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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 12, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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every day. this country's two important thank yo. you want to thank you for a great call. the best credit i've gotten. i wow. i'ves just such a grea this a go >> and if you want to call inu a three to six eastern eight hundred nine for one , sean, and you can appear on the program. g as unfortunately, that's allnk the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you forus and joining us .bl e. making this show possible. please set your dvr. never miss an episode. in the meantime, it not your heart be troubled is or see you tomorrow. >> i'm laura ingraham. >> this is ingram angle from washington. tonight. thanks for joining us . ahead, it turns out joe biden had classified docs and more than one location. so weird how this is all being discovered just now. my thoughts on that moment. plus, why isn't there more concern about healthy, athletic, young people dropping dead? we'll have a full analysis ahead. but first, when will they suffer enough? that's the focus of tonight's
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angle. now, people on the coast can't be this masochistic under democrat leadership. life in states from new york to california, new jersey, washington state, it's not getting better. life is getting worse. from his open borders to his reckless spending to his anti oil and gas crusade, biden's policies have led to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life everywhere, but especially in the blue states . >> the economy is so bad now and you know, even when just go grocery shopping, everything costs a fortune. there's been more vandalism, breaking into cars, starting to see a bunch of arv's, you know, up on nickerson out there with chop shop set up. and , you know, this area here, tents along the cut, you know, that linger for several days. >> i carry mace at all. times, so i can't even during the day walk down the promenade and feel safe . >> and the beaches are still
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beautiful. and joe's home state of delaware. but residents are seeing record overdose deaths, mostly from fentanyl through november 30th. deaths were up 18% year over year. that is tragic. and as joe and jill are ramping up the twenty twenty four campaign operation ,well, some of their staunchest political supporters and biggest donors are downsizing their workforces as recession fears linger. there's no hooray for hollywood. in fact, hollywood is planning big cutbacks and work stoppages . and in the legal world where biden outraised trump, signees frequently in 2020. things are looking really grim. bonuses are drying up as billable hours are plummeting. because ipos, mergers and acquisitions, they're way down. and no surprise at all that banks commercial and investment are in trouble with big layoffs announced, employees at goldman
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sachs are bracing for three thousand two hundred pink slips. and for all their work to help biden's and the last go round, big tech isn't seeing big dividends. they're getting creamed. more layoffs and a huge loss of stock value. look at these declines. and naturally, because of the telework craze spawned by democrats supported lockdown's commercial real estate is in crisis. so unless something changes, what are the cities going to do now? >> it's anyone's guess. then there's big media, the corporate press that rally to shield biden from scrutiny in 2020 and through the midterms. wow. it means bad news for a down economy means advertising cuts ,which means job cuts. they jumped by more than 20% for media in 2020 two. and this is stunning even for government workers who are perhaps a staunchest biden supporters out there. the future ain't looking bright
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. after a brief respite in 2020 one public pension plans are reeling from a one two punch. the fallout from 2020 two market route and heightened demands to deliver cost of living adjustments. so all these voting blocks were into supporting biden. and what they got is biden nomics and biden crime and biden's border crisis. now, i realize that a lot of these folks, they've probably never voted for a republican in their lives. but when are they going to say enough is enough? for how much longer will they be willing to sacrifice prosperity and safety before they make a political change? >> biden's boosters in the worlds of entertainment, banking and big tech all benefited from those low interest rates. but thanks to inflation and washington's nonstop spending, there's more cheap money and now they're getting
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walloped. so how much more money can they afford to lose just to show how okay they are? how much more destruction and death will urban america tolerate just to feel better about not voting for a conservative? well, we're going to find out in less than two years. >> and that's the angle. now, it seems that to states, california and new york are doing everything they can to drive more of their residents to republican strongholds like texas and florida. now, governor gavin newsom, california is excited about their plan to ban the sale of new gas powered cars by twenty thirty five . and in places like beautiful santa barbara, tough luck if you love cooking with gas because they've already banned new hookups in new homes for natural gas. there. and never to be outdone, on the liberal richter scale, richter scale, new new york governor kathy hochul has caused a firestorm with her own announcement. >> buildings are the largest source of greenhouse emissions in our state. i'm proposing a plan to end
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the sale of new fossil powered heating equipment by 2030 by calling for construction of all new construction to be zero emission starting in 2020 five for small buildings and twenty twenty eight for large buildings. >> now, the federal government may back down on coal, natural gas banning for the time being. but these fanatics, so does all this. greenbank anti business pro criminal insanity create an opening for republican in 2020 four? >> our next two guests think so. joining me now is former new york congressman and gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin and california congressman kevin kiley. let's start with you, congressman zeldin. i mean, you showed with i think you a great campaign. you campaigned all over the state, including in new york city, where a lot of republicans won't go . doesn't the attack on prosperity, happiness and safety at some point reach
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the level that even liberal new yorkers say can't do it anymore? >> are we almost there? yeah, we sure are. i mean, our race for governor last year in new york state, where you have about three point three million more democrats than republicans, there was only three hundred thousand or so vote gap. >> about 22% of registered voters in new york are republican . yet we came just within a few points of winning this race. last year. i do believe and you saw it with the house races, the amount of seats that flipped the republican congressional delegation here in new york is now up to 11. and there's even more awareness with the reality that new york leads the entire nation in outmigration. one of the reasons we have spoken about often on your show crime, but also it's about the economy and people looking to other states and feeling like their money will go further elsewhere. they will be safer and give life freer. and that's their breaking point. they're reminded yesterday
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with kathy hochul state of the state address, things are getting worse before they get better. yeah, i think 2020 four is looking pretty bright, kevin . governor newsom, he's trying you can see this to appear as though he's making some pivot. aren't we already sick of hearing that kind of the middle before a potential run for the presidency? but he still launched another really ugly attack on conservative during his inaugural address. >> watch this. well, they cry freedom. they dictate the choices. they dictate the choices. people are allowed to make. they cellcom and indifference when the threat is greenhouse gas is destroying our planet or big oil, raking in record windfall profits at your expense. but california, that offers a reason for hope, leading the world in the transition to a low carbon green growth future. >> well, congressman, it's also a low growth of population because there's an outflow of population still happening from california, correct? that's exactly right.
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with due respect to mr. and i think california is now the most populous state in the country to leave. in fact, gavin newsom has just pulled off a historic three peat or for the third straight year, california led the nation in one way, u-haul rentals. and during that inaugural address that you just clip from, he declared california is the true freedom state. what you would think is a parody if you didn't know better. i mean, this is the state that had the most onerous lockdown's over the last few years of any state in the country. you mentioned banning gas powered stoves. this is a state where we walk, wake up every day asking what is the government going to take from me today? they've taken plastic straws. they've taken your leaf blower, they've taken your car. i mean, you know, you've heard of the bonfire of the vanities. this is like the bonfire of the necessities where they're taking things that we really need. and so it's the that's part of the reason why the quality of life continues to get worse in california. the cost of living continues to go up. we lead the nation in poverty and now we see people leaving our beautiful state like never before.
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and again, i'm just going to keep saying that still in blue in the face, republican have to have a 50 state strategy. if you can't make inroads in new york and california. and i think there were some inroads made in both. i mean, you just have to keep trying to win there. and i do think this is a chance. in twenty , twenty four . here's how new yorkers reacted to huckles proposed gas ban. watch this. preference, i think, would be gas. >> i'm just good. you could cook better on it. yeah. you go to any nice restaurant, you look back in the kitchen, they've got gas appliances. i paid extra to switch to gas. so there's your at my home. one thing, gas all the way. i don't like to be mandated to do anything. i'm sorry. now, congressman zeldin, i mean ,she's just beholden to the climate crazies, her constituents of all backgrounds. now, see where this is headed, circumscribing choices, changing behaviors. for what purpose? phony safety concerns. your reaction to this tonight. >> let's give people an option
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of what they want to access to be able to heat their home and to power their appliances. we have the ability here in new york to reverse the state's ban on the safe extraction of natural gas. think of all the jobs that can be created, the revenue, the economic revitalization, the taxes that can be . there are pipeline applications up in albany. they're saying they're collecting dust, being delayed and denied it instead should be getting approved. there's a real opportunity here. >> and i'll just tell you one experience at a meet the candidate event in at ann's pancakes in the southern tier. when i showed up, a lot of people were hungry for breakfast. the electric was out, but everybody got their pancakes. why? because they had to back up with gas. they were able to still be able to serve the food, play out under the policies of the far left implemented in states like new york or california or maybe even nationally. how does that end up working out for that small business, for that consumer?
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the economic consequences are dire. it's obvious what the right policy should be . but as you pointed out, these people are beholden to the environmental crazies. >> yeah, well, how much suffering will california and new york and massachusetts and new jersey, how much will they have to go through? >> i mean, i guess some more, but let's hope not too much more . gentlemen, thank you. >> when was he briefed about those documents? so let me just lay this down a little bit, because it's just for folks who happen to not be following this. look, the president addressed this issue yesterday. he my question was, when was the president said he was briefed? when did that briefing. again, i'm not going to get into details. have you spoken to the president on these documents in their discovery? >> i have not i have not spoken well, first of all, i have not spoken to the president about any of this. >> specifically, is he saying that he did not bring those documents to that office? i'm just not going to go beyond what the president said. it was not. we're carrying out the documents from the white house. i'm steve. >> i appreciate the question. it's under review.
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i mean, this was painful. now, if you can imagine that the news provided only got worse from there after her disastrous press briefing wrapped, nbc news broke in with an alert. they have found at least one additional batch of classified documents. that's basically all we know. we don't know the extent, the nature of the classification of these documents. we don't know exactly when they were found and again, we don't know whether this was anything more than an burton error by whoever was packing the documents as they left the biden white house. >> oh, that guy is so slimy. i'm sorry. he's like, well, let's make an excuse for that. another box of documents showing. joining us now, former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich. newt that pained that ken delaney of nbc to actually have to report that. but multiple questions remain outstanding tonight about all of these classified documents. >> now a second location, correct? look, i think what's happening is the documents of
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the beginning of the unraveling of the entire biden basically criminal family operation. first of all, the documents are going to lead you to the university of pennsylvania, where the chinese communists gave millions and millions of dollars. they refused to open their books, the prison, the university of pennsylvania, got to be the ambassador to germany. people like the secretary of state, the current president biden, got a million dollars for nine appearances. we have no idea where all the money went. we have no idea what the influence was. but it's ironic that some of these documents were found at a university of pennsylvania office. second, this leads you right back to hunter biden as a bag man, because the donkey, the first wave of documents included documents about ukraine and about a time that hunter biden was getting hired by purisma, the ukrainian energy company, largely because he was the son of the vice
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president . so that's going to all be wrapped up together and then finally, this makes it an absurdity of the attack on donald trump. the fact is , biden can't tell you and they've said this openly . >> he has no idea who had the documents. he has no idea what documents we're talking about. now, imagine which i'm a very secret documents which the current united states openly says somehow somebody somewhere got them and they took them away. and he has no clue, which also says to me, if the fbi were serious, they would be looking at all of biden's multiple homes. they were looking at all of biden's offices for the last 10 years just to figure what else is there out there that we haven't seen yet. and this is not going to go away. it's going to get bigger. and there was a change today, was there not? and the way the press was asking questions about this
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the first day, it was kind of like, oh, they're differentiating between, you know, what happened with trump mar-a-lago and this, although they're totally different. and now today you could sense it. and i'd like to know what susan rice knew about these documents. newt, because she had her hand in everything and that obama white house, she knew where all the bodies were buried, for lack of a better phrase. all of those folks involved in the national security council should be interviewed. and perhaps they will be . i hope they will be . well, first of all, raises the question because gets get you right back to the university of pennsylvania. we know the secretary of state was being paid by the university of pennsylvania. we know that the vice president was being paid. how many people in the current biden administration and the current white house staff were getting money out of the university of pennsylvania? and why will the university of pennsylvania not release the finances? they claim that the millions and millions of dollars the chinese communist have given the university didn't go to biden. fine, then where did the money
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come from? what's the deal? and the fact is , when i was working on this in the trump administration, we could not get them to tell us the truth. they are totally hiding all this information. and i suspect the new republican house is going to subpoena all the documents for the university of pennsylvania and insist that they share with us, because i think this is way beyond joe biden. >> i think there are huge chunks administration remember ,this is a habit. sandy berger, the national security adviser to bill clinton, ended up getting a lot of we going to jail because he'd gone to the national archives and literally snuck documents that were that were secret in his socks and in his underwear and got caught. hillary clinton raised thirty two thousand emails and broke up a hard drive with a hammer. you have i'd be very curious how many documents john kerry's had.
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and interestingly, the documents that were initially discovered are documents that do relate to ukraine and to iran. and relate to ukraine at a time when hunter biden is the bagman for what is basically a criminal family. i mean, the violence as an operation would make perfect sense. >> if you ever saw the sopranos, you understand exactly what's going on . well, and who had access to these documents that i mean, that question was posed to the press secretary today. she just may say she's i talk to the white house counsel's office. white house counsel's office is not returning anyone's calls as far as we could tell. certainly not. our peter deuce's calls. so, again, was there any sharing of office space with hunter biden or any, you know, any chinese official have any access to this space ? because obviously they had a lot of money invested in this biden pen center, whatever it was called. so these questions have to be answered. and i think you're exactly right. this goes way beyond joe biden to a lot of these characters. and we really appreciate newt
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gingrich joining us . thanks, newt. now, why are so many healthy young people and a lot of them athletes collapsing and dying? is this an exaggerated trend or a troubling new reality? and is the dam beginning to break on the second booster shot? and given this new leaks from the fda? dr. peter mccullough has answers on this in a moment. stay there. your >>bu if your business kept unemploy, stood the pandemic,ei get refunds. .com can see if it maypp qualif for a payrolmil tax refund of up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee, even if itd receivedsubmit. and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then we'll work with you then we'll work with you to fil the application that easy. and if your business doesn't get paid, we don't get paid,nnoo get refunds. get refunds. .com is how businesses liks. yours claim over two billion dollars, but it's only available for a limited time . go to get refunds. .com powered by innovation refunds. >> are you ready for a fresh
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noticing and wondering why doesu to appear that ambn inordinate number of young, healthy ths are dropping dead like eighteen year old jordan tyler brister, the high school senior who planned to join the military after graduatioonne he collapsed and was found unresponsive in the bathroom after pe. tone-y heea died five days later, or twenty one year old hunterademy brown , an offensive linemanfo for the u.s. air force academy t football team. he suffered a medical emergency while on his way to class and could not be resuscitated. and then there's blaise jacobs ,a 17 year old student in ohio who went into cardiac arrest foring class a go fund me says that he received cpr for over an hour but died later that night.
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nightand there's so many other. so i guess we're okayems to with ignoring what seems to be b a lot of tragic and sudden teen deaths without examining them any further, asking anyons? questions. now, we have to be clear .ontacs athletes, especially young male athletes and contact sports , have died from sudden cardiac arrest before long before covid and devastated families. they shock friends and they shock teammates. this from the sporting news. back in 2015. according to multiple studies, sudden cardiac arrest is the in leading cause of death. in high school athletes,% of contributing to roughly 20% of the fatalities. ith no in sports , it's a silent killer with no real symptomsor. to prepare for. most cases are the result ofng fapreexisting condition. itir goes undetected. fair enough.s is now, perhaps this is the case with the recent deaths we mentioned, but vaccine induced myocarditis, blood clots and other serious adverse effectverse efs are real risk fi
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the mmr vaccine, which stillne has not been given full fdaand h approval. and then there was this. today, some vaccine advisorsfed to the federal government say ay they're disappointed and angry that government scientists in the pharmacynt scienaceutica coa didn't present a set of infection data on the company's new covid-19 booster during meetings last year. poat data suggested the possibility that ssthe updated booster might note be any more effective at preventing covid-19 infections than the original shots. >>ots. oops, so much for transparency. >> and why is this only coming out now? now months after the emergency approval was given for that second approved second booster ? soe my question is dam, is them beginning to break against big pharma and the federalfo government for its push for thre these experimental shots? joining me now?, dr. peter mccullough, epidemiologist, cardiologistdr. author of the courage to face covid-19, dr f. call up now..
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maybe we're overreacting to what seems to be annumber inordinate number of young people dying and collapsing. but your reaction to what you've seen thus far , laura , we examine this in a recent letter to the editor, dr. polly creative's. from italy and myself before covid-19 vaccination in the european leagues under age. thirty five active players. twenty nine cardiac arrests perh annu since the vaccine'se va ben released. that number now annualized from a universe of of publicly reported deaths we reviewed is now two hundred and eighty three , nearly a tenfold increase. and we've also demonstratedrtalt a rising mortality in thosean under age 15 . so this is a disturbing trend. what we know is it's a straight line. most of these leagueanams and ts indicates thataccine. the fda indicates the vaccine can cause myocarditiaccines andd
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clots. and the autopsy studies showt my that myocarditis and blood clots in some cases canin be fatal. and now we're witnessing an explosion of death of young people. >> well, doctor , dr. fauci was pressed on the myocarditis c cases from the vaccines last week. here was his response. cines >>ca some of the mrsa vaccines can cause self limiting almost in very benign, t. inflammatory response in the heart, which generally resolv e in a very short period of time. it is very, very. rare, overwhelmingly covid itself causes that in a dramatically higher rate. >> it's correct. no, he's not. in a paper by danielsfore and colleagues in jama before the vaccines, the big ten looked for myocarditis. they screen thousands of athletes. they found a handful of cases, none of which were significant
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to valley colleagues. toisraelis reported beforeccines the vaccines that with covid theras ae wasn't a higher rate n the background rate of myocarditis, which happens with parvovirus ingi. and so now we're seeing anplosi explosion of myocardial, just i which the fda agrees happens ino young people. 90% men , mainly people inr the younger age groups. due to the covid-19 vaccine, fatal cases reported by vermont choi gill and peotone. g in so fauci is wrong on this is myocarditis is serious. s itthe vast majority are hospitalized and it can be fatal. hospitalizwell, dr. mcculloh, ff us laypeople and the world of medicine, how would you determine and an autopsy whether the vaccine had had created this environment for cardiac arrest? r how would you determine it in a paper by schwabe fromo died heidelberg, germany, they examined people who died da hom ae after the vaccine
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within twenty days and they founnd 71% od 71% of the time is a clear cut cause of death. they found inflammation in the heart, swelling of the heart. they can stay for spike protein in the heart, or they found fatal blood clots or fataltroke. neurologic devastation with the stroke. so mor on a more probable than n basis, when someone dies after a vaccine, it's due to a vaccine. >> well, i >>n the case of damar hamlin, doctors have said that it's not clear what causedd his his cardiac interruption oit icardiac arrest. obviously, he was revived and he's doing fantastically, which is awesome. but they really don't know.w and and he's doing remarkably well. >> i can tell you as ardiolo cardiologistgi, that either they know where they should know over time. i predicted for america and tucker carlson, he was going to survive. he had allal the p the parametet he was going to survive. and they quickly rule out things. s i know by echocardiography. he doesn't have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, whic
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h is theat leading cause of sudden death. that's that's not detected are v all screened for that.iu anyway, hem didn't have lowormu potassium, magnesium, other causes. so now they're left with going through a series of studies, cardiac, mri , electrophysiology, coronaryless angiography. but unless there's some emergence of a clear cutols cause as a cardiologist,t michael conclusion would be that it's covid-19 subclinical myocarditis until. proven otherwise. dr. mccall, wera: appreciate i. thank you so much.cial and hollywood gets a special visitor on their special night plus. well, you didn't see during biden's trip to mexico, raymond arroyo has all the details seen and unseen is next. >>
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oh, no, that was fun. >> it sure was. i got to tell you some , it's always been a dream of mine to sit around in a nashville recording studio hanging out
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law following that outcr>>y that the group didn't have enoughentn representation in other words,lo it wasn't diverse enough. the golden globes or the hollywood foreign pressess s association that hosts t they decided that they werhey ee going to stage an awards ceremony and return to television on a tuesdaylite night. they also hired a hostra whom i literally never heard of. but did jerrod carmichael offer an exciting, splashy open forgon the golden globes? i'm here because i'm black boy. if you don't put on a good suit and take them white people money. and i kind of forget that, like where i'm from, blake, we all live by a strict take the money mentality. they haven't had a black hole since seventy nine years. >> they're going to fire the first one . i'm unflyable. is it any wonder, laura , why the golden globes fell to its
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second lowest rating of all time? people are looking ford escape entertainment and glitz and escape from division politics. but when you open with talk of racism and race and then youes d feature a self-aware lineup of black awards and presenters to offset your lack off diversity behind the scenes, it just doesn't work. >> and it's patronizing. is it patronizing or patronizing? is that i think i think patronizing me. >> but but, you know, whats upsets me whenme i watch something like this? the arts, it's supposee artistd to bring us together film is tod the g us together now and woul d they didn't have enough hispanics on the board, so they invited john leguizamo to host. aga and andy garcirca goia gt the cl b demille war. i mean, it's kind of a brazen, almost ugly virtue, signaling that i think offends everybody. and as the evening wore on ,arek bigger stars appeared like sean penn, who introducedse and even bigger star. >> if the freedom to dream or
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spear, i proudly present pre a humasen being who tonight represents that spears most hunde tip. ladies and gentlemen, dear participants of the eighties golden globe award ceremony. >> laura , i think he got a golden globe for best reoccurring political character ei a sweatshirt. yoat's one expensive appearance, i'll tell you. and you alu l paid for. but does it attract an audience keep viewers tuned in? >> i'm not buying it, larry.: wl , i don't think so at that. really does that does not. does. it's compelling. but not so much. i mean, i just think, again, it takes it away from entertainment and returns it to politics. right. t and returns politicswhich i jr most americans i'm sorry, is not that interesting.on they want to be e they wanest aa escape from politics.
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>> right.en the right.y well, they call them back in. a and then i read this newsntrodu on capitol hill. there's been a resolutionce introduced ut. they actually want to put a a bust of zelenskyy in the house of representatives. >> i wisi h i were kidding you. introduced a very good idea. y all right. tell us about the trend of genme z millennial workers sticking itrsve to employers who don't give them what they think they're entitled to .th >> one . well, it's called malicious compliance, where the young ouworkers go out of their way to accommodate patrons to the detriment of the business. it's sort of an expensive quiet quitting. now, thiquits woman started marg down items by 50 percent and she posted it on tick-tockck at stealing. yeah, well, it kind of is . but look, if you're being mistreated by a business, i get this payback. but it seems part of the problems are these gentandi zaire's have an unrealistic understanding of what work means. >> it's why some have turnede ei the workplace into a spa like
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experience to make more than the maximum. ♪ please, my friends, to kind of unwind a bit. cool we also found this really cool meditation roomem. >> this is , you know, a recentn poll revealed that young workers are looking for a job, quote, where they can work fromr home twice a week. to ge so work less rather get a shower after cycling, have access to a life coach and bring their pooch to work. s pr- >>k i mean, what does this prek for adults now, raymond? first of all, discounting itemsn thatot are not discounted. that's a i think that's a crimee . so will she be prosecuted because you're giving away murder, you're takinyou'reg merchandise that's not yours and essentially giving giving away worth to someone else. so that's actually i think it's criminal. sh tick-tolike she's on ticktoc. whatever the hell she finally lower before we run out of time. footage from the three amigosex summit, mexico went virtuallanyd on the scene at the conclusion of the u.s., mexico canada press conference.
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notice how the other worlders le leaders literally lead biden by the arm. they take him by the arm. they lift him up the stairs. watch this. i love this. this is i think you call this a trilateral handoff. hesoy can obrador could usher n off stage this would be an ade for a place for dadr dad internazionalein. might not well. i saw what he was going up the stairs, raymond. they had a very in a crafty way kind puts someone's hand was t have the video, but he was going up the stairs the beginning. they also kind of goa hand bt ad behind him. they don't want one of those. and he fell three times going up the stair.s. t biden saidhe he's against humane trafficking, but in this setting, it ma only y be the ony to get him off the stage. so maybe he's all for it.t. just for these press conferences. >> and i'm glad you watchwatc the golden globes. so wh lden gloe have to thank yo much. that was tragic. all right. a gone arere theud the daydleds, d masses yearning to be free. now we have the days of huddleda
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illegals yearning for freebeesls wa until you see what a grouprat of illegal immigrants relocated in new york city have done to one hotel. the whistleblower who shot the tape is here next. >> my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years. and what i realize as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables in, but i would be so preoccupied with trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end of the day and i haven't had my fruits and vegetables. i think a lot of people are in that situation. i found balance of nature and i looked at the ingredients and i thought, this is exactly what i need. and so after trying it for about a week, i'm not a morning person, but i started getting up early and i started feeling better because i had more energy. i think, of course, as a nutritionist, it's best to get all you can from your diet. but it wasn't till i started taking balance of nature that i started noticing a difference. so that's when i thought, okay, there's something about balance of nature that i need to tell the world about.
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one . this is bag and bags of food being thrown away becauseee
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the migrants don't eat them and they just go to waste.. this is all food and it's going to waste. this is insane. insanthis is fresh. this is good food.od. for food, but they don't want la to eat it. >> they said they don't like: yo it. now, what you just saw is thisuf huge amount of food that's bee o thrownwn away daily at this big new york city hotel that's being usedllegal to house illegl immigrants. now, according to this whistleblower, more than mor in thirty six thousand four hundred have come to new york city in the last few months. and city officials have put them up in at least fourteen hotels, one of them being the row times square. right now, that' ns where the pictures that you're seeing right now were takene taken.. my next guest, philippes that rodriguez, says that lega workerkedd there since 201. but now that illegals have taken it over, the placeis is complete chaos. and fulland philippe joins me n. now,hilippe, good to see you
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tonight. now, when you say chaos, tell us what you mean. fights, drugs, altercations, other violations. >> good evening. nice for you to have me. thank you. the the chaos that we see at the road today is compiled by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana, consuming drugs and domestic violence. >> people having in hav the stairs, young people, teenagers, they use the stare, the fire exit stairs to to go in there and into what we west do. we have people, you know, actually trying to act like
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the hotel is theirs and we have no right. the the form in which they keep their rooms is horrendous.s. they they don't they don't clean it. they don't for their clothes. they don't. i mean, it's it piles and piles . the holding clothes they are holdinholding g, whatever they n hold. and there's no accountability. and when you go into a room say and you say something, you know, the hotel management, especially the gm, has directors that we're not allowed to to tell them nothing. and practically they have carte blanche at the . s >>o so, philippe, philippe. so what you would say is that you don't see this sort of expected gratitude for free
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housing, free food, obviouslyy r shelter in a city where rent is very expensive. >> you're not seeing a lot of that. when there was a there was a time in 2017 where where i paid a lot of money to to house my wife and my kids. and i paid pavle, i paid guysghg i paid like i paid my ca.r payment. there wa s a lot of stuff that i had to be responsible for. fortunately for the migrants, they they got the government ofe the united states to pay them carte blanche to pretty much do as they wish. they go in and out of the hotel. i will. you got people sick in there. illnesses,reading all type of
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illnesses, chicken pox, covid or what? you may have an and nobody is telling them they can do that. al right now, the ones that got all the power, the migrants, the hotel workers lost their power at the hotel. . we i mean, the gm doesn't have a back seat . i guess all he cares about is making the money that he's making. >> but, well, i don' makt wantin to turn this into a personalabos grievance thing about the gm or how the hotel is run. whatsted we're interested in, is philippe, is what's happening with the use use of of taxpayer dollars. new york , it's estimated, hasbn spent about a billion dollars. that's the estimate on the illegal immigrants in new york city, including the housing that you're seeing now. we show we're showing picture pictures of weed, marijuana that you said was found at the hotel. so how did or you didn't find it did not go through who who
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this belongs to . >> i collected it. the marijuana was there was a fight in the lobby. i was there that night and one of the migrants was drunk and he took swunging at on the security officer, hey, on tt get the security for the hotel to come down the nypd responded. and when the nypd entereded d the hotel, the there was a couple of teenagers by the stairs of the lobby to go into the top lobby and when they see the cops, they just dropped othe weed on the stairs. i seen it.i so i took pictures of it and i collected it. >> security. well, i'll follow this. if if the if all americans could see what you've witnessed just in the last few months at this hotel, in one sentence, what do you think that say it's a disgrace?
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well, that sums it up, philippe. you've done more to illuminate this situation. and then, frankly, a lot of folks in the media, because yous had insideid access and we realy ispreciate you're speaking out and giving us this information. thank you very much. now, the return of readingsh with kyp. oh, goody.have what facts should she have learned in preschool that she had a little trouble with today? tthe last bite explains next. >> have you heard the big news this year? nutrisystem
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♪ ♪ >> all right, good afternoon, everyone. happy monday. okay. monday -- see? [laughter] that is how my week is going. whatever monday you spate three oh, come on puref us days of the week are very
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confusing. it has some to the best of us. but the questions about the documents, they were pretty amazing from the regime media.ut they were actually curious abouy the classified docs so maybe she was surprised by that. all right that is it for us tonight. thanks for watching. remember it is america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes over from here. >> todd: a fox news alert a discovery for joe biden as new top classified government record from bp days are discovered in a second location. you were watching "fox & friends first" on thursday morning i'm todd piro. >> carley: carley shimkus, a merrick garland special counsel with questions swirling over how far this will go with potential ties to the biden family shady business dealings with china and ukraine. >> what is in these documents?


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