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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 14, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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joining us this evening but will see you tomorrow, "gutfeld!" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheering] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one of my doing, oh youto people, stop it. stop it, don't stop it.da no kidding. happy wednesday. we arest f just five days in the cabinet mccarthy's tenure asme speaker of the house but he has already become my favorite ke
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kevin, behind kevin spacey. and as you know, it's always preferable to be behind kevin spacey. of course, it took 15 ballots to confirm mccarthy which coincidentally is a sin that took biden to become president. [laughter] yes, stu mae. while the house was voting a re- voting was proving revenge much like the fruity pebbles bill hemmer feeds me in the morning,e is a dish best served cold. what's different this time?do republicans learn something froe trump. s they are keeping their promises and fighting like fiends.ov oner tuesday they took steps toa boost oversighndt of the chinese government and the biden administration. granted it's hard to tell the twd eo apart. first they approved a new subcommittee designed to probe the weaponization i hate thatex
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acword weaponization its overuse exactly what you are exactlypeop investigating. abuses against the america n people. does the government collect info on or otherwise investigate this citizens of the u.s.?us how deep wasio that collision between the fbi and private sectors towh ban speech the whie house disagreed with? house republicans also called the plan to address threats froe china public fentanyl, tax oned the power grid, under speights that soup.o.p. [laughter] the gop is also calling backll billions iion irs funding would finance 80000 employees to harass and freelancers, small businesses and the orphans whos, management offshore bank accounts. [laughter] rest in peacst ie orphans. if biden was to get blood from a stone, he should do a face plant will buy grading again.l but all of that probably was not even the best thing mccarthy did
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this week. yes it is time to ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> to get to live another day. yes, this week he booted adam schiff and eric swallow from their house committees. the bright spot when she breaks the bad news to her husband and her brother, she will only have to make one phon e call.
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[laughter] it never gets old. as for swallow, mccarthy promised to come after him. unlike the flatulent flunky it y was just hot swallow well cannot get a security clearance of theto private sector but i'm not going to give him a government security clearance. but in his defense, no one would hire him in the private sector. prior to eric about beautiful women is interested in you she is either a spy, a hooker or has lost her sense of smell.[a [laughter] it is true. finally hapless harlequin, adam schiff whose a manufactured more lives a cosmetic industry. mccarthy vows we will not allowe him to be on the intelligence committee either. we asked adam schiff to comment.
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>> i make no longer be chairmane elbut i can still feel like onei with minute strap on german high-back chair. whether walking the dog, getting the mail, bills, or just having fun. [laughter]>> g greg: nicely done. so mccarthy said movable from their assignments and the lastco congress. and he did. cap next investigatece ad. the n family for their alleged crimes which are authentic countless shady foreign dealings. the only one who doesn't think the big guy is biden, is joe biden. because he stopped thinking in 1992.ow [laughter]n so, does this tit-for-tat flowth down congress the answer is i
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hope so. keep him busy. keep him busy fighting each other. it keeps them out of our lives.g while they are slapping the crat ou cont of each other that we go continue to do fun things like cooking on gas stoves and drinking shakes through a plastic straw. also every time congress agrees on something, we get more warre and more debt. if the d weasels know there's ae ttmidterm away from getting busted, maybe they d will do better. g that is with the winning wiletl get you pretty get to stick it to the other side, investigate,o prosecute,w the dems that lasta time but now it's their turn. likerr i say paybacks are joy. [laughter] course also welcome tonight'st guesgat. he played a gigolo and i paid a
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jago actor comedian rob snyder. [applause] m [cheering]igon he might look like a million bucks he is just a single bill, s newsroom coat anchor bill hemmer. [applause] sh[cheering] she is like a nickel, shiny,ws small often found hiding under a couch cushion. fox contributor kat timpf it.s and finally, has trouble seeinty eye to eye with the people and giraffes. massive sidekick in the world heavyweight champion, tyrus. [cheering] how are you rob? looks goodw , good to be back. nicer joe rogan singsp your praises. greg: i will take anything i can get this point, if you know i mean? i'm a very lonely man, rob. when you make of this stuff soat
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far? swalwell going, what is your take away?in >> ik think mccarthy is right right don't think you get clearance. i don't even think you get like a global entry, do know what i'm saying? like sorry we've got to take yog to go in theo regular line. how did they not know? get in there. greg: how di d he not know she wasn't a spy?o who is named fang fangis is nota spy? [laughter]are >> i don't have an answer for that he doesn't have an answer for that. there is no answer for that. greg: seems like they're fighting the republicans are fighting. that is good.>> it r is.s, we are an interesting place noww womehin opposition who can do something which is good. it's not by a lot it is enough. i'll take enough right now butt
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any opposition to authoritarianism not care which side you're on let'sr go for. >> you need to have two sides, bill. and you have two sides. [laughter] one that's fun and one that is flirty. i don't even know why amber is kind of funny seeing omar get kicked off forward affairs about redefining family affairs. >> and swalwell got kicked off.t but do not happen today? an extraordinary thing happened in washingtohiashin d.c. they had three to 65 members of the house vote for something, together. that included one of 46 greg: is up for china? >> mccarthy said should live forever. even swalwell voted for. >> you know something about china. greg: exactly. if he votes for he will see fang fang. [laughter] >> i>>t is a possibility. >> why america decided not to
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manufacture anything anymore. they're completely reliant onca china. can't we make like a mini mousne and all like here in america it doesn't have to be made by some lead poison slave in china? it is true.n all the toy drum setchs are made in china. >> how do you know that? i do a lot of deep dives. [laughter] case the authority stop by you have unusual search history, a lot of toys.akes >> makes a lot of donations totn orphanages. >> was going to happen to the china committee? >> we will the house only has a one o third of governments. but on the irs when you do with you87000?00 wh iy do you need 87000 irs agents? what are they going to do all day? how are they going to spend their time? >> that's thinking about 2 million migrants a year now. irs is going to have fresh.
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>> 87002 the border. and try auditing see if they want to commit the migrants of are auditing them. [laughter]wh tyrus what are your thoughts on thatn the events? books first of all to insert bill's question, what are theylp going to do with us? that's of the going to be up ors they're going to come after us. i'm glad that's not going to l happen. they get excited you know is going to happen is going to get vetoed. or is he likes to say, half? [laughter] i am still shocked he thought the salvation army was the secret service. i cannot let that >> you are ig:n a 24 hour cycle. quickly don't resent why that's on emergency meeting? where are the generals? i will say it again, he fought
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the salvation army guy was the secret service. and everybody is okay with this? greg: we are numb to it now. >> is beyond the pale.on it was ad great, swalwell besto greg, sometimes love blind you. we have all beenve'v there.ep you art e already the last governor she slept with to tybody else in the football team. until the one that she didn'tus uatells. >> does is the guy that can break it down to him, he got a second? [laughter] come on over give m ce a minute.i >> this isth going to hurt. >> i thought his line was great for the set i didn't d thao anyg wrong. what is the point? you are compromised just off gpm not fit because i was compromised. but is not about that it's about th e money. and the whole thing about the irs
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agents has nothing to do withas the irs it has to do with funding to slide the money for electronic car stuff. that's what that is about. greg: last word to you, are youi excited? you think it's evete r going to t happen ihan your lifetime? >> no, something. it's nice to sayit this good to say this is somethinseg they wod like tt o see happen. but they also know there's no situation when this would actually happen. like you said, bite it would veto it would not even get thate far because of the democrats ina thtse it's kind of lik, e when a man says to you i would go to the ends or f the earth for you. but it's nice to hear but know it's going to show up and ask you to do that. this is not the lord of the rings. you just take the trasout.h outl >> yes we have to beau clever. t >> look at things that could potentially happen but anybody who would not vote for that, there's something seriously wrong.ta greg: we just what youke take ov
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the trash not solve world hunger all of that would be >> would like to see the irs abolished and there's all hei feely s in charge they would have the balls to actually do something like that. >> and les up at the end of everything they want done an ice cream party. he's not what devito and ice cream party. tyr abolish the irs and ice creame crfor everyone. >> out and about the guns withwe the irs, word of those go? >> the irs needs and guns much as strippers need phd's. ask how dare you? that's why there strippers to get that phd. >> you maybe sick mr. schneider. >> i have funded several geniuses. o [laughter] l day.up next on tiktok aln but not fans of the usa. t
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reatmr severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala.
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greg: welcome back. why doesn' t genz love the lande of the free?sc on the schools creating a culture that is self hating? a morning console pole, sounds kinky, shows only 60% of jen set as the adults say they are proud prto live in the u.s. genz are people between 18 and18 25, otherwise known as leo dicaprio's girlfriends. millennial's aren't thatd to patriotic. just 36% are proud to live here for their file by gen x and baby boomers, the greatest generatior unavailable foatr comment. so, the longer you live the moro patriotic americans become. hence thmee connection betweenan flag-wavink g and lower back pa. thank you reliefacto factor. [laughter]
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so why the hate for this great country? i get it we are responsible foro maroonul five. buwot could it beat woke us and has replacedyo patriotism to the young get older become deprogrammed by reality? does i tt take livinakg longer s t see the rest of the world sucs by comparison? a i used to hate america tmeo and then i went to barkley. they found new crusades for t otheir love of country fromnch banning words to pushing pronouns. imagine what deprogramming could do for one of these woke young people? >> okay deb, what is bothering you this week? >> i don't know why everyone is so pissed off about gas stoves wed should all be eating raw ke for every meal anyway. this speaker is another white i mail, the golden globes arn e in america even though we are the worst country. quickstep you coming here every week and complain about roughly the same things.hing i don't feel like we ever make any progress.
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cook says your problem. u what, i want you to go home, watch tv for one week and try these couple shows.nn itx waters? carlson? hannity? who are these guys? lexus give them a shot.♪ >> okay. ♪ kirk's hey dark. ?cadeborah >> i a great shows.on, america is the best, the constitution amazing. and t i don't geget me started o the secondnd amendment i getut i turned on just thinking about it, all right customer check this out. i am deborah and america is my world. [cheering] [applause] >> really greg: of only that easy. e that work that easy watching waters. [laughter]
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he declared war on something. hammer. you are a jen excerpt. how can we blame genz because gen x is teaching them? they are their parents. it is you who is the problem. >> i take full blame for that as the news man in the group. but i didn't read the story i just saw the headline. that is what genz does, right? i did a little informal survey around the building. tiktok for eight hours a day i would hate america too. well done quick summary found that uglyini girl the beginning. >> it was me. w [laughter] which is calleee cald msnbc. and ask them if knew any ugly people. [laughter] e job.idn't and i got thghs]
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kat, don't you think we are being unfair? it's the environment being created for >> in general it p is weird to k too be proud to be something for if you like you should b be prod of things you but whatever america is or is not i had nothing to do with it. [laughter]te thirty-six it's meat you didn't invent y electricity. that was that franklin dude.u li >> america, you like that? you aryeahe welcome.ic just kind of weird th o me. in general think of america i go back to hear you are allowed to air grievances with the country without the government retaliated against you, which is awesome. one good thing is on the servicn genz was the least likely toutio trust government institutions. that is a goodthat thing.ov it does noert explain why they also when the government to be involved in so many things. so maybe draw that to its logical conclusion that would give me a little more.
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>> they hate government what they want government in thei ir bedroomsbe. tyrus, you do notice age changee everything. why can't we speeded up? >> it's an experience. it is fashionable to be a vi i grew up in a country every day i have to pay $9 for coffee.hat' [laughter] that's it that's my only tha problem. first world if you like this country? no i don't i a mm oppressed. mike they just say. because it sounds good they get in their groups and they talkth about things thaemt are importat to them.onre like who is on reddit. they are spo spoiled. there is no war, there is no famine there's no one coming in to take things other than regular crime. in general most americans have it pretts y good. so you can sit around a set hate
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the country because it is safe. you can't say that about china pretty say up to one person annexing out your gone. and americashia excel the sevenh fashionable and it sounds greato but one day something is going to go down where life punchesut you in the mouth and they're going to be thank god i am an american but usually when the coach another country like what's her face and they did not even read meet my rights. how could they do that? you're not in america. >> you don't have any rights. >> in america we are. spoiled. greg: rob i assume you've been around the world, judging by your[l style.em [laughter] you seemed like a worl lwor traveler. you definitely got that shirt in a honolulu gifhat shop. [laughter]th i haveis thought about this isse for 20 -- 25 minutes. [laughter] i think i figured it rethe problem is we have to be more specific with this generation z. you're being too vague t o take things way too literal.
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we can't save me anything youan want, you can't sat y you've goa save gotta be specific you want to be anything you want, i want to be a horse? no, no we didn't mean that. i want to be a girl questionedan rick no hang onto your is going to be your friend, hang on. i want to be a wizard, harry potter is just a movie. stop it. you have to be specific pretty j meus anything you want and go right into policeman, fireman.ou astronaut, maybe not astronaut. the president of the uniteknd states a because any a moron can be president of the united states. let's be specific. that is my point speaker m acces my great point. no wonder they want to be like woodland dems or at least i did. [laughter] alext l right come up next tonsf food go to waste becausets h migrants don't like the taste. with just one pill a day.
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ladies... welcome to my digestive system. when your gut and vaginal bacteria are off balance. you may feel it. but just one align women's probiotic daily helps soothe digestive upsets. and support vaginal health. welcome to an align gut. greg: will come back for they snuck across the border and went
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their food made to order. the venueofts trash then about the menu. literal tons of government-funded food keeps getting thrown out. o no one wilnel eat it they tossed so much food aside you would think they were supermodels. [laughter] these images com the from eric's row hotel one in the city beingi rentedgr out taxpayer dollars to house and feed migrants for the route was right on theun corner from her very own studioe which is greatat because with jm one dive into a dumpster my y staff can eat for free. you are welcome guys. try the peanut butter and jelly. insiders work with the migrantsh eyalso state rooms are constanty trash and have become hotspots for fighting, drug use and sexual harassment. i might have to make a n.servatio
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meanwhile, illegal border crossings continue to overwhelm american cities, articles of impeachment have been filed in its homeland security secretary. olhe is accused of failing to control the border, the congressman fell the article says quote is actions underminen ata border patrol, morale andbe imperil national security. he must be removed fro rm offic. as he religion a bad job if that's all on purpose?s we i guess we'll have to wait and watch what th ie same thing i say when i tn on a hidden camera in the planet fitness seam room. [laughter]kn yoowu know, it tyrus i'm a pickt eater but ti would not throw ay free food. going into a cap like a such american country or mexico. 500-dollar a room that'sthe probably better in some of the in and that country. you are like throwing partiesch and throwing away food. i am jealous iealo am not angrym paying for the party. >> was a kid growing up in
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california everyone wanted to go to tijuana but whatever you do to get there, don't drink the water. you'll get montezuma's revenge, you'll get sick. >> can you still say that? works know the news saying is go to america don't eat the food to get fat. it's all bad for you. even though that he all kinds of help to get here but once they get here they look at like one oh i'm not eating becausode it's a bad. it is horrible food. when breakfast cereal is at the top of the new food pyramid i kind about everybody and of the migrants come in like oh no i'm not eating this, i'd like to eat healthy. that's exactly what it is. access all pictures some those hotel rooms, arrangers beingre thrown in there. beer cans everywhere. f it makes more so mad i am paying for and they did not even invite me. [laughter] where did they get corona from?h
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[laughter]at >> that is the point though. >> a text message would have been nights but maybe am going january they did not attempt me. we talk about seventh borderso security all attempts so i never thought we nee id a wall.. we really need is to stoppr providinovg incentives for it is like come over here, you get all of this stuff. why would you not? why would you not come over and throw rager's and a fancy hotel micrroom? >> a microcosm of everything wrong. you would need a wall if you were not promising free stuff like this. >> first of all the migrants are like listen, i'm going to riske my life i'mem going to pretend o be eight tyrell had myself in a bale of hay, refrigerator, flat screen tv. i'm not going to do some increase like to eat arby's food. that is dangerous. forget it. i am out. >> you are samoan, right? works close enough filipino. b
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just to take that anedd go down. affect i just want to make sure they got how dare they do an accent? know he's a minority can do t that. i just do not know how asian i am that's my only problem. >> we had that problem + your andre. >> samprobe problem. you don't get a lot she has toe repeat jokes and same talk shepherd only as a small and all my eyebrows fell again, two timeso baby.e not the same audience. l this is a loikt like your show with dana.l: >> with th we trash?re g:greg: i don't know. >> you guys see trash i see tax dollars on the lot of them. an1300 hotel rooms in that 500 bucks a room at night.
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>> will pay that for employees. >> i know, tyrus?e >> down onat the border we havet least 160 nationalities across the border in the last two and half years. they came to the right place, right? here in new york city right? we've got the best food in the a world print out the bestt th italian. we got the best mexican forgot the best chinese.e? you get it all right here. why wouldn't she want to be in new york? close here for new york. [applause] in new york, you get all of the jewelry you want for free you just need a hammer, get inou w there, why wouldn't she want to be in new york?to greg b: that is now considered a blue-collar job. >> is a thing about free money to sniper immigrant or citizen the same thing always happensou you don't appreciate it, you abuse it that crosses all religions apparently>>. o >> aren going to move on, comig up its harsh words from the spare, the former prince does spare, the former prince does [b
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greg: welcome back. gotta come up with a new intro. hey, it's great to be back. all right, think that works.h re no one can over share like the prince with red he embarrassed his family for fun, now has a tell all is number one for it is true print terri's book has now become thee fastest sellin hg nonfiction bot and thhee history of the uk selling 40000 copies on tuesday. it's the only book to sell moree copies of his firsnt day than harry potter which also was a work of fiction.ok a anyway, the book also reveals a whole bunch of weird crab. text message fight between megan and kate's. how does a husband and get that and why does he care also prince charles used to do head stands in his underwear every day to
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alleviate injuries from paula. not polio, polo. polo. stupid. then there is that time harriet suffered frostbite ofrn his froa trip to the north pole.t sure he didn't get that from megan? it is contagious, frostbite. i don't know i'm not a doctor. the best part harry's book isle entitled spirit whicd h consume his claim he was bred only to offer spare organs to princekn william. owi know, all are both out of lk generating hair plugs.n ex but it is an explosive claim that harriet was born to provide spear parts. call me eight fuddy-duddy i preferred way back when theyand created hair the old-fashioned cousins.g their cap, you are a huge fan of
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royalty. what is harry's last name? >> i have no idea. >> i know everything about this guy now. guy the but i don't know his last name. is that of course are. >> men love talking. that is true. even bad stories. anytime they can fit that in there. orat i anywhere. yes thank you. we are all thinking and you said it. >> lik >>e i said. >> argued -- they have actual text between the two sisters in the book. what kind of person does that?rl >> everybody's got to be really careful and not hang out with them ever.s because this was a tell which means they told it all and now they're going to need to tell more. they are going to need to find
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other people to get dirt from and that will be the next book. so if you over it is because the one time this person came overal and did this out with the next theygl better not have a single friend ever again if you notice good for you. >> you cannot trust them, bill.a do you reallt y thanks he belies he was bred for spare parts?arts >> you say he was going to provide organs for william?ve >> yes not y the frigid ones vey quickly since emily's party pick of harry back in the day? did anybody check with william whether or not he is interested? [laughter] i'm going to do a double take. they wanted privacy,of right? evans has a price tag of 40 pagm memoir but nothing says privacy like let me tell you. >> they're all about making the money but making the money is never about privacy. it's about the presidents, see i did a little yeah.
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i watched the six parttc documentary onhe netflix. so you don't have too., >> what did yoshu learn?. entirely self-indulgent.ulge but netflix has a new feature going to love itatur you moves h movies faster than ever before you can speed right to that sucker let me tell you. [laughter] [laughter] sometimes, when you work with a lot of white people. [laughter] sometimes you forget they don't have the sense that we hav sene. i know for buildings about toogo go down i leave it. i don't go check and see what l you guys like e kate let's investigate, you all go right ahead, i leave. how can you not tell that he did not write this book? she wrote this book. what man has saved text messages from his girl?
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no. f acsee that face, that was his fe during the entire time. while she told every dirty secret she could.wa your daddy seere hansen's underwear? does us got hurt from polo. [laughter] it's in that us and the book. from that time there is you told me you weren't that big is because you had frostbite? >> i told that confidence because it's in the bookplate or brothers use you for spare parts and no one had the ability in that room to say that doesn't work quite like that. at all. like if he gets shot the going to run you over to the side? you would have been in a glass of fluid your entire life. in case of injury break glass use arm. she wrote it, she's going to keep on him in about two and a half years, very broken, broke guy is going be calling dad going hey, is it okay click, het is r done.
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do not read this book. this is in her book with his i n face on it. >> i did not even consider it. that makes sense, have you beene following this as cozy as iow have? you said before the segment i knowhing nothing. >> i've been sending this issue for 34 minutes now. and i have come to this conclusion about prince harry. [applause] this pleasure i shall no longer deny myself. never again. >> up this pain was the plan for cranston to become a man.
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>> a story in five words a. greg: a story in five words and cranston lost her virginity to. her car. brian cranston you are wit eight lady of the evening. >> yes, i was a virgin. traveling with a bunch of friends in europe. we go into this room is a singl
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bed, a sink and a trashcan. it was a traumatic and great, exhilarating memorable >> right tires, wisely tell awh story?y ask where you coming to me. [laughter] >> we nowise tell the story.nowi we know, wisely tell the story? >> well, after hearing his riveting story i think was trying to say is real men are out there were confused, go to a professional. if you've got chokehold you go to the doctor. why have that awkward momentlike where she is like it's not it i'm trying to the best i can. i am nervous she's like i told her this a bad idea for the lights are officers now you don't have to go through all that. you get a professional and that's what you >> yes.t >> i am not condoning it but i am just saying. i would go to a professional. >> hera e is my theory, i don't get why it is wrong to pay for
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sex when we pay people to drive us which is far more demoralizing. we pay people to cook for us which is kind of sad. people clean our teeth for money were those more intrusive than sex. people in your mouth? seeing what you eat, smelling your breath. i woi would rather just give yon the back of a van. [applause]ay >> did w te do this segment so u can say that? [laughter] >> know it just came to me. >> okay alright. it's outrageous he was allowedd to travel around europe with hio friends by himself and is 16.i i could not even go to thevies movies. greg: and this avails going on your rob, wisely tell the story? is it because he is gay with edgy performer? or does he love men thinking he
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loves girls?ould why else would people bring up these stories if they were not hiding something else? >> i think like larry's bubbles and browse the great san francisco had the line of others that covers it well but the best part of getting up and sticking out without paying. >> i don't like jokes about sex work for those hard-working women, rob, going to ask you to leave. so i believe the best for last, hammer. >> stated it red light districth in austria? who knew. >> oh stop it you are a worldhi traveler. he sais wad his brain was on fie and he was with a prostitute. that was not the only thing on fire. >> a good shot will clear that up i've been told. >> just the one apart is the best 15 seconds of my life.ry
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[laughter] greg: every guysce i face a situation what's on their life and then chicken out for when i went to barkley, who would roadh trip to reno, nevada for thinkin it was reno, where there is a kit kat ranch, the mustang ranc like oh yeah we bedr driving or definitely going. and then we just sitgo iinn the parking lot and turn around. [laughter] >> that is what you're supposed to do. >> yes, yes. got to go i thought there's an uplifting story. >> it was foit wr him. >> is trying to tell us something? greg: i don't know, we will be right back.
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mckenzie: eliza, she's the little ray of sunshine. her laugh is full of joy and love. i'm so blessed to be her parent. brennon: i think she's the most beautiful girl in the world. you know i love her with everything in me and she's so tough. mckenzie: eliza is diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma
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greg: that was a nice show. "fox news @ night" with dreamy trace gal first next. [♪♪] brian: welcome to "one nation." i'm brian kilmeade. billionaire david rubenstein and rob snyder are your guests. but first i want to begin with this. it's probably not news to you watching tonight that the media leans kind of left. but when the stories got big the divide between the parties and the media diminished or disappeared. look back at


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