tv Hannity FOX News January 16, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
that's right. and as you heard, her name is irving there. >> that's her name singing at the national action network. al sharpton, this group, that man grew up in the black church. so singing he knows when he seeo real time tonight. >> but we hope you'll given tomorrow and have the best chance to get with the ones you love. we'll see you that. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". >> i'm pete hegseth, in for sean on this monday night. i am petegin tonight in delaware at joe biden's private residence, keyword where on saturday we learned that even more obama era classified documents were unearthed,arthed discovered. >> this is the fourth such f finding. and it comes after white housecg press secretary karine jean-pierre pair falsely claimed that the search was
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complete. there' that ths nothing else to oddly enough, biden was at the scene the crime this weekend. >> of course, we don't knowe wa what he was doing or who he was meeting with , despite spendingp muchen of his presidency in delaware, there are no visitor logs at his home, according to the white house counsel. log quote, like every president across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal, whichesie begs the question, why is classified material just lying around i arounn a persona? library and a personal garage with boxes around it? and why are the federalgo government allowed biden'svernme personal lawyers, some of which don't have clearances, to conduct the search? just a few month cs afteondur rg monta-lago and seizing documents at gunpoint and think about this as congressmand se jim jordan points out, quoteiz, what prompted them to look in look for joe biden's classifiede documents in the first place?
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>> good question. question. with reaction the author here now with reaction, the author of the price of principle, harvard lawe" professor alan dershowitz, and fox news legal analyst greg jerrett. professor there, defend these are this is a personal residence, they say, yet but theythey're they believe hes prerogatives. >> what is their defense right now? e riwell, i think ultimatelys the defense is going to be carelessness, sloppiness, no malevolence. other presidents have done it. what about is what about donald trump? what about sandy berger? what about hillary clinton?-- we're goin we g to we're goingoo to see a lot of comparisons. and in the end, we have two special prosecutor. they were appointed because if you're going to appoint one against somebody who's running for president , you should appoint another one for the other person who's running for president . neither will recommend the prosecutior presn if eitherp
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them does go and overrule them. presthere will be no prosecution, probably the laws will be changed. aws wi and we'll selle now a new procel by which the archive come to the house and removee an everything the day the president leaves the white house. >> i think we're going to sewee that change. u sa >> so, professor, you say it's going to be pretty much nothing followed by a change in the process with no repercussions for biden? >> i think there'll be no repercussions except political people. even the democrats are nowre wil saying, oh, my godl except, howy applause. look how sloppy he is andy an how irresponsible he is . we'll see political repercussion e hes. i do not think we'll see prosecn criminal prosecution against either. if there was ever a chance that donald trump would have been prosecuted for what he did, that security has disappearedres as the result of this kind of politics where everything has to be equal and whatever
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is good for one has to be good for the other. >> it's only equal that when they're caught with their hand in the cookie jar, polit the second time and that it'ics time to be equal for everybody. gregory, you had a great op ed at fox saying biden is at greater risk of criminal jeopardy than trump in classified documents. jeop >> why do you believe that? tha well, with everyt? new discover of classified documents at different locations, documen the becomes stronger for criminal charges against joe biden. biden. and every time he and his defense team offer a defense, they only incriminate themselves. for example, they're now saying ,well, at biden's residence, it was personal. that underscores the fact it's an unauthorized location. under the law.e othe there are other defense has been well, it's inadvertendefen well, remember the lesser inadh criminallaot
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statutes in play here in nineteen twenty four and seven on three is gross negligence or recklessness. inadvertent is literally the dictionaryis definition of o carelessness. so trump in a way is admitting guilt. but my big question here. is where is the fbi and all of this? seventy three days elapsed between the first discoverye lat and the last one just overekend. the weekend, where was the fbi? their first duty is to controlol a potential crime scene, to secure it, to seizet and collect the evidence, th their second duty is to seekes out other venues, butee they haven't done that. instead, they have allowed freeg will of biden's lawyers to go through documents and secure them and pick them out and hand them over.ab think about that. i mean, the duty of lawyers is to protect their client.
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executive order giving the authority to biden that was null and void the moment obama signed it because, as you know, professor, a president cannot unilag literally modify or alter or expand a constitutionally given power. and so no, joe biden didn'tde have the ability to declassify, which is exactlye why he's not asserting that defense, but rather inadvertent. but there is part of what beheard is that is is is part of what i heard from you, that it's just because it's joe biden. he was the vice president . and as a like when i was an infantryman, if i brought one piece of classified information home or out of a classified area, the law is ironclad. the is is part of what you'ree of saying. >> it's just because of his position. hipoon?well, that's what should be reviewed. every single case of a persorevn who lost their classification
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lost their jobs as the result of comparabla pet the conduct, d be reviewed and their classification should be restored. you can'review you can't art have one rule for president and another rule for f an army officer. has it has to be the same rule.e but as to the issue of trump having declassified, that becomes an evidentiary issue. did he actually declassify specifically while he was president ?pr of course, biden canes nowid declassify and that might contribute to transparency. why doesn't it declassif mighty. ukrainian information so we can know for certain that it didn'tr bear on his son or any other issue relating ukraine?declassi the president can nowi declassify and i think hethin should, consistent with national security. >> i wholeheartedly agree that ' it's a matter of evidentiary dispute as to whether trumpto declassified documents. but good luck, merrick garlanddl trying to prove otherwise ts abecause the president has s authority.
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he doesn't have to tel writ anybody.or he doesn't have to put it in writing or sign any document. he doesn't have to notify any individuals or affected agencies. he can simply do it on his own. so how in the world can youy do contradict and disprove thatdiso trump declassified documents? yot trumu simply cannot know. >> i agree with that. dershowitz. i we got to leave it right there, professor. we've got to leave it right there. a great discussion, though. >> illuminating.o leave it thank you both. >> all right. tonight.e is it pains me to report that there is trouble in paradise. >> some of joe biden's biggest fans have become disillusioned . even time magazine complained, quote, we elected biden to beazn better than this. and usa today groaned that biden's classified documents debacle could become a politicas.l and legal liability. make no mistake, democrats and the media have serious right buyer's remorse right now. watch.
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i'm glad that there is a special prosecutor that's beenkt appointed. >> there is a special tell me, because anytime there is a shouance in regards to security protocols that should be taken >> iously, should be investigated. >> well, it's certainly embarrassing, right? it'sarrassin embarrassing thatsl you would find a small number of documents and it's an it. embarrassment, no doubt about it. what's going on here? othe the stumbling and bumbling around over the past month or a so has been prettyn extraordinary. exs well, le of week since november, when they when they first started discoveringf these documents, the response of the president has been concerning for many peoplebeen,t both democrats and republicans, especially the comment about tthe garagehe and the corvette >> these people don't like being concerned aboutbiden. joe biden. and to think during the election, democrat durins td to sell biden as an upstanding senior statesman. g no, the adults are here. in reality, he's never really
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been anything more thanan a a greedy, self-serving, low functioning career politician with few principles or standards. joining us now with more, fostxa news contributor kellyanne conway. and co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton radio show, former cia officer buck sexton. thank you both for being here. kellyanne, does it surprise you? what is the predicate? good to see you both.icat what's the predicate forr democrats turning? is that real outragedemocrat ovo actions or is it a desirvees aci to turn the page? it's a couple of things. it's definitely outrage and it's definitely all of them being on the record locally, visually, vociferously last august int o his january about the mar-a-lago reid. these arthe peopleese who canna answer a straight question about classified documents being where they shouldn't be in joe biden's possession withou ont mentioning the word answe trump, trump, trump, trump.ythi. donald trump is their answer
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for everything. and on this one , we reallyto cm should resist that temptation. it's very easy to comparpaes ar the two. e i think the facts arbette better for donald trump. if you really diu g into the fbd went to mar-a-lago, they said, please put a stronger lock. t they did that surveillance camera in secret service there. joe biden has hid personal attorneys. i think in addition, to the brilliant analysis from greg jarrett a moment ago about them serving their candidate, their client and not the public interest. in addition, he claime rneys.d attorney-client privilege at some point. it's very concerning. but the reason cou the mediae tu turning on it is because they like accountability, transparency , they don't wannaed be lied to . they were lied to just last thursday, twice by the press secretary who should march into cleans office and say, hey, chief of staff, put the twitter button down for two seconds. and tell me what's going on , because you're sending me out there without the facts. you're making me look foolish and you're making me lie not just to the white house preskins or but to the i they're keeping her in the dark about the facts. re
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and that means we're not getting the information. let me just say this. it's not a matter of degree. they keep saying it's embarrassing. it's just a few documents. it doesn't matter how manys. documents it was, it matters if itu did it at all. this is supposed to be the buttoned up tight end up biden administration and their indifference. >> all. i call them all the risk flickers. i think that they're that on one hand they're saying, well, it's okay because he's not as bad as trump.s on the other hand , they're kind of turning on him. i think national security issues bother people in some of this. natial and buck is a hangover from the afghanistan withdrawal and convinced they never really gave joe biden the business over that the most disgraceful action in his presidency, in mon my view, where he disregarded the all ofwher the rationale ovd the advice of his generals turned it over the taliban. eighty five billion dollars of our intelligence and equipment in the wingspan of china on andr on . and i thinitk that this is alsoo a national security concern for many. they feel personally embarrassed that now he's done exactly what they accuse his
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opponent of doing. >> absolutely.e but you know a lot aboutdoing. classifications. you know what it shoul d look like and what it shouldn't look like. and this is he's writing the book right now on what it shouldn't look like. >> so you can address that if you would. but also the timing of this. within he's about to think about announcing for reelection . >> where does it why does this information come out? do you read anything into that? into well, i think we need to w how this whole process began, as in who found these law documents? t why were lawyers, the oneshe on. lawyers without clearances? la, you would thinkle that if these are people who are just close to joe biden, they probably would haveo disposed of these documents in y some other way. but instead, they told arc the national archives, look, this is i think and this ties into, by the way, how journalists are now the mainstream media , democratdemocrat aligned journos are feeling hung out to dry on all of this. there is no playbook here.
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i think that this is a situation where joe biden, who barack obama memorably sai d has an unbelievable ability to mess up anything. i here, of paraphrasing but we all remember what he said. joe biden, never underestimate his ability to mess it up, actually , i think is what he said. but joe biden has created a circumstance where all of his defenders look like buffoons. and the one thing that's more important to mainstream media journos, then their bias is their ego. and i think kellyanne touched on this nicely. they look like clowns now. they look like clowns now.s a so even if there is some deep, deep state operation goinger on here to be seen, deep sea operation to push joe biden aside and make room for all somebody else, all of his allies in the media look really. dumb, and that's a big problem for them. so w the don'ere are t really there e pieces of this that are missing. termsen in terms of the classification issue, look, this isn't that hard. i mean, i hatenot to break the news to anybody who's never dealt with this stuff before, but joe biden shouldn't classified documents in his house. it's really not that complicated. bu house.t they made it a much bigr
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issue for everybody to focusave on . and now they'rtoe having to focs on it long and hard, both be real quick because we've got to run. how much does this damagee joe joe biden? >> kellyanne? quite a bit. it goes against hoover promisede to use. these are the adults they're going to cut back . he's vice president for eight years in the senate for 40 . he knows how to handle classified documents. it turns out that jay leno, team movers, commercial movers, staffers, people without security clearances had access to that information. inthink for anotheesr reason, theyainly hunter and jim comey and others are going to be obviously they're investigating that. but i think your essential question of are they trying to push him aside? himwho they really have? he can't turn it over to his vice president , who's led twenty one senior staffers. they don't even wantey to work c for her. we know she can't speak, doesn't do much work as itch wo. is with the people. socialists? tujudge, one of the socialist, tulsi gabbard, is now on this
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network. she said ho would e wanted the democrats. in other words, who would they turn n to ?'s also gavin newsom. so there i think that's also why the democrats are upset. they're sort of stuck with this guy and they've all been out there calling this ridiculou s talking point that joe bidenhad had a great midtermt only because joe biden wasn't tolowe.d to campaign in the midterms. >> so they're really they've stuck in oh, they have to keep at the top of the ticket and go for it. go for it. but i'll be real quick, pete. so i don't think it really matters very much in the long run. i think they're goin wg to runiu a special counsel investigation that's narrow and they're going aw and ithis go away think joe biden still ends upcrt being the democrat nominee. >> i hope he comes running the last part. >> i hope so.. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> another bassman campaign. can't wait. kellyanne abuk, thank you both very much. >> have a great monday night. thank all right. coming up, ron johnson joins us to discuss his.n discus you casen a tense exchangeit with chuck todd. plus, newt gingrich previewsin kevin mccarthy's big week and you won't believ's bige whav
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called out nbc's chuck todd yesterday on meet the press after the host pressed him on efforts to investigate the biden family. >>eet the shady foreign busines dealings and things got a little testy. >> taky e a look. d senator , do you have a crimeha that you think hunter biden committed? because i've yet to see anybod y explain it is not a crime to make money off your last name. >> so, chuck, you ought to read the marco polo report where the detail, all kinds ofl kind potential crimes. senator grassley, le t me stop t you there. potentiao stopl by about about . thirty thousand. about thirty thousand dollars. i mean, chuch k, chuck, chuck, is it a crime to be soliciting and purchasing in potentially european sex trafficking operations? >> is that a crime? i'll i'leuropel take your word t you're ethically bothered si by hunter biden. i'm curious, though, youn. seem to have. i am a i do i seem to haveis about it.t.
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i'm a journalist. i have dealing>>s. , part >> chuck, you know, part of the problem and this is pretty obvious to anybody watching this is you don't invite me m on to interview me. yoe on tu invite me on to argue with me. >> look, you can>> go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want. i understand this part of your identity. >> now, i'm a journalist. i'm above all this.i have i only deal in facts. and , you know, i haven't seen any evidence at all. >> i've been looking really hard for evidence of hunter biden. >> but of course, anyone who has looked at the biden family dealings with any sort of objectivity knowswith that there's a whole host of potential wrongdoings right. >> out there in the the as legal scholar jonathan turley writes, quote, while todd just heaped insult upon those who have called forts investigations are actually done them he previously gave entirely nonconfrontational and supportive interview. he for investigating the possible compromising of donald trump and adds about
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the biden's quote on the influence peddling scandal. there are foreign transfers, bidens. foreigngifts and othert could prove criminal, but itr. gets even worse for hunter, as we're now learning thats fi he's actually fightingdaughter to prevent his daughter with ex lover london. roberts from using his last name in a recent court filing in arkansas, his legal team is seeking to stop roberts request to let the four year old take his surname. the biden here for reaction. >> wisconsin senator , the man himself, ron johnson. senator , thanks for being had e here. so he he has the gall to kinde u of comt e out and say, i've yet to see any evidence ato all. but has he looked and why won't he take seriously those who have and realize that the connection between hunterconn and joe is not just a connection between two privat e citizens, but between a private citizen and theand th president ? >> well, again, if you don't
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look for evidence, you'll never find it. previok buck sexton made a pretty good point the previous segment, the journalists who basically helped install president biden into his office, install they cd him a moderate. they suppressed and censored senator grassley in my report,dy the hunter biden laptop story. they don't want to defend hitosg record 40 year high inflation, d record gas prices, a wide open border, rising crime. flation ao so, again, i am so suspicious ss of this nopiw revelation of thee documents. they found the last november and they didn't get them all documeidentified. they have a drip, drip, drip, revelation of of these things coming out.surd it's just just absurd story. it makes no sense whatsoever. but again, the journaliststh don'e jourt want the egg on ther face. eey donn't want to hav
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to defend this president . 'td thispresidenbecause his hise been disastrous for this country. >> suspicious, suspicious that of the of who might have wantedd thes te revelations to come oute >> and the reason for that, yeah. >> it's just a bizarre story. it makes no sense whatsoever. again, if you find thesewhatso documentevs, if you're working i for the president, you go to if theesident in. and if the president wanted to be up, up and usip and onde s thing and disclose it all, he would look in every nook and cranny, cranny he'd find every possibly every any possible classified document. and they would releasee st the story all at once.l they wouldn't all of a sudden, day after day say, oh, we found some more documents in the garage. the in a dresser drawer somewhe. i mean, it's just a bizarre story. >> it makes no sense. someone like chuck todd when he's do you think he ever makes
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an earnest effort to understand any other side s than his home team, which is clearlyhe different? c i mean, he callsal himselfimsela a journalist. he clearly believe s at i some level that he's somewhere in the middle. ar e the are they delusional or have they just lived in that in that cocoon? >> if you if i may say, for tooo long, well, you know, unfortunately, you have the vast majority of people in the mainstream media.mainst they're not journalists anymore. they're advocates for the democrat party. journal ore. they are advocates for the democrat party and so they see things from. a completely biased and slanted view, the viewpoint of the left. >> and so likec th so many othel leftists, they don't believe that there's any other is any other viewpoint that viewpoint is valid. so he just simply won't open his eyes to the truth and to the other viewpoint. he's not fair and balanced, not apparently. fox news is the cocoon of foxfoe news is about as fairws and balanced as you can get you. you present bothed as sidesyo. the mainstream media doesn't do that.
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meet the press has been his own personal cocoon. now for many, many years. and there's only one side coming out of there. you've done the investigatiofor you've done the work. you put it out there. it was suppressed and it was yo ignored. they're choosing to ignore it.uo >> but we appreciate all the work you're doing.n senator ron johnson, thanks for joining us on this special edition of "hannity". >> all right. house speaker kevin mccarthy continues to move forw new now, house speaker kevin mccarthy continues to move forward on his promisemg to investigate the weaponization of government. and here's what he said yesterday. of gwhen asked about biden's burgeoning classified document scandal. >> watch this. >> well, it just shows the hypocrisy and why the american public does note ar trust their government.ic what's real concerning to mec dt is howtheir justice is applied and is it applied equally?>> why do you raid president trump ? his wasn't just lock waso yo padlock. they knew it was there. hithey could have come and taken it any time they wanted.unicat they were communicatingin with one another. now we're finding time a and again a locked garage door that opens and closes by a push of the button. and this is a primeag sample of
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why we passed this week. a new select committee that. will fall under jim jordan's w committee for the weaponization of government.r >> they could nevethr get in his garage. no one knows his code. it's one , two, three , five , not one , two, three , four. and meanwhile, even congressman. adam schiff is calling for an intelligence assessment concerning the biden documents. >> while democrat leadership in the house and senate remain mostly silent, while democratsct hold biden to ths.e same standad as former president trump. to here to answer tha thet and much more , former speaker ofof the the house and fox news contributor and our friend newt gingrich. t gingrithanks than.ks thanks for being here. what role could kevin mccarthy play in thise can ? no i mean, they do have the gavelbe now. will should should they be investigating this? >> and to what extent? well, look, i think they withhik speaker mccarthy leadership, they have a huge role to play. >> and this is why the election was really, really important, because now you have people in o charge of these committees
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who are going to have the power of subpoena. and there are so many questions outstanding, starting with theag biden documents. >> for w example, the leads you right into the university of pennsylvania, which received miliof pennsa and millions of ds from the chinese communistt s. d and the whole question of how was that money accounted for to what degree did virtually the entire biden team, including the secretary of stateing thy of, earn a livif money from the university of pennsylvania? which was fungible from the chinese communist? secondpe., get you into the hunr biden situation when you find out that there sit were documens that were classified about ukraine. and you remember that hunter biden was making tons of money out of charism ma, ukrainian natural gas company in an area where he had zero, literally zero information. it was purely a payoff to have access to his father. that gets you in another. questi the third question is , how come the lawyers knew where onhow coto look?
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who told them? i mean, who who actually knows all this stuff? and then finally, you havehe to raise the question, if thereb were twenty two or twenty three armed fbi agents goin h g to mar-a-lago, how come the nobody has gone through the various homes? biden i think there aren an three different homes that biden lives in. plusvariou various offices.e th where is the fbi presence? this is this whole thing i is just one more example.s one example of the total corrupt of the total corruption of the current system and the degree to which people and this includes nbc news. i mean, that was an absurd interview. t anybody who could look awas t hunter biden's background d, bar the amount of money he got, the degree to which it's been wavered up by the fbi. and i think there's something profoundly wrong, frankly, shouldn't be on television. i think it's amazing that nbc could have the head of meet the press this totally one sided and totally dishonest .
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how we could go on and on, not t to mention paying fifty thousand dollars t a month to your dad for a house he owns that would be worth maybee five grand a month to pay. >> i mean, you can go on and on. >> wow.ha mrpp. speaker,en how does thispt happen?o be joe biden was supposed to be the old salty dog, the pro. he knows every nook and cranny of washington and how it works.. he would how ? because this is a political debacle for him, not just a legal morass, butbacl a political debacle.m. okay, how how did someone who profess to be the dolt inom the room look so childish?o >> i think part of the problem l is people currently are looking at they're not even looking at the tree. forget the forest, not even look at the ee. e .they're looking at the leaf, this leaf. and then that leaves lea the objective reality is that dy america has been decaying into a country of enormous deep corruption. when you have 20 billion dollars stolen from the california unemployment system, and nothing really has
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been done about it, basicallym anby inmates in the california prisons. when you have six hundred and twenty million dollars stolen from the washington state unemployment compensation systemment c, most of it by nigerians, when you have the depth of corruption we've seen across the whole system, you've had the level of. corruption in the senior fbi. this is just part of the same story. it's not about biden. it's about a muc h deeper establishment which has grown very sick and very corrupt and which is a threat to thein i very survival of freedom in this country in ways we can't even begin to imagine includes a business community leaders, includes part of the news media . it certainly includes large parts of the academic world who have taken money fromm various dictatorships and then hidden it and lied about it.nd u and in this particular case,an maybe we finally reached w the ultimate apex of this. we now have a president instates states who for all practical purposes, runs a criminal family. his two brothers, his son .
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there's no other reasonable a behavior that explains it. except they were all selling influence and he knew it. and he personally profited from it. >> and everybody else knows it. and if they call that out, it wo calls out who they are and what they do. monumentalwhat t task in front t the new speaker of the house in washington. e speake the houthanks for layi. the reality of what he's up against. newt gingrich. thank you so much. you very >> you got it.much all right. w we now turn to more far left. >> and this is lunacy out ofnews california. out of c get this one . san n francisco's reparations committes e is proposing a a whopping five million dollars to eac $5 h black longtimelong-t resident, not five million total, five million dollar s to each black resident, including total debt forgiveness. blncludingbut that's not all. the plan also calls for the city to supplement lower income black recipients annually for the next two
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hundred and fifty years. >> where is all this money going to come from here? >> for reaction, fox news contributo r leo terrell and epic times host larry elderr . >> leo leo helped. does every bad idea come out of california and how how do they imagine this would get implemented? >>e this the first of all is not going to ever get implemented. >> i'll be the first lawyer to fight against this, pete. i larry, this is outrageous. it's unlawful. it's unconstitutional. is racist. tional. racist but it's not sur. it came from california on the day of mlk lifee birthday. we're talking abou t a racist program to benefit individuals who happen to be black. five million dollars in california with a freelifornia . who's going to pay for it? why should they get five million? million because of skin color. it's insulting. it's racist.e of skin color? and i'll tell you right now, rac this state a couple of yearsis ago try to pass prop 16 , an
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old version of affirmative action. it lost, even though that meant that it was same democrats who knew it's unfair to benefito one group over another because of skin color. oneone point somebody said judn a person by the charactee r of his conduct, not the color ofki. his and that is a personat's that we should be following, not giving people five million dollars based skin color. >> it's outrageous. and that's the person we honor today on this holiday, martin luther king jr. and larry. >> but this is we laugh and rightfully so. thise la is but this is exactly what large portions of the democrat party would like to push politically, not just in san francisco and elsewhere, is taxpayers pay for the sins of the past as if that's going to make things better. >> yeah, reparations is the extraction of money from people who are never slave owners to be given to people who were never .ions is ever mon and pete and leo, what i want n
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to know is , do i get the five million on top of the two hundred thirty three thousand that gavin newsom's task force already saidneve that we get and this business about supplementing income for the next 250 years. where did that come from?? america wasn't a country untilwh 1789. slavery ended in 1865. that's seventy six years. so that's kind of fuzzy math . and as you pointed out, leo, california, is not a state. san francisco was not a cityslv of mike lindell. city this. is only about five percenf of white americans have any sort of generational connections to slavery. so why should everybody elsee pay? furthermore, slavery was a democrat institution. why don't democrats play? jim crow was a democrat institution. dewhy don't democrats play? very few republicans own . watch the republicans pay a dime. the whole thing is absolutely insulting. what's next? what is g give mexico,honest california back to mexico. >>ly honestly, you never talk about it. >> one other thing. k go ahead, d.yeah. >> america does not have a race issue.ra americcea has a race card issuec
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because the democrats need to play the race. he they need to keep blacksce on the government payroll thcause without the black population, there's noey democratic party. they have a race card issued and they're never going to get that card go . thiso systemicas n. racism. that's something in nineteen fifty five in 2020 three . t o institutionalized racism. but you can't tell that to ayoua . mocrat leo, would you would you agree ? i mean, that's a that's thatg st is a strong statement saying, hey, thiis s, this is this is being made up to furtherr divide us . >> absolutely. of course, i want to make it's all it's all about.larr i'm sorry, larryy.. a i'm it's all about making sureag that the democrats keep getting that monolithietc black%. vote about 95% without which they cannot win. soh canno instead of concentrag on the number one problem facing the black community, which is the absence of fathers, the fact that 85% of black eighth graders are neither math nor reading gradeas proficient, let's not talk about that.
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let's not talk about crime. ares going on in urban areas. let's talk about nonsense like r making other peopl pe who nothig whatever to do with withim jim crow and slavery pay money to black people. in order for them to keeppeople getting the black vote . as you pointed out t, leo and larry, two great americans s . for >> great to talkbe to yoinu tonight. thanks for being here. all right. straight ahead, another day, another blunder for joe biden. this time it involves singingwat like this one , clay travis and jimmy failure react when this special edition of "hannity" continuesai . this is going to be so fun. i can't wait. it sounds like a blast. how are you getting excited yet? >> of course you know me. i'm literally anything, even if it might be a little boring. >> what? boring. greasy. tell her yet we listening. this is so much to do. zip line, ice cream, virtual reality, a do and just wait
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a bottle of nugenix thermo, our most powerful fat incinerator ever. >> absolutely free. ♪ now this. n washin today, joe biden made remarks during an event in washingtono e to celebrate the lifed and legacy of dr. martin luther king jr.. >> butin luthe during the singing of happy birthday for the wife of martin luther king, the third, biden appeared to forget herin name. >> you decide, well, look, my wife has a rule in our family. when somebody is birthday, sing happy birthday radio sin. happy birthday to you. ♪ happy birthday to happy birthday to you.♪ happy birthday, dear . happy birthday to you. well, it's hal turner.
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>> thirty , but you got to put u up with it. you could see his eyes. they were going over to the teleprompter from some poor staffers running over there. >> same typer is and even i the teleprompter. >> of course, awkward momentn s are the least of biden's problems because of the scandal surrounding his hoarding of classified documents. gross. there's also speculation that this is one big scheme by democrats to end biden's 2020 four campaign before it end even starts. >> just listen to this theory from joe rogan. take a look.s >> i don't know, jack, about politics, but if i had to guess, they're trying to get rid of him. yeah, that'sbefore my guess, wod be they're trying to get rid of him. it's all of a sudden they're his own aides are sending theset instead ofea taking these classified documents, which you have located and go, well, let's not do that again. >> and locking them up again somewhere. reporting. >> his own aides, self reporting, dude, that sounds
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us , dude. >> sounds us , as my kids would say. and meanwhile, biden is still going all in on the most extreme democrat positions, including banning certain typess of firearms. inclu >> here's what he said.ding bann today about ar 15s. about >> watch. i'll say what i said then i'll say it over and over again. o g i am going to get assaults weapons ban. >> i did it once. i'm going to do it again. i love my right wing friends thf to talk about the tree of liberty is water are the blood of patriots. give me if you need to work about taking on the federal, you need some f 15s. you don't need an r fifteen. >> i'm serious. think about itious.. here for reaction. out kick foudre.tion clay, travis and fox across america host jimmy fallon. >> gentlemen, what a grab bag of stories we have right there. clay, i don't know if you have
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your f-16 yet, but if you notur if you don't, you might want to get it. >> your pick. klay singing f-16 joe rogan. well, i'll start at least joe biden saying happy birthday to someone who was still alive becausy toe we know he couldn'te remember the congresswoman partf and part of me thinks guys that, you know, halfway throughn he's going to sing happy birthday to mlk or jfk. are like he doesn't know who's still alive, who's dead, but it is martin luther king, jr.'s grandson, right. you could have just gonegrands with mrs. king, right? i mean, she's married to him, right? if you needed to so i'll start there. i'll let jimmy dove in.e su these arche so such great storis to react to . >> and i'll let jimmy ed. now. >> jimmy . hey. hey. thanks for the handle. such a nice suit.>> always well, yes. thank you.ou you better you better believe. it. hexis forgive the analog y but joe biden as the singing happy birthday as the vikings are to winning playoff games.
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>> i mean so we are speaking too soon as the chance and way too soon. but>> way to let jets let's there a travis nobody ask you stay on your side of the screen, tough guy. fan hold on a second here. i want to build on what clay said because we are bagging on biden hard. the whole country is .. but deep down, the white housess press team right now is so relie relieved he didn't call it rodney king day. ca, right now they are having a drink in that press office. o much oh, thank god . i could have been so muchthat's worse. and that's the bottom line with everything that's gone on the rogan talk, the document ,there is no way this mans runnn is running again at this point i . 2020 four is hunter's blood alcohol contentd and nothing more . i just believe it is going think
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to play again. hi think all of this is just js incompetence. by joe biden like he is .t be the fix cannot be in to take joe biden out because itt requis requires so much incompetence by him. i think we're giving like a larger context to it whenwoul he's just he's really bad at this. and i would just point out, i think what happened is somebody at the national archivnationale quietly and secy contacted the biden team and said, look, there's a lot of heat over what trump has. and what he doesn't have. arc we went into the archives and something significant. t tht i don't know what it is , but. something significant that joe biden keptind th. guy they said, hey, we can't find this document and we think you guys have it because otherwise the story they gave just think about this. they said they were moving his boxes. do you hiree thousand dollar lawyers to go be your moving company? the lawyers were going in and taking the boxes out. no, they wernoe lookin, thg for
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something. this is the most expensive movers of all time. and they found which is why they didn't just destroy it or burn it or shred because the they know that they had to have it. i think that's going to be the linchpin that ties all thish together. but i still think they're goineg to run because it's weekend at bernie's, too. they'll drag him across s the finish line as much as thetd need to . >> yeah, i mean, jimmy , you famously had you used unpaide. interns to move your office.yo so you know a little bit about losing track of things good. >> much better to be clear , except the people moving my office. yes. gettthey're not getting paidwhat to move. they're getting paid hush money for what's goings goin on in tht liquor cabinet just so we're all with . but here's here's the bottomy line, though. clay is right. biden's team is not trying to muscle him out of this gig. because right now they all get to be president. biu this whole presidency. yes. itunes user agreement, where
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they make bardhan scroll to the bottom without reading anything . click.n sc i t and now you'veo killethdhout a pipeline. no, you've reopenedingd the borr you know, and that's basically what this is . so they don't want to bump him. off.they d i get why rogan would say that.o and i like rogan. but let's not forget, the guy is smoking like a yard of weede per episode. it's going to dabble intoof wee conspiracy from time to . >> but every once in a while you dabble your way right into a doozy. it's true, clay. d and what's the guy's name again? happy birthday to that guy d. jimmy goldgeier. after the break. >> oh, my goodness. more on this hannity special at the break. my name is vincent and i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years. and what i realized as a nutritionist, i was trying to get all my fruits and vegetables in, but i would be so preoccupied trying to do things i would forget to eat. so all of a sudden it's the end
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12:00 am
the time we have left for thisg. evening. as always, thank you so much for joining us .us and you can catch me on fox and friends weekend with will cain and rachel campos duffy every saturday and sunday from six to 10 a.m. eastern time. ean >> let not your travel because sean hannity will be back tomorrow. and in the meantime,e sean h ret peace time. minnesota vikings and the "ingraham angle" is up next. >> have a great night at the . >> i'm sean duffy in florida. ingram and this is a special addition of the ingram angle from new york city tonight. >>editio so how do you spendon your long weekend? >> becauseg president biden spent his back at the scene of the crime, or at least one of them in that crime scene becamec even more contaminated. while so while you are probably relaxing and gearing up for some playoff football, white hoe house counsel richard sahba disclosed in a saturday statement that five additional pa
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