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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 17, 2023 12:00am-1:01am PST

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the time we have left for thisg. evening. as always, thank you so much for joining us .us and you can catch me on fox and friends weekend with will cain and rachel campos duffy every saturday and sunday from six to 10 a.m. eastern time. ean >> let not your travel because sean hannity will be back tomorrow. and in the meantime,e sean h ret peace time. minnesota vikings and the "ingraham angle" is up next. >> have a great night at the . >> i'm sean duffy in florida. ingram and this is a special addition of the ingram angle from new york city tonight. >>editio so how do you spendon your long weekend? >> becauseg president biden spent his back at the scene of the crime, or at least one of them in that crime scene becamec even more contaminated. while so while you are probably relaxing and gearing up for some playoff football, white hoe house counsel richard sahba disclosed in a saturday
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statement that five additional pages of documentsad with classified markingsdition e found at biden's home thursday evening. now, surely this new hs was to those democrats who have spent the past seven years squawkingre about the rule of law and normsa whght? >> wrong. t what is the proper thing for a former president to do if he i finds that there are government documents or classifiedovernmen documents that are in hisession possession? and my understanding is they did the right thing. my de a different procedure for dealing with them that we are unaware of. uand that's a meaningful thingo that we could look at. bu.t obviously, we don't wantca to turn this into just a political football. >> i know exactlotball.y what president biden said when he was informed that these documents were found in his office, in his office in washington. and that was a oh, followed washin, by a four letter explet. and it's an embarrassment, no doubt, about it. e to i there more to it? i doubt it.
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yeah.>> the con congressman garamendi is right . it was such an embarrassmentarrs to biden thamet he rushed to defend himself earlier today upon returning back to the white hous e. >> mr. >> mr. president , are you sure there are no more classified documents? yeah, he couldn't run away fast enough. now, one of the biggestanding outstanding questions as it relates to these classifieons ad documents is who had access to the locations where they were stored. t in we now know that at least inng e one location, it's going to be weugh to figure out. inre addition to admitting that there were more classified documents in wilmington,counselo the white house counsel has also claimed that no visitor t s logs exist for biden's wilmington, delaware, home. ofdelaware course they don't. , but at first glance, this might seem almost too convenient. woro but this might, in fact, make it worse for biden, according to jonathan turley, if congressg has a right to the information, which itresso th most certainly, it can now seek alternative sources for the information, ff
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including interviewing staff and family and even past visitors. those interviews are subject are to criminal penalties for false statements. so this gets reastl seriouatemsl fast. >> all right. ha joining me now is the manorge himself, jonathan turley, george washingtond fo constitutional law professor and fox news contributor. >> jonathan , good contri to see you. profe all right.>> so, professor sean, expound upon that point, if you would. why might this get worse for foe joe biden in the end? well, you know, there wasre was a curious statement out of the white house that this information is personal because this is the personal residence of the president. ident. that dog won't hunt. i mean, you you really don'tnt a have an argument that this is now a purely personal residence when you've stored highly classified docu bitss there. so this is at best an a investigatory scene, but you can't just say that becausese it's the private residence that
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congress has no right to find out who had access to an area t that may have compromised national security. >> so oncee thacompromiset tha, tripped by finding those by in the garage, arly congress clearly has an oversight interest in knowing who was in that house and whether there might have been a compromising of ofromisi national securitngy information. now, if they don't have a log,e then they the congress is allowed to pursue other means to acquire that information. they can see allowed tk to inte family and staff. those interviewsformatio will or under the penalty of perjury ore making false statements to congress. so this doesn't change't the ability of congress to pursue this information. >> can you talk to you about ina the defense is that have beenou. thrown out there because joe biden says as part of his defense, i take classifiedfied documents seriously. others have said ientst wasake h a mistake that joe biden hadat the documents at his residence or biden is cooperating coope
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with the doj. do any oe f those defenses doj. actually work in a potential crime? >> well, the the inadvertent defense is crumpled fairly quickly after it was first raisedkly af. it's hard to make an i inadvertent sense when you have documents that presumably were taken around 20 or 17 when he o left office as vice president and then appeared to be divided and distributed to differentd then spots. the question is , why would you have that division unless these documents were being used ford o some purpose? now, that purpose could be one t of a number of things, but the most obvious would be the use on it to be used on the book that the vice then vice president was working on , which included subjects like w ukraine.e don' but, you know, we don't know. that. bu t there's other questions recen raised by the most recent disclosures. you the the last statement wastt
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that various documents were missed in the search of the residence. i thought that was really perplexing because i've worked i with classifie'vd material forhe over three decades. they are usually held in a folder that has a very pronounced border, usually red or yellow or striped. >> and then across the front ina bold letters, a classification . it's reallif youy hard to miss f you're looking through a pile. r so the question is whether t some of these documents wereer not in their folders. now, if that's the case, it gets even more serious because i it would meant that someone hado to remove a document from a folder. that person clearly then knew that there were classified document documents there and that they were they were interactinng with a classified document and made clear questions have got my answer. acces we don't know who had access to the documents and whether they had clearance or not. but le a they ht to get to this because some in washington think this
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investigation is completelynded open and shut case. >> watch this. this isn'tse a particularlylex n complex investigation. the three sites, what itve looks look like now, you know, an officego space , two residences to go out there and figure out if all the classified information has been recovered, who the people s were, who had access to it.s tol al l the circumstances by whichced it came to be placed.there, >> there shouldn't take a lot of time. time. jonathan peter struck hisn pete back and he thinks that thist ce isn't that complex of ann bu investigation, but probably not for the reasons he think s. what's your take? right.ble i find it really quite remarkable that everyone came out and said, look, there's no evidence of any anything other anyt here. rtent there's no evidence at all. the white house has refusedanswr to answer any questions. the evidence we have seems t to go against inadvertent when t you really don't know. but what's really astonishing a is how all of these people areh coming forth and saying, look, this pretty much you. the record as it stands shows at inadvertence. what
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record you have at most. a you have a group of documents ro that were dividen,d for some reason and sent se. ifferent locations if the president interacted with those documents inter, thee shatters his defense. and more importantly, it makes.n these recent statements look like an effort to deceive d the public and the fbi. >> now, do we know any of that? no, but all of theseen pronouncements that there's nothing to see here is oddaven's because we haven't seen virtually anything at all basedl on nothing. professor turley, thanks for joining me., thanks i appreciate smart. >> all right.atever whatever the claim from t the white house, counsel, itse r will not slow down house republican efforts to get to the truthth. house oversight committee chairman james comey is vowing that he will continue to press the biden administration for answers about who who ha ford access to the classified documents and why the biden names were permitted to rummagey through the wilmington residence after the appointment d toof a special counsel. so in response to efforts
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by colmer the white house, actually got mad at house republicans for launching, quoteepublica, hypocl investigations into president biden's improper classifi retention of classified records" and accused the gop of a politicizingnd the matter while defending biden's cooperation with the special counsel probe. house republicans are playing politics and they shamelessly hypocritical attempt to attack president biden. the white house spokesman sammsn told fox news digital. >> so joining me now is house oversight committee chairman james comar. congressman, good to see you.t so what's your response to theea pathetic posturing from the white house? statement that came out today?tc >> ian samms has shame. i mean, give me a break. this administration was quickico to criticize president trump for having classified documents ,which he would argue weren't'sa classified. but that's anothernoth case thae will be determined on down the road. joe biden was quick to cal rlirp president trump irresponsible. joe biden claimed he would be the most transparenjot o
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president in the history of america. once again, this is anothe cer example of how i can make a strong case that joe bideniden is at least president in the history of america. and the only reason we know about these documentsmerica is because cbs had ans is b investigative reporter that broke the story. the white house waecads never g to tell us about this. this was going to be another one of many cover ups with joe biden. and we won't. and we simple questions to simpled answers. evernd this administration fights us every step of the way. now,e way. the 100%, they do any the way, they've been trying ini to they've been gearing up fori these investigationsthin since, i think last may. they're not going to cooperate i with you all. but i always want and i want pearls of wisdom. i want to go to adam schiff.iff so take a listen to what he hade to say. t to handl>>eughn. both situations the same way. t and that is we have to gete in a briefing from the intelligence community any potential riskrisk to national security of where those documents were and whatt y they contained. but congress shouldn't tryntain to interfere with the investigatio intn. i thin i think, sadly, that's what mr.
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combers object is . all right. congressman adam schiff thinks that you're interfererw do with these investigations. >> how do you respond to him? te adam schiff is the reason that congressional oversight has. a bad name?ne interfere i mean, no one interfered d wiwith investigations more thn adam schiff. adam schiff always overpromised and underdelivered. you know, every day i havei have to battle the lack ofbecaus credibility from congressional oversight because of adam schiff. so i adaschiff.f our adam schifd probably talk about something else. but att at the end of the day, l we're asking for is equall treatment here. wh y was mar-a-lago raided by the fbi? why the fbi go in and go through every room, including g barens room and melania's closet? why did the fbi take surveillance cameras from our mar-a-lago? but yet they haven't set foot,ak to our knowledge, on the premise of eithert the biden center for diplomacy or the biden set residence. in fact, after the special counsel was announced, we findl
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out that joe biden's personal attorneys, who don't even havenn security clearance are still rummaging through looking for documents. ugh looking for documents. this is so wrong, this is another i this is so wrong. this is another example of a two tier system of justice inl america. and this is one reason whys ar republicans are so outragee sogd over this whole process and the hypocrisy of the biden administration. >>the can you clear up one thig for me?administration. because adam schiff was talking about saying, listen, we was had a briefing on the documents that donald trump had.ald tr we should alsoum get a we briefing on the documents that joe biden had last time i checked. i don'd i dot think adam schiffs on a committee any longer, and i don't think he's probably entitled to any en y classifiedy documents of any nature becausef he was kicked off the intelligence committee. >> yeah, no. adam schiff stays with theh th intelligence committee are kev over. we need to thank kevin mccarthyh for that. buy for that butt with respect to gg a briefing, you know,e the oversight committee has jurisdictionittee ha over the ne archives. they have never given us ar givo briefing over what went on at mar-a-lago, much less what wentn on with the biden classifiedd documents. so, you know, this is one of
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the problems that i have. and jamie raskin's and i were both on cnn jake tapper showday, sunday. and i think that we woul d agree a that the both in a bipartisanipi way, that nationalsa archivesy needs to come at the very least brief the chairman and the nd theranking member of the houe oversight committee as to what type of documents were found ata both mar-a-lago and with both l places. with respect to the bidens and what national archivesit, an knew about it and what's going to go. t movingo go m forward? i mean, are therere a more documents? is there an inventory of whatha the bidens have that still missing? >> we have no answers to many questions. answers to and we have answers that the fbi actually raided joe biden's properties, but they seem to refuse that. tha f.t i reserve it for donald trump. i want to get your tak re on ths ,because john ratcliffe weighed on on this.. i want you >> take a listen. and i want you to respond.know i don't even know all the places, the documents when we we knowth thaatt they wer ter kept in secure locations or
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that they were guarded during a six year period of time.. o know that one of the and we also know that one of was the places they went was either owned or rente d by a drug addict, by the name of hunter biden, whose associates during part of this period of time included, ukrainian oligarchs and business associates. from communist china.ongres >>sm so, congressman, are you te worried that hunter bidenassoci and maybe some of hiatsad associates would have had access to these classified document ss? >> we know hunter biden livedd there at least two years. we least know hunter biden paido lilot of the living expenses at housbiden's house, which that in itself is a problem that i joe biden is going to have to answe r to in the future. o we know that hunter biden had business associates that worked for the ccp. we know that he had a business associate that was consideredhes the head spymaster for the ccp . weat know that, as radcliffe said, he was involved with some know than stellar people from ukraine, from russia.
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and , yot u know, we believe the hunter biden is a national a security risk. so to know tha wert they were j, you know, these documents were laying around the house in the garage, in the living room. i don't know if they checkedov the glove compartment or not. in that corvette, but i hope they do. i mean, this is very concernin g and . thd this is another reason why that republican leadership should have already been o briefed on the severity of what those documents were d that were in possession at the biden house. >> congressman, i only have 20 seconds o left, but if we don't use the power oft the purse to get the white house to comply with the demands of the congress,of i don't think they're goin tghen to complgrk thy. will you all use the power of the purse slashing budgets if they don't comply? with you guys? >> absolutely. you know, the white house can thank the senate republicans for the first nine months after that. bit's going to be hard because the house republicans are united in trying to hold this government accountable. >> that's the only way they're going to respond. congressman combers the ony arer joining me. appreciate it. all hank joe biden ha yous alread
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y in a weak position with the 2020 four elections. but the classified document issue already has some democrats concerned about his prospects in 2020 four. 2024 steven miller, mollie hemingway and chris bedford have reactionh to that. plus, the media's attempt to play defense for biden. >> so stay right there.
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the midterms, a recently reeoldened joe biden look to b a lock as the democrats standard bearer in 2020 four.e even joe bidenbideo be apparente makes, you know, most of the decisions for joe had total confidence she's all in. but this fast moving confi investigation into several batches of classified documents has democrats suddenlyinvest skl . now some political insiders are speaking out to fox news tdigital. it's never good when there'ss a special prosecutor appointed. sp definitely not a place i'd want to be as we try to put the pieces together. of a reelection campaign, saidtn a democrat veteran ofn presidential campaigns. he has to be anonymous to speak more freely. inflsome democrats anony, influl ones even, are willing to go, ar on the record. ried tha >> worry that this undercutsunde rcpresident by at a critical moment when he's deciding whether to run for reelectiong question the reporting of all
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this undercuts all of credibility as democrats when da it comes to this kints wd of ans issue. >> yes. d ofjoining me now is steven>> j miller, founder of americaoini first legal and former senior adviser to president trump, mollie hemingway. she is the editor iny chief of the federalist and a fox news contributor. and chris bedford, executive editor of the upcomingeralist,on alnse magazine. all, thanks for joining mel,. t i appreciate molly, to you first. th do you buy the idea thate democrats might be willinge bu to throw joe biden under the bus here? re? ii think it really does depd at this point. e don'thereow what w know about what documents arewen there. we don't kno'tw how bade the situation is . and the department of justice seems to be being pretty gentle with him right now. they've put on thi s special counsel, but it has a veryy limited scope. they've been very friendly with him aboutly unveiling this d document dispute. and so iisd f the democrats decg that it's time for joe bidenubtt to go, i have no doubt thate wil
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the department of justicem. will make life very difficult for him. but i don't know it f wei doknoe that information yet. i >> so, chris , you know, i look at what hillary y clinton did,lc right. she she used bleach before she got rid of her emails. email it kind of worked for her.t so if you have declassified clcuments, joe biden's house, the fbi allegedly isn't looking for them. and national archives don't even know they're missing. why didn't they ? whrnamar? why didn't they shredy sh the documents? but instead of doing that, rethey got we got documents. we're going to turn them overhe to the department of justice and national because it seems like someone knew those documents were there and are trying to trap joe biden. so we can't run in twenty , twenty four . but that's just my tin foil hat. take it. >> well, that's what i've been thinking to my whole question this whole time has been cuimen bono. no.we when the midterms are coming>> around, everybody was expectin g the republicans to make serious gains in joe biden to end up looking very, very joe everyone knows joe biden was a chcompromise candidate in the first place, someone who was chosen because he was less wacky than his competitors. but wasn't the first choice of
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democratic voters. and these things were turned voterst. these documents were turned over to the department of justice after years and yearsar and years ofs of sitting there t days before the election, the election didn't go the wayec some democrats actually and most people expected it to go and the end that ball hadread already started rolling. things started to go and things started to mov stae. rted a annd investigation was started t and now it's out of hand .hand i'm wondering if this was anit e internal hit against joe biden, because the whole time, whenever i look aten when youhyr talk about hypocrisy, when you talk about double standards, those are just words that e wordowerlesspowerless people e to criticize those who arepower. actually in power. democrats ar democrate completely inn power. they decide a lot of the timesdh who gets prosecuted, who goes to prison, who doesn't. son' whet.n joe biden gets inn i trouble for this just beforede the midterm, i really start to wonder who's benefiting. >> yeah, no doubt about that. steven, i had to say this very special moment from four from .m jen ps just for you >> watch this. so this argument tha t this veryvery different case of biden's classified documents case is gg to be a political problem for him, doesn't hasn't really evenk
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played out on the other side. nt did i think that's important to note, because the differencfm ,as you saidoc, is who'se defending democracy? and the answer to that s o this pretty clear . so, stephen , they're trotting out the defending democracy defense again. >> is thathat goinggoin to wor? steven, no, it's not going to work trying to spin joe biden's theft of classified documents and his family's illicit connections to foreign governments like china as amilys defense of democracy is a grave insult to the intelligence of o every single american voter. and if that'mocracy s the best t they can come up with , then they are in serious trouble. you has theid james comey, the d of the oversight committee, on just a few minutes ago.tryou hehar on is going to drill downo this thing and get to the veryks rock bottom of it, because there are key questions that have to be asked fore to exampln why did the biden center at the university of pennsylvania, where there was a stash of classified documents, receive indirectly all of these fundsll from china?
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right. chinpea gave money to the university of pennsylvania and then money fromts the university of pennsylvania f starts flowing into the pockets ofe pocket joe joe and the bide. what was going on there? whatever it was, it is shadys as all get out. subpoen and i'm convinced that onceas enough subpoenas are issued, once enougued, h investigations launched, we are going to find is going to shock people. >> no doubt about that. somali activist chuck todd put on his i'm a i'm a journalist for a while. >> watch this. senator , do you have a crime hn that you think unabiding committed? because i've yet to ser bidee ay explain it is not a crime to make money off your last name. >> so, chuck, you ought to read the marco polo report where they detail all kinds of crimes. senator grassley polet me stop you there. potentially this is about aboutl ted shall i'll take you at your word that you're ethically
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bothered by hunter biden. >> i'm curious, thoughhoug, yoho seem to have a do not seem n to have about it. i'm a journalist. i'm a i have to deal. >> molly, chuck is absolutely unhinged. what do you think? well, chuck todd is notd a journalist. first of all, he spentis not yes pushing the russia collusion hoax, which was this deranged conspiracy theory that donaldhox trump had won the election dum by colluding with with russiao to steal the election. e electin and he would com ae on day after day, week after week and berate anybody who didn't share hisn r conspiracy thinking. and now when we'ree h actually dealing with hunter inde n was under real investigation, who we already know thavewet had problemss. paying taxes. again, the department of artm justice was very friendlent y at letting him repay some of the taxes that he that he had failed to pay. s he's got gun issues that he's dealt with , drug issues, i,issues. he's been working with foreign oligarchs and corrupt regimes. across the world. and now with all of that there that we know about, all of
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a sudden, chuck todd says,oss th i don't think we should rushthie to judgment. he has done nothing but rushmen. to judgment for years. done noit's really one of these to i think republicans need to think about whetherpuo they should even, you know,a sh be on a show where you have some sort deranged conspiracy theorist like that. he has shown himself that. to bi operating in such bad faith for so long, there's really no need to treat him like a legitimateh person. >> you know,th i agreeat with tt stop going on these wing programs because they're nott media personalities. they're actually activists for the democrat party. dipers but, chris , to that point, it seems like these these mediaa ou outlettls and their personalitis are more defensive of joe biden than even democrats joe biden. . >> i remember the media when the media ran president biden's campaign for him.he he d didn'idt even go out there. they had these weird scenes where he would sit inside of b his basement or somewhere in and out of cars, turning their headlightsve car on and oi because people were too afraid. they ran that for they ran a cover for hunter biden the whole time they turned on the new york post, they were in favorhe new f
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censorship. they worked with the government, ended up working with wit eyh social media companies like twitter to suppress that story without anything ever coming outompanie and here you have chuck todd say, why investigative does nog there, david or sony's got a great piece right now. the federal is saying, well, t you investigathee to find outgon what's going on . we know that there's corruption. we know that h ce is dealing with foreign powers. we kno fw that he was on drugs.n we know that he was paying you fifty thousand dollars a month in rent to his dad.0 ree living thereere, were all these classified documents from the garage. maybe it's worthe cldocume pokit on that. >> yeah,. no, it's worth pokingit around a little bit. but, you know, we're speaking hacks. and so here's joe scarborough. transparency >> t, i think, works best for the biden administration and works best for by themselves. e theybecause they find the docs they reported immediately four differeneportet situation than trump's. >> anybody who says it's notsa is a political , you know. >> so, stephen , we heard from professor trolly that in the first block of this explanation, it doesn't work. it doesn't wash. well, it doesn't work on fortyst
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five different levels, not the least of which is that joe biden entered the white house 14 years ago, 14 years ago. he left the white house in twotn thousand seventeen using these documents were just suddenly 017.lediscoveredased something,y some entity, someone with an intereste , decided to get these documents out into the public light. now,s out into the publi we'll t through the house oversight committee and otherst comm who o person was, why it happened. but now you have biden's lawyers working in secret to present documents in this highly choreographed fashion. there's clearly, clearlyis cle a cover up involved here preventing us from seeing why prs are stolen.. who had access to them, who benefited from these documents? o betted frohow does this involy for play scheme? the bottom wasn't involved in?ar these are serious crimes that threaten national security imp and now is important. >> remember that whe n thesebiden
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cases are compared, bidentrum and trump, donald trump hap,dth the ability to declassify thesee documents. >> joe biden hadnt o ability to declassify his documents. fot panel, thanks foher that insigh. i appreciate it.ecia tegood discussion. all right. d biden tells lies aist an mlk event. ml and wait until you see the newe mlk sculpture unveiled iunn boston. >> is it a salutlutee or an ins? raymond arroyo reveals it all and seen it on cnn. >> that's coming up next. on this day, jj never miss a beat. de de de challenging. the pga is working on the weekdays like a three day workdays. de de de de de . hey, it's nice to see de like day to day. and i started by de de today at
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this is next level and you call that next level. >> come on . i wouldn't sell that garbage to my dog. what a three point remedy just insulted me. oh, what about me? guys? that's just not going to cut it on next level, chef. only the best can level any dish now. next level, chef, from your sunday, february 12th, after the super bowl on fox, are you done with the place? time for our cnn on scene segment where we explore the cultural stories of the day. and that's where we turn to ou r fox news analyst, raymond arroyo. raymond, good to see you tonight segment. it's all aboutnight it's to thea missing the mark, raymond. it is starting with joe biden. sean, he appeared at a martin luther king, martin luther king jr.'s church the other day. and , well, he j couldn'r.'st re the name of the african-american supreme court justice e that he nominated. >> listen. those are the words of cajamarca, john ketanji drowned jackson, our supreme court
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justice k'jon drown jackson. >> okay, got nailed it.sean then today, sean biden went to sing happy birthday to mlk, his daughter in law, aundreaa king. . now, i think it always helps if you're going to sing happynto birthday into a mic to actually know the name of the person you're singing to . >> really happy birthday. e yoto you. y to you happy birthday to you.y to y happy birthday, dear . happy birthday to you. thda >> now is not her name, it's andre. but we'll leave that aside. ever athatt least he didn't wish everybody a happy larry king day. that's a pluy larry kis. i thought you were sayingda valerie. you singing happy birthday, valerie it until you said it. it'sy birthdd unti actually andd own andrea . actuall >> yeah, well, valerie, you. andrea sounds very similar.. sean sean, the problem with biden in
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the settings is he startso to pander to the crowd before him and in fact, start to slidet out from underneath.s start to >> for instance, did you know, joe biden attends the black churchyo? can you hear me on ? i may be a practicing catholic.t i used to go to 730 mass everyhd morning in high school c and college before i went to the black church. >> not a joke, but itjo is actually a joke. >> it's another fabrication. biden's attendance at the black church in delaware that he at t claimed to attend has been disputed even by the former delaware naacp leader. and this is hardly the firstly time he's simply made things up. >> as yoknu know, sean, forinstn instance, nelson mandelace walkd out of prison. i have a great honor of being arrested with our unembalmedssar on the streets of soweto, trying to get to see him on robben island. i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at
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home politically when i marched in the civil rights movement. i did not march with the twelve point program. s of >> i marched with tens of thousands of others to changeth toattitudes. none of that is true. he never marched at all for civil rights. he was not raised in the puerto rica n community and he was never arrested for trying r to see mandela, which raises e the question about the other i ings he says publicly. i mean, the media is obsessed about this jorge santos and hisg lies. >> here's the president of the united states who's who's now talking about classified i documents stashed in the garage. we didn't know wha t to believee laug here, but raymond, we're the laughingstock of the global community.commun you have a guy who can't remember you have a guy who can't remember people's names and then he tellnames.s tall tal and lies. our media doesn't call him out. they defend him. us. they sit back and laugh at us . it's a complete joke. and frankly, i lov e my country.well i want my president to do well,r or at least better than this.ths at least give usintegr a little honesty and integrity. >>en you speak aboutak who you t
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are and where you came fromke i right now, you can't make it up go as you go along. and that's clearly what's happening here. and it's a bad, bad look. it'sha a horrible lookt'.s ap pening and hopefully, if there's are s some news reports calling him out for it, maybome you start telling the truth. but that is what it is .ew all right. did you see this new bronze sculpture unveiled on the boston common the other day? >> it commemorateser martinrtinl luther king and coretta scottut king embracing seante. i when i saw this thing, it took my breath away. but unbelievably, it wasapproved approved by mlk, the third.bove but i don't know why. thom above, it literally looks like an alien being birthed.e and then from the other side, i agree with seneca scott, mrs. king's cousin, who said, well, he told compact magazine the sculpture is , quote, cuntal image. now, boston has a big bronze statue that's supposed to represent black love. this p sculpture is an especiala egregious example of the localaf
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sheen's callousness and vanity. i have to tell you, as you. know, art matters to me.l of wh matters to all of us . and when you canonizeimages and capture images of wate orse supposed to be individuals, this is so dehumanizing. i mean, first of all, it's headless mlk and coretta scott king, their heads are ita iscott truly is dehumanizig and i think very perverse. the king family should be up inb arms over this. and i'm glade some members ofas them are whe oven i mean, i didt know what it was.. what i i mean, what is the statue of ? and by the way, martin lutherg r king had a big heart and a very large brain that he used reallya well.ll maybe we could accentuate that c the statue as opposed to the arms doesn't make much sense. as i meantatu, this is profane, tht particular angle. i meanr , the cousin said it looks like the body part. e the challenge here alsoshould as scott said, this should be ay day of service.
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let's do that. instead of these kind of faux thinemorations that i think distract us from the reality of what king stood for, the dignity he stood ford and the fight he brought to the country to restore the rights to his people and the honor ofal all people. and he completely did. you know, there's a third topic i wa i wanted to get to . i wanted to talk to you about miss universe. we didn't get clearance fot r mrso we couldn't show the mr. miss universe that one this year. but soy , sadly,we we can't chat about that. well, sean, it was in new new orleans this weekend, and thank goodness all the contestantans thiss survive i guess they were wearing thosen kevlar gowns. so it althl workedos out for i'm just going to say, i looked at her. i'm like, she's kind of cute. k and then i'm like, but o she's kind of strong. and what's going on here?ng o that's too much information. yeah, well, restoring feminism, , u know, one activist one activist. raymond arroyo, thank you. always fun. yeah. all right. watch. big city democrat is all of a sudden sounding like a border hawk.
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please join us by visiting als dog. >> thank you. n govern >> when republican governors like greg abbott of texas abbot and ron desantis texas of florio shipped migrants to liberal enclaves across the country,a sf
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they are blamed for minimizingth and even exacerbating the problem. and whiltry theye blamed fe they some political motivations behind that move and there werte there are practical ones as well. and when all is saide and donwi to movcae might prove to be mi the most successful at combating willful inactionto fre the biden white house that we've seen yet. so case in point, new city wen mayor eric adams went to the border and did something biden b idenwouldn't. he witnessed the horrors in el paso face to face. and afterwards he didn't shyrd away from the cold, hard reality. el >> we are not pointing the finger at el paso. we're not pointingt fingers,hoo houston. we're pointing the finger. thisulr whd be pointing. that's our national government. this is a national problem. we must have real immigrationrmn reform and we must immediately have a short term fix of making sure that the cost of this does not fall on our local cities and our charlie kirk, president of turning point usa, and monica crowley, former trump assistant secretary of the treasury and the host of the monica crowley podcast.
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which is a great podcast. all right, monica, i want to come to you first. goo and by the way, good to see you. both. remarkable thatit's by just pointing out the obvious, adams is now being lauded as some border hawk. i thi think it just speaks to how out of control this how o border actually is. oyeah, it's great to beyou, sea with you, sean and charlie. great to see both of you. look, none of these prominente i democratnas had a word to say about biden's open border policy as long as it wasirectl only directly impacting border towns, most of which are hard working, blue collar townsmost o and border states , most of which vote red, are republican . as long as the impact waswa only there to the most extent, then these democrats had nothing to say. but the moment that illegal immigrants in massive numbers began to descend on cities like new york as a direct result of biden's open border policy, that's when they began to speako out. caw, look, mayor adams
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campaigned on the long standingi new york city policy of beingcy a sanctuary city and he said we are wide open for business for any illegal immigrant who wantsc to seek sanctuary intuk new york city. well, now the chickens hav av come home to roost and the massive numbers of illegals insn new york city, upwards of over forty thousand so far and growing are putting a tremendous strain on new york city's resources. and it's affecting r mayor adams ability to do his job and to carry out his duties for the people of new york . so isn't it amazing that thesey democrats, once it directly affects them and their resources and ability to carry out their job, all o of a suddev now they have something to say but t it, but their ire should not be directed anywhere excepth the white house joe biden and his administrationer. because you know what, seanknow and charlie, we know what works just a few short years ago, donald trump put into placeears poliries of policies ago that actually enforce the border
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and solve the illegal the gratioedn problem. so for all of the democrats talk about, well, we need comprehensive immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera, now we know what, no works.the r aluml you have to do is go back to the trump policy that we thought were absolutely mirror. a >> adams also said this inlso sl paso, there are websites thats t advertise that new york cityetsr basically streets are paved with gold that is automatic employment that you're automatically going to be thngiving a hotel give the false impression that if you come to new york city, you everything is fine. >> but this contradictss re reporting by the new post about the deal adams just a sogr the emergencyee agreement between the city department of homeless services and the hotel associatiomeland sn puts the ciy on the hook for as much a as fifty five thousand dollarstn per migrant that lands in town . so, charlie, how is that him tha saying this at this presserr ri right after the city inked this city deal ? to provide more housing for miga migrants to the tune ofr
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fifty five thousand dollars per migrant, yet can also justant. appreciate how bizarre it is to see the mayor of new york city visiting the southern borderthe. and the town associated there. i mean, this just goes to showsw when you have failed despotism,s adich is what this administration is , they've havemade an attempt to be despo and they're not even good at it. then you get factionalis aren'mm start to get other voiceshe and other leaders that start to fill that void. and it's deeplr voicy unhealthy yes,an, yeah, of course, it's the federal government's fault, but it's also your party. eric adams, and even pandering in every possible way of everyer progressive policy. e policy now, is this some sort of twenty , twenty four preview? is this just some sort of democrat infighting? i don't know.ev buiew t i'm sureof that the masm of the democrat party will sorte it out when election time comes around. but i just want to reinforce this pointon tit to how bizarreand st and strange it is to have the mayor of new york citypaso a visit el paso as if he's the head of the department ofdepart homelandme security. this is an extraordinary crisis. anever is aingle state border state. and now new york city is feeling the pressure of the southerncity i invasion. and so joe biden, what is hisrep
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response to that? his response is everythingr is perfectly under control. as i've said before, it's i s nt happening. and it's good that it is joetire biden's entire perspective here. is failure repeated time and time again. it's a strangeme moment. it's disorder will be met with factionalism, and that's th exactly what we're living through. >> but that's intentional failure. they've intentionall>> that's is border up and allowed millionso of people to come into our country. and i want to i'm surprised they've done it. but monica, do youbut, think if, more democrats like mary adams and others stand up to go ahead ? this policy is insane.we we h havave e to change the waye business.iness. do you think the white house will do you think the white house will change course and maybe take, as you mentionedhange co,f earlier, maybe take some ofrump those trump policies and reemploy them to stoputhern the flow of people comingorder. through our southern border? is that possible?t ible? >> well, when mayo well, when mayor adams makess this kind of trip and theseusef. kinds of statements, it is it's helpful to have thault kin of internal political pressure coming from a fellow democrat.
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house an but my sense is that this white house and administration is not going to change the policy because hi because this policy is intentional. iwhen people ask, well, what's the plan from the biden administration? wh the plan on the border? , this is the plan. okay, this is a plan because chd otherwise they would have changed course over the last two years and they choose notrih to do so. right. so, look, that other democrats l can try to build political pressure from the inside. but my sense is , unlessan and until they have direct political pressure for 20 to change and that election cycle, they're non't t want to control you. i do hav e to run. have a hard break. thanks for joining me. all right. we'll be back in a moment. >> it's a good day to start
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>> raymond: that is it for us and i am shunned sean duffy in for [indistinct] [boos] "the ingraham angle" and next on fox business commit dagen mcdowell every night 6:00 p.m. eastern to focus on
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the major issues in business ant politics and we will have a whole lot of fun.e lo you don't want to miss it but don't forget to check on the podcast with rachel campos-duffy from the kitchen table and marjorie taylor greene. thank you for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." greg gutfeld is coming up right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, we are learning president biden could be witnesses in a criminal investigation as the probe into president biden's handling of classified information takes center stage. >> todd: jonathan turley telling fox news digital, "the most serious discovery would be evidence biden worked off of documents are removed from classification folders." and possessed over the six years would qualify as intentional act to unlawfully possess the
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material. yowe


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