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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 12, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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counsel. >> bill: sir, thank you. we'll be in contact often. the story has taken a turn today and clearly since yesterday. >> dana: the white house press secretary is supposed to brief at 1:30 today. the attorney general statement at 1:15 if it's about a special counsel you won't get any other answers out of the white house press secretary. the story has moved significantly and harris faulkner will have more. here she have is. >> harris: president biden responding just moments ago after a second discovery of classified documents. he said they were locked up in his garage, quote, next to his corvette. the documents should have been professionally secured and now have popped up in a second location at his home in wilmington, delaware. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." again, the president responding moments ago. let's watch. >> president biden: i will get a
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chance to speak on this soon. as i said earlier this week, my corvette is in a locked garage and they aren't sitting in the street. >> in a locked garage. >> president biden: as well as my corvette. people know i take classified documents and material seriously. i also said we're cooperating fully and completely with the justice department's revuchlt as part of that process my lawyers reviewed other places where documents from my time as vice president were stored and they finished the review last night. they discovered a small number of documents with classified markings in storage areas and file cabinets in my home in my personal library. >> harris: he is reading that. that statement was being read talking about the economy. he to go lid after he opened himself up to a couple shouted questions. this all comes after we learned
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about the first batch on monday of classified documents. some of which were top secret. marked top secret. those discovered were at the penn biden center named for him obviously at the university of penn on november 2nd. so six days before the mid-term election. they were turned over on november 3rd. five days before the mid-term election. it is january and we're finding this out. pressure on attorney general merrick garland is growing exponentially. he has a special counsel investigation into former president trump's handling of classified documents. republicans are asking so what is different now? >> every conservative out there is completely disgusted with the standard that exists in america when it comes to conservatives and everybody else. >> if a republican does something they will throw the book at you. if the democrat does something,
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they are going to give you every possible opportunity to say oh, this was a mistake. >> can't be we have two tiers of justice in this country. can't be one rule for republicans and a different rule for democrats. >> harris: chairman james comer is vowing accountability on this. he happens to be with us today moments after the president just spoke. we're so appreciative of you being in "focus." your reaction to president biden. >> this is very concerning. this is now the second location that the president was in possession of classified document. look, what is the vice president doing with classified documents? we know the president has the ability and the president only to declassify documents. that was one of the arguments president trump made with the documents in his possession. nevertheless, we saw the outrage by democrats and the f.b.i. raided mar-a-lago and go through
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every room getting the security cameras. now what we know is supposedly lawyers for joe biden, who we don't know who the lawyers are much less who their clients are, found some documents and just turned them in and everything is hunky dorey. >> harris: jonathan turley, who is an expert in this sort of thing and was also just on with bill and dana, wrote an op-ed for the "new york post." i have just gone through it. it is fascinating. he says that those document, we need to know where they were from the time he left as vice president and then they made their way to his home. if some of them were at the university of penn at the penn biden center and some in wilmington, delaware at one of his two homes, who knew they were there? who took them there? have they ever been in a secured location? >> that's a great question. we want to try to get answers to
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that. we won't let up. we were already investigating the biden family influence peddling scheme. this is another facet to it. the biden center prior to this was on our radar screen for the fact of all the anonymous chinese money that goes to fund that. who all had access to the biden center? we know that china was the primary donor to the biden center for diplomacy. who from china was in that building? those are questions we want to know. now we see he had documents at his house. we know his son spent a lot of time at his house. i'm not even going into detail how compromised his son is. very concerning and another example of the hypocrisy of the democrats. another example of a two-tier system of justice. >> harris: congressman comer, in just the last little while, some things are coming into focus that seem much more important. we have split the screen with you and me at the capitol we're expecting to hear from the new
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house speaker kevin mccarthy. we knew he would talk about what you are working on in the majority on the hill in the house. what your priorities are. no doubt this will come up because the president was taking shouted questions and answered back with a statement. first of all, what does that say to you? you talk to groups of people and you run in politics all the time. when you have a statement prepared on an issue you were told not to even ask about, what does that say? >> it shows how reckless and careless he is. take into account he was supposedly in possession of classified documents in at least two different locations. who knows how many other locations? one of the things we've been looking into in the biden family how many locations they actually own. he has done very well for a person living on a congressional salary for 30 years. he has a lot of assets. when you talk about corvettes. i love them they are made
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outside my district but those are expensive toys. this guy has a pattern of money coming in from china, the reason we're investigating is we're concerned that he is compromised. he may not have known he even had those documents but the fact is somebody around joe biden has documents and we have all this influence from china with his son's business dealings, with his own biden center at the university of penn, now with the artwork that hunter is selling in the art gallery. china is always connected. we need to know who all had access to these buildings and who these lawyers were. and why hasn't the department of justice not been transparent with the american people? we are supposed to get a briefing. when i was ranking member on house oversight any time something like this happens the national archives should have briefed me and the chairman of the house oversight committee. that's their responsibility. the only reason we know about this is because of investigative
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reporting. i wonder what else is out there that we have yet to find out? >> harris: also reporting today is telling us that all of the documents that the wilmington home for the most part were found in a storage space in the president's residence garage. even the president said they were locked up with the corvette, he said. one document, though, consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room in the house. again, no documents were found at the rehobeth beach residence in delaware. chairman of the oversight committee is with us now if you're tuning in. we just heard from the president and he has acknowledged at least at this point, chairman comer, that these things exist. he has been told or says he has been told legally not to ask what's among them. we are finding out about the foreign intelligence within the
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classified documents. talk to me about what you as chairman of oversight, what are some of the things with regard to that? you mentioned china, ukraine, iran also mentioned in those documents. >> all the countries you just mentioned either the president's son or brother has had questionable business dealings in those countries. all their business dealings occurred with our adversaries around the globe. now we find out they were in possession of classified documents from those very countries scattered around the president's former office, his home, his garage? i mean, this is very concerning. they called for a special counsel on president trump when it was discovered that he potentially had some classified documents under lock and key at mar-a-lago. why haven't they done the same with joe biden? there are a lot of questions we have to get to. >> harris: the house speaker is spinning. let's watch it live together. >> this is my favorite place in
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this building. the reason why it's my favorite place is there is a little tile that it was the first chambers after we moved from philadelphia. and that's where abraham lincoln's desk sat. a one-term congressman with all the challenges america faced. long hours, tough work. as he sat there i imagine at times he would look over at cleo. he writes down what has trance fired in the house. he probably looked at the clock wondering how long it would go. the exact same view and clock. but if cleo continues to inscribe what has happened in the last five days, passed a rules package that no longer the power rests with a few but to the voices of america of who they elect. we repealed and stripped the funding for 87,000 i.r.s.
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agents. government should be here to help you, not to go after you. be able to protect the unborn. we just protected the strategic petroleum reserve where the president can no longer deplete it and sell our oil to china. and we opened the house back up for the public, something the public has not been able to be a part of for the last couple years. that's just the first five days and we are just getting started. so we made a commitment to america and we will keep it. with that let me open it up for questions. >> the number of republican members calling on representative santos to resign or not sit on committees. these aren't just allegations, these are things he has admitted to lying to, stealing, why put him on committees? >> voters have elected george
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santos. if there is a concern he will go through ethics. if there is something that is found, he will be dealt with in that manner. they have a voice in this process. >> the select committee on china, what other ways will you be addressing china and the top priorities? >> i didn't mention the other thing we did. we passed a very bipartisan bill with 146 democrats joining with us to create a new select committee on china. congressman gallaher will chair. i met with leader hakeem jeffries. a very bipartisan committee. a number of reasons why i believe we have lost jobs to china, intellectual property, many times we don't speak with one voice from america. what i am trying to accomplish is get members on both sides of the aisle from all different perspectives, not just from
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military or financial, but agriculture and others to bring those jobs back to america. to make sure china is not within side america buying farmland. get a level playing field for competition. we watched during covid for our medical supplies. them controlling 50% of the market. we watched from our medical pills and others what they control. this is something that is very not just disturbing to me but for the future of america. i would say in this first five days probably one of the most powerful things we passed, the very bipartisan way, a step forward. i would hope the senate would do it as well and week speak with one voice as we move forward to bring the jobs back to america. yes, sir. >> there has been a lot of reporting and rumors about any addendums, side deals, handshake deals you made to get the speakership. do the americans get the right to know the promises they make. >> yes, they deserve to know.
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there is not a side deal to anything. you watch the rules package, exactly the same rules package we had january 1st. the only change within that is vacate the chair from 5 to 1. the other thing we did. we watch what is happening now with the president of the united states. not once but now we find in two different locations classified information just out there in the open. just goes to prove -- and we are finding out now after being sworn in that this was discovered before the election. another faux pas by the biden administration but treating the law differently based upon your political beliefs. treats president trump one way but president biden a different way and why we had to provide a new entity from our church style to look after the weaponization that's gone on. you want an equal playing of the
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law to all americans. >> do you see this matter regarding the classified documents found in president biden's home going before that committee? >> i see it could go from that committee or others. congress has to investigate this. here is an individual in office for more than 40 years, an individual that sat on 60 minutes so concerned about president trump's documents locked behind and now we find just as the vice president keeping it for years out in the open in different locations. i do not think any american believes that justice should not be equal to all. we found from this administration what happened before every single election, whatever comes out that they utilize to try to falsify it and try to have different standards for their own beliefs. it doesn't work in america. yes, sir. >> do you trust someone who has admitted to lying about major assets of his past could be facing fraud charges from brazil have access to top secret
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information? >> i don't see any way he will have top secret. he has a long way to go to earn trust. the one thing i do know is you apply the constitution equal to all americans. he is seated and elected and part of the republican conference. there are concerns with it so he will go before ethics. if anything is found to be wrong he will be held accountable exactly as anybody else in this body would be. that's the fair way to handle anything. that's how you deal with any single issue that ever comes forward. >> do you see a difference in that former president trump denied repeated requests for all his classified documents for more than a year and president biden's lawyers turned in documents after finding them? >> no because from one standpoint they knew the documents were there. they asked president trump to put another lock on so they were locked. you look at president biden, he wasn't president. he was vice president.
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held these in different locations right out in the open. criticized president trump. did he utilize the justice department to raid president trump? they knew this happened to president biden before the election but kept it a secret from the american public? he goes on 60 minutes and criticizes president trump even know what he has done. he refused to answer, his press secretary won't answer the questions. you watched them leak photos of sending out files of president trump. where are the photos of president biden's documents? where are those photos? he knew it happened going into an election and interviews. this is what makes america not trust their government. you can't have one form of law because somebody has a different opinion and you can't use the justice department to go after people politically different as well.
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it needs to be equal across. what happens with president biden time and again, you go from a laptop saying not only it wasn't true but utilizing your own friends to go into companies to tell them to say the same thing. to try to knock down information. to try to make sure the "new york post" story couldn't be printed. you should be offended by that. you have are of the press. you should be allowed to write even when you knew it was true. >> would you be open to include higher taxes as part of those reforms? >> the one thing i know. when republicans were in power those eight years, discretionary spending increased 0. i watched democrats takes over for four years and increased it by 30%. they went from 4 trillion to 7 trillion. a 31 trillion debt. inflation grow under their fiscal policies. we have to get our house in
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order. one thing i will tell us as republicans we'll always protect medicare and social security. we'll protect that for the next generation going forward but we will scrutinize every single dollar spent. it is the right and hard working taxpayer that actually pays it and we want to make sure it is spent wisely and not the way the democrats have spent it. >> there is interest about some of the rank and file that -- [inaudible] what do you think of that? is that something -- >> i would have to look. when you find that the final information that the russia document was all a lie, when you watch through i understand why members want to bring it forward. our first priority is get our economy back on track, secure our borders, make our streets safe again, give parents the opportunity to have a say in their kids' education and hold government accountable. i understand why an individual
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would want to do that and we would look at it. >> republicans called on speaker pelosi to release the security footage on all the things that happened on january 6th. is that something you would be interested in doing? >> i think the public should see what happened. i watched what nancy pelosi did where she politicized it. where for the first time in the history as a speaker not allowing the minority to appoint to a committee. to pick and choose. we watched the politization of this. i think the american public should see all what happened instead of a report written for a political basis. we're looking through that. i want to be thoughtful about it but i'm engaged to do that. >> on the debt ceiling. can you guarantee that republicans will provide -- [inaudible] >> we want to make sure. we don't want to put any fiscal
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problems to our economy and we won't. fiscal problems would be continuing to do business as usual. i remembered when trump was president and nancy pelosi was speaker. they became a debt ceiling agreement. a cap agreement for two years to cap the spent and make those decisions. this is something people utilized. i ask all of you and all americans, if you have a child and you give them a credit card and they spend the limit so you increase the limit again and again and again, when does it end? we've got to change the way we are spending money wastefully in this country. we'll make sure it happens. the hard working taxpayer dollar. >> senator cornyn assembly of god a little dismissive of some of the house republican plans to -- yesterday owe of the other republicans. i don't have the exact quote on me. he seemed to think that what happens in the house happens in the house but the senate needs
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to be bipartisan. have you coordinated -- >> that's interesting. in the house here we just had probably one of the biggest bipartisan votes on the select committee on china. is the senate even in this week? what did they do this week? they haven't done anything. i think the house has been very productive in the first five days. i sat down with all the republican senators and talked to them about ways that they could be more productive. they didn't pass one appropriation bill last year or an ndaa. the ways we can make the senate more productive would be great and us working together will help them in the process to do that. >> what is your response to democrats who believe that you may have brokered some sort of deal with santos in order to keep him in the house? >> i would say they're wrong. >> we heard the right wing of
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the party -- are you concerned that moderates will throw their weight around? >> we are one party. we don't have just one idea but we go from the reagan philosophy if we agree with people 80% of the time. >> harris: we'll continue to monitor this and keep it on the screen as we have the entire time. we have the committee chairman of house oversight with us today, james comer, watching this breaking news and there have been so many places where the new house speaker has gone on this issue with president biden that i wanted to bring you back in. we are learning more. he calls those documents at first penn biden center found, classified documents, some top secret and then a second batch of classified documents found at the president's home in wilmington, delaware. he said they are just out in the open where they were. what is your reaction? >> he is exactly right.
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it is very concerning. we're learning about this from the press, not the biden administration. joe biden promised the american people during the campaign he would have the most transparent administration in history. were it not nor the investigative reporting on this issue we wouldn't know about it. we have a lot of questions. we don't know what other documents are floating around out there and we don't even know what those documents were or who had access to those documents but we are going to find out. >> harris: we have oh bug in our right-hand corner and breaking news. the house speaker mccarthy now taking questions on a host of things. we listened for quite some time and we were particularly listening because the president had just wrapped up reading a statement about how classified secret documents were locked up next to his corvette. so now we are reacting to all that. the man with a lot of pressure today would be the attorney general merrick garland. is he now put in a capitulateed position to have to call for a
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special counsel after what we learned today? >> it would be consistent with what he did with president trump. i'm not a fan of special counsels. one of the few republicans not falling for that. considering he did it with president trump and one of the main reasons he did was because of the classified documents, i don't see how he cannot do one with president biden. i would have very little confidence in the special counsel he would appoint. i'm not a big fan. if he is going to be consistent he will have to do the same. >> harris: you don't like the situation of attorney general merrick garland making the appoint. of a special counsel. you don't trust that. we waited as kevin mccarthy just said, took them two months to tell anybody they had all these classified documents. they knew in early november. let's pause here and let's go back intelligence committee on
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the table right now with mccarthy. >> you ask questions about swalwell. not only getting a clearance he was inside an intel committee. he had more information than the majority of all the members. did you ever raise that issue? no. you should have. you are going to tell me there are 200 other democrats that couldn't fill that slot but they kept him on it? the only way they knew it came forward when they went to nominate him to the intel committee. the f.b.i. told leadership then he has a problem and they kept him on. that jeopardized all of us. adam schiff openly lied to the american public telling you he had proof. he told you he didn't know the whistleblower. he put america for four years through an impeachment that he knew was a lie. at the same time we had ukraine, at the same time we had afghanistan collapse.
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was that the role of the intel committee? no. so what i am doing with the intel committee, bringing it back to the jurisdiction it is supposed to do. forward-looking to keep this country safe. keep the politics out of it. so yes, i'm doing exactly what we are supposed to do. last question. >> mr. speaker i have a question for you. as a member of congress -- congress has a priority to investigate biden's handling but not trump's handling? >> what the interesting question to me is they put a special prosecutor on that and raided mar-a-lago when he was gone and came in with sirens and everything else even though they had already met and knew it was there and put another lock on it. had they asked he could have just picked it up. why would they do that?
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why would they leak photos and say all this? why would they go through the former first lady's clothing and his son's clothing? why would they raid in the manner they did? at the same time prior to an election you found a sitting president when he was vice president with top secret dock also. why did they handle that differently? we're in america. we believe in equal justice. why didn't they even tell america that transpired? how did i sit before 60 minutes knowing what he had done. how do we find out a second location and he is shocked by it? why aren't you asking him these questions? why doesn't he come forth to the american public? we don't think there needs to be a special prosecutor but i think congress has a role. last question. >> i want to ask you as a member of congress have you ever used a lawyer or an attorney to clean out or move your office, sir? >> a lawyer or attorney to clean out my office. i have a lawyer. i don't know what point you are
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trying to get at. help me on the question. >> mr. biden said he sent his lawyers to move his office. >> no, i use my hands and my own. i think it's kind of -- if you call a lawyer to remove something from your office he must have known ahead of time. he has a lot to answer to the american public. the american public has a congress that can get the answers. thank you all. i hope you have a great weekend. >> harris: with a lot of information about the accomplishment with the house already the questions turned to what is happening to classified and top secret documents with president biden found in multiple locations. he saw -- the committee chairman of house oversight is with us, james comer. i want to quickly just go to the president because house speaker mccarthy kept bringing it up. you mentioned it today, too. president biden going on and on
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and on about what former president trump did before any of what we knew. it was 60 minutes in september and now consider what we know about biden with his own documents. let's watch. >> president biden: how that could possibly happen. how -- why anyone could be that irresponsible. i thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? by that i mean names of people who helped, etc. and it just totally irresponsible. >> harris: congressman comer. >> he should be very embarrassed by what he said. when he was talking about that you could argue he was talking about himself. everything he accused president trump of with respect to storage and handling and possession of classified documents we now know that president biden did the same thing only worse because they are in multiple locations and we really don't know what process was involved. the last question asked of mccarthy, the questioner said do
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you have lawyers move your furniture and papers around when you move from one office to the other? what he meant by that is that's who joe biden said moved his belongings. those would be expensive movers if you pay high-priced lawyers to move your boxes from one location to the other. none of this makes sense. they have not been transparent or truthful. that's why we're investigating the biden family. we believe that they are c compromised because of the millions of dollars they've received from our enemies around the world. >> harris: it begs the question. did biden have any idea the documents were there when they moved out of the office at the penn biden center and is that why attorneys might have been present? had he any idea.
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we have plenty of old footage of him in that car. he loves that car and talked about it before. loves to drive it. and today he talked about it several times saying yeah, the classified documents were with his locked up corvette in that garage. we also know there was at least one document in an adjacent room. we don't know if that room was locked up. there wasn't a corvette in it. >> very sloppy. this is something that won't go away. why didn't they tell us this yesterday when the story broke about the documents being found in the biden center? we're going to find out more. >> harris: you think they knew? >> i don't know if they knew or not. but if they didn't that's a concern. we know that what we learned two days ago happened in november. they may have known and thought they had it bottled up. if they did know when the first set of documents was found and didn't talk about the second, then that's a huge problem because they aren't being transparent with the american people. the biden administration has a
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history of covering things up. we are seeing that with the biden family influence peddling investigation. they are trying to cover things up? it is getting to the point people are starting to realize this isn't a political investigation. this is serious because there are too many connections to china and anonymous donations in the tune of millions of dollars. this is very concerning. ukraine, iran, russia. very concerning. >> harris: one quick thing before i let you go. a source told nbc news that first reported the development of the second part of the story that aides to biden have been searching for additional documents that contain classified material in other locations. that may have been used by the president. my question is why is there so much concern that the biden team or biden himself, people around him, would be so sloppy? you used that word, too, as to
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leave classified documents in potentially multiple locations? >> very concerning, very irresponsible. again, the fact that we haven't heard anything from the department of justice yet shows again that there is a two-tier system of justice here. >> harris: 1:15 p.m. eastern. we'll see if they push that back or move it up. at 1:30 the white house press secretary is due to give her white house briefing. congressman comer, you are here for a big chunk of the breaking news today. so grateful to have you in "focus" breaking it all down. good to see you. we'll go into this more because we'll start to learn just as we did with the first batch, through good investigative reporting, whatever we can about the second batch. the locations in the home of material that were in two different locations, the garage and the room next door. the president in a written statement -- i don't know if it was written down about the
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corvette. peter doocy asked the question but he said the materials at his home in wilmington, delaware were locked in an adjacent room to the corvette and the garage and there he is in his beloved corvette. so much more to get into. a bipartisan panel as we always do it here on the "focus." doug collins former republican congressman of georgia. mark, a former democratic senator of alaska. much more ahead. stay close.
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>> harris: breaking news from capitol hill this hour. we watched together live as house speaker kevin mccarthy reacted to the second discovery of classified documents found inside president biden's wilmington, delaware garage. here is mccarthy. >> i think congress has to investigate this. here is an individual in office for more than 40 years, an individual that sat on 60 minutes that was so concerned about president trump's documents locked in behind and now we find it as the vice president keeping it for years out in the open in different locations. i do not think any american believes that justice should not be equal to all. >> harris: doug collins former republican congressman of georgia. mark a former democrat senator
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of alaska great to see you both. senator, start with you. five decades of public service in leadership in this country and joe biden as president finds himself with multiple locations of classified document and you say what? >> i guess you are starting to see it unfold at this point. they have been quick to turn over the material as soon as they see it versus the trump process which was delayed. but i think we'll see more as it uncovers here. at this point is information is to the justice department and archives and see how it plays out. at the same time this is a longer, bigger question on how are and will information in the future be stored or retrieved or maintained when a president or vice president leaves office? it is a broader picture. at this point we see more information coming out. we'll see where it all ends up. >> harris: he didn't have a -- he didn't need a primer on what
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to do. i want to take issue with one thing you say and go to doug. we didn't discover this in realtime. that actually is not accurate. november 2nd is a long ways away from where we are in the middle of january. duck. >> i would say one thing. i didn't say you, the justice department got it. >> harris: not the american people. >> i think -- >> harris: potentially politics can be perceived. doug. >> i'm glad the department of justice knew about it. we didn't know about it. they made sure everybody knew about it when they raided mar-a-lago. two separate matters here. the problem i see is really does joe biden not remember he had the documents? is there a serious case he doesn't remember he had them? people knew he had them. he was coming out of being vice president and using separate locations. my questions are many and come quickly. had they locked down anybody who
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had access to penn biden pen office or locked down anybody that came in and out of his office and questioned anyone who may have had access in hopeful plea the department of justice. oh, he was vice president. also president trump was president so there is a difference here in looking at who can declassify or not. all questions need to be asked. i agree with the speaker it is looking like two sets of justice here and really you can't say we didn't know. my question is when did they find out about the delaware? i haven't got a clearance. all questions that need to be asked. anybody like they did with president trump, anybody that had any remote access to those should have already been questioned and had the computers and emails checked and cell phones checked and everything else. where is that? >> harris: they have had two months to do it. maybe they were doing that good work. merrick garland is due to talk
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to the nation at some .1:15 p.m. eastern. a lot of developments between what we knew this morning and what we know now. not the least of which was hearing from the president read from a written statement so he had to have anticipated those questions would come up as he was talking about the economy today. i want to get to this because it also brings up some good points. op-ed by fox news contributor and constitutional law attorney turley. don't bye biden's surprise. classified documents were moved at least twice. biden can simply declare surprise knowing that many in the media will welcome his silence as they spin the scandal. democrats and media are eager to move on. as the statements of garland and biden show, there are many questions that need answering. the discovery of new classified documents only magnifies those unanswered questions. former senator is with us today, a democrat from alaska. your reaction.
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>> everyone agrees. this is the issue with no disrespect i'm on fox multiple times and different stations at times. the information -- the questions that former congressman asked are legitimate questions. we should ask them. we should ask them in the process. it is happening as we are speaking. so i think -- it makes good media to have this back and forth, which is great. but i totally agree that the question to me is broader. that is it doesn't matter president trump was a newbie or someone with 40 years experience, they are the president of the united states and president and vice president. i hope congress insure what's the future control and management of papers that come in and out of the white house and in congress. that should be a bigger question. i don't -- >> harris: i will tell you that the responseability that i have as a journalist is to make sure the facts are reported happening.
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that's hard to do when you aren't told them. i respect the fact that we'll go along to get along but we'll do whatever we need to do to find out when, what and where because this is about national security potentially. if the president had documents and we have been told that he did, on foreign intelligence regarding iran, ukraine, at the time by the way if you look back, ukrainian president, the past one was being overturned. look at the history of what was going on at the time in china. go ahead. >> look, with all due respect to the senator, the question is not to be investigated. we aren't sure it has been. all we've been told they found him. 2 1/2 months ago since it happened. i will agree i'm on a lot of tv shows and do interviews. the question is not should this be done. we agree it should be. i agree with you on that. the problem is the way it's being done. the lack of transparency and now
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coming forth in drips and drabs from investigative reporting. now you have the president wanting the american people to believe a corvette in a garage is safe because it's locked. we're not stupid. they have seen how it plays out. the bigger point if the senator wants to address it. it is a concern i agree but we need to get a handle at the top level. if you are in the military and try this you don't have a career and publicly reported very quickly. >> i'm not disagreeing with you. one, you're right. the investigate how it unfolds but don't you agree. i will put money on it. i bet you right now that congress will not change the way the process works in the future because they prefer to spend two years beating on each other democrats and republicans. the question is, are we going to
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inform the public in the future? >> with all due respect the law is the law and they'll investigate. trying to say it needs to be changed because biden has high hand in the cookie jar i get it. >> harris: this is not going away. the president had a prepared statement for it today. great to see you both. senator, your first time with me on "the faulkner focus." good to see you. doug collins, always a pleasure. see you soon, happy new year. fox news alert. mainly or outrage over a decision to ground all u.s. flight departures yesterday morning after a system outage. it went overnight many hours. the faa and transportation secretary pete buttigieg claim they grounded the planes out of caution. pilots, however, are saying the decision was extreme and the archaic system being used going down was not such a big deal. republicans say the transportation secretary needs to take ownership. >> you say confidence in the transportation administration.
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i think the american people would say the lack there of. when you look at what took place earlier this week. over 7,000 flights canceled. i think pete is very struggling. i think there are a lot of people that probably don't like him too much today. he has some issues. he has to get his office straightened out. >> harris: new op-ed asking the scathing question is pete buttigieg the most incompetent transportation secretary in history? fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram with the latest from capitol hill. very busy place today. >> good morning. frustration with the airline industry is monumental. the administration is defending the secretary of transportation. ron klain called whale was said a ridiculous take. buttigieg has done an incredible job but some gop members want to dock buttigieg. >> he has to live by the same rules that every american does.
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they shouldn't have to worry about flying out on a random wednesday morning and fear that thousands of flights will be canceled. >> one of the biggest issues is leadership at the faa. there is no senate confirmed faa administrator plus other top positions remain unfilled. >> they don't have anybody leading the faa right now and they aren't filling those positions below. pressure needs to be put on the administration to get it done and give us a candidate that has some aviation experience. i think that's just as important as anything else. >> the airline industry scored close to 80 billion in federal aid since the start of the pandemic. cancellations have troubled since 2018. lawmakers have questions about the money allocated by congress. >> the money that congress approved for the airlines was to keep people employed at the airlines during the pandemic. it's a very different situation
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than what we have seen over the last couple weeks with the southwest airlines cancellations or even today. >> senate commerce committee chairwoman cantwell plans hearings later this winter. congress may need to reconsider giving money to the industry as lawmakers prepare to rethor i -- reauthorize the faa. >> as far as i remember this is the first nationwide grounding of our airline since 9/11 and what does pete buttigieg, secretary of transportation most interested in, racist roads. over a billion dollars fixing our racist road structure and $15 billion in discretionary budget authority on all kinds of woke policies whether it's
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regarding racist roads or the climate change or this and that. again, maybe there is money to be spent from that in other departments but his job is to keep the trains going, to keep the cars going, and to prevent the grounding of our airlines. he is failing in doing that. >> harris: you have to be in touch with what's going on with the people. congresswoman mace just suggested that he only -- she wants to put a bill to say this. he needs to now only fly commercial. no more of the nice buttigieg private flights. i don't care he flies private but he can't do that and thumb his nose at what everybody else is going through shooting fake stand-ups from portugal. >> that goes with all of these folks. look at john kerry. he has his own private jet. hypocrisy is crazy. he he -- he is not doing her
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job. is granholm doing her job? is garland doing his job with regard to hunter biden? there are all kinds of people who don't seem to be doing their job. the management structure of this white house as somebody interested in business management, is horrendous. they aren't doing their jobs. >> harris: when you talk about that money, though, and where money has gone. you were talking about some of the climate change and other policies, this is something that you can't have happen because you affect countries around the world, too. look at the status that we have. i know that some on the left don't like to brag about the exception allism of american but we aren't looking very capable with the faa yesterday but we should and can. the transportation department's 2023 budget has more than $26 billion. let's follow the money. it goes toward diversity, equity and inclusion with $15 billion for the faa to promote
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environmental justice and enhancing equity through more inclusive work. meanwhile the faa is busy at work adopting the new gender-neutral language. we can't say airmen, air crew. we can't say manned aviation, traditional aviation. cockpit, we have to say flight deck. >> it is not just the absurdity of these things. just the fact of where you are prioritizing. when you have major breakdowns. we had it when biden came into office with all the questions of how we were going to move product from here to there with all the supply chain problems we had. running out of diapers, etc. the very basics of how you run an economy, how you run a country are failing us and you have to look to management. management is failing us from the executive office. from the top down. all of these heads of the various departments that are in
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charge of spending billions, trillions of dollars. we are now giving them the authority to spend trillions of dollars. do they deserve that discretionary budget authority? i don't think so. >> harris: i promised to give you ten seconds on the president's classified documents. you now have five. >> i'm wondering whether hunter biden had a key to the garage. the president said all the documents were locked with my corvette. i wonder whether hunter had a key to the garage. >> harris: great to see you. "outnumbered" after the break. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, not just 80%. it means newday has been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own approvals. we can say yes to a veteran when other lenders say no. it means we come to work every day knowing we have the privilege of helping veterans make the most of their va home loan benefit.
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9:00 am
♪ ♪ 's be when we began with a fox news alert, we wait two events and it's been busy already. remarks from attorney merrick garland and white house briefing. after president biden with escalating political crisis with his handling of classified documents. now, a second batch found in one of his two homes in delaware. this is >> gerri: .


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