here and then basically you don't do anything. the speaker and the head of the appropriations committee on the rules committee, they do everything. so that is in the way it supposed to be. these people are supposed to be representatives when they get to
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congress, so i think this was a very necessary process we watched. also the american people now have a better sense of who all these individuals are, they saw them all talk, they seldom will go out, there were like i don't know that guy chip roy he is where is what he said about it and i don't think we should be afraid of this. it's a few days over we have a leader, tough times ahead, very complicated but let's have at it. >> harris: photos from both sides of the isle though because i'm always doing voters voices when they are not on the air i'm talking to people and they are telling me, emily, they have the stomach for this. they didn't mind the sausage making because they do understand most of congress doesn't read the bills. they are not forced to. that is just a sticking point everyone can agree on, but it is important for all of us that they actually know what's in what they are passing. >> emily: right because they are maybe not give an opportunity because there is no time to. you mentioned about how the left is calling at the radical extremists or holding everyone
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hostage. you know it's radical at the time of the constitution. the horrors of a robust debate for a few days, ultimately what was accomplished is at the best interest of the american people, that the government. the left right now is totally showing exactly what they do witches lose their mind when someone dares to be different. right? to show it was like the house of burgess and it was awesome. who benefits? the american people benefit because with extra time to read bill and extra accountability and reduced budgets potentially as our tax dollars are paying for all nonsense like strips on treadmills that the left likes to do. i agree with what you're saying, lee so that we were movement on this few days ago in the grand scheme of things two days will go by quickly because the articulable reasons those 20 made for holding out on the reasons identified for voting for mccarthy or present were clear so the american people
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know exactly which rules and why they voted a certain way. that's what benefits us. >> harris: that's important going forward for both sides of the aisle to get to know people as you said. because i mean after all kevin mccarthy is in second line for the presidency if something were to happen, it's the house speaker for the vice president so we want to know what they are talking about and what they are willing to fight for. okay, coming up, prince harry. that felt like an odd -- [laughter] from democracy to a man is a descendant of something else but prince harry. he is facing backlash for vehemently denying claims he were lame to the royals "racist" in the bombshell oprah interview well the book is out or coming out and spilling. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> emily: all right if prince harry was not in enough controversy most of which is keep being brought upon himself the prince is now facing backlash for denying he or his wife called the royal family racist or suggested they had institutional racism in the royal family. in the interview which dropped last night, prince harry claimed that is not happen, that never happened, watch this. >> in the oprah interview you accrues members of your family of racism -- >> over the british press said that. >> right. >> did megan never mentioned they were racist? >> she said there were troubling with comments. >> there was concern about her skin color. >> you described that is racist.
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>> not happy having lived with them that families are going back to the difference between what my understanding is because of my own experience the difference between racism and unconscious bias the two things are different. >> martha: this is what the couples had an interview with oprah, watch this. >> concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he is born. >> what? >> and... >> who? who is having a conversation? with you? they are concerned if he were too brown that that would be a problem are you saying that? >> i wasn't able to follow up with y but if that is the assumption you're making i think that physically safe one. which is really hard to understand, right? >> martha: assumptions, unfinished conversations about that so she doesn't really know what they meant, however they
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were, because they have never said who is saying this in the first place. how the critics are blasting the couple for allowing the world to believe the royal family was racist. not correcting the narrative and "hanging the royal family out to dry" which they worked really hard at doing and they have made a hundred million dollars doing just that. emily, let me start with you, the fact of the matter is i think back to megan's father agreeing to sell some photos of himself reading a book on england to make some money, right? i think it's hard not to boil this down and say this entire thing is them selling their story to make a hundred million dollars. and the racism issue is a very serious and painful charge that they have made suggestively and dropped insinuations time and time again. >> emily: that's so right and i think the argument here is so
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strong that if that was true now what they are saying that we didn't mean it no, no, know they aren't racist why didn't they correct the record so long ago when i first came out? because that level of silence of complicit silence is exactly would prince harry accused the british media of doing all of those years. and here they received an award for standing up to racism within the oil family but if the royal family is not racist anymore should give the award back? he talked about this missed opportunity with his family but you could say it was staying in it and demonstrating philanthropy and world change they could have done within the family but instead they are going to do because of capitalism with $100 million? i don't see that happening. i see them enjoying santa barbara and being really excited about the airtime. my hopes are not high for them. >> martha: but they have to have the goods, doug, if they don't produce this interview and six part netflix series the
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oprah interview the books, these are the goods they are paying for their entire future with this. >> doug: what also they do? a formal royal you will go work at burger king? he will not do that and she will not act again. here is the interesting point, they should be writing a new book called "ten ways to alienate my family" this is what they have done but interesting enough what you wonder about harry is he goes in talking about not only is it from racism which by the way, harry, that is calling someone racist in this sense but also my brother's room bigger than mine. we had these issues and then when megan and i came and they saw the new remodel and we thought about how we got a so fight with ikea on megan's credit card and what i don't understand is why you would put in here, i mean is being someone who grew up with a brother i would never tell you my brother beat me up. okay? we may joke about it later but putting it in the book that my brother pushed me, again this is just all --
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>> martha: harris what strikes me as he is leaving the door up and saying i would like to have a relationship to him with my father again and at the same time he is accusing him of the most horrible things. >> harris: it's like an open window to the negotiation. it feels like a negotiation now because i watched a different interview last night after football. i watched anderson cooper's interview on "60 minutes." when it came to the racism question there was a little tweak and the answer. that was that maybe he also had an unconsciously. you see, it's an migration of topic because it feels to me like a negotiation and it isn't for the money necessarily. i do believe he hurts, he is hurting. >> emily: i don't doubt that. >> harris: he wants investigation into his mothers death they don't think it's the accident that the investigation has found and there have been conversations over the years how that could happen but he hurts from that perspective. the whole fighting with her brother in the kitchen and he was bleeding but he didn't see it until megan thought later
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when they were going to bed that night, she said what happened to you, you know, and then anderson cooper brought up all the drugs. and that he didn't feel whole until he got to the military periods >> martha: were to be properly logical to bring up but why is he trashing his whole family? >> harris: because his father is a royal. he is acting privileged and saying what, i need to get what i need to get. i want this and i want that, that is how they -- they are used to getting what they want. we need somebody -- we missed the queen, don't we? >> martha: how about a little integrity a little maturity and how you do with your family members all of those things may have gone away with queen elizabeth. >> lisa: i think we should give them the privacy they requested, it's not like they are writing tell-all books. >> martha: it won't go away! >> lisa: it's a joke. the charge of racism should mean something and instead the left has diluted it so much because i throw it around with reckless
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abandonment. but they are too selfish for the job. they should remove himself from this for instance when they did the tour through africa in different countries megan was asked by an itb reporter how are you doing and she goes oh finally someone asks me about me doing okay. you just actually walked through all of these different countries and spoke with people with real problems, real hardships in life and somehow you are only thinking about yourself? that is who she is and who he is so they deserve each other and sadly they have alienated themselves from their family and soon to be the rest of the world because we are all sick of them. >> martha: that reporter won this interview because he said megan, how are you? how are you doing? >> harris: that's true. >> martha: and all of this poverty how are you? >> harris: what harry is going through as a formal royal and every family has its turning. the difference here is we are all watching rome burn. >> doug: notice when he names the book.
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>> martha: crimea river. >> harris: you may be a psychologist. >> martha: all the longer session after the show. [laughter] we will talk about that next lo. she's not interested. i get it. not everyone wants to save money. -what's she doing? -i don't know. renters and homeowners can bundle and save. for what? a trip to bora bora? bora boring. okay, you know what? i'm in. she's all yours. want some tacos? -eh, i'm not really in the mood. -yeah, you're right. so messy, all the napkins, those different toppings. -actually, i'm in. -yeah, you are.
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there are some things that go better...together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. >> martha: climate change has been blamed for turbulence on a plane linked to gun violence, accused of being racist and sexist and now it is being blamed for abuse. if a man in a poor country brutalize as a woman is victim could attribute her aggressors cruelty to climate change. the op-ed is entitled climate change puts more women at risk for domestic violence and according to an excerpt heat waves flood climate-induced disasters increase sexual harassment, mental and physical abuse, homicide,
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reduced opportunity and increase the risk of trafficking due to forced migration. you know, harris, why take the focus off the domestic abuse to the abuser by trying to reduce this to climate change? >> harris: because they can't deal with that. because they don't have copious answers to deal with that. you know, what we saw in the lockdowns was an increase in domestic abuse because people were home with their abusers. more. we saw that with children as victims as well. you know, teachers need to do more than just a check in. what are we hearing from randi weingarten today? she leads and she saying well maybe the lockdowns weren't a good idea. they are seeing the sum of the same statistics on the relationships it takes to check on a child in an abusive home. and teachers know. my mom was a teacher for many years before she was a social worker. what they will tell you is you know the kids in class you need to check up on every now and then. you need to eyeball them.
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this is to me a function of we don't know what to do so let's make it about race and my goodness, how many things can you make about race? >> or about climate change, everything, turbulence on a plane, gun violence every thing is being attributed to climate change and now this domestic abuse. what is the motive behind that? why is this effort by the left media to draw a connection to climate change on every issue? >> martha: it's interesting and it makes me think that climate change is a number one issue on discussions between canada united states and south america. and we have heard it even from former leaders at the pentagon that climate change is the biggest threat to national security. its convenient way to put a label on everything. i mean you could say that pretty much about anything that goes wrong, right? if you have an increase in a certain kind of illness you could say well you know it probably goes back to climate change because that is what they want to continually bring people's focus back to.
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it is unfortunate for people who are being abused because as you pointed out in the beginning, it siphons off what their issue is. what they are suffering from. in any society when you have people who are suffering economically, suffering through war, you will have an increase in abuse because you have tensions rising and all of these issues. it feels a bit disingenuous to say the least. >> lisa: there was also this caveat, doug, because we can't draw a clear connection to this but this is what we think and it is sort of hidden in this op-ed. i mean if they can't, here it is here's the quote from washington post this little nugget was in it, several academics activists any minute syrian workers said the links between violence against women and extreme weather events needs more research lit yet this entire op-ed is saying the opposite so what about that? >> doug: luck i can tell you people love baseball more when it's hot weather why? because it's in the summer
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solstice texas can tell you anything. here's the real issue. [laughter] think of this, climate change is not something one must consult. the reason you use it to describe everything else is because government can solve climate change. if i blame everything on government them government is my solution. i bring up from a perspective of if government is my perspective that government is the answer then government will be the cost to fix what i can't fix. i believe that is a lot of us behind this but for a lot of people who've worked with crisis centers like me, this is sad, do not put it here. >> lisa: and emily closeouts on the legal angle. >> emily: the travesty to me is that "the washington post" publishes this op-ed, this nonsense, and takes the space away from actual arguments, from actual facts. the reason there is domestic violence is because of an effective laws and an effective enforcement. over half of women that are murdered more brutally by the way than any other type of
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homicide is by their intimate partners or a man they know. over a third of those men were already known to law enf law enforcement. we know firsthand how difficult it is to get a restraining order, oh, sorry, stocking is not enough. oh sorry, stalkiong needs a mental element. 11 days after sierra got one she was shot dead in her apartment through the window and you know what was lying on the microwave a few feet from her dead body in the kitchen? a copy of the restraining order. how good did that to her? so the fact that they publish it's all about climate change, if you want to be an advocate for change if this person actually wants to help those women and those men and those children that are both victims of domestic violence do not want to know to change? find out your local and state laws in effect change in that way because the next time a judge says i'm sorry, my hands are tied, the next time we talk about homicide on this couch and we know that perp has multiple priors for violent arrests you we will say you know what those printable. climate change get out of here
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el paso city manager to talk more about this. why was there an eight hour gap between the time university of idaho students were merited and 911 was called? mike rubin joins us. and why would procedures high schools withhold notifying students they won a national merit scholarship until after the students had applied for college? rich edge's and has the answers for us. i'm john roberts joined sandor and me at the top of the hour for "america report, though my" we will see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> harris: welcome back it's time for in case you missed it hopefully you didn't miss that, women m&ms is my favorite story today. stayed again, women m&ms! the parent companies for m&ms, mars, has debuted new feminist bags of "celebrate women
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everywhere course flipping the status quo" and now has an all-female lineup of m&m characters when with green and brown m&ms holding bags on the beach. because i guess that's all we do as women. i don't know. >> emily: hang out and go to the beach. >> harris: that's not what we are doing right now but anyway. of herbal and m&m was added to push inclusivity. when we look at the package the women are upside down. i understand flipped but thank you very much we stand on our own. we don't need to be shown on a package looking crazy upside down. [laughter] >> lisa: i mean if this is what you need for validation and m&m that is the color you think is associated with feminism that i am worried about you. i think this makes china say oh, good, keep focusing on that. keep focusing on giving people their own color of m&ms while we take over all of the mineral deposits in the entire world.
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>> doug: i want chocolate without commentary and coffee with a latin. >> harris: what? >> doug: i don't want to vent a or ground to ellen small la large. [laughter] >> harris: outsmarted by congressman right here. >> lisa: when i was a young girl i was like when i grow up i want to be the purple m&ms so. it's sweet! i'm joking. when i look at m&ms i'm like i will eat them and it will taste delicious this is ridiculous but to martha's point and china is pushing this through tick-tock. tiktok. can we just enjoy m&ms without it having to be some a bigger? >> harris: yes we can. >> emily: once again there is also stripping everyone of agency because a member took the heels off the green m&m. they put her in sneakers because wearing heels was somehow detrimental because women who
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choose to wear heels must not be able to think for themselves right? there must be doing it for about a recent. everything about this is wrong and we have the california raisins being different sizes we don't need m&ms to be different sizes too. who cares? >> harris: now i'm hungry. next up everybody knows batman's most famous villain the joker. whether it be on the page or one of the famous depictions of him on screen. the latest version of the character however is very different. in a d.c. comic released last week the joker becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, oh, martha. >> what? >> look how graphic that is. >> harris: they want to move pre men can have babies. that's really graphic. >> i don't know what to say. whenever i see this stuff i just think we are so far away from where we need to be focused in terms of moving forward as a nation and i think people, we are very you know forgiving
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inclusive nation. i really believe we are. i think it so we will talk about it don't you? >> harris: said the purple m&m apparently. no, but what you're saying is so true. we have things we need to focus a lot of our energy on. >> lisa: but it's all tick-tock forcing us to indulge in these conversations that are meaningless. i think our competitors just love it. >> martha: but comics are geared toward children and pay attention when they were trying to protect onto children and we are trying to protect the innocence of children and now they are trying to deny children of that innocence and i see it. >> emily: truer words were never spoken. before i do it occasionally. >> harris: could homework be on the way out? chat gpt seem to think that is the case. the ai chat bot reportedly is able to make cheating easy. thanks to quick humanlike responses to homework.
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elon musk who cofounded the firm that made the program tweeted out "it is a new world, goodbye homework." >> doug: maybe i'm missing something but when did we have and i'm talking, when did we have the divide on education? when is that bad? when should a student actually open a book or go into a computer and learn something and somehow we don't need that anymore we can l look at. no. the same person who made these programs had to go through how you got there. if we don't have a generation coming up trained in science technology and we are not leading the way that we will come behind this maybe i see this wrong but this bothers me that homework is something wr wrong. >> martha: i imagine elon musk did his homework. we were told to show your work. >> emily: this whole thing is frightening and not to sound like i'm 90 years old but the absolute erosion of education and what education means and allowing students to think for themselves to develop habits to be imaginative and all of that is being replaced by tiktok and things being controlled by
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foreign powers or people who believe the government is the answer to everything and it's scary. >> lisa: it's that dumbing down of america through technology it's a sad. >> harris: just love our children and up to know they are warriors. critical things. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ to cut hundreds, off your monthly expenses, call newday the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you take out an average of $70,000. use that low-payment home loan to pay off your high-rate credit cards. then, pay off your car loan. and then take the cash left over and put it in the bank for the financial security that every veteran deserves.
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>> last but not least, today is national law enforcement appreciation day, and there are many ways that you can show your gratitude. here is just a few suggestions from the national law enforcement officers memorial fund. thank officers you see throughout the day. wear something blue. bring coffee to your local department. send a personal message to an officer in your life and so much more. congressman, you also have a familial connection to law enforcement. >> my father was 31 police officer in the state of georgia,
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georgia state trooper. he is my hero, he's watching today, dad, i love you, i watched him go out, a torn uniform, blood on the shirt -- they need to be enforced and loved. >> thank you for your father's service and your service, congressman, and you are absolutely right here every day is law enforcement appreciation day. thank you to everyone for watching and supporting and now here is "america reports." >> john: we will second that here on "america reports," thank you, emily. fox news alert, murder suspect bryan kohberger awaits his next court hearing, and they are puzzled why a surviving roommate waited eight hours to call police especially since she says she saw the masked suspect in the house at the time of the murders. >> we hear from a woman in a similar situation, it happened three decades ago. she says she understands why that roommate froze in fear.
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