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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 10, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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with us. thank you for making this show possible. we hope you will set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. or for news all the time. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is next with "the ingraham angle." we'll see you back in new york tomorrow night. thanks for being with us. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thank you for joining us. >> i say classified documents, classified information seriously. they found some documents in a box in a locked cabinet or at least a closet. as soon as they did, they realized there were several classified documents in that box. they did what they should have done. i was briefed about this discovery and surprised to learn that there were any government records that were taken there to
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that office. i don't know what's in the documents. >> laura: hold on a wilmington minute. the man who promised to raise the bar for ethics and trust in government. he is now feigning ignorance? >> i see nothing. i was not here. i did not even get up this morning. >> laura: more than two months after these ten classified documents were discovered, the public was made aware of this inconvenient truth. president returned dignity to government, had actually been derelict with government records or someone close to him was. now, when trump was found with classified documents, biden called it totally irresponsible. of course, the media has taken great pains to differentiate the biden situation. >> accidents do happen. it is not a good reason but it is a human reason. joe biden may never have known that these documents were in
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that box. other differences here, the volume of documents, the number is smaller. >> in president biden's case, he and his lawyers appear to have actually done the right thing when it comes to these classified documents. it does not sound like it ace an adversarial process at all. >> laura: okay. a stunning but entirely predictable lack of curiosity. now, journalists who are actually seeking the truth with no political agenda would be demanding answers to a series of questions. number one, why were the documents stored at the university of pennsylvania, at something called the penn center for biden diplomacy and global engagement? who are the donors of the penn biden center? we would like a list. three, why the delay in alerting the public when the documents were found? remember, november 2nd was before the midterms, before the vote was counted.
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number four, the documents included discussions about some very interesting subjects, including iran, the united kingdom, and, wait for it, ukraine. now, did any of this relate to hunter as barrise ma business in ukraine? vice-president biden remember him threatening to call the aid from ukraine if the prosecutor investigating barisma wasn't fired. a donor with deep ties to ukraine loaned biden's brother, james, half a million buck when is biden was vice-president overseeing u.s. policy to ukraine. instead of asking serious questions about the bidens, a former cia black mflack made excuses for him. >> i worry about overcriminalizing it. it can disincentivize people
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from serving in the federal government. >> laura: well, okay. he is worried about criminalizing public service. that's hilarious coming from a guy that served at the agency under john brennan, which leads us to a fifth question. when merrick garland, the attorney general, on november 18th, announced the appointment of a special counsel in the trump documents case, did garland know about biden's classified documents? inquiring minds want to know. joining us now to make sense of all of this, george washington constitutional law professor, jonathan turley. jonathan, good to see you. happy new year. >> thank you. happy new year. >> laura: why could this be a problem for joe biden? >> it is a problem because it can be a crime. it is true that the unlawful possession of removal of classified information has tended not to result in major prosecutions but they have resulted in criminal charges.
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more importantly, we have seen how there was this rush for not just prosecution for mere possession, as the mara largo scan began. also, people who claimed that the president, former president, even if he pleaded to a misdemeanor, should be barred from office. all of those argues are obviously applicable here. there are differences. there hasn't been an allegation there were false statements made or obstruction. we don't know a lot of the facts. we don't know if this is the full extent of these documents. the president's answers are rather baffling. why was he surprised? in order nor documents to be removed when you leave office, someone has to request it, usually the vice-president or president. it was in his office, his working office. we also know that he was working on a book that talked about ukraine, iran, some of the countries that were mentioned as the subject of these documents.
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so there is a lot of questions there. at the end of the day, the same underlying crime exists even if there are differences in aspects of the case. >> laura: the argument is often made that the president, himself, has the legal authority, jonathan, to declassify documents but the vice-president does not. is that correct? >> right. in terms of the declassification process, you are with the same position in many respects. donald trump said that he declassified everything. we haven't seen a record of how that was done. there has been no allegation or no suggestion that these documents were declassified. also, these documents were classified at a very high level at the tssci level. that is very sensitive material. so you have to treat this as serious. the other question that you have
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to look at on this is here these documents stayed in this closet for a long period of time. there should be some answers here. the president says, my lawyers told me not to ask what the documents are. well, why? if you are worried about national security, why wouldn't you ask, what are the documents? maybe i can tell you whether i saw those documents or others used those documents. the press just shrugged it off. oh, okay, your lawyers just said, don't ask any questions. obviously, therefore, answer no questions from us. >> laura: rachel maddow kind of blithely said there doesn't seem to be an adversarial process here. i don't know what the point of that is. it is also a question of access to the documents, something that the press was very curious about when the mara largo raid happened. who had access to that storage room or the safe or in this case
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the closet? this is a number of years later. so presumably, people have been in and out of that office. there is no sense that there was sufficient locks or high level locks. was it a regular lock and key that you can get in the hardware store? who knows? >> in many ways, it could have been far worse. if you recall from the hunter biden scandal, there were discussions about having an office supplied by chinese associates of hunter biden that would be used by the former vice-president and the now first lady. that was going to be funded by chinese sources. it appears to have fallen through. that was the earlier office option to the university of pennsylvania office. i suppose we could be thankful for that. >> laura: jonathan, you always look on the bright side. great to see you. there is another question. we had five, right?
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we can keep going all night. that does go unanswered, at least tonight. how did the documents get to the biden u penn center and where were they before? the reason we ask this, the penn biden center for diplomacy and global engagement didn't officially open until february 8th, 2018, more than a year after biden left office as vice-president. joining me now is ned ryan, american majority ceo. ned, that strikes me as a long time to have classified documents floating out there. what stands out to you as the biggest, most important ignored question out there tonight? >> again, we know it wasn't carrier pigeons that took them into that location. they didn't magically float there. they were taken intentionally. i want to know for that year, laura, were they actually
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secured? where were they before that year before they made their way into this office? i would remind people these were top secret intelligence memos about ukraine, iran, around the united kingdom. first of all, the former vice-presidents were not authorized to possess those and can't declassify them. he is dealing with these highly sensitive documents. apparently, for six years, they have been stored in some closet. it goes back to, like you mentioned earlier, who brought them earlier? who saw them? who had access to them? who was involved in conversations about those documents and did they have clearance to have conversations about those classified documents? it is pretty amazing to me to see the corporate propaganda spinning themselves into pretzels of relativeism? it is perfectly fine for biden to do this. for trump, he should have been
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indicted. if we were to hold biden to the same standard, he would not be able to run for 2024. why were you lawyers going through the closet looking for these documents when they knew republicans were going to take the majority and have oversight investigations. it is very strange lawyers woke up and said, hey, we better go bind these documents stashed somewhere in a closet. >> also, is it realistic to think that the attorney general knew nothing about this? classified documents in the president's possession, and the attorney general didn't know anything about it. november 18th, he announces a special counsel for trump in the documents. what? >> i think this has put garland in a very special spot. he is a weasel.
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he wants to indict trump. trump got a great gift in the last 24-48 hours with these revelations in which biden has done not just same but worse with what he did with these classified documents. it made garland's approach to trying to indict trump very hard. i don't think garland's doj is going to pursue anything meaningful with this biden situation. it has made it hard for him to pursue trying to get trump indicted over classified documents at mara largo. >> ned, you raised this point earlier. it bears repeating. of all the topics and issues facing this country, isn't it curious that ukraine ends up being one of the subjects of the classified documents? that's kind of odd. here goes ukraine again. >> biden and ukraine, again, and
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again. there are so many questions about what took place in ukraine with hunter biden and he is taking top secret intelligence memos about ukraine that he is not authorized to possess. i don't know if we are ever going to get to the bottom of it. i do think it is muddied the waters on this whole issue with trump. i don't know that we will ever get the facts, especially with garland as doj. >> laura: it would have been nice had we had that information before the election. big phrma made out like bandits during covid. as the virus winds down, they are looking for new cash. obesity, my angle exposes it all in moments.
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agenda to destigmatize dangerous behavior. now, children are taught that boys can be girls. girls can be boys. both can be both at the same time, just by feeling and thinking, or, as they say, identifying. when they identify, they qualify. >> as a pediatrician, when it comes to making sure kids are healthy and happy, i know how important care the deferring of someone's true identity can be. >> laura: yes, that means we must affirm your truth, regardless of what your truth is. we must call this progress. the experts at the american academy of pediatrics say so. it breeds more confusion among children and leads to dangerous results. >> i wasn't capable of understanding. it was down played consistently.
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my parents were pressured to continue my so-called gender journey with a so-called threat. i will never be able to breast feed. i have blood clots in my urine. i am unable to fully empty my bladder. >> laura: the lies told in the name of health care and safety are myriad. we saw this in spades during covid. >> if they are old enough to wear a massing, they should wear a mask throughout the entire period of time except when you areiting. >> how do you operate a school that's socially distanced with masks and gatherings? we are going to have the schools remain closed for the rest of the year. >> laura: this is the exact opposite of what should have happened. kids need exercise. masks do not work. students need to be in the classroom. now, the main reason for keeping them out of school, you may remember, was the concern that they would infect adult staff. however, a pair of recent studies from kaiser and harvard
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med school strongly suggest that once again the teacher's unions and the public health officials were wrong. the findings suggest that social distancing and isolation at a population level, particularly from young children may have counterintuitively put some people at greater risk of covid infection or severe disease once they resumed normal contact. well, none of this was counterintuitive to the angle's medicine cabinet, you may remember. now, they didn't listen and the damage is done. now, to children's health, mental and physical, with records of skyrocketing depression, anxiety and learning deficits and increased childhood obesity. that's what we are seeing. this problem began decades ago. during covid, it got worse. athletic participation declined dramatically and times spent on
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screens rose exponentially and ordering takeout, more unhealthy eating. no wonder trust in public health figures is cratering today. to add insult to injury, the medical experts are recommended prescription drugs and extreme surgeries on children as young as 12 and 13. >> the american academy of pediatrics is out with new guidelines for the first time in 15 years when it comes to the treatment for childhood obesiob. they now say weight loss drugs should be considered when treating children. they recommend better nutrition, exercise and face to face counseling. treatment may include weight loss drugs and surgery for adolescent that is meet the criteria. >> it is not about how you look. it is how your body is on the inside. >> laura: that's what lizzo thinks. >> when i was a little girl, all i wanted to see was me in the media, someone fat like me.
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make some noise for my big girls. >> laura: while encouraging kindness is one thing, glam rising obesity with its many health risks is quite another. that's exactly what's happening in this inclusivity cult. they are normalizing something we should be strongly discouraging. because you weren't born with high bmi. you arrived at high bmi. the more overweight we are, the greater the chance we are going to develop diabetes, heart disease and cancer. the popular culture says, stop the shaming, start the selling. >> if companies can get over their elitism and fat phobia, they can unlock an entire group of people to their brand. >> my body is flexible and the more i give the more strength i give to others. >> we can show plus size women they have more options. >> laura: the message here is
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you are perfect the way you are, conventional standards be dammed. it is all about loving yourself. >> loving yourself, quote, unquote, made me eat kfc three times a day and gain a lot of weight an turn sedentary. hating myself encouraged me to be different and encouraged me to change my life and as a result i've influenced thousands of kids younger man me's lives. >> laura: this is common sense. if we truly care about young people and adult that is are struggling with their weight, the last thing we should do is slather them in happy talk. we should tell them the truth. this is about self-control, diet, and exercise. when we take in more calories than we burn, the excess is stored as fat, period. every child should be told this and know this. this requires us to be better
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parents, eat dinner at night with our kids, provide them with simpler, better food choices and limit screen time and require some form of physical exercise. to even say that or think that is fat shaming. >> this is fat shaming. we have come up with a name for it. let's be honest, fat shaming is just bullying. that's what it is. it is bullying. [applause] . >> bullying only makes the problem worse. >> laura: repeat, no one should be bullied. neither should anyone be del lewded into thinking that the answer to their problems lies in a pill or drastic surgery. for most people, the answer lies within themselves. it starts exercising restraint and self-control. we all fall down in that. we all do. we shouldn't glorify our mistakes but learn if them and
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we shouldn't glamourize them. >> this was miley cyrus about normalizing obesiobesity. >> would you be happy with an ill-looking, skinny model appearing in that? >> if someone was like that, she wasn't born like that but made herself that way. >> is it because people are massively overweight, we are not allowed to say, that's unhealthy. i think we should be able to? >> laura: he is right. doing anything less is a dereliction, which is what the american academy of pediatrics is guilty of in their new recommendations. this is from dr. sandra hasak. obesity is not caused by a
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failure of diligence or a personal problem. it is no different from what you have asthma and there is a new inhaler for you. there they go again. removing personal responsibility from life and replacing it with the we are all victims of circumstances mentality and offering short-cuts courtesy of big phrma and the medical industrial complex. if we allow them to destigmatize bad choices from things like watching porn, smoking pot, we shouldn't be surprised when we leave generations of entitled, unhealthy snow flakes that start melting when the wi-fi goes down and the uber eats don't arrive. the government isn't going to solve this. we are going to have to go back to the basics and solve this ourselves. that's the angle. if you were wondering who president biden is looking to please with his border policies,
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consider this. today, the president of mexico thanked him for not building another foot of the wall at our southern border. two republicans have just taken unique steps to hold biden and his administration accountable. they are here with us exclusively with details next. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh pretzel and mustard... another great combo. (voya mnemonic.) voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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we are not wall ourselves off from shared problems. our entire hemisphere is experiencing unprecedented levels of migration, greater than any time in history. >> laura: what biden failed known chun is that we are only seeing levels because of policies his administration put into place. with the republicans now in charge of the house, congress is finally making moves as it relate toss this border, especially as it remains to my next two guests. they just introduced articles of
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impeachment against may or cass and the closed biden open border act freezing funding set for the un for two years and redirecting it to finish the border wall. sounds good to me. congressman fallon, good to see you. explain to the audience what the impeachable offenses of myoracas are. biden could replace him with another open border zel lot. >> what he did was lie to congress. he testified we had operational control of the southern border. he was caught on a hot mic saying it was unsustainable. it was chaos. he clearly lied and purgered himself. remember that picture on horseback. they didn't whip anyone. e-mails knew he knew that and still went with the woke
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narrative just to feed that woke beast. it's abhorrent. that is in and of itself impeachable. the border is a catastrophe. we have to take action and now. >> laura: congressman, it is worth taking a moment from the mexican president today. >> you, president biden, you are the first president of the united states in a very long time that has not built, not even one meter of wall. that we thank you for that, sir. >> laura: congressman good, i have no words. the mexican president thanking him for building no wall and not enforcing the border. >> great to be with you, laura. thanks for having me again. that doesn't sound like america first policy. president trump created almost
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500 miles of border security. we have to follow that. we have sent $100 billion to ukraine, which equates to 200 million per congressional district. my bill takes 25 billion over the next two years of funding for the un, which is coaching illegals on how to cheat our asylum system. puts $15 billion, which is estimated to secure the border. we have a surplus of $10 billion saved that doesn't go to the u.n. to fund illegals on how to cheat our asylum system. >> laura: biden came out swinging against republicans who are critical of what's happening at the border. >> our republican friends and a few democrats are very critical of what's going on at border. yet, refuse to even look at the detail document i submitted for the congress to consider to reform the process completely.
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my republican friends in congress should join us in the solutions. >> laura: congressman fallon, is there anything this administration or democrats are offering that republicans will agree to? as far as i can tell, it is just more illegal immigration in the united states and green lighting people to come through the points of entry. >> what he said was shameless. we have the money and resources to secure the border. what we lack is joe biden's will to do so. we have never had a month in our history with over 200,000 illegal border crossings. we have had nine months of that under this administration. there are only 193 countries in the world and 160 have had citizens cross illegally. 5 million folks have crossed over his watch and over 100 people on the terrorist watch list, never mind the wild profits the cartels are making. joe biden is facilitating the
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largest human trafficking in the world. >> laura: i have to get your reaction from a whistleblower at the big hotel that is housing a lot of migrants in new york city. apparently, they are throwing away as much as 40% of the food that's provided to the illegal immigrants, because they don't want it. they make their own on dangerous hot plates and the food is just being thrown out. your reaction, quickly? >> it is incredible. 6 million illegals helped to invade our country under this administration. if 99% are folks seeking a better opportunity and only 1% are bad actors, that's have 60,000 in the country wishing is harm. irreparable harm to our country. >> laura: msnbc very angry with glenn greenwald. the former soccer player was bee
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rated for refusing to participate in a blm march. she is here next.
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the 2016 election of donald trump was kind of like a shock treatment to the washington establishment and to the general public, it brought the gradual realization of how corrupt our
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intel agencies and fbi had become. surveillance abuses, the fisa court, all of it was exposed. trump's american first philosophy produced an interesting new political. somewhere along the way, the left abandoned its old principles and became the new protection squad for the pentagon. they even turned against the freedom of the press. independent journalists like glenn greenwald and matt taibi and tulsi gabbard all became persona non grata. an msnbc writer fuming they had never criticized democrats along republicans but now had pivoted to condemning liberals.
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here is pulitzer prize-winning journalist, glenn greenwald. a neat caveat, challenging what's become this largely unaccountable system of run-away journalists. that's now authoritarian. what is this all reveal about them? >> remember these are people who want to unite state and corporate power, one of the hallmark definitions of fascism, if you go and study fascism in college. that's one of the things you learn about it, the union of state and corporate power, to censor the internet and call everybody else authoritarians and fascists. the election of donald trump, given the fact that he won the republican nomination, not by running against the democratic establishment but by condemning gop orthodoxy and ran against bush/cheney foreign policy and demonstrated new gaps had emerged. these media journalists really have no ability to understand
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how most people think. there were ten million people that twice voted for obama and then voted for trump. they can't make sense of that because they are struck in a prism that very few people are still thinking in and very few other people are. >> laura: glenn, the formerly anti-war left, which i used to be repelled by, in the old days, but i have moved closer to that point of view, what happened to them? where is the squad? what are they standing for these days? >> the last time you saw the squad, they were standing with every democrat to send $40 billion to ukraine, beyond the cia and general dynamics. the only dissent that we found was on the republican party. i think one of the things we just saw is the holdouts to kevin mccarthy's speakership. one of the things they extracted was a concession to create a new
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church committee. the church committee was the icon of left wing politics and posed the evils of the cia and fbi. that was the model to which he inspire. now it is far right republicans that are demanding that investigation into the security state. i was relieved to say that il yan omar complemented those holdouts. she said some of the things they got were exciting. you see this coalition among the populous right and left. the divide is not conservative, liberal or democrat or republican but pro and anti-establishment. >> laura: i hope both sides can set aside their differences and work together to hold the pentagon accountable. i wanted to get your take on the chaos in brazil this past weekend. the way it was characterized by the american media.
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watch this. >> the u.s. exports democracy. as you watch this and how it was seeded by the losing candidate in that election, who had a lot of rapport, one might say, with donald trump. is election denialism a new u.s. export? >> laura: what happened on sunday, that's basically just united states rubber stamping another election denial syndrome? what is this? >> think of how offensive that is to brazilians that are being told you are incapable of questioning the integrity of your institutions or protesting or engaging in civic unrest until donald trump and the united states taught you how to do it. you are way too primitive and dumb. you know how long brazil has had that civic unrest. they didn't learn that from donald trump. the reality is that there is a very complex situation in brazil that i doubt jim scuitto and joe
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walsh could barely place brazil on a map. censorship in the u.s. makes us look like bastians of liberty. all these people want to do is blame everything on donald trump, including countries they don't understand. >> laura: i don't think the protest against macron over the weekend about the standard of living, they were tying it to donald trump. great to see you tonight, glenn. happy new year. >> great to be with you, laura. >> laura: a former virginia tech soccer player was benched after she refused to kneel with teammates in support of blm. she sued. she joins us next with big news on her case. so stay there.
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♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected. sam. sophie's not here tonight. so you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt. my white skin should not be
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a shield. we need to shine the light on systemic racism. >> your privilege of skin color unlocks doors for you. once you realize it, you can be an ally. >> do i have a racist past? >> we have just learned a former soccer player at virginia tech has scored a major win for free speech, her own. kyrstin henning says in september of 20, after she refused to kneel with her teammates in support of blm, she was benched. then, she says, the coach berated her in front of her teammates and subsequently removed her from the starting lineup for the next two games. at that point, henning quit and took her case to court. arguing the coach violated her first amendment rights. this week, she got satisfaction when the coach agreed to a
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sett settlement. she joins me now. kirsten, this was wild. was it a unity pledge that was announced across the stands that was supposed to compel you to kneel and you didn't? >> yes, ma'am. there was a unity statement that was read at beginning of acc games, in the beginning of the 2020 season. >> laura: why did you object to that? >> personally, i didn't feel like i needed to kneel in order to support something. personally, i felt like i could stand and be in support of something. personally, i think that the kneeling was very synonymous with the colin kaepernick movement and blm movement and i didn't feel like i needed to. >> laura: now, the pushback that you received was significant, because of someone who played
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sports for many, many years and my coaches were so important to me. to be berated for not complying in front of your teammates, how did that feel? >> it didn't feel good. you know, i'm someone i kind of do my job and, you know, i was there for the love of the game and the love of the school. to me, that's putting on that jersey meant so much to me. to be called out like that, it was pretty harsh. >> laura: i love virginia tech. it is a fantastic school. it is very difficult to get into now i understand. your former coach just put out a statement which read in part, kyrstin, i'm pleased the case against me has been closed and i am free to move forward clear of any wrongdoing. it has been difficult not being able to tell my side of the story. the people i care about whose opinions matter to me know the truth. my coaching decisions are based purely on getting our team in a
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position to win. now, implicit in that statement, kyrstin, is that you were not good enough to play in a starting position on team. is that accurate? >> i don't think that's accurate, no. i think the numbers speak for themselves in that sense. i think judge colin, who ruled on the summary judgment summarized it perfectly. i averaged 74 minutes my freshman year and 88 minutes my sophomore year. there is a significant decrease in playing time with no real explanation as to why. >> laura: there was enormous pressure brought to bear on all athletes, even high school students, because i heard from a lot of them that if you didn't post a particular message in support of blm or george floyd, that you got in trouble with your friend groups. and maybe higher ups in your school whether they be
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counselors or you nided a recommendation from. there was a lot of pressure just brought to bear on all students. a lot of people didn't have the courage to kind of stand up and say i kneel before god and no one else, correct? >> correct, yes. i think it's unfortune at the political climate that was made in college sports, not college sports but everywhere, putting this pressure on athletes that i don't believe in politics having any place in sports. when that pressure came in to conform to the they did. >> well, i am thrilled you
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reached the sent lment and thank you for standing up. more students of your age and former students should take note. kiersten. thank you. >> that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. it is america's now and forever. go to laura and check out the latest. "gutfeld" is next. [ applause ] happy news everybody. it is great to see you. let's get right to it. tonight's monologue is all and gender, is that right, elvis? ♪


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