tv Gutfeld FOX News January 17, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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police say the suspect jumped out of the tract to was wielding a knife and the boone officer had to use a taser. fortunately no other injuries occurred throughout this incident. that's it for us. do not forget to set your dvr so you'll stay connected with us. greg gutfeld! and all those crazy characters take it all from here. **[cheers and applause] >> greg: good people. good people. i wish good people were here. [laughter] >> greg: happy tuesday, everyone. it turns out, thanks to the smashing success of this show, which happened because of our
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awesome fans and my razor wi t and my wash board apes, according to the news site -- cnn is reportedly considering hiring a comedian to host one of its primetime shows. makes sense. the network is still a joke. that's mean. apparently some floated names including bill mar, trevor noah and john stewart. what? no elaine boozler. but if they want comedy they should launch -- that more than the crow stapled to chris wallace's. they went ahead and ruined it. i'm talking, of course, about the golden aiming of comedy. chris cuomo, don lenin, perhaps
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as they are known in the business, the three stooges. those were the days, right? now everything is ruined. chris lost his kid after trying to help his brother andrew fend off a sexual harassment scandal which is like having alec baldwin teach you gun safety. hey, kill the lady. and linen lost his primetime gig because he comes off as real as this guy's breasts. and no offense to that guy and his giant fake [ bleep ] he's a global treasure. he took time off to spend more time with his hoagies. did you know he gave blood last week? that's how they make alfredo sauce. so disgusting. [laughter] >> greg: i know, it's gross. but how could cnn forget these guys were a riot when they were together. remember this classic. if you watch a certain state tv and you listen to conservative
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media you would think, you know, entire cities are just, you know, brawled in fights and fires and whatever. we went out for a great dinner in new york city. >> greg: the only thing that could make that funnier is bursting into flames after he said it. i'll never get tired of that, and who can forget this. one reason why i'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news. for president. i heard a dentist use this clip because it's cheaper than laughing gas. why -- instead of promoting it is bonkers but the thing is regardless of our show's amazing success if cnn wants to chase comedy they should start first by being real. that's like asking spielberg to use a sequel to schindler's list like using alvin and the chipmunks. that's because comedy follows honesty and if you can't be
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truthful you can't be funny. after o.j. simpson's acquittal in 1995, he said, it's finally official, murder is legal in the state of california. the audience roared because they knew it was true but they also laughed because in saying something you got the feeling he said something he wasn't supposed to say. rumors squirrelled that they didn't want him doing o.j. jokes. he was willing to break the rules to tell the truth. so how can a network do that while calling moms pregnant people? in order to be effective at comedy you have to rely on truth, not ideology. cnn is sort of trans -- in that way. meaning they identify as truthful. but they still never really made the cut. [laughter] >> greg: remember what we refer to as cnn's easter when chris cuomo rose from the dead, from his basement. after being quarantined with
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covid just a week after fighting a cyclist. you remember this during 2020, a reporter does a hit outside a burning building while on-screen caption reads mostly peaceful protests. now, that's dishonesty, but it's hilarious, unintentionally. we could be here all night reciting examples from cnn's perpetuation of the russian myth, to their 12-headed panels of cockatoos trying to out -- hysteria. >> this is worse than watergate. >> worse than watergate. >> his face is worse than watergate. >> but anyway, so before cnn entertains any fantasies about comedy first you've got to tackle the truth. take it from your humble host. each night we start from the rite and go from there. where do we go each night? who the hell knows. sometimes it's hilarious. other times it's not.
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remember that with comedy the outcome is not predetermined. it's why woke comedy can't be funny. they are nothing more than smirking deliverers of bitter lectures and it's a tale that they require you to agree rather than laugh and that's because there is no equity in laughter. you either laugh or you don't. try to establish a quota and you'll be the joke. let's -- [applause] >> greg: welcome tonight's guest. she's known for her cheerleading and leaving your ears bleeding. co-host -- [applause] >> greg: his comedy is so dark every ticket to his show comes with a free head lamp. comedian kirk -- [applause] >> greg: he dresses like a magician because he can make laughter disappear. host of fox across america, jimmy fallon. [applause] >> greg: and she's never been
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told that she lights up a room. fox news contributor kat -- [applause] >> greg: a little trivia here about kirk metzger. i believe he was on the original panel on the gutfeld show when we had the talking wall. >> i was a puppeteer and writer on the show. i was not paid for east of those. >> greg: you were not paid. it's not on your c.v., you don't brag about it. i understand. do you have any comedy advice for cnn? >> well, the names they floated, i guess the last names, let's say you land great host, you get like a trevor -- a guy with a perfectly round head. >> greg: yes. >> you have that it's a matter of what writers are you going to get. i don't know if people think the
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hosts write the jokes but they don't and where are you going to find all the transwriters of color to fill the comedy? you haven't gotten the transqueer writers yet. >> greg: why are you counting yourself out, if you identify -- what do you identify as these days. >> it's fluid. >> greg: gender fluid? >> i'm able fluid, i would call it. [laughter] >> i hurt my back recently. >> greg: so you're gender fluid and you might be handicapped. >> yes. >> greg: i think you've got a gig. you just got promoted. you're disabled. >> that's a home game for the champ. [applause] >> do you work with tigers? >> greg: am i tiger king?
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from my carol baskin collection. it's so funny. what do you gain from this story. this isn't about blowing our own horn. it's all over the place now. >> first of all it's kind of hilarious that every network wants to walk a mile in their shoes but they can't because they are a size three. i owed you one. i have angles here. the first one is that they are saying they are going down this route because they produced -- let's just get it out of the way but the point you guys both made and it's the reason they have crippled late night comedy, is because when you go woke you take all the targets off the table. you have rules about punching up instead of punching down and you've got to leave the room and -- the democrats, by taking the fun out of their party screwed did comedians that kind
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of gravitated toward their party. i'll give you an example. last week the democrats voted against allowing cigars inside the capitol. 20 years ago they were fine with cigars inside interns. you know what i'm saying? [applause] >> you went a long way for that. >> greg: listen, we have time between takes on tiger king. we can dig in. >> i love the fact that one of the network sources said they are looking for their john oliver. aren't they all john olivers? aren't they all the sail version of john oliver? my god. >> that's so funny. >> greg: emily, welcome to the show. >> thanks. >> greg: do you have anything interesting to add to this conversation. >> no matter what happens, cnn is still cnn. it's like every 1980s movie, whole plot is someone trying to be someone they aren't, right?
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the end of grief. you can't be the person that you're not. the nerd can't be the hawk girl, whatever it is, although some of them can for a second but the point is no matter what happens to cnn they are always going to revert back because they are looking for john oliver. what they are trying to find is their own you and that's never going to happen. >> greg: that's such a nice thing to say. >> don't make his ego any bigger. >> they are looking for john oliver but what they really needed was you. [laughter] >> greg: we'll be right back. >> flip said he put out an email and said you guys may not like this. you may be confused he said in an email to everyone but i'm trying to have rational conversations around polarizing topics so you're going to try to be fox. just have normal conversations about topics that people feel heated about. that's incendiary. according to keith olbermann, he's called them a fascist because of it. heaven help the fact that
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finally two years after exposing himself in front of the entire company, jeffrey was actually calling so are they making small strides? >> that was the biggest joke of them all. >> at the end of the day a tiger can't remove its stripes and cnn can't depart from the fact that they are at the end of the day the joke themselves. [applause] >> greg: i thought they were going to go back to covering straight news but now they are looking at us and going what are they doing over there? we need a kat of their own. >> i just love that this counts as an ideas, like, they are doing a comedy, and it's going well, so we should also do a comedy. i want to be an executive. if that's what counts as contributing something to a conversation. >> greg: that's all you have to do. >> they didn't say how would it be different or unique or something that's already out there? this other thing is good so we
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should also have our own good thing. and that actually gets reported on, that's an actual discussion. obviously, this show, there is nothing else like this show, whether you like it or you don't like it. there isn't anything else like it so how would theirs be different? they have not discussed that, which again, i want to be a c.e.o. >> why is cnn talking about this and not like the networks with comedy? we should do a comedy here. >> greg: comedy central should go, we should start doing comedy. [laughter] >> greg: you're right. it is funny. the whole thing is flipped and it's fox. you know, you think right wing. you think every stereotype that goes with it, and yet, like, we're the only person doing -- what's basically like a rough crowd type show where -- >> like the apocalypse. >> greg: i might be satan. i do drink the blood of children but that's just a coincidence. >> your skin is looking great.
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>> greg: up next, biden's gaffes again bring us laughs. [applause] [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. ♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected. sam. sophie's not here tonight. so you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt.
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talking about spending, guess what i reduced did deficit last year $350 billion. and this year, federal deficit is down $1 trillion plus dollars. that's a fact. but these guys -- fiscally demented, i think. [laughter] >> they don't quite get it. >> greg: fiscally demented. if anybody is familiar with dementia, one day, i just want him to whisper, this will be our little secret. [laughter] >> greg: but let's not forget the fact that joe just signed an absurd spending bill last month. the first spending bill signed with a crayon. later, he accused car insurance companies of charging higher premiums based on race. >> if you live in one of those
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neighborhoods and have the same exact car i have in another neighborhood, you pay more. no basis at all other than your black and i'm white. >> greg: stop dragging. sorry, only time an insurance company cares if they are white is to avoid casting them in their commercials. of course, joe should pay the higher premium. his car is is filled with classified documents. >> a little political humor there. here's your red meat. >> greg: what better day to stoke racial division than on mlk day. one man had a dream and the other man is barely awake. what a good time to talk about getting assault weapons banned, huh? >> i'm going to get assault weapons banned. >> what the hell you need an assault -- i'm serious, and ban the number of bullets that go into a magazine. there is no need for any of that. i love my right wing friend who is talk about the tree of
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liberty is water of the blood of patriots. if you need to worry about taking on the federal government you need some f-15's. you don't need an arr-15 i'm serious -- rar15. >> greg: wait, you need an f-15 to take on the government but an unarmed face painted q-anon sharmon almost toppled democracy. get your stories straight. i'm sure you already saw this. unlike joe it will never age. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you happy birthday to you dear -- ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [applause] >> greg: i told you. it's a shame because he spent all night memorizing happy
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birthday. so joe, anything else to add? >> no, no, no. nothing. >> look, these tough guys with their guns, we didn't those growing up on the main streets of wilmington, delaware, with guys like corn pop. we had to use our bare hands. in fact, i ran into some bad dudes the other day. i remember how that went. i remember. ye yeah. >> what are you looking at, ole man? >> stay out of my garage. >> you better get your ass gone while i still let you. >> there is nothing in there except my corvette. and some boxes. >> get out of here, man. get your ass and body out of hoerner before i kick your
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chri white ass. >> i'm pointing at all of you. have a nice day. >> you, too. >> yes. >> greg: nicely done. [applause] >> emily, maybe i have as little memory as biden does but i don't remember people on mlk day doing stuff like this. all of a sudden is just ripping [ bleep ] -- wasn't he supposed to be the nice president. >> that's what he build himself out to be but that's the whole shock of it all. he campaigned on being the great unifier but instead the enemy has been coming out of his mouth and it's always g.o.p., patriots, average americans, parents, every normal person is the enemy in our president's eyes. what also killed me, every mlk day, just botching everything, he really has, the wake that he leaves is like, it's really
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disastrous. and that's the thing and that's what i worry about. i feel like there are a lot of jokes about it, not necessarily here but in general, we mock it, it's funny to laugh but it's also frightening that it's our commander in chief, that he is an utter lack of absolute comprehension of the importance of the classified documents. the importance of the southern border. the importance of security. all of that. anyway, but my point is, during the speech he said from the second amendment if the moment it was passed limited who could buy a gun and what kind of weapons they could own and that to me is an entire illustration of how he views our government. the whole point of the constitution is it limits the government not to infringe on our rights that we were born with and the rights that are inalienable. for him to come in and say it limits the american, it limits you, because you need an f-15 to destroy the government belies the fact that to him the greatest gift will always be the biggest government possible and that's why he's the most dangerous person we've ever had.
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[applause] >> greg: oh, no, you didn't. oh, no, you didn't, joe biden. >> that was -- >> she's current. i don't know. i don't like joe biden. but the most dangerous president in the history -- >> worse than watergate. >> on a bike. >> but maybe she's proving a point that maybe presidents aren't that important. >> he might prove that point. [laughter] >> i don't understand why you would need an f-15 to fight -- didn't the taliban just do that pretty well? i think we left a few f-15's with them, something nice. >> yes. that's true. >> maybe that's your best shot at getting an f-15. >> greg: that's true. kat? >> i never will be able to understands how many people think that the police are a racist mob of murderers, but then also think they should be
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the only ones who are allowed to have guns. i don't gets it. and yes, we can't have f-15's, but, you know, the government can have f-15's but the government also has many reasons why it may not want to carpet bomb its own people. like on its own soil. and, you know, for him to say that we have no chance against the government with ar-15's, actually based on the meaning of the second amendment, is an argument for us to have more powerful weapons. >> greg: it's true. >> not less powerful. >> greg: you know what he's doing -- >> but that comments was goating. he was actually goating. looking at january 6, is that it? [laughter] >> beat the government with a viking hat. >> i want to see you try. don't you mean you need a better gun? >> saying an ar-15 that it's not a match, that it provides no check, knowing that our population is armed makes it a lot more costly of a decision for the government if they were
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to say we've got a carpet bomb. what are you talking about? >> greg: especially when the carpet bombs the same people he's demonizing. there is quite an overlap between the military and donors, i'm afraid. >> i think the reason he was beating up on everybody is he thought it was rodney king day. [applause] >> there you go. [laughter] >> you know the white house press team was like so relieved he didn't say that yesterday. because he said -- [laughter] >> i have a theory. hear me out. joe biden when he goes off the pro promter, because he has some dementia, what you're watching is a lot of redrawing. you know when girls pick lottery numbers, they are bouncing around and you've got 17. nine. that's why he's saying things like economy. dementia, because they are just flying around in his head. and they are the words he hears
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the most. don't talk to joe about the economy. he has dementia. you know what i mean. that's what happened. i'm not even kidding. that's how the happy birthday video started. if you watch it again, in his head, happy birthday popped up and then he started singing it and you could see his face at the end go, oh, i don't know her name. listen to the end, happy birthday -- he doesn't know. he got the wrong lottery ball. that's the point. >> trump would have ended that, you find, lovely wonderful lady. he would just go off -- it's really great. birthdays are great. all right. >> up next, wyoming spars with electric cars. i'm bill lockwood, current caretaker and owner. when covid hit, we had some challenges like a lot of businesses did. i heard about the payroll tax refund, it allowed us to keep the amount of people that we needed and the people that have been here taking care of us.
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resolution that would ban the sale of new electric vehicles in their state phasing them out by 2035. i'll be about 50. but, you heard that right. they don't want electric cars or liz cheney. and -- [applause] >> greg: i should just say and liz cheney wherever i go and see what happens. and liz cheney. [applause] >> oh, man. >> and if your prius runs out of juice in yellowstone they will just let the bears eat you. so wyoming wants to phase out electric cars by 2035. just in time for my 50th birthday. that's in the teleprompter. and i read it anyway. the bill aims to ensure the stability of wyoming's oil and gas industry, saying that electric vehicles would have deleterious impacts on wyoming's communities, and be detrimental
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to its economy. now, the bill was co-sponsored by a g.o.p. state senator named bryan boner. stop it, you teenagers. >> greg: normally boner's name wouldn't matter but since it's boner -- i would have fired the writer of the story if he didn't include boner's last name. being in wyoming, i wonder if he frequents jackson hole. [laughter] >> greg: kat, this is a great story, don't you think? it's basically a symbolic thumb in your eye to california. it like, oh, you guys are going to gas cars? we're going to ban electric vehicles. how is that? >> obviously, i wouldn't agree with it in terms of policy, but i think it's doing something that's very understandable, that i have been guilty of a lot. which is acting out because they are not getting enough attention. >> greg: wyoming said that. >> all day they are sitting
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there, we're going to ban this, ban this, and people are like, those are our jobs that people are talking about decimating entire industries where people work, they wanted to bring a little attention back to themselves. i understand. >> greg: does anybody know how many people already in wyoming. >> there are more cows than people because i lived there and dated a guy that. that's a fun fact that everybody repeated. you know -- i said, thank you, yes, i did hear that. >> you didn't date a cow? >> i didn't date a cow. i dated one of the humans there. >> i struck out. >> were you asking what the population was? it's 578,000. >> thank you, emily. >> how many cows? >> i don't know. >> greg: emily, you have a hot rod. this is an interesting question. you and i both have weird classic cars. what kind of car do you have? >> a ford mach1. how far, it has a new coyotes illuminator. here's why this is important. it is a -- you showed a picture, it gets better gas mileage than half the cars out there, but
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when i walked out into the parking lot and there was a big glob of spit on the windshield in berkeley it's probably because someone assumed it's burning oil. here's what i love about this bill. i understand it's tongue and cheek and the senators said, yes, we're doing it for attention, whatever, but the point remains 12% of wyoming is employed by the oil and gas industry. it's real. those washington, d.c. come through and say, and now you're not going to be allowed or work or we don't care. we're going to pass this federal bill so you're unemployed immediately and you can't put food on the table. that's what happened the first day of biden's presidency. remember that? when hundreds of thousands of people were out of work including contractors and families, so the cavalier attitude that comes out of d.c. and california has real world effects, so i love this bill. this whole ideologue notion, it has real-life consequences for real americans. >> greg: i don't know which work
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i like more, cavalier or deleterious. >> i had to google one. grow i grew said this on the five today and i'm going to recycle it, when they ban the gas powered vehicles in 2030 or whatever, what kind of cars or trucks are you going to tow them? there are no electric tow trucks. if you say come and get my car, the trucks will be diesel. they won't be ev's. we don't have the capacity to do this. >> right. >> and you feel, if you've been to wyoming, it is, i love wisconsin, i'm on the radio in wyoming, it's a different vibe, like a cop stopped me for driving without a mullet. >> you had the boots on the shirt. >> i was halfway there. the problem with this outfit and this accident is everyone thinks you're in the witness protection program, and they just like freak out. but the people that are in charge of the environmental movement are stupid children. and what i mean by that, is they want to regulate an industry they don't understand, to your point of saying, we don't have the tow trucks, we don't have the capacity. right now, by outsourcing domestic energy production to a
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place like say, venezuela, they produce it far filthier than we do and then we need more fuel to get it back here so guess what? you just doubled the amount of pollution coming from what we do. so wyoming has to stick up for itself because, it's the number one industry. this is like if they took gambling out of vegas or san francisco eliminated heroin. that's most of your economy. i was thinking, when you said like, with your accent and your kind of western ware, you're like part of a little organization of special cowboys. [laughter] >> you know what i mean? special. that's funny. >> you get to go to like a rodeo. >> i'm a chubby one like baby back mountain. >> you're terrible. >> greg: last word, kirk? >> this is like a joke bill, right? >> greg: yes. >> i read the words of senator boner, he said this isn't a real -- they really have times to make jokevilles in wyoming? >> yes. >> i think it brings shame to
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the name "boner." [laughter] >> greg: coming up, why marie osmond shuns kids trust funds. hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance... you only pay for what you need! [squawks] whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪
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(uplifting music) >> greg: waiting for your mother's money, you're out of luck, honey. marie osmond's kids can relax. they won't have to pay an inheritance tax. marie osmond, you know her, she's on the left. tells us weekly she won't leave an inheritance to her kids because that would breed laziness and entitlement. >> why would you enable your child to not try to be something? i don't know anybody who becomes anything if they are just handed money. >> greg: sounds exactly what i said about cashiers. [laughter] >> greg: stupid. stupid. i wasn't sure but it's not the first time osmond has said something like this. in 2020 she said she was going to give her fortune to charity instead of to her kids which is more proof that the cars for kids song is brainwashing
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people. this time, though, she had a different idea. i'm going to spend it all and have fun with my husband. he's like help me, god. it might sound cruel but she's already given her kids the greatest gift of all. knowledge about how to lose up to six pounds and three inches in a month. with an effective weight-loss plan that's backed by science, but i'm with marie on this one. i'll not leaving her kids any money either. and jimmy, i want to go to you first, you don't have to worry because you'll never have any money to leave your kids. right? >> i do have -- >> greg: you'll be lucky for a cardboard box. what's that island call where they bury people? >> potter's field. >> greg: you'll be in potter's field with any luck. >> you don't think the belly of a tiger. grow. >> maybe one hand. >> greg: we do -- like i have one kid and, as you know, we decided to stop breeding after the first report card. we were like, yes, let's not do this again, but i did take it
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seriously, like from the minute she said it was mine, i'm like, all right, i'm all in. and here's the thing. for real, okay, you want to give your kids enough money to do something but not enough money to do nothing. meaning, everybody knows a rich kid who is so spectacularly prosperous but has contributed absolutely nothing to the world. if you don't know one, google prince harry. but he's a byproduct of a person who has too much prosperity at his disposal so he'll never have the moral imperative to do anything decent or good. >> he killed 28 men in afghanistan. >> greg: you don't know those guys. they were decent. listen, i was a cab driver. i was friends with most of those afghanis. >> i saw rainbow three. >> greg: do you have kids? >> no. >> greg: are you the only one here that has kids? >> yes.
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>> greg: this is kind of a stupid topic for us, then. >> i think it's a good -- >> greg: she's right. she's saying that. i don't mean to cut you off but she's saying that because she knows other rich people whose kids are [ bleep ] because parents are too success. >> you can say that? >> greg: yes. >> she reminds me of another icon who was very wealthy and patterson of faith and wanted their kids to earn it and not just give to it them and that was osama bin laden. i think it was a good -- >> greg: i didn't see you going in that direction. >> that was funny. >> greg: i thought you were going to go with john smith. >> i love this, too, look, she said the greatest gift you can leave your children is the passion to search for what makes them whole on the inside and to work. and i totally agree with that and i think the greatest gift to me would be time with my parents and i would rather my parents spend whatever money they have on time together, than something at the end. i think that's gross --
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>> i agree, like -- what? >> what if -- is slowly turning himself into a mannequin with the inheritance money? >> it's her money. that's the issue. it's her money. it's not my inheritance money. it's my parent's money and what they have done for me is gift me with education and hard work ethic so no matter what i put my own food on the table and i honor them in that way. [applause] >> greg: i don't think it's any secret you come from modest means. >> right. that's just a fact. >> greg: i'm not going to say your family is poor. >> i don't have -- i've got to say like inheritance is not something i spend time thinking about ever. >> greg: in your genes. >> whatever, okay, but also, why does she talk about it so much? [laughter] >> we get it.
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maria, how are you feeling? i'm feeling like my kids aren't getting any money. [laughter] merry christmas. when i die you're not getting [ bleep ] it's only because i know if i gave you any would you be a total -- you're welcome. don't give it to them but dude -- >> greg: it is unusual but i hate children. so i'm totally on-board with this. >> with the amount of money i've spend keeping my cat alive. >> greg: i would hate my children more than stranger's children because their stupidity directly impacts me. like in if your child is stupid, i don't have to deal with that i can leave your house any time i want but if my child is an idiot. >> you wouldn't take none of the blame for that. >> you put it all on them. >> exactly. >> i would be a terrible dad. >> you inherited stupidity. that's all you're getting.
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>> greg: i was just going to say would you like strangers' kids more if you were allowed within 500 feet of them. [laughter] >> greg: i'll just let that go. up next, hookers have high hopes. they will get lucky on the slopes. my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems
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8:53 pm
>> a story in five words. >> a story in five words, hookers block to davos again. didn't even need the fifth word. emily, some of the world's richest most powerful executives and billionaires are in davos, including high priced escorts who hope to make a lot of money. you know who else is there? brian -- do you think he'll dabble in the hookers or the hoagies. >> his belly will be full for a few reasons. >> greg: whoa! it sounds dirty. >> these hookers make $2,500 per night and isn't that what the price was in "pretty woman" which literally means inflation has impacted the cost at all. >> not be that kind of inflation.
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[laughter] >> for those people at home -- who don't know what i'm doing, kirk, if you were a gigelo, and i'm not saying you are, but let's say you were, i bet there are some honey women in davos, lick your shiny head and finger your beard. >> let me say how proud i am of these davos elites for getting of legal age hookers for once. that's a big step forward. articles about adult hookers. >> that's true. they didn't go to pedophile island. >> by the way, it doesn't sound as fun as it sounds. it's bad. jimmy. >> greg: every time they have one of these conventions i can tell you this from my cab driving days, the u.n. is the super bowl of hookers here in new york because these diplomats fly all over the world to project how wonderful and great they are while engaging in the
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most vile behavior of man. >> are you going to tell us you were a cab driver? >> i had an end, it like the climate thing. you know, they are never doing what they say they are doing. if a thousand people fly to a climate conference in a private jet you've opened your clean water conference with an oil spill. you know what i mean? that's what i was going to say. hypocrisy. >> it is hypocrisy. [laughter] >> greg: should anybody factor in the carbon footprint of prostitution? >> no. look, i think that actually of all the things they are doing this is probably the best thing they are doing, supporting small business. when are they ever supporting small business except for this? >> they are actually helping people who can use help, right? >> entrepreneurs. >> i thought you said outdoors. i thought, maybe. >> it also proves that they do at least in some way understand capitalism. >> yes. there you go. >> greg: they will pay for sex,
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that's for sure but they won't pay for anything else. >> nope. >> greg: i like that let's end on that note. >> they don't tip in switzerland. >> greg: yes, exactly. stupid alarm clocks. is that what it is? i don't know. we'll be right back. when we'll . >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels.
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when the most trusted name in home security adds the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt. >> we are out of town. at the exit, mla. good evening everyone and welcome to america's late news. fox news @ night. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight the husband of anna walsh is now charged with her murder despite the fact the body of the missing mother of three has it not been found. virginia's attorney general expanding the probe into the withholding of merit awards fro students. it now more than a dozen high school
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