tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 17, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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>> lovely, 2.0. i would love more of senator john kennedy. he has such great quips and humpty-dumpty and you get an a-plus-plus from me. >> thanks. >> hannity: got to roll. they are calling my number. that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. laura next. we'll see you tomorrow night and as always, she has a great show. >> laura: hello, everyone, in the the "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. claus and the game. that's the focus. the associated press, which was once considered the gold standard in reporting, is now little more than a glorified print version of msnbc. they have gone from keeping powerful interests in check to protecting them at all costs. so when the globalists at the world economic forum need cover
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they know where to turn. the poor billionaires, all they want to do is kick around their plans for saving the planet, and, instead, the a.p. says the event has become a target of bizarre claims. for those who believe a group of elites are manipulating global events for their own benefit. the great reset has become short-handed on talk shows for what skeptic say is a reorganization of society. i hate to break it to you but the truth is not a conspiracy. what does the word "reset" really mean if it's not a reordering of what came before? i was trying to add up the time earlier today but i think it's for more than 20 years now i've been reporting on afar from davos, but now they are apparently offended when we're literally just quoting them and playing the videos that they have posted online because, look, if you quote them and post videos, it's all disinformation. apparently they have
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mysteriously removed some of their more controversial videos recently. >> if you look at this question of disinformation, i think it maps basically to every other major challenge that we're grappling with as a society and particularly the most existential among them. conspiracy, propaganda, click bait, you know. the broader mix of bad information. what it attacks is trust. >> laura: what they don't seem to fathom is that the elites brought this on themselves. the reason the public doesn't trust the media establishment like that guy or the corporate establishment, public health establishment, is because never long ago ceased being honest brokers. they have become ranked partisans and committed globalists. so how is it that a bunch of brave doctors were the first to expose the problems with the m-rna covid shots?
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why was the biden story dismissed out of hand? the elites and our own media don't like your free speech because if your views are contrary to theirs and passionately expressed it will be described as disinformation, misinformation, conspiracy theory or their favorite, hate speech. and the european commission for values and transparency want their rules to apply here. >> we need the people who understand the language and the case law in the country, because what qualifies as hate speech, illegal hate speech, which you will have soon in the u.s., we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law. >> klaus schwab from the world economic forum agrees but he wants you to know that all of
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this is for your own good. >> our economy is undergoing deep transformation. energy, the consequences of covid, the reshaping of supply chains, are all serving as catalytic forces for the economic transformation. the most critical -- will be those who take a constructive attitude, and those who are just bystanders. a spirit of davos positive is constructive. >> laura: when he says -- what he really means is differing opinion. and the davos crowd wants none of that because the elites who want to reorder society, they are always positive. always constructive, and any who disagree with what it will require to achieve this sustainable, greener planet,
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you're always destructive. negative. very negative. yet the deflectors and the press core aren't interested in the truth because if they were they would be digging into this vision of a cleaner more equitable world. and while we're at it why should we assume pure motives on the part of the world economic forum panelists. klaus schwab does sound like a villain. if someone like esg champion larry fink constantly makes excuses for and defends china, where they literally enslave religious minorities and dissenters, why should we listen to anything he says. >> even in the first letter, when i talked about de carbonization and climate, that was in 2020, all the things i have said are still true today. if you do not have a lens toward de carbonization you aren't going to win one euro of business. a, transition always has to be
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fair and trust. >> laura: how did larry get to davos, by the way in his solar jet? and how does larry run his offices? with wind power? he fan sis himself the self-appoint ed moyalist. his job gets shipped to china, he can't afford a day at disney, let alone a week at dave vorax and let's forget the globalists have always been partial to europe, because, let's face it, technocrats essentially run the e.u. the people have limited say. they are slow to resist agendas forced upon them like merkel's decision to flood the region with an influx of islamic refugees. not popular, they didn't do anything about it, and, of course, davos attendees love china. they don't care if they are the world's biggest polluter and
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china continues to build coal plants. in fact, they see the ccp as a very valuable partner. >> since china, reformed process over 40 years ago, the country has made great contributions to the development of the economy. >> china is the number one driver of clean energy to date. >> absolutely right. >> yes. >> we vow to cooperate with them obviously. >> laura: we obviously have to cooperate with them. they completely ignore the fact that since china was admitted to the world trade organization they have become if anything more, not less oppressive. but of course, none of that matters to the elites. then there is america. now, we're by our nature rebels. we test theories. we challenge hypotheses. we question motives. our founders found that free inquiry was needed and we had to
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protect it in order for us to remain free and an independent nation. in a world of sheep, we've been shepherds. we go our own way to protect our flocks. and when push comes to shove, we won't hesitate generally to shove the elites against the wall if they start encroaching on our freedom. but with biden in the white house the davos crowd thinks they have an opening. he's their useful idiot. but they know they may have only a two-year window to co-opt america and advance their initiatives. >> we have to save this planet to save our freedom and the way we're living. and we're not good enough yet. we have to improve. >> i feel that, you were talking about development, i think indeed we don't need like growth or development. i really think less is more, and i'll leave it at that. >> laura: no more development. none for you. no more growth. it's back to the stone age. well, beneath all their breathless blaster about
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sustainability and global equity, lies the truth about the globalist's real goals. look, we're not experiencing a planetary emergency. they are experiencing a power emergency, meaning, theirs is in jeopardy. protecting their own purchase in influence and money, consolidating their power by any means necessary is their aim. so your modes of transportation, your food sources, how you cook your food, your right to self-defense, your right to free speech, even your right to own property, would be sacrificed for the greater good. but just remember this. klaus and the gang's greatest hits are only popular among a small slice of left wing fanatics and elites who fly to davos to virtue signal on the way to caviar and crystal. in two years america will have a new leader who puts america first and the davos -- attenders
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on notice. that's the angle. it's great to see you tonight. it seeps that the goal of this crowd, it's kind to create the same panic about climate change that they successfully created around covid. do i have this wrong? >> no, you have it correct. first, we have to accept the world economic forum is a fanatical, political organization that uses fear manipulation like covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming to really facilitate people thinking somehow they are the saviors, but really all you're doing is helping them accomplish their goal which really is a global public-private fascist movement and fusion of big government, big tech, big money, to create a techcrat ic elite. they want to create feudalism
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2.0 in which we are surfs and they are the lords ruling over us. you'll have nothing and be happy. they are aiming for feudalism in which we're surfs and we should be happy that they are ruling over us. >> laura: i wonder how the people of west virginia feel about what one of their own senators said in davos today. watch this. >> the problem that we have is the open press system and basically all the platforms. so if you're able to have five platforms, social platforms that you can basically personify the extremes, and it seems like that's the majority speak, they are not the majority but they are basically driving everybody to make a decision. >> laura: how are those drilling permits doing, senator, wasn't he supposed to get all those permits expedited? and then he actually said the problem is we have too many channels. too many forums for people to express their views. that's unreal.
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>> yes. first of all, he's a disgrace and should be run out of office in 2024 but he's really attacking freedom of the press an freedom of speech but it really does highlight, laura, the fact that inherent human freedoms, free speech, free flow of information, all these freedoms which we hold dear are a an anathma to the forum. the w.h.o., they will not mix, they don't want those to exist anymore an freedom of speech and all of those great freedoms are a threat to their attempts at control. of course, any opposing ideas, the idea of freedom of press and more channels leads to more information, leads to more questions, and they have to label that as misinformation because they view that as dangerous, and undermining their goals. >> laura: look at what they view as conspiracy theories last year about covid, about the vaccine, about the mrna shots, about the
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boosters, about masks, about social distancing, about china, all of that has been labeled a conspiracy theory and now the cdc is saying, whoa, there might be some problems. today's conspiracy theories are tomorrow's truths when it comes to the left. >> they are, and there is something i tell my kids all the time. question everything because it's in questioning everything that you'll get to the truth and i think that's incumbent upon us in this day and age, laura, that we really should be questioning everything because i really doubt the motives, the purity of the motives of a lot of these people making these claps and pushing these things. again, whole goal is to keep us that perpetual state of fear and hope they can manipulate us into getting what they want. so we have to question them because i do not trust them. >> laura: i love the picture of the line-up of the falcon 900s, the g-5's, the global spreshgs all the private planes lined up at davos. it's so ridiculous. ned, it's great to see you
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tonight. now, it wasn't just global elites revealing themselves at davos but sitting american senators were doing their best as well. >> we'll continue to have an open economy, to be committed to free trade, and to see the robust value that globalization has brought to the world. there has been a lot of comment, a lot of concern, about the inflation reduction act, as we're implementing the significant investment, we need to do it with an eye toward our closest partners and allies, and to do it not just for our benefit but for the world's benefit. >> laura: for the world's benefit. democratic senator chris cools making sure the globalists at the where ef know the american left is on their side. here now is indiana congressman jim banks who just announced he's running for senate in 2024. congressman, first of all, you're supposed to do this on this show so i'm mad at you, just teasing.
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he accepted it's accepted among far too many republicans, global and globalization has been without a question good for the working people of america? is that how you see it? >> that couldn't be further away from how i see it. how most hoosiers see it and it's exactly why, laura, i kicked off my campaign for the senate today because of democrats like him and even some republicans, who have gone along with this globalist agenda, that has turned america upside-down. put the rest of the world's interests ahead of the interests of our own country. i'm sick and tired of it. i've been a leading conservative populist fighter in the house, and every time i look over at the other side of the capitol and see how so many of these republicans go along to get along, with these left wing radicals on the other side, the democrats, they don't put up a fight, that's why i want to go to the senate, to shake it up, be a fighter in the senate and fight for our values, to put america first. that's why i kicked off my campaign today. >> laura: isn't it time to put
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everybody on notice and get everyone on the record on issues like why do we have tik tok in the united states? given what we know about the security implications of that and what it's doing to our children? why are we still engaging with china on essential items that we need to manufacture in our own country? why are knees things still happening? >> and allow people to go on the record, yes or no, should we ban tik tok and should we still allow china to manufacture essential items that we need in this country? >> absolutely. the biden administration has turned over the keys to china, and where are the senators fighting back against it? to put america's interest over china's interest. you know, in the house last week we just passed a select committee on china to put a focus, i think this will be a big part of our house majority legacy over the next couple of years to put our focus on doing what we have to do, to hold china accountable and develop strategy to get america back in
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a stronger place when it comes to the competition with china. i don't see the same fight in the senate. in fact, i see the opposite. so we need senators who are going to hold china accountable. that's the kind of senator that i'm going to be. >> laura: in 2024, everyone has to have been put on the record on these issues, period, and we'll see what the voters want. i want to play you some more sound from this davos event where all the global elites were gathering. this is from a supposedly moderate congressman, one of your colleagues, seth molten. watch. >> i have a constituency that i'm trying to keep healthy and i can't get them to take a covid vaccine because of misinformation that's propagated on the internet. and that's where this becomes a much tougher, more difficult, but also just bigger concern. >> laura: now, your reaction to what's obviously this maniacal push from democrats to curb speech in the united states while they are over there with their, you know, fancy, you
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know, high fluting friends? >> beware of politicians who appear out of nowhere and come here to tell us they will save us. that's what my colleague was talking about. at the world economic forum, overseas, putting down his own constituents, and that's what i'm talking about. this is just insane. i can't imagine that i would ever be invited to the world economic forum, i sure wouldn't go, i wouldn't fit in but if i went there my message would be the opposite. that america is here to be the leader, to put america in a stronger position, to put america first, that's the message that members of congress and the senate should be sending abroad. not a weak message that puts america down. >> laura: i think the rest of the world is better. the rest of the free world is safer when america is stronger. there is no doubt about that. congressman, we're going to be watching this campaign. good luck to you. all right. who is behind the decision not
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to send in the f.b.i. after biden's documents? well, we just found out, and we're going to tell you in a moment, plus is biden putting off his 2024 announcement because of the document scandal? charlie kirk and ari fleisher have answers next. and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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>> laura: now in the aftermath of the biden classified docs revelations one question remains. why didn't the f.b.i. raid his office and residence like they did trump's? tonight the "wall street journal" has the answer. apparently merrick garland considered having f.b.i. agents monitor a search by biden's lawyers but decided against it. both to avoid complicating later stages of the investigation. okay. how thoughtful. and one-sided. this comes as house republicans including my next guest haven't ruled out subpoenaing biden family members to get to the truth about who had access to these classified documents. joining us now, florida congressman byron donalds of the house oversight committee. congressman, toe you made a point to say that this will be done by the book but the white house said today that y'all are faking outrage over in the house.
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your response to that. >> listen, i don't even listen to the white house anymore because all they are trying to do is hide the truth from the american people. and they are trying so, that if you have a legitimate investigation of their actions that somehow you're playing politics. this from the same democrats who kicked republicans off of the j-6 committee, who literally turned the f.b.i. on mar-lago when there was no need to but when you have a situation where a former vice president of the united states had classified material labeled top secret, sci, at his office, that's a think tank, that sat there for six years and you don't bring the f.b.i. into that, garland decided, we don't need to do that, we'll take him at his word, that's the problem. that's the double standard that's happening in the f.b.i. and in the department of justice, and that's what house republicans are going to get to the bottom of. >> laura: on msnbc today, congressman, i think we heard the theory that they are going
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to trot out to kind of defend the democrats. watch this. >> why are we even asking about who the visitors were? >> -- the slightest suspicion on biden as a person, that he even knew about any of the documents. so why are they going, you know, on this kind of fishing expedition to see logs? it just doesn't compute. >> laura: your response, congressman? >> let me help msnbc understand. joe biden had documents at his office, at the bind center, for apparently six years. that's not a secure facility. those documents might have shown up after his time of being vice president. he has no ability to declassify. then we find out, there is not one, not two, not three, but multiple sets of documents found at his residence. we have no idea who has come and gone from there. we obviously know his son has been there and his son has been
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tagged with having business dealings with the chinese government. if msnbc and the democratic party cannot clearly see that this is something we should investigate and get to the bottom of, then they are the ones playing politics. house republicans are going to do the legitimate business of congress. we're going to investigate and we're going to hold accountable people who have done the wrong thing by the american people and by the classified information which is critical to our nation's security. >> laura: congressman, let's imagine that vice president pence was found to have documents scattered around his office, his home, that were classified. the people would immediately ask, did donald trump give you the authority to take those documents out? they would immediately connect it to trump, so why is no one asking president obama if he gave biden any clearance to have classified papers in his possession after he left the vice presidency? why no questions to obama?
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>> oh, because the press loves barack obama. let's be clear. they have loved him ever since he ran for president. they loved him through his entire presidency. they love him today. they don't want to tarnish him or his legacy. that's what this is about. that's why the american people are sick and tired of big media. they just want to call it down the middle. just call the balls and strikes. don't try to sugarcoat it. don't try to shade it. don't try to go after your personal enemies that use media to do it. just be forthright and direct. the american people want that, so that's what house republicans are going to do. we're not going to go and pick targets and say this person is guilty. that person is guilty. we're going to investigate. we're going to go through that process, and wore e're going to the evidence speak for itself. >> laura: congressman, thank you. >> will you commit to the special counsel? >> thank you.
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thank you. >> laura: biden is thinking to himself, is there bingo later today? they are making my favorite pudding. in response to these criticisms from allies in his party and the media, joe biden has suddenly become mum on his document scandal but our question tonight on the angle is how much longer can he avoid answering questions? and is he putting off his 2024 announcement, joining us is charlie kirk, and ari fleisher. ari, you've been in the caldron in the white house when the press wants answer. did it seem like biden felt comfortable in that situation? he kind of gave that odd smile. what was going dwthrough your md when you saw that? >> one is you don't talk because it's political, because there is something military going on so
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you just don't want to talk. the other, though, is you are ordered by your lawyers or you're told by your lawyers if you talk you could be supposing yourself to criminal liability. anybody you talk to could become a witness. the independent counsel, special counsel can call and ask what did joe biden say to you? that applies to the white house staff. every time the white house secretary talks to the white house counsel she could get questioned by the special counsel. so that's why they clam up, but the press should not let them get away with it. i understand what the white house has to do. but there are ways the press can bang at the white house, especially the president, to try to get more answers. >> laura: charlie, it seemed like biden was poised to announce his 2024 re-election bid early in the new year. is this kind of delaying all of that? can he delay it long into the new year? >> oh, i think, in fact, i think part of the reason a lot of this
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is coming out right now is because everybody felt fairly certain he was going to announce in short order, and i think, you know, look, if you just step back and you look at what we now know the department of justice did during the 2020 campaign, to cover problems for joe biden, and to help get him elected, and what the press obviously did to cover for joe biden, they are not doing that anymore. to me, that's the biggest takeaway from all of this. the press and the doj have both, at some level, turned on joe biden, and joe biden can't win anything unless he's got the doj and the press working for him. >> laura: well, ari, this goes to your expertise in this matter. the press really did protect biden all through the 2020 campaign. they allowed him to do that hologram campaign where he never really had to appear, never had to answer questions.
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that's turned. >> it failed after the withdrawal from afghanistan and then they went easy on biden again. but if i was the white house press corps, here's what i would do. instead of asking questions you know they won't answer, ask the secretary, when you said the search was complete and it wasn't, who told you that? was that the white house counsel? ask the press secretary, have you been in touch with joe biden's personal attorney? is that where you get your information from? you can unravel a lot about what's going on in the process that would ask process questions that she should answer. the same with the rest of the white house staff. these are things the press corps should be digging into, and it's going to expose how the white house blundered so badly, when it was found a fourth time,
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classified documents found. this is serious, laura, because you can't have classified documents outside the white house. >> laura: well, charlie, i mean, we joked last wednesday or thursday before we learned about the other document, the documents would be in the dog bed, you could find them later on but little did we know the drip-drip-drip was real. i don't think a lot of people are confident that there aren't more documents out there. there is no reason for us to believe that there aren't, not at this juncture. >>, no i think probably the presumption should be that we're going to hear about more. that there are more documents out there. look, the bottom line is, joe biden stole these documents from the obama administration. they have been, we don't know where they have been for six years but for some reason, the department of justice allowed his lawyers to go in and process the crime scene.
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and, you know, we need to get the answers to all of these questions. >> laura: dual justice. thank you so much. trying to stoke more anti-police sentiment after the cousin of blm's founder died just hours of a confrontation with the lapd, but they aren't telling you the full story. we will next. (voya mnemonic.) there are some things that go better...together. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh pretzel and mustard... another great combo. (voya mnemonic.) voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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>> laura: 331. that's how many police officers were shot in the line of duty last year. 126 of those during an ambush-style of attack. all told 64 officers were killed by gunfire last year. that's up 32% since 2020. but those lives don't matter to left wing activists. they have a new narrative. what really happened? for the whole story, we go to
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fox news correspondents kevin, what can you tell us? >> the incident in question happened back on january 3 in l.a.'s venice neighborhood. according to police, who released a 19-minute edited video of the encounter witnesses excused 31-year-old canaan anderson of attempting to steal a car after he had caused a traffic accident at a busy intersection and was then seen running in the middle of the street exiting "erratic behavior." during his interaction with officers, anderson initially complied with demands but later he became agitated, ran away, got caught, and then after more than half a dozen warnings that officers would deploy a taser if he didn't stop resisting, an officer used the stun gun multiple time. as for what happened next, fox news was told, while at the hospital and after approximately 4 1/2 hours following the use of force, anderson experienced a medical emergency. did not respond to life-saving
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efforts by medical staff and was pronounced deceased. as for pat tree, as you point out, she founded the black lives matter movement. of course, she also stepped down after it was revealed she went on a multimillion dollar real estate buying spree, this is her cousin we're talking about here and of his death, she said he was "killed by police." laura? >> laura: kevin, thank you. now the person driving this arsonist is the subject of the real race revolutionaries. it goes back to a debate between two 20th century black thought leaders. dubois and booker. the washington. dubois argued that activism and political power were the best way for black americans to attain racial equality and that capitalism was inherently racist. while booker t. washington
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should harness it to become independent. alfredo, your book is amazing, first of all. everyone needs to read it but you posit that the real revolutionaries are not all the people that get the attention in the press, black lives matter and authors of all the racial books, but rather entrepreneurs. what do you mean by that? >> laura, i mean, absolutely. if we think about this country, i mean, first of all, if you look at minority entrepreneurs, they represent $2 trillion of annual net worth in this country. there are about 10 million of those, and really, those hard working entrepreneurs, minority entrepreneurs and small businesses in general really with the ones that have led to the greatest economic boom that we've seen over the past few years, under the trump administration, and so what i basically put forth in this book is that entrepreneuriallism is
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the best and only way, and free markets, the embracing of free markets to actually close that divide that exists between, you know, economic and racial disparities. >> laura: so the victim status mentality, which has been drilled into kids in school, if they are from a minority background especially, how does that impact the desire to succeed and the desire for objective success and merit-based systems? >> laura, that's actually the saddest part of all. this whole idea of victim hood, that they start early on, that was one of the things that i actually -- that was the impetus of this book. i went into a bookstore about saw a book about two girls that are starting a revolution, by basically being activists. this is the motion that we're teaching our kids, especially minority kids in school, that to change the world you should really be activists. i was thinking to myself, how about starting a lemonade stand.
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good old fashion hard work and grit, it seems to be something that the democrats don't really embrace, and it was actually pretty interesting when we talked about entrepreneuriallism, i actually testified last spring in front of the full house ways and means committee. the democrats and their witnesses weren't exactly supportive of my notion. in fact, they called me ignorant overall, and inappropriate. so, laura, by the way, i grew up poor in california. i'm not ignorant of this. >> laura: i would imagine you're not. on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most -- where you do you put the reparation payments of california at, one through 10? >> laura, it's an 11. it's really horrible. off the charts in terms of horrible. the way we see it, overall, is that really what we need to do is actually have less government
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intervention, less involvement by the government. get out of the way and let entrepreneurs do what they do best, which is create wealth, new idea, and innovation. that's something that we really try to develop. >> laura: alfredo, your life story is the american dream and there are so many like you who are not heralded, i'm so glad that we read that great column about you this week. thank you for joining us and we'll have you back. a harvard physicists has an information about how to share public information about ufo's. he's here to explain it next.
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>> my gosh. it's going against the winds. >> laura: my angle tonight revealed how inconvenient truths, those in power often rush to label them conspiracy theories. there might be none greater than the existence of ufo's. now, a brand-new report by the office of the dni reveals there have been 510 unidentified aerial phenomenal reports since august. 171 of which still have no
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explanation. so doesn't the public deserve to know more about this? just like the government's hidden ball trick related to the covid vaccines and their potential side effects the powers that be have rejected this call for transparency. than you fortunate reality has led a harvard theatrical physicist to implore the government to share it with all humanity. the author of "extraterrestrial" joins me now. professor, it's good to see you tonight. what could independent scientists learn from the data that the government either cannot or will not produce? >> well, the sky is not classified, so we can look at it. we just need to put together a suite of instruments that are as good or even better than what the government has. and we've been doing that based on private sector funding.
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by now, we have a set -- [inaudible] radio and audio that are basically taking a movie of the sky 24-7, and we are analyze the data with artificial intelligence algorithms. the goal is to see if there is anything different than natural objects like birds, flies, and so forth, bugs, or human made objects like drones, satellites, airplanes, if there is anything else, it's not a matter of national security. if it's not human made. it's a subject of interest to scientists, and we want to figure it out. now, obviously, the government is concerned about national security risks and safety of military personnel. so it wants to figure out what most of the objects are, but even if one is of extraterrestrial origin the public needs to know and we'll
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make our data open, available, and the analysis transparent. >> laura: professor, one of the 171 unidentified aerial phenomenon, the report says that some appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis. so when you watch the very rough videos, it seems like it's obvious to the naked eye that something really odd is going on. what could this mean really quickly? >> this is intriguing, but the government doesn't release the most interesting data which is classified. so instead of waiting for the government to be more transparent which is like waiting for -- we'll collect our own data and we'll give it for anyone to see. if there is something unusual, then the public will know about it loop. whether or not well, some of the analysis of the effects of the covid vaccine by independent medical researchers also brought some interesting conclusions to light. so maybe the same thing will
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>> laura: check out this really wild police chase we just came across. hold on to your hats. [sirens] >> laura: wait a second. was that really -- that wasn't exactly a high-speed chase, was it? no. that was in boone, north carolina. a john deere tractor led police on this chase at a blazing, what was it, guys, 20 miles per hour. okay. i can bike faster than that. they said it happened -- it
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wasn't funny afterwards. police say the suspect jumped out of the tract to was wielding a knife and the boone officer had to use a taser. fortunately no other injuries occurred throughout this incident. that's it for us. do not forget to set your dvr so you'll stay connected with us. greg gutfeld! and all those crazy characters take it all from here. **[cheers and applause] >> greg: good people. good people. i wish good people were here. [laughter] >> greg: happy tuesday, everyone. it turns out, thanks to the smashing success of this show, which happened because of ou
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